八年级上英语课件《Will people have robots》 (10)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《Will people have robots》 (10)_人教新课标

Unit 7 Will people have robots? The future's not ours to see. Let’s predict. Let’s make predictions. What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a/an …( doctor ). be going to =will I’m going to be a doctor. = I will be a doctor. Make more predictions about yourself in the future like this: I will be a doctor in the future. I will help more people in 20years. I will work in Shanghai. I will have my own money. I will make more friends. I will be happy. How about my dear friend Tian Yu? Let me ask him. Dear Tian Yu, I will be a doctor. Will you be a doctor? Yes ,I will . I will be a doctor. No, I won’t. I won’t be a doctor. Will you be an astronaut like Yang Liwei? Yes ,I will./ No, I won’t. I won’t be an astronaut. • Will you have a job in 20 years? • Will you study in college in 10 years? • Will you have a baby in 20 years? • Will you be rich? • Yes , I will. • No, I won’t. Pair work --Will you be in college in 5 years? a doctor/ an actress? --Will you live in Beijing in10 years? have children in 5 years? study on computers? Yes , I will . No , I won’t. Group work : 我的未来不是梦 Report :I will be a doctor. I won’t live in Beijing. She/ He will … She / He won’t … What will happen to the earth in the future? Let’s predict. There will be more people. There will be more cars. Cities will be more crowed and there will be less room. There will be more factories/pollution. There will be fewer trees. There will be less fresh water/air. • Will there be more students? • Will there be less fresh air? • Will there be less pollution? • Will there be fewer schools/robots? • Yes ,there will . • No ,there won’t. Will there be less/ fewer/more … on the earth? Yes, there will. No, there won’t. The prediction of the earth. Ask and answer with your partner. What can we do for our future life? We will use less paper. We will plant more trees. We will save water. We will study hard and play a part in saving the earth. What will our life be like in the future? Make a conclusion. I will …My mother will … My friend won’t … There will be… Cities will … We will … Thank you for listening! 2. fewer Use fewer to talk about countable nouns. eg. There will be fewer trees. There will be fewer people. 3. less Use less to talk about uncountable nouns. eg. There will be less pollution. There will be less free time. A: Will people use money in 100 years? B: No, they won’t. Everything will be free. Will people live to be 200 years old? A: Yes, they will. 1c PAIRWORK 2b Listening 1. There will be fewer people. 2. There will be less free time. 3. People will use less subways less. 4. There will be more pollution. 5. Cities will be very big and crowded. √ √ Woman: OK, now I want to hear everyone’s predictions about the future. Girl 1: Well, I think there will be more people. Woman: More people? OK. What else? Tapescript Woman: That's a great idea. Let’s hear another prediction. Boy 2: There will be less pollution. Woman: That will be good for the earth! Girl 1: I think there will be fewer trees. I think cities will be really big and crowded besides there will be a lot more people. 2c GROUPWORK A: I think there will be more pollution. B: Well, I don’t agree. But I think there will be fewer trees. A: I agree. Grammar Focus Will there be less pollution? No, there won’t. There will be more pollution. Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. Kids won’t go to school. Kids will study at home on computers. 1. 一般将来时结构: 肯定式:主语 + will + 动词原形 否定式:主语 + won’t + 动词原形 一般疑问句:Will + 主语 + 动词原形 2. fewer Use fewer to talk about countable nouns. eg. There will be fewer trees. There will be fewer people. 1. 一般将来时结构: 肯定式:主语 + will + 动词原形 否定式:主语 + won’t + 动词原形 一般疑问句:Will + 主语 + 动词原形 2. fewer Use fewer to talk about countable nouns. eg. There will be fewer trees. There will be fewer people. 3. less Use less to talk about uncountable nouns. eg. There will be less pollution. There will be less free time. 3. less Use less to talk about uncountable nouns. eg. There will be less pollution. There will be less free time. 1. Five years ago, Sally was _______ ______. 2. She played ______. 3. She had _____. 4. Today Sally is _________. 5. She plays _______. 6. She has ______. 3a school in high soccer a cat in college a guitar a dog 7. In five years, Sally will be ________ ______ 8. She will play ______. 9. She will have _______. / wife tennis a baby a mother 3b PAIRWORK A: What do you think Sally will be in five years? B: I think she’ll be a doctor. A: What sport will she play? B: She’ll play… 3c Now write about yourself. Five years ago, I was . I played . I had . Today, I am . I play . I have . In five years, I will be . I will play . I will have . 1. 一般将来时:“Will+动词原形” 的表达。 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发 生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来 经常或重复发生的动作,常与表将来 的时间状语连用。 Explanation 对将要发生的事、或打算、计划、 决定要做的事情,用“be going to +动词原形”表达。口语中多用此 形式表将来,且这种表达表示一个 事前考虑好的意图, 相当于中文的“打算、计划、准 备”。而“will / shall +动词原形” 表示未经事先考虑的意图。 书面语中当主语为第一人称I / we 时,常用“shall”。而口语中所有人 称和数都可用“will”。 will not = won’t. 以前我们还学习过用进行时表将 来的表达。 一般将来时句型如下: (1)肯定句:主语+will / shall +动 词原形。 (2)否定句:主语+will / shall not + 动词原形。 (3)疑问句:Will / Shall +主语+动 词原形 注意:对疑问句的回答用will 或shall, 但是在肯定回答中用不能用缩写, 如I’ll, 只能说“ Yes, I will.”因为will 与shall在句末不能用缩写。 2. “ there be ” 句型一般将来时的表达。 肯定句:There will be +名词(短语) 否定句:There will not / won’t be +名 词(短语) 一般疑问句: Will there be +名词(短语)? -Yes, there will. / No, there won’t. 注意:由于will后接动词原形,因此 在 “there be ”句型一般将来时的句 中will之后用be动词的原形,即“be” 一词,无论后面是单、复数或不可数 名词(短语)。 e.g. There won’t be any paper money. There will only be one country. There will be more leisure time. (1)few(形容词)“几乎没有, 很少 的”,修饰可数名词。其比 较级、最高级为规则变化: few-fewer-fewest “a few”表示“一些”,“few” 带否定含义,“几乎没有”。 3. fewer 与less及more表数量的用法。 例: a few days ago, for a few weeks, He has few friends here. There will be fewer trees. (2)little(形容词)“很少的,几 乎没有的”(“小的,幼小的”), 修饰不可数名词。其比较级、最高 级为不规则变化: little-less-least “a little”表“一些”,“little” 带否定含义,“几乎没有”。 There’s little food left. We have to buy some. There’s a little water in the cup. There will be less pollution. He finished it within the least time. 3)many “许多”,修饰可数名词。 much “许多”,修饰可数名词。 例:I have many magazines. She has more magazines. But he has the most. many / more 比较级、最高级 为不规则变化: many / much -more-most There will be more people on the earth in future. More and more students start to exercise more every day to keep fit. 1a Write each word in the correct column below. Jobs Transportation Places to live astronaut computer programmer train rocket space station house apartment Section B 1b PAIRWORK Jobs Transportation Places to live 2a Listening 1 3 2 2b Listening 1. I ___ in an apartment. 2. I _____ near here. 3. I ___ a computer programmer. 4. We _____ in a house. 5. I ____ the train to school. 6. I ______ an astronaut. live work am lived took ’ll be 7. I _____ rockets to the moon. 8. I ______ on a space station. ’ll fly ’ll live Alexis: Hi, I’m Alexis. Joe: Nice to meet you, Alexis, I’m Joe. Alexis: Nice to meet you, Joe. Do you live here in Techville? Joe: Yes, I do. I live in an apartment across the street from here. Tapescript Conversation 1 Alexis: Oh, really? Joe: Yes, I work near here too, at Sisco Software Systems. I am a computer programmer. Alexis: A computer programmer? That sounds interesting. Joe: Well, actually it’s kind of boring. I do the same thing every day. Alexis: Hey, Joe, is that a picture of you? Joe: Yeah,that was me ten years ago. Alexis: So, did you live here in Techville ten years ago? Conversation 2 Joe: No, I lived with my parents in Greenville. We lived in a house in the country. I went to school here in Techville, though. Alexis: Really? That’s pretty far from here. How did you get to school? Joe: Oh, I took the train to school. Alexis: So, Joe, what do you think your life will be like in ten years? Joe: Oh, I think I’ll be an astronaut. Alexis: An astronaut? Are you kidding? Joe: No, I’m serious. I’ll fly rockets to the moon. Maybe there will be flights to other planets. Conversation 3 Alexis: Oh, and where will you live? Joe: I’ll live on a space station. 2c PAIRWORK A: Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment. Ming in ten years Job Pets Sports Places Clothes reporter parrot go skating and swimming Shanghai suit Self Check 1. I want to _____ for myself when I’m older. 2. My friends _____ a pet pig in their house. 3. I need to ____ smart for my job interview. work keep look 4. We have to _____ a uniform to school. 5. One day people will ___ to the moon for vacations. wear fly 3 Find these words from this unit. 1. A place to live in space: 2. Something kids will use to study at home: 3. These will be in every home: 4. Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese _________. space station astronaut computers robots 1. besides prep. 而且;再者;还有 (区别于 beside “在…旁边;在…附 近”) I sit beside John. 我坐在约翰旁边。 He tried two ways besides. 他另外还试了两种方法。 Explanation 2. go swimming 去游泳 类似的短语还有: go skating 去滑冰 go fishing 去钓鱼 go shopping 去买东西 go hiking 去远足 3. be on vacation 度假 Where will go be on vacation? 你将去哪儿度假 4. In ten years 十年后 I’ll be a reporter in ten years. 十年后我会是一个记者。 I’ll be a hero in ten years. 十年后我又是一条好汉。 5. fall in love with 爱上… fall in love with a girl 爱上一个女孩 fall in love with a country 爱上一个国家 [注] fall 是“陷入”的意思. 它与 feel(感觉)很像。   fall→ fell→ fallen   feel→ felt→ felt 6. alone adj.(只作表语) adv. 独自;单独 He was alone in the house 他一个人在屋里 I went to the movies alone,I felt lonely. 我独自去看电影了,我觉得很孤独。 [注] alone 表示“单独的,独自一人 的”,不含感情色彩.做形容词时, 只能在be动词或系动词之后做表语 与lonely不同, lonely表示“孤独的,寂寞的” 含有丰富的感情色彩. lonely做形容 词时,可做定语和表语。 如: a lonely village 孤寂的村庄. 7. keep vt.& vi. keep 有好几个意思,在本课中做 “饲养;喂养”讲,相当于feed。 keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉 feed a cat with fish 给猫喂鱼 (1)保住;保留: I’ll try my best to keep my job. 我要尽力保住我的工作。 (2)保守(秘密): keep a secret (这对我来说可是太难了) (3)保持(某状态): Keep silent! 保持沉默! Keep top side up! 请勿倒放! (“保持上方朝上”不就是“请勿 倒 放”吗?) (4)继续;持续: They kept walking. 他们继续步行。 用more, less, fewer 填空 1. We plant trees every year, there will be _____ trees. 2. If we waste water, there will be ____ water. 3. If every family has a baby, there will be _____ people. more less more Exercises 4. I think English is _________ popular than Chinese. 5. There will be _____ robots everywhere, and humans will have ___ work to do. 6. There will be _____ free time when people retire. less/ more more less more 选择wear, put on , dress 填空,并 注意用其适当形式 1. We have to _____ a uniform to school. 2. ______ your coat when you go out. 3. Can he _____ himself? wear Put on dress 4. Our Chinese teacher _____ a pair of glasses. 5. Please _____ the baby, George. 6. She often _____ a red skirt. wears dress wears 1. I ________ (visit) my uncle tomorrow. 2. There _______ (be) a football match in our school next week. 3. He ________ (help) you with your English this evening. will visit will be will help 用一般将来时填空。 4. They ________ (play) soccer if it doesn’t rain. 5. We _________ (have) a meeting tomorrow. will play will have 翻译句子 1. 你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗? Do _______ ______ there will be robots _____ _____ homes? 2. 人们将活到150岁。 People _______ _____ ______ ______ 150 years old. Homework 3. 我认为她会当医生。 I think she ______ ____ a doctor. 4. 你住哪儿? 我住在北京。 ______ _____ _____ ______? I live in Beijing. 5. 他反复看她的来信。 He read her letter ______ _______ _______ ________. 6. 等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。 He _______ _______ after he waited for long. 写作 发挥你的想象, 写一篇作文。 I think we will need robots for cleaning the house… … Homework Thank you for listening!

