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Module 11 Way of life 模块同步作文指导 ④You mustn't break anything on the first day of the Spring Festival. ⑤You must only use red paper for hongbao because red means luck. ⑥You'd better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month. ⑦In the north of China , people eat a lot of jiaozi. ⑧In the West , people often take flowers when they visit someone. 大明要去一个美国家庭吃饭。请你根据以下提示写一封 80 词左右的英语邮件告诉他美国的餐桌礼仪和风俗习惯。 1 .可以带一件小礼物,如一束花或者一瓶酒 ( 如果那个家庭喜欢喝酒的话 ) 。 2 .应当按时或者稍迟 5 ~ 10 分钟到达,不要早到。如果将要迟到 15 分钟以上的话,要打电话告诉他们。 3 .在餐桌旁要尽量随意一些。如果不知道怎样做,就问问旁边的人。 4 .如果喜欢主人准备的食物,要说出来。当然,还应当感谢主人的款待,过后寄一张卡片或表达谢意的纸条也是一个好主意。 参考词汇: knife 刀子  fork 叉  spoon 汤匙 uncomfortable 不舒服的 nervous 紧张的  host 男主人 hostess 女主人 【 思路点拨 】 1 .时态:以一般现在时和一般将来时为主。 2 .按饭前、饭中和饭后的顺序来叙述美国的餐桌礼仪和风俗习惯。 3 .文中穿插提建议的句型或者祈使句,让读者对于美国的餐桌礼仪和风俗习惯有直观的了解。 【 经典范文示例 】 Dear Daming , It's a good idea to take a small gift when you go to have a dinner in an American family.Flowers are always nice , or you might bring a bottle of wine if you know that the family like to drink it. You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late.Don't get there earlier.If you're going to be more than fifteen minutes late , you should call and tell them. Try to be relaxed at the dinner table.If you don't know how to use the knife , fork , or spoon , just watch the other people , and follow them.If you still have no idea of what to do , don't be shy about asking the person next to you.It's better to ask than to be quiet and feel uncomfortable and nervous. If you like the food , say so.Of course , you should thank the host and hostess for the meal and their kindness.It's also a good idea to send a card or a thankyou note the following day. Yours , ××× 假如你叫李明,你的一位外国朋友 Michael 要来中国参观,在他来中国之前你想向他介绍一下中国人的习惯,内容包括以下几点: 1 .在中国必须靠右边走路。 2 .当你碰到别人时常打招呼,而不是鞠躬。 3 .到中国人家中作客时,吃饭用筷子,主人 (host) 通常让客人多吃点,不一定非得把盘子里的东西吃光。吃完饭后人们通常沏茶喝,临走时要有礼貌地道别。 请根据以上提示给你的朋友发一封电子邮件,词数: 80 左右。 Dear Michael , I am very happy to hear that you will come to visit China.Now let me tell you some manners and customs. When you walk in China , you must walk on the right.When you meet other people , you should say hello to them instead of bowing.When you visit someone and stay for dinner , you must use chopsticks instead of knives and forks. The host often asks you to eat more food.If you are full , you don't need to eat up the food in the plate.After dinner , the host often makes tea for you.When you leave , you must say goodbye to the host politely. I hope you will come to China very soon. Yours , Li _ Ming

