牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Task)随堂练习

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牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Task)随堂练习

Wild animals 一、词汇和短语。 1.报告__________ 2.尾巴__________ 3.insect__________ 4.搬迁__________ 5.缓慢地__________ 6.daytime__________ 7.otherwise__________ 8.make notes________ 9.谈论__________ 二、句型及交际用语。 1.熊擅长爬山和游泳。 Bears __________ __________ __________ __________ and swimming. 2.大部分熊吃肉和鱼,也有一些以植物和昆虫为食。 __________ bears eat m eat and fish, but __________ __________ eat plants and insects. 3.我们应该采取行动来阻止这一切,否则,世界上将不会有熊了。 We should ______ _______ ________ stop this. Otherwise, there will be ______ _______ left in the world. 三、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.My mother will take __________(act) to lose her weight. 2.It’s easy for cats__________(climb) trees. 3.Please speak loudly and __________(slow). I can’t catch you. 4.The old woman was too weak __________(move) any further. 5.Many people in Nepal 尼泊尔__________(lose) their lives in the earthquake. 四、单项选择。 1.Excuse me, would you please speak a little more __________? Sorry, I thought you could follow me. A sadly B quickly C slowly D politely 2.What’s in the fridge? I am hungry. I’m sorry. There is nothing _________. A leaving B leave C to leave D left 3.Farmers worked the whole afternoon __________ to have a rest. A not stop B and stop C without stopping D but stop 4.Amy, I hear you’ve got many foreign coins. __________ I have a look? A May B Must C Should D Need 5.Cindy, would you mind not opening the window? It’s cold outside. __________. A I’d like to B Sorry, I’ll do it right now C Yes, that sounds good D No,I wouldn’t 五、翻译句子。 1.许多动物在冬季冬眠。 Many animals _________ _________ _________ _________. 2.大多数熊吃肉和鱼,但是一些熊也吃植物和昆虫。 Most bears eat _________ and _________, but some also eat _________ and _________. 3.人们不应该为了熊的皮毛和熊掌而捕杀它们。 People shouldn’t _________ bears for their _________ and _________. 4.因为猎捕,现在大熊猫的数量越来越少。 Now the number of giant pandas is becoming _______ and _______ because of _________. 5.有些动物喜欢白天睡觉,比如猫。 Some animals like _________ in the _________, _________ _________ cats. 六、写作。 依据所给信息用英语写一篇短文。 1.上周末你和父母去动物园看大熊猫。 2.熊猫的外貌,喜欢的食物 3.有些游客喂熊猫食物,你认为这样做是不对的。 4.动物是人类的朋友 ,我们应该善待它们。 5.保护动物十分重要,因为保护它们就是在保护我们自己。

