牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 7《Seasons》(Task)随堂练习

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牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 7《Seasons》(Task)随堂练习

- - Seasons 练习反馈: 一、用括号中汉语提示或所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The wind was so strong that it __________ (几乎) blew my umbrella away. 2. It’s______(real) cold here. You’d better put on your coat. 3. They are busy ______ (清除) the snow. 4. The girl said to __________ (she), “I’m the prettiest girl in the world. 5. Kitty waved to the visitors while she _________ (dance) to the music. 6.We _______(read) a terrible story when suddenly the lights ______(go) out. 7. My mother ________ (cook) when I _______ (arrive) home yesterday. 8. He told his students _________ (not talk) in class. 9. When the teacher _______ (come) in, the students _______ (read) English. 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Last night I heard a noise _____thunder. A. as B. like C. so D. from ( ) 2. The excited girl _______ quickly. A. come down B. calmed down C. call down D. put down ( ) 3. --- ______ is the weather like today? --- It’s _____. A. How, windy B. What, windy C. How, wind D. What, wind ( ) 4. A strong ______ blew from behind and we couldn’t hold our umbrella. A. snow B. cloud C. rain D. wind ( ) 5.The travelers ______on top of the mountain. They called 110 for help. A. trapped B. were trapped C. trapping D. are trapping ( ) 6. Mr Green told us _____ turn the lights off when we leave the classroom. A.to not forget to B. not to forget C. not to forget to D. to not forget to ( ) 7. They _____for help and then people heard exciting ______. A. shout, shout B. shouted, shouts C. shouted, shouted D. shouts, shouts ( ) 8. Drivers should drive . A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly ( ) 9. Our teacher is coming. Please stop ________ and keep ________. A. talking ,quiet B. to talk ,quiet C .talking ,quietly D. to talk , quietly ( ) 10. A boy _____ a tree and hurt his legs. A. felt from B. fell over C. felt over D. fell from 三、完形填空。 When an earthquake hits a city, many buildings are destroyed. Afterwards, it is very hard to find people trapped under the fallen (1) ______. However, the police in Britain are now (2) ______ a new system to help find people more quickly. Special (3)_______ are used to search the rubble(瓦砾) for the(4) ______. The dog have to wear little video cameras on (5) ______heads. When a dog finds (6) _______, the camera will send (7) ______ of him back to the police. (8)______ - - will also be able to talk to the person with small microphones and loudspeakers. (9) _____ the person is in a dark hole underground, the police will be able to (10) ______ him and talk to him. ( )1. A. buildings B. trains C. cars D. shops ( )2. A. looking for B. searching C. developing D. producing ( )3. A. people B. police cars C. machines D. police dogs ( )4. A. victims B. buildings C. police D. food ( )5. A. its B. their C. whose D. which ( )6. A. persons B. a woman C. a man D. someone ( )7. A. voices B. pictures C. letters D. names ( ) 8. A. The police B. The dogs C. The men D. The women ( ) 9. A. Though B. Even if C. When D. But ( )10. A. look B. find C. see D. search 四、从方框内选择合适的单词或短语,并用适当的形式。 Luck, thunder, terrible, nobody, lightning, fall down, dark On 21st August 2007, a terrible typhoon hit the small city. At the beginning, it became (1)________. Everyone could hear a strange noise. They were all frightened, but (2)_______ knew what was happening . A few minutes later, the typhoon came. First, people heard (3)________ and saw (4)__ ___ .Then everything began to move. The wind rolled up paper, Cars and trees into the sky. It was very (5) _________. At last it stopped suddenly. The great noise disappeared. Everything was in a mess (混乱) . (6) ________ no one died, but more than 2800 houses (7)__________.

