人教新目标版英语八上Unit 6《I’m going to study computer science》测试题

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人教新目标版英语八上Unit 6《I’m going to study computer science》测试题

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science 测试题 一.听力理解 第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) l..What does Sue' s father expect her to be? A. A doctor. B. An engineer. C. A pianist. ( )2.Why is Mary going to study hard? A. She is the last one in the test. B. She isn't good at math. C. She wants to be a scientist. ( )3. How long may it take Kate to finish reading the book? A. Two days. B. Five days. C. Eight days. ( )4. Who is going to study English by listening to English songs? A. Wei Hua. B. Liu Mei. C. Li Hong. ( )5. What is Lucy going to do in the new year? A. Get good grades. B. Get lots of exercise. C. Make lots of friends. 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中 选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第 7两个小题。 ( )6. Which is NOT Sarah's New Year's resolution? A. To do more exercise. B. To eat healthier food. C. To make more friends. ( )7. What is the man going to study next year? A. Science. B. Medicine. C. Math. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 9两个小题。 ( )8. What is Peter going to do this Sunday? A. Visit his uncle. B. Visit his classmate. C. Visit his cousin. ( )9. What does Jim look like? A. Tall and heavy. B. Short and heavy. C. Tall and thin. 听下面一段独自,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。 ( )10. What is Grace doing now? A. Reading books. B. Singing songs. C. Drawing pictures. ( )11. Where is Grace going to work? A. In Sydney. B. In New York. C. In Beijing. ( )12. When is Dave going to work in Shanghai? A. Next week. B. Next month. C. Next year. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题。 ( )13.When did John make the New Year's resolution? A. Last Saturday. B. This Sunday. C. Last Sunday. ( )14. What's John's New Year's resolution? A. Making a basketball team. B. Making a volleyball team. C. Joining a soccer club. ( ) 15. How often is John going to practice the sport? A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Every month. 第三节 听—篇短文。根据短文内容完成下面的表格,每空一词 6短文读两遍。 Names Dreams Tom He wants to be a(n)(16) and he will study in Europe. Jack He wants to be a(n)(17) Alice She’s going to be a(n)(18) and she wants to make everyone get a good (19) Bob He’s going to be a(n)(20) . 二.单项选择 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )21. Please be quiet! I'm reading some short stories Lu Xun. A. by B. over C. in D. at ( )22. -- are you going to work in? --Beijing. A. Where B. What place C. When D. How often ( )23. Dale is studying in __ university and he wants to be engineer. A.a;a B.a;an C. an;a D. an;an ( )24. Mrs Green promised all she can to help us. A. knowing B. to know C. doing D. to do ( )25.World Cup host Brazil would like to help China China' s soccer. A. improve B. send C. question D. discuss ( )26. Liu Xi' s father kept on although he was tired. A. to sleep B. sleeping C. to work D. working ( )27. I am sorry that I able to phone you yesterday. A. am B. am not C. was D. was not ( )28. Mom, the desk is too to . A. heavy; move B. heavily; moving C. heavy; moving D. heavily; move ( )29. Linda's aunt is a Her job is to do research in science. A. pilot B. scientist C. cook D. pianist ( )30. We our holidays in-Hong Kong next year. A. visited B. spent C. are going to visit D. are going to spend ( )31. He left a job in the city to farming in the countryside. A. take up B. grow up C. put up D. get up ( )32. It's not good to ask questions about someone' s life. A. busy B. simple C. personal D. healthy ( )33. Our son is going to study medicine when he school. A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. left ( )34. -- in ten years? --I' m going to be a driver. A. What do you do B. How do you do C. What are you going to be D. Why are you going there ( )35.--I'm going to eat healthier food and exercise more. -- . A. Lucky you B. Sounds like a good plan . C. Great, thanks D. Have a good day 三.完形填空。 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白 处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Edward is a 14-year-old boy. He comes from the UK, but he lives in Beijing 36 his parents. Before Edward came to China, he knew 37 about Beijing Opera (京剧). Like most teens, Edward liked pop music. When he first listened to Beijing Opera, he didn't like it and thought it was too slow and 38 . One week later after that, Edward started 39 in a middle school in Beijing. He had music lessons twice a week. He started to learn Beijing Opera in the 40 class. His school asked some great Beijing Opera singers to 41 them. Edward couldn't understand (理解) it well, 42 it sounded much more interesting than before and he 43 interested in it. Now Edward loves Beijing Opera very much. "I really love Beijing Opera and I want to be a(n) 44 when I grow up," Edward said. "I hope more people can understand and love it. Everyone who is learning Beijing Opera should try hard and 45 give up (放弃)!" Maybe one day we will see a foreign young man standing on the stage (舞台) as a great Beijing Opera singer. ( )36. A. for B. to C. with D. about ( )37. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )38. A. easy B. difficult C. boring D. interesting ( )39. A. working B. studying C. playing D. living ( )40. A. music B. English C. math D. history ( )41. A. teach B. visit C. tell D. answer ( )42. A. so B. if C. and D. but ( )43. A. sounded B. stayed C. became D. seemed ( )44. A. teacher B. singer C. doctor D. violinist ( )45 A.often B. usually CI always O. never 四.阅读理解 阅读下面三篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 A "I' m bored," Spencer said and looked at the rain out of the window. "Read a book," said his room. "I read all the time at school. I planned to ride bikes with Elton today." "Well, this rain won' t stop until (直到......)为止) Monday, so you' 11 have to find some other ways to spend the weekend," Mom said with a smile. "You could clean your room." "Anything was better than cleaning my room," thought Spencer. He walked to the garage (车库) and rode his bike in there for a few minutes, but it was not fun at all. For Spencer, the best thing about tiding a bike was going to different places and seeing things. "Hey," said Elton from the door to the garage. "Why did you come here?" asked Spencer. "Your mom called me. She said you were bored. My morn was happy to drive me over because I kept saying I was bored, too." "It's not much fun riding here," said Spencer. Elton looked around the garage and said,"Let' s do something new." He put a set of cones (圆锥形物) all around the garage. "OK, you have to ride through them arlxl you can' t knock any over (撞倒). Oh, and I'll time you on my watch." "All right," Spencer agreed. It seemed not too boring. He tried and it was harder than he thought it would be. He knocked over two cones. They kept riding and tried to see Who could do it faster. They always knocked over some cones, but that just made them laugh. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )46. Spencer felt bored because . A. his mother asked him to read B. he had a lot of homework to do C. he couldn't go out to ride his bike D. his friend didn' t agree with his plan for the weekend ( )47. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5? A. Spencer didn't want to clean his room. B. Spencer thought his mother' s idea was good. C. Spencer liked cleaning the room better than anything. D. Spencer" couldn't do anything better than cleaning the room. ( )48. How did Elton come to Spencer s home. A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. D. By taxi. ( )49. The underlined word "time"means in Chinese. A.选择时机 B.安排时间 C.延长期限 D. 测定时间 ( )50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Elton liked going to different places and seeing things by bike. B. Spencer and Elton had fun playing in the garage. C. Spencer called Elton to come and play with him. D. It would be sunny in the next few days. B 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Bobby Bear' s rules for meeting a bear: ·Keep calm. Do not make any sudden (突然的) movements. Do not speak loudly. ·Stay as far away from the bear as possible. If you stay far away, the bear will not feel threatened and will not attack (攻击) you. ·If you see a bear, but it does not see you, turn around and walk slowly away as far as possible. ·If a bear comes to you, stand as quiet as possible. When it stops, turn back slowly.Remember: NO sudden movements. ·Never run from a bear. Bears can run up to 30 miles every hour. You cannot run faster than a bear and running will make the bear want to catch you. ·Never feed a bear. ·Don't climb trees to escape (摆脱) a bear. Most bears can climb trees. They can follow you. ·If a bear starts to follow you, throw something on the ground. This may distract(转移注意力) the bear and give you time to run away. If a bear does attack you, drop to the round and play dead. Usually, bears will stop attacking. If the bear loses interest, it will leave. Keep calm. Living is the most important thing. Click (点击) here to get more information. ( )51. What should you do if you see a bear? A. Shout to make the bear go away. B. Stay as far away as possible. C. Run as fast as you can. D. Throw things ( )52. The underlined word "threatened" probably means . A. surprised B. excited C. scared D. serious ( )53. may make the bear lose interest in you. A. Wearing old clothes B. Feeding the bear C. Climbing trees D. Playing dead ( )54. Bobby Bear tells us . A. where to visit bears B. why bears attack people C. how to make friends with bears D. how to save yourself from bears' attack ( )55. You may find this passage . A. in a guide book B. on a blackboard C. on the Intemet. D. in a diary C Dear Grandma and Grandpa, How are you? 1 am fine. What' s new? I am enjoying my summer, t am delivering (递送) newspapers to make some money. I' m going to put the money in the college fund (基金) you started for me. Also I am taking swimming lessons from Uncle Vincent. I asked him to help me with my front crawl ( 自由泳). I always get water in my nose and mouth when I do that. I' m really good at swimming back crawl (仰泳). So if I ever get into any problem in water. I can save myself. How is the weather in Florida? Here in Georgia it' s very hot. School will start in about four weeks. I' m going to be in Grade Three. My teacher will be Mrs. Reese. I heard she is very nice and makes her students work really hard. I will do my best to learn every subject well. Mom says if I get good grades, 1 can take piano lessons at school. I want to be able to play a song or two for you when you come next time. I can't wait to see two of you. Well, that's all for now. Give both of you a hug (拥抱). Wish you good health. Yours, Marybeth 根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。 56.What is Marybeth going to do with the money she is making? 57.What is Marybeth good at,front crawl or back crawl? 58.What is the weather like in Georgia? 59.What grade was Marybeth in last December? 60.What can Marybeth learn if she gets good grades? 五.词语运用。 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案 写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 Quick,slow,know,live,bus,office,taxi,feel,it,sun,good,t hem Today I went to my office to finish some work. It was a hot and 66 afternoon. I parked (停) my car and walked to the office. Soon I reached my 67 , finished my work and returned to my car. When I walked, I saw an old man walking 68 to me. As we came close, I saw he was not 69 comfortable. I asked him where he 70 and planned to drive him home. He told me the name of a community (社区), but I didn' t know it. However, I saw a few 71 on the other side of the road. I thought taxi drivers were the 72 guides to any place So I 73 called one of the taxis and told the driver to take the man to his home. They with each other and soon the driver 74 where he should go. Then I asked the driver how much I should pay, the driver told me and I gave him the money. The driver then started the taxi and when 75 began to move, the man said thank you to me. 六.完成句子 第一节 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 61.After I told her the truth,my mother a to let me go home late. 62.He is a good writer.He writes lots of a for our magazine. 63.Only six new players made the t this year. 64.Move this word and you change the m of the sentence. 65.Mr.Li cares a lot about me.He has a very good r with me. 第二节 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 66.His sister practices the violin every day and she wants to be a(n) (violin). 67.Did you have a (discuss)about your summer holiday plan? 68.The older children should be able to cook simple meals_______(them). 69.The magazine comes out (week).I buy it every week. 70.My daughter’s (hobby)are swimming and drawing. 七.词语运用 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案 写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 Yesterday on my bus ride home, the bus stopped for a long time on a bridge because there were too many cars and buses. As I looked out, I saw a handsome young man 71 on the bridge.It was cold and 72 outside. He wore a heavy jacket and a scarf (围巾 ). On the bridge, there were three homeless men with their 73 in front of them. The young man walked to the first man, put his hand in to one pocket (衣袋) and took out some 74 . He said a few words to the homeless man and put the money in his cup, After that, the young man 75 walking and he saw the 76 homeless man. He said a few words to him and then gave him some candies. The young man moved on. Then he saw the third homeless man. The third man 77 only a few clothes and was very 78 . The young man stopped by him and gave his scarf to the man 79 a very loving way. Then my 80 started. I saw the man walking away in the cold, but I knew his heart was warm. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 八.补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Liu Jun, do you make any plans for your future? B: Yes. A: 81. ? B: I want to be a cook. A: 82. ? B: I'm going to study hard at a cooking school. A: 83. ? B:Yes,I often cook for my family after school Also, I often watch programs about cooking. A: You're great! But | don't like cooking at all. B: 84. ? A: My dream is to be a famous singer in the world. B: 85. ? A: Yes, of course. I'm the best singer in our school. B: Good! I hope your dream comes true. A: Thank you! The same to you 九、书面表达 同学们,从七年级升入八年级你们一定做新学年计划了吧。假如下周口语课上英语老师 让你们分享新学年的计划和打算,相信你们肯定会畅所欲言。请你用英语写一篇短文为口语 课上的发言做准备。70 词左右,开头已给出,不 计入总词数。 Hello,从七年级升入八年级你们一定做新学年计划了吧。假如下周口语课上英语老师 让你们分享新学年的计划和打算,相信你们肯定会畅所欲言。请你用英语写一篇短文为口语 课上的发言做准备。70 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello,everyone.Here are my plans for the new school yar.

