人教版七年级英语上册-Unit 3 单元测试卷

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人教版七年级英语上册-Unit 3 单元测试卷

Unit 3 单元测试卷 得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________ 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择正确的答语。(5×1分=5分) ()1.A.She is Gina. B.Yes,it is. C.It's hers. ()2.A.Thank you. B.Hi,Anna. C.ERASER. ()3.A.My cousin. B.It's a watch. C.It's 3468726. ()4.A.His first name is Jack. B.He is my teacher. C.No,he isn't. ()5.A.Yes,they are. B.Yes,they're yours. C.No,it isn't. 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1分=5分) ()6.What is it? A.It's a pencil. B.It's a pencil box. C.It's a notebook. ()7.The girl lost her ________. A.keys B.watch C.ID card ()8.These rulers are ________. A.Bob's B.Jim's C.Jim's brother's ()9.What is in the classroom? A.Ben's dictionary. B.Ben's English book. C.Ben's notebook. ()10.David's books are in ________. A.the classroom B.the library C.his home 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1分=5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12小题。 ()11.What did the man lose? A.A key. B.A ring. C.A card. ()12.Dale found it in the ________. A.morning B.afternoon C.evening 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15小题。 ()13.What are NOT in the schoolbag? A.Baseballs. B.Photos. C.Notebooks. ()14.What color is the pencil box? A.Blue. B.White. C.Yellow. ()15.Those keys are ________. A.Alan's B.Jack's C.Susan's 四、听短文,完成表格。(5×1分=5分) First name Jim Cindy Last name 16.________ Brown Age (年龄) 17.________ 19.________ Phone number 18.________ 20.________ 笔试部分 (100分) 五、单项选择。(15×1分=15分) ()21.This is ________ eraser.________ eraser is in the pencil box. A.a;AB.an;TheC.an;AnD.the;The ()22.Please email her ________ lisa@126.com. A.in B.of C.at D.for ()23.This is my brother Dale Miller.The dictionary is ________. A.she B.hers C.he D.his ()24.Some ________ are in the pencil box. A.key B.pencil C.pens D.ruler ()25.Her telephone number is 1287896.You can ________ her. A.call B.look C.found D.lost ()26.—Is this ________ ring? —Yes,it is ________ ring. A.his;me B.his;my C.your;my D.you;my ()27.A set of keys ________ in the schoolbag.Six books ________ in it,too. A.are;are B.is;are C.is;is D.is;am ()28.—Mom,I can't find my eraser. —You can ________ your brother for it. A.help B.see C.ask D.say ()29.I lost my dictionary.I must ________ it. A.find B.found C.to find D.to found ()30.—________,is this your baseball? —No,it isn't. A.Excuse me B.OK C.Thank you D.Fine ()31.—Are ________ books his,Cindy? —No,________aren't. A.this;those B.these;they C.these;those D.this;they ()32.The book is Linda's.________ the eraser? A.What is B.What about C.How is D.Who is ()33.—Is this your pencil box? —________.It's mine. A.Yes,it is B.Yes,this is C.No,this isn't D.No,it isn't ()34.—How do you spell it? —________. A.It's a watch B.Awatch C.WATCH D.It's black ()35.—Thank you for your help. —________ A.Thanks! You,too. B.Have a good day! C.You're welcome. D.I'm fine,thanks. 六、完形填空。(10×1.5分=15分) Hello,My __36__ is David.I am in No.12 Middle School.Here __37__ a photo of a pen.Is it mine? __38__.It is not my pen.It is my good friend Anna's.She lost __39__ pen in the school library this morning.It is black.Now she can __40__ it.I can email her about it __41__anna808@tom.com. I found a __42__ of keys in Classroom 7C this afternoon.__43__ yours? My phone number is 7985546.Please __44__ me.You can __45__ the teacher for them,too. ()36.A.name B.number C.game D.card ()37.A.be B.is C.are D.am ()38.A.Hello B.OK C.Yes D.No ()39.A.your B.his C.her D.my ()40.A.meet B.find C.spell D.say ()41.A.to B.at C.in D.for ()42.A.notebook B.computer C.set D.cup ()43.A.That is B.Are they C.Is that D.They are ()44.A.see B.help C.excuse D.call ()45.A.ask B.have C.thank D.please 七、阅读理解。(10×2分=20分) A Lost: I lost a set of keys in the library this morning.If you find it,please call Mary at 4983456.Thanks. Found: Jack Smith found a baseball in the playground (操场).It is green.Is it yours? Ask Jack for it.His phone number is 2597459. Lost: I lost my dog Coco.It's black and white.Coco is in a green jacket.I must find it.Call Cindy at 658 3652. Found: A pencil box is in Classroom 7B.Two pens,an eraser and some pencils are in it.Is it yours? Call Sally at 3695123. ()46.What color is Cindy's dog? A.Black. B.Brown. C.Black and white. D.Yellow and white. ()47.Jack found ________ in the playground. A.a set of keys B.a baseball C.a dog D.a pencil box ()48.Mary lost her keys ________. A.in the playground B.in Classroom 7A C.in Classroom 7B D.in the library ()49.We know that ________. A.Sally lost a pencil box B.Cindy's phone number is 6583652 C.Jack's last name is Green D.three pens are in the pencil box ()50.The table (表格) is mainly (主要地) about ________. A.four things (东西) B.four notices (通知) C.the name of a dog D.the color of a pencil B Hello,my name is Kate.I'm in a middle school.This is my schoolbag.It's black.What are in it? There are (有) two books.Are these books mine? No,they aren't.They are my teacher's.What are those? Those are two pens.One is red,and the other (另一个) is blue.The red pen is mine.The blue pen is Lily's.Look! There are some keys and a map in my schoolbag, too.They are not mine.The keys are my mom's.Whose (谁的) map is it? Oh,I see a name on (在……上) it,MI KE.It's Mike's.Mike is my good friend.I can call him.His phone number is 4568789. ()51.What color is Kate's schoolbag? A.Blue. B.Black. C.Red. D.Green. ()52.The blue pen is ________. A.Kate's B.Linda's C.Lily's D.Mike's ()53.The underlined word “it” refers to ________. A.the book B.the pen C.the schoolbag D.the map ()54.What are in the schoolbag? ①Two books②Two pencils③Some keys④Two pens ⑤Amap⑥A ruler A.①③④⑤ B.①②③⑥ C.①③⑤⑥ D.①②③④ ()55.Which statement (陈述) is TRUE according to (根据) the passage (文章)? A.Kate is a teacher in a middle school. B.Kate's pencil is red. C.Mike's map is in Kate's schoolbag. D.Kate sees a name on the keys. 八、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5×1分=5分) 56.These are ________(Helen) photos.They are nice. 57.Bob,is this ruler ________(your)? 58.I have three ________(pencil). 59.You can call ________(I) in the afternoon. 60.Here is a set of ________(key). 九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(5×2分=10分) 61.这三个铅笔盒是绿色的。 These three ________________are green. 62.打扰一下,这是你的电脑吗? ________________, is this your computer? 63.这儿有一串钥匙。 Here's ________________________keys. 64.弗兰克和艾瑞克的学生卡不在学校里。 Frank's and Eric's ________________are not at school. 65.请拨打 2310988找布朗先生。 Please ________ Mr. Brown ________ 2310988. 十、补全对话。(5×2分=10分) 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。 A:Hello,Maria! Is this your ruler? B:66.__________________________.It is Simon's. A:Who is Simon? B:67.__________________________. A:Oh,I see.Is Cindy your cousin,too? B:68.__________________________.She is my uncle's daughter. A:And is this Cindy's pen? B:Yes,it is.69.__________________________. A:Is this ring hers,too? B:No,it isn't.It's mine.Thank you,Jane. A:70.__________________________. 十一、短文填词。(10×1分=10分) 根据短文内容及所给汉语提示填写单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。 I lost a book and a watch in the school 71.________(图书馆). I 72.________(必须)find them. The book is about 73.________( 颜 色 ). A school ID card is in the book. The 74.________(名字) on (在……上面)it is Lucy Miller. She is my first 75.________(朋友)in the school. The book and the school ID card are 76.________( 她 的 ). The watch is 77.________(我的). Can you 78.________(帮助)me to find them? I'm in the 79.________(教 室)now. My telephone number is 8027823 and my email address (地址) is susan@sina.com. Please 80.________(打电话)me or e mail me. Thanks. 十二、书面表达。(15分) 假如你是安娜(Anna),你的黑白色铅笔盒丢在图书馆了,铅笔盒内有一支红色的钢笔, 一块黄色的橡皮和两支绿色铅笔。请你写一则寻物启事。你的联系电话是 0892069。 要求:1.句子通顺、语意连贯、字迹工整; 2.包括所有的提示信息; 3.不少于 30词。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 听力材料 一、听句子,选择正确的答语。 1.Is this your family photo? 2.Spell “eraser”,please. 3.What's this in English? 4.Who is he? 5.Are those your boxes? 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。 6.W:Is it a pencil? M:No,it's a pencil box. 7.W:I lost my keys. M:You must find them. 8.W:Are these rulers yours,Bob? M:No,they are Jim's brother's. 9.W:Ben,is your dictionary in the classroom? M:Yes,it is. 10.W:Are your books in the classroom,David? M:No,they are in the library. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。 听下面一段话,回答第 11、12 小题。 M:Excuse me.I lost my ring. W:Oh?What color is it? M:It's white. W:Is this yours? M:Yes,it is.Who found it? W:Dale.He found it in the morning. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 W:Is it your schoolbag,Jack? M:What's in it,Susan? W:Two white baseballs,one yellow pencil box and three notebooks. M:Oh,yes.It's mine. W:And are these keys yours? M:No,they aren't.They're Alan's. W:And what about this dictionary? M:It's his,too. W:Thanks. 四、听短文,完成表格。 (M)Good morning!My name is Jim Green.Jim is my first name and Green is my last name.I'm a boy.I'm nine.My phone number is 2584953.Cindy is my friend.She is eight.Her last name is Brown.Her phone number is 8241588. 参考答案 一、1~5 BCBBA 二、6~10 BACAB 三、11~15 BABCA 四、16.Green17.nine/918.258495319.eight/820.8241588 五、21~25 BCDCA26~30 CBCAA31~35 BBACC 六、36~40 ABDCB41~45 BCBDA 七、46~50 CBDBB51~55 BCDAC 八、56.Helen's57.yours58.pencils59.me60.keys 九、61.pencil boxes62.Excuse me63.a set of64.ID cards 65.call;at 十、66.No,it isn't67.He is my cousin68.Yes,she is 69.It's her pen/It is hers70.You're welcome 十一、71.library72.must73.color74.name75.friend76.hers 77.mine78.help79.classroom80.call 十二、One possible version: Lost: I lost a black and white pencil box in the library this morning.A red pen, a yellow eraser and two green pencils are in it.Call me at 0892069,if(如果) you find it.Thanks. Anna

