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Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 What’s the strongest animal on the farm? Section B plant n . 植物 v . 种植,播种 Look and learn. rose n . 玫瑰花 snake n . 蛇 fox n . 狐狸 (pl.) foxes insect n . 昆虫 frog n . 青蛙 Look and learn. Check your sounds Look at the pictures and write down the words according to the sounds. Then listen and check the vowels and stress. / fr D g / ______ / ‘ I nsekt / _______ / sneik / _______ frog insect snake 3 录音 3-P84 / f D ks / ______ / gu:s / _______ / k a u / _______ / ʃi:p / _______ fox goose cow sheep Which do you like better, animals or plants ? Wang Wei took some photos about animals and plants. He is talking about the beautiful photos with his friends. What does each of them like better ? Now watch the flash of 1a, and finish 1b. 1a 录音 1a-P83 the nicest of all beautiful cuter Match the people with the things they like and their reasons. 1b friendlier 1c Read 1a and fill in the blanks. Then report the passage to your partner. Wang Wei likes ______ better and he thinks roses are the ______ of all the flowers. Michael likes ______ better because he thinks they are _________. They make us happy. Jane likes _____ best because they are _____ than other animals. Maria likes ______ because they are __________ and they can _____ to us. Kangkang likes both ______ and _______ because they are both _________ to us. We _______ the same world with them. plants nicest animals friendlier cats birds beautiful sing plants animals important share 视频 1a-P83 cuter As we know , plants and animals are important to us. be important to sb. 众所周知 Key points We share the same world with them. share … with … 与 …… 分享 …… Eg : They are sharing a piece of long bread. They often share beautiful music with each other. Which do you like better , plants or animals? like … better 更喜欢 …… I like apples better. I like cats best. like … best 最喜欢 …… I like bananas best. Work in pairs and make up conversations about animals or plants you like. The expressions in 1a may help you. Pair work 4a Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the difference between / r / and / l / . /r/ - /l/ : poo r — pu ll doo r — do ll o r — a ll he r e — hi ll 录音 4a-P84 4b Read the conversations and pay attention to the pause in each sentence. Then read after the tape and imitate. A: Which kind of animal do you like better, / frogs or snakes? B: I like frogs better / because they are more useful. 2.A: What about you, / Maria? B: I like birds./ They are beautiful, / and they can sing to us. 录音 4b-P84 3. A: Do you like the countryside? B: Yes, / I like it very much / because / the air is fresher, the sky is bluer/ and the rivers are clearer there. You often pause when you see a comma or finish a sense group. Discuss the following questions about animals and plants in groups, then report the results to the class. Task 1. Do you know the importance of plants and animals to us? 2. What should we do to protect plants and animals? Talk about plants and animals in nature. 2. Useful expressions: like better like best share … with …; give … joy feed on; be important to summary How many kinds of animals do you know? Write them down and draw a picture to show their relations. Homework Thank you ! They are cuter than the other animals. 他们比其他动物更可爱。 =They are cuter than any other animal. =They are the cutest animals. Key points 他比班上其他同学更高。 He is taller than the other students in our class. =He is taller than any other student in our class. =He is the tallest in our class. 蛇是世界上最危险 · 的动物。 Snake is the most dangerous animal in the world. Snake is more dangerous than the other animals in the world. =Snake is more dangerous than any other animal in the world.

