牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Grammar)随堂练习

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牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Grammar)随堂练习

Wild animals 一、词汇和短语。 1.关闭的____________ 2.bat___________ 3.bee____________ 4.迷路的____________ 5.节省____________ 6.与…一样____________ 7.迷路____________ 二、句型及交际用语。 1.小男孩正在哭,因为他看见了老虎。 The little boy ____________ ____________ because he _________ the tiger. 2.那匹马正站立着,闭着眼睛。 The horse is standing ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________. 3.它们忘记了去哪里找食物。 They forget ____________ ____________ ____________ the food. 三、用动词的适当形式填空。 1.I’d like ____________(make) a homepage. 2.All of us hoped ____________(see) the sunset. 3.They agreed ____________(have) a Chinese lesson every week. 4.He decided____________(leave) this city yesterday. 5.I hope ___________(not meet) the man again. 6. When the teacher comes, please stop____________(talk) and ________(read) English. 7.Mum wants me ____________(get) up early in the morning. 8.He invited me __________(go) to his birthday party. 四、用适当的介词填空。 1.Her son went to school ___________ the first time yesterday. 2.They can decide to fly _________ a correct way. 3.This might cause problems ____________ them. 4.The zebra stands ____________ eyes closed. 5.The elephant goes ____________ the water. 6.They are playing ____________ each other. 7.Tigers might be dangerous ____________ humans. 五、单项选择。 1.Colours can change our moods and make us ______ happy and sad. A feel B feeling C felt D feels 2.How do you know that she likes singing? I often hear her _______ after school. A sing B sang C singing D sings 3.Don’t forget _______ your history and politics books tomorrow morning. A bring B to bring C bringing D brought 4.Remember _______ the book to the library when you finish _______ it. A to return to read B returning reading C to return reading D returning to read 5.They can decide to fly in the correct way _______ the help of their mouth and ears. A on B in C with D at 六、根据提示翻译句子。 1.你知道蜜蜂和蝙蝠有相似的本领吗?(the same …as) __________________________________________ 2.有时候她会忘记关窗户。(forget close) __________________________________________ 3.上学期他没有通过英语考试。(fail pass) __________________________________________ 4.它们的数量正变得越来越少。(get small) __________________________________________

