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外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-词汇与句型  ‎ 七年级英语(下)Module 4重点词汇及句型 ‎   ‎ ‎      1在未来    in the future     2、在家里学习 study at home ‎      3、使用计算器       use a  calculator ‎      4、用粉笔写在黑板上   write on the blackboard with chalk ‎      5、在电脑上和老师交谈  talk to the teacher on the computer ‎      6、在学校      in school                  7、发送        send to ‎      8、在北极      at the North  Pole           9、用因特网   on the Internet ‎      10、有许多空余时间 have lots of free time ‎      11、一星期三天     three days  a week ‎      12、做有趣的事情   do interesting jobs    13、做乏味的工作  do the dull jobs ‎      14、汹涌的大海     rough  sea          15、坏的天气      bad  weather ‎      16、大雨        heavy  rain            17、大风       strong  winds ‎      18、上课        have lessons            19、有长假日     have long holidays ‎      20、昂贵的燃料   expensive   fuel       ‎ ‎      21、看书         read books/read a book ‎      22、做许多事情   do  many  things ‎      23、在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天 in spring /summer/autumn/winter ‎      24、打扫房子      clean  the house ‎      25我的梦想学校    my dream school ‎      26、通过电子邮件     by email ‎      ‎ ‎      二、重点句型:‎ ‎        1.---Will they send their homework ti the  teachers by email?‎ ‎         ---Yes, they will/ No, they won’t.‎ ‎       2. ---Will there be schools in the future?‎ ‎         ---No, there won’t./ Yes, there will.‎ ‎      3. Everyone uses a pen , No one uses a calculator.‎ ‎      4. I think that everyone will study at home and will use computers.‎ ‎      5. The teacher won’t write on the blackboard with chalk.‎ ‎      6. No one will use paper, pencils and pens.‎ ‎      7. Planes will be very large so flying will be very cheap.‎ ‎      8. We’ll use the sun  to heat our homes.‎ ‎      9. People will work three days a week.‎ ‎      10. They’ll have long holidays and lots of free time.‎ ‎      11. It will get warm at the North Pole so the seas will be very rough.‎ ‎      12. But  there will be bad weather in spring and autumn.‎ ‎      三、句型。‎ ‎      1. send sth. To sb.‎ ‎      2. use sth to do sth.‎ ‎      3.There will be +名词/+形容词。‎ ‎      4. There is going to be +名词/+形容词 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-Dear一词归纳  ‎ Dear一词在九年制义务教材初中英语第一、二册中频繁出现,其主要用法可归纳为以下几点:  Ⅰ、作形容词用。意思是“可爱的、亲爱的、贵的(指东西)”。  1、作定语  A、用于片语或句中,a dear shop售价昂贵的商店,a dear friend亲爱的朋友,What a dear little boy!多可爱的小男孩!  B、在信函或话语开头,用于称呼前表示客套(通常大写)。如:Dear friend亲爱的朋友,Dear sir尊敬的先生,Dear Mr.Green格林先生阁下。  2、作表语  A、to be dear“贵的”(指东西、商品)  This kite is ten yuan.That's much too dear!这个风筝10元钱,太贵了。  The sweater is much too dear.Show me the cheap one,please.  这件毛衣太贵了,请把那件便宜的拿给我看看。  B、to be dear to受……所爱的  She is dear to her children.她的孩子们很爱她。  Ⅱ、作为感叹词,表示“惊愕、奇怪、惊奇”。  Oh,dear!I've lost my pen.哎呀!我的笔丢了。  Dear!Dear!I'm sorry to hear that.哎呀呀,听了真叫人难受。  Ⅲ、作名词用。意为“可爱的人、亲爱的人”。  Did you have a good time at work,dear?亲爱的,你今天上班愉快吗?  Come here,my dear.到这儿来,亲爱的。‎ ‎ ‎ 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-语法  ‎ 一般现在时(Simple Present Tense)一般现在时也译为单纯现在时。‎ ‎ ‎ 例A:I study very hard and Tom studies very hard, too.‎ ‎(我很用功,汤姆也很用功。)‎ 例B:The teacher is not in the classroom and the students are very noisy.‎ ‎(老师不在教室,学生都很吵闹。)‎ 解说 如例所示主语为第三人称单数时,一般现在时的动词必须使用第三人称单数形式,其他则除“be”以外都使用原形动词(Root Verb)。‎ 一般现在时的用法如下:‎ ‎ ‎ 解说 文法上一般现在时所指的“现在(at the time of speaking)”其实其观念并非是绝对的。这里所指的现在是在表明说话时存在着的事物,其时间领域含盖着过去,也将延伸及将来。例如:‎ It is very hot today.‎ ‎(今天天气很热。──如说话时间是在中午,本句话是在表明说话时“天气很热”,实际上“天气热”的现象在中午之前就已开始存在,同时也将延伸到下午。)‎ Dogs bark at strangers.‎ ‎(狗看到陌生人就会吠。──这句话是在谈狗的习性,说话时不一定有狗正在吠,而狗的这种习性可以追溯及远古,当然也将延伸到将来。)‎ 因此,一般现在时所指的“现在”可以图示如下:‎ 一般现在时常可作用如“today,this + time (this week, this year, …),now,right now,at present,etc.”时间副词来修饰。‎ Drilling Square Ⅰ.请把下列各题的主语改为第三人称单数,并作其他必要的表达变化。‎ ‎1.I teach English in a junior high school.‎ ‎2.I study English every day.‎ ‎3.I pass by the post office every morning.‎ ‎4.I read and write both English and Chinese every day.‎ ‎5.I have two sisters and one brother.‎ ‎6.I go to school and come home on a bicycle every day.‎ ‎7.I wash my hands before I eat something.‎ ‎8.I don't know her very well.‎ ‎9.I always try my best when I am told to do something.‎ ‎10.On weekdays I always get up at 6:00 . Then I do my bed, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get everything ready in half an hour. At 6:30 I have my breakfast with my parents and sisters and leave for school at 6:50.‎ Ⅱ.请把下列动词选填到各题空格处。(可以重复选用)‎ ‎(be, begin, belong, cook, cry, do, feel, go, have, help, keep , make, mean, rain, understand )‎ ‎1.My father (1)______ to work by bus every morning .‎ ‎2.(2)______ you (3)______ what (4)______?‎ ‎3.The summer vacation usually (5) ______ on July 1 in most schools.‎ ‎4.We often (6)______ swimming in summer.‎ ‎5.A baby (7)______ when it (8)______ hungry.‎ ‎6.Everyone (9)______ happy and (10) ______ a good time during the Chinese New Year.‎ ‎7.In autumn it (11)______ not (12)______ very often in this part of the country.‎ ‎8.The two little cats (13)______ to my aunt, She (14)______ them as her pets.‎ ‎9.In my family, my mother always (15)______ the meals and my father (16)______ the dishes. But when they (17)______ very busy, I often (18)______ them in the kitchen.‎ ‎10.My bicycle often (19)______ some strange noises, I wonder if something (20)______ wrong with it.‎ 一般将来时也译为单纯将来时。‎ ‎ ‎ 例A:I shall not come if it rains tomorrow.‎ ‎(如明天下雨我就不来。)‎ 例B:My brother will leave for the United States next week.‎ ‎(我的哥哥下星期要到美国去。)‎ ‎ ‎ 解说 从句式我们可以了解一般将来时的表达须借助于助动词“shall/will”。关于“shall/will”的用法,传统文法谈得很多,同时各文法学家的理论也不很一致。更重要的是英国人和美国人对“shall/will”的用法规则并不很一致,也不很严谨,所以本书拟只提供下面的五个规则,相信各位只要把下面这五个规则学通了,你的“shall/will”的用法就可以中规中矩了。‎ ‎①说或写都尽量使用“I'll, You'll, He'll , She'll , It'll, We'll , They'll …”的简缩形(如用法例2、3)。‎ ‎②要表达主语的“意志”,通常都用“will”(文法上称为意志将来。)‎ 例A:I won't see him again.‎ ‎(我不愿意再和他见面。)‎ 例B:Who will go and help that poor old man?‎ ‎(谁愿意去帮助那个可怜的老人?)‎ Mary will . (玛莉愿意。)‎ ‎③说话者要把自己的“意志”表达或行使出去,通常用“shall”。‎ 例A:You shall not do that again.‎ ‎(你不可以再做那样的事。)‎ 例B:He shall return that book tomorrow.‎ ‎(明天他必须把那本书归还。)‎ ‎④第一人称问句使用“shall”。‎ 例A:Shall I call you a taxi ?‎ ‎(需要我替你叫一辆出租车吗?)‎ 例B:Shall we tell her the truth ?‎ ‎(我们可以把实情告诉她吗?)‎ ‎⑤问句是“Shall…?”,答句就用“shall ~”;问句用“Will …?”,答句就用“will ~ ”。‎ 例A:Shall you go to school tomorrow ?‎ ‎(你明天须要上学去吗?)‎ Yes, I shall . We'll have an exam .‎ ‎(是的,我必须去。我们明天有考试。)‎ 例B:Will you go to school with me tomorrow?‎ ‎(明天你要不要和我一道去学校?)‎ No, I won't . I'm going on a picnic.‎ ‎(我不要。我已定好要去郊游。)‎ 注:Let's …”的附加疑问通常使用“…, shall we ?”。‎ Let's have a rest, shall we?‎ ‎(我们休息一下,怎样?)‎ 一般将来时除了使用“shall/will + V…”以外,也可以使用下列的几种句式来表达。‎ ‎1.be going to + V … (即将会……;打算将……)‎ 例A:It is going to rain. Take an umbrella with you.‎ ‎(带一把伞去。看样子就要下雨了。)‎ 例B:The Browns are going to move to Australia.‎ ‎(布朗先生全家打算迁移到澳大利亚去。)‎ ‎2.be about to + V (即将……,指紧接着要发生的动作。)‎ 例:Let's wait a minute. He is about to arrive.‎ ‎(我们等一下。他即将会到达。)‎ ‎3.be + V-ing …(定于……,指接近的将来动作。)‎ 例:He is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.‎ ‎(他定于明天早晨到香港去。)‎ ‎4.be + to V (定于……,指预定的将来动作。)‎ 例:She is to be here at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.‎ ‎(她定于明晨九时到达这里。)‎ ‎5.V-(e)s (定于……,指接近的将来动作,但不如第3项主观。)‎ 例:He leaves for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.‎ ‎(他定于明天早晨到香港去。——与(3)项的区别在于(3)项的动作是出自主语的决定,(5)项则不一定是出自主语的决定。)‎ 常用于修饰一般将来时的时间副词有:tomorrow, tomorrow morning (afternoon, evening), next + 时间 (next night, next Monday …, next week, month…, next summer…, next year), in (the) future (将来),soon (不久之后),in +时间 (in five days——再过五天,in two weeks——再过二星期),etc.‎ Drilling Square Ⅰ.请在下列各题空格处填入shall或will。‎ ‎1.You ______ not drive through a red light.‎ ‎2.I ______ do everything for her.‎ ‎3.______ you help me with this heavy bag, John?‎ ‎4.______ I help you with that heavy bag, Madam?‎ ‎5.Let's go and take a walk after dinner, ______ we?‎ ‎6."No one ______ leave the classroom if I haven't said Okay," said the teacher.‎ ‎7.It ______ soon be over, I am sure.‎ ‎8.Do what you ______ , but don't go out.‎ ‎9.I ______ take you there with me, if it's OK with your mother.‎ ‎10.Rain or shine, I ______ come.‎ Ⅱ.请在下列各题空格处就所设动词给予适当的将来时。‎ ‎1.A:How do you want to go to Hualain, by air or by train?‎ B:I am not in a hurry this time, so I (1) take the train.‎ ‎2.A:(2) (you like) to go to the game this afternoon?‎ B:I'd love to. Where (3) (we meet) ?‎ A:You just stay home and wait for me. I (4) drive my car there, so I (5) (pick) you up at about 1:30 .‎ ‎3.A:It's a good dictionary . I (6) (buy) it, but I don't have money with me now.‎ B:Don't worry. I (7) (lend) you.‎ ‎4.A:I hear Miss Chen (8) leave our school and teach in a bigger school in Taipei.‎ B:But the principal (校长) (9) not let her go . He says she (10) teach at least for another semester until he finds a new teacher.‎ ‎ ‎ 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-语法练习 一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时专项练习。‎ 一、选择填空 ‎1. The man is badly hurt and he     on the road sadly.‎ ‎  A. is lying                 B. are lying            C. lieing ‎2.     Wei Hua    visit the Great Wall during this summer holiday?‎ ‎  A.Do, going to              B. Is, going to          C. Will, going to ‎3. ---Where are you going ?      ---I  ___  the shops for some fruit.‎ A. am going to               B. go to               C. shall going to go to ‎4. My mother says that she     buy me a schoolbag better than this one.‎ ‎ A. is                       B. shall                C. will ‎ ‎5. What’s the matter, Li Lei?   I  ___  for my pen.‎ ‎  A. am look                B. am looking            C.look ‎6. Which oranges    they     to buy?‎ ‎ A. are, going               B. will, going           C.do, going ‎7. The students in Class One    carefully to their English teacher.‎ ‎  A. is listening             B. is looking            C. are listening ‎8. Mr Green usually      newspapers after supper every day.‎ A. read        B. reading       C. reads      D. looks ‎9. The students in my class     harder than before (比以前)this term.‎ ‎  A. is going to study         B. will going to study     C. will study ‎ ‎10. Look! LiPing and Li Ying ________ basketball now.‎ A. play        B. played       C. will play      D. are playing ‎11. I         music at 6:00 every morning.‎ ‎  A. listen to     B. listening to   C. am listening to  D. hear ‎12.------ Can I        TV?   ------Sure.‎ ‎  A. watching    B. watch        C. see           D. look ‎13.  Here       the money.     A. are    B. is    C. am     D. be ‎14. There _______ a table and two chairs in Jenny’s room.‎ ‎  A. am         B. is           C. are            D. have ‎15. My English teacher     about thirty years old, but he     younger than he really is.‎ ‎  A. is, look         B . am, look      C. is, looks ‎16. Jim     very hard, but he      still a little weak in Chinese.‎ ‎  A. studies, is       B. study, is       C. doesn’t study, is ‎17. We all know that the sun    round the earth.‎ ‎  A. goes           B. don’t go      C. doesn’t go   D. go ‎18. Who     the kite best of all in your class, Jim. Lucy or Lily?‎ ‎  A .flies           B. fly            C .are flying ‎19.     Lucy and Lily    to speak Chinese with Miss Gao.‎ ‎  A. Is, try         B. Is trying        C. Are, trying ‎20. What    you    with your classmates this Sunday afternoon?‎ ‎  A. are, do         B.do, do         C. will do ‎21.     she     home at six o’clock every mornig?‎ ‎  A. Do, comes      B. Does. come    C. Do, come    D. Is, come ‎22. There     twelve months in a year and January     first.‎ ‎  A. is, comes       B. are, come      C. are, comes   D. have, comes ‎23. There    an English party in our class this evening.‎ ‎  A. will have       B. are going to have   C. is going to be ‎24. Listen! The children    in the open air.‎ ‎  A. singing        B. is singing          C. are singing  D. sing ‎25. ------ What ______ that in the box?    ------A shirt.‎ ‎  A. am           B. is                 C. are        D. be ‎26.      the Great Wall one of the places of great interests in China?                                  A.Was         B. Do                C. Is ‎27. My father     TV with my mother now.‎ ‎  A. watch        B. watching           C. is watching   D. watches ‎28. The students    back in two hours.‎ ‎  A. come        B. is coming           C. will coming  D. will ‎29.      you usually      to school with your classmates?‎ A. Do, comes    B. does, come         C. Do, come    D. Are, come ‎30. It’s six o’clock in the evening, My family     supper at the table.‎ ‎  A. eat               B. is eating      C. are eating      D. eating ‎31. My mother      like watching TV, so she     to bed very early every evening.‎ A, doesn’t ,go        B.don’t,  go     C. doesn’t , goes   D. don’t , goes ‎32. When    they    leave for Beijing?‎ ‎  A. will, going       . B. will, /         C. do, going to   D. are, going ‎33. Let’s go into the classroom. The bell     .‎ ‎  A. ringing           B. is ringing      C. is ring       D. ring ‎34. Look! The dog     itself outside the door.  A. is washing   B. wash   C. washes ‎35. Can I______ this book?      A. have      B. has        C. having ‎36. She         like summer.   A. doesn't    B. don't       C. isn't.‎ 二、用动词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎ 1、Tom             (swim) in the river now.‎ ‎ 2、Daniel and Tommy_________ (be) in Class One.‎ ‎ 3、She usually          (do) her homework in the evening.‎ ‎ 4、It’s eight o’clock now.  The boys            (watch) TV.‎ ‎5、What does your father ______ (do)?  He’s a worker.‎ ‎6、Tom and Tony can’t         (swim).‎ ‎7. Look!  Jim and Tom              (run) there.‎ ‎8. He often ____________(have) dinner at home.‎ ‎9. We _____________(not watch) TV on Mondays.‎ ‎10. Nick ___________( go) to the zoo this Sunday.‎ ‎11. ________they (like) the World Cup?‎ ‎12. What______ they often ________(do) on Saturdays?‎ ‎13.  _________your parents________ (read) newspapers every day?‎ ‎14. The girl __________(teach) us English on Sundays.‎ ‎15. She __________(not do) homework every day.‎ ‎16. There _____________(be) an English test next Monday.‎ ‎17. Mike _____________(cook) in the kitchen now.‎ ‎18. She___________ (visit) the Great Wall this summer holiday.‎ ‎19. Liu Tao __________(do) not like PE.‎ ‎20. Don’t talk.  The baby ______________(sleep).‎ 三、按照要求改写句子 ‎1.      Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)‎ ‎________________________________________________.‎ ‎2.      I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)‎ ‎______________________________?   __________________.‎ ‎3.      Amy likes playing computer games.( 对划线部分提问)‎ ‎_____________________________________?‎ ‎4.      We walk to school every morning.(改为同义句))‎ ‎__________________________________.‎ ‎5.      She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)‎ ‎_____________________________________?  ________________.‎ 四、完成句子 ‎1.      我哥哥准备明年学英语。My brother__________________________ next year.‎ ‎2.      今天下午我打算去看足球赛。 I________________the football match this afternoon.‎ ‎3.      他总是帮助别人。 He_______________others.‎ ‎4.      这些日子他们一直在种树。They_______________ trees these days.‎ ‎5.  看!天要快要下雨啦。Look! It________________ rain soon.‎ ‎6.      海伦每周日去上钢琴课。Helen _______________________every Sunday.‎ ‎7.  我6点钟要到火车站接汤姆I___________________Tom at the station at six.  ‎ ‎8.. 你在给你父亲写信吗?_____  you_____________ your father at the moment?‎ ‎9. 听!她在隔壁唱歌呢。  Listen! She _______________ in the next room.‎ ‎10. 她学习很努力。此刻她在复习考试。‎ She _________ very hard.  At this moment she  ________________ a test.‎ 五、改错 。划出错误点,并在括号内改正。‎ ‎(      )1. Is your brother speak English?‎ ‎(      )2. Does he likes going fishing?‎ ‎(      )3. He likes play games after class.‎ ‎(      )4. Mr. Wu teachs us English.‎ ‎(      )5. She don’t do her homework on Sundays.‎ 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-语法练习2 ‎ 一般将来时专项练习 一、单项选择。‎ ‎(   ) 1.  There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.‎ ‎         A. will be going to               B. will going to be ‎         C. is going to be                 D. will go to be ‎(   ) 2.  Charlie ________ here next month.‎ ‎         A. isn’t working                 B. doesn’t working ‎         C. isn’t going to working        D. won’t work ‎(   ) 3.  He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.‎ ‎         A. will be; is                    B. is; is ‎         C. will be; will be               D. is; will be ‎(   ) 4.  There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.‎ ‎         A. was                            B. is going to have ‎         C. will have                      D. is going to be ‎(   ) 5.  –________ you ________ free tomorrow?‎ ‎        – No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.‎ ‎         A. Are; going to; will            B. Are; going to be; will ‎         C. Are; going to; will be         D. Are; going to be; will be ‎(   ) 6.  Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.‎ ‎         A. will gives                     B. will give ‎         C. gives                          D. give ‎(   ) 7.  – Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?‎ ‎        –________. (不,不要。)‎ ‎         A. No, you won’t.                B. No, you aren’t.‎ ‎         C. No, please don’t.             D. No, please.‎ ‎(   ) 8.  – Where is the morning paper?‎ ‎        – I ________ if for you at once.‎ ‎         A. get                            B. am getting ‎         C. to get                         D. will get ‎(   ) 9.  ________ a concert next Saturday?‎ ‎         A. There will be                  B. Will there be ‎         C. There can be                   D. There are ‎(   ) 10. If they come, we ________ a meeting.‎ ‎         A. have                           B. will have ‎         C. had                            D. would have ‎(   ) 11. He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.‎ ‎         A. gives                          B. gave ‎         C. will giving                    D. is going to giving ‎(   ) 12. He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.‎ ‎         A. writes                         B. has written ‎         C. will write                     D. wrote ‎(   ) 13. He ________ in three days.‎ ‎         A. coming back                     B. came back ‎         C. will come back                  D. is going to coming back ‎(   ) 14. If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.‎ ‎         A. isn’t rain                     B. won’t rain ‎         C. doesn’t rain                   D. doesn’t fine ‎(   ) 15. – Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow?‎ ‎        – No, ________ (不去).‎ ‎          A. they willn’t.                  B. they won’t.‎ ‎          C. they aren’t.                   D. they don’t.‎ ‎(   ) 16. Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon?‎ ‎          A. will; go                        B. do; go ‎          C. will; going                     D. shall; go ‎(   ) 17. We ________ the work this way next time.‎ ‎          A. do                              B. will do ‎          C. going to do                     D. will doing ‎(   ) 18. Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.‎ ‎          A. will fly; will go               B. will fly; goes ‎          C. is going to fly; will goes      D. flies; will go ‎(   ) 19. The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.‎ ‎          A. will watching                   B. watches ‎          C. is watching                     D. is going to watch ‎(   ) 20. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.‎ ‎          A. shall be                        B. will be ‎          C. shall going to be               D. will going to be ‎(   ) 21. They ________ an English evening next Sunday.‎ ‎          A. are having                      B. are going to have ‎          C. will having                     D. is going to have ‎(   ) 22. ________ you ________ free next Sunday?‎ ‎          A. Will; are                       B. Will; be ‎          C. Do; be                          D. Are; be ‎(   ) 23. He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.‎ ‎          A. will                            B. is ‎          C. will be                         D. be ‎(   ) 24. ________ your brother ________ a magazine from the library?‎ ‎          A. Are; going to borrow            B. Is; going to borrow ‎          C. Will; borrows                   D. Are; going to borrows ‎(   ) 25. – Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon?‎ ‎        –________ (好的).‎ ‎          A. Yes, please                     B. Yes, you will.‎ ‎          C. No, please.                     D. No, you won’t.‎ ‎(   ) 26. It ________ the year of the horse next year.‎ ‎          A. is going to be                  B. is going to ‎          C. will be                         D. will is ‎(   ) 27. ________ open the window?‎ ‎          A. Will you please                 B. Please will you ‎          C. You please                      D. Do you ‎(   ) 28. – Let’s go out to play football, shall we?‎ ‎        – OK. I ________.‎ ‎           A. will coming                    B. be going to come ‎           C. come                           D. am coming ‎(   ) 29. It ________ us a long time to learn English well.‎ A. takes                          B. will take ‎           C. spends                         D. will spend ‎(   ) 30. The train ________ at 11.‎ ‎           A. going to arrive                B. will be arrive ‎           C. is going to                    D. is arriving 二、动词填空。‎ ‎1. I ______(leave)in a minute. I ______(finish)all my work before I ______ (leave).‎ ‎2. —How long _____ you _____(study)in our country?‎ ‎ —I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year.‎ ‎ —I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.‎ ‎ —What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here?‎ ‎ —I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.‎ ‎3. I ______(be)tired. I ______(go)to bed early tonight.‎ ‎4. Mary’s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.‎ ‎5. It is very cold these days. It ______(snow)soon.‎ ‎6. —_____ you _____(be)here this Saturday?‎ ‎ —No. I ______(visit)my teacher.‎ ‎7. —______ I ______(get)you a copy of today’s newspaper?‎ ‎ —Thank you.‎ ‎8. I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon. I can’t join you.‎ ‎9. Mike ______(believe, not)this until he ______(see)it with his own eyes.‎ ‎10. Most of us don’t think their team ______(win).‎ 三、句型转换。‎ ‎1. People in the north often go skating in winter. (next winter)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. There are two cinemas in that town. (next year)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3. He comes back late.(in two days)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4. She is a conductor of a train.(soon)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5. Li Ming is ten years old.(next year)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6. I sometimes write to my mother in the evening.(tonight)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎7. He went there by plane.(some day next year)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎8. China is a modern and strong country.(in twenty years)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎9. Do you study hard?(from now on)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎10. She didn’t speak English at the meeting.(before long)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考答案:‎ 一、单项选择。‎ ‎1. C    2. D     3. D     4.D     5. D     6. B     7. C     8. D    ‎ ‎9. B    10. B    11. D    12. C    13. C    14. C    15. B    16. D   ‎ ‎17. B   18. A    19. D    20. B    21. B    22. B    23. C    24. B   ‎ ‎25. A   26. A    27. A     28. D   29. B    30. D 二、动词填空。‎ ‎1. am leaving ; will finish ; leave    ‎ ‎2. will ; study ; plan ; hope ; will ; do ; leave ; will return ; get ‎3. am ; will          4. will give             5. will snow ‎6. Will , be ; will visit                      7. Shall ; get ‎8. will be          9. won’t believe ; sees    10. will win 三、句型转换。‎ ‎1. People in the north will go skating next winter.‎ ‎2. There will be two cinemas in that town next year.‎ ‎3. He will come back late in two days.‎ ‎4. She will be a conductor of a train soon.‎ ‎5. Li Ming will be ten years old next year.‎ ‎6. I will write to my mother tonight.‎ ‎7. He will go there by plane some day next year.‎ ‎8. China will be a modern and strong country in twenty years.‎ ‎9. Will you study hard from now on?‎ ‎10. She won’t speak English at the meeting before long.‎ 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-单元练习 Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.‎ 一、            用线条连接出正确的搭配。‎ A                         B.‎ Use                  the teacher Write                 computer games Make                 computers Play                  travel plans Talke to               with chalk Revise for             emails and photos Stay                  a picnic Listen to              in bed Send                 English test Have                 music 二、            选择填空。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.      What are you going to do _______ the future?‎ A. for    B. in    C. by   D. to ‎2. I would like to send you the new English song ______ email.‎ A. on    B. with    C. by     D. from ‎3. We all like to talk to our teachers ________ our computers.‎ A. in     B. by     C. with    D. on ‎4. Do you _______ travel plans on the Internet?‎ A. make     B. take     C. get    D. send ‎5. ---Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?‎ ‎  ---_________.‎ A. Yes, I’d like    B. Yes, I’d like to    C. Yes, I would    D. Yes, I like ‎6. What about -______ computer games with me after school?‎ A. play    B. to play    C. playing   D. plays ‎7. My parents often -_____ me to the zoo on holidays.‎ A. bring    B. get     C. carry     D. take ‎8. The children are going to have a picnic on the beach _______.‎ A. next Sunday morning     B. in next Sunday morning C. on next Sunday morning   D.at next Sunday morning ‎9. What _______ interesting work it is!‎ A. a    B. an    C. /    D. in ‎10. ---My clothes are out of type.‎ ‎   --- ________ you buy some new clothes.‎ A. How about     B. Why not    C. Why don’t    D. What about 三、仿照例句写句子。‎ 例句: They will study at home.‎ ‎       Will they study at home?‎ ‎       Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.‎ ‎1.      Students will use computers in the classroom?‎ ‎2.      I will write my homework on the computer.‎ ‎3.      I will visit my website at the weekend.‎ ‎4.      There will be computers on the desks.‎ ‎5.      She will write novels on her computer.‎ 四、求改写句子。‎ ‎1.      They are looking forward to going to Disneyland. (对画线部分提问)‎ ‎_______  _______ you _______ forward to?‎ ‎2.      Betty is going to take the plane to American because she has got a holiday. (对画线部分提问)‎ ‎______  _______ Betty going to ______ the plane to America?‎ ‎3.      There will be some interesting films on satellite TV. (改成否定句)‎ There ______  ______  ________ interesting films on satellite TV.‎ ‎4.      Computers will make our lives more comfortable. (改成一般问句)‎ ‎_______ computers _______ our lives more comfortable?‎ ‎5.      He stays in a hotel in a foreign city. (对画线部分提问)‎ ‎_______  _______ he ________ in a foreign city?‎ 五、补全对话。‎ A: Yanyan, do you know your uncle is _______ back from America tomorrow?‎ B: Really? Will he come to ________ home?‎ A: Certainly, he will come here tomorrow afternoon.‎ B: Will he have supper ________ us?‎ A: I think _______.‎ B: _______ shall we give him to eat?‎ A: I’ve no ________.‎ B: What _________ fried chicken? It’s my ________.‎ A: I _______ think he would like fried chicken. I think he often eats chicken in America.‎ B: Let’s give him some real Chinese food, too.‎ A: ________ idea. By the ________ , you must ________ me do the cooking.‎ B: OK. Is there ________ I can do now?‎ A: Let me see. You can go to the shop and __________ some meat.‎ B: OK. I’ll be back _________ half an hour.‎ 六、阅读理解。‎ Betty is a nice girl. She studies Chinese in Beijng. She lives with her parents—two American doctors. She has a small laptop at home. She uses computer every day, usually after supper. She uses her laptop for her lessons. She also gets information for her lessons on the Internet. When she has some questions to ask, she uses computer to talk to her teachers for help. She also uses ‎ computer to send emails and photos to all her American friends. She likes playing computer games, but not very often.‎ Tomorrow is Saturday. She is going to get up early and then she is going to meet Tony and Daming, her classmates, in the park . They are going to have a picnic there.‎ ‎1.      Betty, a nice girl comes from _______.‎ A. Australian     B. Africa    C. America    D. ‎Europe ‎2. Why does Betty come to Beijing to study Chinese?‎ A. Because she likes Beijing.     B. Because her parents are doctors.‎ C. Because she wants to study Chinese.    D. Because her parents work in Beijing.‎ ‎3. What does she send to her American friends?‎ A. She sends emails and photos to her American friends.‎ B. She sends her homework to her American friends.‎ C. She sends questions to her American friends.‎ D. She sends information to her American friends.‎ ‎4. Where are they going to have a picnic?‎ A. At home.    B. In the park.    C. At Tony’s home.   D. Outside the park.‎ ‎       5. Tony, Daming and Betty are _________.‎ ‎       A. good friends    B. in different classes   C. boys and girls   D. in the same class ‎ ‎ 答案:‎ 一、省略 二、BDDAB  CDACC 三、省略 四、1. What are , looking  2. Why is , take   3. won’t be any   4. Will , make ‎ ‎5. Where does, stay  ‎ ‎   五、1. coming  2. our  3. with  4. so  5. What  6. idea  7. about  8. favourite ‎       9. don’t  10. Good  11. way  12. help  13. anything  14. buy  15. in ‎   六、CDABD Unit 2 Everyone will have a small car.‎ 一、            按要求写出下列单词 ‎1.new (反义词) __________  2. will not (缩写) ___________‎ ‎3.heavy (比较极) __________  4. expensive (反义词) ___________‎ ‎5. family (复数) ___________   6. week (同音词) ___________‎ ‎7. good (最高极) __________  8. difficult (同义词) ___________‎ 二、根据释义写出英文单词 ‎1. ________ examination ‎2. ________ a person who cooks ‎3. ________ not in or at a place ‎4. ________ ride a bicycle ‎5. ________ not long ‎6. ________ time of the year after the winter ‎7. ________ not interesting ‎8. ________ not busy ‎9. ________ activity which uses effort ‎10. ________ hard to do or understand 三、用所给词的反义词完成句子 ‎1. I think this new English story book is very _________ ( dull ).‎ ‎2. Tomorrow I will be _________ ( free ) . I have lots of work to do.‎ ‎3. In the future, no one will do _________ ( light ) work in factories, offices and farms.‎ ‎4. Daming enjoys swimming in ________ (hot) water in winter.‎ ‎5. In America, more and more people are going to work by bike, not by car, because fuel will _________ (cheap).‎ ‎6. In the future all people will have _________ (short) holidays.‎ ‎7. I think that job is very __________ (difficulty) for me to do.‎ ‎8. Don’t _________ (close) the windows. There is strong wind outside.‎ ‎9. Coke, ice cream and hamburgers are my favourite good but they are not ______ ( unhealthy) food.‎ ‎10. Flying in _________ ( small ) planes will be cheap.‎ 四、完成下列句子 ‎1. 我有许多时间去周游世界。‎ I have _______  ________ time to ________  ________ the world.‎ ‎2. 在将来,人们将一周工作三天。‎ People will work _______  ______  ________  ________ in the futre.‎ ‎3.我们将有很长的假期和许多空闲时间。‎ We’ll have _______  ________ and lots of _______  ________.‎ ‎4. 我不打算买新车了,因为石油太昂贵。‎ I am not going to buy a new car ________ fuel is _______  ________.‎ ‎5. 我不想外出了,因为明天天气不好。‎ I am not going _______ because there will be _______  ________ tomorrow.‎ 五、补全对话。‎ A: What’s the _______  ________ today in Beijing?‎ B: It’s snowing, but it is not very cold. The radio says it _______  _______ tomorrow.‎ A: What’s the temperature today?‎ B: It’s 4 to 3.‎ A: Does it often ________ in winter here?‎ B: Not very often, but there is much strong _______.‎ A: What _______ spring here?‎ B: It’s quite warm, but it also blows strongly.‎ A: Which season do you ________ better, spring or winter?‎ B: I like _______ . Because I like snow and I can skate.‎ A: But I like spring. Because it’s warm. The trees become _______ and flowers come out.‎ 六、阅读理解 ‎   When George’s car stopped at the traffic lights he couldn’t start it again. The cars behind him bagan to sound their horns, and the drivers began to shout. George got out of his car and pushed his car to the side of the road.‎ ‎   A young man and his girlfriend were standing nearby, “ Excuse me,” said George, “ do you know anything about cars?”‎ ‎   Before the girl could say anything, her boyfriend said, “ Leave it me,” “ Then he opened the bonnet at the front of the car, “ Oh, dear, it looks very bad. “ He shook his head and whistled.”‎ ‎   George was a little surprised, saying , “ In fact, … er…. The engine is at the back.”‎ ‎   “Oh,” said the young man. “it’s a foreign car. Then I can’t help you.”‎ ‎   “Can I have a look now?”  asked the girl politely.‎ ‎   She took the cover off the engine at the back of the car, asked George for his kit, and worked for five minutes, The car started at once.‎ ‎   “Thank you>” said George. “ Can I give you a lift anywhere?”‎ ‎   “ Yes, “ said the girl. “ To the library, I’m going to get him a book about cars.”‎ ‎1.      George’s car broke down ________.‎ A. in front of the traffic lights      B. at a bus stop C. by the side of the road          D. on his way to the library ‎2. It was clear that the young man _______.‎ A. knew how to repair the foreign cars.‎ B. thought the car couldn’t be repaired.‎ C. wanted to show off before his girlfriend.‎ D. wanted to learn how to repair cars.‎ ‎3. George was surprised because _______.‎ A. the young man said,” It looks very bad.”‎ B. the young man instead of the girl offered to help.‎ C. the young man opened the wrong part of the car.‎ D. the young man shook his head and whistled.‎ ‎4. The girl _______.‎ A. was angry with his driver     B. was proud of her boyfriend C. knew something about cars    D. hated her boyfriend ‎5. The underlined word bonnet most probably means the ________.‎ A. car        B. seat        C. back         D. cover ‎ ‎ 答案 一、1. old  2. won’t  3. heavier  4. cheap  5. families  6. weak  7. best  8. hard 二、1. test  2. cook  3. out  4. cycle  5. short  6. spring  7. uninteresting  8. free ‎9. work  10. difficult 三、1. interesting  2. busy  3. heavy  4. cold  5. expensive  6. long  7. easy  8. open ‎9. healthy  10. large 四、1. lots of , travel around  2. three days a week  3. long holidays, free time ‎4. because, too expensive  5. out, bad weather 五、1. weather  2. like  3. will  4. stop  5. snow ‎ ‎6. wind  7. about  8. like  9. winter  10. green 六、ACCCD ‎ ‎ Unit 3 Language in use I..汉译英 ‎1.      在野餐___________‎ ‎2.      复习_____________‎ ‎3.      期待_____________‎ ‎4.      游览_____________‎ ‎5.      登上_____________‎ ‎6.      中国文化_____________‎ ‎7.      去观光____________‎ ‎8.      买东西_____________‎ ‎9.      外出____________‎ ‎10.  去骑自行车_______________‎ II..根据释意写出英文单词 ‎1.      ____________  place where you live ‎2.      ____________  not free ‎3.      ____________  low mountain ‎4.      ____________  large from side to side ‎5.      ____________  ask somebody about something ‎6.      ____________  not strong ‎7.      ____________  not high or tall III. 把括号中的词放在句中合适位置 ‎1.      I don’t like traveling in such weather. ( bad )‎ ‎2.      My father will buy me a computer for my birthday. ( new )‎ ‎3.      In the future we’ll have holidays to travel around the world. ( long )‎ ‎4.      I know Tony very well. We are friends. ( good )‎ ‎5.      No one can answer the question. ( difficult )‎ ‎6.      I like Beckham. He is a footballer. ( favourite )‎ ‎7.      Jack’s parents love Jack very much. They will have a birthday party for him. ( big )‎ ‎8.      There will be winds and rain this afternoon. ( heavy , strong )‎ ‎9.      Beijing has many places for travelers to visit. ( interesting )‎ IV.选择填空 ‎1.      Computers will ________ our lives comfortably.‎ A. take   B. get   C. do   D. make ‎2. What’s your plan _______ the short trip?‎ A. for    B. at     C. of   D. with ‎3. Why are you looking forward to ________ that small town?‎ A. visit   B. visits  C. visiting   D. be visiting ‎4. Everyone in the future will get ________ good job and do ________ useful work.‎ A. a ; a    B. a ; /    C. / ; a    D. a ; an ‎5. I’ll study English hard and be good _________ it.‎ A. for    B. at    C. with    D. in ‎6. Do they play ________ at three on Wednesday?‎ A. the football    B. the basketball    C. football    D. a basketball ‎7. Children have a good time _________ Children’s Day.‎ A. in     B. at     C. on     D. by ‎8. --________ would you like to have a picnic?‎ ‎  --In the park.‎ A. Where    B. When    C. What    D. How V.仿照例句改写句子 Will students go ( students / go ) to school in the future?‎ ‎1.      ________________ ( students / send ) emails to all their friends?‎ ‎2.      ________________ ( students / talk ) to their teacher on the computers?‎ ‎3.      ________________ ( students / send ) their homework to their teachers by email?‎ ‎4.      ________________ ( people / have ) long holidays to travel around the world in the factory?‎ ‎5.      ________________ ( teachers / write ) on a blackboard with chalk?‎ VI.阅读理解 Tom and Fred are talking about the 21 century. “What will our world be like in next century?” asked Tom.‎ ‎“ I don’t know.” Said Fred, “ but it is fun to guess.”‎ ‎“ In next century everybody will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to a lot of their problems. They will have telephone in their pockets, too.” said Tom. “ A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be towns, factories and farms under the sea, too. Machines will do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays. Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.”‎ ‎“ I hope I’ll be able to live under the sea, just like a fish.” said Fred, “ Won’t that be a lot of fun?”‎ ‎1.      Tom and Fred are talking about something ________.‎ A. about the moon    B. that will happen in next century C. about the sea      D. that will happen in their country ‎2. In next century we’ll be able to talk to friends at all times and places, because we’ll have ______.‎ A. small computers   B. more holidays   C. spaceships   D. pocket telephones ‎3. In next century, people will make _______.‎ A. pockets large enough to put computer in B. a type of pocket that can put computer in C. computer small enough to put in pockets D. computers under the sea ‎4. Machines will do _________.‎ A. much more work than humans B. much less work than humans C. as much work as humans D. all the work that is done by humans ‎5. In next century there will be towns, factories and farms ________.‎ A. on the moon    B. under the sea   C. in spaceships    D. in our country ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案 I.  1. have a picnic   2. revise for   3. walk up   4. do some sightseeing ‎   5. look forward to   6. Chinese culture   7. go sightseeing ‎   8. go shopping   9. go out    10. go cycling II. 1. hometown  2. busy  3. hill  4. wide  5. question  6. weak  7. low III. 1. bad weather  2. a new computer  3. long holidays  4. good friends ‎   5. the difficult question  6. a favourite footballer  7. a big birthday party    8. strong winds, heavy rain  9. interesting places IV. DACBB  CCA V.略 VI. B D C A B 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-综合练习 Module 4练习题 ‎      I 根据句意写出所缺单词的正确形式。‎ ‎      1. C__________ are different from computers, but both of them count ‎      fast.‎ ‎      2. Teachers use c______ to write on the blackboard.‎ ‎      3. Cars nowadays are cheaper than before but f______ is more ‎      expensive.‎ ‎      4. The sea will be very r_______ when it winds.‎ ‎      5. Sofa is more c_________ than sofa.‎ ‎      6. Robots will do the d_____ jobs in the future.‎ ‎      7. We can use washing m________ to wash clothes. It is very ‎      convenient.‎ ‎      8. The c______ is very important in the growing of crops.‎ ‎      9. High t_________ plays a key role in a country’s development.‎ ‎      10. The road is not s________ because there are many small stones on it ‎      II. 句型转换 ‎      1. There will be some important meetings this afternoon. (一般疑问句)‎ ‎                                                                            ‎ ‎      2. The president of the USA will come to China next year. (画线提问)‎ ‎                                                                             ‎ ‎      3. Our teacher will use the tape recorder to play the tape. (画线提问)‎ ‎                                                                            ‎ ‎      4. We’ll use the sun to heat our homes. (画线提问)‎ ‎                                                                            ‎ ‎      5. Because computers won’t be heavy, they will be small. (画线提问)‎ ‎                                                                            ‎ ‎      III. 选择填空 ‎      1.Can you give me ________ ? We have none in our classroom.‎ ‎      A. chalk                B. a chalk        C. some chalks    D. a piece of chalk ‎      2. Will there _____ teachers to help us with the problems?‎ ‎      A. are        B. be                C. have           D. is ‎      3. Machines will do heavy work instead _____ people.‎ ‎      A. /                     B. of                   C. for               D. to ‎      4. Because I didn’t have breakfast, ______ I am very hungry now.‎ ‎      A. /                    B. so                  C. and                 D.but ‎      5. In maths exams, you can’t bring a ___________ with you.‎ ‎      A. paper                B. calculator         C. ruler               D. eraser ‎      6. We ______ going to buy a new car.‎ ‎      A. will                   B. are                   C. can           D. be ‎      7. In the future, it will _________ to use the sun to heat the house.‎ ‎      A. possible             B. be possible       C. possibly            D. be ‎      8. We can _______ our English by reading novels.‎ ‎      A. studying            B. improve    C. show               D. solute ‎      9. “Why ______ they go with us?”  “Because he is very busy now.”‎ ‎      A. will                   B. do                    C. won’t              ‎ ‎      D. not ‎      10. It will ______ to drive without fuel.‎ ‎      A. be                     B. be possible       C. possible             D.‎ ‎      be possibly ‎     ‎ 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-测试1 ‎ 七年级(下)Module1--4测试 ‎      一、 根据所给词、中文及首字母补全单词正确形式。 ‎ ‎      11. She’s s            for presents in the supermarket .‎ ‎      12. What ____________ do you have at the Spring Festival ? ( 传统 )‎ ‎      13. Planes will be very large so f            will be very cheap.‎ ‎      14. The opposite of easy is d              .‎ ‎      15. We’ll use the sun to h          our homes .‎ ‎      16. People have big dinner on Spring _____________ Eve . ( festival )‎ ‎      17. What do cars use ?   F          .‎ ‎      18. Some people are going to the opera and ______________  (看) a ballet.‎ ‎      19. Tony’s seat is behind ____________________ (Daming).‎ ‎      20. Will you be __________ at English test ?  ( well )‎ ‎      二、 单项选择。  ‎ ‎      (    ) 21..--______they playing games over there?--Yes, they____.‎ ‎      A. Do, do     B. Are, are   C. Do, are   D.Are, do ‎      (    )22. We are looking _____ the homes ____ the film stars.‎ ‎      A. at, of      B. at, for     C. for, at    D. of, in ‎      (    )23. Tony is talking ______ his call phone.‎ ‎      A. on        B. about      C. in      D.  for ‎      (    )24. All the students are getting ready for _____ their homework.‎ ‎      A. do       B. to do      C. doing     D. does ‎      (    )25. The children can’t wait to open their presents_____ Christmas ‎      Day.‎ ‎      A. in        B. on       C. for        D. of ‎      (    )26. They go shopping for presents and get ________ food ready.‎ ‎      A. lot of     B.a lot      C. a lots of    D. a lot of ‎      (    )27. The teacher wants ______.‎ ‎      A.three pieces of chalk       B. three piece of chalk ‎ ‎      C.three pieces of chalks      D. three piece of chalks ‎      (    )28.---How about ______ English?      ---It’s great.‎ ‎      A. learn      B.learns      C.learning     D. to learn ‎      (    )29. He’s at work. “At work” means (意思是)_________ .‎ ‎      A. working   B.work       C.works       D. to work ‎      (    )30.Daming is eating lunch and _______  the sun.‎ ‎      A. lie, under     B. lie, in      C. liing, under     D. lying, in ‎      (    )31. There ______ a football match tomorrow.‎ ‎      A. is going to have   B. is going to be   C. is will have   D. going to be ‎      (    )32.The teacher will come back _____ ten minutes.‎ ‎      A. in            B. after          C. for         D. at ‎      (    )33. We’re all ______ in the ______ film.‎ ‎      A. interest, interested              B. interested, interesting ‎ ‎      C. interesting, interesting           D. interesting, interested ‎      (    )34. ______ she’s kind, ______ we all like her.‎ ‎      A. Because, so     B. So, because    C. , because    D. , so          ‎ ‎      (    )35. All the children are interested ______ Father Christmas.‎ ‎      A. at            B. with          C. in           D. about ‎      三、 补全句子。 ‎ ‎      A) 用 because ,so, but ,and正确连接句子 。‎ ‎      36. They are going to Beihai for holiday ____________ they like seeing the ‎      sea .‎ ‎      37. I often like listening to music ___________ I like to sing them today.‎ ‎      38. We’ll go to the park ___________ have a picnic .‎ ‎      39. My father is a good cook ___________ we all like his cooking .‎ ‎      40. She gets up late ___________ she is late for the meeting .‎ ‎      B) 把括号中的词放入句中适当的位置。‎ ‎      Example : Cars will be small .  ( new )      New cars   ‎ ‎      41. The machine doesn’t work now. ( bad )    ___________________‎ ‎      42. The rain won’t stop so fast . ( heavy )     ___________________‎ ‎      43. People will work three days a week . ( many )  ___________________‎ ‎      44. My shoes are very short so I can’t put them on . ( new ) ‎ ‎      ______________‎ ‎      45. We are going to stay in our homes . ( comfortable )    ‎ ‎_______________‎ ‎      四、根据要求变换句型。  ‎ ‎      46. I am going to study tonight. (否定句)‎ ‎      _______ _________ going to study tonight .‎ ‎      ­47. Everyone will study at home . (一般疑问句并回答 )‎ ‎      ________ everyone study at home ?  No , _________  __________ .‎ ‎      ­48. Your brother is decorating the house .(提问_______ your brother ‎      __________ ?‎ ‎      49. I will go biking tomorrow . (提问)What ________ you ___________tomorrow ‎?‎ ‎      50. They are having a good trip . (同义句)  They’re ______________ the trip .‎ ‎      五、中译英。 ‎ ‎      51. 两周后春节在元宵结束。‎ ‎      The New Year Festival__________  at the __________ Festival after two ‎      weeks.‎ ‎      52.元宵给我们带来了一年的好运。‎ ‎      Yuanxiao can __________us good _________  all the year round.‎ ‎      53. 我们将通过电子邮件把作业发给老师。‎ ‎      We ________ ________ our homework to the teacher ________ email .‎ ‎      54. 海伦期待到桂林观光。‎ ‎      Helen is looking forward to __________ sightseeing .‎ ‎      55. 她很喜欢外国文化。She likes __________ __________ very much .‎ ‎      六、补全对话, 每空一词.   ‎ ‎       Kate : Hi, Lucy ! (56 ) ________ are you going to do tomorrow ?‎ ‎      Lucy : I have no (57) ________ . What do you think ?‎ ‎      Kate : (58 ) ________ we go to the zoo ?‎ ‎      Lucy : Great . Are there many (59 ) ________ of animals there ?‎ ‎      Kate : Yes. There are elephants, monkeys , pandas and tigers. What animals ‎      do you like (60 ) ________ ?‎ ‎      Lucy : I like monkeys best(最) . I want to go there very much . (61 )‎ ‎      ________ and ‎      (62 ) _______ shall we meet ?‎ ‎      Kate : (53 ) ________ ( 64) ________ half past seven at ther school gate ?‎ ‎      Lucy : OK . (65 ) ________ .‎ ‎      Kate : Goodbye .‎ ‎      七. 完形填空。  ‎ ‎      Class Four ____66____ not going to have any lessons next week. They are ‎      going to help the farmers ____67____ their work on the farm. They are ‎      going to ____68____ apples. Many students think working on the farm is ‎      much better than____69____  classes. They (70) _______ to ____(71)____‎ ‎      earlier next Monday morning. They are going to ____(72)____ at he school ‎      gate at about 7:30. They are going ___(73) ____  . They are going to ‎      ____(74)____ their old clothes. They are going to ____(75)____ hard.‎ ‎      (   ) 66. A. are           B. is        C. would       D. can ‎      (   ) 67. A. on            B. with      C. to           D. of ‎      (   ) 68. A. picking        B. picks     C. pick         D. to pick ‎      (   ) 69. A. have          B. having    C. to have       D. has ‎      (   ) 70. A. are go        B. go        C. are going      D. going ‎      (   ) 71. A. work         B. get up      C. put on       D. get on ‎      (   ) 72. A. leave         B. reach       C. meet        D. stay ‎      (   ) 73. A. by a bus      B. by bus     C. a bus         D. on bus ‎      (   ) 74. A. put up        B. put off       C. put        D. put on ‎      (   ) 75. A. study         B. walk        C. work       D. listen ‎      八、阅读理解。  ‎ ‎                               (      A       )‎ ‎      What is the sky ? Where is it ? How high is it ? What lies above it ?‎ ‎      These questions are difficult to answer, aren’t they ?‎ ‎      Is the sky blue ? No, the sky has no colour. Is the sky full of air(空气) ?‎ ‎      Yes, we know that there is air all over the world. When planes fly, they ‎      need air to lift(托起) their wins. Planes cannot fly very high, because when ‎      they go higher, the air gets thinner(更薄). When we go high enough from the ‎      earth, we find there is no air .‎ ‎      Maybe we can answer some of the questions now. What is the sky ? Nothing.‎ ‎      Where is it ? It’s all round the world. The sky is space. In this space ‎      there is nothing but the sun, the moon and all the stars.‎ ‎      根据短文内容,选择正确答案。‎ ‎      (   ) 76. What is the sky ?‎ ‎      A. It is the clouds.            B. It is space .‎ ‎      C. It is the whole world.        D. It is air .‎ ‎      (   ) 77. The sky _______________ .‎ ‎      A. is blue                   B. has no colour ‎      C. is colourful     D. is of different colours at different times of the ‎      day ‎      (   ) 78. Planes cannot fly very high because _______________‎ ‎      A.there will be less and less (更少)air to lift their wings.‎ ‎      B.the flying machine is not good enough .‎ ‎      C.the pilot (飞行员) will be afraid if he flies too high .‎ ‎      D.there will not be enough air for the pilot to breathe .‎ ‎      (   ) 79. In the sky there is _____________ .‎ ‎      A. nothing                  B. air everywhere   ‎ ‎      C. the earth                 D. the sun, the moon and all the stars ‎      (   ) 80. The Chinese for “wing” is ________ .‎ ‎      A. 机身       B. 机翼   C. 机头   D. 机尾 ‎      ‎ ‎      (      B       )‎ ‎      Jim , with his father, goes to see Grandfather. In the train Jim often ‎      puts his head out of the window. His father says, “ Jim ! Don’t put your ‎      head out of the window !” But Jim goes on putting his head out of the ‎      window.‎ ‎      Here his father takes Jim’s cap quietly(悄悄地), hides(藏) it behind his back ‎      and says, “You see your cap is gone.” Jim is afraid.‎ ‎      His father says,” Well, whistle(吹口哨) once. Maybe your caps will come ‎      back.” Jim whistles. His father puts quickly the cap on Jim’s head.‎ ‎      Oh! It is wonderful! Jim laughs. He quickly takes his father’s cap and ‎      throws ( 扔 ) it out of the window. “ Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!”‎ ‎      He says happily.‎ ‎      根据短文内容,判断正 ( T )误 ( F ) .‎ ‎      (   ) 81. Jim and his father goes to see Grandfather by bus.‎ ‎      (   ) 82. Jim’s father tells Jim not to put his head out of the window .‎ ‎      (   ) 83. Jim’s father takes Jim’s cap and hides it behind his back.‎ ‎      (   ) 84. Jim doesn’t want to have his cap back.‎ ‎      (   ) 85. Jim takes his father’s cap and throws it out of the window.‎ ‎      九、书面表达 。 假如你是李平, 请给你的笔友写一封信, 向他介绍你最喜欢的节日,及节日期间进行的一些活动,60-80 词。‎ 外研外研新标准英语七年级下M1-4模块检测 一、根据句意和所给首字母提示完成单词 (每空一分,共6分)‎ ‎1.       Tom is going to revise for his Chinese t_______ this afternoon.‎ ‎2.       Mr. Green comes to China because he likes Chinese c___________.‎ ‎3.       My grandparents have a son and three d___________.‎ ‎4.       What is Jim’s holiday p_________?‎ ‎5.       Spring comes, it g______ warm.       6.Those are dull j_______, I don’t like them.‎ 二、选择填空(每空一分,共25分)‎ ‎(   ) 1. I usually stay ______ bed _____ Sunday morning.‎ ‎     A. at , in                     B. in , on        C. on, on               D. for, on ‎(   ) 2. --Does your father like _______ computer games at home?     --Not really.‎ ‎       A. making              B. keeping             C. playing with       D. playing ‎(   ) 3. They ________ they’re going to have much money.‎ ‎       A. want                 B. hope                 C. like                   D. thinks ‎(   ) 4. I ________ some writing this evening.‎ ‎       A. do                    B. am do               C. am going to do   D. like ‎(   ) 5. –What are you going to do tomorrow?     ---- ___________.‎ ‎       A. Please tell me     B. Thank you         C. I look forward to it    D. I don’t know ‎(   ) 6. My mother is going to _______ a new shirt for me.‎ ‎       A. buy                   B. bring                 C. show                D. take ‎(   ) 7. I am looking forward to _______ the interesting new film.‎ ‎       A. to see                B. see                    C. sees                  D. seeing ‎(   ) 8. He is going to ________ his email this evening.     A. see     B. watch C. look    D. check ‎(   ) 9. --Why is she in Xiao Ying’s home?       ----_________ they are friends.‎ ‎       A. So                    B. For                   C. Since                D. Because ‎(   ) 10. --I am going to ______ on the beach and enjoy the sun.        --So am I.‎ ‎       A. lie                     B. keep                  C. do                    D. see ‎(   ) 11. Cars will be very cheap ________ driving will be very easy.‎ ‎       A. or                     B. but                    C. so                     D. because ‎(   ) 12. --_____________?        --There is strong wind.‎ ‎       A. Which places will be very fine?        B. How’s the weather today?‎ ‎       C. What’s the weather                        D. I like the weather here.‎ ‎(   ) 13. What’s your ________ job, Lingling?   A. do      B. dream C. dream’s    D. dull ‎(   ) 14. Many people don’t like doing ________ work.‎ ‎       A. nice                  B. long                  C. heavy                D. big ‎(   ) 15. It is going to be very cheap _________ our homes in the future.‎ ‎       A. heat                  B. heating              C. to heat                     D. heats ‎(   ) 16. I am going to buy ______ rice ______ this afternoon.‎ ‎       A. some, on           B. some, in            C. any, /                D. some, /‎ ‎(   ) 17. There is going to ______ a football match next week. A. be  B. have       C. see  D. watch ‎(   ) 18. ______ you _______ for a picnic next Sunday?‎ ‎       A. Are, will            B. It, will               C. Are, there          D. Are, going ‎(   ) 19. We can do ________ things on the Internet. A. much       B. many C. little  D. a little ‎(     ) 20. ---Are you good at ______?         ---Yes, we are.‎ ‎        A. swim   B. swimming  C. a swim  D. play football ‎(     ) 21. The students are going _______ their first field trip. A. in  B. on   C. at  D. to ‎(     ) 22. ---I hear Tom is working at history very hard.‎ ‎           ---I’m ______ he will pass the history exam this time.‎ ‎         A. afraid   B. surprised  C. sure   D. sorry ‎(     ) 23. It’s Sunday today, Lily and Lucy ______ in the park.‎ A. is playing  B. playing  C. plays  D. are playing ‎(     ) 24. You must _______ back tomorrow afternoon.‎ A. come   B. going to come  C. comes  D. coming ‎(   )25. Mr Green usually      newspapers after supper every day.‎ A. read        B. reading       C. reads      D. looks 三、根据所给词的正确形式填空。(每题一分,共9分)‎ ‎1.Mike _____________(cook) in the kitchen now.‎ ‎2.  Who _____________(teach) you English?‎ ‎3.  How many flowers_____ you______________ (plant) next Sunday?‎ ‎4.  Jack_____________ (not play) football the day after tomorrow.‎ ‎5.  The kids like ________ (watch) the monkeys  in the zoo.‎ ‎6、They are _________ (have) a picnic in the park.‎ ‎7. She___________ (visit) the Great Wall this summer holiday.‎ ‎8. Liu Tao __________(do) not like PE.‎ ‎9. It’s eight o’clock now.  The boys            (watch) TV.‎ 四、完形填空。(每空一分,共10 分)‎ It is half past seven in the morning. Mr. Johnson is looking____1____ his_____2____.He is ___3___quickly. Then he is washing and __4___.He is late as usual. So he doesn’t ___5____time for breakfast. He is_____6_____all the way to the station and he arrives there just in time for the train. Mr. Johnson____7____eat anything in the morning. He always says to  a few friends_____8____at the office. “It’s  nice to have ____9_____in the morning, but It’s  nicer to ____10____ in the bed!”‎ ‎(    )1.A.at    B. for    C. after       (    )2.A.match   B. window   C. watch ‎(    )3.A.getting up     B.going to bed       C.sleeping ‎(    )4.A.dressed  B. getting dressed  C. dress    (  )5.A.has   B. have   C. know ‎(    )6.A.walking   B. running      C. talking   (  )7.A.doesn’t  B. isn’t  C .not ‎(   )8.A.of his  B. his   C.of him   (    )9.A.breakfast     B. lunch     C. tea ‎(    )10.A.do exercise    B. lie       C. sleeping 五、阅读理解。(每题2分,共20分)‎ ‎(A)‎ Jim and Jack like sports. They are going to skate on Sunday. It’s 7:30 now and they are listening to the radio, ”Friday is going to be cold. It is going to snow. Friday night and Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday are going to be cold and fine.” Jim and Jack are very glad. The weather is going to be good for skating. They are going to get up early and they are certainly going to skate well.‎ 根据短文判断正误。(正确用T表示,错误用F表示)‎ ‎(    ) 1. Jim likes sport but Jack doesn’t.      (    ) 2. Jim is going to skate with Jack.‎ ‎(    ) 3. It’s 7:30 now. They are skating.      (    ) 4. They are going to get up early.‎ ‎(    ) 5. The radio says it’s going to snow on Sunday.‎ ‎ (B)‎ ‎ A man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away and so he takes some sandwiches along for his lunch. As he goes along, he says to himself, “ My friend is sure to give me a very nice meal. He is going to give me good wine(酒)to drink. So what’s the use of these dry sandwiches.” As he says this, he throws them onto the ground.‎ He goes on and comes to a river. The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few days. He cannot cross the river. He hopes there is a boat to take him over.‎ ‎ So he waits and waits. He waits for a long time. Then the sun begins to set. The man says to himself, “ I cannot go to my friend’s house today. I must go home.‎ Then he starts for (出发) home. Soon he feels very hungry. He wants very much to have something to eat. But he doesn’t have anything. Suddenly he sees some dry, dirty, hard sandwiches on the road . he is very happy. He picks them up and eats them all.‎ Do not throw good things away. You may need them later on ‎(    )6.It will take the man _______ to walk to his friend’s house.‎ A. a few days        B. a few hours           C. a whole night         D. one hour or two ‎(    )7. He throws the sandwiches to the ground because ______.‎ A.      he doesn’t like them            B.      the sandwiches are dirty C.      he thinks his friend will not like them D.     he is sure to have a nice meal at his friend’s house ‎(    )8.In “ the sun begins to set”, “ set” here means ______in Chinese.‎ A. 落下                B.升起                  C. 变暗                 D. 照耀 ‎(    )9. The story tells us that we _______.‎ A. mustn’t walk a long way to visit a friend   B. mustn’t throw dry sandwiches away C. must throw things away when we don’t need them   D.must always keep good things ‎(    )10. He has to go back home because ________ .‎ A. it is late       B. he hasn’t got sandwiches     C. it rains hard     D. he is hungry 六、根据所给汉语完成句子(每题2分,共10分)‎ ‎1、每个人将来都会有一台电脑  ________ will have a computer in the _________.‎ ‎2、我们以后不用到每天上学,直接用电子邮件把作业发给老师就可以了。‎ ‎  We ______ go to school everyday, we  _________ our homework to the teacher __________.‎ ‎3、人们将一周工作三天。  People will work ________________ a week.‎ ‎4、我们家里冬天将会暖和,夏天将会凉爽。‎ ‎  Our homes ___________ in winter and _______ in summer.‎ ‎5、没人会做重活,机器人会帮我们做很多工作。‎ ‎  No one will do heavy work. Robots will _______ us ________ many work.‎ 七、阅读下列和短文后回答问题(每题2分,共10分)‎ ‎    My name is Sissy. I work for an airline. I say hello to people when they come on the plane. I give them food. I answer their questions. Today I’m going to fly to Singapore. In Singapore I am going to stay in a nice hotel. I’m going to do a little bit sightseeing, and then I’m going to the shops to buy some presents for my family. After that, I’m going to have a swim, and lie by the pool. Then I’m going to see my friend Alice in the evening.‎ ‎1. Where does Sissy work? ________________________________________________‎ ‎2. Where is Sissy going to fly to today? ________________________________________________‎ ‎3. Is she going to the beach and enjoy the sun in Singapore? _______________________________‎ ‎4. What will she do in the evening? ________________________________________________‎ ‎5. What does she do on the plane? ________________________________________________‎ 八、   书面表达(10分)‎ 下面是John 下周日的安排,请根据下面的要求写一篇50词左右的短文。‎ ‎1.星期日七点半起床。        2.上午和妈妈一起去动物园。‎ ‎3.中午短暂休息后去买东西。  4.下午和朋友一起去踢球。‎ ‎5.  他擅长阅读,晚上看《西行漫记》(Red Star Over China)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎                                          ‎ ‎                                                                      ‎ 社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-测试2‎ 外研新标准英语七年级下M1-4模块检测 一、根据句意和所给首字母提示完成单词 (每空一分,共6分)‎ ‎1.       Tom is going to revise for his Chinese t_______ this afternoon.‎ ‎2.       Mr. Green comes to China because he likes Chinese c___________.‎ ‎3.       My grandparents have a son and three d___________.‎ ‎4.       What is Jim’s holiday p_________?‎ ‎5.       Spring comes, it g______ warm.       6.Those are dull j_______, I don’t like them.‎ 二、选择填空(每空一分,共25分)‎ ‎(   ) 1. I usually stay ______ bed _____ Sunday morning.‎ ‎     A. at , in                     B. in , on        C. on, on               D. for, on ‎(   ) 2. --Does your father like _______ computer games at home?     --Not really.‎ ‎       A. making              B. keeping             C. playing with       D. playing ‎(   ) 3. They ________ they’re going to have much money.‎ ‎       A. want                 B. hope                 C. like                   D. thinks ‎(   ) 4. I ________ some writing this evening.‎ ‎       A. do                    B. am do               C. am going to do   D. like ‎(   ) 5. –What are you going to do tomorrow?     ---- ___________.‎ ‎       A. Please tell me     B. Thank you         C. I look forward to it    D. I don’t know ‎(   ) 6. My mother is going to _______ a new shirt for me.‎ ‎       A. buy                   B. bring                 C. show                D. take ‎(   ) 7. I am looking forward to _______ the interesting new film.‎ ‎       A. to see                B. see                    C. sees                  D. seeing ‎(   ) 8. He is going to ________ his email this evening.     A. see     B. watch C. look    D. check ‎(   ) 9. --Why is she in Xiao Ying’s home?       ----_________ they are friends.‎ ‎       A. So                    B. For                   C. Since                D. Because ‎(   ) 10. --I am going to ______ on the beach and enjoy the sun.        --So am I.‎ ‎       A. lie                     B. keep                  C. do                    D. see ‎(   ) 11. Cars will be very cheap ________ driving will be very easy.‎ ‎       A. or                     B. but                    C. so                     D. because ‎(   ) 12. --_____________?        --There is strong wind.‎ ‎       A. Which places will be very fine?        B. How’s the weather today?‎ ‎       C. What’s the weather                        D. I like the weather here.‎ ‎(   ) 13. What’s your ________ job, Lingling?   A. do      B. dream C. dream’s    D. dull ‎(   ) 14. Many people don’t like doing ________ work.‎ ‎       A. nice                  B. long                  C. heavy                D. big ‎(   ) 15. It is going to be very cheap _________ our homes in the future.‎ ‎       A. heat                  B. heating              C. to heat                     D. heats ‎(   ) 16. I am going to buy ______ rice ______ this afternoon.‎ ‎       A. some, on           B. some, in            C. any, /                D. some, /‎ ‎(   ) 17. There is going to ______ a football match next week. A. be  B. have       C. see  D. watch ‎(   ) 18. ______ you _______ for a picnic next Sunday?‎ ‎       A. Are, will            B. It, will               C. Are, there          D. Are, going ‎(   ) 19. We can do ________ things on the Internet. A. much       B. many C. little  D. a little ‎(     ) 20. ---Are you good at ______?         ---Yes, we are.‎ ‎        A. swim   B. swimming  C. a swim  D. play football ‎(     ) 21. The students are going _______ their first field trip. A. in  B. on   C. at  D. to ‎(     ) 22. ---I hear Tom is working at history very hard.‎ ‎           ---I’m ______ he will pass the history exam this time.‎ ‎         A. afraid   B. surprised  C. sure   D. sorry ‎(     ) 23. It’s Sunday today, Lily and Lucy ______ in the park.‎ A. is playing  B. playing  C. plays  D. are playing ‎(     ) 24. You must _______ back tomorrow afternoon.‎ A. come   B. going to come  C. comes  D. coming ‎(   )25. Mr Green usually      newspapers after supper every day.‎ A. read        B. reading       C. reads      D. looks 三、根据所给词的正确形式填空。(每题一分,共9分)‎ ‎1.Mike _____________(cook) in the kitchen now.‎ ‎2.  Who _____________(teach) you English?‎ ‎3.  How many flowers_____ you______________ (plant) next Sunday?‎ ‎4.  Jack_____________ (not play) football the day after tomorrow.‎ ‎5.  The kids like ________ (watch) the monkeys  in the zoo.‎ ‎6、They are _________ (have) a picnic in the park.‎ ‎7. She___________ (visit) the Great Wall this summer holiday.‎ ‎8. Liu Tao __________(do) not like PE.‎ ‎9. It’s eight o’clock now.  The boys            (watch) TV.‎ 四、完形填空。(每空一分,共10 分)‎ It is half past seven in the morning. Mr. Johnson is looking____1____ his_____2____.He is ___3___quickly. Then he is washing and __4___.He is late as usual. So he doesn’t ___5____time for breakfast. He is_____6_____all the way to the station and he arrives there just in time for the train. Mr. Johnson____7____eat anything in the morning. He always says to  a few friends_____8____at the office. “It’s  nice to have ____9_____in the morning, but It’s  nicer to ____10____ in the bed!”‎ ‎(    )1.A.at    B. for    C. after       (    )2.A.match   B. window   C. watch ‎(    )3.A.getting up     B.going to bed       C.sleeping ‎(    )4.A.dressed  B. getting dressed  C. dress    (  )5.A.has   B. have   C. know ‎(    )6.A.walking   B. running      C. talking   (  )7.A.doesn’t  B. isn’t  C .not ‎(   )8.A.of his  B. his   C.of him   (    )9.A.breakfast     B. lunch     C. tea ‎(    )10.A.do exercise    B. lie       C. sleeping 五、阅读理解。(每题2分,共20分)‎ ‎(A)‎ Jim and Jack like sports. They are going to skate on Sunday. It’s 7:30 now and they are listening to the radio, ”Friday is going to be cold. It is going to snow. Friday night and Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday are going to be cold and fine.” Jim and Jack are very glad. The weather is going to be good for skating. They are going to get up early and they are certainly going to skate well.‎ 根据短文判断正误。(正确用T表示,错误用F表示)‎ ‎(    ) 1. Jim likes sport but Jack doesn’t.      (    ) 2. Jim is going to skate with Jack.‎ ‎(    ) 3. It’s 7:30 now. They are skating.      (    ) 4. They are going to get up early.‎ ‎(    ) 5. The radio says it’s going to snow on Sunday.‎ ‎ (B)‎ ‎ A man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away and so he takes some sandwiches along for his lunch. As he goes along, he says to himself, “ My friend is sure to give me a very nice meal. He is going to give me good wine(酒)to drink. So what’s the use of these dry sandwiches.” As he says this, he throws them onto the ground.‎ He goes on and comes to a river. The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few days. He cannot cross the river. He hopes there is a boat to take him over.‎ ‎ So he waits and waits. He waits for a long time. Then the sun begins to set. The man says to himself, “ I cannot go to my friend’s house today. I must go home.‎ Then he starts for (出发) home. Soon he feels very hungry. He wants very much to have something to eat. But he doesn’t have anything. Suddenly he sees some dry, dirty, hard sandwiches on the road . he is very happy. He picks them up and eats them all.‎ Do not throw good things away. You may need them later on ‎(    )6.It will take the man _______ to walk to his friend’s house.‎ A. a few days        B. a few hours           C. a whole night         D. one hour or two ‎(    )7. He throws the sandwiches to the ground because ______.‎ A.      he doesn’t like them            B.      the sandwiches are dirty C.      he thinks his friend will not like them D.     he is sure to have a nice meal at his friend’s house ‎(    )8.In “ the sun begins to set”, “ set” here means ______in Chinese.‎ A. 落下                B.升起                  C. 变暗                 D. 照耀 ‎(    )9. The story tells us that we _______.‎ A. mustn’t walk a long way to visit a friend   B. mustn’t throw dry sandwiches away C. must throw things away when we don’t need them   D.must always keep good things ‎(    )10. He has to go back home because ________ .‎ A. it is late       B. he hasn’t got sandwiches     C. it rains hard     D. he is hungry 六、根据所给汉语完成句子(每题2分,共10分)‎ ‎1、每个人将来都会有一台电脑  ________ will have a computer in the _________.‎ ‎2、我们以后不用到每天上学,直接用电子邮件把作业发给老师就可以了。‎ ‎  We ______ go to school everyday, we  _________ our homework to the teacher __________.‎ ‎3、人们将一周工作三天。  People will work ________________ a week.‎ ‎4、我们家里冬天将会暖和,夏天将会凉爽。‎ ‎  Our homes ___________ in winter and _______ in summer.‎ ‎5、没人会做重活,机器人会帮我们做很多工作。‎ ‎  No one will do heavy work. Robots will _______ us ________ many work.‎ 七、阅读下列和短文后回答问题(每题2分,共10分)‎ ‎    My name is Sissy. I work for an airline. I say hello to people when they come on the plane. I give them food. I answer their questions. Today I’m going to fly to Singapore. In Singapore I am going to stay in a nice hotel. I’m going to do a little bit sightseeing, and then I’m going to the shops to buy some presents for my family. After that, I’m going to have a swim, and lie by the pool. Then I’m going to see my friend Alice in the evening.‎ ‎1. Where does Sissy work? ________________________________________________‎ ‎2. Where is Sissy going to fly to today? ________________________________________________‎ ‎3. Is she going to the beach and enjoy the sun in Singapore? _______________________________‎ ‎4. What will she do in the evening? ________________________________________________‎ ‎5. What does she do on the plane? ________________________________________________‎ 八、   书面表达(10分)‎ 下面是John 下周日的安排,请根据下面的要求写一篇50词左右的短文。‎ ‎1.星期日七点半起床。        2.上午和妈妈一起去动物园。‎ ‎3.中午短暂休息后去买东西。  4.下午和朋友一起去踢球。‎ ‎5.  他擅长阅读,晚上看《西行漫记》(Red Star Over China)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎                                          ‎ ‎                                                                      ‎ 外研社初一英语下Module 4 Life in the Future-测试3‎ 外研社(下)Module 1-----Module 4‎ 温馨提示:请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现。别忘了,本卷答案要用钢笔或圆珠笔做在答卷的相应位置上,否则你会没有分数哟!‎ ‎ ‎ I.写出下列动词的现在分词(10)‎ ‎  1. buy_____2. call _____ 3. enjoy _____ 4. have _____ 5. take _____    6. write _____  7. run _____  8. shop _____ 9. get _____ 10. lie _____‎ ‎ ‎ II.单项选择(30)‎ ‎ 1、-----_____she reading in the library?‎ ‎   ----Yes,she_____.‎ A.is;does     Bis;is    C.does;is     Ddoes;does ‎2.Lucy and I_____in the room now.‎ A.are;reading     B.readling  C.read     D.reads ‎3、look!He_____in a swimming pool.‎ A.swimming     B.are swimming     C.swims     D.is swimming;‎ ‎4.What’s Tom’s father doing? _____. ‎ AShe’s reading     BHe’s reading    CTom’s reading     D.His reading ‎5.what_____you_____at?‎ A.are;seeing     B.are;watching      Cis;looking     D.are;looking ‎6. Jim with his parents ____ going to visit the Forbidden City ___ Sunday morning.‎ A. am, in    B. are, on    C. is, on     D. be, at ‎7. We _____ going to enjoy my mother’s rice dumplings, zongzi.‎ A. are all    B. all are     C. all be    D. be all ‎8. They are going to watch a football match ____ this Tuesday.‎ A. on   B. in     C. at     D. /‎ ‎9. He is  a  nice _____.‎ A. cook   B. cooking    C. cooks     D. cooker ‎10. ____ you____ get from London to Shanghai?‎ A.Is, going to is  B. Is, going to be  C. Is ,going to   D. are , going to ‎11.–Is Bob doing his homework? –No, he _____. He is _____ a letter.‎ A. doesn’t; write  B. isn’t; writting  C. isn’t; writing  D. doesn’t; writing ‎12.–What _____ she doing? –She is listening to music.‎ A. is  B. are  C. does  D. do ‎13.–Where’s Tom now?  --He _____ in the river.‎ A. is swimming  B. is swimming  C. swims  D. swimming ‎14.Who’s he _____?‎ A. waiting  B. waiting for  C. waiting for  D. is waiting ‎15.Listen! Mr White _____ Jim.‎ A. talk about  B. is talking to  C. talks with  D. is talking ‎16.The boy isn’t _____ when(当…….时候) his teacher comes in.‎ A. read  B. reads  C. reading  D. to read ‎17. I will ___ my friend in Hong Kong for vacation.‎ A. visit   B. to visit   C. visiting   D.visits ‎18.–Do you often go shopping _____ Sundays? –Yes, we _____.‎ A. in; do  B. on; do  C. on; are  D. in; is ‎19.Look! Li Ping and Li Bing _____ football now.‎ A. play  B. playing  C. are playing  D. plays ‎20. There ___ a sports metting in our school next month.‎ A. is going to have   B. are going to be   C. will have   D. is going to be Ⅲ.用动词的正确形式填空。(10)‎ ‎1.      “What are you doing?” “I  am  _______  (send) a letter.”‎ ‎2.      He usually _____  (buy) things on Sunday.‎ ‎3.      He is getting _____  (dress) now.‎ ‎4.      –Where’s your sister? –She’s there. She  is   _______ (play) the piano.‎ ‎5.      Listen! The girl _____  (sing).‎ ‎6.  Will  we___(use)books in the future?‎ ‎  7.I’ll stay at home and do some _________(clean).‎ ‎ 8.She is looking forward to _____(visit) Beijing with his parents next month.‎ ‎       9.He is going to ____(be) a basketball player.‎ ‎ 10.Xiao Ming is going  to ____ (take) a vacation with his parents next month.‎ Ⅳ.句形转换(10)‎ ‎1.I am doing my homework. (变为一般疑问句)‎ ‎____ ______ doing  your homework?‎ ‎2.Tony is drinking juice.(变为否定句)‎ ‎______ ______ drinking juice.‎ ‎3 He’s going to buy a new car(同义句转换)‎ He____ ___a new car.‎ ‎4.She is going to work this evening. (一般疑问句并做否定回答)‎ ‎____ she _____ to work this evening? _____, she _____.‎ ‎5.Tom will go for a walk with his parents after supper.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎____Tom__for a walk with his parents after supper?‎ Ⅴ.完型填空。(10)‎ ‎ It’s Sunday today,(1) is a fine day.The sky is (2).Mr Green is (3) his family. The family are having an outing .Tom is Mr and Mrs Green’s son.Mary is (4).They are (5) along(沿着) a small river.There are some boats (6) river.Mr and Mrs Green are looking at some ducks.(7)are swimming on the river.What is Tom (8)? He is in the river now.He is (9). They are all (10) a good time.‎ ‎1.A.This     B.That     C.It     D.Its ‎ ‎2. A.green    B.blue     C.black     D.brown ‎3.A.and     B.for     C.and with     D.with ‎4.A.his daughter   B.her daughter    C.my daughter     D.their daughter   ‎ ‎5.Aworking.     B.running     C.walking     Dswimming ‎6.A.on     B.in     C.in a     D.on the ‎7.A.It     B.Them     C.These     D.They ‎8.A.cleaning     B.doing     C.watching     d.making ‎9.A.running    B.swimming C.looking at the boats  D.looking at the ducks ‎10.A.have     B.having     C.haveing          D.has Ⅵ.阅读理解。(20分)‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎  It is a very nice Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are on a big bus. There are many people on it. Some are from America. Some are from ‎England ‎ and Japan. They are all friends. They are going to the Great Wall. There are two Chinese on the bus, too. They are a young man and a young woman. They can speak English. The Chinese young is the driver of the bus. The woman is talking about the Great Wall. The others are all listening to her. They like the Great Wall.‎ ‎   (     )1.It’s________today.‎ A Saturday        B Sunday          C Monday        D Wednesday ‎   (     )2.Ann and her mother are going to Great Wall_______.‎ ‎    B on foot         B by taxi          C by bus       D by train ‎   (     )3._______of the people on the bus are Chinese.‎ ‎     A Two             B Four             C Many         D Some ‎   (     )4.The people on the bus are talking in _______.‎ ‎   A Chinese         B English          C Putonghua     D Baihua ‎   (     )5.The driver of the bus is______.‎ ‎ A a Chinese       B an Englishman    C an American   D a Japanese ‎ ‎ ‎                    (B) ‎ ‎   Henry is in Grade Three now. He goes to school from Monday to Friday .After school he does some housework. He helps his parents on the farm on Saturday and Sunday. So he doesn’t have any time to play football in the daytime. He often plays with his friends in the moon.‎ ‎   It’s five in the afternoon. School is over. Henry is going home and cook for his family. After supper he will meet  his friend Thomas near his house and ask him to play football. The boys are going to look  at sky and see the moon .Henry doesn’t like the sun,but he likes the moon.He think he can do lots of interesting things in the moon.‎ ‎(     )6. Henry’s parents are_______.‎ ‎       A workers       B teachers       C policemen      D farmers ‎(     )7. Henry must work on the farmer______ days in a week.‎ ‎       A two        B three           C four           D five ‎(     )8. Henry is busy in the daytime, so_______.‎ ‎       A he does some housework in the evening ‎       B he does some washing and cleaning in the evening ‎       C he plays football with his friends in the moon ‎       D he watches TV at home in the evening ‎(     )9. Henry meets Thomas______ today.‎ A in the evening  B in the afternoon C in the morning  D at school ‎(     )10. Henry only likes______.‎ ‎    A the sun         B the moon        C Saturdays     D Sundays Ⅶ、活动设计。(10分)‎ 五一快要到来了,设想一下在五一你要干些什么?以My plan为题写一篇小短文叙述。(不少于40字)‎ ‎                    My  plan ‎       May 1st is coming and our vacation(假期) is coming, too. ‎

