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CHAPTER FOUR Mindy is a mouse. She is John’s pet. Where is Mindy? Mindy is _______ a bowl. Mindy is _______ a shelf. Mindy is _______ a basket. 6-1 Mindy is a mouse. She is John’s pet. Where is Mindy? Mindy is _______ a cake. Mindy is _______ an apple. Mindy is _______ a TV set. Mindy is _______ a vase. Mindy is _______ two books. Mindy is _______ a cat. 6-2 辨析                                                                            山上 的云 we saw clouds above the mountain. 太阳到 地平线下 面 The sun sank below the horizon. 吊 着一盏 灯 A lamp is hanging over the table. 墙上 一幅画 There is a picture on the wall. 桥下 We see a fishing-boat under the bridge                                                                                               通往 车站 This road leads to the station. 向 ...    The boy ran toward his house. 直到 为止 He went as far as Hualian by train. 地球 绕 太阳 The earth goes round the sun. 过马路 A rat ran across the road. 穿森林 There Is a pach through the wood. 篱笆 上面 He Jumped over the hedge. 山那边 She lives in a town beyond the mountain                                                               爬上 You must go up the hill. 进厨房 She went into the kitchen. 出来 He came out of the office. 下游 She lives further down the river. 二者之间 Taichung is between Taibei and Kaohsiung. 三者以上之间 We walked among the trees. The moon is in front of the box The star is in the front of the box B John is describing his bedroom. Help him complete the description with the correct prepositions. 6-5 It's a big room with one big window. The big window is (1) ________ of my desk. There's a computer (2) ________ my desk. I put a plant (3) ________ next to my desk. My bed is (4) ________ the desk. There are some bookshelves, too. The bookshelves are (5) _______ the bed. There's a beautiful rug (6) ________ the floor. It's (7) ________ my bed and the bookshelves. There are two funny picture (8) ________ the wall, too. 6-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A1 Jack was blind and the hotel manager was describing the hotel room to him. Look at the picture and name the things. 5-1 5-2 A2 Work in pairs. S1 reads the descriptions and S2 mark the positions of the furniture in Jack’s room. Now Jack, on the left of the door, you’ll find a bed with a small table beside it. Opposite the bed, there’s a TV set. In the left-hand corner of the room, there’s an armchair. On the right of the armchair, there is a table. On the table, there’s a phone. On the right of the door, Jack, there’s a bathroom. Next to the bathroom, you’ll find a cupboard. In the right-hand corner of the room, you’ll find a fridge, and there’s a window above it. That’s all, Jack. Any questions? 5-3 8 10 7 3 6 9 4 2 1 5 B1 Later, Jack went to a hotel in another city. The room was different. Pretend you are the manager. Look at the room plan and describe the room to Jack. 5-4 B2 Complete what the manager said. Use the words in the box to help you. 5-5 Now Jack, on the (1)_________ of the door, you’ll find a bed with (2)____________________ it. (3)_________ the bed, there’s fridge. In the (4)_______________ of the room, there’s an armchair with a table (5)________ it. (6)_______ the table, there’s (7)___________. On the (8)_________ of the door, there’s a (9)____________. (10)_________ the cupboard, you’ll find (11)______________. In the (12)____________ of the room, you’ll find (13)_________, and there’s a window (14)_________ it. That’s all, Jack. Any questions? right-hand corner left-hand corner opposite next to beside above right left on 2-1 Activity 每人随便画一个房间并写出英文介绍,然后上来两个人,一个人听介绍,一 个人读介绍,并画出几个类似的房间,让另一个人来选哪个是他介绍的。

