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eye nose ear mouth face hair short hair curly hair long hair straight hair curly hair straight hair What does she look like ? She has …. She has long hair. He has short hair. What does he/she look like? hair long hair They have What do they look like ? tall short He is short. He is tall. What does he/she look like? She is of medium height. He is tall . He is short . What does he/she look like? She is of medium height . medium height height She is thin . He is heavy . What does she look like? She is of medium build. build sh or t t all — What does he look like? — He is … ofm e di u m h ei ght 中等个子 — What does he look like? short tall — — He is… of medium height 中等个子 What does she look like? She is heavy/ fat. She is of medium build. She is thin. of medium height of medium build 中等个子 中等身材 A :What does Jack Chen look like ? B: He has short hair . He is of medium build . He is of medium height. short hair long hair straight hair curly hair black hair tall short thin heavy medium height medium build have, has + is, am, are+ 描述人的长相用动词 be 还是 A :What does she look like ? B: She has___hair. She is ________. tall, short, thin, heavy, of medium height of medium build curly hair What does she look like? She is ____ and ____. She has ________. thin tall Summary What do you look like ? I’ m tall. I have short hair. What does he look like ? He is of medium height. He has curly hair. 1. short hair ___ 2. curly hair ___ 3. long hair ___ 4. straight hair ___ 5. tall ___ c f a a d 6. short ___ 7. medium height ___ 8. thin ___ 9. heavy ___ 10. medium build ___ h e b g e tall curly hair 1a Listening 1. 2a Listen and circle “is” or “has”. is / has tall. is / has heavy. is / has curly hair. is / has of medium height is / has thin. is / has long hair. is / has short. is / has of medium build. is / has short hair. David Pete Sally is has David tall curly hair heavy Sally Pete medium height short long hair medium build short hair 2a Listening thin Describe Lily’s new friend. What does she look like? long hair big eyes short red dress white shoes A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five? B: What does she look like? A: She has ____ ____and ____ _____ B: Is she tall? A: No, she’s _______ B: I think I know her. She always wears a red _____ and ______shoes. A: Yes, that’s her. Her name is Nancy. long hair big eyes short dress white Test: 根据首字母及句意完成单词: 1.Our teacher is medium h_____. 2.The singer has long c_______hair. 3.His father isn’t very tall and has a m_______ build. 4.Han Mei has s______ hair.She doesn’t have curly hair. 5.The little boy is thin .He isn’t h___ ___. eight urly edium traight eavy have a try! 三、翻译句子。 1 、他长得什么样? _______ _______ he _______ _______? 2 、她是一个满头卷发的可爱的女孩。 She is a _______ girl _______ _______ _______. 3 、我中等个 I _______ _______ _______. 4 、他体形居中。 He _______ _______ _______. 5 、我的老师满头银发,戴着一副眼镜。 My teacher ______ ______ ______ and _______ a pair of glasses. 6 、他又高又瘦。 He is _______ and __ _____. What does look like lovely with curly hair am height medium is build medium has white hair wears tall thin of of Goodbye Thanks for joining us

