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英语七年级下人教新课标 Unit6教案一 Period 1‎ The key points and the special difficulties:‎ Describe what is happening----present continuous tense What are you doing? I’m watching TV.‎ What is he/she doing? He / She is playing basketball.‎ What are they doing? They are studying.‎ How is the weather? It’s raining Teaching steps:[‎ Step1 Freely talk and lead-in What is he/she doing in the picture?‎ He/She is ..‎ What are they doing in the picture?‎ They are ...reading a book         eating washing the face        swimming playing basketball       running     etc.‎ What are you doing? ---     I’m watching TV.‎ What is he doing?  ---      He’s playing computer games.‎ What is the mother doing? --- She is cookong.‎ What are they doing?   ----  They are playing basketball.‎ Step 2 listening Do ‎2a 2b Step 3 Present the new words and practice T: What’s this?‎ S: It’s the sun.‎ T: We can say, “ It’s sunny today.”‎ Show other pictures about weather. (rainy/raining, snowy/snowing, windy, cloudy)‎ Game Ask two students to come to the front. One point at the picture on the blackboard, the other faces the students and guesses the weather with the drill “ Is it…?”)‎ Step 4 New drills and ask and answer How is the weather?‎ It’s…‎ Pair works about the new drills Do 1a Step 5 listening Present the new drill “ How is the weather in …?”‎ Where is it? Can you tell us the city of New York.‎ It’s in New York. (Beijing, Moscow, Toronto. Boston Shanghai)‎ How is the weather in Beijing?‎ What’s the weather like in …?‎ ‎1, Look at the pictures of Section A ‎2, Ask and answer (describe the weather ). Do it like this:‎ Look ! How is the weather in Beijing? It’s sunny.‎ Step 6 Pair work You are in the places in the pictures above, talk about the weather in pairs I’m in …. It’s ….‎ Step 7 Listening work Refer to 1b of Section A Step 8 Homework ‎ Make your own conversations about the weather in these five places.‎ What’s your favorite weather Copy new words

