外研版英语七年级下册《Lost and found》重点单词练习

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外研版英语七年级下册《Lost and found》重点单词练习

Module 1 I. 重点单词 1. 蜡笔 crayon 2. 橡皮擦 eraser 3. 手套 glove 4. 钱包 wallet 5.手表 watch (复数) watches 6. 照相机 camera 7.机场 airport 8. 香肠 sausage 9.磁带 tape 10. 鸭子 duck 11.猪 pig 12. 小船 boat 13.电话 phone 14. 失去 lose (过)lost 15. 找到 find (过)found 16. 离开 leave (过)left 13. 仔细的 careful 小心 n. care (反)careless 14. 奇怪的 strange 陌生人 stranger 16. 谁的 whose 17. 紫色的 purple 18.百 hundred 19.千 thousand II. 重点短语 1.首先 first of all 2.失物招领箱 lost and found box 3.小心对待… be careful with… 4.从现在开始 from now on 5.在失物招领处 at the lost and found office 6.匆忙地 in a hurry 7.在机场 at the airport 8.几百/千… hundreds / thousands of … 9.通过电话 by phone 10.上/下公交车、火车 get on/ off the bus/ the train 11.上/下小汽车、出租车 get into/ out of the car/the taxi 12.欢迎回到… welcome back to… 13.不用谢 You’re welcome 14.让我想想 Let me see 15.那就是…的原因 That’s why… 16.寻找… look for … 17.两千移动电话 two thousand mobile phones 18.15 公斤香肠 15 kilos of sausages 19.很多别的东西 many other things 20.把…忘在飞机上/火车上/公交车上/出租车里 leave …on planes/trains/ buses/ taxis 21. 离开…前往… leave …for… 22. 查明,发现 find out III. 语法 代词(见名校课堂 5 页) 数 人称代词 作 主语 作 宾语 物主代词 反 身 代 词 ( 指 … 自 己)人称 主格 宾格 形容性物主 代 词( 后 + 名词) 名词性物主 代词(后不 加名词) 单 数 第一人 称 我 I me my mine myself 第二人 称 你 you you your yours yourself 第三人 称 他 he him his his himself 她 she her her hers herself 它 it it its its itself 复 数 第一人 称 我们 we us our ours ourselves Ⅳ. 写作。 根据下面提示,用英 语写一篇“失物”启事 和“招领”启示。 1. David 丢失了一个蓝 色的杯子。他的电话号码是 3924655。 2.Cindy 捡到了一顶帽子。她的电话号码是 4563929。 范文: Lost Found My blue cup, Is this your cap? My name is David. Please call Cindy at 4563929. Please call 3924655. Ⅴ、练习 一、根据首字母提示填单词。 1. People use c________ to take photos. 2. These c_______ are mine. I use them to draw pictures. 3. We often lose things when we are in a h_____. 4. I don’t think students should take mobile p________ to school. 5. Be c________ when you cross the road. 6. My pen is l________. Can you help me f________ it? 7. The boy often asks some s_________ questions and no one can answer them. 8. I left my w______ at home, so I don’t have any money on me now. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. At the moment, they __________(wait) for the bus. 2. This wallet isn’t ______ (I) .It’s ________(Daming). 3. There are _________(hundred) of books in my study. 4. There are two _________(hundred) watches at the lost and found office. 5. I need ten ______(kilo) of _________(sausage). 6. Here ______(be) some apples and oranges. 7. ________(who) tapes are these? 8. Li Lei is a boy. ______ studies in a primary school. _____ brother lives with ______ and helps with ______ lessons.( he) 9. This isn’t ______knife. ______ is green. (she) 10. –What’s the name of the bird? --______ name is Polly. (it) 11. This pair of _______(glove) _____(be) very beautiful. 12. It’s about twenty _______(minute) walk from my home to school. 13. There is a _______(strange) over there. No one knows him. 14. Lingling finished his homework all by _______(she). 三、单项选择。 1. There is ______ eraser on the desk. _____ eraser is white. A. a; The B. an; The C. the; The 2. Tony’s English book is ______. Now he is _______ it. A. lose; looking for B. lost; look for C. lost; looking for 3. Please call Mary _____ 57685528. A. at B. of C. for 第二人 称 你们 you you your yours yourselves 第三人 称 他 们 她们 它们 they them their theirs themselves 4. Tom _____ his bag in the library. So he had to get it back. A. forgot B. lost C. left 5. –Do you play ______ piano in your free time? --No, I like sport. I often play _______ soccer with my friends. A. /; the B. the; / C. the ; the 6. – Would you like some noodles? -- _______. I am not hungry now. A. Yes, please B. Here you are C. No, thanks 7. –What are you doing? --I’m ______my pen. But I can’t _____ it. A. look for; find B. looking for; find C. find; find D. finding; look for 四、句型转换。 1. These are Betty’s erasers. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ are these? 2. Mr. Wang is our Chinese teacher. (对划线部分提问) ______ _____ Chinese teacher? 3. People often lose things when they’re travelling. ( 对 划 线 部 分 提 问 ) _______ _______ people often lose things? 4.These are her gloves.(改同义句) These ______ are ______. 五、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 这是贝蒂和玲玲的房间。 This is ______ ____ ________ room. 3. 他匆匆忙忙去上学时,总是把书落在家里。 He always _______ his books at home when he goes to school _____ _____ ______. 4. 汤姆经常晚起,那就是他经常上班迟到的原因。 Tom often gets up late. ______ ______ he is often late for work. 5. 从今以后请小心对待你的东西。 Please ____ ________ _____ your things _____ _____ ___. 6. 最后我查明是谁打坏我杯子了。At last I _____ _____ who _____ my cup.

