外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module5-Unit 1

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外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module5-Unit 1

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Mother's Day 母亲节            2. try on 试穿 3. wait a minute 别急;稍等一会 4. buy … for … 为……买…… 5. too much 太多 6. half price 半价 重点句子 1. —What can I do for you? —I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum. ——我能为你做点什么? / 你想买点什么?  ——我想给我妈妈买件T恤衫。 2. —What size does she take? —Small. ——她穿多大码的? ——小码。 3. —May I try it on?  —Certainly. ——我可以试穿一下吗? ——当然可以。 4. That's too much. 那太贵了。 5. What else would you like? 你还想要点什么? 名师点拨 1. What can I do for you? 的用法   “What can I do for you?”是口语中极为常 用的一句话, 同义句型为“May / Can I help you?”, 意为“要我帮忙吗? / 我可以帮您吗? / 我能为您做点 什么吗?”,常用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局等办事场所, 作为对顾客的招呼语。如: —What can I do for you, madam?夫人,我可以 帮您吗? —I'm looking for a dress for my daughter.我想 为我女儿买一条连衣裙。 —Can I help you, sir?先生,要吃点什么吗? —Just a cup of tea and two eggs, please.请给 我一杯茶和两个鸡蛋。 【专练】 ( )—______?  —I'm looking for a pair of google glasses for my grandson. A. How is it going B. Who's that speaking C. What can I do for you C 2. take的用法   take作动词,意为“采取;拿,取;接受(礼物 等);耗费(时间等)”。 take的现在分词为taking。在教材中take意为“买”。 OK! I'll take it. 好的,我要买下来。Take的意义 及用法有很多。 (1)意为“拿;取(从这里拿到别处)”。如: Take some books to the classroom. 拿些书到教室。 (2)意为“吃;喝;服用”。如: Take this medicine three times a day.每天吃三 次药。 (3)意为“乘车(船)等”。如: They usually take a bus to work.他们通常乘公交 车上班。 (4)take常常和it连用,it在句子中作形式主语,真 正的主语是后面的不定式。翻译成“花费(时间、金钱) 等”。结构为:It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth.,意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”。如: How long will it take you to do your homework every day?每天做家庭作业要花费你多长时间? (5)由take构成的短语有很多。 take a walk散步;   take a rest休息一下; take a look看一看; take away拿走; take care(=be careful=look out)当心;小心; take (good) care of(好好)照顾;照料; take down取下来; take … as an example拿……举例; take off脱下; (飞机等)起飞; take one's time别着急;慢慢来; take one's temperature量体温; take one's place坐某人的座位;取代(某人)的位置; take out拿出;取出; take sb.to … 带某人去……; take … with sb.将……随身携带; take it easy不紧张;放松;松懈。 【专练】 ( ) It______him two days to finish the work. A.take  B.takes  C.pay  D.spend B 3. may的用法   may 作情态动词,意为“可以;可能”,没有 人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,变为疑问句时只需把 may 提前。May I … ? 句型常用来征求对方的许可, 语气委婉、正式。 —May I use your dictionary? 我可以用一下你 的字典吗? —Sure. 当然可以。 【专练】 ( ) —Mum,______I play the computer games for a while?(2016四川攀枝花中考) —I'm afraid you have to finish your homework first. A.must  B.need  C.will  D.may D 4. try的用法   try作动词,意为“尝试;试穿;品尝”,常用结构: try on试穿;try to do sth. 努力做某事;try doing sth. 尝试做某事。注意: try 是动副结构,代词要放 在两者之间。 He tries to do his best every day.他尽量每天做到 最好。 Why don't you try riding a bike to school? 你为 什么不试着骑自行车上学呢? 【拓展】try还可以作名词,意为“尝试”,是可数名词。 常用短语:have a try尝试一下 【专练】 ( ) If you want to buy this dress, you'd better ______ first to make sure it fits you. A. pay for it B. take it off C. tidy it up D. try it on D 5. 辨析too much, much too与too many 比较项 含义 用法 举例 too much 太多 后接不可 数名词 Eating too much junk food is bad for our health.吃太多的垃 圾食品对我们的健康有害。 too many 太多 后接可数 名词复数 形式 There are too many buses and cars in the street.街上有太多 的公交车和汽车。 much too 太 后接形容 词或副词 It's much too hot today.今天太 热了。 【专练】 ( ) 1. The book is______expensive, I can't buy it because I don't have______money. A. too much; much too B. too much; many too C. much too; too much D. much too; many too ( )2. Students shouldn't spend ______ time on computer games. A.too many B.much too C.many too D.too much C D 6. sale的用法   sale作名词,意为“降价出售”,复数为sales。 常用短语:for sale待售;on sale在销售;廉价销售; yard sale旧物出售(指将家里的旧家具、旧衣物等摆在 自家的院子里出售)。如: Most stores offer big sales on Black Friday. 大多数商店都在“黑色星期五”大减价。 The latest computer will be on sale next week. 最新款的电脑将在下周出售。 We're going to have a yard sale this Saturday. 我们打算在本周六举办一场旧物销售活动。 【专练】根据汉语意思补全句子,词数不限 一些旧书在降价出售。 Some old books are ______. on sale 语篇理解 一、听对话 听教材P26 Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音, 回答第1~3小题。 ( )1. What does Lingling want to buy? A. Skirt.   B. A T-shirt. C. A pair of gloves. ( )2. What color does Lingling's mother like? A. Red. B. Purple.   C. Pink. B B ( )3. What else would Lingling like? A. Beans and carrots B. Carrots and lemons. C. Beans and lemons. C 二、听填信息 听教材Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音,完 成下列信息表。 In the shop: Lingling buys a T-shirt for her mother. ※Color: 1. ______ ※Size: 2. ______ ※Price 3. ______ yuan purple small 99 续表 In the market: Lingling and Betty buy some food. ※Food: sausages, beans ※Fruit: lemons and 4. ____________ ※Total price(总价):5. __________________ strawberries fifty-nine / 59 yuan 三、根据课本P26 Activity 3的对话内容,完成短文填 空   Lingling and Betty go shopping today. They go into a 1. ______.Lingling wants to buy a T-shirt for her 2. ______.Her mother likes purple and size she wears is 3. ______.Lingling tries 4. ______ a small one. When she looks at the 5. ______, she thinks it is too expensive. But the shop worker tells her there is a 6. ______ on today and everything is 7. ______ price.So Lingling takes it. Lingling also wants to buy some food. So they go to the 8. ______.There, Lingling buys half a kilo of beans and shop mother small on price sale half m rket 9. ______ lemons. They are forty-nine yuan. Betty wants a kilo of 10. ____________. They are ten yuan a kilo. two strawberries price    fresh    一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1. Everything is half ______(价格). 2. Look at the lemons! They look so ______. 3. My brother likes eating ____________  (草莓). 4. There's a ______(降价) on today. 5. —What ______ do you take? —Small.   strawberries     sale     size    课堂小测 二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,词数不限 6. 今天有降价销售活动。 There is ____________ today. 7. 所有的东西都半价。 Everything ____________. 8. 这件T恤衫多少钱? ______ is the T-shirt? 9. 您还需要点什么别的吗? ____________ would you like? 10. 我可以试穿一下这件大衣吗? Can I ______ this coat? a sale on is half price How much What else try on B 三、单项填空 ( )11. —______?—I'd like to buy some books. A. What are you doing? B. What can I do for you C. How are you? D. How is it going? ( )12. —The T-shirt is only ten dollars. —I'll______it. A. buy B. take C. sale D. sell ( )13. How much______do you want? A. biscuit B. lemon C. strawberry D. chicken B D D B ( )14. This coat is very beautiful, can I______? A. try on it B. try on them C.try on it D.try it on ( )15. I want to buy a shirt______my father. A. to B. for C. in D. on

