译林版七年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 Amazing things Study skills

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译林版七年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 Amazing things Study skills

Unit 5 Amazing things Study skills What did you do today? 1. I dried my hair. 2. I washed my hands. 3. I cleaned my room. 4. I brushed my hair. Many verbs in the simple past tense end in the letters –ed. Do you know how many ways of pronouncing this ending there are? Pronouncing the –ed ending 1 dance — danced 2 help — helped 3 talk — talked 4 shop — shopped The ways of pronouncing -ed / s / / t //p / / t // t // t / / k //p / 清辅音 Tip 1:-ed pronounces /t/ after the voiceless consonants. 5 play — played 6 live — lived 7 answer — answered 8 carry — carried The ways of pronouncing -ed /e ɪ/ / d // v / / d / / d // d / /ə / /ɪ / 浊辅音 元音 Tip 2: -ed pronounces /d/ after the voiced consonants and vowels. 9 hate — hated 10 need — needed 11 visit — visited 12 shout — shouted The ways of pronouncing -ed / t / /ɪ d // d / /ɪ d //ɪ d //ɪ d / / t // t / Tip 3: -ed pronounces /ɪd/ after the sounds /t/ and /d/. Listen and repeat these words / t / / d / / ɪd / 1 danced 5 played 9 hated 2 helped 6 lived 10 needed 3 talked 7 answered 11 visited 4 stopped 8 carried 12 shouted More examples watched, laughed, washed, cooked looked, missed, liked, helped / t / happened, raised, climbed, cried followed, enjoyed, cared, moved / d / waited, shouted, wanted, planted needed, sounded, added, nodded / ɪd / 1. listened ____ 5. started _____ 9. stopped _____ 2. liked ____ 6. chatted ____ 10. raised _____ 3. wanted ____ 7. finished ____ 11. walked _____ 4. hoped _____ 8. passed _____12. turned _____ /d/ / t / /t/ /Id / /Id/ /t/ /t/ /t/ /d/ /t/ /d/ Listen and write (P65) /Id / More exercises 1. joined ______ 2. shared ______ 3. shopped______ 4. planned______ 5. closed ______ 6. pushed ______ 7. tried ______ 8. planted ______ 9. waited _____ 10. prepared ______ 11. failed _____ 12. searched _____ 13. moved _____ 14. missed _____ / d / / d / / t / / d / / d / / t / / d / /ɪ d //ɪ d / / d / / d / / t / / d / / t / Practice: Do they have the same pronunciation? 1. opened stopped ( ) 2. wanted hated ( ) 3. washed planned ( ) 4. turned passed ( ) 5. helped finished ( ) 6. danced listened ( ) 7. asked played ( ) 8. lived stayed ( ) Y N N N Y N Y N Match the following words with the sounds of their letters. /d / /ɪ d/ /t/ weighed chatted passed called lookedsounded used jumped asked startedmoved visited Practice Millie: Sandy, you're late. The museum closed just a minute ago. Sandy: Sorry. My grandma visited us this afternoon, so I stayed at home and talked to her. Millie: That's OK. Sandy: I hope you enjoyed your day. What did you do? Millie: We watched a short film. It showed a lot of amazing things in the world. Kitty: Then we played some amazing games. It was fun! We're going to come here again next weekend. Sandy: Let me come with you then! Listen and read (P65) The ways of pronouncing –ed: 1. -ed pronounces /t/ after the voiceless consonants. 2. -ed pronounces /d/ after the voiced consonants and vowels. 3. -ed pronounces /ɪd/ after the sounds /t/ and /d/. Summary 1. Write down some past forms of the regular verbs and put them in the right groups according to the pronunciations /t/, /d/ and /ɪd/. 2. Read the verbs with –ed endings correctly. Homework Practice makes perfect!

