外研版英语七年级下册《Western music》重点单词

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外研版英语七年级下册《Western music》重点单词

Module 12 I、重点单词。 1. 生动的 lively 2. 现代的 modern 3. 吵闹的 noisy 噪音 n oise 4. 流行的 popular (反)unpopular 5. 欧洲的 European 欧洲 Europe 6. 经典的 classical 7. 完美的 perfect 8. 悲伤的 sad 9. 年长的 elder (反)younger 10. 嗓音 voice 11.大自然界的任何声音 sound 12. 小提琴 violin 13.歌剧 opera 14. 鼓 drum 15. 音乐家 musician 音乐 music 16. 中心 center 17. 作曲家 composer 作曲 v. compose 18. 华尔兹 waltz 19. 世纪 century( one hundred years) 复数 centuries 20. 相信 believe 可信的 believable 21. 感觉 feel (过)felt 22. 又一 another II、重点语法。 1. 受…的欢迎 be popular with sb 2. 拉小提琴/弹钢琴/打鼓/弹吉他 play the violin/ the piano/ the drum/ the guitar 3. 听说…hear of /about sth 4. 一个…的迷 a fan of … 5. 让我们清净会吧 give us a break 6. 在…的中心 in the center of … 7. 带某人参观… take/show sb around 地 8. 举办音乐会 give concerts 9. 在 18 世纪 in the eighteenth century 10. 失去听觉 lose sb’s hearing 11. 超过 more than=over 12. 舞曲 dance music 13. 不但…而且 not only … but also… 14.发生(有组织的)take place 15. 使他出名 make him famous 16. 整个欧洲 all over Europe 17. 欧洲古典音乐的中心 the centre of European classical music III、语法 感叹句和选择疑问句 (见名校课堂 82 页) 感叹句: 1)What a/an +形+单名+主+谓!=How +形+a/an +单名+主+谓! 2)What +形+复名/不可数+主+谓! 3)How +形/副+主+谓! 选择疑问句:一般疑问句+or+另一个选择对象? Ⅴ、写作。 请根据下面的信息介绍我国伟大的作曲家洗星海。 Xian Xinghai famous for the song The Yellow River wrote it in 1939 one of the great composers of classical and traditional music born in Macao,China,1905 died young, 1945 called the “People’s Musician” used traditional Chinese music studied in Paris songs are still popular today 范文: Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music. He was born in Macao, China, In 1905,and studied in Paris. He used traditional Chinese music to write songs. He was famous for the song The Yellow River. He wrote in 1939 in only a few days. He died young at the age of 40 in 1945. His songs are still popular today. He was called the “People’s Musician” Ⅴ、练习。 一、单项选择。 1. Do you know ______ when they meet? A. what they do B. what do they do C. what they did D. what did they do 2. She’ll visit Shanghai _________ next year A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time 3. He will stay in Jinan for _____. A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time 4. I remembered I visited Leshan ________. A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time 5. They come from ______ countries, but they can speak ______ language. A. the different; the same B. the different; same C. different; the same 6. Do you know ______ when they meet? A. what they do B. what do they do C. what they did 7. Who is the novel ______? —Jack. He wrote it in 2001. A. in B. to C. by D. of 8.My parents ______ teachers. A. all are B. both are C. are both C. are all 9. The students in my class _______ PE. A. like all B. all like C. both like D. like both 10. My ______ brother is two years older than me. A. younger B. elder C. longer D. older 11. It’s cold today. Put on more clothes to ______ you warm when you go out. A. let B. take C. give D. make 12. I know something about that doctor ______ David. A. calls B. calling C. called D. is called 13. Maria’s father is a bus driver, ______ he? A. isn’t B. is C. wasn’t D. didn’t 14. —Come and watch TV with me, Mum and Dad. —______! We are busy with the housework! A. Good idea B. That’s right C. Thanks a lot D. Give us a break 15. ---The twins watched TV last night, didn’t they? ----_______. They only did it for ten minutes . A: Yes, they didn’t. B: Yes, they did. C: No, they didn’t. D: No, they did. 16. _________ she dances! A. How good B. How well C. What good D. What well 17. ____ exciting football match it is! A. What B. What a C. What an D. How 18. ______ fine weather it is today! A. How B. What a C. What an D. What 19. There’s so much _________in this room that I can’t hear you talking. A. sound B. voice C. noise 20. The music ___________too loud. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. sounds 21. I can hear the ___________of the bells(钟) outside(外面). A. sound B. voice C. noise 22.The little girl has a very beautiful and sweet _______. A. sound B. voice C. noise 23.______ it away. I don’t want to see it any more. A. take B. bring C. carry 24. This bag of rice is too heavy. I can’t ______it. A. take B. bring C. carry 25. Tom, please ____________ the photos to our school tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. carry 26.—Is this shirt yours, Bob? ---No’ it isn’t. You can ask _____ boys over there. A. other B. else C. others D. another 27. Of all the ______ books, I like the ______ one best. A. third; third B. three; three C. third; three D. three; third 28.I have got a _______ sister, Amy. She’s very cute. A. three years old B. three-year-old C. three years old’s 28.Please read the following passage and ______ the answers _____ my questions. A. find out; in B. look for; to C. find out; to 29. ---Happy Women’s Day, Mum. ----________,David. A. The same to you B. Good luck C. Thank you 二、适当形式填空。 1.There are seven ________(person) in the room. Everyone has some ___________(person) things. 2.It’s ________(polite) to talk loudly in the library. 3.There are ten _________ in his school. They speak _________.(Germany) 4.Last Sunday Tom ______(visit) Mountain Emei. There were lots of ________(visit) there. 5. Five ____________(Japan) will come to our school tomorrow. The students are form __________. They are ________. They can speak ________. (Russia) 6. The twins are from _________.They are __________ (Canada). 7. Mr Green is one of the most popular _____________(foreign). 8. That is a __________story. We were all _________ by it. (move) 9. Some people think it is _________(polite) to ask someone's age. 10. He said to the woman ________, “Are you Chinese?” (polite) 11. How about ________________(hug) each other in China? 12. Not only I but also Tony ________(like) playing basketball. 13. Our classroom is ________ enough(足够的). Don’t make _______ any more. (noise) 14.He likes _______ very much. He wants to be a _______ in the future.(music) 15.Do you like _________(west) food or Chinese food? 16.You can visit Mr Li in his office. His ________(work) hours are from 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning. 17.Chinese and English are the official(官方的)__________(language) of Hong Kong. 18. Please stop _______(shout). Someone is sleeping in the room. 19.Keep _______(smile) whatever(无论什么) happens. 三、按要求完成句子。 1. Don’t be late for school. (同义句) Please come to school ______ _______. 2. The park is close to the school. (同义句) The park isn’t ______________ ____________the school. 3. Jim walks to school four times a week. (对划线提问) ______ ______ ______ _____ Jim ______ to school a week? 4. Jim visits Leshan twice a month. (提问) __________ _________ ________Jim____________Leshan? 5. We can see trees everywhere. (同义句) We can see trees _____ _____ _____. 6. My father cooked supper,_______ ________?(反意疑问句) 7. Don’t shout in the library, _______ ________? (反意疑问句) 8. The twins won’t come here, _______ ________?(反意疑问句) 9. Let’s have a picnic, _______ ________? (反意疑问句) 10. There is little milk in the cup, ______ ________?(反意疑问句) 11. Tom likes watching TV. (用 swimming 构成选择问句) ______Tom _________watching TV _______ ____________? 12. I’ve no idea. (同义句) _____ _______ _________. Or _______ _______ _________. 13.What a heavy box it is! (同义句) ______ ______ the box is! 三年前我搬到了山东。I _______ ______ Shangdong three years ______. 你没有写对这个单词,那是因为你不仔细。You didn’t write this word right. ______ _________ you were __________. 不要坐得离窗户太近。 Don’t sit _______ ________ ______ the window. 欢迎来到北京。午饭后我会带你到这里参观。Welcome to Beijing. I will _______ you ________ here after lunch. 他们居住在中国的首都北京。 They live in __________, __________ __________ _________ China. 我原来可不知道那个。I ______ _______ ______. 王晓和王飞都是好学生。 ______ Wang Xiao ____ Wang Fei are good students. 他的家乡是位于长江河畔的一个小城。 His hometown is a small city______ the Changjiang River. 附加题: 1.用英语解释英语: 1).Mr Wang was very ______________(having little money) last year. 2).My uncle is a ______________(having much money) man. 3).Tom was born in the twentieth _____________(one hundred years). 4).Tom is one of the great m___________(a person who writes music). 5).Xian Xinghai is one of the great ______________(a person who writes music professionally(专业地)). 6).Mr Wang got _____________(having a husband or wife) to a beautiful girl yesterday. 7).His grandfather _____________(to stop living) at the age of 80. 8).My little brother is very __________(not old). He is only one year old. 9).Don’t go out _______________(not having sth) a coat on. 10).I’m very ____________(wanting to eat). Can you give me something to eat? 11).Don’t make any noise. The baby is __________(sleeping) now. 12).The room is __________(with very little/ no light). Please turn on the lights. 13).Tom noticed a __________(not big) house. 14).There are two ____________(a shop that sells books) in the street. 15).Lots of ___________(a person who visits a place for pleasure(高兴)) from different places come to visit Beihai Park. 16).The shops are always _________(not closed).You can shop at any time. 17).You can see many ___________(something that is made in a factory) there. 18).I’ve looked _____________(here and there),but I still can’t find it. 19).The box is very ___________________(difficult to move). 20). The coat is very __________________(low in price). I can buy it. 21) There are four ___________(people from other countries) in Jim’s school. 22) It’s ________(not polite) to ______(go into) the room without knocking on the door. 23) The bank is ______________(across from) the restaurant. 24) _________(go across) the square, you can find the zoo easily. 25) Jim has _________(some) friends in Shanghai. 26) Tom ________(get) a lot of presents on his last birthday. 27) Mr Black doesn’t like living in this ________(not quiet) city and wants to live in the country. 28) Jim _________(give back) the pen to me yesterday morning. Work hard and you will succeed! Come on! Practice makes perfect! Be over!

