北师大初一下英语Unit Three 语法篇教师

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北师大初一下英语Unit Three 语法篇教师

Unit Three 语法篇 ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 重点掌握可数名词和不可数名词及there be 句型的用法。‎ 重点语法:可数名词与不可数名词 一、可数名词与不可数名词的区别 ‎  普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词。可数名词分为个体名词(表示某类人或事物中的个体,如worker, farmer, desk, factory等)和集体名词(表示作为一个整体来看的一群人或一些事物,如people, family 等)。如果普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词就叫不可数名词。不可数名词分为物质名词(表示无法分为个体的物质,如meat, rice, water, milk, orange 等)和抽象名词(表示动作、状态、情况、品质等抽象概念,如work, homework, time, health, friendship等)。‎ 二、关于可数名词 ‎  可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。名词由单数形式变成复数形式的规则如下:‎ ‎1. 一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。如:book → books room → rooms house → houses day → days ‎2. 以s, ch, sh, x 结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。如:bus → buses glass → glasses ‎ ‎3. 以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。如:city → cities body → bodies ‎ ‎4. 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加-es。如:half → halves leaf → leaves knife → knives   5. 特例 [悄悄话:特例常常考,要记住。]‎ ‎① child → children ② man → men woman → women policeman → policemen(规律:man → men)‎ ‎③ tomato → tomatoes potato → potatoes ‎[初中英语以o 结尾的名词变复数时只有这两个词加-es,其余的当然加-s喽!如:photo → photos ]‎ ‎④ foot → feet tooth → teeth[悄悄话: oo变成ee。]‎ ‎⑤ sheep, Chinese, Japanese单、复数同形 [悄悄话:变复数时词形不变。]‎ ‎⑥ people单数形式表示复数意义,要求谓语动词用复数;people的复数形式peoples通常指“多个民族”。‎ 三、关于不可数名词 ‎1. 不可数名词没有复数,当它作句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。‎ ‎2. 有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式,但他们的意义往往发生变化。‎ ‎3. 很多的不可数名词表示泛指时为不可数,表示种类时就可数,但意义大多不发生变化。‎ 四、名词可数不可数“六注意”‎ ‎1、可数名词是可以用来计数的名词。可数名词有单数和复数形式。如:desk-desks, apple-apples等。不可数名词是不可以直接用来计数的名词。不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。‎ ‎2、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词a(an),表示特指时,前面要用定冠词the; 而不可数名词前不能用a(an)修饰,表示特指时,前面一定要用定冠词the。‎ ‎3、可数名词和不可数名词前都可以用some, any, a lot of, lots of 等来修饰,表示"一些,许多"。‎ ‎4、可数名词前可用具体的数词来表示具体的数量。不可数名词前通常用"单位词+of"来表示数量。 5、可数名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与主语的单复数保持一致。‎ 不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式,但是不可数名词前有复数"单位词"时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 如:There are two cups of tea on the table. 桌上有两杯茶。‎ ‎6、对可数名词前的修饰语提问用how many; 对不可数名词前的修饰语提问用how much。 如:‎ ‎  How many apples are there in the box?盒子里有多少个苹果?‎ ‎  How much tea is there in the cup?杯里有多少茶水?‎ ‎ 注意:对不可数名词前的"单位词"的修饰语提问时,疑问词用how many。 如:‎ ‎  How many pieces of bread are there on the plate?盘子里有多少片面包?‎ ‎   英语中的名词按其表示的事物性质的不同可分为可数名词与不可数名词。这两种名词在用法上是有区别的,现归纳如下: ‎ 一、可数名词有单数、复数之分,如:   map→maps;onion→onions;baker→bakers ‎ ‎    不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如: some water;a lot of bread ‎ 二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词a (an);而不可数名词不能用a(an)。‎ ‎[友情提醒] 在表示特指时,不可数名词和可数名词前都要用定冠词the。‎ 三、可数名词表示复数意义时可用many等词修饰。如:many apples,a lot of tomatoes,a few pens ‎ ‎     不可数名词则要用much、a little等词修饰。 如:much meat,a little bread,little water ‎ 四、可数名词前通常可用具体的数词来修饰。如: three women,ten babies ‎ ‎    不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词+表示数量的名词(可数名词)+of+ 不可数名词”。如:  two glasses of milk——两杯牛奶  five pieces of bread——五片面包 ‎ 五、可数名词做主语时,谓语动词的单、复数与主语的单、复数须保持一致。不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。如果不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词须用复数形式。‎ 六、对可数名词的数量提问用how many;对不可数名词的数量提问要用how much,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用how many。‎ 七、另外,有些集合名词也是可数名词,但不同的是,它们以单数形式出现,表示复数概念,如people,police,family等;而有些可数名词本身就以复数形式出现,如clothes,glasses(眼镜)等;有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如Japanese,sheep,Chinese等。如: ‎ 重点语法:There be句型基本用法 A)There be句型的基本用法:某地/某存在有某人/某物 ‎1.形式为“There be+代词或名词(短语)+地点/时间状语”。‎ B)There be+sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语:有某人在做某事 注意 ‎1. There be句型中be动词与主语要保持主谓的一致性。‎ ‎2. 如果作主语的是一个短语,则常常考查短语中的修饰语。可数名词的复数形式前可以用any, some, few, a few, many或用数词+hundred/thousand/million, hundreds/thousands/millions of, no等修饰;不可数名词可以受any, some, no, little, a little,much等词的修饰。‎ ‎3. 注意不定代词的用法。‎ ‎1) 不定代词在句中作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。‎ ‎2) 不定代词受形容词修饰时要放在形容词前面。‎ ‎4. There be句型的反意疑问句,要注意陈述部分的形式。 若陈述部分含有little,few,no,nobody,none等否定词时,简短问句要用肯定形式。‎ 但含否定意义的形容词修饰不定代词时则仍看做肯定句式。‎ ‎5. 要注意句子前后意思的一致性。‎ 有的句子单独看其意义时,可能不止一个选项适合于它,但如果联系上下句的意思则只能有一个恰当的选项。‎ ‎6.就近一致原则:即be动词的数应与离它最近的一个主语保持一致。 ‎ ‎1.He is very hungry. Please give him_______________.‎ ‎ A.two bread B.two piece of bread C.two pieces of breads D.two pieces of bread ‎2.Those are my___________.‎ ‎ A.glass B.a glass C.glasses D.the glasses ‎3.I have two__________of bread and one________of red tea for breakfast. ‎ ‎ A.piece;cup B.pieces;cups C.piece;cups D.pieces;cup ‎4.There_______some apple juice and two bottles of milk on the table.‎ ‎ A.is B.are C.have D.has ‎5.There are_______American girls in the classroom.‎ ‎ A.a B.any C.the D.some 解析:‎ ‎1.不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词+表示数量的名词(可数名词)+of+ 不可数名词”。题目中是两片面包,所以表示数量的名词(可数名词)要用复数,而后面的bread是不可数名词,没有复数,故选D。‎ ‎2.从those表示那些可以看出是复数,glass是可数名词,所以选C。‎ ‎3.不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词+表示数量的名词(可数名词)+of+ 不可数名词”。题目中是两片面包,所以表示数量的名词(可数名词)要用复数,而后面的bread是不可数名词,没有复数;后面是一杯红茶是单数,所以选D。‎ ‎4.此题考查的there be 句型,There be句型中be动词与主语要保持主谓的一致性。从后面的apple juice可知是不可数名词,所以用单数is。故选A。‎ ‎5.从后面的girls可以看出是可数名词复数,此句又是肯定句,所以用some。故选D 答案:DCDAD 基础演练 一、选择填空 ‎1.The deer has four ______ ‎ ‎ A. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots ‎2.Her two brothers are both ______. ‎ ‎ A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen D. policemens ‎3.There are four _____ and two ______ in the group.‎ ‎ A. Japanese, Germen B. Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese, Germans ‎4.Two ______ would come to the village.‎ ‎ A. woman-doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctors ‎5.Can you see nine _____ in the picture? ‎ ‎ A. sheep B. dog C. pig D. horse ‎6.The _____ has two ______. ‎ ‎ A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches D. boys, watch ‎7.The boy often brushes his _____ before he goes to bed. ‎ ‎ A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths ‎8.The Japanese ____ will not leave China until she finishes her study.‎ ‎ A. woman B. women C. man D. men ‎9.There are lots of _____ in the basket on the table. ‎ ‎ A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss ‎10.The cat caught two ______ last night. ‎ ‎ A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. Mices 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1.There are three_____ (cup) of tea.‎ ‎2.How many ______ (dictionary) are there on this shelf.‎ ‎3.Would you like some ________ (book) to read?‎ ‎4.Both of my ________ (parent) are teachers.‎ ‎5.They are all _________ (doctor).‎ ‎6.One of the most interesting___________ (country) is in Africa.‎ ‎7.The blue ___________ (trouser) are too long.‎ ‎8.Let’s ________ (have) a English class.‎ 巩固提高 三、根据中文提示完成下列各句。‎ ‎1.我们小组中的四个同学每天喝很多水。‎ For students__________________________________every day.‎ ‎2.你每餐吃多少肉?‎ ‎ __________________________________at every meal?‎ ‎3.约翰喜欢吃些零食当作早餐。 ‎ John______________________________________________.‎ ‎4.我认为每天吃个苹果是很好的。 ‎ I think____________________________________every day.‎ ‎5.每天喝两杯以上的加糖饮料对我们的健康有害。 ‎ It___________________________________two glasses of drinks with sugar every day.‎ 四、句型转换。‎ ‎1.There are some bottles of water in the fridge.(转换为一般疑问句) ‎ ‎_________________________________ in the fridge?‎ ‎2.The beef is $ 10.99 a kilo today.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎________________________ today?‎ ‎3.Jim has one egg, two pieces of bread and an oranges for breakfast.(对画线部分提问)‎ ‎__________________________________ breakfast?‎ ‎4.A lot of people in Asia eat rice almost every day.(对画线部分提问)‎ ‎________________________________rice?‎ ‎5.There is some tea in the teapot. (改为否定句)‎ ‎________________________teapot.‎ 答案:‎ 一、1-5:BCCCA 6-10:ACACB 二、1.cups 2.dictionaries 3.books 4.parents 5.doctors 6.countries 7.trousers 8.have 三、1.in our group drink a lot of water 2.How much meat do you have ‎ ‎ 3.likes eating snacks for breakfast 4.it is good to eat an apple ‎ ‎5.is bad for our healthy to drink more than 四、1.Are there any bottles of water 2.How much is the beef 3.What does Jim have for ‎ 4.How often do a lot of people in Asia eat 5.There isn’t any tea in the 一、单选。‎ ‎1.---What’s _________Mum’s favorite food, Grace? ---My Mum? Oh, a green salad. She is a vegetarian.‎ ‎ A.their B.his C.her D.your ‎2.---__________is the beef? ---The unit price is $ 5.99/1b.‎ ‎ A.How much B.What C.How many D.Which ‎3.---What delicious oranges! ---Exactly. They will_________me nearly $ 10 this time. ‎ ‎ A.pay B.spend C.cost D.take ‎ ‎4.These bananas are so cheap. The total foe 3 kilos_________only $ 5.00..‎ ‎ A.is B.are C.has D.have ‎5.---How many__________do you want,madam? ---Half a kilo,please.‎ ‎ A.chicken B.carrots C.potatoes D.beef ‎6.---Dad, ___________I have two hot gods, please? ---You’d better not. They aren’t healthy enough.‎ ‎ A.do B.must C.can D.should ‎7.---Jane,would you like something___________? ----No, thanks.‎ ‎ A.drinking B.to be drinking C.drink D.to drink ‎8.---Is there anything to drink? ---Yes,Here are_________on the table.‎ ‎ A.two bottles of orange juice B.a lot of milk C.a cup of tea D.some coffee ‎9.Most parents think hamburgers are not healthy__________they are my favorite food..‎ ‎ A.and B.or C.but D.so ‎10.---Excuse me. Do you have_________books on science? ‎ ‎ A.some B.a C.an D.any ‎ 二、完型填空。(10分)‎ ‎ Most Children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything we give them and a child 1 hates food whether it is badly cooked.‎ ‎ On the other hand,we have many ways to improve a child’s appetite. Never ask a child whether he likes or dislike a food and never__2__ what we like or dislike in front of him or let anybody else do it that way. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother says that she refuses vegetable in the child’s presence, he is more likely to copy these __3 ___ .If we don’t do these things, we’re __4__ that he likes everything and he probably will. A child should not __5___any healthy food from the meal because of a supposed dislike. At meal times it is a good __6__to give a child a little food and let him __7___ back for a second helping rather than give him as ___ 8___ as he is likely to eat all at once. Don’t talk too much to the child during meal times __9__ let them get on with his food, and don’t allow him to leave the table right after a meal or he will __10___learn to swallow his food, so he can hurry back to his toys. The last tip is that we never coax a child or force him to eat the food.‎ ‎ In this way, our children will enjoy their meals every day.‎ ‎1. A. seldom B. often C.usually D.always ‎2. A. tell B. show C. talk D.feel ‎3. A. appetites B. thoughts C.examples D.ideas ‎4. A. easy B.hard C.sure D.different ‎5. A. forget B.lose C.know D.miss ‎6. A. order B.advice C.idea D.plan ‎7. A. look B.come C. return D.take ‎8. A. much B.little C.few D.many ‎9. A. and B.or C.because D.but ‎10. A.hurriedly B.soon C.slowly D.fast 答案:‎ 一、1-5:DACAB 6-10:CDACD 二、1-5:ABCCD 6-10:CBADB ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________‎ 一、 单选。(2019年七年级英语下册期中测试附答案)‎ ‎1、_______sleeps during the day but at night he gets up and eats food.‎ ‎    A、A panda           B、A dog               C、A koala             D、A giraffe ‎2、—When you’re hungry, where can you get something to eat?   —_______.‎ ‎     A、In a pool         B、In a restaurant         C、In a garden       D、In a library ‎3、When I grow up, I want________ a football player.‎ ‎    A、be                    B、to be                C、am                    D、are ‎4、It’s________ in Australia when it’s winter in China.‎ ‎    A、cold                 B、hot                   C、winter               D、snowing ‎5、Look! Emma is_______ her bedroom. Her room is always_________.‎ ‎   A、clean, clean      B、clean, cleaning  C、cleaning, clean   D、cleaning, cleaning 二、用适当的形式填空。‎ ‎1. The beef is two___________(dollar) a pound.‎ ‎2. We want three _________(cup) of___________(coffee).‎ ‎3. ---May I take__________(you) order,please? ---OK.‎ ‎4. Sam doesn’t like _______(carrot) or_______(tomato). However,hr likes________(potato) very much.‎ ‎5. How much (be) four sandwiches?‎ ‎6. There__________ (be) a bottle of mineral water and two________(hamburger)on the table.‎ ‎7. You can take any__________ (gift) you like.‎ ‎8. I don’t have any_______ (book) to read.‎ ‎9. Please put this basket of _________(banana) here.‎ ‎10. That bag of apples_________(be) red.‎ 三、用“have, has” , “there is ,there are” 或者“is there ,are there”填空。‎ ‎1. I ______ a good father and a good mother. ‎ ‎2. ___________ a book on the desk. ‎ ‎3. He ________ a tape-recorder. ‎ ‎4. They _________ a nice garden. ‎ ‎5. What do you ________ ? ‎ ‎6. _____________ a reading-room in the building? ‎ ‎7. What does Mike ________ ? ‎ ‎8. _____________ any books in the bag? ‎ ‎9. My father _______ a story-book. ‎ ‎10. ______________ any flowers in the garden? ‎ ‎11. How many students ____________ in the classroom? ‎ ‎12. My parents _________ some nice pictures. ‎ ‎13. ____________ some maps on the wall. ‎ ‎14. David’s friends _________ some dogs. ‎ ‎15. _____________ many children on the hill.‎ 四、按要求完成句子 ‎1.There is a computer in my house. (一般疑问句) _____ ______ a computer in ______ house? ‎ ‎2.There are some flowers on the teachers’ desk. (一般疑问句) ___ ____ ___flowers on the teachers’ desk ? ‎ ‎3.There aren’t any apples on the tree.(变回肯定句) There ______ ______ apples on the tree. ‎ ‎4.There is a pear in the box.(变否定句) There ______ a pear in the box. ‎ ‎5.There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问) ___ ____students are there in your class? ‎ 五、语言知识运用。根据中文意思完成句子。‎ ‎1.今天鸡肉的价格是多少? ‎ ‎_____________________today?‎ ‎2.我想要一份牛肉三明治和一杯牛奶。‎ I’d___________________________.‎ ‎3.爸爸认为热狗不健康,而沙拉又有点单调。‎ Dad thinks_____________________________ while________________________________.‎ ‎4.游泳运动员每天吃很多鱼肉、米饭和蔬菜。‎ Swimmers______________________________________every day.‎ ‎5.在我们班,绝大多数学生都吃很多水果,和运动员是一样的。‎ In our class, most students________________________________________ sportsmen.‎ 六、阅读理解 ‎(A)‎ ‎ In the morning, Mr. Martin comes into his garden. He sees too much snow in the garden. Mr Martin wants to take his car out, so he asks a cleaner to clean the road(路) from his garage(车库) to the gate. He says to the cleaner, “Don’t put any snow on the flowers or on the wall. And don’t put any into the street, or the policeman will come.” Then he goes out.‎ When he comes back, the road is clean. There is no snow on the flowers, on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: it is full of snow, the snow from the road, and his car is under the snow!‎ ‎1、What is the weather like?___________‎ ‎ A、It’s very hot.    B、It’s raining.      C、It’s cold          D、It’s windy.‎ ‎2、Who cleans the snow on the road? ___________‎ ‎ A、Mr Martin.      B、A policeman.    C、Mrs Martin.     D、A cleaner.‎ ‎3、Why can’t the cleaner put any snow into the street? ___________‎ ‎ A、Because there’s too much snow, too.      B、Because the policeman will come.‎ ‎ C、Because there are flowers in the street.   D、Because there’s a car in the street.‎ ‎4、Where is the snow after the cleaner cleans the road? ___________‎ ‎ A、On the flowers.                                    B、In the garage.‎ ‎ C、In the street.                                  D、We don’t know.‎ ‎5、What does Mr Martin think of the cleaner? ___________‎ ‎ A、He is smart.                                  B、He does a right thing.‎ ‎ C、He does a wrong thing.                  D、He helps Mr Martin.‎ ‎(B)‎ One day Mrs Jones goes shopping alone(独自地). When Mr Jones comes home in the evening, she begins to tell him about a beautiful dress. “I see it in a shop this morning,” she says, “and…” “And you want to buy it,” says Mr Jones, “how much is it?” “Fifteen pounds.” Every evening, when Mr Jones comes back from work, his wife goes on talking only about the dress. And at last, after a week, he says, “Oh, buy the dress! Here’s the money!” She is very happy. But the next evening, when Mr Jones comes home and asks, “Have you got the famous(著名的) dress?” She says, “No.” Why not?” he says. “Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. I think nobody else wants this dress. So I think it is not a good one!”‎ ‎1、Mrs Jones goes shopping_________ one day.‎ ‎ A、with Mr Jones                  B、with her friend ‎ C、by herself                       D、with the other woman ‎2、Mrs Jones tells Mr Jones about the dress every day because________.‎ ‎ A、it is really beautiful                              B、she wants the shop ‎ C、she wants Mr Jones to buy it for her      D、she likes it very much ‎3、Mrs Jones is very happy after________.‎ ‎ A、Mr Jones agree(同意) to buy it for her ‎ B、Mr Jones gives her the money for the pants ‎ C、she gets the beautiful dress ‎ D、she sees the dress is still in the shop window ‎4、Mr Jones thinks it’s the famous dress because________.‎ ‎ A、it is a beautiful dress              B、it is in the shop window for a week ‎ C、his wife has it                   D、his wife talks about it again and again ‎5、From the story we can know__________.‎ ‎ A、Mrs Jones is a housewife, she doesn’t have much money ‎ B、Mr Jones doesn’t like his wife ‎ C、Mr Jones comes home for lunch every day ‎ D、Mrs Jones doesn’t like the things if others like them ‎(C)‎ Tom lived in a town near New York. His father had a shop there and his mother was a doctor. He was seven years old this year and began to go to school this September. It was a little far(远的) from their shop and his father drove a car to take him to school five days a week. So he was never(从不) late for class and his teachers likes him very much.‎ It was Monday that day. Miss Green was teaching them to count(数数) from one to ten in the morning. Tom was studying hard. Soon he could count them. Green was happy and asked, “How many people are there in your family, Tom?”‎ Tom stood up and said, “Two, Miss.”‎ ‎“Who are they?”‎ ‎“My father and my mother.”‎ ‎“Oh,” Miss Green was surprised. She then said, “ There are three people in your family.”‎ ‎“But now I’m not at home. I’m at school, you know!”‎ ‎1、Where did Tom’s father work?  ______________‎ ‎        A、In a factory.     B、In a school.      C、In a shop.         D、In a hospital.‎ ‎2、Tom was now a student of_______.‎ ‎        A、Grade One       B、Grade Two       C、Grade Three     D、Grade Four ‎3、Tom was never late for school because________.‎ ‎        A、all his teachers liked him                B、he went to school in a car ‎ C、his house was next to the school     D、he just began to school a month ago ‎4、Miss Green taught her children to count from one to ten_______.‎ ‎        A、every day                       B、one Monday morning    ‎ ‎ C、in Tom’s house               D、five days a week ‎5、Which is the best title(题目) for this story? ____________‎ ‎        A、Two or Three?                  B、From One to Ten ‎ C、Tom and his family          D、Miss Green and Her Students 答案:‎ 一、CBBBC 二、1.dollars 2.cups; coffee 3.your 4.carrots; tomatoes; potatoes 5.are ‎ ‎ 6.is; hamburgers 7.gift 8.books 9.bananas 10.are 三、1.have 2.There is 3.has 4.have 5.have ‎ ‎ 6.Is there 7.have 8.Are there 9.has 10.Are there ‎ ‎ 11.are there 12.have 13There are 14.have 15.There are 四、1.Is there; your 2.Are there any 3.are; some 4.isn’t 5.How many 五、1.How much is the chicken 2.like a beef sandwich and a glass of milk ‎ ‎3.hot dogs are not healthy; salad is kind of boring 4.eat a lot of fish,rice and vegetables ‎ ‎5.eat lots of fruit the same as 六、(A)篇:C D B B C  (B)篇: C C A D A  (C)篇: C A B B A

