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R·七年级下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Section A Grammar Focus-3c New words house drink tea drink tea tomorrow n. 房子 v. 喝 n. 饮料 n. 茶;茶叶 喝茶 adv. 在明天 n. 明天;未来 house drink tea soup movie washjusttomorrow Let’s read What is she doing? eating singing drawing riding a bike She ________________. Lead-in What are they doing? watching TV reading exercising They ________________. What are you doing? I’m watching TV. What’s she doing? She’s washing her clothes. What are they doing? They’re listening to a CD. Grammar Focus Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. I’m cleaning my room. Is he reading a newspaper? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball. Are they using the computer? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. They’re exercising. I am playing computer games. He is playing basketball. She is drawing a picture. They are reading a book. 请 归 纳 什 么 是 现 在 进 行 时 表示现在 (说话瞬间) 正在进行或发生的动 作或现阶段正在进行的动作。 (The Present Progressive Tense) 例:看!他们正在踢足球。 Look! They are playing football. 现在进行时 1 现在进行时的结构:be +v.-ing be(am; is; are)动词的形式要和主语保持一致 例:他们正在下象棋。 They are playing chess. 2 动词的现在分词的变化规律 一般在动词原形后+ing go ask 以不发音的e结尾的, 去e, +ing write take close 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读 闭音节动词,双写这一字母 +ing get run swim put going asking writing taking closing getting running swimming putting 3 以ie结尾的动词变为现在分词时,要把ie 变为y再加-ing。 注意 例:die——dying lie——lying 现在进行时的标志词: now, listen, look等。 例:What are you doing now? (你在干什么?) I’m reading now. (我现在正在读书) Listen! She is singing. (听, 她正在唱歌) 4 现在进行时态的基本句型: 肯定式结构: be doing 例:她现在正在洗衣服。 She is washing the clothes now. 5 否定式结构: be +not +doing 例:她现在没在洗衣服。 She isn’t washing the clothes now. 一般疑问句结构: 提be至句首 例:她现在正在洗衣服吗? Is she washing the clothes now? 特殊疑问句结构: 疑问词+be+主语+doing? 例:她正在做什么? What is she doing? 1. I have lunch at home. 2. They play basketball. 3. She cleans her room every morning. 用现在进行时改写句子。 She is cleaning her room now. I am having lunch at home. They are playing basketball. 3a Write sentences following the examples. 1. Jenny/ clean the house/ now _________________________________ 2. Bob/ make dinner/ every Saturday _________________________________ Jenny is cleaning the house now. Bob makes dinner every Saturday. 3. Mary’s parents/ drink tea/ after dinner ________________________________________ 4. Bill/ talk on the phone/ now ________________________________________ 5. Becky and Bob/watch TV / on weekends ________________________________________ Mary’s parents drink tea after dinner. Bill is talking on the phone now. Becky and Bob watch TV on weekends. 3b Number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. Then practice it with a partner. ____ Do you want to go tomorrow then? ____ OK. See you tomorrow evening! ____ I’m reading a book. ____ Let’s go at seven o’clock. ____ No, this book is really interesting. ____ What are you doing? ____ Do you want to go to the movies now? ____ Sure, what time? 5 8 2 7 4 1 3 6 3c Take turns miming different activities in your group. The others in the group guess what the activities are. No, I’m not. Yes, you’re right. Are you making soup? Are you cleaning? Summary 现在进行时 定义 构成 时间标志词 现在分词的变化规律 句型结构 Exercise 1. 你好!我是李明。___________________ 你好,李明。我是杰克。 _________________________ 2. 你在做什么, 王芳? _______________________________ 没什么。我在看报纸。 _______________________________ 3. 你想和我们一起去吃晚饭吗? ______________________________ Hello. This is Li Ming. What are you doing, Wang Fang? Hi, Li Ming. It’s Jack here. Not much. I’m reading a newspaper. Do you want to join us for dinner? 4. Write questions to complete the conversation. A: Hey, Bob! __________________? (what) B: I’m listening to the radio. A: ________________________? (play soccer) B: Sounds good, but this talk show is interesting. A: _________________? (what, Tony) B: Oh, he’s studying for a test. A: ___________________________? (Steve, too) B: No, he’s not. I think he can play soccer with you. What are you doing Do you want to play soccer What’s Tony doing Is Steve studying for a test, too 1. (辽宁抚顺中考) Tom is not here. He ______ in the health club. A. is exercising B. was exercising C. exercises D. exercised 中考链接 2.(广西百色中考)—Kitty, I’m busy cooking. Can you give me a hand? —Mum, just wait a moment. I ____ my bed now. A. make B. will make C. am making D. making 3.(贵州贵阳中考)“Tom, would you please take out the rubbish?” “Just a minute, mom. I ______ a phone call.” A. make B. makes C. am making 4. (湖北十堰中考)—Sam, let’s go to the cinema. There’s a new movie called Avengers Ⅲ ( 《复仇者 联盟3》). —Not now. I ____ my brother David with his English. A. help B. helped C. am helping D. have helped

