新目标人教版七年级英语下册unit 5单元全套优质课件(含Review)

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新目标人教版七年级英语下册unit 5单元全套优质课件(含Review)

[人教新目标版]七年级英语下册单元优质课件 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Section A Grammar focus-3c Section A 1a-2d Section B 1a-1d Section B 2a-2c Section B 3a-self check Review R·七年级下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section A 1a-2d New words and phrases panda zoo tiger elephant koala lion giraffe n. 熊猫 n. 动物园 n. 老虎 n. 大象 n. 树袋熊;考拉 n. 狮子 n. 长颈鹿 /kəʊˈɑːlə/ animal cute lazy smart beautiful scary kind kind of n. 动物 adj. 可爱的;机灵的 adj. 懒散的;懒惰的 adj. 聪明的 adj. 美丽的;美好的 adj. 吓人的;恐怖的 n. 种类 稍微;有点儿 /ˈskeəri/ Australia south Africa South Africa pet leg cat sleep n. 澳大利亚 adj. 南方的 n. 南;南方 n. 非洲 南非 n. 宠物 n. 腿 n. 猫 v. & n.睡觉 Australiagiraffe cute animal elephant Let’s read scary Africa sleep zoo beautiful pet lazy smart kind lion Lead-in Know more about tiger! Guessing game(Listen and guess) What animals do you like? Why? What animals don’t you like? Why? What animals do you like? I like pandas. Why do you like pandas? Because they’re cute. What animals don’t you like? I don’t like tigers. Why don’t you like tigers? Because they’re scary. 1a Match the words with the animals in the picture. 1. tiger ___ 2. elephant ___ 3. koala ___ 4. panda ____ 5. lion ____ 6. giraffe ____ a f c e d b Listen and check (√) the animals you hear in 1a.1b 1. tiger ___ 2. elephant ___ 3. koala ___ 4. panda ____ 5. lion ____ 6. giraffe ____ √ √ √ Listen again and answer questions. 1. What’s the girl’s favorite animal? Why? 2. What animals does the boy want to see? Why? 3. What animals does the girl want to see now? Why? Pandas. Because they’re very cute. Giraffes. Because they’re beautiful. Koalas. Because they’re interesting. Conversation 1 Girl: Let’s see the pandas first. They’re my favorite animals. Boy: Why? Girl: Because they’re very cute. Tapescripts 最喜欢的动物 Conversation 2 Boy: Let’s see the giraffes. Girl: Why do you want to see them? Boy: Because they’re beautiful. Conversation 3 Girl: Let’s see the koalas now. I like koalas. Boy: Why? Girl: Because they’re interesting. 漂亮的 有趣的 1c Practice the conversation with your partner. Then make conversations about the other animals in 1a. Use the words in the box. cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful Can you list more description words? 形容词前可以加程度副词,如“very(非常) kind of(有点) really(真正)”等进行修饰。 beautiful 美丽的 friendly 友好的 lovely 可爱的 boring 无聊的 scary 可怕的 noisy 吵闹的 noisy 吵闹的 Let’s see the lions. Why do you want to see them? Because they’re interesting. Let’s see the giraffes first. Why do you want to see them? Because they are beautiful. Let’s see the koalas first. Why do you want to see them? Because they are very cute. Where are they from? — Where are pandas from ? — They’re from China. China — Where are koalas from ? — They’re from Australia. Australia — Where are … from ? — They’re from ... 2a Listen and write the animals you hear. Draw a line from the animals to the description words and the countries they are from. Animals Description words Countries 1. _________ really scary Australia 2. _________ kind of interesting South Africa 3. _________ very cute China pandas lions koalas Animals Description words Countries 1. _________ really scary Australia 2. _________ kind of interesting South Africa 3. _________ very cute China pandas lions koalas Listen again and draw a line from the animals to the description words and the countries they are from. 2b Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in 2a. Julie: Let’s see the _______. John: Why do you like them? Julie: Because they’re _______ interesting. John: Where are they from? Julie: They’re from ______. kind of pandas China Tapescripts Julie: Let’s see the pandas, John. John: Why do you like them, Julie? Julie: Because they’re kind of interesting. John: Where are they from? Julie: They’re from China. John: Well, I like koalas. Julie: Why do you like them? John: Because they’re very cute and they’re from Australia. Julie: Well, I don’t like lions. John: Why don’t you like them? Julie: Because they’re really scary. John: Where are they from? Julie: Most of them are from South Africa. interesting China cute Australia scary South Africa Review the contents 2c Talk about the other two animals in 2a with a partner. Do John and Julie like them? Do you like them? Why or why not? A: Do you like koalas? B: Yes, I do. A: Why? B: Because they’re very cute. Make your own conversation. A: Let’s go to the zoo. B: That sounds great. A: What’s your favorite animal? B: It’s the panda. A: Why do you like pandas? B: Because they’re very cute. Do you like pandas? A: No, I don’t. I like koalas best. B: Why? A: Because they’re kind of interesting. Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions. 1. What’s the name of Peter’s pet? 2. What can Dingding do ? Dingding. He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too. 3. What does Peter think of his pet? 4. Does Jenny like the cat ? Why? He thinks his pet is very smart. No, she doesn’t. Because the cat is kind of boring. 2d Role-play the conversation. Jenny: Your dog is really cute, Peter! Peter: He’s my new pet, Dingding. He’s very smart. Jenny: Really? What can he do? Peter: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too. Jenny: Wow! Peter: Does your family have a pet? Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I don’t like her. Peter: Why don’t you like the cat? Jenny: Well, because she’s kind of boring. She sleeps all day, and her name is Lazy. Peter: Haha, then that’s a good name for her! Jenny: Your dog is really cute, Peter! Peter: He’s my new pet, Dingding. He’s __________. Jenny: Really? _______________? Peter: He _________ on two legs. He _________, too. Jenny: Wow! very smart What can he do can walk can dance Read the dialogue in 2d, then fill in the blanks. Peter: ________________ have a pet? Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I don’t like her. Peter: _____________ like the cat? Jenny: Well, _______ she’s kind of boring. She sleeps _______, and her name is _______. Peter: Haha, then that’s a good name for her! Does your family Why don’t you because Lazyall day Fill in the blanks to finish the summary of the text and then try to retell it. Jenny and Peter are talking about pets. Peter has a cute pet, Dingding. He’s so ______. Because he can ______________ and dance. Jenny’s mom has a pet, too. It is a big cat. But Jenny __________ her. Because the cat is _______ boring and she sleeps _______. Her name is lazy. smart walk on two legs doesn’t like kind of all day 1. Let’s see the lions. let’s do sth. 祈使句,“让我们做某事吧”, 用提出建议 (let’s =let us) 其否定形式是在动词原形前加not。 let sb. do sth. “让某人做某事” 例:咱们先做作业吧。 _________________________Let’s do our homework first. Language points 2. Why don’t you like them? Why don’t you +动词原形, 还可以表示提建议 意为“为什么不……呢?” 例:你为什么不去散步呢? Why don’t you take a walk? = Why not do sth. 你为什么不喜欢它们? 3. …Because they’re interesting. because作连词,意为“因为”,其后接句子,表示原 因,常用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。 例:—Why do you like Jack? 你为什么喜欢杰克? —Because he is very funny. 因为他很有趣。 在英语中,because与so不能出现在同一个句子里。 拓展 因为我又迟到了,老师很生气。 判断对错 1. Because I’m late again, so the teacher is very angry. ( ) 2. Because I’m late again, the teacher is very angry. ( ) 3. I’m late again, so the teacher is very angry ( ) × √ √ 例:他们有点可怕。 They’re kind of scary. 熊猫有点可爱。 The pandas are kind of cute. 4. Koalas look kind of interesting and cute. kind of“稍微、有点儿”,修饰形容词 或副词,表示程度,相当于a little/ a bit 。 (1) kind (n.)“种类” a kind of + n. “一种……”, all kinds of + n. “各种各样的……” (2) kind (adj.)“友好的、和蔼的” be kind to sb. “对某人友好” 拓展 1.树袋熊是一种有趣的动物。 ___________________________________ 2.玛丽的祖母非常和蔼。 _____________________________ Koala is a kind of interesting animal. Mary’s grandmother is very kind. 翻译句子 Summary 词汇 cute lazy smart beautiful scary kind sleep 短语 kind of all day on two legs 句型 祈使句 Let’s see the lions. 提建议句型 Why don’t you + do ...? 1. Kate is a _____ girl. She can speak Chinese well. 2. — Let’s play tennis after school. — That sounds _________. 3. Bob is too _____. He never gets up early. 4. Today Tina looks very ________ in the red dress. 5. I’m afraid of the dog. It’s kind of _____. beautiful smart interesting lazy 根据句意从方框中选择适当的形容词完成句子。 scary, lazy, smart, beautiful, interesting scary Exercise 1. 这两只树袋熊来自澳大利亚。 These two koalas ___ _____ Australia. 2. 我觉得他有点胖。 I think he is ____ ____ fat. are from kind of 根据所给汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 3. 我爸爸整天都忙。 My father is busy ____ _____. 4. 你为什么不喜欢猫? _____ _____ you like cats? 5. 看!它能两条腿走路。 Look! It can walk ___ two_____. Why don’t all day on legs 1. A: Where are lions from? B: _________________________. (South Africa) 2. A: _______________________?(not like, tigers) B: Because they’re too scary. 3. A: Why do you like elephants? B: ________________________. (cute)Because they are very cute They’re from South Africa Why don’t you like tigers 根据提示词填入恰当的句子完成对话。 R·七年级下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section A Grammar Focus-3c Guessing game I live only in China. I’m black and white. I’m usually friendly. But sometimes I’m shy. Who am I? Task 1 I live in Africa. I often eat small animals. I’m lazy. Sometimes I’m very scary. Who am I? Task 2 I’m a cute animal. I’m friendly to people. I live in the water. I have fish for food. I can swim very well. Who am I? Task 3 Say and guess with your partner. very tall beautiful a long neck big a long nose eat grass Review — What animal is it? — It’s ___________. — Do you like __________. — Yes, I do. — Why do you like them? — ________ they’re friendly. — Where are they from? — ____________ Africa. an elephant elephants Because They’re from — What animal is it? — It’s ___________. — Do you like ________. — Yes, I do. — ________ you like them? — Because they’re _____. — ______ are they from? — ___________________. a panda pandas Why do Where They’re from China cute Grammar Focus Why do you like pandas? Because they’re kind of interesting. Why does John like koalas? Because they’re very cute. Why don’t you like tigers? Because they’re really scary. Where are lions from? They’re from South Africa. Why Because Where ’re from interesting cute scary 一、Why引导的特殊疑问句 1. Why是疑问副词,意为“为什么”,常用来引 导询问做某事的原因或理由。 句型结构:“why+一般疑问句”? 意为“为什么做某事?”。 例句:你为什么不喜欢这只猫? Why don’t you like the cat? 2. Why引导的特殊疑问句,一般用because回答。 because是连词,后面接句子。 例句:莉莉为什么又迟到了?因为她起床晚。 ——Why is Lily late again? ——Because she gets up late. 3. why可用于提出建议 Why don’t you + 动词原形 + 其他? Why not + 动词原形 + 其他? 意为“你为什么不做……呢?” 答语:That’s a good idea. / Good idea. That sounds good. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. — 你为什么喜欢大象? — 因为它们非常聪明。 — _____ ____ you like elephants? — ________ they’re very smart. 2. 为什么不和我们去购物呢? _____ ____ go shopping with us? Why do Because Why not 1. where疑问副词,用于询问地点,意为“哪里; 什么地方” 回答:用be from回答,意为“来自于……” 例:他来自哪里?他来自澳大利亚。 — Where is he from? — He is from Australia. 二、Where is ... from? 询问“来自于哪里”的其它方式 Where do/does +主语+ come from? 答语:主语+ come(s) from ... be from = come from 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. — 你来自哪里? — 我来自澳大利亚。 — ______ _____ you _____? — _________ Australia. 2. 约翰来自于非洲。 John ______ ______________ Africa. Where are from I’m from comes from / is from 三、形容词的基本用法 形容词通常用来描述和修饰名词或代词,说明 人或事物的性质、状态和特征。大多数形容词既 可作定语又可作表语。 1. 作定语 用于修饰名词,表示名词的属性,常置于 它所修饰的名词前。 例句:他是一个帅气的男孩。 He is a handsome boy. 2. 作表语 形容词可以置于be, seem, look, become, get, feel, turn, grow等连系动词后面作表语. 例句:这些花儿很漂亮. The flowers are beautiful. 3. 作宾语补足语 形容词可放在宾语之后作宾语补足语. 例句: 这部有趣的电影使我很开心. The funny movie makes me happy. 3a Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Then practice the conversation. because they’re do don’t cool like why where A: _______ are lions from? B: _______ from South Africa. Do you _____ lions? A: No, I don’t. B: Why ______ you like lions? Where They’re like don’t A: Well, ________ they’re kind of interesting. Do you like pandas? B: Yes, I do. But I like tigers a lot. A: Tigers? Why ___ you like tigers? B: They’re really _____! A: Because they’re really scary. But I like giraffes. B: Really? _____ do you like giraffes? cool do because Why 3b Write names of animals in the blanks to make sentences that are true for you. I like _______ because they’re cute. I like _________because they’re smart. I like _______ because they’re interesting. I don’t like________ because they’re lazy.pandas elephants giraffes cats A: Is the animal big? B: Yes, it is. A: Where’s the animal from? B: It’s from China. A: Is it black and white? B: Yes, it is. A: It’s a panda! B: Yes, you’re right. 3c Think of an animal. Ask and answer questions with your partner to guess each other’s animal. Is the animal smart? Yes, it is. Where is the animal from? It’s from India. Is it big and fat? Yes, it is. It’s an elephant. Yes, you’re right. Play roles Summary 语法 1. Why don’t you like the cat? Why引导的特殊疑问句 2. Where is ... from? 3. 形容词的基本用法 Exercise Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Koalas look kind of      (interest) and cute. 2. There are many      (animal) in the zoo. 3. I don’t like the tigers. Because they are ________     (real) scary. interesting animals really 4. —Where    (be) the monkey from? —Sorry, I don’t know. 5. My sister always wants      (shop) with my mother on Sundays. is to shop Ⅱ. 句型转换 1. I like dolphins. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) —    you     dolphins? —Yes, I   . 2. What about going to see the elephants first? (改为同义句) Why         to see the elephants first? Do like do not go 3. do, want, see, to, you, why, the, pandas (连词成句) _______________________________________? Why do you want to see the pandas 4. The lions are from Africa. (对画线部分提问)         the lions from? 5. Bill likes koalas because they’re very cute. (对画线部分提问)         Bill     koalas? Where are Why does like R·七年级下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B 1a-1d friendly shy adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的adj. 友好的 New Words Play a game Girls: Red group Boys: Blue group List some words to describe the animals in the pictures. Are you ready? • Pandas: • _______ _______ • _______ _______ shy cute beautifullovely • Elephants: • _______ _______ • _______ _______ • _______ clever smart fun lovely cute • Tigers: • _______ _______ • _______ scary cool cruel • Koalas: • _______ _______ • __________ • _________ lovely cute interesting friendly 1a Match the description words with the animals. You can use some words more than once. 1. smart__ 2.friendly__ 3.beautiful __ 4. cute __ 5. lazy __ 6. scary __ 7. small __ 8. shy __ f b e c a f e d Describe the animals in the pictures. I like … because … I like pandas because they’re cute. I like … because … I like giraffes because they’re kind of beautiful. I (don’t) like … because … I don’t like koalas because they’re really lazy. I don’t like lions because they’re really scary. I (don’t) like … because … I like … because … I don’t like … because … 1b Listen and circle the description words you hear in 1a. 1. smart__ 2.friendly__ 3.beautiful __ 4. cute __ 5. lazy __ 6. scary __ 7. small __ 8. shy __ 1c Listen again. What words do they use to describe the animals? Fill in the chart. Animals Mary’s words Tony’s words elephants pandas interesting really smart lazy beautiful kind of shy kind of cute Mary wants to see the _________, because they’re interesting and really______. Tony thinks they are _____, too. He wants to see the ______, because they’re kind of cute. Mary loves pandas. She thinks they’re _________, but also kind of ____. They’re over there, ___________ the koalas. elephants smart lazy pandas beautiful shy not far from Listen and fill in the blanks. Tapescripts Tony: Where do you want to go now? Mary: Let’s see the elephants. Tony: The elephants? Why do you like elephants? Mary: Oh, they’re interesting. And they’re really smart. Tony: Yes, but they’re lazy, too. Mary: Oh, Tony! So, where do you want to go? Tony: Let’s see the pandas. They’re kind of cute. Mary: Oh, yeah. I love pandas. They’re beautiful. But they’re also kind of shy. Where are they? Tony: They’re over there, not far from the koalas. 1d Talk about the animals you know with your partner. A: What animals do you like? B: I like elephants. A: Why? B: Because they’re cute. What animals do you like? A: I like dog because they’re friendly and smart. A: What animals do you like? B: I like ... A: Why? B: Because they’re ... What animals do you like? A: I like ... because they’re ... Language points 1. friendly的用法 friendly 形容词 ,“友好的,和蔼可亲的”。 (1) friendly是“n.+ly”构成的形容词, 类似形容词: lovely(可爱的), likely(可能的), lonely(孤独的)等。 例:It is likely that he is ill. 很有可能他病了。 (2) friendly固定搭配: “be friendly to sb 对某人友好”. 例:He is friendly to me. 他对我很友好。 a friendly game 一场友谊赛 (3) 反义词:unfriendly不友好的 2. shy的用法 shy 形容词 ,“羞怯的;腼腆的”。 例:她在大人面前很拘束。 She is very shy with adults. 拓展 shyly(adv.) shyness(n.) Summary 单词 friendly shy Be friendly to sb 短语 adv. shyly shyness n. 句型 1.What animals do you like? 2. I like dogs because they’re friendly and smart. Exercise 1. 你喜欢什么动物?          do you like? 2. 我喜欢狗因为它们友好且聪明。 I like dogs ________ they’re ________ and smart. What animals becausefriendly 根据句意把句子补充完整。 3.They like giraffes.(对划线部分提问) ______ ________ do they like? 4.We also like tigers.(改为同义句) We _____ tigers, _____. 5. The dogs are friendly. The dogs are clever. (用and连成一句) The dogs ____ friendly _____ clever. What animals like too are and 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. We can see lots of _______(动物) in this picture. 2. Her hair is long and black. It’s very _________(美丽的). 4. The panda is kind of _______(友好的) to us. 5. Jane is a ______(腼腆的) girl. She doesn’t like to talk to people. animals beautiful friendly shy R 七年级下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B 2a-2c 救;救助 象征 旗;旗帜 忘记;遗忘 地点;位置 水 危险 New Words save(v.) symbol(n.) flag(n.) forget(n.) place(n.) water(n.) danger(n.) ˈˈsɪmbl 砍;切 树 杀死;弄死 象牙 超过;多于;在……上方 cut(v.) down(adv.&prep) tree(n.) kill(v.) ivory(n.) over(prep.) ˈaɪvəri (坐、躺、倒)下; 向下;沿着 相邻的两个颜色相同的单词可以消掉, 学生读单词,老师点击。 注意一定要看好再点,否则无法返回。 当出现没有相邻的同色椭圆时, 游戏失败。 flag cut over lion forget down made of giraffe get lost cut down Thailand elephant place tree Thai panda water kill save tiger danger ivory symbol koala — What animals do you like? — I like ________. — Why? — Because ______________________________. giraffes giraffes are beautiful and friendly Lead-in — What animals do you like? — I like _______. — Why? — Because ______________________. koalas koalas are cute and shy — _______________________? — ____________. — _____? — _______________________________. I like pandas Because pandas are and What animals do you like Why cute smart Here are some things that are made of ivory. Do you know the elephants are in great danger? Let’s watch a video. 2a Check (√) the animals that you think are in great danger. ___ lions ___ elephants ___ pandas ___ giraffes ___ koalas ___ tigers √√ √ 2b Read this website article and check (√) the best title for it. _______ What Is an Elephant? _______ Come to Thailand _______ Let’s Save the Elephants _______ Elephants Are Good Pets √ Read the article quickly and find out the topic sentence in each paragraph. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. Elephants are smart animals. Elephants are in great danger. 1 Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions. 1. Where are the students from? 2. What do they want to do? 3. Why are elephants important in Thailand? Thailand. Save the elephants. Because it is one of Thailand’s _________.symbols the first flag had ______________ on it.a white elephant it is a symbol of __________.good luck 2 Read paragraph 2 and answer the questions. 1. Are elephants smart animals? 2. What can they do? Yes, they are. They can play ______ or ______.soccer music remember can also ______ very well. can ____ for a long time and never _______. can also _________ places with food and water. draw walk get lost 3 Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions. 1. Are elephants in great danger? And why? Because people _________ many trees.cut down their homeselephants are losing ___________. people kill elephants for _________.their ivory Elephants are ______________.in great danger 4 2. How can they save elephants? ØDon’t cut down so many _____. ØDon’t ____ things made of ivory. ØRemember that March 13th is _________________. trees buy Thai Elephant Day Hello. We are students from Thailand, and we want to save the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets”. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live. ……的标志 迷路 But elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day. 处于(极大)危险之中 由……制成 Read the article again and fill in the blanks. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. “our” refers to _________ “it” refers to ___________________ This is a symbol of good luck. “this” refers to _______________ They can play soccer or music. “they” refers to ___________ Thailand’s Thailand’s first flag a white elephant elephants 5 This helps them to live. “this” refers to ______________________ ________________________. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. “their” refers to __________ places with food and water elephants can remember elephants’ 2c Read the article again and complete the mind map. Importance in Thailand lfirst flag had _____ lsymbol of _______ Abilities lcan play _____ lcan also _____ well lcan ___ places with food and water How to save them ldon’t cut down so many __ ldon’t ___ things made of ivory. l___ is Thai Elephant Day. Facts and figures lpeople ____ many trees lpeople kill them for ___ ltoday there are___(over __before) ELEPHANTS Importance in Thailand lfirst flag had _____________________ lsymbol of ___________ a white elephant on it good luck Abilities lcan play ______________ lcan also ______ well lcan _________ places with food and water soccer or music draw remember How to save them ldon’t cut down so many _____ ldon’t _____ things made of ivory. l___________ is Thai Elephant Day. trees buy March 13th Facts and figures lpeople ________ many trees lpeople kill them for __________ ltoday there are _______________________ (over ________ before) cut down their ivory only about 3,000 elephants 100,000 1. …and we want to save the elephants. save(v.) 意为“救;救助” 后接名词或代词作宾语。 Language points save one’s life 挽救某人的生命 save sb./sth. from (doing) sth. 将某人/某物从(做)某事中救出来 save的其他用法 He saves money to buy a car. Please save water. I save the photo in the computer. 拓展 save 储蓄;攒钱 节省;节约 保存 The high-speed train will _____ you about two hours from Rizhao to Jinan. A. save B. pay C. used spend (山东日照中考) 2. The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. symbol (n.) 意为“象征”, a symbol of … ,意为“……的象征” 例:长城是中国的标志之一。 The Great Wall is one of the symbols of China. 3. People say that “an elephant never forgets”. forget作动词, 意为“忘记”, forget+名词/代词 ,意为“忘记某物/某人” 例:很抱歉, 我忘记了你的名字。 I am sorry but I forget your name. forget的不同搭配 词 条 用法及例句 forget to do sth. forget doing sth. 忘记去做某事(未做) 忘记做过某事(做过但是忘了) 拓展 活学活用 ①别忘了关窗户。 Don’t forget      the door. ②汤姆忘记已经把教室的灯关了。 Tom forgot         the lights in the classroom. to close turning off 4. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. lost(adj.) 意为“迷路的;丢失的” get/be lost 意为“迷路;丢失” lose one’s way=get/be lost 意为“迷路” 例:那老太太在去公园的路上迷路了。 The old woman got lost on her way to the park. 5. …remember places with food and water. place(n.) 意为“地点;位置”, a place of interest 意为“名胜” 例:我们游览了很多名胜古迹。 We visited a lot of places of interest. 6. But elephants are in great danger. danger(n.)“危险”, 常与介词in连用 in great danger 处于极大危险之中 out of danger 脱离危险 例:现在很多物种都处于危险之中。 Many species are now in danger. 7. People cut down many trees … cut down 意为“砍倒”,属于“动词+副词”短语。 其后的宾语是名词时,可放在该短语中间, 也可 放到后面;后接代词时,只能放中间。 例:让我们砍了这棵枯了的树吧。 Let’s cut down the dead tree. 8. We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. (1)made of ivory “由象牙制成”, 为过去分词短 语作后置定语, 修饰前面的名词things。 (2)be made of “由……制成”, 可以看出原材料。 (1)成品+be made of +材料(可以看出原材料) from+材料(看不出原材料) 拓展 be made of, be made from与be made into (2)材料+be made into +成品。 活学活用 ①毛衣常由羊毛制成。 Sweaters are often      wool. ②尼龙是由空气、煤和水加工制成的。 Nylon is        air, coal and water. ③这些橙皮可以加工成药材出售。 These orange peels can         medicine for sale. made of made from be made into Summary 词汇 save symbol flag forget danger place water tree ivory over kill 短语 get lost be in (great) danger cut down (be) made of 句子 1. The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. 2. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. 3. But elephants are in great danger. Exercise 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.We must be ________ (friend) to our classmates. 2.We mustn’t buy things ______ (make) of ivory. 3.One of the students ____ (be) Lily’s sister. 4.Lin Tao often helps me _____ (do) my homework. 5.Some animals are in great ________ (dangerous). friendly made is do danger 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 每年人们砍倒许多树。 Every year people _____ ______ many trees. 2. 大象能走很长一段时间。 Elephants can walk ____ ___ ______ ____. cut down for a long time 3.大象处于失去家园的危险中。 Elephants are ___ ______ of _______ their homes. 4.他们为了象牙而杀大象。 They ____ the elephants ____ their ______. 5.不要忘记那一百个有趣的地点。 Don’t _______ that one hundred interesting places. in danger losing kill for ivory forget I can say What do pandas eat? They eat __________. Where are pandas from? They are from ________. bamboo China What do koalas eat? They eat _______. Where are koalas from? They are from __________.Australia leaves Where are giraffes from? They are from ________.Africa They eat _______. What do giraffes eat? leaves What do lions like to eat? They like to eat ______. Where are lions from? They are from _______. meat Africa 3a Becky is Jill’s favorite animal. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. like beautiful Africa years lives because This is Becky. Isn’t she ________? She is from ______. She is twelve _____ old. I ____ Becky _______ she is smart and friendly. She _____ in Blackwood Zoo. beautiful Africa years like because lives Write a description of a panda using the words in the box, or write about your favorite animal using your own ideas. Beibei five years old China cute shy Beijing Zoo 3b ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ 本单元的话题是“动物”,常对动物的外形、性 格特征、能力及喜欢这一动物的原因等进行描述 。写作时首先点明自己喜爱的动物,然后阐述自 己喜爱的原因,并描述动物的基本情况或特征。 最后回归主题,表达对动物的喜爱之情,或号召 爱护动物,与动物和谐相处等。 age where name appearance come from characteristics Beijing Zoo Beibei five years old black and white China cute and shy ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ My favorite animal is a panda in the Beijing Zoo. I call her Beibei. She is black and white. She is five years old. She is very big. She looks very cute but kind of shy. I like her very much. 佳作欣赏: Animals are our friends. We live (居住) in the same (相同) small world (世界). To love animals is to love ourselves (我们自己). Animals are our friends. We should protect them. Self Check 1 Add more words in the chart. Then write at least five sentences using the words. Animals Description words tiger really, kind of scary panda koala very cute lazy I don’t like tigers because they’re really scary. I like pandas because they’re really cute. I don’t like koalas because they’re very lazy. Animals Description words tiger really, kind of scary panda koala very cute lazy 2 Match the questions and answers to make a conversation. Then write your own conversations. Questions Answers What animals do you like? They’re from Africa. Why do you like lions? I like lions. Where are they from? Because they’re big and beautiful. Make conversations What animals do you like ? I like pandas. Where are they from? They’re from China. Why do you like them? Because they’re cute. Summary 作文小技巧(描写动物) My favorite animal is … … is my favorite animal. I call her … She is black and write( 基本特征)/ She has…. I like… because 句子(喜欢的原因). Exercise 完成句子。 1.那条狗丢失了。 The dog ________. 2.他们杀老虎为了虎骨。 They _____ tigers _____ bones. gets lost kill for 3.这是幸运的象征。 This is a _______ of __________. 4.他们也能够记住有食物和水的地方。 They can ____ remember __________ food and water. symbol good luck also places with 翻译下列句子。 1. 聪明的长颈鹿不是来自南非。 ____________________________________________ 2. 让我们一起先去看看狮子。 ____________________________________________ 3. 为什么他们想去看看那些熊猫? ____________________________________________ The smart giraffes don’t come from South Africa. Let’s go to see the lions first. Why do they want to see the pandas? 4. 人们常说“大象从不忘事” ______________________________________ 5. 大象是泰国的一个象征之一。 ______________________________________ People say that “an elephant never forgets.” The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. R·七年级下册 Review of Unit 5 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 鲤鱼跃龙门! 完成任务,就可以帮助鲤鱼跳过龙门啦! 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 Words and phrases n. 熊猫 n. 动物园 n. 老虎 n. 大象 n. 狮子 n. 长颈鹿 panda zoo tiger elephant lion giraffe Words 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 n. 动物 adj. 可爱的;机灵的 adj. 懒散的;懒惰的 adj. 聪明的 adj. 美丽的;美好的 n. 种类 animal cute lazy smart beautiful kind 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 n. 澳大利亚 adj. 南方的 n. 南;南方 n. 非洲 n. 宠物 n. 腿 n. 猫 Australia south Africa pet leg cat 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 v.& n. 睡觉 adj. 友好的 adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的 v. 救;救助 n. 旗;旗帜 v. 忘记;遗忘 sleep friendly shy save flag forget 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 n. 地点;位置 n. 水 n. 危险 v. 砍;切 adv.(坐、躺、倒)下 prep. 向下;沿着 place water danger cut down 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 n. 树 v. 杀死;弄死 prep. 超过,多于;在……上方 tree kill over 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 kind of South Africa be/ come from walk on two legs all day Phrases 1. 稍微;有点儿 2. 南非 3. 来自 4. 用两条腿走路 5. 整天 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 a lot black and white one of … a symbol of … for a long time 6. 很;非常 7. 黑白相间 8. ……之一 9. ……的象征 10. 很长时间 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 get lost be in (great) danger cut down kill … for … be made of … 11. 迷路 12. 处于(极大)危险之中 13. 砍倒 14. 为……而杀死 15. 由……制成的 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 即时演练 一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. _______ (熊猫) only live in China. Lots of people like them. 2. Jack has two ______ (宠物) dogs. 3. I’m afraid of _______ (狮子). Pandas pet lions 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 4. —What animals do you like? —I like __________ (大象) best. 5. People in the _______ (南方) like eating rice. 6. My pet animal is a ______ (猫). 7. Guilin is a __________ (美丽的) city. 8. Apples are a _______ (种类) of fruit. elephants south cat beautiful kind 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 9. These animals are from _______ (非洲). 10. People must ______ (救助) these animals. 11. There are lots of ______ (树) in our school. 12. Beijing has a lot of interesting _______ (地方). 13. There are ____ (超过) 500 students in our school. 14. Mr. Green is afraid to _____ (杀死) the chicken. Africa save trees places over kill 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 1. The baby panda is ______ cute. I like it very much. A. little B. a kind of C. kind D. kind of 2. The pet dog is ______ the Greens. He can walk ______ two legs. A. from; at B. at; from C. from; on D. on; from 二、单项选择。 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 3. —What ______ does Tina like? —She likes dogs and tigers. A. subjects B. animals C. sports D. food 4. Alan likes dogs because they are ______. A. smart B. lazy C. scary D. boring 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 5. Tina is very ______. Her face often turns red when she answers the teacher’s questions in class. A. shy B. healthy C. smart D. busy 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 6. Please be ______ to animals.They are our ______. A. friend; friends B. friendly; friend C. friendly; friends D. friends; friendly 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 7. These trees are small. Don’t ______. A. cut them down B. cut down them C. cut down it D. cut it down 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 1. We must not buy things __________ ivory. 2. It’s not right to __________ trees. 三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。 get lost in great danger made of for a long time cut down made of cut down 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 3. Elephants can walk ______________. 4. The tigers are _______________. 5. He never _________ outside, because he always takes a map. get lost in great danger made of for a long time cut down for a long time in great danger gets lost 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 Grammar 一、why引导的特殊疑问句 why是一个疑问副词,意为“为什么”。 构成:Why +一般疑问句 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 用法: ① 用来询问发生某一动作或存在某一情况的 原因、理由,一般由because引导的句子来回答。 翻译:你为什么喜欢这些狮子?因为它们很可爱。 —Why do you like the lions? —Because they’re very cute. 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 ②用来表示向对方提出一种建议。 常见句型:Why don’t you+动词原形? Why not+动词原形? 常用答语:That’s a good idea./ Good idea. 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 翻译:——为什么不去公园呢? ——好主意。 —Why don’t you go/not go to the park? —Good idea. 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 二、where引导的特殊疑问句 where是疑问副词,意为“在哪里”。 构成:Where + 一般疑问句 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 Ø be from 和 come from 均表示“来自于……”。 Ø 当疑问句中有 be 动词时,就不用借助助动词。 Ø 但当疑问句中有实义动词 come, live 等时,需要 借助助动词 do 或 does (主语是第三人称单数)。 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 翻译:你来自哪里? Where are you from? Where do you come from? 他来自哪里? Where is he from? Where does he come from? 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 三、形容词的用法 形容词 常用来修饰名词, 用已说明人或事 物的特征 定义 用法 1. 作定语:常位于名词之 前,如:an old book 2. 作表语:一般位于系动词 (be/ feel/ sound 等) 之后 3. 作宾语补足语:说 明宾语的特征或者 状态 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 即时演练 1. Lucy is a _____ girl. She likes to help others. A. happy B. weak C. kind 2. This dog looks _____. It’s wearing red shoes. A. clever B. brave C. funny D. careful 一、单项选择。 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 3. — _____ are these animals from? —They are from South Africa. A. How B. Why C. What D. Where 4. — _____ do you like pandas? —Because they are very cute. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 5. — _____ do you join the music club? —Because I like music. A. What B. Where C. Why D. When 6. — _____ buy a present for mom online? —Good idea. A. Let’s B. Why not you C. Why not D. What about 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 1. Sally likes chickens because they are cute.(对画 线部分提问) ______ _____ Sally ______ chickens? 2. Are they from New York? (改为同义句) ______ they ______ ______ New York? 二、按要求完成句子,每空一词。 Why does like Do come from 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 3. We often go to the zoo on weekends. (对画线 部分提问) _______ ______ you often _____? 4. They can see some tigers and lions in the zoo. (对画线部分提问) _______ ______ they ______ in the zoo? Where do go What can see 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 5. Why don’t you watch a talk show? (改为同义句) ______ _____ watch a talk show? 6. My brother is late for school because he gets up late. (对画线部分提问) ______ is ______ brother late for school? 7. His mother comes from England. (改为同义句) His mother _____ ______ England. Why not Why your is from 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 8. Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li are from Tokyo. (对画线 部分提问) _______ _____ Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li from? 9. Peter comes from Africa. (对画线部分提问) _______ ______ Peter ______ from? Where are Where does come 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 Exercise 1. There is ______ elephant in the zoo. He can play ______ soccer. A. a; the B. an; the C. a; / D. an; / 2. People also kill animals ______ their meat. A. of B. for C. with D. on 一、单项选择。 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 3. Koalas are ______ animal. They are ______ lazy. A. a kind of; a kind of B. a kind of; kind of C. kinds of; kind of D. kind of; kinds of 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 4. The boy is kind of ______. He never helps his mother. A. cute B. lazy C. beautiful D. dirty 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 A. Do you like pandas? B. Most of them are from South Africa. C. Do you want to go with us? D. Where is the zoo? E. They are from China. F. Why don’t you like them? G. Why do you like them? 二、从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。(有两 项多余) 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 A: Hey, Henry. What do you want to do this weekend? B: I have no idea. What about you? A: I want to go to Center Zoo to see the animals with my sister. 1. ______ B: Of course. I like animals. C 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 A: Really? What animals do you like? B: I like pandas. A: 2. ______ B: Because they are kind of interesting. A: Where are they from? B: 3. ______ G E 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 A: Well. I like pandas, too. But I don’t like lions. B: 4. ______ A: Because they are really scary. B: Where are they from? A: 5. ______ F B 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路

