外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module3-Unit 3

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外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module3-Unit 3

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I'm going to be   like Sun Yang. 2. Don't be     for class again. 3. We are looking forward to     (赢) the football match tomorrow. 4. We    (希望)everything goes well. 5. Mr Sun enjoys       kites a lot.  hope     collecting   课堂小测  winning   go over What else 二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,词数不限 6. 我打算在周末复习我的数学。 I'm going to     my math at the weekend. 7. 你还想买其他什么东西吗?     do you want to buy? 8. 我舅舅打算去上海观光。 My uncle           in Shanghai. 9. 李涛想学英语,因为他想结交一些新朋友。 Li Tao wants to learn English because he wants to         . 10. 这将会是一个有趣的游戏。 It's        an interesting game.                is going sightseeing make some new friends going to be D 三、单项填空(语法专练) ( )11. We   have a picnic together with our teachers next Thursday. A.are going   B.are going to C.will going D.may going to ( )12. What are you   this evening?  A. going to B. going to doing C. going to do D. go to do ( )13.Tom   here next month. A. isn't work B. doesn't working C. isn't going to working D. isn't going to work B C ( )14. The students   the Great Wall tomorrow. A. is going to visit B. are going to visit C. visit D. visiting ( )15. There   an English film tomorrow evening. A. is going to be B. are going to be C. is going have D. are going to have B A 读写训练 一、连词成句 1. go, are, over, they, tomorrow, to, their, going, lessons (?)          . 2. are, we, have, a, on, going, to, picnic, Sunday (.)          . 3. they, walk, looking, to, forward, on, a, the, are, beach, taking (.)          .                  Are they going to go over their lessons tomorrow? We are going to have a picnic on Sunday. They are looking forward to taking a walk on the beach. 4. my, in, are, to, enjoy, cousins, going, themselves, China (.)                   . 5. are, collecting, May, the, litter, on, we, morning, of, 2nd(.)                   . My cousins are going to enjoy themselves in China. We are collecting litter on the morning of 2nd May. 二、读写综合 A.回答问题 请阅读下面这位学生在网络上晒出的周末计划,根据所 提供的信息,回答问题。   Hello, everyone! I'm Mike and I'm 12 years old. I live in Beijing with my parents. I'm looking forward to the weekend. All the students in our class are going to Tian'anmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony (升旗 仪式) on Saturday morning.   We're going to meet at five o'clock at the school gate. We're going there by underground. After watching the ceremony, we are going to visit the Railway Museum (铁路博物馆). I hope the weather is fine! In the afternoon, we are going to watch a basketball match in the sports hall. In the evening, we're going to watch a movie. 续表   On Sunday morning, I'm going to Beihai Park with my friends. We're going to take a walk in the park and collect litter there.What an interesting weekend! Answer the following questions. 1. How old is Mike?             . 2. Where is Mike going to watch the flag- raising ceremony?                     . 3. What is Mike going to do on Saturday afternoon?                      . Mike is 12 / twelve(years old) Mike is going to watch the flag-rising ceremony at Tian'anmen Square Mike is going to watch a basketball match on Saturday afternoon 4. When is Mike going to Beihai Park?             . 5. What's Mike's feeling(感觉) of his coming weekend?          . Mike is going to Beihai Park on Sunday morning. Interesting. B. 书面表达 暑假就要到了,请你给自己制定一个旅游计划。 内容包括: 1.介绍你计划出游的情况。(去哪里,有哪些人,准 备待多长的时间等) 2.交待你想出游某地的原因以及计划参观的景点。 3.表明你的心情。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名 称和学生的真实姓名。 2. 语句连贯,词数60个左右。 【写作思路点拨】 第一步:介绍你计划出游的情况。(去哪里,有哪些人, 准备待多长的时间等)参考句型: 1. Summer vacation is    . 2. My parents and I    . 3.We are going to    . 第二步:交待你想出游某地的原因以及计划参观的景点。 参考句型: 1. I'm going to    . 2. Because    . 第三步:表明你的心情。参考句型: I will    . 第四步: 检查自己的写作。(1. 要求的3个内容都写到 了吗?2. 是否有语法错误?) The summer vacation is coming. My parents, my sister and I are going to Beijing for holidays. Because we like Beijing very much and there are a lot of places of interest. We're going to stay there from August 1st to August 5th.   We're going to the Great Wall, because it's so great. And we also plan to visit the Forbidden City to learn something about history. We're going to the Summer Palace, one of the most beautiful parks in Beijing, too. I'm sure we'll have a good time.

