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人教版 PEP 七年级英语 下册知识点及练习+初一英语下册教学反思 人教版七年级英语下册知识点及练习 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 练习一 【经典例句】 He likes playing the guitar.他喜欢弹吉他。 【考点聚焦】 guitar 为一种乐器,注意 play 与表示乐器的名词连用时,名词前要加定冠词 the。 【活学活用】 1.选择 The boys often play guitar in afternoon. A.the;/ B./;the C.the;the D./;/ 【巧记提示】 jo+in(里面) 【经典例句】 I want to join the League.我想入团。 【考点聚焦】 join 意为“参加(某个组织成为其成员)”,一般常和介词 in 连用。 【活学活用】 2.根据释义写单词 :become a member of 【巧记提示】 swim(游泳)→swan(天鹅) 【经典例句】 Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗? 【考点聚焦】 常用词组:have a swim 游泳;go swimming 去游泳 【活学活用】 3.用 swim 的适当形式填空 I often go to in the pool(水池). 【巧记提示】 chess(国际象棋)→cherr(欢欣) 【经典例句】 I am good at playing chess.我擅长下象棋。 【考点聚焦】 一定注意“下棋”用 play chess,而不用 play the chess。 【活学活用】 4.选择 I like to play piano and he likes to play chess. A.the;the B.the;/ C./;the D./;/ 【巧记提示】 pain(疼痛)+t 【经典例句】 The artist paints in water colors.这位画家以水彩画画。 【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:painter n.画家 painting n.画 2)注意与 draw 的区别:paint指用颜料等绘画;而 draw 指用钢笔、铅笔等画。 【巧记提示】 s+peak(顶点) 【经典例句】 Can you speak English?你会说英语吗? 【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:speaker n. 说话者;演讲者 speech n. 说话;演讲 2)注意区分:speak,say,talk和 tell ①say 指用语言表达思想,着重说话的内容或强调说话这一动作,不表示说话的性质。 ②speak 强调说话的动作、声音,而不强调内容。在正式场合表示发言、演讲,说某种语言用 speak。 ③talk表示两个人或多个人在一起讲话、谈论(多指随意谈论)。 ④tell 的意思是“告诉,讲述,吩咐”,讲故事或讲笑话多用 tell。 【活学活用】 5.选择—What does he ?Can you me? —Sorry, I don’t know. A.say;tell B.speak;talk C.speak;tell D.say;talk 【经典例句】 She plays the piano very well.她弹钢琴弹得很好。 【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:pianist n. 钢琴家 2)弹钢琴要用 play the piano,其中定冠词 the 不能省略。 我的记忆卡 【巧记提示】 music(音乐)+ ian(表人的后缀) 【经典例句】 I think Qiao Yu is my favorite musician. 我想乔羽是我最喜爱的音乐家。 【考点聚焦】 派生词:musical adj.音乐的 music n.音乐 【巧记提示】 show(演出)→how(怎么) 【经典例句】 There is a book show in the park. 公园里有一个图书展览会。 【考点聚焦】 1)show 作动词,意为“表演,演出,出示……给某人看”,有时与介词搭配使用,构成 show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth.。 2)show 作名词,意为“展览,展出”。构成短语 on show,意为“在展出”。 【巧记提示】 sun(太阳)+day(天) 【经典例句】 Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期天是一周的第一天。 1)Sunday,Saturday,Friday 等表示星期的名词为专有名词,开头的字母要大写 2)表示“在星期几”要用介词 on。如:on Sunday“在星期日”。 【活学活用】 6.用 in,on,at 填空 I often get up six o’clock Sunday. 【巧记提示】 little(少许的)→bottle(瓶子) 【经典例句】 He is little known to the villagers.村里几乎没人认识他。 【考点聚焦】 1)little 还有“小的,小巧的”之意,带有小的可爱之意。 2)注意 little 与 a little 的区别:little 与 a little 都可表示数量,修饰不可数名词。但 little 表示否定意义,而 a little 表示肯定意义。 Silence is like sleep which refreshes wisdom.缄默像睡眠;它使智慧焕然一新。 【活学活用】 7.翻译句子:我会说一点英语。 短语·典句·考点 help sb.with sth. 在……方面帮助某人 【经典例句】 Could you help me with my English?你能帮我学英语吗? 【考点聚焦】 在 help sb.with sth.结构中,with 是介词,故后面要跟名词或动名词作宾语。该结构相 当于 help sb.do sth.。 【活学活用】 8.同义句转换 I often help him do his homework. I often help him his homework. be good with... 与……相处得好;与……合得来 【经典例句】 He is very good with children.他与孩子们很合得来。 【考点聚焦】 1)同义词组:get on well with 2)注意与 be good...的其他词组意思的差别: be good at 意为“擅长做某事”;be good for意为“对……有益处”。 school show 学校公演 【经典例句】 We’ll have a school show this afternoon. 今天下午我们将有一场学校公演。 【考点聚焦】 show 在这里用作名词,注意下列搭配:fashion show 时装表演;a flower show 花展; game show 智力竞赛节目;chat show(电视台)现场采访节目 【活学活用】 9.翻译下列词组 1)海豚表演 2)一场电影 句子·剖析·拓展 Can you play the guitar?你能弹吉他吗? 【剖析】 Can you...?用来询问对方能否做某事,意思是“你能/会……吗?”,肯定回答用“Yes,I can.” 否定回答用“No,I can’t.” 【拓展】 can(能、会),may(可以;可能),must(必须)都是情态动词,后面跟动词原形。其否定结构 在后面加上 not,can not 通常缩写为 can’t;must not 缩写为 mustn’t;may not 一般不缩写。 Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar? 你会弹奏钢琴,吹喇叭,敲鼓,或者弹吉他吗? 【剖析】 此句为简单的选择疑问句,即提问者提供两种或两种以上情况,让对方从中作出选择的句 子。它的基本结构是:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句(后一部分与前一部分相同的成分常常省略)。or 连接的是两个并列的成分,要求词性一致。 【拓展】 1)回答时,不用 yes 或 no,而是选择其中一种回答。 2)在读法上,or 的前一部分用升调,后一部分用降调。 “能”说“会”道的 can Hi,everyone!I’m “can”.Welcome to come and see my show! 【can的才艺展示】 1.表示能力,通常指在体力或脑力方面的能力,意为“能;会”。如:He can speak English.他会说英语。 2.表示许可,意为“可以”,这时可以和 may 通用,但是比 may 较正式。如: Can I use your pen?我 可以用你的钢笔吗? 3.表示可能性,意为“可能”,这时常出现在否定句中。如: It can’t be true. 这不可能是真的。4.表示提供帮助。如: Can you help me?你可以帮助我吗? 【can的个性展示】 1.与动词原形“形影不离” 在句中,can 不能独立作谓语,必须与动词原形共同充当句子的谓语。2. 没有人称和数的变化 当 can与动词一起作句子的谓语时,无论主语是第几人称或单数、复数形式, can 仍然保持自己的风格,不会发生任何变化。 【can的句式表演】 1.肯定句:主语+can+动词原形+其他。如: Mary can play the drums.玛丽会敲鼓。 2.否定句:主 语+can’t+动词原形+其他。如: He can’t play the piano.他不会弹钢琴。 3.一般疑问句:Can+主语+ 动词原形+其他?肯定答语:Yes,主语+can.否定答语:No,主语+can’t.如:—Can you play chess?你会 下象棋吗? —Yes,I can.是的,我会。(肯定回答) —No,I can’t.不,我不会。(否定回答) 4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? 如:What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么呢? 典题精讲 经典题型 例 1(经典回放)My friend Bob likes to play basketball before supper. A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/ 黑色陷阱:在表示球类的名词和一日三餐的名词前面通常不加冠词,而在表示乐器的名词前,通常 要加冠词,有的同学容易混淆,而误选了答案。 绿色通道:巧记不用冠词的几种情况: 下列情况不用冠,名词之前代词限。复数名词表泛指,球类学科和三餐。 专有名词不可数,星期月份季节前。交通手段和节日,习语称谓和头衔。 例 2(2010 绍兴模拟 )—Look!Someone is cutting a tree on the moon. —It be true,Granny.Mum says there is no air there. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.may D.should 黑色陷阱:有的同学往往忽视了 there is no air there 的提示,而只根据前句来判断,而误选了 C。 绿色通道:can’t 可表示否定的猜测,意为“不可能”。mustn’t 表示的是“禁止,不允许”。 例 3(2010 临沂模拟模拟)The boy can play chess well,but he can’t play piano. A.the;the B.the;/ C./;the D./;/ 黑色陷阱:本题不能误选 B,chess 意为“象棋”,play chess“下象棋”,是固定词组。 绿色通道:要注意 chess 和 piano 的汉语意思和它们的固定用法。 原创题 请阅读下面的招聘广告,根据广告内容,选用适当单词填空。 soccer chess guitar dance sports sing musician basketball 绿色通道:在做此题时,一定要注意 play后面跟球类名词或乐器名词结构的区别。 巧学法园地 can 的用法歌诀 can 可用来表能力,但与实动不分离。不管主语何变换,can 的模样永不变。 只要句中出现 can,动词原形后面站。一般疑问 can提前,否定 can 后 not 添。 基础巩固 I、单项选择 (25 分) ( )1. Can you ______ English? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell ( )2. --- ________ can you play? --- The drums. A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )3. --- ______ you sing? --- Yes, I can. A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Am ( )4. I want to ______ the chess club. A. join B. join in C. join to D. join for ( )5. Tom wants _____ to you. Are you free?A.to tell B.tells C.to talk D.talks ( )6. Can you help me with _______? A. dance B. dancing C. dances D. to dance ( )7. ---What club ______ you want to join? --- Chess club. A. does B. do C. can D. are ( )8. Her sister can play ____ piano, but she can’t play ___ basketball. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; / ( )9. My brother can play the guitar, ______ he can’t play it very well. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 10. ---- Can you play volleyball? --- Sorry, I ______. A. don’t B. do C. can’t D. can ( )11. --- Are you good ______ your students?--- Yes, I am. A. at B. with C. for D. of ( )12. --- Are you ______?--- Yes, I am. A. a musician B. musicians C. musician D. A and B ( )13. --- Can he _____ a student? --- Yes. A. is B. be C. are D. does ( )14. We want some singers(歌手) ____ our rock band. A. for B. of C. to D. at ( )15. My brother _______ the trumpet and he play it _____ . A. can plays, good B. can’t play, good C. can play, well D. doesn’t play, well ( )16.Can you paint? ________. A.Yes, a little B.Yes, little C.No, a little D.No, little ( )17.Please call me ________ 8989766. A.in B.at C.about D.with ( )18.__ like to go swimming __ summer. A.Children, on B.Children, in C.A child, on D.A child, in ( )19. Can you help me ________ my English? A.with B.of C.learning D.about ( )20.What can you do, Lin Tao? ________. A.I like sports B.I want to join the music club C.I am well D.I can do Chinese Kung Fu ( )21.Hi, can I help you? ________. A.Yes, please B.No, I can’t C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome ( )22.________ you can ________ our school concert. A.Maybe, in B.Maybe, be in C.May be, in D.May be, be in ( )23.We want two good ________ our rock band. A.music for B.musician in C.music in D.musicians for ( )24.Little Tom can draw ________.His drawings are very ________. A.good, well B.well, good C.good, good D.well, well ( )25.Can he ________ it in English? A.speak B.speaks C.say D, talk II、口语运用 (10 分) A、对话排序 根据对话逻辑关系,排列下列句子为一段通顺的对话。(5 分) ( )A. Hmm. I want to join the Japanese club. How about you? ( )B. Me, too. Let’s join the music club! ( )C. Here are all the clubs. ( )D. Well, I don’t like chess. Do you like music? ( )E. Well, I can’t speak Japanese. Hmm, I want to join the chess club. Can you play chess? ( )F. Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music. ( )G. What club do you want to join? B、根据对话内容,选择合适的句子完成对话。(5 分) A: I want some students for the school concert. What can you do, Bill? ________(1) B: No, I can’t. But I can play the guitar. A: You can play the guitar! Good. OK, Lily, ____(2) C: I can sing and _________(3) A: You can! Great, Jennifer. _________(4) D: No, I can’t. Victor can play the piano. A: Victor, can you play the piano? E: Yeah, I can’t sing or dance, ________(5) ( )1. A. Can you play the piano? B. Can you sing? C. You can play the guitar. D. Can he play the piano? ( )2. A. Can you play the piano? B. Can you sing? C. Can you play the guitar? D. You can play the guitar. ( )3. A. I can’t play the drum. B. I can play the drum. C. I can’t play the guitar. D. she can sing. ( )4. A. Can you sing? B. Can you play the drum? C. Can you play the piano? D. Can you play the guitar? ( )5. A. but I can play the piano. B. and I can’t play the piano. C. but I can play the guitar. D. but I can play the drum. III、完形填空 (15 分) A. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(8 分) Li Lei is a 1 boy. He was born 2 1990. Now he is 3 . He 4 movies, and he often goes to see 5 . Li Lei can play 6 . He often plays it after school. He likes music. He wants 7 a musician. Li Lei 8 likes sports. He usually(通常) watches them on TV. ( )1. A. China B. Chinese C. China’s ( )2. A. on B. in C. at ( )3. A.twelfth B.twelveth C. twelve ( )4. A.like B.doesn’t like C.likes ( )5. A.they B. them C. it ( )6. A.violin B.the violin C.a violin ( )7. A.to is B. be C. to be ( )8. A.either B. also C. too B. 根据下面海报完成下列短文,每空一词。(7 分) We want ________ good swimmers ________ our swimming ________. ______ you swim ______ the sea(大海) or in the swimming pool(池子)? Do you want to ______ the school swimming club? You’re Swimmer wanted for School Swimming Club Tel: 364-4577 For only two welcome. Please call Mike _______ 364-4577. IV. 阅读理解(15 分) A School Show Name Act Time Place Li Xin Chinese Kung Fu Sunday 8:00 a. m. In the auditorium (礼堂) Lucy English song Friday 3:40 p.m. Class Five Mike Play the piano Tuesday 2:00 p. m. In the music room Tom Paint Monday 10:00 a.m. Drawing room Jack Beijing Opera Thursday 3:50 p.m. In the auditorium ( )1. You can ask(问) ______ to play the piano for us. A. Li Xin B. Lucy C. Mike D. Jack ( )2. You can watch Beijing Opera _______. A. at 3 : 50 a. m. on Thursday B. at 3: 50 p. m. on Thursday C. at 2: 00 a. m. On Tuesday D. at 8 : 00 p. m. on Sunday ( )3. On weekend, we can watch ______ in the auditorium. A. Chinese Kung Fu B. Beijing Opera C. Paint D. Play the piano ( )4. We can see the piano show in ______ A. the auditorium B. Class Five C. the music room D. drawing room ( )5. ______ sings songs for us ______. A. Lucy; at 3:40 p.m. B. Mike; at 2:00 p.m. C. Lucy; in the music room D. Mike; in Class Five B It’s four. It’s time to play games. Boys and girls play on the playground (操场). Some boys play soccer ball. Some boys play basketball. Some of them jump(跳高) and run. Some girls play with lines(绳). They jump and run, too. They are very happy(高兴). Some little girls sing English songs near the classroom(教 室). Look. Billy plays the soccer ball. The soccer ball bits(打) Mr. Crisp’s head(头). He is very sorry, Mr. Crisp tells(告诉) him not to do like this again. ( )6. --- ______ do students do? --- They ________. A. How; make kites(风筝) B. What; play games C. Where; are on the playground D. Who; do like this ( )7. _______ play soccer ball. A. Some girls B. Some boys C. Billy D. Mr. Crisp ( )8. What do the girls do? A. Play with lines, jump and run. B. Play with lines and sing. C.Play soccer ball and sing English songs. D.Jump, run, play with lines and sing some songs. ( )9. Mr. Crisp tells Billy ________. A. to play soccer ball with him B. to sing a song for him C. not to jump so high(高) D. to play soccer ball carefully (小心地) ( )10. Bill is ______. A. happy B. sorry C. exciting D. funny C Once a great boxer (拳击家), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant(饭馆)for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it. So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it: “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here. He’ll come back in a few minutes. ” He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasn’t there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said: “A great runner took away your bag, and he will not come back. ” ( )11.Tom Brown went to the restaurant ________. A.for his bag B.to see the runner C.to have his meal D.for his pen ( )12.Mr Brown was afraid ________. A.to put down his bag near the door B.he couldn’t find his pen C.thieves would take his bag away D.he couldn’t get enough food himself from the restaurant ( )13.Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because he ________. A.thought the thief would not steal (偷) his bag when he read the words B.was a boxer C.wanted to catch the thief D.wanted to get to know the runner ( )14.When Mr Brown came back he ________. A.found another piece of paper on the ground B.found his bag wasn’t there C.both A and B D.saw the runner running after him ( )15.Which is not right? A.Mr Brown was foolish. B.The runner was a thief. C.The runner made a joke on Mr Brown. D.The boxer didn’t know the runner at all. V. 词汇 (10 分) A. 根据音标及句意写单词。(5 分) 1. Can you ________ [spi:k] English? Sorry, I can’t. 2. My parents buy a _________ [pi’ n] in the store. 3. Can she _________ [da:ns]? Yes, she can. 4. My brother plays the _________ [gi’ta:] well. 5. ________ [‘s di] is the last day of the week. B. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5 分) 6. I have a brother and a sister. So my parents have three ________ (kid). 7. Can you help me with _________ (swim)? 8. I can speak a little _________ (China). 9. Jack’s father and mother are _______ (music). 10. I like ________ (comedy) very much. Ⅵ.句式转换 按要求完成下列句子。(5 分 ) 1. He can play the piano. (改成否定句) He ________ play the piano. 2. My sister can join the swimming club. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ your sister join? 3. Lucy’s brother wants to be an actor. (改成一般疑问句) _______ Lucy’s brother _______ to be an actor? 4. Mike can join our school music festival. (改为同义句) Mike can _______ _______ our school music festival. 5. My birthday is May 4th. (用 June 2nd 改写选择疑问句) _______ your birthday May 4th _____ June2nd? Ⅶ.根据汉语完成句子。(5 分) Alan 想加入音乐俱乐部,因为他会弹吉它。 Alan ______ to join the _______ club, because he can play the guitar. 你会说英语吗? 是的,一点. ______ you _______ English? Yes, _______ _______. 你会照顾孩子吗? 来加入我们吧. _____ you ______ _______ kids? Come and ______ us. Ⅷ.任务性阅读:阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(5 分) What do you do to relax? Do you watch TV? Do you read a book? Or do you listen to music? How many of us actually play a musical instrument? How many of us go to concerts? How important is music in our lives? What kind of music do we like? The survey above shows the musical habits of a few of our readers. Interestingly, fourteen people out of the twenty questioned actually play a musical instrument, while only six people don’t. Out of these, ten people practice their musical instrument between 0—3 hours a week and the other four between three and six hours a week. The best instrument to play is the guitar; eight people say it is their favourite instrument to play. Another four people like playing the piano and two like playing the violin. Two people, however, don’t like playing the violin or the piano as they think they are too difficult. Pop concerts are always popular but, in this survey only eight people say they like going to concerts, six to pop concerts and two to jazz concerts. A higher number, eighteen, say they like listening to music as they find it relaxing. Only two people don’t like listening to music at all. These results seem to suggest that we are more actively musical than we think ... 1.How many of the twenty people don’t play a musical instrument? ______________ 2.How many of the fourteen people like playing the guitar? _________________ 3.Two people like playing the violin or the piano because they think they are __________ . 4.将划线句子翻译成汉语:_______________________________________________. 5. Do most people like listening to music? _________________ Ⅸ.书面表达(10 分) 你具有哪些才能呢?不妨向大家介绍一下你自己所会的(包括体育(球类、跑)、音乐(乐器唱、跳)、美 术(绘画)、电脑(游戏)等方面),但也别忘了告诉大家你所不会的,让其他同学能帮助你,另外请 根据自己的情况选择一你要加入的俱乐部,并陈述理由。 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 练习二 短语·典句·考点 help sb.with sth. 在……方面帮助某人 【经典例句】 Could you help me with my English?你能帮我学英语吗? 【考点聚焦】 在 help sb.with sth.结构中,with 是介词,故后面要跟名词或动名词作宾语。该结构相 当于 help sb.do sth.。 【活学活用】 8.同义句转换 I often help him do his homework. I often help him his homework. be good with... 与……相处得好;与……合得来 【经典例句】 He is very good with children.他与孩子们很合得来。 【考点聚焦】 1)同义词组:get on well with 2)注意与 be good...的其他词组意思的差别: be good at 意为“擅长做某事”;be good for意为“对……有益处”。 句子·剖析·拓展 Can you play the guitar?你能弹吉他吗? 【剖析】 Can you...?用来询问对方能否做某事,意思是“你能/会……吗?”,肯定回答用“Yes,I can.” 否定回答用“No,I can’t.” 【拓展】 can(能、会),may(可以;可能),must(必须)都是情态动词,后面跟动词原形。其否定结构 在后面加上 not,can not 通常缩写为 can’t;must not 缩写为 mustn’t;may not 一般不缩写。 Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar? 你会弹奏钢琴,吹喇叭,敲鼓,或者弹吉他吗? 【剖析】 此句为简单的选择疑问句,即提问者提供两种或两种以上情况,让对方从中作出选择的句 子。它的基本结构是:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句(后一部分与前一部分相同的成分常常省略)。or 连接的是两个并列的成分,要求词性一致。 【拓展】 1)回答时,不用 yes 或 no,而是选择其中一种回答。 2)在读法上,or 的前一部分用升调,后一部分用降调。 语法·聚焦 “能”说“会”道的 can Hi,everyone!I’m “can”.Welcome to come and see my show! 【can的才艺展示】 1.表示能力,通常指在体力或脑力方面的能力,意为“能;会”。如: He can speak English.他会说英语。 2.表示许可,意为“可以”,这时可以和 may 通用,但是比 may 较正式。如: Can I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗? 3.表示可能性,意为“可能”,这时常出现在否定句中。如: It can’t be true.这不可能是真的。 4.表示提供帮助。如: Can you help me?你可以帮助我吗? 当 can与动词一起作句子的谓语时,无论主语是第几人称或单数、复数形式,can 仍然保持自己的风 格,不会发生任何变化。 【can的句式表演】 1.肯定句:主语+can+动词原形+其他。如: Mary can play the drums.玛丽会敲鼓。 2.否定句:主语+can’t+动词原形+其他。如: He can’t play the piano.他不会弹钢琴。 3.一般疑问句:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定答语:Yes,主语+can.否定答语:No,主 语+ can’t. 如: —Can you play chess?你会下象棋吗? —Yes,I can.是的,我会。(肯定回答) —No,I can’t.不,我不会。(否定回答) 4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其 他?如: What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么呢? 巩固练习 I、单项选择 (25 分) ( )1. Can you ______ English? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell ( )2. --- ________ can you play? --- The drums. A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )3. --- ______ you sing? --- Yes, I can. A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Am ( )4. I want to ______ the chess club. A. join B. join in C. join to D. join for ( )5. Tom wants ________ to you. Are you free? A.to tell B.tells C.to talk D.talks ( )6. Can you help me with _______? A. dance B. dancing C. dances D. to dance ( )7. ---What club ______ you want to join? --- Chess club. A. does B. do C. can D. are ( )8. Her sister can play ______ piano, but she can’t play _____ basketball. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; / ( )9. My brother can play the guitar, ______ he can’t play it very well. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 10. ---- Can you play volleyball? --- Sorry, I ______. A. don’t B. do C. can’t D. can ( )11. --- Are you good ______ your students? --- Yes, I am. A. at B. with C. for D. of ( )12. --- Are you ______? --- Yes, I am. A. a musician B. musicians C. musician D. A and B ( )13. --- Can he _____ a student? --- Yes. A. is B. be C. are D. does ( )14. We want some singers(歌手) ____ our rock band. A. for B. of C. to D. at ( )15. My brother _______ the trumpet and he play it _____ . A. can plays, good B. can’t play, good C. can play, well D. doesn’t play, well ( )16.Can you paint? ________.A.Yes, a little B.Yes, little C.No, a little D.No, little ( )17.Please call me ________ 8989766. A.in B.at C.about D.with ( )18.________ like to go swimming ________ summer. A.Children, on B.Children, in C.A child, on D.A child, in ( )19. Can you help me ________ my English? A.with B.of C.learning D.about ( )20.What can you do, Lin Tao? ________. A.I like sports B.I want to join the music club C.I am well D.I can do Chinese Kung Fu ( )21.Hi, can I help you? ________. A.Yes, please B.No, I can’t C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome ( )22.________ you can ________ our school concert. A.Maybe, in B.Maybe, be in C.May be, in D.May be, be in ( )23.We want two good ________ our rock band. A.music for B.musician in C.music in D.musicians for ( )24.Little Tom can draw ________.His drawings are very ________. A.good, well B.well, good C.good, good D.well, well ( )25.Can he ________ it in English? A.speak B.speaks C.say D, talk B、根据对话内容,选择合适的句子完成对话。(5 分) A: I want some students for the school concert. What can you do, Bill? ________(1) B: No, I can’t. But I can play the guitar. A: You can play the guitar! Good. OK, Lily, ____(2) C: I can sing and _________(3) A: You can! Great, Jennifer. _________(4) D: No, I can’t. Victor can play the piano. A: Victor, can you play the piano? E: Yeah, I can’t sing or dance, ________(5) ( )1. A. Can you play the piano? B. Can you sing? C. You can play the guitar. D. Can he play the piano? ( )2. A. Can you play the piano? B. Can you sing? C. Can you play the guitar? D. You can play the guitar. ( )3. A. I can’t play the drum. B. I can play the drum. C. I can’t play the guitar. D. she can sing. ( )4. A. Can you sing? B. Can you play the drum? C. Can you play the piano? D. Can you play the guitar? ( )5. A. but I can play the piano. B. and I can’t play the piano. C. but I can play the guitar. D. but I can play the drum. III、完形填空 (15 分) A. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(8 分) Li Lei is a 1 boy. He was born 2 1990. Now he is 3 . He 4 movies, and he often goes to see 5 . Li Lei can play 6 . He often plays it after school. He likes music. He wants 7 a musician. Li Lei 8 likes sports. He usually(通常) watches them on TV. ( )1. A. China B. Chinese C. China’s ( )2. A. on B. in C. at ( )3. A. twelfth B. twelveth C. twelve ( )4. A. like B. doesn’t like C. likes ( )5. A. they B. them C. it ( )6. A. violin B. the violin C. a violin ( )7. A. to is B. be C. to be ( )8. A. either B. also C. too B. 根据下面海报完成下列短文,每空一词。(7 分) Swimmer wanted for School Swimming Club Tel: 364-4577 For only two We want ________ good swimmers ________ our swimming ________. ______ you swim ______ the sea(大海 ) or in the swimming pool(池子 )? Do you want to ______ the school swimming club? You’re welcome. Please call Mike _______ 364-4577. IV. 阅读理解(15 分) A School Show Name Act Time Place Li Xin Chinese Kung Fu Sunday 8:00 a. m. In the auditorium (礼堂) Lucy English song Friday 3:40 p.m. Class Five Mike Play the piano Tuesday 2:00 p. m. In the music room Tom Paint Monday 10:00 a.m. Drawing room Jack Beijing Opera Thursday 3:50 p.m. In the auditorium ( )1. You can ask(问) ______ to play the piano for us. A. Li Xin B. Lucy C. Mike D. Jack ( )2. You can watch Beijing Opera _______. A. at 3 : 50 a. m. on Thursday B. at 3: 50 p. m. on Thursday C. at 2: 00 a. m. On Tuesday D. at 8 : 00 p. m. on Sunday ( )3. On weekend, we can watch ______ in the auditorium. A. Chinese Kung Fu B. Beijing Opera C. Paint D. Play the piano ( )4. We can see the piano show in ______ A. the auditorium B. Class Five C. the music room D. drawing room ( )5. ______ sings songs for us ______. A. Lucy; at 3:40 p.m. B. Mike; at 2:00 p.m. C. Lucy; in the music room D. Mike; in Class Five B It’s four. It’s time to play games. Boys and girls play on the playground (操场). Some boys play soccer ball. Some boys play basketball. Some of them jump(跳高) and run. Some girls play with lines(绳). They jump and run, too. They are very happy(高兴). Some little girls sing English songs near the classroom(教 室). Look. Billy plays the soccer ball. The soccer ball bits(打) Mr. Crisp’s head(头). He is very sorry, Mr. Crisp tells(告诉) him not to do like this again. ( )6. --- ______ do students do? --- They ________. A. How; make kites(风筝) B. What; play games C. Where; are on the playground D. Who; do like this ( )7. _______ play soccer ball. A. Some girls B. Some boys C. Billy D. Mr. Crisp ( )8. What do the girls do? A. Play with lines, jump and run. B. Play with lines and sing. C. Play soccer ball and sing English songs. D. Jump, run, play with lines and sing some songs. ( )9. Mr. Crisp tells Billy ________. A. to play soccer ball with him B. to sing a song for him C. not to jump so high(高) D. to play soccer ball carefully (小心地) ( )10. Bill is ______. A. happy B. sorry C. exciting D. funny C Once a great boxer (拳击家), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant(饭馆)for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it. So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it: “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here. He’ll come back in a few minutes. ” He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasn’t there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said: “A great runner took away your bag, and he will not come back. ” ( )11.Tom Brown went to the restaurant ________. A.for his bag B.to see the runner C.to have his meal D.for his pen ( )12.Mr Brown was afraid ________. A.to put down his bag near the door B.he couldn’t find his pen C.thieves would take his bag away D.he couldn’t get enough food himself from the restaurant ( )13.Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because he ________. A.thought the thief would not steal (偷) his bag when he read the words B.was a boxer C.wanted to catch the thief D.wanted to get to know the runner ( )14.When Mr Brown came back he ________. A.found another piece of paper on the ground B.found his bag wasn’t there C.both A and B D.saw the runner running after him ( )15.Which is not right? A.Mr Brown was foolish. B.The runner was a thief. C.The runner made a joke on Mr Brown. D.The boxer didn’t know the runner at all. V. 词汇 (10 分) A. 根据音标及句意写单词。(5 分) 1. Can you ________ [spi:k] English? Sorry, I can’t. 2. My parents buy a _________ [pi’ n] in the store. 3. Can she _________ [da:ns]? Yes, she can. 4. My brother plays the _________ [gi’ta:] well. 5. ________ [‘s di] is the last day of the week. B. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5 分) 6. I have a brother and a sister. So my parents have three ________ (kid). 7. Can you help me with _________ (swim)? 8. I can speak a little _________ (China). 9. Jack’s father and mother are _______ (music). 10. I like ________ (comedy) very much. Ⅵ.句式转换 按要求完成下列句子。(5 分 ) 1. He can play the piano. (改成否定句) He ________ play the piano. 2. My sister can join the swimming club. (对划线部分提问) _____________________ your sister join? 3. Lucy’s brother wants to be an actor. (改成一般疑问句) _______ Lucy’s brother _______ to be an actor? 4. Mike can join our school music festival. (改为同义句) Mike can _______ _______ our school music festival. 5. My birthday is May 4th. (用 June 2nd 改写选择疑问句) _______ your birthday May 4th _____ June2nd? Ⅶ.根据汉语完成句子。(5 分) Alan 想加入音乐俱乐部,因为他会弹吉它。 Alan ______ to join the _______ club, because he can play the guitar. 你会说英语吗? 是的,一点. ______ you _______ English? Yes, ______________. 你会照顾孩子吗? 来加入我们吧. _____ you _____________ kids? Come and ______ us. Ⅷ.任务性阅读:阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(5 分) What do you do to relax? Do you watch TV? Do you read a book? Or do you listen to music? How many of us actually play a musical instrument? How many of us go to concerts? How important is music in our lives? What kind of music do we like? The survey above shows the musical habits of a few of our readers. Interestingly, fourteen people out of the twenty questioned actually play a musical instrument, while only six people don’t. Out of these, ten people practice their musical instrument between 0—3 hours a week and the other four between three and six hours a week. The best instrument to play is the guitar; eight people say it is their favourite instrument to play. Another four people like playing the piano and two like playing the violin. Two people, however, don’t like playing the violin or the piano as they think they are too difficult. Pop concerts are always popular but, in this survey only eight people say they like going to concerts, six to pop concerts and two to jazz concerts. A higher number, eighteen, say they like listening to music as they find it relaxing. Only two people don’t like listening to music at all. These results seem to suggest that we are more actively musical than we think ... 1.How many of the twenty people don’t play a musical instrument? ______________ 2.How many of the fourteen people like playing the guitar? _________________ 3.Two people like playing the violin or the piano because they think they are __________. 4.将划线句子翻译成汉语:_______________________________________________. 5. Do most people like listening to music? _________________ Ⅸ.书面表达(10 分) 你具有哪些才能呢?不妨向大家介绍一下你自己所会的(包括体育(球类、跑)、音乐(乐器唱、跳)、美 术(绘画)、电脑(游戏)等方面),但也别忘了告诉大家你所不会的,让其他同学能帮助你,另外请根据 自己的情况选择一你要加入的俱乐部,并陈述理由。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 1 Can you play the guitar同步 题一: 1.What club would you like to______(加入)? 2.He often _________(游泳)in the river(河流). 3.John likes playing _______(象棋)with Tom. 4.The boy can’t play the________(钢琴 ). 5.The girl often d_________ at three in the afternoon. 6.He m______ many friends in China. 7.Eating healthy food is g_______ for your health. 8.He likes d _______ morning exercises. 9.He want ______(dance) with his friends after dinner. 10. Because he is very young, he can’t _________(join)the story telling club. 11.He would like _________(sing) with you. 12.He is from England and he can speak __________(England). 13.He is famous as a ___________(music). 题二: 1. Would you like to______(加入)us in a walk? 2.Mary likes _________(游泳). 3.Do you want to join the _______(象棋)club? 4.Today he has a ________(钢琴 )lesson. 5.He has a d________ lesson o n Tuesday. 6.She often m______ birthday cakes for her friends. 7.He is g_______ at drawing. 8.Mary likes d_______ her homework after dinner. 9. His favorite sport is d_______. 10.He doesn’t want__________(join) the army. 11.She likes_________(sing) with her friends. 12.He often helps his sister with her_________(England). 13.He is a___________(music)from England. 题三: 1.He likes playing _______violin while his brother likes playing ______basketball. A. the;/ B. /; the C. the; the D. /;/ 2.The English-speaking students can _________ Chinese well. A. Say B. talk C. tell D. speak 题四: 1. Some like playing _______ guitar while others like playing ______ soccer. A. the;/ B. /; the C . the; the D. /;/ 2.The boy can ________ stories. A. Say B. talk C. tell D. speak 题五: 1.--Can he swim? ---_________. But he can dance. A. Yes, he do. B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he can D. No, he can’t 2.Please call ________ at 239-2678. A. we B. our C. us D. they 题六: 1.--Can you play the piano? ---_________. Please let me play the piano for you. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I can D. No, I can’t 2.Do you play games with _________? A. we B. our C. them D. they 题七: 1. He is good _________his classmates in the class. A. to B. for C. with D. at 2.Mary is good _______dan cing. A. to B. for C. with D. at 题八: 1.Doing exercise is good _______ your health. A. to B. for C. with D. at 2. He likes swimming very much, and he is good _______it. A. to B. for C. with D. at 题九: 1.He doesn’t like tomatoes ______carrots. A. and B. or C. but D. / 2. Please call her _______ 234-6754. A. in B. at C. about D. with 题十: 1.He can’t play football ______ play the piano. A. and B. or C. but D. / 2. Don’t speak_______ class. A. in B. at C. about D. with 题十一:1. 我想加入艺术俱乐部。 2.你能唱歌吗?我不会。但是我会跳舞。 3.他经常帮助吉姆学习唱歌。 4.让我们放学后一起回家吧。 5.他喜欢下棋,所以他想加入象棋俱乐部。 6. 我们需要你帮助搬一下箱子。 题十二: 1.你可以加入足球俱乐部。 2.他会打排球吗?他不会,但是他会敲鼓。 3.你能帮助你的弟弟学画画吗? 4.让他们和我们一起打网球吧。 5. 他喜欢吃苹果,所以他的妈妈经常给他买了一些。 6.他们需要你帮忙打扫房间。 题十三: In England, people often talk about the w eather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day. In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take a n umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day. 1. The people in England often talk about ________________. 2. In England, people usually take________________. 3. Does it o ften rain in England? 4. What’s the best title (标题)for this passage? 题十四: Shlander is a man from space(太空). He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange. He is now writing a letter to his friend at home. Here is part of his letter. Read it and answer the questions. Now I am in a strange world. It is very nice. There are many new things here. There ar e many earth monsters(怪物)here, too. The earth monsters look very funny. They have just one head,two arms and two legs. They have thin black strings on their heads. Some earth monster s have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face. Every day,they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole, too. The earth monsters do not walk very fast. They move from place to pace in tin boxes(铁盒). At night,the earth monsters like to look at a square(方形的)window box. This box has very small earth monsters in it. 1. Shlander thinks the people and things on the earth are v ery ________. 2. Shlander thinks man on the earth is ________. 3. The earth monsters put ________ on their holes. 4. The square window box is ________. Unit 2 What time do you go to school 练习一 单元知识点归纳: 【短语】 what time 几点,什么时候 go to school 去上学 get up 起床 take a shower 淋浴,洗澡 put on 穿上 go to work 去上班 get to到达 listen to听 get back 归还,取加 get home 到家 get go 到达 get for 为某人拿(取)买 get from 从某人/某物那得到…… go to bed 上床睡觉 do homework 做作业 go home 回家 【句型】 1.What time do you…? 你什么时间……? 2.What time does / he? …他什么时间……? 3.What time is it? It’s…. 几点了?是……。 4.She takes shower at …她经常在…淋浴。 【口语】 1.What time is it? 几点了? 2.-What time do you usually get up?你通常几点起床? 3.-I usually get up at five o clock. 通常 5 点钟起床。 4.-What time does he eat breakfast?他什么时候吃早饭? 5.-He eats breakfast at seven o’clock. 他七点钟吃早饭。 【语法】 1.一般现在时:主语为第三人称单数,动词为第三人称单数形式 2.学习时间的表达法[来源:Z.xx.k.Com] 二.难点讲评 1.What time do you get up? 释:这是一个由疑问词 what time(几点)引导的特殊问句。 其结构:What time +助动词 do/does +主语+动词原形,询问某人做某事的具体时间。 例如:what time do you begin class in the morning?你们早晨几点开课? 注:What’s the time=What time is it?也是用来询问时间,意为“几点了”。用 it 作答。 例如:What’s the time? It’s 7:30.几点了?七点半了。 2.I usually get up at five o’clock. 我通常在五点钟起床。 释: 1)句中 usually 与 often 一样都是频度副词,常用于动词 be 之后,行为动词之前。always 意 思是“总是”、“永远”,表示动作重复,状态继续,中间没有间断,通常用来修饰动词的一般时态。 例如:We always get up before six o'clock.我们总是六点前起床。 若修饰动词进行时,则有“老是”,“再三地”的意思,带有厌烦、不满、赞美等感情色彩。例如:You are always coming late.你老是迟到。(含有责备的意思) He is always thinking of others.他总是想着别人。 usually(75%)意为“通常”,着重表示已习惯的动作。反义词为:unusually。 例如:They usually have four classes in the morning.他们上午通常上四节课。 They usually do some shopping on Sunday.他们通常星期天买东西。 often(50%)意为“时常”、“经常”,表示常常这样,但不总是这样,反义词为: seldom。 例如:She often helps her mother with her housework after school. 放学后她常常帮助母亲做家务。 We often go to see our teacher.我们常去看望我们的老师。 sometimes(20%)表示“有时”、“不时”的意思,说明的是偶尔发生的事情或情况。它的位置比较灵活, 可置于句首、句中、句末。 例如:Sometimes I come on foot.有时我步行来。 It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold here.这里有时,热有时冷。 ★下面的排列更直观地说明了这几个词的频率的"大小"。 always>usually>often>sometimes>seldom>never 2)介词 at 常用于具体时刻之前,意义为 在…… ,如:at 5:00 在 5:00 钟。 o’clock=of the clock 表示 ……点钟 ,其前通常是整点,如:six/seven/eight o’clock 六/七/八点钟。 注:介词 at 除了指时间以外,还可指 1)人物的所在之处,如:at my uncle’s home 在我姑 姑家, at the station 在火车站.2)朝向,如:look at me!看我! 3)指速度或价格. 如:she buys the book at a good price 她以优惠的价格买了这本书。 3. What a funny time to eat breakfast! 在这个时间做早饭是多么有趣的啊! 释: 这是一个感叹句,what 意为“多么的,何等的”,用于感叹句中,修饰后面的单数或复数名词, 其句式结构为: (1)What a/an +形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语! what a good girl she is!她是多么好的女孩啊! (2)What+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语! What good girls they are!她们是多么好的女子啊! (3)What +形容词+不可为名词+主语+谓语! What terrible weather it is! 多么恶劣的天气啊! 注:how 也可以引导感叹句,how 为副词,在感叹句中修饰动词,形容词或副词: (1)How+形容词/副词+陈述句(主语+谓语) How cold it is! 多冷啊! How hard he works! 他工作多么努力啊! (2)How+陈述句(主语+谓语) How he loves his son! 他多么爱他的儿子啊! (3)How+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+陈述句(主语+谓语) How tall a tree it is! 多么高的一棵树啊! 4.After breakfast he plays his guitar ,then he goes to work. 早餐以后,他练习吉它,然后他去上班了。 释:1)go to work 的意思是“去上班”,work 是不可数名词,其前面不加冠词,该短语同 go to school“去 上学”。 例如:They go to work in their cars = by car. 他们开车去上班。 We go to school by bus.我们乘公共汽车上学。 5.To get to work,he takes the number17 bus to the Sai Te Hotel.为了工作,他乘坐 17 路公交车到赛特宾 馆。 释:动词 take在此时“乘坐”的意思;而 by 也有“乘坐”的意思,但它是介词。 比较:He often takes the bus to work.他经常乘公交车上班。 He often go to work by bus. 注:动词词组作谓语,介词短语作状语。 6.He works all night.他工作一整夜。 释:all修饰一个表示时间的单数可数名词,表示整个这一段时间。 例如:Don’t read all day.不要整天看书。He stays at home all morning.他整个上午呆在家。 7.People love to listen to him.人们喜欢听他的! 释:love to do sth.=like to do sth.very much.喜欢做某事,强调具体活动。而 love doing sth.= like doing sth. very much 则强调习惯。 例如:Do you come out to play with me?你喜欢出来和我玩吗? I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。 8.hear 与 listen to 释:hear 意为“听见”,表示听的结果,而 listen to则表示“听”,强调的是“听”的动作。 如:Let’s listen to the music. 咱们听音乐吧! We listen but don’t hear.我们听了,但什么也没听见。 9. He gets home at 7:00,and he watches morning TV.他七点钟回家,然后看早见新闻。 释:1)句中 get 意为 “到达 ”,后接地点名词时,要加介词 to,后接副词时,不能加 to,例如: She gets to school at six o’clock.她六点钟到校。 注: home 是一个副词,所以其前不能加介词 to,但 home 也可作名词,这时其前有物主代词时, 可以加 to,例如:She gets to her home at eight o’clock .她 8 点钟到家。 Can you get there at eight tomorrow morning? 明天上午八点你能到那儿吗? 2)句中 morning news 表示 早间新闻 ,其中 news 是一个不可数名词。 例如:a piece of news 一条新闻 ,two pieces of news 两条新闻 。 Watch……On TV 表示 通过电视看……节目 。 例如:We often watch football game on TV. 我们经常通过电视看是球赛。 10.Can you think what his job is?你能想到他的工作是什么吗? 释:这里 what his job is 表示“他的工作是什么 ”,其中,what his job I 作 think 的宾语。英语中类似 的表达很多,它们在句中可充当主语、宾语、表语等。 例如:What she says is very good.她说得很好。(作主语。注意,谓语动词要用单数。) The book is just what you want.这本书正是你想要的。(作表语) I don't know what you say.我不懂你说的话。(作宾语) 11.What time is it?-几点了?-It’s eight thirty. 八点三十分。 释:本句是就具体时刻进行提问的,what time 意为“几点”,这是特殊问句,它的同义句为:What’s the time? /What time is it by your watch? 在回答这个句子时,要用 It’s +钟点。 注:英语时刻的表达法:顺读法和逆读法。 顺读法:钟点数+分钟数。 例如:4:25→four twenty-five,6:58→six fifty-eitht,7:→seven o clock 说明:这种表达不论分钟数是多少,均可使用。 逆读法:分钟为+介词 to/past+钟点数,可分两种情况: 1)分钟为不超过半小时,用分钟数+past(/pa:st/过)+钟点数。 例如:4:23→twenty-three past four,5:19→nineteen past five. 2)分钟数超过了半小时,用(所差的)分钟的+to+(下一个)钟点为。 例如:7:31→twenty-nine to eight,10:58→two to eleven 说明:在逆读法中分钟数逢 “五”逢 “十”可省略 minute(s)。否则应加上。当然,英语习惯上把十 五分钟(fifteen)称作一刻 a quarter(kwo:to),三十分钟(thirty)称为 half/half,因此 10:30, 可以用两种表达方式,half past ten,ten thirty。 12.Thanks for your letter. 感谢你的来信。 释:thanks for… 表示“因…而感谢某人”。for 是介词,后跟名词,代词宾格或者动名词。 例如:Thanks for your help. 感谢你帮助我。 Thanks for telling me the good news.谢谢你告诉我这好消息。 13. Do you want to know about my morning?你想知道关于我的早晨吗? 释:1)该句中 want to do…句型。表示“想要做某事”,该短语中 want 为及物动词,后面的 to do 是不定式(英语中把 to+动词称为不定式)作 want 的宾语,不定式符号不可以省略。 例如:I want to play the drum. 我想打鼓。 I want to see my old teacher next week.下周我想去看我以前的老师。 2)want也可以带名词或代词作宾语。 例如:I want a bottle of orange.我想要一瓶桔汁。 He wants you in the classroom. 他想要你进教室去。 3)know about 知道有关…,了解有关…,句中 about 意为“关于,有关”的意思。 14.about 与 on 释:about 作介词,意为“关于、大约、对于”。作“关于”解,可用 on 代替。 例如:a song about him 有关他的一首歌。 on作介词,意为“关于”。侧重于书籍、文章、演讲的严肃性或学术性,指可供专门研究某一问题的 人阅读的书籍。 例如:a book on the history 有关历史的书。 注:在动词 learn、read、quarrel、hear 和名词 story 后一般用 about 而非 on。 15.I do my homework at 6:30.六点半我做家庭作业。 释:do homework 意为做家庭作业,其中 homework 为不可数名词,这个短语=do one’s lessons. 16.School starts at nine o’clock.学校九点开始上课。 释:start=begin,意为“开始”。常见句型有 start/begin to do sth.和 start/begin doing sth. 例如:She starts/begins to learn English.她开始学习英语、 They start/begin learning English.他们开始学习英语了。 17.Please write and tell me about your morning.请写信告诉我你的早晨。 释:1)tell sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事的情况。 例如:My father often tells me about China.我爸爸经常告诉我有关中国的情况。 2)write sb. a letter=write a letter to sb.给某人写信。 例如:She often writes me a letter=She often writes a letter to me.她经常给我写信。 18.一般现在时(to do 句型) 1)句型语序:主语——谓语(行为动词)——宾语——状语 2)主谓一致:主语三单,谓语三单;主语非三单,谓语用原形。 3)句型转换:变疑问句首加 do/does,谓语动词用原形;变否定谓语动词原形前加 don’t/doesn’t. 注:一般现在时的第三人称单数动词的变化规则: (1).一般在动词词尾加“s”。如:like→likes,play→plays。 (2).以 ch,sh,s,x,o 结尾的动词,在词尾加 es,如:do→does,teach→teaches,go→goes (3).以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,变 y 为 i,再加 es。如:fly→flies, apply→applies study→studies 三.典型例解 ( )1. _______important information he's given us! A.So B. How C. What an D. What ( )2. —____ is it?—It’s six o’clock. A. What B. What color C. What time D. How ( )3.“12: 45”reads(读作) ____. A. a quarter past twelve B. a quarter to twelve C. twelve forty-five D. three quarters past twelve ( )4. Mike often gets up ____ 6:40 ____ the morning. A. in; in B. on; on C. at; at D. at; in ( )5. Maria often ____ breakfast at seven o’clock. A. drink B. has C. have D. eat ( )6. What’s wrong ____ you? A. about B. with C. of D. on ( )7. It’s very kind ____ him to cook food for his mother. A. for B. to C. of D. with ( )8. It’s seven o’clock, it’s time to ____. A. goes home B. go home C. to go home D. going home ( )9. —What time do you get up, Jim? —I get up ____. A. about six o’clock B. at about six o’clock C. about at six o’clock D. six o’clock ( )10. —____, what’s the time, please? —It’s half past six. A. Hi B. Sorry C. Hello D. Excuse me 基础巩固 Ⅰ.选择填空。(30 分) ( ) 1. ―What's the time? ―_____half past nine. A. Its B. It's C. This is D. They're ( )2. We go to _____ at six thirty in the morning. A. the school B. a school C. school D. schools ( )3. —______ does your mother work? —In a school. A. What B. How C. Where D. When ( )4. —What time is it? —It's ____eight o'clock. A. at B. on C. in D. around ( )5. My English teacher is usually very busy(繁忙)___. A. all night B. night C. all the night D. good night ( )6. Do you want to listen to the _____ story? A. funnily B. funny C. funy D. funer ( )7. What time does Jane ______ after school? A. do her homework B. does her homework C. do her homeworks D. does her homeworks ( )8. He often takes ______ to the Santon Hotel. A. number bus 17 B. the number 17 bus C. 17 number bus D. number 17 bus ( ) 9. I ______ at ten o'clock in the evening. A. have breakfast B. get up C. go to bed D. watch morning TV ( ) 10.He eats ______ dinner at 7:30 in the evening. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )11. Please write and tell me ______ your morning. A. for B. to C. about D. of ( )12. ______ Lucy and Lily go home at seven? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are ( )13. It's ten o'clock. I must go ____. A. to home B. home C. my home D. his home ( )14. I want to____ No. 5 bus to Tian'an Men Square. A. get B. come C. go D. take ( )15. ---Will you go there by_____train? ----No,, I’ll take ______ taxi. A. /;a B. a;the C./;/ D. the;a ( ) 16. We only have _______ shower. A. some B. an C. the D. one ( )17. My sister ____ home at 5:00 every day. A. gets B. gets to C. get D. get to ( )18. We can watch Beijing Opera _____ TV. A. in B. at C. on D. from ( )19. Let’s ________. A. take a shower B. have a shower C. take the shower D. A and B ( )20. My brother ___ the morning TV every day. A. watches B. watch C. watchs D. see ( )21. Do you know___________________? A. what is his job B. what does his job C. what his job does D. what his job is ( )22. He likes ______ the radio(收音机)。 A. listens B. to listen to C. listens to D. to listen ( )23. Rick often does ____ homework at 6:00. A. her B. his C. my D. your ( )24. --- ______ do people have dinner?--- At home. A. What B. When C. Where D. B and C ( )25. Jie Min usually gets up _______. A. at six thirty B. at thirty six C. on six thirty D. on thirty six ( )26. In our school , school _____ at 7:30. A. is B. start C. starts D. does ( )27. ----When does your mother go shopping?----Usually __ Sunday morning. A. on B. in C. at D. after ( )28. ---_____________? ---Sorry, I can’t. A. Can you play the drums B. Do you draw C. Are you here D. Can your brother dance ( )29. ---Do you have a watch? --- ____. A. Yes, he does B. No, I’m not C. No, I don’t D. I don’t know ( )30. They have no classes ________ Saturday and Sunday. A. in B. on C. at D:from II、阅读理解 (10 分) This is Wang Ping’s Day. He’s a young worker. His job is carrying coal (运煤). He thinks that’s great. Wang Ping’s Day 5:10 a. m. Don’t work 5:20 a. m. Go home by car 5:30 a. m. Take a shower 5:40 a. m. Eat breakfast. 6:00 a. m. Go to bed. 5:00 p.m. Get up. 5:10 p.m. Buy vegetables or other things for breakfast 6:00 p.m. Have a big dinner. 6:30~7:30p.m. Watch news(新闻) on TV. 7:40 p.m. Leave home and go to work ( )1. When does Wang Ping have breakfast? A. At 5:20 in the morning. B. At 5:10 in the afternoon. C. At 5:40 in the morning. D. At 6:00 in the afternoon. ( )2. Where does he have his breakfast? A. At home. B. In the coal mine(煤矿). C. In the restaurant(餐馆).D. In the factory (工厂). ( )3. Wang Ping watches news ______. A. over the radio(收音机) B. on TV in the morning C. every day D. every morning ( )4. Wang Ping goes home _______. A.at 7:40 every evening B. at 5:20 every evening C.at 7:30 every morning D. at 5:20 every morning ( )5. --- How old is Wang Ping? --- _______. A. About 50 B. About fifteen C. 25 D. We don’t know III、句式转换(20 分) 1. He has one shower. (提问) How ________ __________ _________ he have? 2. Jack eats breakfast at home. (改为一般疑问句) ______ Jack ______ breakfast at home? 3. Scott works very long hours every day. (改为否定句) Scott ______ ______ very long hours every day. 4. He can do Chinese Kung Fu. (一般疑问句) _______ he _______ Chinese Kung Fu? 5. Tim usually goes to bed at 10:00. (提问) _______ _______ Tim usually _______ to bed? 6. I do homework at seven. (否定句) I _______ ________ homework at seven. 7. He often has lunch at school. (划线提问) _______ ________ he often ________ lunch? 8. They get home at 7:30 pm. ( 同义句 ) They get home at 7:30 ____ ____ _________. IV. 根据句意写单词, 首字母已给出。(10 分) 1. What t______ do you usually get up? 2. T______ for your letter. 3. School s______ at nine o'clock. 4. My mother gets up at a_______ 7 o'clock. 5. My dad usually takes a s______ in the morning. 6. Best w_______ to you. 7. I u_______ get up at 6:00。 8. He eats b__________ at seven. 9. And she goes to bed at ten e night. 10.He wants to see me s____________. V.用所给动词的正确形式填空。(10 分) 1.Let’s ______ (clean) the classroom. 2.He ______ (not go) to bed at 8:30. 3.She ______ (do) her homework at 7:00 in the evening. 4.Scott ________ (work) very long hours. 5.What time _______ you usually _____ (get) up? 6.His sister loves ________(play) the piano very much. 7.My father ________ (watch) TV in the evening. 8. Can Gina __________(swim), do you know? 9. Do you want ______________(know) about my school? 10. We have four __________(class) in the morning. Ⅵ.完成句子。(10 分) 1.你的父亲七点钟去上班吗? ______ your father ______ ______ ______ at seven? 2.你通常几点去睡觉? ______ ______ do you usually ________ ________ ________? 3.请仔细地听老师讲课。 Please ______ ______ the teacher carefully(仔细地). 4.我的弟弟在下午做家庭作业。 My brother ______ ______ ______ in the afternoon. 5.你是什么时候到达合肥的? When do you ________ ______ Hefei? 6.请写信告诉我关于你们学校的事情。 Please________ and _______ me_______ your school. VII. 写作(10)。 根据下列表格提示,以 Alicia’s Saturday为题写一篇 60 词左右的英语短文。 提示: from…to… 从…到… 时间 活动内容 7:00 起床 7:30 吃早饭 8:00--11:00 做家庭作业 12:00 吃午饭 14:00--17:00 与朋友一起踢足球 18:00 吃晚饭 19:00--21:00 在家看电视 21:30 去睡觉 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 What time do you go to school 练习二 【短语】 what time 几点,什么时候 go to school 去上学 get up 起床 take a shower 淋浴,洗澡 put on 穿上 go to work 去上班 get to 到达 listen to 听 get back 归还,取加 get home 到家 get go 到达 get for 为某人拿(取)买 get from 从某人/某物那得到…… go to bed 上床睡觉 do homework 做作业 go home 回家 【语法】 1.一般现在时:主语为第三人称单数,动词为第三人称单数形式 2.学习时间的表达法 二.难点讲评 1.What time do you get up? 释:这是一个由疑问词 what time(几点)引导的特殊问句。 其结构:What time +助动词 do/does +主语+动词原形,询问某人做某事的具体时间。 例如:what time do you begin class in the morning?你们早晨几点开课? 注:What’s the time=What time is it?也是用来询问时间,意为“几点了”。用 it 作答。 例如:What’s the time? It’s 7:30.几点了?七点半了。 2.I usually get up at five o’clock. 我通常在五点钟起床。 释: 1)句中 usually 与 often 一样都是频度副词,常用于动词 be 之后,行为动词之前。 ★下面的排列更直观地说明了这几个词的频率的"大小"。 always>usually>often>sometimes>seldom>never 2)介词 at 常用于具体时刻之前,意义为 在…… ,如:at 5:00 在 5:00 钟。 o’clock=of the clock 表示 ……点钟 ,其前通常是整点,如:six/seven/eight o’clock 六/七/八点钟。 注:介词 at 除了指时间以外,还可指 1)人物的所在之处,如:at my uncle’s home 在我姑 姑家, at the station 在火车站.2)朝向,如:look at me!看我! 3)指速度或价格. 如:she buys the book at a good price 她以优惠的价格买了这本书。 3. What a funny time to eat breakfast! 在这个时间做早饭是多么有趣的啊! 释: 这是一个感叹句,what 意为 多么的,何等的 ,用于感叹句中,修饰后面的单数 或复数名词,其句式结构为: (1)What a/an +形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语! what a good girl she is!她是多么好的女孩啊! (2)What+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语! What good girls they are!她们是多么好的女子啊! (3)What +形容词+不可为名词+主语+谓语! What terrible weather it is! 多么恶劣的天气啊! 注:how 也可以引导感叹句,how 为副词,在感叹句中修饰动词,形容词或副词: (1)How+形容词/副词+陈述句(主语+谓语) How cold it is! 多冷啊! How hard he works! 他工作多么努力啊! (2)How+陈述句(主语+谓语) How he loves his son! 他多么爱他的儿子啊! (3)How+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+陈述句(主语+谓语) How tall a tree it is! 多么高的一棵树啊! 4.After breakfast he plays his guitar ,then he goes to work. 早餐以后,他练习吉它,然后他去上班了。 释:1)go to work 的意思是“去上班”,work 是不可数名词,其前面不加冠词,该短语同 go to school“去上学”。 例如:They go to work in their cars = by car. 他们开车去上班。 We go to school by bus.我们乘公共汽车上学。 5.To get to work,he takes the number17 bus to the Sai Te Hotel.为了工作,他乘坐 17 路公交车到赛特宾馆。 释:动词 take在此时“乘坐”的意思;而 by 也有“乘坐”的意思,但它是介词。 比较:He often takes the bus to work.他经常乘公交车上班。 He often go to work by bus. 注:动词词组作谓语,介词短语作状语。 8.hear 与 listen to 释:hear 意为“听见”,表示听的结果,而 listen to则表示“听”,强调的是“听”的动作。 如:Let’s listen to the music. 咱们听音乐吧! We listen but don’t hear.我们听了,但什么也没听见。 9. He gets home at 7:00,and he watches morning TV.他七点钟回家,然后看早见新闻。 释:1)句中 get 意为 “到达 ”,后接地点名词时,要加介词 to,后接副词时,不能加 to,例如:She gets to school at six o’clock.她六点钟到校。 注: home 是一个副词,所以其前不能加介词 to,但 home 也可作名词,这时其前有物主代词时,可以加 to, 例如:She gets to her home at eight o’clock .她 8 点钟到家。 Can you get there at eight tomorrow morning? 明天上午八点你能到那儿吗? 2)句中 morning news 表示 早间新闻 ,其中 news 是一个不可数名词。 例如:a piece of news 一条新闻 ,two pieces of news 两条新闻 。 Watch……On TV 表示 通过电视看……节目 。 例如:We often watch football game on TV. 我们经常通过电视看是球赛。 10.Can you think what his job is?你能想到他的工作是什么吗? 释:这里 what his job is 表示“他的工作是什么 ”,其中,what his job I 作 think 的宾语。英语中类似的表达 很多,它们在句中可充当主语、宾语、表语等。 11.What time is it?-几点了?-It’s eight thirty. 八点三十分。 释:本句是就具体时刻进行提问的,what time 意为“几点”,这是特殊问句,它的同义句为:What’s the time? /What time is it by your watch? 在回答这个句子时,要用 It’s +钟点。 注:英语时刻的表达法:顺读法和逆读法。 顺读法:钟点数+分钟数。 例如:4:25→four twenty-five,6:58→six fifty-eitht,7:→seven o clock 说明:这种表达不论分钟数是多少,均可使用。 逆读法:分钟为+介词 to/past+钟点数,可分两种情况: 1)分钟为不超过半小时,用分钟数+past(/pa:st/过)+钟点数。 例如:4:23→twenty-three past four,5:19→nineteen past five. 2)分钟数超过了半小时,用(所差的)分钟的+to+(下一个)钟点为。 例如:7:31→twenty-nine to eight,10:58→two to eleven 说 明:在逆读法中分钟数逢 “五”逢 “十”可省略 minute(s)。否则应加上。当然,英语习惯上把十五分 钟(fifteen)称作一刻 a quarter(kwo:to),三十分钟(thirty)称为 half/half,因此 10:30,可以用两种 表达方式,half past ten,ten thirty。 12.Thanks for your letter. 感谢你的来信。 释:thanks for… 表示“因…而感谢某人”。for 是介词,后跟名词,代词宾格或者动名词。 例如:Thanks for your help. 感谢你帮助我。 Thanks for telling me the good news.谢谢你告诉我这好消息。 13. Do you want to know about my morning?你想知道关于我的早晨吗? 释:1)该句中 want to do…句型。表示“想要做某事”,该短语中 want 为及物动词,后面的 to do 是不定式(英语中把 to+动词称为不定式)作 want 的宾语,不定式符号不可以省略。 例如:I want to play the drum. 我想打鼓。 I want to see my old teacher next week.下周我想去看我以前的老师。 2)want 也可以带名词或代词作宾语。 例如:I want a bottle of orange.我想要一瓶桔汁。 He wants you in the classroom. 他想要你进教室去。 3)know about 知道有关…,了解有关…,句中 about 意为“关于,有关”的意思。 14.about 与 on 释:about 作介词,意为“关于、大约、对于”。作“关于”解,可用 on 代替。 例如:a song about him 有关他的一首歌。 on 作介词,意为“关于”。侧重于书籍、文章、演讲的严肃性或学术性,指可供专门研究某一问题的人阅读 的书籍。 例如:a book on the history 有关历史的书。 注:在动词 learn、read、quarrel、hear 和名词 story 后一般用 about 而非 on。 15.I do my homework at 6:30.六点半我做家庭作业。 释:do homework 意为做家庭作业,其中 homework 为不可数名词,这个短语=do one’s lessons. 16.School starts at nine o’clock.学校九点开始上课。 释:start=begin,意为“开始”。常见句型有 start/begin to do sth.和 start/begin doing sth. 例如:She starts/begins to learn English.她开始学习英语、 They start/begin learning English.他们开始学习英语了。 17.Please write and tell me about your morning.请写信告诉我你的早晨。 释:1)tell sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事的情况。 例如:My father often tells me about China.我爸爸经常告诉我有关中国的情况。 2)write sb. a letter=write a letter to sb.给某人写信。 例如:She often writes me a letter=She often writes a letter to me.她经常给我写信。 一般现在时 注:一般现在时的第三人称单数动词的变化规则: (1).一般在动词词尾加“s”。如:like→likes,play→plays。 (2).以 ch,sh,s,x,o 结尾的动词,在词尾加 es,如:do→does,teach→teaches,go→goes (3).以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,变 y 为 i,再加 es。如:fly→flies, apply→applies study→studies 基础巩固 Ⅰ.选择填空。(30 分) ( ) 1. ―What's the time? ―_____half past nine. A. Its B. It's C. This is D. They're ( ) 2. We go to _____ at six thirty in the morning. A. the school B. a school C. school D. schools ( ) 3. —______ does your mother work? —In a school. A. What B. How C. Where D. When ( ) 4. —What time is it? —It's ____eight o'clock. A. at B. on C. in D. around ( ) 5. My English teacher is usually very busy(繁忙)______. A. all night B. night C. all the night D. good night ( ) 6. Do you want to listen to the _____ story? A. funnily B. funny C. funy D. funer ( ) 7. What time does Jane ______ after school? A. do her homework B. does her homework C. do her homeworks D. does her homeworks ( ) 8. He often takes ______ to the Santon Hotel. A. number bus 17 B. the number 17 bus C. 17 number bus D. number 17 bus ( ) 9. I ______ at ten o'clock in the evening. A. have breakfast B. get up C. go to bed D. watch morning TV ( ) 10.He eats ______ dinner at 7:30 in the evening. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 11. Please write and tell me ______ your morning. A. for B. to C. about D. of ( )12. ______ Lucy and Lily go home at seven? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are ( )13. It's ten o'clock. I must go ____. A. to home B. home C. my home D. his home ( )14. I want to____ No. 5 bus to Tian'an Men Square. A. get B. come C. go D. take ( )15. ---Will you go there by_____train? ----No,, I’ll take ______ taxi. A. /;a B. a;the C./;/ D. the;a ( ) 16. We only have _______ shower. A. some B. an C. the D. one ( )17. My sister ____ home at 5:00 every day. A. gets B. gets to C. get D. get to ( )18. We can watch Beijing Opera _____ TV. A. in B. at C. on D. from ( )19. Let’s ________. A. take a shower B. have a shower C. take the shower D. A and B ( )20. My brother ___ the morning TV every day. A. watches B. watch C. watchs D. see ( )21. Do you know___________________? A. what is his job B. what does his job C. what his job does D. what his job is ( )22. He likes ______ the radio(收音机)。 A. listens B. to listen to C. listens to D. to listen ( )23. Rick often does ____ homework at 6:00. A. her B. his C. my D. your ( )24. --- ______ do people have dinner?--- At home. A. What B. When C. Where D. B and C ( )25. Jie Min usually gets up _______. A. at six thirty B. at thirty six C. on six thirty D. on thirty six ( )26. In our school , school _____ at 7:30. A. is B. start C. starts D. does ( )27. ----When does your mother go shopping?----Usually _____ Sunday morning. A. on B. in C. at D. after ( )28. ---_____________? ---Sorry, I can’t. A. Can you play the drums B. Do you draw C. Are you here D. Can your brother dance ( )29. ---Do you have a watch? --- ________. A. Yes, he does B. No, I’m not C. No, I don’t D. I don’t know ( )30. They have no classes ________ Saturday and Sunday. A. in B. on C. at D:from II、阅读理解 (10 分) This is Wang Ping’s Day. He’s a young worker. His job is carrying coal (运煤). He thinks that’s great. Wang Ping’s Day 5:10 a. m. Don’t work 5:20 a. m. Go home by car 5:30 a. m. Take a shower 5:40 a. m. Eat breakfast. 6:00 a. m. Go to bed. 5:00 p.m. Get up. 5:10 p.m. Buy vegetables or other things for breakfast 6:00 p.m. Have a big dinner. 6:30~7:30p.m. Watch news(新闻) on TV. 7:40 p.m. Leave home and go to work ( )1. When does Wang Ping have breakfast? A. At 5:20 in the morning. B. At 5:10 in the afternoon. C. At 5:40 in the morning. D. At 6:00 in the afternoon. ( )2. Where does he have his breakfast? A. At home. B. In the coal mine(煤矿). C. In the restaurant(餐馆). D. In the factory (工厂). ( )3. Wang Ping watches news ______. A. over the radio(收音机) B. on TV in the morning C. every day D. every morning ( )4. Wang Ping goes home _______. A.at 7:40 every evening B. at 5:20 every evening B.at 7:30 every morning D. at 5:20 every morning ( )5. --- How old is Wang Ping? --- _______. A. About 50 B. About fifteen C. 25 D. We don’t know III、句式转换(20 分) 1. He has one shower. (提问) How ___________________________ he have? 2. Jack eats breakfast at home. (改为一般疑问句)______ Jack ______ breakfast at home? 3. Scott works very long hours every day. (改为否定句) Scott ___________ very long hours every day. 4. He can do Chinese Kung Fu. (一般疑问句) _______ he _______ Chinese Kung Fu? 5. Tim usually goes to bed at 10:00. (提问) ______________ Tim usually _______ to bed? 6. I do homework at seven. (否定句) I _______________ homework at seven. 7. He often has lunch at school. (划线提问) _______________ he often ________ lunch? 8. They get home at 7:30 pm. (同义句) They get home at 7:30 _________________. IV. 根据句意写单词, 首字母已给出。(10 分) 1. What t______ do you usually get up? 2. T______ for your letter. 3. School s______ at nine o'clock. 4. My mother gets up at a_______ 7 o'clock. 5. My dad usually takes a s______ in the morning. 6. Best w_______ to you. 7. I u_______ get up at 6:00。 8. He eats b__________ at seven. 9. And she goes to bed at ten e night. 10.He wants to see me s____________. V.用所给动词的正确形式填空。(10 分) 1.Let’s ______ (clean) the classroom. 2.He ______ (not go) to bed at 8:30. 3.She ______ (do) her homework at 7:00 in the evening. 4.Scott ________ (work) very long hours. 5.What time _______ you usually _____ (get) up? 6.His sister loves ________(play) the piano very much. 7.My father ________ (watch) TV in the evening. 8. Can Gina __________(swim), do you know? 9. Do you want ______________(know) about my school? 10. We have four __________(class) in the morning. Ⅵ.完成句子。(10 分) 1.你的父亲七点钟去上班吗?______ your father _________________ at seven? 2.你通常几点去睡觉?____________ do you usually ________________________? 3.请仔细地听老师讲课。Please ____________ the teacher carefully(仔细地). 4.我的弟弟在下午做家庭作业。My brother __________________ in the afternoon. 5.你是什么时候到达合肥的?When do you ______________ Hefei? 6.请写信告诉我关于你们学校的事情。Please________ and _______ me_______ your school. VII. 写作(10)。 根据下列表格提示,以 Alicia’s Saturday为题写一篇 60 词左右的英语短文。 提示: from…to… 从…到… 时间 活动内容 7:00 起床 7:30 吃早饭 8:00--11:00 做家庭作业 12:00 吃午饭 14:00--17:00 与朋友一起踢足球 18:00 吃晚饭 19:00--21:00 在家看电视 21:30 去睡觉 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 What time do you go to school同步 1.Gina can get d__________ by herself now. 2.He often takes a s__________ after supper. 3.He u_________ goes to school with his sister. 4.He brushes teeth very q ________ every day. 5.John wants her to __________(锻炼)every day. 6.Do you have supper at a _________(一刻钟)past six? 7.He likes his _________(工作). 1. After I get d__________, I have breakfast. 2. I always take a s__________ every day. 3.They u_______ watch TV after supper. 4.Peter has dinner q________. 5.It is good to __________(锻炼)every day. 6.He goes home at a _________(一刻钟)to six every afternoon. 7.It is a difficult _________(工作). 1.-- ______does he get up? -- Often ______6: 00 ______ the morning. A. What time; on; in B. What time; at; in C. What; in; in D. When; in; on 2.They usually play ______ basketball after _______ school. A. /; the B. the;/ C. /;/ D. the; a 1.-- ______do you have breakfast? -- ______7:30. A. What time; On B. What time; At C. What; In D. When; In 2.He often play ______ guitar after _______ dinner. A. /; the B. the;/ C. /;/ D. the; a 1. He ________ work at 9: 00 o'clock every day. A. goes B. takes C. starts D. gets 2.They often _______ at 6:00 in the afternoon. A. get home B. gets to home C. get to home D. gets home 1.This term(学期) ________ in September. A. goes B. takes C. starts D. gets 2.All of us _______for dinner. A. go home B. goes home C. get to home D. gets home One of us is wrong. ______ you ______ I am wrong. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also We can finish the work ______ this week ______ next week. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also Do you know ________? A. book it is whose B. it is whose book C. whose book is it D. whose book it is --Can you tell me________? --Yes. She is in the classroom. A. where is Mary’s schoolbag B. where Mary is C. whose schoolbag is it D. whose schoolbag it is 1.你是 6 点钟去上学吗? _________you__________ at six? 2. 你通常上午几点上课? _____________ do you usually __________in the morning? 3. 请写信告诉你的朋友你家的情况。 Please ______ and _______your friend______ your family. 4. 他经常坐车去上学 。 5. 他通常几点钟吃早饭? 6.没有太多的可吃的食物了,我们买一些吧。 1.你的妈妈下午五点到家吗? _________ your mother __________at five in the afternoon? 2.你的父亲通常在晚上几点看电视? _____________ does your father usually __________in the evening? 3. 你能写信告诉你的朋友关于中国的情况。 Can you ______ and _______your friend ______ China? 4.我和我的妹妹经常去看望他们的祖母。 5.你通常在下午几点打篮球? 6.玛丽没有足够多的时间做作业,所以她不能看电视。 Mike is a little boy. __1_ is four years old. One day, ___2_mother takes him to visit the grandpa. Grandpa’s home is far from their house. So they go there ___3___. There__4__ only a few people on the bus. They all __5__ on their seats.(座位 ) Mike is very happy. He _6_ out of the window and talks __7_ his mother. After a while, Mike starts to run on the bus. He runs and runs, “__8__ are you always running? Please sit __9_.” His mother says. “I want to see my grandpa earlier, I want the bus _10_ faster(更快). “ Mike answers. 1.A. She B. It C. He D. They 2. A. her B. he C. she D. his 3. A. by bike B. by bus C. by car D. by tr ain 4. A. is B. are C. has D. have 5. A. stand B. stands C. sit D. sits 6. A. looks B. sees C. listen s D. speaks 7. A. of B. by C. with D. about 8. A. What B. Where C. When D. Why 9. A. up B. in C. down D. off 10. A. to run B. running C. run D. runs 1 all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Not many people understand this but 2 quite true. The man’s body can go 3 no food for a long time. But two 4 three days without (没有) water can usually make people 5 . Man 6 live without water. Many people don't understand how 7 water the man’s body needs to work well, and many people, do not drink enough, especially(尤其) in very 8 weather. Most people drink when they are thirsty. But in fact(事 实上 ) we often need more water, especially when we exercise. A man’s 9 is about 70% water. If we don’t have enough water, we'll feel tired , and many of us will become 10 . So you know how important water is to us. 1. A. In B. Of C. At D. With 2.. A. it's B. its C. it D. is 3. A. has B. with C. have D. hasn’t 4. A. so B. and C. but D. or 5. A. to die B. die C. to died D. died 6. A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t 7. A. many B. much C. little D. few 8. A. snowy B. cold C. cloudy D. hot 9. A. body B. hand C. mouth D. face 10. A. strong B. ill C. fine D. well Unit 3 How do you get to school?练习一 一. 重点单词: Take must worry so 二. 重点短语: 坐火车/地铁 依靠,取决与 担心 与……不同 远离 需要做某事 坐船 骑自行车 少数 三. 词汇辨析.: 1. take/spend/pay/cost spend,cost,take和 pay都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。 spend 的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构: (1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。 例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。 (2) spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。 例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。 cost 的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”, 常见用法如下: (1)sth. costs (sb.) +金钱, 某物花了(某人)多少钱。 例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。 (2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) +时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。 例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。 注意:cost 的过去式及过去分词都是 cost,并且不能用于被动句。 take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几种: (1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。 例:It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。 (2)doing sth. takes sb. +时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。 例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. 他花了一下午修车。 pay 的基本用法是:(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。 例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付 20 英磅的房租。 (2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。 例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。 (3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。 例:Don't worry! I'll pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。 (4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。 例: They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。 (5)pay money back 还钱。 例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I'll pay it back next week. 你能借给我 12 块钱吗?下周还你。 即学即练: 1) He often much time playing computer games. 2) It usually her two hours to do her homework. 3) How much did the new cell phone you? 4) Allan 380 yuan for the e-dictionary. 2. get to/ arrive in/arrive at/ reach reach 后不用加介词如 I reach school. get 要加介词,但接副词时不用如 THERE HOME HERE get to直接加地方 arrive in/at 也直接加地方,但 IN 是大地方,AT是小地方 reach,get,get to,arrive in/at都是及物动词,但 arrive 不加介词时是不及物动词,可以不加宾语. 如:I arrive 我到达了。 不能说 I reach,/get/,get to,它们后面要加宾语。 即学即练: 1)—When can you school? --I get to school at seven. 2) They Beijing yesterday. 3) They the bus stop. 4) We home at six. 3. other/others/the others/the other/another 1.other 可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。 2.the other 指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用 the other,不能用 another,此时的 other 作代词。如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other 后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的 other 作形容词。如: On the other side of the street, there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女 孩高得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 3.others 是 other 的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如:Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 4.the others 意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是 the other 的复数形 式。如: Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家 里。.the others=.the other+可数名词复数 5.another=an other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者 或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如: I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我 不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人 即学即练: 1) Lin Feng always help people. 2) The old man has two sons. One is a soldier, is an engineer. 3) Many people are in the park. Some are taking a walk, are flying kites. 4)Would you like cup of coffee? 4. a number of /the number of a number of 是指“大量的”,后面的动词是复数形式 e.g. A number of our classmates love English. the number of 是指“......的数量”,后面的动词是单数形式 e.g. The number of our classmates is 45. 即学即练: 1) A number of students reading in the classroom. 2) The number of students in our class 56. 四. 重点句: 1. --How do you get to school?—I ride my bike. 2. How far is it from your home to school? 3. It takes me twenty-five minutes to school. 4. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus! 5. What do you think of the transportation in your town? 五. 重点语法: 1. take的用法. 一、 拿,取:I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想拿些书到教室。 二、 吃,喝,服用,放:① Take this medicine three times a day. 每天吃三次药。 ② Do you take sugar in your milk? 你喝的牛奶里放糖吗? 三、 乘车(船)等: ① Shall we go there by bike or take a taxi? 我们是骑自行车去那还是坐出租车去? ② They usually take a bus to work. 他们通常乘公交车上班。 四、常常和 it 连用,it 在句子中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。翻译成“花费(时间、金钱)等” ① How long will it take you to do your homework every day? 每天做作业要花费你多长时间? ② It usually takes her 20 yuan to buy books every week. 每周买书通常要花费她 20 元钱。 五、“做……事情”, 常常和名词连用,表示与该名词意义相关的动作 例如:take a walk散步, take a rest 休 息一下, take a look 看一看等等。 构成常用的重要词组: 1. take away 拿走 Tom takes the knife away from the little boy. 汤姆从小男孩手里把刀拿走了。 2. take care (=be careful=look out) Take care!The car is coming! 小心!车来了! 3. take (good) care of (好好)照顾,照料 I can take care of the baby all by myself. 我自己能照顾这个小孩。 4. take down 取下来 Take down the picture and put up the map of the world. 摘下这张图画,挂上一幅世 界地图。 5. take out 拿出 Please take out a piece of paper and write down your names on it, OK? 拿出一张纸,在上 面写下你们的名字,好吗? 6. take off 脱下;飞机(等起飞) ① Sorry! You have to take off your shoes before getting into the computer room. 对不起,在进入微机室之前,先要把你的鞋子脱掉。 ② The plane is going to take off soon. 飞机马 上就要起飞了。 7. take one's temperature 量体温 Mingming is ill. The doctor is taking his temperature now. 明明生病了,大 夫正在给他量体温。 基础巩固 一. 单项选择. ( )1. -- did you come here? -- boat. A. How, By B. How long, By C. How, Take ( )2. Health your healthy lifestyle. A. depends B. decides C. depends on ( )3. In North America, most students go to school the school bus. A. by B. take C. on ( )4. My parents are my home in three days. A. reaching to B. arriving in C. getting to ( )5. –How does it take? –It takes about 10 minutes’ . A. long, walk B. long, to walk C. far, walking ( )6. The passage is very hard because there are many new words in it. A. very B. so C. such ( )7. She often a bike to the school. A. takes B. drives C. rides ( )8. The weather in Beijing is that in Changsha. A. far from B. same as C. different from ( )9. The old woman is her lost son. A. worried about B. worry C. worried ( )10. do you the transportation in your town? A. What, think B. How, think of C. What, think of ( )11. --Can you tell me it is from here to downtown? --Yes, it’s fifteen minutes by bus. A. how much B. how long C. how far ( )12. Susan’s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive. A. must B. can C. can’t ( )13. I know it’ll me much time to practice it, but I’m sure I can learn a lot from it. A. spend B. take C. pay ( )14.--The sandwich is delicious. --Would you like one? A. other B. others C. another ( )15. He to clean the classroom. A. needn’t B. don’t need C. doesn’t need ( )16. books are missing in the library. We must ask the police for help. A. Much B. A number of C. The number of 二.一般现在时语法专练。 1. Mike (stay) at home on Sundays. 2. My sister (not like) eggs at all. 3. Li Lei often (carry) water for the old woman. 4. you (get) to school at 7:30 every day? 5. We (begin) class at seven thirty in the morning. 6. My brother (watch) TV every evening. 7. –When they (clean) the house? --They usually (clean) in the afternoon. 8. Light faster than sound(travel). Pleasure Reading (开心一刻) Do you Smoke(抽烟)? “How many cigars do you smoke a day?”“About ten.” “How much do they cost you?”“Twenty cents a piece.” “Oh, that’s two dollars a day. How long have you been smoking?”“Thirty years.” “Two dollars a day for thirty years is a lot of money.”“Yes, it is.” “Do you see that office building on the corner?”“Yes.” “If you had never smoked in your life, you might own(拥有) that fine building.”“Do you smoke?” “No, never did.” “Do you own that building?” “No.” “Well, I do.” 猜猜划线部分单词的意思: cigar. 能 力 拓 展 一.阅读训练。 一) 完形填空(课堂限时训练)。 In Great Britain, there are many rules(遵守) to make the roads safe, but sometimes people do not obey the rules. They are careless. If everyone obey the rules, the roads will be much safer. What shall we do then? Remember this rule: In Britain, traffic keeps to the 1 . Cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the roads. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right. Before you cross the road, 2 and look right then look left, and look 3 again. If you are 4 that the road is 5 , it is time to cross the road. 6 you see children or 7 people, please 8 . Let them first. It is polite to 9 them. We must teach little children how to cross the road safely. We must always give them a good example. Little children must not 10 on the road. ( )1. A. left B. right C. middle ( )2. A. wait B. stop C. think ( )3. A. left B. front C. right ( )4. A. pleased B. sure C. lucky ( )5. A. clean B. empty C. dirty ( )6. A. After B. Before C. If ( )7. A. old B. young C. short ( )8. A. watch B. shout C. wait ( )9. A. show B. help C. cross ( )10. A. skip B. walk C. play 二)阅读理解(课堂限时训练)。 A When I was in seventh grade, I was a volunteer(志愿者) at the hospital in my town. I helped Mr. Gillespie there. He had no visitors. I spent many days there holding(抓住) his hands and talking to him, helping with many different things. He was in a coma(昏迷). Once, I left for a week. I went on a vacation with my parents. When I came back, Mr. Gillespie was gone. I didn’t ask any nurse where he was. I was afraid they might tell me he died. Several years later, I met Mr. Gillespie in a bookstore one day. I said hello to him and told him how I knew him. His eyes were filled with tears, and he gave me a warm hug(拥抱). He told me that he could hear me talking to him. He could feel me holding his hands the whole time. He thought I was an angel, not a person. Mr. Gillespie said that my voice and my hands kept him alive. I didn’t see him again, but I was always happy to think of him. I knew that I made a difference between his life and his death. More importantly, he made a difference in my life. He made me an angel! True or False: ( )1. “I” helped Mr. Gillespie because we are friends. ( )2. Mr. Gillespie died when “I” came back from the vacation. ( )3. “I” met Mr. Gillespie a few years later. ( )4. We can see that it is possible to make a difference to other person’s life by doing small things. ( )5. “I” became an angel after I helped Mr. Gillespie. B 小材料阅读 ( )1. Which sign can you probably see in the library? ( )2. The doctor gave medicine to Jack. Please help Jack read the label(标签) and choose the right information. Take 2 spoonfuls(汤匙) 4 times a day. Warning: Don’t drive or ride a bicycle A. Jack should take the medicine as much as he likes. B. Jack shouldn’t ride his bike after taking the medicine. C. Jack should take his medicine 3 times a day. C Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 4 Bus 5 Library 6:00 6:05 6:35 6:45 7:00 Video arcade 6:15 6:20 6:50 7:00 7:15 Park 6:40 6:45 7:10 7:20 7:30 Factory 7:00 7:20 7:30 7:40 8:00 School 7:15 7:35 7:50 8:00 8:15 Hospital 7:35 8:00 8:15 8:22 8:40 Supermarket 8:00 8:20 8:35 8:47 8:55 Computer city 8:15 8:30 8:55 9:00 9:15 1. If you want to get to school at eight, which bus will you take? 2. Which bus can take you to the hospital before eight? 3. If you live near the bus stop, and you take Bus 3, when will you arrive at the computer city? 4. Amy lives near the library. How long does it take her to go to school by Bus 2? 5. What time must you get on the bus if you live near the video arcade and want to buy a computer at nine o’clock? 三.写作。以“My Best Way of Going to School”为题写一篇短文 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 3 How do you get to school?练习二 词汇辨析: 1. take/spend/pay/cost spend,cost,take和 pay都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。 spend 的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构: (1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这 道数学题花了我两个小时。 (2) spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。 cost 的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”, 常见用法如下: (1)sth. costs (sb.) +金钱, 某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电 脑要花一大笔钱。 (2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) +时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。 注意:cost 的过去式及过去分词都是 cost,并且不能用于被动句。 take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几种: (1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。 (2)doing sth. takes sb. +时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. 他花了一下午修车。 pay 的基本用法是:(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付 20 英磅的房租。 (2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。 (3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。例:Don't worry! I'll pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。 (4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。 例: They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。 (5)pay money back 还钱。例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I'll pay it back next week. 你能借给我 12 块钱 吗?下周还你。 即学即练: 1) He often much time playing computer games. 2) It usually her two hours to do her homework. 3) How much did the new cell phone you? 4) Allan 380 yuan for the e-dictionary. 2. get to/ arrive in/arrive at/ reach reach 后不用加介词如 I reach school. get 要加介词,但接副词时不用如 THERE HOME HERE get to直接加地方 arrive in/at 也直接加地方,但 IN 是大地方,AT是小地方 reach,get,get to,arrive in/at 都是及物动词,但 arrive 不加介词时是不及物动词,可以不加宾语. 如:I arrive 我到达了。 不能说 I reach,/get/,get to,它们后面要加宾语。 即学即练: 1)—When can you school? --I get to school at seven. 2) They Beijing yesterday. 3) They the bus stop. 4) We home at six. 3. other/others/the others/the other/another 1.other 可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。 2.the other 指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用 the other,不能用 another,此时的 other 作代词。如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other 后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的 other 作形容词。如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 3.others 是 other 的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如:Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 4.the others 意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是 the other 的复数形 式。如: Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家 里。.the others=.the other+可数名词复数 5.another=an other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者 或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如: I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我 不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人 即学即练: 1) Lin Feng always help people. 2) The old man has two sons. One is a soldier, is an engineer. 3) Many people are in the park. Some are taking a walk, are flying kites. 4)Would you like cup of coffee? 4. a number of /the number of a number of 是指“大量的”,后面的动词是复数形式 e.g. A number of our classmates love English. the number of 是指“......的数量”,后面的动词是单数形式 e.g. The number of our classmates is 45. 即学即练: 1) A number of students reading in the classroom. 2) The number of students in our class 56. 基础巩固 一. 单项选择. ( )1. -- did you come here? -- boat. A. How, By B. How long, By C. How, Take ( )2. Health your healthy lifestyle. A. depends B. decides C. depends on ( )3. In North America, most students go to school the school bus. A. by B. take C. on ( )4. My parents are my home in three days. A. reaching to B. arriving in C. getting to ( )5. –How does it take? –It takes about 10 minutes’ . A. long, walk B. long, to walk C. far, walking ( )6. The passage is very hard because there are many new words in it. A. very B. so C. such ( )7. She often a bike to the school. A. takes B. drives C. rides ( )8. The weather in Beijing is that in Changsha. A. far from B. same as C. different from ( )9. The old woman is her lost son. A. worried about B. worry C. worried ( )10. do you the transportation in your town? A. What, think B. How, think of C. What, think of ( )11. --Can you tell me it is from here to downtown? --Yes, it’s fifteen minutes by bus. A. how much B. how long C. how far ( )12. Susan’s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive. A. must B. can C. can’t ( )13. I know it’ll me much time to practice it, but I’m sure I can learn a lot from it. A. spend B. take C. pay ( )14.--The sandwich is delicious. --Would you like one? A. other B. others C. another ( )15. He to clean the classroom. A. needn’t B. don’t need C. doesn’t need ( )16. books are missing in the library. We must ask the police for help. A. Much B. A number of C. The number of 二.一般现在时语法专练。 1. Mike (stay) at home on Sundays. 2. My sister (not like) eggs at all. 3. Li Lei often (carry) water for the old woman. 4. you (get) to school at 7:30 every day? 5. We (begin) class at seven thirty in the morning. 6. My brother (watch) TV every evening. 7. –When they (clean) the house? --They usually (clean) in the afternoon. 8. Light faster than sound(travel). 一.阅读训练。 一) 完形填空(课堂限时训练)。 In Great Britain, there are many rules(遵守) to make the roads safe, but sometimes people do not obey the rules. They are careless. If everyone obey the rules, the roads will be much safer. What shall we do then? Remember this rule: In Britain, traffic keeps to the 1 . Cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the roads. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right. Before you cross the road, 2 and look right then look left, and look 3 again. If you are 4 that the road is 5 , it is time to cross the road. 6 you see children or 7 people, please 8 . Let them first. It is polite to 9 them. We must teach little children how to cross the road safely. We must always give them a good example. Little children must not 10 on the road. ( )1. A. left B. right C. middle ( )2. A. wait B. stop C. think ( )3. A. left B. front C. right ( )4. A. pleased B. sure C. lucky ( )5. A. clean B. empty C. dirty ( )6. A. After B. Before C. If ( )7. A. old B. young C. short ( )8. A. watch B. shout C. wait ( )9. A. show B. help C. cross ( )10. A. skip B. walk C. play 二)阅读理解(课堂限时训练)。 A When I was in seventh grade, I was a volunteer(志愿者) at the hospital in my town. I helped Mr. Gillespie there. He had no visitors. I spent many days there holding(抓住) his hands and talking to him, helping with many different things. He was in a coma(昏迷). Once, I left for a week. I went on a vacation with my parents. When I came back, Mr. Gillespie was gone. I didn’t ask any nurse where he was. I was afraid they might tell me he died. Several years later, I met Mr. Gillespie in a bookstore one day. I said hello to him and told him how I knew him. His eyes were filled with tears, and he gave me a warm hug(拥抱). He told me that he could hear me talking to him. He could feel me holding his hands the whole time. He thought I was an angel, not a person. Mr. Gillespie said that my voice and my hands kept him alive. I didn’t see him again, but I was always happy to think of him. I knew that I made a difference between his life and his death. More importantly, he made a difference in my life. He made me an angel! True or False: ( )1. “I” helped Mr. Gillespie because we are friends. ( )2. Mr. Gillespie died when “I” came back from the vacation. ( )3. “I” met Mr. Gillespie a few years later. ( )4. We can see that it is possible to make a difference to other person’s life by doing small things. ( )5. “I” became an angel after I helped Mr. Gillespie. B Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 4 Bus 5 Library 6:00 6:05 6:35 6:45 7:00 Video arcade 6:15 6:20 6:50 7:00 7:15 Park 6:40 6:45 7:10 7:20 7:30 Factory 7:00 7:20 7:30 7:40 8:00 School 7:15 7:35 7:50 8:00 8:15 Hospital 7:35 8:00 8:15 8:22 8:40 Supermarket 8:00 8:20 8:35 8:47 8:55 Computer city 8:15 8:30 8:55 9:00 9:15 1. If you want to get to school at eight, which bus will you take? 2. Which bus can take you to the hospital before eight? 3. If you live near the bus stop, and you take Bus 3, when will you arrive at the computer city? 4. Amy lives near the library. How long does it take her to go to school by Bus 2? 5. What time must you get on the bus if you live near the video arcade and want to buy a computer at nine o’clock? Unit 3 How do you get to school 同步 题一:首字母填空 I r________ my bike to the subway station. It t_________ me an hour to g et there. How f_____ is it from your home to school? I go to school by s_________ every day. Radio and television are important m_______ of communication . 题二: My father d____ to work every day. I often get up at h____ past six in the morning. You should be careful when you c____ the road. There is an old stone b_____ over the river. There are 2,000 v______ in the village. 题三:选词完成句子 live; take; leave for; think of; stop; come true Our wishes will ____________. It usually ________ about half an hour to get to school. He _____________ his company at about half past eight. Lucy ___________ far away from her school. What do you ____________ your new job? You can wait for me at the bus ___________. 题四:选词完成句子 live; take; leave for; think of; stop; come true If you learn a few foreign languages, your dream will ____________. It ________ her twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. I am ready to _______ Shanghai. Tom ___________ 60 miles away from school. What do you ____________ your English teacher? There are a lot of people at the bus ___________. 题五:用所给单词的适当形式填空。 Thanks for _________(invite) us to your birthday party. My mother tells me not to_____(ride) a bike on a rainy day. Don’t _________(worry) about that. It’s nothing but a quiz. The girl is _________(worry) about her mother. That must ________(be) a lot ________(much)interesting than ________(ride) a bike. 题六:用所给单词的适当形式填空。 Thanks for _________(take) care of my baby. He learned to _____(ride) a bike at the age of ten. Don’t _________(worry) about this problem. Her mother is _________(worry) about her safety. That must ________(be) a lot ________(much) exciting than ________(climb) mountains. 题七: Lily goes to school _________ bike every morning. --_________ does Mary go to work? --She takes the bus. -- _____________ have you lived here? -- For 2 years. It will take the men half a year _________(finish) the work. Thanks _______ giving me the birthday gift. 题八: Sally goes to the market ____ bike. --_______ does your brother go to the factory? --He takes the subway. -- _____________ have you had the job? -- For 3 years. It took him an hour _____(find) the way to the supermarket. Thanks _______ inviting me for lunch. 题九:完成句子 他经常乘公交车回家。 He often _________ a bus to his _____. 王先生下周去广州。 Mr. Wang is _______ ________ Guangzhou next week. 到那里花了我十个小时。 It _______ me ten hours ______ ______ there. 对于我们来说,告诉他真相很难。 _______ _____ ______ _____ _____ tell him the truth. 题十:完成句子 玛丽经常乘公交车去学校。 Mary often ______ a bus to _______. 他每天 6 点半左右去上学。 He ______ _____ school at around six thirty. 到公交站花了我 20 分钟。 It ______ me twenty minute _____ _____ to the bus stop. 对我来说,游泳很难。 ______ ______ for me _____ ______. 题十一:翻译句子 对于许多学生来说,数学很简单。 在这两个商店之间有一家邮局。 通常我用一小时写作业。 周末我喜欢骑自行车。 题十二:翻译句子 对于他来说,完成这项任务很容易。 银行和学校之间有一条河。 到学校需要花费我 20 分钟。 大部分学生喜欢乘坐校车去学校。 题十三: “Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings. “Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. 1. We know that the word “cool” has had ______. A. only one meaning B. no meanings C. many different meanings D. the same meaning 2. If you are ______ something, you may say, “It’s cool.” A. interested in B. angry about C. afraid of D. unhappy with 题十四: Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy. Well, almost everything. The problem is that the people in Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely. So Jean spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名 ), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she keeps in touch with quite often. Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common(共同的 ) interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself: He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other. 1. Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ because she is _______. A. rich B. famous C. young D. lonely 2. Jean thought “David” was special because he _______. A. made her quite happy on QQ B. was from San Francisco C. sent her a picture of himself D. was tall and good-looking Unit 4 Don’t eat in class练习一 1.Mr /mist / 先生。用于姓前 Mrs /misiz/夫人。用于已婚女子丈夫的姓前。 Miss /mis/ 小姐。用于未婚女子的姓前。 Ms /miz/ 女士。用于婚姻状况不明或不想区分婚否的女子的姓前。 sir /s /先生,阁下。一般单独使用,不与人的姓连用。 Madam /m d m/女士,夫人,太太。一般单独使用,不与人的姓连用。 2.arrive late for = be late for 做某事迟到 Don’t arrive late for school.上课不要迟到。 2.else / other 别的,其他的 else 修饰疑问词或不定代词,位于其后。Other 修饰名词,位于其前。 What else do you have to do? 你们还必须做什么事? I have something else to tell you.我还有别的事情要告诉你。 Where are the other boys? 其他的男孩在哪儿? 3.have to / must have to“必须,不得不”,表示客观需要,即受客观条件限制不得不或必须去做某事。 must表示说话人的主观看法。 must只用于现在时,在表示过去、将来和完成时,用 have to 的相应形式来代替 must. My mother is ill, I have to look after my sister at home. 我妈妈病了,我必须在家照看我妹妹。 You must be careful. 你一定要小心。 4.practice doing sth 练习做某事 5.too much / too many / much too too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词。 too much water 太多水 too many“太多”,修饰可数名词复数。 too many children 太多孩子 much too“太”,修饰形容词或副词。 much too small 太小 6.after school 放学后 after class 下课后 7.on school nights 在上学期间的晚上 8.No talking! 禁止谈话! No+名词或动名词,表示禁止、不要做某事。 No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No parking!禁止停车! No swimming! 禁止游泳! No photos! 禁止拍照 No noise!禁止喧哗! 9.I have to be in bed by ten o’clock.我必须在 10 点之前上床睡觉。 1)in bed “睡觉,卧床” in hospital在住院 in the hospital 在医院里 at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌子边 2)by + 时间:在……之前 by Monday 在星期一之前 by + 交通工具:乘某种交通工具 by the way顺便问(说)一下 基础巩固 I. 根据所给单词,填入一个正确的单词形式。 1. Yao Ming practices ______(play) basketball every day. 2. ______(not) talk.. It’ s time for class. 3. My sister ____(have) to look after my mother at home today. 4. I have to go to the supermarket ______(late). 5.We often go to the ______(child) palace after school. II.单项选择 1. There is _____milk on the floor. A . too many B. too much C. much too D. many too 2. There are ____rules in my family. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too 3. Please help me _____ French. A. speaking B. to speaking C. with peak D. speak 4. He often _____English with the foreign teachers. A. practice speak B. practices speak C. practice speaking D. practices speaking 5. Don’t _____bed _____9 o’clock. A. go, at B. in, by C. be in, by D. go in, at 5、___ she ___ clean the classroom today? A. Does, has to B. Does, have to C. Does, has D. Does, have 6、Don’t _____TV too much after school. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. to watching 7、It’s very warm outside. You ____ wear the coat. A. must B. don’t have to C. have to D. mustn’t 8、The girl ___ red dress is my friend’s daughter. A. with B. wear C. put on D. in 9、My mom ____carefully, but she ___ nothing. A. listened, listened B. heard, heard C. listened, heard D. heard, listened 10、Does your father always wear ___? A. uniform B. an uniform C. a uniform D. two uniform 11、--May I take the magazine out of the reading room ? --No, you can’t.. You read it here .It’s the rule. A. must B. would C. may D. might 12、_____ in the school library. A. No talk B. Not talking C. No talking D. Not talk 13、He arrives _____ here _____ a cold night. A. /;at B. at; at C. /;on D. in;on 14、Where _____ did you go last year? A. other B. else C. place D. others 15、We don’t know Jack _____ Bruce. A. and B. or C. about D. of 16、Can she _____ clean the classroom today? A. has to B. have to C. has D. have III. 句型转换 A) 根据题后要求完成句子。 1. Run in the hallways.(否定句) in the hallways. 2.I have to get up at six.(一般疑问句) you to get up at six? 3.I can eat in the dining hall.(提问) you eat ? 4. We have to clean the room.(提问) do you have to ? 5. late, can, arrive, for, we, not, school (连成一句) . B) 同义句 6. Get up early. Don’t too . 7. What other place do you have to go to ? ___ ________ do you have to go ? 8. Peter must go to bed by ten. Peter ___ ________ go to bed by ten. 9. I washed clothes yesterday. I some yesterday. IV完成句子 1) 我们不能在教室里练习吉他。 We can’t ___ ________ the guitar in the classroom. 2) 你必须在 11 点上床睡觉吗? Do you have to ___ ________ 11:00? 3) 我从来没有任何乐趣。 I ______ have ______ fun. 4) 你认为那条规定怎么样? _____ do you _____ ___ that rules? 5) 图书室里不许大声讲话。 No ___ _______ in the library. ⅴ中考链接 1 --Do I have to come back tomorrow?(2007 武汉市中考题) --Yes, you ____. A. can B. may C. must D. should 2 --Must I finish the work today, Mom? --N o, you __. You can finish it tomorrow. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 3.Don’t forget to __“Thank you” when someone has helped you. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk 4. Keep quiet, kids. Dad ____in the next room.(2007 绍兴市中考题) A. slept B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. had slept 【知识点拨】重点词汇及句型用法讲解: [解析 1]. Let’s see the pandas first._____________________ A、这是一个 let’s 开头的祈使句,表示邀请,建议;意为“让我们…吧”。let’s 是 let us 缩写,后面接动词原 形。即 let sb do sth 肯定回答用 That sounds interesting/ OK./All right./Yes, let’s … /All right 或 OK。否定回 答用 Sorry, I…… 趁热打铁: ①Let’s (play)volleyball, All right. ②Let’s (go) to a movie. ③Let me (tell) you about it. B、see 在句中是及物动词,意为“_____________”,强调看的结果。 你能看见那只鸟儿吗? ___ ________ the bird ? C、“first”副词。意为“_______、__________”,我想先回家. I want to ___ ______.“First” 也可做序数词,表示“_________” 国庆节在十月一日。 National Day is on ___________ ___________. [解析 2].why do you want to see them? __________________________________. 1)Why 是特殊疑问词,意为“___________”,用来引导询问原因的特殊疑问句。常用 because 引导的句子 来回答,表示直接的原因或理由。 你为什么喜欢音乐?因为它有趣.____ ____ you like music? ______ it’s interesting. 2)注意:在英语中用 because 不用 so,或用 so 不用 because 如: Because English is very interesting, I like it. Because English is very interesting, so I like it. ( × ) 3)want sth 想要某物 我想要一件蓝色毛衣。I___ ________blue sweater. want to do sth . 想要做某事 她想先看大象:She ___ ________the elephants first. want sb to do sth. 想要某做某事 我父母想要要我帮助他们。My parents___ ________them. [解析 3].well, because she’s kind of boring. _______________________________ kind of 是固定用法,常见口语中,意为“_________”,常用来修饰形容词,相当于_________也可单独使 用。 例如:考拉有点害羞。 Koalas are _________ of shy. “kind”可做名词,意为“_________ ”。短语 what kind of...._____________ 例如: 你喜欢哪种食品?___ ________ food do you like? “kind”还可做形容词,意为“善良的、友好的”。 他的妈妈是一个善良的女人。Her mother is a ___ ________. 形近短语:all kinds of 各种各样 different kinds of 不同种类的 a kind of 一种… [解析 4]she sleeps all day, her name is Lazy. ________________________ “sleep”做动词,意为“__________”后面可跟副词或介词。 例句:因为噪声我不能睡好。I can’t ______ ________ because of noise(噪声)。 “all”形容词,意为_____,与单数名词连用时,表示某事在某段时间内持续发生。例句:他整日整夜的玩。 He plays___ ________ and ________. “all”做形容词时, 还可与可数名词复数或不可数名词田连用,表示“全部、所有;一切”。此时名词前可用 the,this,that, my ,her 等修饰;可数名词复数前还可用数词修饰。 她所有的朋友都在这儿。___ ________ are here. 所有的同学放学后都回家了。___ ________ go home after school. 【学习过程】 Step1. 1a, 1b, 1c, 讲解 welcome to 补充词汇: clever, lovely, large, heavy, scary. Step2. 2a, 2b, 2c, 讲解 kind of, a little, so, really; be from/ come from; South Africa Step3. 2d. 带着以下问题听对话:1)Does Peter have a pet? What’s the name? What can he do? 2) Does Jenny’s mother have a pet? What’s the name? What can she do? 默读对话,完成下列表格 Animal Name Description Can do Peter’s pet Jenny’s mom’s pet 跟读对话注意语音语调,重读,语气 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class练习二 2.arrive late for = be late for 做某事迟到 Don’t arrive late for school.上课不要迟到。 else / other 别的,其他的 else 修饰疑问词或不定代词,位于其后。Other 修饰名词,位于其前。 What else do you have to do? 你们还必须做什么事? I have something else to tell you.我还有别的事情要告诉你。 Where are the other boys? 其他的男孩在哪儿? have to / must have to“必须,不得不”,表示客观需要,即受客观条件限制不得不或必须去做某事。 must表示说话人的主观看法。 must只用于现在时,在表示过去、将来和完成时,用 have to 的相应形式来代替 must. My mother is ill, I have to look after my sister at home. 我妈妈病了,我必须在家照看我妹妹。 You must be careful. 你一定要小心。 practice doing sth 练习做某事 too much / too many / much too too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词。 too much water 太多水 too many“太多”,修饰可数名词复数。 too many children 太多孩子 much too“太”,修饰形容词或副词。 much too small 太小 6.after school 放学后 after class 下课后 7.on school nights 在上学期间的晚上 8.No talking! 禁止谈话! No+名词或动名词,表示禁止、不要做某事。 No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No parking!禁止停车! No swimming! 禁止游泳! No photos! 禁止拍照 No noise!禁止喧哗! 9.I have to be in bed by ten o’clock.我必须在 10 点之前上床睡觉。 1)in bed “睡觉,卧床” in hospital在住院 in the hospital 在医院里 at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌子边 2)by + 时间:在……之前 by Monday 在星期一之前 by + 交通工具:乘某种交通工具 by the way顺便问(说)一下 基础巩固 I. 根据所给单词,填入一个正确的单词形式。 1. Yao Ming practices ______(play) basketball every day. 2. ______(not) talk.. It’ s time for class. 3. My sister ____(have) to look after my mother at home today. 4. I have to go to the supermarket ______(late). 5.We often go to the ______(child) palace after school. II.单项选择 1. There is _____milk on the floor. A . too many B. too much C. much too D. many too 2. There are ____rules in my family. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too 3. Please help me _____ French. A. speaking B. to speaking C. with peak D. speak 4. He often _____English with the foreign teachers. A. practice speak B. practices speak C. practice speaking D. practices speaking 5. Don’t _____bed _____9 o’clock. A. go, at B. in, by C. be in, by D. go in, at 5、___ she ___ clean the classroom today? A. Does, has to B. Does, have to C. Does, has D. Does, have 6、Don’t _____TV too much after school. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. to watching 7、It’s very warm outside. You ____ wear the coat. A. must B. don’t have to C. have to D. mustn’t 8、The girl ___ red dress is my friend’s daughter. A. with B. wear C. put on D. in 9、My mom ____carefully, but she ___ nothing. A. listened, listened B. heard, heard C. listened, heard D. heard, listened 10、Does your father always wear ___? A. uniform B. an uniform C. a uniform D. two uniform 11、--May I take the magazine out of the reading room ? --No, you can’t.. You read it here .It’s the rule. A. must B. would C. may D. might 12、_____ in the school library. A. No talk B. Not talking C. No talking D. Not talk 13、He arrives _____ here _____ a cold night. A. /;at B. at; at C. /;on D. in;on 14、Where _____ did you go last year? A. other B. else C. place D. others 15、We don’t know Jack _____ Bruce. A. and B. or C. about D. of 16、Can she _____ clean the classroom today? A. has to B. have to C. has D. have III. 句型转换 A) 根据题后要求完成句子。 1. Run in the hallways.(否定句) in the hallways. 2.I have to get up at six.(一般疑问句) you to get up at six? 3.I can eat in the dining hall.(提问) you eat ? 4. We have to clean the room.(提问) do you have to ? 5. late, can, arrive, for, we, not, school (连成一句) . B) 同义句 6. Get up early. Don’t too . 7. What other place do you have to go to ? do you have to go ? 8. Peter must go to bed by ten. Peter go to bed by ten. 9. I washed clothes yesterday. I some yesterday. IV 完成句子 1) 我们不能在教室里练习吉他。 We can’t _____ ________ the guitar in the classroom. 2) 你必须在 11 点上床睡觉吗? Do you have to ____ _____ ____ _____ 11:00? 3) 我从来没有任何乐趣。 I ______ have ______ fun. 4) 你认为那条规定怎么样? _____ do you _____ ___ that rules? 5) 图书室里不许大声讲话。 No ______ _______ in the library. ⅴ中考链接 1 --Do I have to come back tomorrow?(2007 武汉市中考题) --Yes, you ____. A. can B. may C. must D. should 2 --Must I finish the work today, Mom? --N o, you __. You can finish it tomorrow. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 3.Don’t forget to __“Thank you” when someone has helped you. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk 4. Keep quiet, kids. Dad ____in the next room.(2007 绍兴市中考题) A. slept B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. had slept Unit 4 Don't eat in class同步 题一:首字母填空 There are too many r_________ in my family. Don’t f_________ with each other. He often a_______ late for school. The boy has to wear his u__________ at school. Don’t l________ to music in the classroom. 题二:首字母填空 What are the r____? Don’t f_________ here. Don’t a ____ late for school. Do we have to wear a u_____? We can l____ to music in the hallways. 题三:选词完成句子 swim; wash; do; be; loud; speak; If you practice ____________ English every day, you will make progress. You can’t _______ in the pool! He often helps his mother ________ the housework. Tom ________ late for school today. I have to do some __________ on Sunday. We can’t talk __________ in the hospital. 题四:选词完成句子 swim; wash; do; be; loud; speak; Lily practices ____________ English every day. We can _______ in summer. Lucy often helps her mother ________ some cleaning. Don’t ________ late for school. I often help my mother do some __________. Don’t speak __________ in the working area. 题五:将下列句子改成祈使句. You can’t eat in the hallways. You can’t listen to music in the classroom. You can’t be late for school. You should obey the rules in school. You can open the door. 题六:将下列句子改成祈使句. You can’t go out at night. You can’t watch TV too much. You can’t play soccer on the street. You should arrive here on time. You can eat lunch in the dining hall. 题七: I can’t go to the cinema _____ Monday, but I can _________ Sunday. ____________ late for work next time! Don’t make noise ________ fight in the classroom! ________ smoking here. --I can’t play tennis. -- I can’t, _________. 题八: We can’t have a party _____ weekdays, but we can _________ weekends. ____________ late for airport! Don’t eat ________ speak loundly in the public! ________ parking here. --My mother can’t play guitar. -- I can’t, _________. 题九: We should __________ Beijing tomorrow. A. arrive B. arrive at C. arrive in He ate ________ dumplings this morning. A. too much B. much too C. too many Our teacher often tells us ________ the rules in school. A. to follow B. follow C. following 题十: Alice can __________ here before 8:00. A. arrive B. arrive at C. arrive in There are ______ books on the bookshelf. A. too much B. too many C. much too He often tells me not ______ in that lake. A. swim B. to swim C. swimming 题十一:完成句子 我会准时到那的。 I will get there ______ ______ 图书管里有太多书了。 There are _______ _______ ______ in the library. 她每天都得做作业。 She _______ _______ do her homework every day. 上课不能迟到也不许聊天。 _______ arrive ________ ________ class or _______ in class. 题十二:完成句子 他上班从没准时过。 He never comes to work ______ ______. 他昨天买了太多的鸡蛋。 He bought _____ ______ ______ yesterday. 我不得不先完成这项工作。 I ______ ______ finish the task first. 上班不能迟到也不许吃零食。 ______ be ______ ______ work or _____ a snack. 题十三:翻译句子 我们班上有太多的学生。 她不能去上学因为她生病了。 小明吃完晚饭后不能玩电脑游戏。 禁止在办公区吸烟。 题十四:翻译句子 他有太多的问题要问你。 他没能通过考试因为他不努力。 我放学后不能在街上玩。 不要在课堂上发出噪音。 题十五: Allan was worried. This was his first time to go traveling 1 . He didn’t know how to find his seat, 2 he went to the air hostess(空姐) and asked, “Could you help me? I can’t find my seat.” The air hostess showed 3 the seat and told him 4 and fasten the seat belt(系好安全带). She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan’s ears might feel 5 strange, but he didn’t need to 6 it because many people felt 7 that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk around. He could 8 read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would 9 food and drinks. Allan would enjoy the flight and 10 soon. 1.A. by ship B. by air C. by car D. by bus 2.A. yet B. or C. but D. so 3.A. him B. me C. her D. he 4.A. stand up B. sleep C. to sit down D. sit down 5.A. a little B. little C. a bit of D. bit 6.A worrying B. be worried C. worry about D. worry 7.A. in B. for C. as D. like 8.A. neither B. either C. both D. also 9.A hold B. take C. bring D. carry 10. A. arrive home B. arrive to home C. get to homeD. reach at home 题十六: What is the best way to study ? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often 1 very hard 2 long hours. This is a 3 habit (习惯), but it is not a better way to study . A good student must 4 enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Every 5 you 6 to take a walk or play basketball or ping-pong or sing a song. When you 7 to your studies, you’ll find yourself 8 than before and you’ll lean more. Perhaps we can 9 that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine, we mean that like Chinese medicine, the effects(效果) of your study 10 slowly but surely. Learn every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine. 1. A. play B. study C. sleep D. think 2. A. at B. in C. for D. with 3. A. best B. better C. good D. bad 4. A. have B. do C. want D. make 5. A. month B. week C. hour D. day 6. A. want B. hope C. need D. wish 7. A. begin B. return C. go D. are 8. A. stronger B. weaker C. strong D . week 9. A. say B. guess C. talk D. know 10. A. return B. come C. give D. get Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?练习一 【学习目标】 一、知识目标: 1.重点语法:复习巩固 why 和 where 引导的特殊疑问句;because 引导的句子表原因。 ——Why do you like pandas? —— Because they’re kind of interesting. ——Why does John like koalas? —— Because they’re very cute ——Why don’t you like tigers? —— Because they’re really scary. ——Where are lions from? —— They’re from South Africa. 2. 重点单词和短语:friendly, shy, a lot, other, else 【学习重难点】 1.why 和 because 引导的句子。 2. 利用所学句型和单词短语编对话。 【知识点拨】 [解析1] But I like tigers a lot._________________________________________. “a lot ”是固定搭配,意为“______ 、________”,在句中做副词,相当于 very much. 短语 “like......a lot ”意为______________(=like......very much.) 例句:玛丽非常喜欢汉堡包。Mary _______ hamburgers ______ _______/(______ _______) [解析2]. I like dogs because they’re friendly and smart._______________________. 1、“friendly” 是一个形容词,它是由名词“_______”加上“ly”构成的,意为_________. 常用短语 be friendly to sb ,意为 _____________; be friendly with sb 意为______________. 【知识点点拨】 1. save 是一个动词,意为_______、_______, 例句:我们必须救它们。Wemust ______ ________. 另外,做动词时还有“贮存,储蓄、节省、保存等 意思。节约水__________ 贮存食物___________ 2. “one of.......”意为.......之一.....,后接可数名词复数名词形式。one of.......结构做主语时,谓语动词用单数形 式。例句:我的一个同学来自云南。______ _____my classmates _____ from Yunnan. 3. symbol 是一个名词,意为_________.常用短语 a/the symbol of......表示_______________. 例句:白鸽是和平的象征。The dove is ____ _____ ______ the peace(和平)。 4. danger 是一个名词,意为“_________”,常用短语 be in danger 意为_____________. danger 前可用 great 修饰,表示“巨大的”.be in great danger 意为_________________ 例句:那个男孩会面临巨大的危险。The boy can ____ _____ ______ _________. 5. with. 是一个介词 prep.意为“.与...一起,偕同,和...” 例句:她和她姐妹一起看电视。She ________ ______ with her sister. With 做介词还有“带有...;有...的”之意, 其后面接一个名词构成介词短语修饰前面的名词。例句:那个长头发的女孩是我同学。The girl ____ ____ ____ is my classmate 翻译:有水和食物的地方 _______ _______ ________ ________ 6. forget (v.)意为__________、_____________常用短语:forget to do sth _________________ (言下之意, 事情还没做);forget doing sth ______________(事情已做,但是忘了。) 【知识点点拨】 一. 词汇短语检测: 1、tiger_______ elephant_______ koala_______ dolphin_______ panda_______ lion_______ penguin_______ giraffe______ 2. 写出英语意思 吓人的;恐怖的__________ 种类_________ 稍微;有点儿___________ 南;南方;南方的;____________ 非洲____________ 南非____________ 澳大利亚___________ 宠物_______ 腿________ 猫_______ 睡觉____________ 3 英汉互译 1).有点儿无聊______________ __ 2).南非__________________ _ 3). 非常喜欢________________ 4).整天_____________ 5).聪明的动物们_______________ 6).黑白相间_______ ______ 7). Let me see_____________ __ 8). very interesting__________ 9).be from_______ ________ 10). really scary______________ 【学习过程】思考:特殊疑问句结构:__+__+__+ 1).询问来自哪里用________; 询问为什么用___________; 回答原因用___________ 2).完成句子 我不喜欢狮子因为它们懒。I ______ like ___________ they’re lazy. 你为什么喜欢老虎?__________ do you like ________? 连词成句: 1). lions, the, let, first, see, us __________________________________________________________. 2). pandas, why, want, see, to, do, the, you ________________________________________________________? 3). they, are, ugly, because ________________________________________________________. 4). South Africa, lions, from, are, those _________________________________________________________. 完成下列句子: (1) The child likes dolphins (改一般疑问句) ___________the child _________ dolphins? (2) we like penguins because they’re cute (划线提问) _____________ you like penguins? (3) Pandas are from China. (同上)_________are pandas _________? (4) Koalas like to eat meat (改否定句) Koalas________ ________to eat meat (5) Giraffe are from Africa(改为同义句) Giraffe ________ ________ from Africa。 (6) The story is very interesting.(一般疑问句) __________the story interesting? 课后巩固 一、根据汉语完成句子 (1) 我有点冷。I am _____ ______ cold. (2). 这只老虎 3 岁了。The tiger is 3 ________ ________ . (3). 他喜欢吃什么水果?________ fruit _______he like ? (4) .企鹅来自南极。_______ ________ from the South Pole .(南极) (5).他想玩电脑游戏.He ______ ________play computer games. (6).欢迎来到我们学校_______ _________ to our school. (7).狮子惹人喜爱。The lions ____________ ________________. (8).咱们先读第三单元吧________read Unit 3_______________. (9).但我很喜欢熊猫.But I ________pandas ______________? 二. 单项选择 1. _________ these tigers _______ from? A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, / 2. I like koalas because they are _________ friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of 3. --_______ he ________ breakfast at home? -- Yes. A. Dose, have B. Does, have C. Does, has 4. Does this lion ____ from Africa or America? A. be B. is C. come D. go 5. ----What _____ do you like ? ---- I like penguins. A. sports B. subjects C. music D. Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?练习二 1.why 和 because 引导的句子。 2. 利用所学句型和单词短语编对话。 【知识点拨】 [解析1] But I like tigers a lot._________________________________________. “a lot ”是固定搭配,意为“______ ________”,在句中做副词,相当于 very much. 短语 “like......a lot ”意为______________(=like......very much.) 例句:玛丽非常喜欢汉堡包。Mary _______ hamburgers ______ _______/(______ _______)[解析2]. I like dogs because they’re friendly and smart._______________________. 1、“friendly” 是一个形容词,它是由名词“_______”加上“ly”构成的,意为_________. 常用短语 be friendly to sb ,意为 _____________; be friendly with sb 意为______________. 【知识点点拨】 1. save 是一个动词,意为_______、_______, 例句:我们必须救它们。Wemust ______ ________. 另外,做动词时还有“贮存,储蓄、节省、保存等 意思。节约水__________ 贮存食物___________ 2. “one of.......”意为.......之一.....,后接可数名词复数名词形式。one of.......结构做主语时,谓语动词用单数形 式。例句:我的一个同学来自云南。______ _____my classmates _____ from Yunnan. 3. symbol 是一个名词,意为_________.常用短语 a/the symbol of......表示_______________. 例句:白鸽是和 平的象征。The dove is ____ _____ ______ the peace(和平)。 4. danger 是一个名词,意为“_________-”,常用短语 be in danger 意为_____________. danger 前可用 great 修饰,表示“巨大的”.be in great danger 意为_________________ 例句:那个男孩会面临巨大的危险。The boy can ____ _____ ______ _________. 5. with. 是一个介词 prep.意为“.与...一起,偕同,和...” 例句:她和她姐妹一起看电视。She ________ ______ with her sister. With 做介词还有“带有...;有...的”之意, 其后面接一个名词构成介词短语修饰前面的名词。例句:那个长头发的女孩是我同学。The girl ____ ____ ____ is my classmate 翻译:有水和食物的地方 _______ _______ ________ ________ 6. forget (v.)意为__________/_____________常用短语:forget to do sth _________________ (言下之意, 事情还没做);forget doing sth ______________(事情已做,但是忘了。) 连词成句: 1). lions, the, let, first, see, us __________________________________________________________. 2). pandas, why, want, see, to, do, the, you ________________________________________________________? 3). they, are, ugly, because ________________________________________________________. 4). South Africa, lions, from, are, those _________________________________________________________. 完成下列句子: (1) The child likes dolphins (改一般疑问句) ___________the child_ _________ dolphins? (2) we like penguins because they’re cute (划线提问) ______ _______ you like penguins? (3) Pandas are from China. (同上) _________are pandas _________? (4) Koalas like to eat meat (改否定句) Koalas________ ________to eat meat ( 6) Giraffe are from Africa(改为同义句) Giraffe ________ ________ from Africa。 ( 7) The story is very interesting.(一般疑问句) __________the story interesting? 课后巩固 一、根据汉语完成句子 (1) 我有点冷。I am _____ ______ cold. (2). 这只老虎 3 岁了。The tiger is 3 ________ ________ . (3). 他喜欢吃什么水果?________ fruit _______he like ? (4) 企鹅来自南极。_______ ________ from the South Pole .(南极) (5)他想玩电脑游戏.He ______ ________play computer games. (6).欢迎来到我们学校_______ _________ to our school. (7).狮子惹人喜爱。The lions ____________ ________________. (8).咱们先读第三单元吧________read Unit 3_______________. (9).但我很喜欢熊猫.But I ________pandas _______ _______? 二. 单项选择 1. _________ these tigers _______ from? A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, / 2. I like koalas because they are _________ friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of 3. --_______ he ________ breakfast at home? -- Yes. A. Dose, have B. Does, have C. Does, has 4. Does this lion ____ from Africa or America? A. be B. is C. come D. go 5. ----What _____ do you like ? ---- I like penguins. A. sports B. subjects C. music D. Unit 5 Why do you like pandas同步 题一:根据句意,写出动物的名称。 G ___________ have long necks. The t ___________ is the king of the forest. E________ are very big in the zoo. K______ come from Australia and they eat leaves. A ___________ has a long hair. 题二:根据汉语提示,写出动物的名称。 There are three _____(狮子)in the zoo. The ______(老虎) looks ugly, but he is very smart. The _____(考拉)is from Australia. ______(大象) are smart. Why do you like ______(长颈鹿)? 题三:根据提示,写出单词 Our teachers are very f________ to us. The boy is very s_____ in our class. Koalas are very c__________. The pandas are very ________(美丽的). The girl is very ______(害羞的). We all like English because it’s very________(有趣的). 题四: She is very f________ to me. My brother is so s ______ that he can work out the problem easily. I like pandas because they are c_____. How _____(美丽的)the girl is! My sister is a ____(害羞的)girl. The monkeys are kind of __________(有趣的). 题五:用单词的适当形式填空。 Let’s ________(is) quiet. I like______(eat) apples. Dogs are _________(friend) and honest. There are three _________(tiger) in the zoo. Remember _______(bring) the English book! There _____(be) some ice cream in the fridge. My parents often _________(relax) on weekends. Don’t ________(play) on the street. A desk has four __________(leg). It’s ________(a) useful book. 题六:用单词的适当形式填空。 Let’s ________(go) shopping. I like______(dance). My teacher is _________(friend) and beautiful. I’m afraid of_________(tiger). Remember _______(turn) off the light! There _____(be) some bread in my bag. The children felt ________(relax) during the vocation. Don’t ________(smoke) here. A dog has four __________(leg). He is ________(a) excellent boy. 题七:Pandas and other animals are ______ danger _______ China. A. in; in B. at; at C. in; on D. on; in There is _____ important book on the desk. __________ book is about history. A. a; The B. an; The C. an;/ D. /;An 题八:Antelopes are ___ danger _____ Tibet. A. in; in B. at; at C. in; on D. on; in There is _____ tiger in the zoo. __________ tiger is from Heilongjiang Province. A. a; The B. an; The C. an;/ D. /;An 题九:You can _________ your feelings in your diary. A. cut down B. turn down C. look down D. write down Do you want _________ basketball with us? A. playing B. play C. played D. to play 题十:He ______ the name of the boy in a hurry. A. cut down B. turned down C. looked down D. wrote down Do you want _________ shopping with me? A. to go B. go C. went D. goes 题十一:There are twenty five _____ flowers in my garden. Some of them are _____ rare. A. kinds of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds of C. kind of; kinds of D. kind of; kind of 题十二:There are many _____ animals in the zoo. I’m afraid of lions, because they’re _____ scary. A. kinds of; kinds of B. kinds of; kind of C. kind of; kinds of D. kind of; kind of 题十三:补全对话 A: What ____________ do you like, Lucy? B: I like pandas. A: Why do you like pandas? B: ________ they’re cute. What _____ you? A: I like koalas. B: ______? A: Because they are smart. B: _________ are pandas and koalas from? A: ________ from China and Australia. 题十四:补全对话 A: What ____________ do you like, Jack? B: I like apples. A: Why do you like apples? B: ________ they’re healthy. What _____ you? A: I like oranges. B: ______? A: Because they are sweet. B: _________ are apples and oranges from? A: ________ from Shandong and Hubei Province. 题十五: A rich man was once riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. The rich man called out to the old man, “What kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?” “This is a fig(无花果) tree, sir. ” He said. “A fig tree?” the rich man was very surprised, “Why, how old are you, may I ask?” “I am ninety years old.” “What!” cried the rich man, “You’re ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it’ll take years to give fruit. You certainly don’t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree. ” The old man looked around the garden. Then he said with a smile, “Tell me, sir. Did you eat figs when you were a boy? ”“Sure,” the man did not know why he asked this question. “Then tell me this,” he said, “Who planted the fig trees?” “Why-why? I don’t know.” “You see, sir.” went on the old man, “Our forefathers(祖先 ) planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.” The rich man was quiet and said, “You are right,my good man. We should do some things for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away. 根据短文内容回答下列各问题。 1. What tree was the old man planting when the rich man saw him? 2. How old was the old man? 3. The old man was planting the tree to get himself some fruit to eat,wasn’t he? Who was he planting the tree for? 4. Did the rich man eat figs when he was a boy? 5. What should we do for the people after us? 题十六: Some people want to be shot into space after their death, others want to lie deep under the sea. But most people want to go into the freezer(冷藏库).These are believers in cryogenics(低温冷冻学). Now some diseases can’t be cured, but they may be cured sometime in the future. So some people hope that their bodies can be frozen after they die. When a cure is found, warm up his or her body, bring it back to life and take the cure. Once the body is frozen, it is kept in liquid nitrogen(液态氮) at a temperature of 328 degrees below zero. Now around a thousand people are going to take cryogenic treatment(处理), though most scientists say it won’t work. If we freeze huge creatures(生物 ) like humans, every one of their cells(细胞 ) will be broken. Can they be brought back to life in the future? 根据短文内容回答下列各问题。 1.Where do most people hope that their bodies are kept after their death? 2.Why do they want the world to keep their bodies well? 3.How do scientists usually keep a dead man’s body? 4.How many people are going to take cryogenic treatment after they die? Unit 6 I’m watching TV练习一 1. 现在进行时(The Present Progressive Tense) 1) 现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的的动作。如: The student are listening to the teacher. He is watching TV now. 现在进行时也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 We are working on a farm these days. I’m writing a book this month. 2) 构成:be(am/is/are) + v-ing。以动词 work 为例,现在进行时的肯定式、否定式、疑问式和简略答语如下: ①肯定式 I am working. You are working. He / She / It is working. We / You / They are working. ②否定式 I am not working. You are not working. He / She / It is not working. We / You / They are not working. ③疑问式和简略答语: Am I working? Are you working? Yes, you are. Yes, I am. No, you are not (aren’t) No, I am not. Is he / she / it working? Are we working? Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, you are. No, he / she / it is not (isn’t). No, you are not (aren’t) Are you working? Are they working? Yes, we are. Yes, they are. No, we are not (aren’t) No, they are not (aren’t). 3) 动词-ing 形式的构成: ①一般在动词原形末尾加-ing. go—going ask—asking look—looking ②以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词,先去掉 e,再加-ing. write—writing make—making take—taking ③以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加-ing。 get—getting sit—sitting put—putting run—running begin—beginning ④以 ie 结尾的重读开音节动词改 ie 为 y,再加-ing。 die—dying lie—lying tie--tying 2. What are you doing? I’m watching TV. 你在干什么?我在看电视。 What’s he doing? He’s doing his homework.他在干什么?他在做家庭作业。 What’s she doing? She’s reading. 她在干什么?她在看书。 3. Sure“的确,当然”,相当于 Certainly,可代替 Yes 作肯定回答。 Do you like pandas? Sure! 你喜欢熊猫吗? 当然! 4. wait for….等候…… 5. talk to…“和/对……说话”(主要指一方说,另一方听) talk with…“和……交谈”(指双方交谈) talk about…“谈论……” 6. family“家庭,家人”,是个集合名词。指整体概念即“家庭”时为单数名词,指组成家庭的成员即“家人“时, 为复数名词。 1) 他的家庭是个幸福的家庭。His family is a happy family. 2) 他家人在看电视。 His family are watching TV. 课后巩固 一.单项选择。(30 分) ( )1. What is Kate doing? __________ A. She is in the room. B. Yes, she is C. She is reading D. She is run ( )2.Look! What is Tom doing? He’s _______ TV. A.seeing B.looking C.looking at D.watching ( )3.______ are they playing football? A.What B.Who C.Which D.Where ( ) 4. A: Is he writing or reading? B: ________. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. He’s reading D. Yes, he is writing. ( )5. The men ________ to the radio. A. are listening B. listening C. is listening D. are listenning ( 6. Thanks for_______me. A. helps B. is helping C. helping D. help ( )7. We are doing ______. A. our homework B. our homeworks C. her homework D. his homework ( )8. Here ______ a photo of my family. You can see me in it. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )9.______ the first photo, I ______ at the mall. A. On; shop B. On; shopping C. In; am shoping D. In; am shopping ( )10. Do you want ______ to the movies with us this evening? A. go B. to go C. goes D. going ( )11. Look,Nancy _______ a letter to her parents. A. writing B. is writing C. is writeing D. writes ( )12. Listen! Who_________? ---Emma is. A. singing B. is singing C. sing D. are singing ( )13. —Where is Mike? —He’s _______ the pool. A. swim at B. swimming at C. swiming at D. swims ( )14.It’s six o’clock. The Green family _______ dinner. A. is eating B. are eatting C. are eating D. eats ( )15. Jimmy likes _______ soccer. Look! He is _________ soccer. A. playing; playing B. play; play C. plays; plays D. playing; plays ( )16. That sounds very _______. A. nice B. good C. well D. both A and B ( )17.This is a photo _______ my family.A. of B. on C. in D. ’s ( )18. Who _______my parents talking _______? A. are; / B. is; / C. are; to D. is; at ( )19. Kate has many _______,and she likes _______ very much. A. pictures; them B. picture; them C. pictures; it D. picture; it ( )20. Thank you for _________ me a letter. A. write B. to write C. is writing D. writing ( )2 1. Please be quiet, my grandfather___________ . A sleep B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. are sleeping ( ) 22. In__________ photo, a boy is playing soccer. A. two B. second C. the two D. the second ( )2 3. Look! Mary and her brother ___________ there. A .are talking over B. is talking over C. are talking to D. are talking about ( ) 24. I_________ my room every day. But now I __________. . A. clean, am reading B. am cleaning, reading C. cleaning, read D. clean, read ( ) 25. In the picture you can see a boy swimming. His father ___________ him. A .sees B.is looking C. is look at D. is watching ( ) 26. It’s 7o’clock. Tom___________ dinner at home. A. is having B. have C .has D. having ( ) 27. We __ any Chinese classes on Thursdays. And we __an English class now. A .aren’t having, are having B. don’t have , have C. don’t have, are having D. aren’t having, don’t have ( ) 28. ----Let’s go to the park, Lily. ----- . Shall we go now? A .Sorry, I can’t B. Sure C. It’s boring D. Thanks ( ) 29. -----Ling Ming, are you listening or writing? ----- . A. Yes, I am B. I’m listening C. No, I am not writing D. I’m listening and writing ( ) 30. -----What are you doing? ----- _________. It is too dirty. A .I’m doing my homework B. I’m playing computer games C. I’m cleaning the room D. I’m writing 二、完型填空。(10 分) It s a fine Sunday morning. There ______(1) many children in the park. They are ______(2) happily. Some are playing ______(3) under a big tree. Some girls are singing and ______(4). Some boys ______(5) running up the hill. Li Lei's ______(6) by the lake. He's reading a story. ______(7) is Wang Lin? He's standing over there. ______(8)is he doing? He's looking ______(9) a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He ______(10) to catch it. ( )1. A. is B. are C. am ( )2. A. playing B. sing C. dance ( )3. A. the tennis B. the football C. games ( )4. A. danceing B. to dance C. dancing ( )5. A. are B. is C. am ( )6. A. sitting B. sit C. siting ( )7. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )8. A. Where B. What C. Who ( )9. A. down B. after C. for ( )10. A. want B. is wanting C. wants 三、阅读理解。(10 分) It is six forty in the morning. The children are coming into the classroom. A girl is opening the windows. Some are laughing and talking. Some are listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework. Miss Lin is standing behind the teacher’s desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Anna are wearing their new dresses today. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy. What are Bill and Bob doing? Oh, dear! They are still playing basketball. ( )1. The children are _________. A. in the school B .at home C. in a boat D. on the hill. ( )2. What are the children NOT doing? A. Doing their homework B. Writing on the blackboard C. Laughing or talking D. Reading books. ( )3. The teacher is _______.A. Miss Gao B. Miss Lin C. Sue D. Four ( )4. How many students are not in the classroom?______ A. One B. Two C. Three D.. Four ( )5.Which is Not right? _______ A. Ann is cleaning the blackboard. B. Mike is helping Ann clean her desk. C. Bill and Bob are still playing basketball. D.The students all look happy. 四、根据句意和所给词的首字母完成单词。(10 分) 1. Look! My brother is swimming at the swimming p______. 2. We can borrow some books from the school l______. 3.Let’s go s________ at the mall. 4.He is taking pictures with a c________. 5This is my family p________. 6Look! My mother is c________ the house.7.Nancy is t________ on the phone. 8.Hurry up!(快点) They’re w_________ for us. 9.Jack’s mother is w________ TV in the bedroom. 10. Look! They are r_________. 五.用所给的单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1. The __________(man) are playing cards under the tree in the park. 2. Listen! Lisa (sing) in the next classroom. 3. Look, Jack! Who ____________(clean) the blackboard? 4. We want ___________(buy) some books. 5. Can you ______________(look) after the child, Ann? 6. It is seven o’clock . They _____________(eat) some cakes. 7. ___________(do) he often get up early? Yes, he does. He __________(read) English now. 8. Let’s ____________(have) some salad. Good idea . I like it very much. 9Listen, some boys _______________(talk) in the room. 六.句型转换。(10 分) 1. Ann is reading under the tree.(就划线部分提问) __________ _______ Ann ____________? 2. They are cleaning the desks. (就划线部分提问) ________ _________ they __________? 3. Tom often draws pictures in the evening. (用 now 改写句子) Tom ______ ______ pictures now. 4. Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal. (改为否定句) Linda______ ______a letter to her pen pal. 七.据课文翻译句子。(10 分) 1.我正在看电视。 I am _________ TV. 2.他们正在打电话。They’re ________________ the phone. 3.Tom正在做家庭作业吗? 不,他在写信。 Is Tom ______ his _____?No, he_________a _____. 4.你想去看电影吗?Do you ______________________ to the movies? 5.这个电视节目很无聊。This ____________ is ________. 6.你妈妈正在等谁? ________ is your mother _____________? 7.我爷爷在看报纸。 My grandfather is _______________________________ . 八.作文(10分) 假如现在是晚上七点半,请你根据 Tom 提供的信息,写一篇短文描述 Tom 一家人此刻的活动情况, 六十词左右。 Father Read a book Mother Clean the room Grandfather Wash the clothes Tom Do his homework Nancy Play with the cat ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 I’m watching TV练习二 动词-ing 形式的构成: ①一般在动词原形末尾加-ing. go—going ask—asking look—looking ②以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词,先去掉 e,再加-ing. write—writing make—making take—taking ③以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加-ing。 get—getting sit—sitting put—putting run—running begin—beginning ④以 ie 结尾的重读开音节动词改 ie 为 y,再加-ing。 die—dying lie—lying tie--tying 4. wait for….等候…… 5. talk to…“和/对……说话”(主要指一方说,另一方听) talk with…“和……交谈”(指双方交谈) talk about…“谈论……” 6. family“家庭,家人”,是个集合名词。指整体概念即“家庭”时为单数名词,指组成家庭的成员即“家人“时, 为复数名词。 1) 他的家庭是个幸福的家庭。His family is a happy family. 2) 他家人在看电视。 His family are watching TV. 单项选择。(30 分) ( )1. What is Kate doing? __________ A. She is in the room. B. Yes, she is C. She is reading D. She is run ( )2.Look! What is Tom doing? He’s _______ TV. A.seeing B.looking C.looking at D.watching ( )3.______ are they playing football? A.What B.Who C.Which D.Where ( ) 4. A: Is he writing or reading? B: ________. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. He’s reading D. Yes, he is writing. ( )5. The men ________ to the radio. A. are listening B. listening C. is listening D. are listenning ( 6. Thanks for_______me. A. helps B. is helping C. helping D. help ( )7. We are doing ______. A. our homework B. our homeworks C. her homework D. his homework ( )8. Here ______ a photo of my family. You can see me in it. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )9.______ the first photo, I ______ at the mall. A. On; shop B. On; shopping C. In; am shoping D. In; am shopping ( )10. Do you want ______ to the movies with us this evening? A. go B. to go C. goes D. going ( )11. Look,Nancy _______ a letter to her parents. A. writing B. is writing C. is writeing D. writes ( )12. Listen! Who_________? ---Emma is. A. singing B. is singing C. sing D. are singing ( )13. —Where is Mike? —He’s _______ the pool. A. swim at B. swimming at C. swiming at D. swims ( )14.It’s six o’clock. The Green family _______ dinner. A. is eating B. are eatting C. are eating D. eats ( )15. Jimmy likes _______ soccer. Look! He is _________ soccer. A. playing; playing B. play; play C. plays; plays D. playing; plays ( )16. That sounds very _______.A. nice B. good C. well D. both A and B ( )17.This is a photo _______ my family.A. of B. on C. in D. ’s ( )18. Who _______my parents talking _______? A. are; / B. is; / C. are; to D. is; at ( )19. Kate has many _______,and she likes _______ very much. A. pictures; them B. picture; them C. pictures; it D. picture; it ( )20. Thank you for _________ me a letter. A. write B. to write C. is writing D. writing ( )2 1. Please be quiet, my grandfather___________ . A sleep B sleeps C is sleeping D are sleeping ( ) 22. In__________ photo, a boy is playing soccer. A two B second C the two D the second ( )2 3. Look! Mary and her brother ___________ there. A are talking over B is talking over C are talking to D are talking about ( ) 24. I_________ my room every day. But now I __________. . A clean, am reading B am cleaning, reading C cleaning, read D clean, read ( ) 25. In the picture you can see a boy swimming. His father ___________ him. A sees B is looking C is look at D is watching ( ) 26. It’s 7o’clock. Tom___________ dinner at home. A is having B have C has D having ( ) 27. We __ any Chinese classes on Thursdays. And we __an English class now. A .aren’t having, are having B. don’t have , have C. don’t have, are having D. aren’t having, don’t have ( ) 28. ----Let’s go to the park, Lily. ----- . Shall we go now? A Sorry, I can’t B Sure C It’s boring D Thanks ( ) 29. -----Ling Ming, are you listening or writing? ----- . A Yes, I am B I’m listening C No, I am not writing D I’m listening and writing ( ) 30. -----What are you doing? ----- _________. It is too dirty. A I’m doing my homework B I’m playing computer games C I’m cleaning the room D I’m writing 二、完型填空。(10 分) It s a fine Sunday morning. There ______(1) many children in the park. They are ______(2) happily. Some are playing ______(3) under a big tree. Some girls are singing and ______(4). Some boys ______(5) running up the hill. Li Lei's ______(6) by the lake. He's reading a story. ______(7) is Wang Lin? He's standing over there. ______(8)is he doing? He's looking ______(9) a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He ______(10) to catch it. ( )1. A. is B. are C. am ( )2. A. playing B. sing C. dance ( )3. A. the tennis B. the football C. games ( )4. A. danceing B. to dance C. dancing ( )5. A. are B. is C. am ( )6. A. sitting B. sit C. siting ( )7. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )8. A. Where B. What C. Who ( )9. A. down B. after C. for ( )10. A. want B. is wanting C. wants 三、阅读理解。(10 分) It is six forty in the morning. The children are coming into the classroom. A girl is opening the windows. Some are laughing and talking. Some are listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework. Miss Lin is standing behind the teacher’s desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Anna are wearing their new dresses today. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy. What are Bill and Bob doing? Oh, dear! They are still playing basketball. ( )1. The children are _________. A. in the school B .at home C. in a boat D. on the hill. ( )2. What are the children NOT doing? A. Doing their homework B. Writing on the blackboard C. Laughing or talking D. Reading books. ( )3. The teacher is _______.A. Miss Gao B. Miss Lin C. Sue D. Four ( )4. How many students are not in the classroom?______ A. One B. Two C. Three D.. Four ( )5.Which is Not right? _______ A. Ann is cleaning the blackboard. B. Mike is helping Ann clean her desk. C. Bill and Bob are still playing basketball. D.The students all look happy. 四、根据句意和所给词的首字母完成单词。(10 分) 1. Look! My brother is swimming at the swimming p______. 2. We can borrow some books from the school l______. 3.Let’s go s________ at the mall. 4.He is taking pictures with a c________. 5This is my family p________. 6Look! My mother is c________ the house.7.Nancy is t________ on the phone. 8.Hurry up!(快点) They’re w_________ for us. 9.Jack’s mother is w________ TV in the bedroom. 10. Look! They are r_________. 五.用所给的单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1. The __________(man) are playing cards under the tree in the park. 2. Listen! Lisa (sing) in the next classroom. 3. Look, Jack! Who ____________(clean) the blackboard? 4. We want ___________(buy) some books. 5. Can you ______________(look) after the child, Ann? 6. It is seven o’clock . They _____________(eat) some cakes. 7. ___________(do) he often get up early? Yes, he does. He __________(read) English now. 8. Let’s ____________(have) some salad. Good idea . I like it very much. 9Listen, some boys _______________(talk) in the room. 六.句型转换。(10 分) 1. Ann is reading under the tree.(就划线部分提问) __________ _______ Ann ____________? 2. They are cleaning the desks. (就划线部分提问) ________ _________ they __________? 3. Tom often draws pictures in the evening. (用 now 改写句子) Tom ______ ______ pictures now. 4. Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal. (改为否定句) Linda______ ______a letter to her pen pal. 七.据课文翻译句子。(10 分) 1.我正在看电视。 I am _________ TV. 2.他们正在打电话。They’re _______ _________ the phone. 3.Tom 正在做家庭作业吗? 不,他在写信。 Is Tom ______ his _____? No, he__________a _____. 4.你想去看电影吗?Do you _______ ________ _______ to the movies? 5.这个电视节目很无聊。This _____ _______ is ________. 6.你妈妈正在等谁? ________ is your mother ______ _______? 7.我爷爷在看报纸。 My grandfather is __________ ___________ __________. 八.作文(10 分) 假如现在是晚上七点半,请你根据 Tom 提供的信息,写一篇短文描述 Tom 一家人此刻的活动情况,六 十词左右。 Father Read a book Mother Clean the room Grandfather Wash the clothes Tom Do his homework Nancy Play with the cat ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 I'm watching TV 同步 题一:用动词的适当形式填空。 read; watch; play; go; write; shop; clean Lily is __________ a story book. My brother is ___________ football. I’m ____________ to buy some fruit . Tom is __________ a film. The children are _____________ the room. She is _____________ with her friends in the supermarket. I’m __________ a letter to my friend. 题二:用动词的适当形式填空。 take; sing; play; have; write; go; talk Tina is ______ a letter now. The students are _____ an English class. The boys are ____ games in the park. Let’s ____ about the movie. I usually ____ to bed at nine o’clock. She is _____ songs in English. Can you _____ a walk with me ? 题三:首字母填空。 The Greens w_________ TV every night. The cake is so d_______________. People eat zongzi on the D____________ Boat Festival. W_________ is she doing now? She got the f____________ place in the exam. 题四:首字母填空。 The dishes are d_____. We like them. Mike and his brother like p____ chess . We are s____ in No.1 Middle School. Tom is s_____ in a pool. There is a s____ in our school. We often buy things in it. 题五:翻译句子 我和我姐姐一起住。 莉莉正在看报纸。 我妈妈正在洗盘子。 布朗一家正在吃晚饭。 汤姆正在讲电话。 我哥哥正在听音乐。 露西正站在游泳池旁边 谁在使用我的电脑? 题六:翻译短语 做汤 洗衣服 去电影院 洗手 喝茶 玩电脑游戏 写信 在桌子旁 题七:句型转换。 She is eating dinner.(对划线部分提问) He plays the piano every day.(改为现在进行时) What is she doing?(用玩电脑游戏回答) I’m doing my homework now.(用 every night 替换 now) 题八:句型转换。 Jim is talking on the phone. (对划线部分提问) He watches TV every day.(改为现在进行时) What is he doing?(用读书回答) She is dancing now.(用 every morning 替换 now) 题九:动词适当形式填空。 Listen! Who ____________(sing) in the room? --Where is your father? --He ___________(fix) the clock now. It’s 8:00. The Greens ______________ (watch) TV. Look! Some children _________ (clean) the classroom. --________ your brother ______(play) basketball every day? --No, just on weekends. My brother can’t _______(play) chess. 题十:动词适当形式填空。 Look! The girl ____________(wash) her hands. --Where is your aunt? --She ___________(talk) on the phone now. Listen! The Browns ______________ (listen) to music. It’s 9 o’clock. Bill _________ (do) his homework. --________ you ______(see) a movie every week? --of course. I can’t _______(speak) French. 题十一:Look! Li Lei _______. A. is runing B. ran C. is running D. run There is _____ apple on the desk. A. a B. / C. an D. the Be quiet! The baby __________ in the next room. A. sleep B. sleeps C. sleeping D. is sleeping 题十二:Look! Some children ______ in the river. A. swim B. are swimming C. will swim D. swimming I have _____ useful message to tell you. A. a B. / C. an D. the Don’t turn on the TV, Grandma _______ now. A. sleep B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. sleeping 题十三:完成句子 他们正在打扫房间。 They ___________________________. 我正在给我的朋友写信。 I’m _______________. 听!谁在用电话交谈? Listen! Who ____________? 汤姆正在打篮球,他十分喜欢打篮球。 Tom _______________ now. He likes _________________. 题十四:完成句子 那些男孩子正在操场上踢足球。 The boys ___________________________. 露西正在做作业。 Lucy _______________. 我爸爸正在和他朋友通电话。 My father _______________ with his friend. 吉姆正在看电影,他喜欢看电影。 Jim _______________ now. He likes _________________. 题十五: Do you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs”? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some way of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio. Put the chairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it. The game is easy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. I f the music is slow, they should walk slowly. The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out. At last, there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner. 1. If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with _______. A. nine chairs B. ten chairs C. eleven chairs D. one chair 2. Which of the following is not suitable for playing musical chairs? _______. A. A piano B. A radio C. A tape recorder D. A telephone 3. The chairs should be put _______. A. with the desks B. before the winner C. all over the room D. in a line 4. When the music starts, the players must _______. A. run about the room B. get down C. walk around the chairs D. sit on the chairs 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The game “Musical Chairs” is not difficult to learn. B. The last one can sit on the last chair. C. The winner can sit on the chair. D. If the person plays music, he cannot be the winner. 题十六: A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school. He began his lesson by holding up a ¥100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “Who would like this ¥100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands at once. Then he said, “I am going to give this ¥ 100 to one of you, but fi rst, let me do this.” He then made the bill into a ball. Then he said, “Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air. “Well,” he said, “What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. He picked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Hands went back into the air. “My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valuable lesson today. No matter (无论) what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value (价值). It was still worth ¥ l00!” Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and s tepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value: you are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesn’t come from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE. You are special and valuable. Don’t ever forget it! 1. Even though it was dirty, the money _______. A. still went up in value B. was worth nothing C. didn’t go down in value D. was still ours 2. We are always valuable to the people _______. A. who pay us B. who call us C. who hate us D. who love us 3. Your value doesn’t come from what you do but _______. A. who you know B. who made you C. who you remember D. who you are 4. The sentence “Hands went back into the air” means “_______”. A. the students put up their hands again B. the students put down their hands C. the students put their hands behind their backs again D. the students put their hands in front of them 5. Why did the famous teacher use a ¥100 bill at his lesson? A. Because he wanted to make the bill into a ball. B. Because he used to drop a bill on the floor and stepped on it. C. Because he was going to give the bill to one of his students. D. Because he wanted to make the students know what value was. Unit 7 It’s raining练习一 1. n. adj. sun 阳光 sunny 晴朗的 snow 雪 snowy 下雪的 rain 雨 rainy 下雨的 wind 风 windy 多风的 cloud 云 cloudy 多云的 fog雾 foggy 多雾的 ice 冰 icy 结冰的 2. 询问天气 1)How’s the weather? It’s…… 北京的天气怎么样?多云。 How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s cloudy. 2) What’s the weather like?It’s…… What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s cloudy. 3. cook 1)v. 做饭 2)n. 厨师 cooker n. 厨具 4. How’s it going? 情况如何? Not bad.不错。 Great.太好了。 Terrible.太糟了。 Pretty good.相当好 Just so so.马马虎虎 5. pretty 1) adj. 俊俏;娇小;漂亮 a pretty girl 漂亮的姑娘 2) adv. 相当;很;颇 近义词是 very 或 quiet 6. hot 炎热的------cold寒冷的 warm 温暖的-----cool 凉爽的 7. Thanks for...因......而感谢 for是介词,后接 n / pron / v-ing. (名词/代词、动名词) Thanks for the photo of your family. 谢谢你的全家福照片。 Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。 8. on vacation 在度假;在假期中 9. take a photo/take photos 拍照 10.some……, others……一些……,(另一些)…… Some are taking photos, others are lying on the beach.一些人在拍照,一些人正躺在沙滩上。 11.other, the other, others, the others, another 1)other 可作形容词或代词。adj. “别的,其他的” Do you have any other questions? 你还有其他的问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧。 2) the other 代词,(两者中的)“另一个” (other 为代词) one……the other……一个……,另一个…… He has two sons, one is a doctor, the other is a worker. 他有两个儿子,一个是医生,另一个是工人。 3) others 代词,是 other 的复数形式,泛指“其余的(人或物)” (指其余的部分) some……others……一些……,(另)一些…… There are lots of students on the playground, some are playing basketball, others are dancing. 操场上有许多学生,有些人在打篮球,有些人在跳舞。 Give me some others, please. 给我一些别的东西吧。 4) the others 代词,特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”(指其余的全部) There are lots of students on the playground, some are playing basketball, the others are dancing. 操场上有许多学生,有些人在打篮球,其余的都在跳舞。 5) another = an+other,可作形容词或代词,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修 饰单数可数名词。 I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这个,请给我看看另一个。 12. lie v.平卧;躺 (想在分词 lying) 13. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.看看这群正在玩沙滩排球的人。 playing beach volleyball 作 people 的定语。 14. surprised adj. “感到惊讶的” 1) be surprised at + n./ pron./v-ing 对……感到惊讶 We’re surprised at the news. 听到这个消息,我们非常诧异。 2) be surprised to do sth. We’re surprised to hear the news. 听到这个消息,我们非常诧异。 3) be surprised + that 从句 I’m surprised that he didn’t pass the exam 我对他没通过考试感到很惊讶。 15. in this heat 在这么热的天气里 hot(adj.炎热的)----heat(n.热度) 16. scarf 围巾(pl. scarfs或 scarves) 17. have a good time = enjoy oneself(oneself 要随主语的变化而变化) = have fun They are having a good time. = They are enjoying themselves.= They are having fun. 他们正玩得高兴。 18. everyone / every one 1) everyone“人人,每人”,仅指人,相当于 everybody,一般不能与 of连用,作主语为单数。 Everyone is here.大家(人人)都来了。 2) every one“每一个(人或物)”,指人或物,常与 of连用,谓语用单数。 Every one of the book is interesting. 每本书都很有趣。 课后巩固 一.选择题 ( )1. --Where is Mr Smith? --He is in Beijing. You can call him_____ 1384232813. A. in B. at C, on D. about ( )2. --How' s it _________? --Terrible. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going ( )3. Thank you for _____ me the good news. A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell ( )4. --_________ is the weather like_______ London? --It's very warm. A. What; about B. What; in C. How; about D. How; in ( )5.______everyone ______ basketball in your class ? . A. Does; plays B. Do; play C. Do; plays D. Does; play ( )6. Here______ some interesting TV shows for you to watch. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 7. --Is your sister doing her homework now, Jack? --Yes,_____ _______ A. she is B. she' s C. she can D. she does ( ) 8. Does your brother enjoy _____? A. talking people B. talking to people C. to talk people D. talks to people ( ) 9. If you are good with kids, please come and work____ us_____ a teacher. A. to; for B. for; to C. for; as D. as; for ( )10. Look! They_____ beach volleyball on the beach. A. playing B. are playing C. plays D. play ( ) 11. Look at the __ It' s __ heavily now. A. rain; rain B. raining; raining C. rain; raining D. raining; rain ( ) 12. I can' t go to the park __ it' s snowing heavily. A. and B. because C. but D. / ( ) 13. --What does your sister do? --_________ A. She' s a nurse B. She's watching TV C. She' s singing D. She does some shopping ( ) 14. --What are your parents doing? --__________ A. They are doctors B. They like walking C. TheY talk to each other D. They are taking photos ( ) 15.--Let's go to see animals in the zoo this Sunday. -- ______, I like animals. A. I am sorry B. No, thanks C. That sounds great D..You are welcome ( ) 16. --How' s the ___ in Wuhan now? --It' s very hot. A. room B. city C. weather D. place ( )17. Many kids like Jay Chou because he looks very __ A. cool B. terrible C. boring D. bad ( )18. --_____ is it going in America? --Not bad. My English is much better now. A. How B. What C. Why D. Where ( )19. --What are you doing in your room? --I am ______ . The soap opera is toofun. A. playing computer game B. watching TV C. listening to music D. sleeping ( )20. --Happy New Year. --__________. A. Thank you B. Happy New Year C. Not bad D. It' s terrible ( )21. --Where are you these years? --I am studying ______ Australia. A. at B. in C. with D. from ( )22. She likes to ______ sports clothes when she goes to work. A. play B. wear C. buy D. enjoy ( )23. It' s very hot in Guangzhou, but it' s still very ______ in Harbin now. A. hot B. humid- C. cold D. warm ( )24. I never(从末) hear him sing, but I am ___ to find that he sings so well. A. interesting B. surprised C. sorry D. scary ( )25. Look at so many old people _______ on the square. A. play sports B. playing sports C. to play sports D. are playing 二.完形填空 Hello! My name is Lin Li and I'm from Beijing. There are four 1 in my family and they are my father, my mother, my brother and 2 . One interesting thing is that we have different dreams(不同的梦想). My father is a manager(经理) in a supermarket. He works hard and he is 3 to others. So people like him very much. But he wants to 4 a supermarket of his own (自己的). Then he can make more 5 _ and buy a car. My mother is 6 English teacher. She teaches English very 7 . Her students like her very much. My brother is a 8 of Tsinghua University (清华大学). He wants to be a reporter because he thinks he can meet interesting people every day and go to many interesting 9 . I am a 14-year-old boy. I want to be a policeman 10 I think it' s interesting. I have a happy family. I love my family. ( ) . 1. A. people B. photos C. animals D. cameras ( ) 2. A.I B. me C. us D. we ( ) 3. A. bad B. friendly C. dangerous D. boring ( ) 4. A. have B. buy C. join D. be ( ) 5. A. time B. exercise C. money D. friends ( ) 6. A. the B.a C. an D./ ( ) 7. A. good B. well C. nice D. fine ( ) 8. A. reporter B. worker C. member D. student ( ) 9. A. places B. parks C. schools D. rooms ( )10. A. because B. when C. after D. before 三.阅读理解 A Today is Sunday. It is sunny. Kate and her friends go to the beach. There are lots of people here now. Some are playing volleyball. Others are swimming in the sea. Look at this group of people singing and taking a sunbath (日光浴) on the beach. After swimming for some time, Kate feels very tired. So she has a rest at the swimming club on the beach. Where are Kate's best friends? Susan is learning to swim in the water. Gina is helping her to learn swimming. Susan is clever. I think she can swim soon. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( )1.Kate and Susan are ________on Sunday. A.on the beach B.at home C.in the school D.in the park ( )2.There are some people on the beach.Some are_____.Others are______. A.playing basketball;singing B.playing volleyball;swimming C.staging;dancing D.taking photos;singing ( )3.Kate has a rest because she feels _______. A.happy B.cold C.tired D.sad ( )4.Which isn’t mentioned(被提到)in the article? A.Some people are playing volleyball.B.Some people are taking photos. C.Some people are swimming. D.Some people are taking a sunbath. ( )5.The fourth paragraph(段落)tells us_______. A.something about the swimming club B.what people are doing C.an interesting story D.Gina is helping Susan to learn to swim B My name is Jack.Here are four of my favorite photos.Let me tell you something about them. In the first photo,I’m running.I like sports and I want to be a running star. I like spring and winter best.So I have two photos of them.Look at the second photo.I am flying kites(风筝)with my friends in the park. There are all kinds of kites there.We are very happy.In the third photo,I’m playing snow fight (打仗)with my friends.And some friends are making snowmen.We are playing happily. In the last photo.I’m doing my homework.Who’s that girl?Oh.she iS my sister and she is helping me with my homework.My sister is good at her subjects.In the evening,we usually do our homework and watch TV. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( )6.Jack wants to be _______. A.a reporter B.a snowman C. a worker D. a running star ( ) 7. The______ photo is about winter. A. first B. second C. third D. last ( ) 8. In winter people can_________ A. fly kites B. play with snow C. swim D. watch TV ( ) 9. ______ help(s) him with his homework. A. Jack' s friends B. Jack C. Jack's sister D. Jack's parents ( )10. Which of the following isn't right? A. Jack is good at his subjects. B. Jack likes sports. C. In spring, Jack .and his friends can .fly kites. D. In the evening, Jack and his sister do their homework and watch TV. C Dear Alan, Thank you for your letter. You want to know the weather in England and my dream job. Now let me tell you. Well, in England it is not too hot or too cold all year round. This is because of the sea. It keeps the island(岛)warm in winter and makes the air cool in summer. The winds also have much to do with (和有关) the weather in England. They bring lots of rain to the island. The weather is often different in England. You can' t have the same kind of weather for a long time. In winter there is often heavy fog. So you should drive carefully (小心地). During the day in spring, you can have sun and rain at the same day. As for my dream job, I want to be a policeman like my father. And I think it' s very exciting. How about you? I hope you can tell me something about yourself next time. Best wishes to you. Yours, Mike 根据书信内容,选择最佳答案 ( )11. Alan wants to know______ A. how Mike lives and studies B. Mike's favorite subject C. what Mike' s likes best D. the weather in England and Mike's dream job ( )12. It's not too hot or too cold in England all year round because____ A. the sea is around it B. it' s warm C. it has many islands D. there are winds ( ) 13. What does the third paragraph talk about? A. The food in England. B. The weather in England. C. Mike' s dream job. D. The heavy fog in England. ( ) 14. The word "fog" means______ in Chinese. A.雾 B. 雪 C. 冰雹 D.大雨 ( ) 15. Mike's father is ______ A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a policeman D. a reporter 四.按要求完成下面的句子。每空一词。 A: Hi, Maria! 1 __________________________? B: It's sunny tomorrow. What about going out for apicnic(野餐) this Sunday? A: This Sunday? This Sunday is not a good day for a picnic! B:2 _____________________________________________? A: I listened to the weather report. It's going to rain. B: Oh! If it rains, 3_____________________________________________ A: Don't stay at home. Why not come to my home to have a party? I'll ask Tom. and Peter, too. B: Great! 4___________________________________? A: My home is quite near here. Just walk along this road to the end. You'll find a white house on your right. That is my house. B. OK! 5____________________________ ? A: At nine o' clock on Sunday morning. B: OK. 五.按要求完成下面的句子。每空一词。 1. Mary wants to be an English teacher. (对画线部分提问) __________________Mary want to be? 2. My brother is doing his homework now. (对画线部分提问) ___________your brother__________ now? 3. It's rainy now. (改为同义句) It___________________ now. 4. Mary is playing the piano now. (改为一般疑问句) ________Mary__________ the piano now? 5. Mary can't watch TV because she is very busy. _____________________Mary watch TV? 6. The weatherin Qingdao is very warm. (对画线部分提问) ________is the ________ in Qingdao? 7. The musician is playing the guitar in the park? (改为一般疑问句) _________ the musician __________the guitar in the park? 8. John is taking a photo in the garden. (对画线部分提问) _______John ________ in the garden? 9. A group of kids are having a good time at the party. (对画线部分提问) _______________ having a good time at the party,? 10. How is the weather in London? (改为同义句) ________the weather_________ in London? . 六.根据汉语意思。翻译下面的句子。 1.David 正在学习。 David_____________________ now. 2.那里正在下雨吗? ________it__________there? 3.谢谢您参加我们的访谈节目_________________________our talk show 4.这几天这儿的天气糟透了。 The ________is________ here these days. 5.我叔叔在夏威夷度假。 My uncle is _______________ in Hawaii. 6.感谢观看《世界各地》。 __________________________________________ 7.有些人在打篮球,有些人在跑步。________________________________ 8.下雪的时候你们经常做什么? ____________________________ 9.这里的春天相当温暖。___________________________________________ 10.看这下男孩,真酷!______________________________________________ 七.从方框中选择适当的单词并用其适当形式完成下面的短文,有两个单词多余。 with,mother,be,she,not,help,who,talk,store,go,do,play This Sunday I have a good time in the park. On Sunday I 1____ go to school. So in the morning I 2_____ to Cool Clothes Store 3_______ my parents. I see some good sweaters in the store. And they are on sale. The red sweater 4_______ only 40 yuan. The yellow sweater is only 20 yuan. Look! My mother is 5_____ to a shop assistant. Oh, dear! The shop assistant is my 6______ good friend. She is Mrs Hand. 7_______ daughter, Linda, is my brother's pen pal. Oh, look! Linda is 8_______ her mother sell sweaters. Where is my father? He is in front of the 9_______. He is talking with a policeman. 10_______ is the policeman? Sorry, I don' t know. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 八.书面表达 根据表格中的天气信息,描述一下下面各个城市的天气情况,不少于 60 个单词。 提示词不达意:report 预报 rainy多雨的 snowy 多雪的 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 7 It’s raining练习二 询问天气 1)How’s the weather? It’s…… 北京的天气怎么样?多云。 How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s cloudy. 2) What’s the weather like?It’s…… What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s cloudy. 3. cook 1)v. 做饭 2)n. 厨师 cooker n. 厨具 4. How’s it going? 情况如何? Not bad.不错。Great.太好了。Terrible.太糟了。 Pretty good.相当好 Just so so.马马虎虎 8. on vacation 在度假;在假期中 9. take a photo/take photos 拍照 12. lie v.平卧;躺 (想在分词 lying) 14. surprised adj. “感到惊讶的” 1) be surprised at + n./ pron./v-ing 对……感到惊讶 We’re surprised at the news. 听到这个消息,我们非常诧异。 2) be surprised to do sth. We’re surprised to hear the news. 听到这个消息,我们非常诧异。 3) be surprised + that 从句 I’m surprised that he didn’t pass the exam 我对他没通过考试感到很惊讶。 16. scarf 围巾(pl. scarfs或 scarves) 17. have a good time = enjoy oneself(oneself 要随主语的变化而变化) = have fun They are having a good time. = They are enjoying themselves.= They are having fun. 他们正玩得高兴。 18. everyone / every one 1) everyone“人人,每人”,仅指人,相当于 everybody,一般不能与 of 连用,作主语为单数。 Everyone is here.大家(人人)都来了。 2) every one“每一个(人或物)”,指人或物,常与 of 连用,谓语用单数。 Every one of the book is interesting. 每本书都很有趣。 一.选择题 ( )1. --Where is Mr Smith? --He is in Beijing. You can call him_____ 1384232813. A. in B. at C, on D. about ( )2. --How' s it _________? --Terrible. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going ( )3. Thank you for _____ me the good news. A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell ( )4. --_________ is the weather like_______ London? --It's very warm. A. What; about B. What; in C. How; about D. How; in ( )5.______everyone ______ basketball in your class ? . A. Does; plays B. Do; play C. Do; plays D. Does; play ( )6. Here______ some interesting TV shows for you to watch. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 7. --Is your sister doing her homework now, Jack? --Yes,_____ _______ A. she is B. she' s C. she can D. she does ( ) 8. Does your brother enjoy _____? A. talking people B. talking to people C. to talk people D. talks to people ( ) 9. If you are good with kids, please come and work____ us_____ a teacher. A. to; for B. for; to C. for; as D. as; for ( )10. Look! They_____ beach volleyball on the beach. A. playing B. are playing C. plays D. play ( ) 11. Look at the __ It' s __ heavily now. A. rain; rain B. raining; raining C. rain; raining D. raining; rain ( ) 12. I can' t go to the park __ it' s snowing heavily. A. and B. because C. but D. / ( ) 13. --What does your sister do? --_________ A. She' s a nurse B. She's watching TV C. She' s singing D. She does some shopping ( ) 14. --What are your parents doing? --__________ A. They are doctors B. They like walking C. TheY talk to each other D. They are taking photos ( ) 15.--Let's go to see animals in the zoo this Sunday. -- ______, I like animals. A. I am sorry B. No, thanks C. That sounds great D..You are welcome ( ) 16. --How' s the ___ in Wuhan now? --It' s very hot. A. room B. city C. weather D. place ( )17. Many kids like Jay Chou because he looks very __ A. cool B. terrible C. boring D. bad ( )18. --_____ is it going in America? --Not bad. My English is much better now. A. How B. What C. Why D. Where ( )19. --What are you doing in your room? --I am ______ . The soap opera is toofun. A. playing computer game B. watching TV C. listening to music D. sleeping ( )20. --Happy New Year. --__________. A. Thank you B. Happy New Year C. Not bad D. It' s terrible ( )21. --Where are you these years? --I am studying ______ Australia. A. at B. in C. with D. from ( )22. She likes to ______ sports clothes when she goes to work. A. play B. wear C. buy D. enjoy ( )23. It' s very hot in Guangzhou, but it' s still very ______ in Harbin now. A. hot B. humid- C. cold D. warm ( )24. I never(从末) hear him sing, but I am ___ to find that he sings so well. A. interesting B. surprised C. sorry D. scary ( )25. Look at so many old people _______ on the square. A. play sports B. playing sports C. to play sports D. are playing 二.完形填空 Hello! My name is Lin Li and I'm from Beijing. There are four 1 in my family and they are my father, my mother, my brother and 2 . One interesting thing is that we have different dreams(不同的梦想). My father is a manager(经理) in a supermarket. He works hard and he is 3 to others. So people like him very much. But he wants to 4 a supermarket of his own (自己的). Then he can make more 5 _ and buy a car. My mother is 6 English teacher. She teaches English very 7 . Her students like her very much. My brother is a 8 of Tsinghua University (清华大学). He wants to be a reporter because he thinks he can meet interesting people every day and go to many interesting 9 . I am a 14-year-old boy. I want to be a policeman 10 I think it' s interesting. I have a happy family. I love my family. ( ) . 1. A. people B. photos C. animals D. cameras ( ) 2. A.I B. me C. us D. we ( ) 3. A. bad B. friendly C. dangerous D. boring ( ) 4. A. have B. buy C. join D. be ( ) 5. A. time B. exercise C. money D. friends ( ) 6. A. the B.a C. an D./ ( ) 7. A. good B. well C. nice D. fine ( ) 8. A. reporter B. worker C. member D. student ( ) 9. A. places B. parks C. schools D. rooms ( )10. A. because B. when C. after D. before 三.阅读理解 A Today is Sunday. It is sunny. Kate and her friends go to the beach. There are lots of people here now. Some are playing volleyball. Others are swimming in the sea. Look at this group of people singing and taking a sunbath (日光浴) on the beach. After swimming for some time, Kate feels very tired. So she has a rest at the swimming club on the beach. Where are Kate's best friends? Susan is learning to swim in the water. Gina is helping her to learn swimming. Susan is clever. I think she can swim soon. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( )1.Kate and Susan are ________on Sunday. A.on the beach B.at home C.in the school D.in the park ( )2.There are some people on the beach.Some are_____.Others are______. A.playing basketball;singing B.playing volleyball;swimming C.staging;dancing D.taking photos;singing ( )3.Kate has a rest because she feels _______. A.happy B.cold C.tired D.sad ( )4.Which isn’t mentioned(被提到)in the article? A.Some people are playing volleyball.B.Some people are taking photos. C.Some people are swimming. D.Some people are taking a sunbath. ( )5.The fourth paragraph(段落)tells us_______. A.something about the swimming club B.what people are doing C.an interesting story D.Gina is helping Susan to learn to swim B My name is Jack.Here are four of my favorite photos.Let me tell you something about them. In the first photo,I’m running.I like sports and I want to be a running star. I like spring and winter best.So I have two photos of them.Look at the second photo.I am flying kites(风筝)with my friends in the park. There are all kinds of kites there.We are very happy.In the third photo,I’m playing snow fight (打仗)with my friends.And some friends are making snowmen.We are playing happily. In the last photo.I’m doing my homework.Who’s that girl?Oh.she iS my sister and she is helping me with my homework.My sister is good at her subjects.In the evening,we usually do our homework and watch TV. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( )6.Jack wants to be _______. A.a reporter B.a snowman C. a worker D. a running star ( ) 7. The______ photo is about winter. A. first B. second C. third D. last ( ) 8. In winter people can_________ A. fly kites B. play with snow C. swim D. watch TV ( ) 9. ______ help(s) him with his homework. A. Jack' s friends B. Jack C. Jack's sister D. Jack's parents ( )10. Which of the following isn't right? A. Jack is good at his subjects. B. Jack likes sports. C. In spring, Jack .and his friends can .fly kites. D. In the evening, Jack and his sister do their homework and watch TV. C Dear Alan, Thank you for your letter. You want to know the weather in England and my dream job. Now let me tell you. Well, in England it is not too hot or too cold all year round. This is because of the sea. It keeps the island(岛)warm in winter and makes the air cool in summer. The winds also have much to do with (和有关) the weather in England. They bring lots of rain to the island. The weather is often different in England. You can' t have the same kind of weather for a long time. In winter there is often heavy fog. So you should drive carefully (小心地). During the day in spring, you can have sun and rain at the same day. As for my dream job, I want to be a policeman like my father. And I think it' s very exciting. How about you? I hope you can tell me something about yourself next time. Best wishes to you. Yours, Mike 根据书信内容,选择最佳答案 ( )11. Alan wants to know______ A. how Mike lives and studies B. Mike's favorite subject C. what Mike' s likes best D. the weather in England and Mike's dream job ( )12. It's not too hot or too cold in England all year round because____ A. the sea is around it B. it' s warm C. it has many islands D. there are winds ( ) 13. What does the third paragraph talk about? A. The food in England. B. The weather in England. C. Mike' s dream job. D. The heavy fog in England. ( ) 14. The word "fog" means______ in Chinese. A.雾 B. 雪 C. 冰雹 D.大雨 ( ) 15. Mike's father is ______ A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a policeman D. a reporter 五.按要求完成下面的句子。每空一词。 1. Mary wants to be an English teacher. (对画线部分提问) _________ _________Mary want to be? 2. My brother is doing his homework now. (对画线部分提问) ___________your brother__________ now? 3. It's rainy now. (改为同义句) It__________ __________ now. 4. Mary is playing the piano now. (改为一般疑问句) ________Mary__________ the piano now? 5. Mary can't watch TV because she is very busy. __________ ____________Mary watch TV? 6. The weatherin Qingdao is very warm. (对画线部分提问) ________is the ________ in Qingdao? 7. The musician is playing the guitar in the park? (改为一般疑问句) _________ the musician __________the guitar in the park? 8. John is taking a photo in the garden. (对画线部分提问) _______John ________ in the garden? 9. A group of kids are having a good time at the party. (对画线部分提问) _______ ________ having a good time at the party,? 10. How is the weather in London? (改为同义句) ________the weather_________ in London? . 六.根据汉语意思。翻译下面的句子。 1. David 正在学习。 David__________ ___________ now. 2.那里正在下雨吗? ________it__________there? 3. 谢谢您参加我们的访谈节目________ _________ ________our talk show 4. 这几天这儿的天气糟透了。 The ________is________ here these days. 5. 我叔叔在夏威夷度假。 My uncle is _______ ________ in Hawaii. 6.感谢观看《世界各地》。 __________________________________________ 7.有些人在打篮球,有些人在跑步。________________________________ 七.从方框中选择适当的单词并用其适当形式完成下面的短文,有两个单词多余。 with,mother,be,she,not,help,who,talk,store,go,do,play This Sunday I have a good time in the park. On Sunday I 1____ go to school. So in the morning I 2_____ to Cool Clothes Store 3_______ my parents. I see some good sweaters in the store. And they are on sale. The red sweater 4_______ only 40 yuan. The yellow sweater is only 20 yuan. Look! My mother is 5_____ to a shop assistant. Oh, dear! The shop assistant is my 6______ good friend. She is Mrs Hand. 7_______ daughter, Linda, is my brother's pen pal. Oh, look! Linda is 8_______ her mother sell sweaters. Where is my father? He is in front of the 9_______. He is talking with a policeman. 10_______ is the policeman? Sorry, I don' t know. 八.书面表达 根据表格中的天气信息,描述一下下面各个城市的天气情况,不少于 60 个单词。 提示词不达意:report 预报 rainy多雨的 snowy 多雪的 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 7 It's raining 同步 题一: How’s the w____ in Beijing? It’s too h____. Let’s go to the seaside. S _____ comes after spring. They are in France on v_____ today. We can s_____ when it snows. It’s r_____. So I don ’t want to go to the park. 题二: Today is very cold. It’s s_____ outside. It looks like rain. It’s c______. ---H_____ is it going? ---Not bad. What a s_____ day! The ground is covered with snow everywhere. How is the w_____ in summer in London? It’s s____. Let’s go shopping. 题三: It’s _____ here. Maybe it’s going to _____. A. wind; rain B. windy; raining C. wind; rainy D. windy; rain It _____ hard outside. A. rain B. rainy B. rained D. is raining 题四: It’s ____ and _____ in winter in Paris. A. wind; cold B. windy; coldy C. windy; cold D. wind; coldy It often _____ in the north of China in winter, and the weather is very cold. A. snow B. snows C. snowy D. snowing 题五: _________ clever the boy is! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a -- How’s it going? -- _________. A. It’s windy B. Not at all C. Not bad D. That’s all right 题六: _______ beautiful girl she is! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a -- How’s it ______? -- It’s not bad. A . go B. going C. goes D. is 题七: 哈尔滨现在的天气如何?哈尔滨现在正在下雪。 What’s __________? ___________ in Harbin. 近况如何?(身体可好?/ 一切还好吗?)/ 很好。 How is ___________? Pretty good. 你会打排球吗? Can you __________? 听起来孩子们玩得很高兴。 Sounds like the children ____________________. 这有很多人度假。 There are many people here ______ ______. 他们在喝橙汁吗? _____ they _____ _____ ______? 房间里的每个人都玩得很愉快。 Everyone in the room is __________. 题八: 伦敦现在的天气如何?伦敦现在多雾。 What’s __________? ___________ in London. 近况如何?(身体可好?/ 一切还好吗?)/ 很好。 ________ it going? Pretty good. 男孩们正在打篮球。 The boys _________. 布朗一家玩得很高兴。 The Mr. Browns ____________________. 汉克和他的两个孩子正在度假。 Hank ___ ____ ____ with his two children. 我们都喜欢喝橙汁。 Both of us like ____ _____ _____ 莉莉的朋友们在她的生日聚会上玩得很开心。 Lily’s friends __________ at her birthday party. 题九: One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein met an old friend of his on a street in New York. “Mr Einstein,” said the friend, “ it seems that you need to put on a new overcoat. Look, how worn-out it is!” “It doesn’t matter,” answered Albert Einstein. “No one knows me here in New York.” Several years later they met in New York again. Einstein had been a world-famous physicist after then but he still wore the same old overcoat. Once more his friend persuaded him to buy a new one. “There is no need now,” said Einstein, “Everybody here has known me.” 根据短文内容,回答问题。 1. Where did Albert Einstein met an old friend of his? ________________________________________________________________ 2. What did the friend want him to buy? ________________________________________________________________ 3. How about Einstein’s overcoat? ________________________________________________________________ 题十: Once Goethe, the great German poet, was walking in a park. He was thinking about something when he noticed he came to a very, very narrow road. Just at that time, a young man came towards him from the other end of the road. It was too nar row for both of them to pass through at the same time. They stopped and looked at each other for a while. Then the young man said rudely, “I never make way for a fool.” But Goethe smiled and said, “I always do.” Then he turned back quickly and walked towards the end of the road. 根据短文内容,回答问题。 1. Where was Goethe walking? ________________________________________________________________ 2. Who came towards Goethe from the other end of the road? ________________________________________________________________ 3. Was the road too narrow for both of them to pass through at the same time? ________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?练习一 1. 从括号中选择恰当的介词填空(between, to, from, on, of) 1. The library is across _______ my home. 2. Tuesday is ________ Monday and Wednesday. 3. Is the hospital next _______ the park or far ________ it? 4. The restaurant is ________ the other side of the street. 5. The supermarket is in front ________ the school. 2. 单项选择 1. Can you swim _______ the river?( )A. near B. between C. from D. across 2.________ , where is the park?( )A. Hi B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Excuse 3.The hotel is ______ the bank.( )A. across B. from C. across form D. next 4.We ______ a big family.( )A. are B. have C. has D. there are 5.There isn’t a restaurant ______ here. ( )A. in B. near C. from D. on 6.----Thank you very much..( ) ----____________ A. You’re welcome. B. Really? C. Nice to meet you. D. Thank you,too. 7.----Is there a library in your school?( ) ----___________. A. Yes,it is. B. No,it isn’t. C. Yes,there is. D. No,there aren’t. 8.----_______ is the park?( ) ----It’s on the right of the school. A.Where B. What C. Why D. How 9. _______ any books on the desk?( ) A. There is B. There are C. Is there D. Are there 10. _________ something wrong with my bike.Can I use yours?( ) A. It is B. It was C. There is D. There was 3. 句型转换 1.There is a bank near the library. (对划线部分提问)________________ near the library? 2.There is a pay phone near the school.(改为一般疑问句)________________ a pay phone near the shool? 3.The hotel is across from the bank. (对划线部分提问)____________ the hotel? 4.There is a pen in my pencil case.(改为同义句)I ________ a pen in my pencil case. 4. 阅读理解 Johnson likes swimming in a small river near his house. But then his father goes to work in a big city and Johnson goes with his family . Their new house has a garden ,but the garden is very small Johnson is not very happy. “Is there a river near the house ?”he askes his father on the first morning .” No, there isn’t . But there is a big park near here. And there’s a pool in it. “ “We are going there this afternoon. “says his father. Johnson is happy. Johnson and his father go to the park in the afternoon. Johnson wants to walk near the pool. Ut he sees a sign . His father reads it to him: “Warning : This pool is dangerous.365 people fell into it. “Johanson looks into the pool carefully , then he says ,”I can’t see them. ( )1.There is a _______ near Johnson’s new house. A. small river B.big park C. small garden D. big pool ( )2.John isn’t very happy because __________. A. there isn’t a big park B. there’s a pool C. his father goes to work in a big city D. there isn’t a river near the newhouse. ( )3.There is a _______ near the pool. A. sign B. river C. garden D. tree ( )4.The warning tells people ________ near the pool. A to look into it B. not to swim C. to be careful D. not to look into it ( )5.Which isn’t right ? A. There isn’t a small river near Johnson’s house. B. Johnson’s father gets a new job in a big city. C. Johanson is afraid to walk near the pool D.Johnson goes to the big city with his father. 1. 单项填空 1. My sister enjoys________the guitar in the park every morning. A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play 2、there is a beautiful garden ________fifth avenue( A.on B.in C.at D.with 3.I want to find a house __________ many trees around it . A.with B.have C.has D.there are 4.Go ________this sereet and then turn right.. A.From B.to C.down D.on 5.There______some water in the glass. A.is B.are C.be D.has 6.Alice spends too much time _______computer games. A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing 7.Go straight and turn ______.The bank is ______. A.left;left B.left;on the left C.on the left D.left;to left 8.My father has a habit of jogging _______the Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning, A.between B.along C.over D.through 9.Julia ______a bus to work every day, A.brings B.has C.gets D.takes 10.I hope you ______a good time . A.to have B.have C.has D.having 2.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The children enjoy _______(play)soccer after class. 2. She ______(go)home at five every afternoon. 3. I spend much time _______(speak) English every morning, 4. I can find the hotel ________(easy). 5. You should turn right at the second ______(cross). 6. I think money ________(be not)everything. 7. I love to watch monkeys _______(climb) trees. 8. There _______(be) a pen and two pencils in the box. 3.根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 沿着第五大街走,然后左转。Go____Fifth Street,then_____________, 2. 我家在一条喧闹的大街上。My house is ______a noisy ________. 3. 从机场坐出租车,沿着公路走,直到看到一个图书馆在你的右边。 _______________________ from the airport and _______________ the road until you see a library ___________________________ 4. 沿着这条街走。你能很容易地到达图书馆。_________________.You can get to the library _______. 5. 请在第一个十字路口处向右拐。Please ________________ at the first _________. 4.完形填空 Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a __1___ building in the __2___ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He__3___ a lift (电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard. He__4___ to work early. Every day he leaves his__5__and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It __6___him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to __7___bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from ___8___home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes__9___. He works in a factory about ten__10___ from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past5. ( ) 1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. large ( ) 2. A. country B. town C. city D. village ( ) 3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends ( ) 4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes ( ) 5. A. home B. building C. office D. room ( ) 6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings ( ) 7. A. an B.a C. the D. / ( ) 8. A.his B. he C. him D.himself ( ) 9. A.by plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air ( ) 10. A.meters B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours 1.任务型阅读 It was the last day of the winter vacation. Li Xin went to bed early in the evening. He wanted to go to school early the next morning because he couldn‟t wait to see his teachers and classmates. The next morning, Li Xin got up at 6:00.He looked“Wow, how beautiful !” said Li Xin.There were many trees in front of his house.They were really beautiful with the white snow. He went out of his house and was going to school. How did Li Xin go to school? There was much snow on the street. He decided to walk to school. Twenty minutes later,Li Xin got to school. Some teachers and students were cleaning the snow outside the classrooms Li Xin did it,too.He was tired ,but he felt happy on the first day back to school. 1.判断正误 Li Xin went to bed early on the evening of the first school day.( ) 2.补全句子 Li Xin wanted to go to school early because_______________________________ 3.What were in front of Li Xin’s house.?回答问题_______________________________ 4.How did Li Xin go to school? 回 答 问 题 _______________________________ 5.将划线句子翻译汉语 ____________________________________。 2. 完形填空 This is my bedroom. I can see _1_ pictures on the wall. The light is _2_ the desk. The football is _3_ the chair. _4_ is the bed? It's near the table. My father and _5_ bedroom is near my bedroom. _6_ flowers and a bed _7_ in their room.Some windows are _8_ the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, _9_. I like my bedroom and they like _10_. 1. A. a B. one C. an D. some ( ) 2. A. under B. on C. in D. behind ( ) 3. A. on B. under C. to D. for ( ) 4. A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where ( ) 5. A. sister B. mother C. mother's D. sisters ( ) 6. A. The B. the C. Some D. some ( ) 7. A. is B. are C. isn't D. am ( ) 8. A. on B. behind C. in D. under ( ) 9. A. also B. there C. here D. too ( ) 10. A. also B. theirs' C. them D. their room ( ) 3.书面表达 假如你叫 Mike,你的朋友 Larry 明天要到你所在的城市,但是你没有时间去机场接他。请给他发一封电子邮 件,告诉他怎样从机场到你家。要求包括下面的要点,不少于 50 词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。 要点提示: 1.先乘出租车从机场到和平路。 2.沿着和平路走,经过一家超市向右拐。 3.穿过第八大街,当看到一个邮局时,向右拐。能看见一座红色的房子,那就是我的家。 Dear Larry, I know you are arriving tomorrow.But I am sorry that … ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ I hope you have a good trip. Yours, Mike Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?练习二 从括号中选择恰当的介词填空 (between, to, from, on, of) The library is across _______ my home. Tuesday is ________ Monday and Wednesday. Is the hospital next _______ the park or far ________ it? The restaurant is ________ the other side of the street. The supermarket is in front ________ the school. 单项选择 1. Can you swim _______ the river?( ) A. near B. between C. from D. across 2.________ , where is the park?( ) A. Hi B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Excuse 3.The hotel is ______ the bank.( ) A. across B. from C. across form D. next 4.We ______ a big family.( ) A. are B. have C. has D. there are 5.There isn’t a restaurant ______ here. ( ) A. in B. near C. from D. on 6.----Thank you very much..( ) ----____________ A. You’re welcome. B. Really? C. Nice to meet you. D. Thank you,too. 7.----Is there a library in your school?( ) ----___________. A. Yes,it is. B. No,it isn’t. C. Yes,there is. D. No,there aren’t. 8.----_______ is the park?( ) ----It’s on the right of the school. A.Where B. What C. Why D. How 9. _______ any books on the desk?( ) A. There is B. There are C. Is there D. Are there 10. _________ something wrong with my bike.Can I use yours?( ) A. It is B. It was C. There is D. There was 句型转换 1.There is a bank near the library. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ near the library? 2.There is a pay phone near the school.(改为一般疑问句) ________ ________ a pay phone near the shool? 3.The hotel is across from the bank. (对划线部分提问) ____________ the hotel? 4.There is a pen in my pencil case.(改为同义句) I ________ a pen in my pencil case. 阅读理解 Johnson likes swimming in a small river near his house. But then his father goes to work in a big city and Johnson goes with his family . Their new house has a garden ,but the garden is very small Johnson is not very happy. “Is there a river near the house ?”he askes his father on the first morning .” No, there isn’t . But there is a big park near here. And there’s a pool in it. “ “We are going there this afternoon. “says his father. Johnson is happy. Johnson and his father go to the park in the afternoon. Johnson wants to walk near the pool. Ut he sees a sign . His father reads it to him: “Warning : This pool is dangerous.365 people fell into it. “Johanson looks into the pool carefully , then he says ,”I can’t see them. ( )1.There is a _______ near Johnson’s new house. A. small river B.big park C. small garden D. big pool ( )2.John isn’t very happy because __________. A. there isn’t a big park B. there’s a pool C. his father goes to work in a big city D. there isn’t a river near the newhouse. ( )3.There is a _______ near the pool. A. sign B. river C. garden D. tree ( )4.The warning tells people ________ near the pool. A to look into it B. not to swim C. to be careful D. not to look into it ( )5.Which isn’t right ? A. There isn’t a small river near Johnson’s house. B. Johnson’s father gets a new job in a big city. C. Johanson is afraid to walk near the pool D.Johnson goes to the big city with his father. 单项填空 My sister enjoys________the guitar in the park every morning. A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play 2、there is a beautiful garden ________fifth avenue( A.on B.in C.at D.with 3.I want to find a house __________ many trees around it . A.with B.have C.has D.there are 4.Go ________this sereet and then turn right.. A.From B.to C.down D.on 5.There______some water in the glass. A.is B.are C.be D.has 6.Alice spends too much time _______computer games. A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing 7.Go straight and turn ______.The bank is ______. A.left;left B.left;on the left C.on the left D.left;to left 8.My father has a habit of jogging _______the Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning, A.between B.along C.over D.through 9.Julia ______a bus to work every day, A.brings B.has C.gets D.takes 10.I hope you ______a good time . A.to have B.have C.has D.having 2.用所给单词的适当形式填空 The children enjoy _______(play)soccer after class. She ______(go)home at five every afternoon. I spend much time _______(speak) English every morning, I can find the hotel ________(easy). You should turn right at the second ______(cross). I think money ________(be not)everything. I love to watch monkeys _______(climb) trees. There _______(be) a pen and two pencils in the box. 3.根据汉语意思完成句子 沿着第五大街走,然后左转。 Go____Fifth Street,then______ _______, 我家在一条喧闹的大街上。 My house is ______a noisy ________. 从机场坐出租车,沿着公路走,直到看到一个图书馆在你的右边。 _______ _______ _________ from the airport and _______ ________ the road until you see a library ________ _________ __________ 沿着这条街走。你能很容易地到达图书馆。 ________ _________.You can get to the library _______. 请在第一个十字路口处向右拐。 Please ________ ________ at the first _________. 4.完形填空 Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a __1___ building in the __2___ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He__3___ a lift (电梯 )to go up and down. He works very hard. He__4___ to work early. Every day he leaves his__5__and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It __6___him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to __7___bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from ___8___home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes__9___. He works in a factory about ten__10___ from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past5. ( ) 1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. large ( ) 2. A. country B. town C. city D. village ( ) 3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends ( ) 4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes ( ) 5. A. home B. building C. office D. room ( ) 6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings ( ) 7. A. an B.a C. the D. / ( ) 8. A.his B. he C. him D.himself ( ) 9. A.by plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air ( ) 10. A.meters B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours 1.任务型阅读 It was the last day of the winter vacation. Li Xin went to bed early in the evening. He wanted to go to school early the next morning because he couldn‟t wait to see his teachers and classmates. The next morning, Li Xin got up at 6:00.He looked“Wow, how beautiful !” said Li Xin.There were many trees in front of his house.They were really beautiful with the white snow. He went out of his house and was going to school. How did Li Xin go to school? There was much snow on the street. He decided to walk to school. Twenty minutes later,Li Xin got to school. Some teachers and students were cleaning the snow outside the classrooms Li Xin did it,too.He was tired ,but he felt happy on the first day back to school. 1.判断正误 Li Xin went to bed early on the evening of the first school day.( ) 2.补全句子 Li Xin wanted to go to school early because_______________________________ 3.What were in front of Li Xin’s house.?回答问题_______________________________ 4.How did Li Xin go to school? 回 答 问 题 _______________________________ 5.将划线句子翻译汉语 ____________________________________。 完形填空 This is my bedroom. I can see _1_ pictures on the wall. The light is _2_ the desk. The football is _3_ the chair. _4_ is the bed? It's near the table. My father and _5_ bedroom is near my bedroom. _6_ flowers and a bed _7_ in their room.Some windows are _8_ the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, _9_. I like my bedroom and they like _10_. 1. A. a B. one C. an D. some ( ) 2. A. under B. on C. in D. behind ( ) 3. A. on B. under C. to D. for ( ) 4. A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where ( ) 5. A. sister B. mother C. mother's D. sisters ( ) 6. A. The B. the C. Some D. some ( ) 7. A. is B. are C. isn't D. am ( ) 8. A. on B. behind C. in D. under ( ) 9. A. also B. there C. here D. too ( ) 10. A. also B. theirs' C. them D. their room ( ) 3.书面表达 假如你叫 Mike,你的朋友 Larry 明天要到你所在的城市,但是你没有时间去机场接他。请给他发一封电子邮 件,告诉他怎样从机场到你家。要求包括下面的要点,不少于 50 词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。 要点提示: 先乘出租车从机场到和平路。 沿着和平路走,经过一家超市向右拐。 穿过第八大街,当看到一个邮局时,向右拐。能看见一座红色的房子,那就是我的家。 Dear Larry, I know you are arriving tomorrow.But I am sorry that … ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ I hope you have a good trip. Yours, Mike Unit 8 Is there a post office near here 同步 题一: 这儿附近有一个旅馆吗?是的, 有。在第五大街上。 _______________ near here? Yes, ___________________. It is _____________. 这儿附近有投币电话吗?是的,超市前面有一个。 ___________ pay phones near here? Yes, there is one ______________________. 超市在那儿?在银行的隔壁。 ________ the supermarket? It is ___________________ the bank. 机场在哪儿?在公园的对面。 Where ___________________? It’s ___________ the park. 图书馆在哪儿?它们在投币电话和邮局之间。 Where ________________? It is ______________ and ________________. 工作日,我喜欢在图书馆度过时光。 On weekdays, I like to ___________ ________. 题二: 这儿附近有一个花园吗?是的, 有。在第五大街上。 _______________ near here? Yes, ___________________. It is _____________. 这儿附近有邮局吗?是的,图书馆前面有一个。 ___________ post offices near here? Yes, there is one _____________________ _. 银行在那儿?在学校的隔壁。 ________ the bank? It is ___________________ the school. 图书馆在哪儿?在学校的对面。 Where ___________________? It’s ___________ the school. 邮局在哪儿?它们在投币电话和公园之间。 Where ________________? It is ______________ and ________________. 周日,我喜欢在电影院度过时光。 I like to _____________________ on Sunday. 题三: There _________ not ________ orange juice in the bottle. A. are; many B. are; much C. is; many D. is; much _____________ a library near here? A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have 题四: There _________ not ________ bread in the refrigerator. A. are; many B. are; much C. is; many D. is; much ___________ an apple tree over there? A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have 题五: __________ any books on the desk? A. There is B. There are C. Are there D. Is there There ________ a hotel and two restaurants on this street. A. are B. have C. is D. has We _____ a big family. ________ four people in my f amily. A. has; There is B. have; There are C. has; There are D. have; There is 题六: __________ a post office in your neighborhood ? A. There is B. There are C. Are there D. Is there There ________ some water in the glass. A. are B. have C. is D. has I ____ a fridge. _____ no milk in it. A. has; There is B. have; There are C. has; There are D. have; There is 题七: 完成对话 A: Excuse me. Is there a bank ______ the neighborhood? B: Yes, there is. Go _____ Six Ave nue and turn right. It’s ____ from the library. 题八: 完成对话 A: Where is the post office? B: Walk _____ the park to the next street. There is one ______ the supermarket and the library. Unit 9 What does he look like?练习一 1.询问及描述某人的外貌特征 问:What do/does + 主语 + look like? “……看上去什么样?”/ “……长什么样?” 答:主语 + be + 描述人物外貌特征的形容词。 主语 + have/has + 名词(名词前可有多个形容词修饰)。 1)What does your friend look like? 你朋友长什么样? He is short and thin. He has short, black hair.他又矮又瘦,留着短直发。 2)What do they look like? 他们长什么样? They’re of medium height. 他们中等身高。 3)What does he look like? 他长什么样? He is of medium build, and he has a big nose.他中等身材,大鼻子。 2. look like “看起来像……” He looks like his father. 他看起来像他的父亲。 3. hair 1) 指“头发,毛发”的总称,是不可数名词 He has long hair. 他留着长发。 2)指具体数量的“头发”,是可数名词 There are two hairs on the bed. 床上有两根头发。‘ 4. high(adj. 高的)----- height(n.高度) 5. popular 1) 通俗的 in popular language 用通俗的话 2)流行的 a popular song 流行歌曲 3)受欢迎的 a popular writer 受人欢迎的作家 6. a little bit, a little, a bit 1) 修饰形容词或副词时,三者可通用,但 a little bit 比后两者所表示的程度稍弱一点。 Today is a little bit / a little / a bit cold. 今天有点冷。 2)修饰不可数名词时,a little 直接跟不可数名词,a bit 需加 of 再跟不可数名词。 There is a little / a bit of water in the glass. 杯子里有点水。 3)a little 和 a bit 在否定句中意思恰恰相反。not a little 相当于 very “很,非常”,not a bit 相当于 not….at all“一点也不”。 ①He is not a little hungry. = He is very hungry. 他很饿。 ②He is not a bit hungry. = He isn’t hungry at all. 他一点也不饿。 7. tell a joke / jokes 说笑话 tell a story / stories 讲故事 tell a lie / lies 撒谎 8. She never stops talking. 她总是讲个不停。 stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”。指停止原来做的事情,去做另一件事情。 stop doing sth. “停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事情,即不做某事了。 1)He stops to do his homework. 他停下来开始做家庭作业。 He stops doing his homework. 他停止做家庭作业。 2)Class begins, please stop talking. 上课了,请不要说话。 3)We are all tired, stop to have a rest. 我们都累了,停下来休息一会儿吧。 9. like 喜欢 1)like sb. / sth.喜欢某人/某物 2) like to do sth.喜欢/想要做某事(表一次性或特指的某一具体的动作) 3) like doing sth喜欢做某事(表习惯性的动作或爱好) ①我喜欢每天打篮球。I like playing basketball every day. ②今天很冷,我喜欢呆在家里。Today is cold. I like to stay at home. 10. people, person, man 1) people: ①泛指“人,人们”,谓语动词用复数形式。 There are many people there. 那儿有许多人。 ②the people 常用来指“人民”。 We study hard for the people. 我们为人民而努力学习。 ③指“民族”是可数名词。 There’re 56 peoples in China. 中国有 56 个民族。 2) person“人;人物”,无性别之分,可指男人,也可指女人。常用于指数目不大,而且数目比较精确的“人”。 Everyone likes the honest person. 每个人都喜欢诚实的人。 There are only three persons in the room. 房间里只有三个人。 3)man: 指“男人”(复数形式为 men),也可指“人类”。 He is a man of few words. 他是个少言寡语的人。 Man has languages. 人类有语言。 11. glass 1) “眼镜”,常用复数 glasses. a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 2)“玻璃”,不可数名词。 3)“玻璃杯”,可数名词。 These glasses are made of glass. 这些玻璃杯是玻璃制成的。 12.beard (络腮)胡须,可数名词。 The old man has a beard. 这位老人满脸胡须。 13. remember/forget doing sth. 记得/忘记做过某事 (事情已做) remember/forget to do sth. 记得/忘记要去做某事 (事情还没做) 1)Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. 当你离开教室时,别忘了关灯。 There’re not any apples to have. Please remember to buy some. 没苹果吃了,请记得买一些。 2)I remember telling you about it. 我记得告诉过你这件事。 He forgot having this kind of fruit. 他忘记他吃过这种水果了。 14.Do you remember Jonny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? 你还记得约翰尼.迪安——那个戴着滑稽眼镜,留着长卷发的流行歌手吗? 1)the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair 是 Jonny Dean 的同位语,指的就是 Jonny Dean。 2)with funny glasses and long curly hair 是介词短语,修饰 the pop singer 介词短语作定语,放在它所修饰的名词之后。 The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是我的妹妹。 Do you know the boy under the tree? 你认识树下的那个男孩吗? 15. look 1) 看 Look! Tom is crying. 看,汤姆在哭。 Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。 2)看起来 He looks like his father. 他看起来像他的父亲。 3)外表,外貌 He has a new look. 他有了一个新形象。 16. no more, not….any more., no longer, not….any longer 1) no more = not….any more 表示数量和程度的“不再(增加)”,常修饰终止性动词。 We won’t go there any more.我们不再去那里了。 The baby watched and listened, and she cried no more.那个婴儿看着、听着,不再哭了。 2) no lo0nger = not….any longer 表示时间上“不再(延长)”,常修饰延续性动词。 He no longer lives here. 他不再住在这儿了。 You can’t stay here any longer.你不能再留在这儿了。 17. I don’t think he’s so great. I think + that从句,如果表示否定含义,常把否定词放在主句上,一般不在从句上进行否定,而译成汉 语时,则否定在从句上。这种现象叫否定前移。 I don’t think you are right. 我认为你不对。 18. nobody“没有人,没人”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Nobody knows me. 没有人认识我。 There’s nobody in the room.房里没有人。 19. 两个或两个以上形容词同时作定语的排列顺序: 限定词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格、数词等)+ 描述性形容词+大小、形状、 长短、高低 + 新旧、长幼 + 颜色 + 产地、材料、用途 + 被修饰名词 a small old yellow wooden table 一张黄色的旧木头小桌子 an expensive new Japanese sports car 一辆昂贵的新型的日本跑车 基础巩固 一、单项选择 (15 分) ( )1. --What ______ he ______ like? --He's tall and thin. A. is; look B. does; looks C. does; look D. is; looks ( )2. There is ______ hair on her head. A. a few B. a little C. few D. many ( )3. My father is a little fat. He loves ______ jokes. A. to tell B. tell C. to speak D. to say ( )4. She always ______ a red dress and white shoes. A. put on B. puts on C. in D. wears ( )5. Does he ______ a new look? A. has B. have C. with D. in ( )6. Please stop ______. It's time for meeting. A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. speaking ( )7. When you leave the room,please remember _____off(关掉)the light. A. turning B. turns C. to turn D. turned ( )8. She's a singer. She is good at ______. A. singing B. to sing C. sings D. sang ( )9. The young man ______ glasses is my teacher. A. wear B. wears C. put on D. with ( )10. He is new. Many people ______ him. A. doesn't know B. know C. don't know D. knows ( )11. I don't like country music,but my husband ______. A. do B. does C. did D. is ( )12. There ______ nobody in the room. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )13. We need a waiter,please write a wanted ad ______ a waiter. A. toB. for C. of D. in ( )14. I'm reading the dialogue ______ Unit 7. A. at B. about C. for D. in ( )15. She plays ______ every day. A. sport B. the sport C. sports D. the sports 二、 完形填空 (10 分) Look! This is a photo of our class. The man 16 a beard is our English teacher, Mr. Hu . He isn't young, but he isn't 17 . He is a tall man. He has a round 18 and black hair. The man 19 him is our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang . I think he is very clever because he has 20 hair. He likes 21 jokes. Do you know the man 22 black. He is our math teacher, Mr. Wu. He is good at 23 math. He sings 24 . That's 25 . There are fifty students in our class. We all like them. ( )16. A. on B. with C. in D. has ( )17. A. old B. fat C. beautiful D. heavy ( )18. A. eye B. nose C. hand D. face ( )19. A. with B. next C. beside D. after ( )20. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )21. A. telling B. saying C. talking D. speaking ( )22. A. in B. of C. in the D. wears ( )23. A. teach B. teaching C. to teach D. teaches ( )24. A. good B. much C. well D. best ( )25. A. strange B. happy C. relaxing D. surprising 三、 阅读理解 (30 分) A My father is tall and has short, gray hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames. But I just saw a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he's 15 years old. He's short and he has glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and it's really straight. He's wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word "Love". I'm 15 years old now. I'm tall and I have short hair. My hair isn't yellow, it's blue. My dad thinks it's strange, but my friends think it's great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. They're so cool! I have an earring in one ear, too. Dad really can't understand that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them. ( )26. What kind of glasses did Father wear when he was fifteen years old? He wore ______. A. glasses with heavy, black frames B. long and yellow glasses C. glasses with bright red frames D. glasses with small, round frames ( )27. What color is my hair? It's ______. A. yellow B. blue C. gray D. red ( )28. What do I like to wear? I like to wear ______. A. blue jeans and a T-shirt B. yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word "love" C. big and baggy pants and long T-shirts D. blue jeans and an earring ( )29. What's on my father's T-shirt? A.The word "love". B.Heavy and black frames. C.Pictures of rock bands. D.An earring. ( )30. Who has an earring in one ear? A. My dad does. B. I do. C. My father does. D. My Friends do. B What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from birds. When they see birds fly high out to the sea, they know it is a nice day, because birds don't like to fly out when it will rain. When the weather will be bad, the birds come back to the beach. A big wind may come with a rain. Birds do not like to fly in a big wind. They may sit in a tree when rain is coming. Other animals can also tell the weather. It's a cloudy day. The rain is coming. Chickens(小鸡) aren't quiet, and they are running here and there. Frogs(青蛙) are making big noise in the pool. If it is a nice day, the frogs will come out of the water. ( )31. What's the best title(题目) for the passage(短文)? A. Weather B. Birds C. Sea D. Rain ( )32. How many kinds of animals can we find in the passage? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ( )33. We can play beach soccer when birds ______. A. fly in the sky B. come back C. play on the beach D. B and C ( )34. When there is rain, frogs are not ______. A. in the pool B. out of the water C. making a big noise D. swimming in the water ( )35. What does the underlined(划线的) word "tell" mean in the article(文章)? A. 告诉 B. 判断 C. 说 D. 谈话 C An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old. She cannot run fast, and she can not bite(咬). One day the old cat sees a mouse. She jumps and catches the mouse. But she cannot bite it. So the mouse gets out of her mouth and run away. Then the old woman is very angry(生气), because the cat cannot kill(杀死) the mouse. She begins to beat(打) the cat. The cat says to her, "Don't beat your old servant (佣人). Don't be hard on the old. When they are young, they can do good work" ( )36. The old woman has . A. an old cat B. a young cat C. an old rat D. a mouse ( )37. The cat cannot run fast and . A. beat B. bite C. eat D. play ( )38. One day, the cat catches . A. a bird B. a mouse C. a dog D. a servant ( )39. The old man is angry, because the cat . A. eats too much B. cannot bite a mouse C. plays with a mouse D. cannot work for her ( )40. The cat says to the old man . A. to let the mouse go away B. not to be hard on the old C. to find another cat D. not to be nice to it 四、 词汇运用 (20 分) (一) 单词拼写(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 5 分) 根据句意和首字母提示,将单词的正确形式写在题中相应的横线上。 41.My little brother loves telling jokes and he never stops t 42.Her father is really tall and h and her uncle is short and thin. 43. The Chinese boy has short, s hair. 44.He looks very cool when he w his sunglasses. 45. Do you know the woman w long, blond, curly hair? (二) 综合填空(共 10 小题, 每小题 1.5 分; 满分 15 分) 根据短文意思,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空 (其中两个多余选项)。 happy, thin, his old friends, playing chess, wear glasses, straight, read newspaper, health, read, white My grandfather is seventy years old, but he is still 46 . He is tall and 47 . His hair is short, 48 and 49 . He likes 50 . Every morning he gets up very early and then 51 .When he reads, he often 52 . He also likes 53 , too. He often plays it with 54 . He is very 55 . 五、口语交际 (10 分) 请将方框中合适的句子序号填入对话空格中。 A.She has long blonde, curly hair. B.She’s from America. C.I think I know her. D.Yes,she does.And she can speak a little Chinese. E.Yes,that’s her. A: I hear(听说) you have a new friend. B: Yes. 56 A: What does she look like? B: 57 A: Is she tall? B: Yes. She’s tall and thin. A: Does she often wear glasses? B: 58 A: 59 She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants. B: 60 She’s Betty. 六、书面表达 (15 分) Name: Li Lei Age:14 Likes: basketball, swimming, drawing, music Favorite star: Michael Jordan Favorite food: fish and chips Appearance: short and straight hair, big eyes, medium, height Wants: a basketball player I have a good friend, ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 9 What does he look like?练习二 1.询问及描述某人的外貌特征 问:What do/does + 主语 + look like? “……看上去什么样?”/ “……长什么样?” 答:主语 + be + 描述人物外貌特征的形容词。 主语 + have/has + 名词(名词前可有多个形容词修饰)。 1)What does your friend look like? 你朋友长什么样? He is short and thin. He has short, black hair.他又矮又瘦,留着短直发。 2)What do they look like? 他们长什么样? They’re of medium height. 他们中等身高。 3)What does he look like? 他长什么样? He is of medium build, and he has a big nose.他中等身材,大鼻子。 2. look like “看起来像……” He looks like his father. 他看起来像他的父亲。 6. a little bit, a little, a bit 1) 修饰形容词或副词时,三者可通用,但 a little bit 比后两者所表示的程度稍弱一点。 Today is a little bit / a little / a bit cold. 今天有点冷。 2)修饰不可数名词时,a little 直接跟不可数名词,a bit 需加 of 再跟不可数名词。 There is a little / a bit of water in the glass. 杯子里有点水。 3)a little 和 a bit 在否定句中意思恰恰相反。not a little 相当于 very “很,非常”,not a bit 相当于 not….at all“一点也不”。 ①He is not a little hungry. = He is very hungry. 他很饿。 ②He is not a bit hungry. = He isn’t hungry at all. 他一点也不饿。 7. tell a joke / jokes 说笑话 tell a story / stories 讲故事 tell a lie / lies 撒谎 8. She never stops talking. 她总是讲个不停。 stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”。指停止原来做的事情,去做另一件事情。 stop doing sth. “停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事情,即不做某事了。 1)He stops to do his homework. 他停下来开始做家庭作业。 He stops doing his homework. 他停止做家庭作业。 2)Class begins, please stop talking. 上课了,请不要说话。 3)We are all tired, stop to have a rest. 我们都累了,停下来休息一会儿吧。 13. remember/forget doing sth. 记得/忘记做过某事 (事情已做) remember/forget to do sth. 记得/忘记要去做某事 (事情还没做) 16. no more, not….any more., no longer, not….any longer 1) no more = not….any more 表示数量和程度的“不再(增加)”,常修饰终止性动词。 We won’t go there any more.我们不再去那里了。 The baby watched and listened, and she cried no more.那个婴儿看着、听着,不再哭了。 2) no lo0nger = not….any longer 表示时间上“不再(延长)”,常修饰延续性动词。 He no longer lives here. 他不再住在这儿了。 You can’t stay here any longer.你不能再留在这儿了。 基础巩固 一、单项选择 (15 分) ( )1. --What ______ he ______ like? --He's tall and thin. A. is; look B. does; looks C. does; look D. is; looks ( )2. There is ______ hair on her head. A. a few B. a little C. few D. many ( )3. My father is a little fat. He loves ______ jokes. A. to tell B. tell C. to speak D. to say ( )4. She always ______ a red dress and white shoes. A. put on B. puts on C. in D. wears ( )5. Does he ______ a new look? A. has B. have C. with D. in ( )6. Please stop ______. It's time for meeting. A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. speaking ( )7. When you leave the room,please remember _____off(关掉)the light. A. turning B. turns C. to turn D. turned ( )8. She's a singer. She is good at ______. A. singing B. to sing C. sings D. sang ( )9. The young man ______ glasses is my teacher. A. wear B. wears C. put on D. with ( )10. He is new. Many people ______ him. A. doesn't know B. know C. don't know D. knows ( )11. I don't like country music,but my husband ______. A. do B. does C. did D. is ( )12. There ______ nobody in the room. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )13. We need a waiter,please write a wanted ad ______ a waiter. A. toB. for C. of D. in ( )14. I'm reading the dialogue ______ Unit 7. A. at B. about C. for D. in ( )15. She plays ______ every day. A. sport B. the sport C. sports D. the sports 二、 完形填空 (10 分) Look! This is a photo of our class. The man 16 a beard is our English teacher, Mr. Hu . He isn't young, but he isn't 17 . He is a tall man. He has a round 18 and black hair. The man 19 him is our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang . I think he is very clever because he has 20 hair. He likes 21 jokes. Do you know the man 22 black. He is our math teacher, Mr. Wu. He is good at 23 math. He sings 24 . That's 25 . There are fifty students in our class. We all like them. ( )16. A. on B. with C. in D. has ( )17. A. old B. fat C. beautiful D. heavy ( )18. A. eye B. nose C. hand D. face ( )19. A. with B. next C. beside D. after ( )20. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )21. A. telling B. saying C. talking D. speaking ( )22. A. in B. of C. in the D. wears ( )23. A. teach B. teaching C. to teach D. teaches ( )24. A. good B. much C. well D. best ( )25. A. strange B. happy C. relaxing D. surprising 三、 阅读理解 (30 分) A My father is tall and has short, gray hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames. But I just saw a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he's 15 years old. He's short and he has glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and it's really straight. He's wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word "Love". I'm 15 years old now. I'm tall and I have short hair. My hair isn't yellow, it's blue. My dad thinks it's strange, but my friends think it's great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. They're so cool! I have an earring in one ear, too. Dad really can't understand that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them. ( )26. What kind of glasses did Father wear when he was fifteen years old? He wore ______. A. glasses with heavy, black frames B. long and yellow glasses C. glasses with bright red frames D. glasses with small, round frames ( )27. What color is my hair? It's ______. A. yellow B. blue C. gray D. red ( )28. What do I like to wear? I like to wear ______. A. blue jeans and a T-shirt B. yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word "love" C. big and baggy pants and long T-shirts D. blue jeans and an earring ( )29. What's on my father's T-shirt? A.The word "love". B.Heavy and black frames. C.Pictures of rock bands. D.An earring. ( )30. Who has an earring in one ear? A. My dad does. B. I do. C. My father does. D. My Friends do. B What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from birds. When they see birds fly high out to the sea, they know it is a nice day, because birds don't like to fly out when it will rain. When the weather will be bad, the birds come back to the beach. A big wind may come with a rain. Birds do not like to fly in a big wind. They may sit in a tree when rain is coming. Other animals can also tell the weather. It's a cloudy day. The rain is coming. Chickens(小鸡) aren't quiet, and they are running here and there. Frogs(青蛙) are making big noise in the pool. If it is a nice day, the frogs will come out of the water. ()31. What's the best title(题目) for the passage(短文)? A. Weather B. Birds C. Sea D. Rain ( )32. How many kinds of animals can we find in the passage? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ( )33. We can play beach soccer when birds ______. A. fly in the sky B. come back C. play on the beach D. B and C ( )34. When there is rain, frogs are not ______. A. in the pool B. out of the water C. making a big noise D. swimming in the water ( )35. What does the underlined(划线的) word "tell" mean in the article(文章)? A. 告诉 B. 判断 C. 说 D. 谈话 C An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old. She cannot run fast, and she can not bite(咬). One day the old cat sees a mouse. She jumps and catches the mouse. But she cannot bite it. So the mouse gets out of her mouth and run away. Then the old woman is very angry(生气), because the cat cannot kill(杀死) the mouse. She begins to beat(打) the cat. The cat says to her, "Don't beat your old servant (佣人). Don't be hard on the old. When they are young, they can do good work" ( )36. The old woman has . A. an old cat B. a young cat C. an old rat D. a mouse ( )37. The cat cannot run fast and . A. beat B. bite C. eat D. play ( )38. One day, the cat catches . A. a bird B. a mouse C. a dog D. a servant ( )39. The old man is angry, because the cat . A. eats too much B. cannot bite a mouse C. plays with a mouse D. cannot work for her ( )40. The cat says to the old man . A. to let the mouse go away B. not to be hard on the old C. to find another cat D. not to be nice to it 四、 词汇运用 (20 分) (一) 单词拼写(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 5 分) 根据句意和首字母提示,将单词的正确形式写在题中相应的横线上。 41.My little brother loves telling jokes and he never stops t____. 42.Her father is really tall and h______ and her uncle is short and thin. 43. The Chinese boy has short, s______ hair. 44.He looks very cool when he w______ his sunglasses. 45. Do you know the woman w______ long, blond, curly hair? (二) 综合填空(共 10 小题, 每小题 1.5 分; 满分 15 分) 根据短文意思,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空 (其中两个多余选项)。 happy, thin, his old friends, playing chess, wear glasses, straight, read newspaper, health, read, white My grandfather is seventy years old, but he is still 46_____. He is tall and 47______. His hair is short, 48_____ and 49______. He likes 50_____. Every morning he gets up very early and then 51______.When he reads, he often 52_____. He also likes 53______, too. He often plays it with 54______. He is very 55_____. 五、口语交际 (10 分) 请将方框中合适的句子序号填入对话空格中。 A.She has long blonde, curly hair. B.She’s from America. C.I think I know her. D.Yes,she does.And she can speak a little Chinese. E.Yes,that’s her. A: I hear(听说) you have a new friend. B: Yes. 56 A: What does she look like? B: 57 A: Is she tall? B: Yes. She’s tall and thin. A: Does she often wear glasses? B: 58 A: 59 She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants. B: 60 She’s Betty. 六、书面表达 (15 分) Name: Li Lei Age:14 Likes: basketball, swimming, drawing, music Favorite star: Michael Jordan Favorite food: fish and chips Appearance: short and straight hair, big eyes, medium, height Wants: a basketball player I have a good friend, ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 9 What does he look like?同步 题一: 首字母填空 Lucy l____ like her mother. The Chinese boy has short and s______ hair. Her mother is h____ and she wants to be thin. She is of medium b_____. 题二: What does the dreamer look _____? The Pop singer is really cool. He has long s____ hair. I want to be thin. I’m a little bit h_____. The singer is of m____ build. 题三: 单词适当形式填空。 He always wears _______(glass). He like reading and ________(play) chess. Wang Lin ______(not have) curly brown hair. He is of medium ______(high). 题四: 单词适当形式填空。 What does your friend _____(look) like? Jay Chou is a good ______.(sing) Nick often _____(put) his pen in box. There are three ____(person) in my family. 题五: 1. 你哥哥长什么样? 他个子矮,卷发。 ___________ your brother _____? He is _________ and he has _________hair. 2. 他们打算今晚去看音乐会。 They are ______________________. 3. 在教室前面有一棵树。 There is a tree ____________. 4. 他长得高还是矮? 他不高,不矮,中等身高。 Is he __________? He is __________. He is __________. 5. 你朋友长什么样?他直头发,戴眼镜。 What ____________? He has __________ and ________. 6. 请告诉我你妹妹的长相。 Please _________ what ______________. 题六: 1. 你叔叔长什么样? 他个子高,短直发。 ___________ your uncle _____? He is _________ and he has _________hair. 2. 我们打算这周日去野餐。 We are ______________________. 3. 超市前面有一个公用电话。 There is a pay phone ____________. 4. 那个歌手长得胖还是瘦? 他不胖,不瘦,中等身材。 Is he __________? He is __________. He is ___________. 5. 你笔友长什么样?他棕发,戴眼镜。 What ____________? He has_______ and ________. 6. 请描述你弟弟的长相。 Please _________ what ______________. Unit 10 I’d like some noodles练习一 1. would like“想要”,相当于 want, 用法亦同 want,但比 want 委婉。 1)want/would like sth. 想要某物 I’d like some noodles 2)want/would like to do sth. 想要做某事 I’d like to play the piano 我想要弹钢琴。 3)want/would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 I would like him to help me. 我想要他帮助我。 4)What would sb. like? 某人想要什么? What would they like? They would like some noodles. 他们想要什么? 他们想要一些面条。 5)What would sb. like to do? 某人想要做什么? What would they like to have? They would like to have some noodles. 他们想要吃什么? 他们想要吃一些面条。 6)would you like sth. 你想要某物吗?(委婉地询问对方的要求时的用语) 肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks. Would you like some more food? 你想再要些食物吗? Yes, please. 想要,谢谢。 No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 7) Would you like to do sth?你想要/愿意做某事吗?(向对方有礼貌地提出建议或邀请) 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 是的,我愿意。 否定回答:Sorry, + 原因。 Would you like to go shopping with us? 你想要/愿意和我们一起去购物吗? Yes, I’d like/love to. 是的,我愿意。 Sorry, I have a lot of homework to do. 2. noodle “面条”,可数名词,复数 noodles。 3.What kind of….would you like?你想要那种……? What kind of noodles would you like?你想要那种面条? Beef and tomato noodles, please. kind 1)种类 ①a kind of....一种......②many kinds of....多种.....③all kinds of....各种各样的...... 2)仁慈的,和蔼的,好意的,友爱的 ①He is a kind man. ②He is kind to everyone.他与人为善。 ③It’s very kind of you to help me. 3)kind of + adj/adv 稍微/有几分……(相当于 a little) He is kind of /a little shy. 4. special 1) n. 特色/价商品,可数名词。 2)adj. 特殊的,特别的,专门的 Today is a special day. 今天是个特别的日子。 5. What size…..“多大……” ①What size bowl of noodles would he like? 他想要多大碗的面条? He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.他想要一个小/中/大碗的面条。 ②What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号的鞋? I wear size 40. 我穿 42 码的鞋。 6. fish 鱼;鱼肉 1)指多少条“鱼”,为可数名词。复数:fish 或 fishes,通常用复数 fish. 2) 指多少种“鱼”, 为可数名词。复数: fishes 3)指“鱼肉”,为不可数名词。 There’re hundreds of fish in the pool. 在这水池里有几百条鱼。 There’re all kinds of fishes in the lake. 这个湖里有各种各样的鱼。 Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼。 7. 英语中表示食物的一些词的特殊用法 1)beef, fish, chicken, pork, meat, mutton 等表示肉类的食物,是不可数名词。 2)vegetable 蔬菜,可数名词 3)fruit, salad, ice cream, food等指总称时是不可数名词,指种类时是可数名词。 4)cabbage, onion, fish, chicken指食物时是不可数名词,指植物和活着的“鱼”“鸡”时是可数名词。 基础巩固 I.单项选择(15 分) ( ) 1. ----Would you like green tea ____ juice ? ---- I don’t like green tea ____ juice. A. and , and B. or , or C. and , or D. or , and ( ) 2. ---- Would you like _____ tea with ice in it ? --- Yes , I ______ . A. any , would B. some, would C. any , will D. some , will ( ) 3. The noodles with orange juice ____ only $ 1.5. A. is B. are C. for D. with ( ) 4. ---How many _____ would you like ?--- Two , please . A. cup of tea B. cups of tea C. cup of tea D. cups of teas ( ) 5. Some chicken _____ in the bowl . And some ____ are in the garden. A. is , chicken B. are , chicken C. is , chickens D. are, chickens ( ) 6. He’d like some _____ noodles . A. onions and mutton B. onions and muttons C. onion and muttons D. onion and mutton ( ) 7. ---Would you like some ice cream , Vera? ---- ______ . It’s my favorite . A. No, I’m not thirsty . B. No, thanks . C. Yes , I do . D. Yes , please . ( ) 8. I’d like ____ some rice and fish for supper. A. eat B. eats C. eating D. to eat ( ) 9. There’s some _____ on the table . A. milk B. onion C. tomato D. potato ( ) 10. --- What size of shoes would you like ? --- I’d like ____ ones . A. black B. blue C. a medium D. large ( ) 11. --- What’s your aunt’s ______? ---It’s No. 18 Fifth Avenue. A. number B. address C. name D. age ( ) 12. -----________ ? ---- I’d like to buy a pair of shoes for my daughter . A. Excuse me . B. I’m hungry . C. Can I help you D. Can you help me? ( ) 13. ______ meat would your brother want ? A. How B. How many C. How much D. What ( ) 14. My brother likes potatoes . He ______ likes hamburgers . A. too B. also C. other D. others ( ) 15. What _____ food would you like , Mary ? A. kind B. kind of C. kind for D. of kind II. 完形填空(10 分) People in different 1 like to eat different food . 2 kind of food do people in the UK 3 to eat ? Fish and fried 4 chips(条) are very 5 in the UK. Sometimes people 6 them at home , but they usually go to a fast food 7 to buy them. They can have them 8 the restaurant or 9 them away home. Sometimes , they 10 like to eat them in a park. ( ) 1. A. country B. countries C. city ( ) 2. A. Who B. When C. What ( ) 3. A. would like B. like C. likes ( ) 4. A. potato B. potatoes C. potatoes ( ) 5. A. cheap B. large C. popular ( ) 6. A. cooking B. cook C. cooks ( ) 7. A. restaurant B. library C. supermarket ( ) 8. A. in B. on C. under ( ) 9. A. get B. bring C. take ( ) 10. A. and B. also C. too III. 阅读理解(30 分) A. In many English homes , people eat four meals a day: breakfast , lunch , afternoon tea and dinner . People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge , eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast . Lunch comes at one o’clock . Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven . First they have soup. Then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things , like bananas , apples , or oranges . But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast , dinner , tea and supper and all these meals are very simple. ( ) 1. Many English people have _____ meals a day. A. two B. three C. four D. three or four ( ) 2. People may have their breakfast ______ . A. before seven B. at any time C. after seven D. at any time from seven to nine ( ) 3. Tea comes _____ . A. at one B. after supper C. before supper D. at any time ( ) 4. English people don’t have _____ for dinner. A. porridge B. meat or fish C. bananas or apples D. soup or meat ( ) 5. _____ of English people have their meals in the middle of the day. A. Few B. Some C. Most D. LotsB. ( ) 6. If you want to buy a small bowl of mutton and carrots noodles and two large bowls of chicken and cabbage noodles , you can pay(花费)______ . A. RMB 24 B. RMB 13 C. RMB 21 D. RMB 18 ( ) 7. If you go to the house of noodles , you can buy a medium bowl of _____ noodles. A. beef and carrots B. beef and potatoes C. chicken and eggs D. mutton and cabbage ( ) 8. If you have only RMB 3, you can buy ______ at lunch time. A. rice, cabbage and tomatoes B. beef ,carrots and rice C. dumplings and soup D. dumplings and tomatoes ( ) 9. If you want to have some dessert , you can _____. A. go to the house of noodles B. get a lunch special C. go to the dessert house D. go from the dessert house ( ) 10. In the dessert house , you can also buy _____ . A. juice and milk B. juice and tea C. dumplings D. noodles House of Noodles We have three size bowl of noodles , small , medium and large . A small bowl of mutton and carrots noodles is RMB 5. A medium bowl of beef and potatoes noodles is RMB 7. A large bowl of chicken and cabbage noodles is RMB 8. Welcome to our house. Dessert House What kind of dessert would you like ? We have 2 great new specials: 1. Apple, strawberry and ice cream. 2. Banana, orange and ice cream. And what size of dessert would you like ?Small, medium and large? And we also have juice and tea. C. Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hot food . Japanese like to eat fish. Often they don’t cook it . In England , the most popular kinds of food are fish and chips. But the world’s most popular food may be American fast food. In New York , Moscow, Paris and even in some big cities in China , you can find people eating hamburgers and chips . Chinese food is also very popular in the world . Why ? It has different tastes and is usually very delicious . Dumplings are the best . 根据短文,完成表格。 Favorite food Eating place 1._________________________________ In New York Dumplings 2._______________ Uncooked fish(鱼生) 3.________________ 4.________________________________ In India 5.________________________________ In England IV. 用所给词的适当形式填空:(10 分) 1. He _______ like to sit here. ( would) 2. How many __________ of bread do you have ? ( piece) 3. She sometimes _________ coffee at home. ( drink ) 4. I would like you _________ to my house . ( come ) 5. They have different ______ of tea. ( kind ) 6. We want to buy some ________ . ( tomato ) 7. We have some great ________ . (special ) 8. How about _______ some beef ? ( have ) 9. I’d like a glass of orange j_______ . 10. I’d like a small b______ of beef noodles. V. 完成句子,每空一词。(25 分) 1. 他想要多大碗的面条? ______________ bowl of noodles _____ he ______ ? 2. 我想要牛肉土豆面。I’d like _______ and _________ noodles. 3. 他想要一份中号碗的面条。He’d like ______________ bowl ______ noodles . 4. 你想要那种甜点?_______________________ would you like ? 5. 我们也有橙汁和绿茶。We ____________ orange juice and ____________ . 6. I’d like to have some porridge and onions.(改为否定句) I _______ like to have any porridge _______ onions . 7. She wants to eat dumplings.(改为同义句) She _____________ to eat dumplings. 8. Can I help you ? (同义句) ______ can I do ______ you ? 9. We have beef noodles . (改为一般疑问句) ___________ have beef noodles? VI. 书面表达(10 分) Mr Green Mrs Green Mike Nancy Favorite food rice bread hamburgers pizza Favorite drink tea coffee apple juice milk 不同的人有不同的饮食习惯,请你根据上面表格,介绍一下格林一家人的饮食情况。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 10 I’d like some noodles练习二 1. would like“想要”,相当于 want, 用法亦同 want,但比 want 委婉。 1)want/would like sth. 想要某物 I’d like some noodles 2)want/would like to do sth. 想要做某事 I’d like to play the piano 我想要弹钢琴。 3)want/would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 I would like him to help me. 我想要他帮助我。 6)would you like sth. 你想要某物吗?(委婉地询问对方的要求时的用语) 肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks. 7) Would you like to do sth?你想要/愿意做某事吗?(向对方有礼貌地提出建议或邀请) 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 是的,我愿意。 否定回答:Sorry, + 原因。 Would you like to go shopping with us? 你想要/愿意和我们一起去购物吗? Yes, I’d like/love to. 是的,我愿意。 Sorry, I have a lot of homework to do. 2. noodle “面条”,可数名词,复数 noodles。 3.What kind of….would you like?你想要那种……? kind 1)种类 ①a kind of....一种......②many kinds of....多种.....③all kinds of....各种各样的...... 2)仁慈的,和蔼的,好意的,友爱的 ①He is a kind man. ②He is kind to everyone.他与人为善。 ③It’s very kind of you to help me. 3)kind of + adj/adv 稍微/有几分……(相当于 a little) He is kind of /a little shy. 5. What size…..“多大……” ①What size bowl of noodles would he like? 他想要多大碗的面条? He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.他想要一个小/中/大碗的面条。 ②What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号的鞋? I wear size 40. 我穿 42 码的鞋。 6. fish 鱼;鱼肉 1)指多少条“鱼”,为可数名词。复数:fish 或 fishes,通常用复数 fish. 2) 指多少种“鱼”, 为可数名词。复数: fishes 3)指“鱼肉”,为不可数名词。 There’re hundreds of fish in the pool. 在这水池里有几百条鱼。 There’re all kinds of fishes in the lake. 这个湖里有各种各样的鱼。 Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼。 7. 英语中表示食物的一些词的特殊用法 1)beef, fish, chicken, pork, meat, mutton 等表示肉类的食物,是不可数名词。 2)vegetable 蔬菜,可数名词 3)fruit, salad, ice cream, food等指总称时是不可数名词,指种类时是可数名词。 4)cabbage, onion, fish, chicken指食物时是不可数名词,指植物和活着的“鱼”“鸡”时是可数名词。 基础巩固 I.单项选择(15 分) ( ) 1. ----Would you like green tea ____ juice ? ---- I don’t like green tea ____ juice. A. and , and B. or , or C. and , or D. or , and ( ) 2. ---- Would you like _____ tea with ice in it ? --- Yes , I ______ . A. any , would B. some, would C. any , will D. some , will ( ) 3. The noodles with orange juice ____ only $ 1.5. A. is B. are C. for D. with ( ) 4. ---How many _____ would you like ?--- Two , please . A. cup of tea B. cups of tea C. cup of tea D. cups of teas ( ) 5. Some chicken _____ in the bowl . And some ____ are in the garden. A. is , chicken B. are , chicken C. is , chickens D. are, chickens ( ) 6. He’d like some _____ noodles . A. onions and mutton B. onions and muttons C. onion and muttons D. onion and mutton ( ) 7. ---Would you like some ice cream , Vera? ---- ______ . It’s my favorite . A. No, I’m not thirsty . B. No, thanks . C. Yes , I do . D. Yes , please . ( ) 8. I’d like ____ some rice and fish for supper. A. eat B. eats C. eating D. to eat ( ) 9. There’s some _____ on the table . A. milk B. onion C. tomato D. potato ( ) 10. --- What size of shoes would you like ? --- I’d like ____ ones . A. black B. blue C. a medium D. large ( ) 11. --- What’s your aunt’s ______? ---It’s No. 18 Fifth Avenue. A. number B. address C. name D. age ( ) 12. -----________ ? ---- I’d like to buy a pair of shoes for my daughter . A. Excuse me . B. I’m hungry . C. Can I help you D. Can you help me? ( ) 13. ______ meat would your brother want ? A. How B. How many C. How much D. What ( ) 14. My brother likes potatoes . He ______ likes hamburgers . A. too B. also C. other D. others ( ) 15. What _____ food would you like , Mary ? A. kind B. kind of C. kind for D. of kind II. 完形填空(10 分) People in different 1 like to eat different food . 2 kind of food do people in the UK 3 to eat ? Fish and fried 4 chips(条) are very 5 in the UK. Sometimes people 6 them at home , but they usually go to a fast food 7 to buy them. They can have them 8 the restaurant or 9 them away home. Sometimes , they 10 like to eat them in a park. ( ) 1. A. country B. countries C. city ( ) 2. A. Who B. When C. What ( ) 3. A. would like B. like C. likes ( ) 4. A. potato B. potatoes C. potatoes ( ) 5. A. cheap B. large C. popular ( ) 6. A. cooking B. cook C. cooks ( ) 7. A. restaurant B. library C. supermarket ( ) 8. A. in B. on C. under ( ) 9. A. get B. bring C. take ( ) 10. A. and B. also C. too III. 阅读理解(30 分) A. In many English homes , people eat four meals a day: breakfast , lunch , afternoon tea and dinner . People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge , eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast . Lunch comes at one o’clock . Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven . First they have soup. Then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things , like bananas , apples , or oranges . But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast , dinner , tea and supper and all these meals are very simple. ( ) 1. Many English people have _____ meals a day. A. two B. three C. four D. three or four ( ) 2. People may have their breakfast ______ . A. before seven B. at any time C. after seven D. at any time from seven to nine ( ) 3. Tea comes _____ . A. at one B. after supper C. before supper D. at any time ( ) 4. English people don’t have _____ for dinner. A. porridge B. meat or fish C. bananas or apples D. soup or meat ( ) 5. _____ of English people have their meals in the middle of the day. A. Few B. Some C. Most D. Lots B Lunch Special We have some great specials . The cabbage tomatoes and rice lunch special is RMB 3. The beef , carrots and rice lunch special is RMB 5. The dumplings and soup lunch special is RMB 8. Time : 11: 00 a.m. ----2:00 p.m. House of Noodles We have three size bowl of noodles , small , medium and large . A small bowl of mutton and carrots noodles is RMB 5. A medium bowl of beef and potatoes noodles is RMB 7. A large bowl of chicken and cabbage noodles is RMB 8. Welcome to our house. Dessert House What kind of dessert would you like ? We have 2 great new specials: 1. Apple, strawberry and ice cream. 2. Banana, orange and ice cream. And what size of dessert would you like ?Small, medium and large? And we also have juice and tea. ( ) 6. If you want to buy a small bowl of mutton and carrots noodles and two large bowls of chicken and cabbage noodles , you can pay(花费)______ . A. RMB 24 B. RMB 13 C. RMB 21 D. RMB 18 ( ) 7. If you go to the house of noodles , you can buy a medium bowl of _____ noodles. A. beef and carrots B. beef and potatoes C. chicken and eggs D. mutton and cabbage ( ) 8. If you have only RMB 3, you can buy ______ at lunch time. A. rice, cabbage and tomatoes B. beef ,carrots and rice C. dumplings and soup D. dumplings and tomatoes ( ) 9. If you want to have some dessert , you can _____. A. go to the house of noodles B. get a lunch special C. go to the dessert house D. go from the dessert house ( ) 10. In the dessert house , you can also buy _____ . A. juice and milk B. juice and tea C. dumplings D. noodles C. Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hot food . Japanese like to eat fish. Often they don’t cook it . In England , the most popular kinds of food are fish and chips. But the world’s most popular food may be American fast food. In New York , Moscow, Paris and even in some big cities in China , you can find people eating hamburgers and chips . Chinese food is also very popular in the world . Why ? It has different tastes and is usually very delicious . Dumplings are the best . 根据短文,完成表格。 Favorite food Eating place 1._________________________________ In New York Dumplings 2._______________ Uncooked fish(鱼生) 3.________________ 4.________________________________ In India 5.________________________________ In England IV. 用所给词的适当形式填空:(10 分) 1. He _______ like to sit here. ( would) 2. How many __________ of bread do you have ? ( piece) 3. She sometimes _________ coffee at home. ( drink ) 4. I would like you _________ to my house . ( come ) 5. They have different ______ of tea. ( kind ) 6. We want to buy some ________ . ( tomato ) 7. We have some great ________ . (special ) 8. How about _______ some beef ? ( have ) 9. I’d like a glass of orange j_______ . 10. I’d like a small b______ of beef noodles. V. 完成句子,每空一词。(25 分) 1. 他想要多大碗的面条? _______ _______ bowl of noodles _____ he ______ ? 2. 我想要牛肉土豆面。I’d like _______ and _________ noodles. 3. 他想要一份中号碗的面条。He’d like _______ _______ bowl ______ noodles . 4. 你想要那种甜点?_____ ______ _______ _______ would you like ? 5. 我们也有橙汁和绿茶。We ______ ______ orange juice and ______ _______ . 6. I’d like to have some porridge and onions.(改为否定句) I _______ like to have any porridge _______ onions . 7. She wants to eat dumplings.(改为同义句) She ______ _______ to eat dumplings. 8. Can I help you ? (同义句) ______ can I do ______ you ? 9. We have beef noodles . (改为一般疑问句) _____ ______ have beef noodles? VI. 书面表达(10 分) Mr Green Mrs Green Mike Nancy Favorite food rice bread hamburgers pizza Favorite drink tea coffee apple juice milk 不同的人有不同的饮食习惯,请你根据上面表格,介绍一下格林一家人的饮食情况。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 10 I'd like some noodles同步 题一:I’d like an _____________. A. milk B. fruit C. banana D. apple I want to have ________ ice-cream and _______ chocolate. A. some; an B. some; a C. some; some D. any; any 题二:She would like some _____. A. banana B. beef C. grape D. pear I’m thirsty. Please give me ______ water or ____ orange juice. A. some; an B. some; a C. some; some D. any; any 题三:--Would you like some ________? --OK. A. apple B. bread C. pear D. beefs The fridge is empty. There is _____ food left. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 题四:--Would you like some ________? --Yes, just one. A. apples B. bread C. pear D. beefs There is _____ meat left, please buy some. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 题五:There _________ some coffee, a piece of bread and an apple. A. is B. are C. has D. have There _________ a few toys, two story books in the drawer. A. is B. are C. has D. have 题六:There _________ a little milk, two eggs and some fruit in the fridge. A. is B. are C. has D. have There _________ two books, a pen and a phone in my bag. A. is B. are C. has D. have 题七:用所给词的适当形式填空。 I’d like ________(have) beef and tomato noodles. Would you like _______(some) green tea? There ______(be) a bottle of milk. I have a piece of ________(bread). I’d like something ________(drink). 题八:用所给词的适当形式填空。 She would like ________(have) some rice. Would you like _______(some) orange juice? There ______(be) some beef here. I ha ve a basket of ________(apple). They would like something ________(eat). 题九:挑挑看:哪里错啦? What kind of soups would you like? Would you like any water? I’d like have some chocolate. She’d like a medium bowl of meats. I’d like some tomatoes noodles. 题十:挑挑看:哪里错啦? What kind of drink would you like? Would you like any rice? He would like have some carrots. We would like a large bowl of noodle. He would like some eggs noodles. 题十一:选一选:你答对了吗? I’d like some ______. A. muttons B. carrot C. tomato D. noodles There is some _______ in the bowl. A. carrots B. dumplings C. beef D. apples 题十二:选一选:你答对了吗? He would like some ______. A. coffee B. apple C. noodle D. onion There is some _______ in the plate. A. tomatoes B. chicken C. potato D. porks 题十三:选一选:你答对了吗? - - _________ size do you need? --Large. A. Why B. What C. When D. How Would you like _______ with me? A. go shopping B. to go shopping C. going shopping D. to go shop 题十四:选一选:你答对了吗? ---_____ size bowl of noodles would your father like? ---He’d like a large bowl. A. Why B. What C. When D. How Would you like _______ with us? A. climbing mountains B. climb mountains C. to climbing mountains D. to climb mountains 题十五:选一选:你答对了吗? He doesn’t like beef ___ carrots. A. or B. and C. but D. with I’d like tomato noodles _______ eggs. A. in B. with C. on D. at 题十六:选一选:你答对了吗? ---Would you like a hamburger _____ a hot dog? ---A hot dog. A. or B. and C. but D. with I’d like some noodles ______ some beef and potatoes. A. in B. with C. on D. at 题十七: sentences 他们想要什么种类的面条? What _______ _______ noodles ________ they ______? 我想要一大碗鸡肉卷心菜面。 I ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of ___ and ___ noodles. 你想要多大号的鞋子? ___ ___ ___ would you like? 您要土豆吗? 不用,谢谢。 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___? ___, ___. 西红柿鸡蛋面里有一些牛肉吗? 没有。 --- ___ ___ __ ___ in the___ ___ ____ ___? --- No, there _____ _____. 他们的观点可能是不同的,但目的是相同的。 Their opinions ___ ___ different, but their purposes are ___ ___. 题十八: sentences 你想要什么种类的饮品? What _______ _______ drinks ________ you ______? 我想吃羊肉土豆面条。 I’d like ___ and ___ noodles . 你想要多大份的饺子? ___ ___ ___ would you like? 您要牛奶吗? 不用,谢谢。 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___? ___, ___. 西红柿土豆面里有一些羊肉吗? 没有。 --- ___ ___ __ ___ in the___ ___ ____ ___? --- No, there _____ _____. 他们的礼物可能是不同的,但愿望是相同的。 Their gifts ___ ___ different, but their wishes are ___ ___. Unit 11 How was your school trip?练习一 重点语法:一般过去时态 结构:主语 + 谓语动词的过去式 + 宾语 谈论过去发生的事情用一般过去时态 do/does 的一般过去时态形式:did 例句:Last week I visited my aunt's house.(上个星期我去我姑姑家玩了。)She lives in California.(她住在加利福 尼亚州。)The weather was beautiful.(那儿的天气很好。)I went swimming.(我去游泳了。) 重点短语: hang out 闲逛 sleep late 睡过头 take photos = take pictures 照相 at the end of 在……的尽头 have a great time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 the class monitor 班长 a day off 一整天 go for a drive 开车兜风 have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快 a bowl of 一碗 help sb. [to] do sth. 帮助某人做某事 一些不规则动词的原形和过去式:hang → hung buy → bought sleep → slept read/ri:d/ → read/red/ 单元检测 一.翻译下列词组(15分): 1.昨天下午_________ 2.前天_________ 3.昨晚_________ 4.上个月_________ 5.去年夏天_________ 6.看录像_________ 7.整天_________ 8.开车兜风_________ 9.获得奖金_________ 10.买纪念品_________ 11.拍照 12.看一些海豹 13.搞庭院出售活动 14.on my next day off 15.hung out with her friends 二.选择填空(25分) 1.Were there ____________ sharks? A. some B. any C. a lot 2.What ____________ did you do? A. other B. else C. others 3.—Were you at home yesterday? —____________. A. Yes, I were. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I was. 4. — Did they take any photos? —____________. A. No, they didn't B. No, they did C. No, they aren't 5.My mother ____________ some cakes for us last night. A. makes B. maked C. made 6. After two hours the children got to the hill, tired ___ happy. A. and B. but C. although D. however 7. Which team _________ the game yesterday? A. took B. wanted C. visited D. won 8. _______ did you spend your vocation last summer? A. When B. Who C. Where D. What 9. I went out and ________ in the river. A. swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swim 10. The music sounds _______, I like it very much. A. good B. well C. bad D. beautifully 11. I ____ late ______ class yesterday morning. A. was, for B. was, to C. am, for D. am, to 12.-_______ did they play games? -For two hours. A. What time B. When C. How long D. How often 13. Tomorrow I have a day off, so I want to _______. A. take a class B. hang out with my friends C. takes a class D. hangs out with my friends 14. Class 4 went to the _____ to see some sharks. A. cinema B. aquarium C. park D. movie 15.-When did you go to bed last night? -About 11 o’clock. I _______. A. slept early B. slept late C. got up early D. get up early 16. ---Were there any seals in the zoo? ---________. A. Yes, there weren't B. No, there weren't C. Yes, there were. D. Yes, there was. 17. What _______he do on his last school trip? A. does B. did C. is D. was 18. After I my homework, I went out to an aquarium. A. was doing B. did C. does D. would do 19. We any sharks on my last school trip. A. saw B. didn’t saw C. didn’t see D. see 20. He finished the composition early last night. A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote 21. I felt a little tired the end of the day. A. by B. in C. at D. on 22. _______the sharks exciting? A. Did B. Does C. Was D. Were 23.Finally, __________, we took the bus back to school. A. tired and happy B. exciting but happy C. tired but happy D. tiring and happy 24.Did you buy________ in the supermarket? A. something B. everything C. anything D. some thing 25.-How did you like your last day off? -I it very much. A. like B. liked C. likes D. will like 三.词汇 (15分) 1.Last Sunday I brought a ____________(纪念品) from Japan. 2.We saw many fish and sharks in the ____________(水族馆). 3.The students ____________(have) a school trip yesterday. 4.Where ____________ (be)he last night? 5.They ____________(visit) Chicago last year. 6.Last Sunday, she met her favorite singer and got his ______________(亲笔签名). 7. We saw many fish and sharks in the ____________(水族馆). 8. Last Sunday I brought a ____________(纪念品) from Japan. 9.A:What _______ did you do there?(别的) B: We took some photos. 10.Which team _________ the game, Class One or Class Two(获胜)? 11.We went to the Great Wall and h__________ a great time. 12.She got lots of g_________ on her fourteenth birthday. 13.A: What about going out for a d__________? B: Sorry, I just feel like going out for a walk. 14.Kids like o_________ activities very much . 15.There were many v________ on vacation in our Yue qing. 四.句型转换 (10分) 1.I watch TV every evening.(用过去时改写) I ____________ TV yesterday evening. 2.It was a fine day yesterday.(对划线部分提问) ________________________ the ____________ yesterday? 3.He did his homework last night.(改为否定句) He ________________________ his homework last night. 4.I was in the supermarket yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问) ________________________ you yesterday afternoon? 5.I saw some seals(海豹).(改为一般疑问句) ____________ you ________________________ seals? 五.补全对话:(10 分) Kevin: So, Tina, what 1 did you do? Tina: You won’t believe it, but I met Jake Dean! Kevin: Jack Dean, the famous actor? You really 2 him? Tina: Yes! He is making 3 movie at the aquarium. Kevin: Wow. Did you get his autograph? Tina: 4 , I didn’t. Laura did. But I took his photo. 5 it is. Kevin: Wow. 6 there other actors there? Tina: No. We 7 saw Jake. Look, here’s Toby. He 8 a prize in the 9 Shop. Kevin: Did you win that hat? Tina: No, I didn’t. I bought 10 . 六完形填空(10 分) Henry is a little fatter(胖 ) than(比 ) he wants to be. He 41 to lose some weight(减肥 ). So he is on the diet(节食).He tries not to eat too 42 and he eats very little meat because it will make him 43 . He also does exercise every 44 . He swims very often, 45 he runs about two kilometers (公里)a day. Now he is 46 than before. Henry's sister, Susan, is healthier than Henry. 47 is also younger and thinner (更年轻 更瘦 )than he. She does 48 every day, too. She doesn't 49 much eat. But she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables because she thinks 10 are better for her health. 31. A. wants B. likes C. goes D.want 32. A. many B. less C. much D. more 33. A. sick B. fat C .thin D .happy 34. A. day B. week C. month D. year 35. A. or B. either C .but D. and 36. A. fatter B. shorter C. stronger D. longer 37. A. His B. He C. Her D. She 38. A. exercise B. homework C. shopping D. housework 39. A. drink B. buy C. eat D. cook 40. A. that B. they C. what D. them 七阅读理解(5 分) John lived in a big city with his wife and his two children. One Sunday afternoon, John took his yellow motorbike (摩托车) out of the room and was washing it when one of his friends came here. The friend stopped and looked at the motorbike for a minute. Then John turned his face back and saw him. The friend asked John, "That's a nice motorbike. Is it yours?" "Sometimes," John answered. The friend was surprised. "Sometimes? What do you mean? " John told the friend slowly, "When there's a party in the city, my daughter Rose uses(使用)it. When there's a basketball game, it comes to my son Mike. When I wash it, and it looks really nice and clean, my wife uses it and goes shopping. When it needs gas (汽油), it's mine." 66. John lived in a _______. A. big city B. school C. big town D. village 67. John's motorbike was _______. A. white B. yellow C. blue D. red 68. One Sunday afternoon, John was ______. A. watching TV B. reading C. washing his motorbike D. having a rest 69. When there was a party in the city, _____ used the motorbike. A. Tom B. Mike C. John's wife D. Rose 70. There were ______ people in John's family. A. three B. six C. five D. four 八作文 Jenny 随父母搬到一个陌生的城市,在生活和学习上都遇到了困难,心情很不好。请你以她好朋友 Mingming 的名义写信安慰她,并提出有益的建议,让她重拾快乐。80 词左右。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 11 How was your school trip?练习二 重点短语: hang out 闲逛 sleep late 睡过头 take photos = take pictures 照相 at the end of 在……的尽头 have a great time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 the class monitor 班长 a day off 一整天 go for a drive 开车兜风 have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快 a bowl of 一碗 help sb. [to] do sth. 帮助某人做某事 一些不规则动词的原形和过去式:hang → hung buy → bought sleep → slept read/ri:d/ → read/red/ 二.选择填空(25 分) 1.Were there ____________ sharks? A.some B. any C. a lot 2.What ____________ did you do? A.other B. else C. others 3.—Were you at home yesterday? —____________. A.Yes,I were. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I was. 4. — Did they take any photos? —____________. A.No,they didn't B. No, they did C. No, they aren't 5.My mother ____________ some cakes for us last night. A. makes B. maked C. made 6. After two hours the children got to the hill, tired ___ happy. A. and B. but C. although D. however 7. Which team _________ the game yesterday? A. took B. wanted C. visited D. won 8. _______ did you spend your vocation last summer? A. When B. Who C. Where D. What 9. I went out and ________ in the river. A. swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swim 10. The music sounds _______, I like it very much. A. good B. well C. bad D. beautifully 11. I ____ late ______ class yesterday morning A. was, for B. was, to C. am, for D. am, to 12.-_______ did they pla-For two hours. A. What time B. When C. How long D. How often 13. Tomorrow I have a day off, so I want to _______. A. take a class B. hang out with my friends C. takes a class D. hangs out with my friends 14. Class 4 went to the _____ to see some sharks. A. cinema B. aquarium C. park D. movie 15.-When did you go to bed last night? -About 11 o’clock. I _______. A. slept early B. slept late C. got up early D. get up early 16. ---Were there any seals in the zoo? ---________. A. Yes, there weren't B. No, there weren't C. Yes, there were. D. Yes, there was. 17. What _______he do on his last school trip? A. does B. did C. is D. was 18. After I my homework, I went out to an aquarium. A. was doing B. did C. does D. would do 19. We any sharks on my last school trip. A. saw B. didn’t saw C. didn’t see D. see 20. He finished the composition early last night. A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote 21. I felt a little tired the end of the day. A. by B. in C. at D. on 22. _______the sharks exciting? A. Did B. Does C. Was D. Were 23.Finally, __________, we took the bus back to school. A. tired and happy B. exciting but happy C. tired but happy D. tiring and happy 24.Did you buy________ in the supermarket? A. something B. everything C. anything D. some thing 25.-How did you like your last day off? -I it very much. A. like B. liked C. likes D. will like 三.词汇 (15 分) 1.Last Sunday I brought a ____________(纪念品) from Japan. 2.We saw many fish and sharks in the ____________(水族馆). 3.The students ____________(have) a school trip yesterday. 4.Where ____________ (be)he last night? 5.They ____________(visit) Chicago last year. 6.Last Sunday, she met her favorite singer and got his ______________(亲笔签名). 7. We saw many fish and sharks in the ____________(水族馆). 8. Last Sunday I brought a ____________(纪念品) from Japan. 9.A:What _______ did you do there?(别的) B: We took some photos. 10.Which team _________ the game, Class One or Class Two(获胜)? 11.We went to the Great Wall and h__________ a great time. 12.She got lots of g_________ on her fourteenth birthday. 13.A: What about going out for a d__________ ? B: Sorry, I just feel like going out for a walk. 14.Kids like o_________ activities very much . 15.There were many v________ on vacation in our Yue qing. 四.句型转换 (10 分) 1.I watch TV every evening.(用过去时改写) I ____________ TV yesterday evening. 2.It was a fine day yesterday.(对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________ the ____________ yesterday? 3.He did his homework last night.(改为否定句) He ____________ ____________ his homework last night. 4.I was in the supermarket yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________ you yesterday afternoon? 5.I saw some seals(海豹).(改为一般疑问句) ____________ you ____________ ____________ seals? 五.补全对话:(10 分) Kevin: So, Tina, what 1 did you do? Tina: You won’t believe it, but I met Jake Dean! Kevin: Jack Dean, the famous actor? You really 2 him? Tina: Yes! He is making 3 movie at the aquarium. Kevin: Wow. Did you get his autograph? Tina: 4 , I didn’t. Laura did. But I took his photo. 5 it is. Kevin: Wow. 6 there other actors there? Tina: No. We 7 saw Jake. Look, here’s Toby. He 8 a prize in the 9 Shop. Kevin: Did you win that hat? Tina: No, I didn’t. I bought 10 六完形填空(10 分) Henry is a little fatter(胖 ) than(比 ) he wants to be. He 41 to lose some weight(减肥 ). So he is on the diet(节食).He tries not to eat too 42 and he eats very little meat because it will make him 43 . He also does exercise every 44 . He swims very often, 45 he runs about two kilometers (公里)a day. Now he is 46 than before. Henry's sister, Susan, is healthier than Henry. 47 is also younger and thinner (更年轻 更瘦 )than he. She does 48 every day, too. She doesn't 49 much eat. But she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables because she thinks 10 are better for her health. 31. A. wants B. likes C. goes D.want 32. A. many B. less C. much D. more 33. A. sick B. fat C .thin D .happy 34. A. day B. week C. month D. year 35. A. or B. either C .but D. and 36. A. fatter B. shorter C. stronger D. longer 37. A. His B. He C. Her D. She 38. A. exercise B. homework C. shopping D. housework 39. A. drink B. buy C. eat D. cook 40. A. that B. they C. what D. them 七阅读理解(5 分) John lived in a big city with his wife and his two children. One Sunday afternoon, John took his yellow motorbike (摩托车) out of the room and was washing it when one of his friends came here. The friend stopped and looked at the motorbike for a minute. Then John turned his face back and saw him. The friend asked John, "That's a nice motorbike. Is it yours?" "Sometimes," John answered. The friend was surprised. "Sometimes? What do you mean?" John told the friend slowly, "When there's a party in the city, my daughter Rose uses(使用)it. When there's a basketball game, it comes to my son Mike. When I wash it, and it looks really nice and clean, my wife uses it and goes shopping. When it needs gas (汽油), it's mine." 66. John lived in a _______. A. big city B. school C. big town D. village 67. John's motorbike was _______. A. white B. yellow C. blue D. red 68. One Sunday afternoon, John was ______. A. watching TV B. reading C. washing his motorbike D. having a rest 69. When there was a party in the city, _____ used the motorbike. A. Tom B. Mike C. John's wife D. Rose 70. There were ______ people in John's family. A. three B. six C. five D. four 八作文 Jenny 随父母搬到一个陌生的城市,在生活和学习上都遇到了困难,心情很不好。请你以她好朋友 Mingming 的名义写信安慰她,并提出有益的建议,让她重拾快乐。80 词左右。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 11 How was your school trip?同步 题一: 挑一挑: 看看哪里有错误? We visitted our grandparents last week. I buyed some apples in the shop last night. Who feeded the chicken yesterday? Did he went to the beach with you? He doed some reading last night. 题二: 挑一挑:看看哪里有错误? How were your weekend? I plaied tennies last weekend. I seed Sally in London. China joinned the WTO in 2001. Did she listened carefully yesterday? 题三: A: I went to the zoo this weekend. B: Really? How _____ the weekend? A: It ______ great! B: What ______ you _____ there? A: I _______ the monkeys. A: _______ you _______ a nice weekend? B: Yes, I did. 题四: A: Where did you _____ last night? B: I ___ to the movies. A: ______ there many people in the cinema? B: Yes, most of ____ were young people. A: ____ was your night? B : It ____ great! 题五: Last week, Mike ____ (have) a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he ____ (clean) his room. In the afternoon, he __ _(do) his homework. It ___ _(be) very easy, so it ____ (take) him only h alf an hour. In the evening, he __ _(visit) his friends, and he __ _(have) a good suppe r that evening. 题六: Last Sunday, I __ _(get) up at 6:30 and ___ _(take) exercise for half an hour. After breakfast, I __ _ (begin) reading English and Chinese. In the afternoo n, I ___ _(go) swimming. In the evening, I __ _(watch) TV. I ____ (have) a good time. Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?练习一 一般过去时(past tenses):定义:表示过去某时间的动作或状态。 结构:“主语+动词的过去式” 1.规则动词的过去式: 1)一般情况在动词原形后加-ed 2)以不发音 e 结尾的加-d 3)以辅音加 y 结尾的,去 y 变 i 加-ed 4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed watch---watched practice---practiced study---studied stop---stopped 2.不规则动词的过去式: am,is-was are-were have,has-had do-did write-wrote go-went 1) want - wanted 2)live--lived 3) study – studied • clean – cleaned dance – danced play – played turn ______ taste _______ stay _______ happen ______ waste _______ cry ________ • wish _________ agree _______ marry _______ • 4)stop—stopped plan______ • 你知道下列动词的过去式吗?do ______ go ______ have _____ is_____ see_____ sit______ read______ 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.We ______ (live) in Japan last year 1. Jack________ (stop) the car last Sunday 1.Tom _______ (clean) my room and _______(study) for the Chinese test last weekend. 4.What ______ you ______(do) last night? 5.On Sunday morning I _______(play) tennis. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.What (do) your father do last Monday? 2.Tom (study) English last night. 3.They (go) to the park last Saturday afternoon. 4.We ( have) a class meeting last Tuesday afternoon. 5.He (watch) TV over the weekend. 6.Lily (swim) last Sunday. 7.The boys (visit) his uncle last Friday. Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?练习二 一般过去时(past tenses):定义:表示过去某时间的动作或状态。 结构:“主语+动词的过去式” 1.规则动词的过去式: 1)一般情况在动词原形后加-ed 2)以不发音 e 结尾的加-d 3)以辅音加 y 结尾的,去 y 变 i 加-ed 4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed watch---watched practice---practiced study---studied stop---stopped 1) want - wanted 2)live--lived 3) study – studied clean – cleaned dance – danced play – played turn ______ taste _______ stay _______ happen ______ waste _______ cry ________ wish _________ agree _______ marry _______ 4)stop—stopped plan______ 你知道下列动词的过去式吗? do ______ go ______ have _____ is_____ see_____ sit______ read______ 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 We ______ (live) in Japan last year Jack________ (stop) the car last Sunday Tom _______ (clean) my room and _______(study) for the Chinese test last weekend. 4.What ______ you ______(do) last night? 5.On Sunday morning I _______(play) tennis. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.What (do) your father do last Monday? 2.Tom (study) English last night. 3.They (go) to the park last Saturday afternoon. 4.We ( have) a class meeting last Tuesday afternoon. 5.He (watch) TV over the weekend. 6.Lily (swim) last Sunday. 7.The boys (visit) his uncle last Friday. Unit 12 What did you do last weekend同步 题一: One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein met an old friend of his on a street in New York. “Mr Einstein,” said the friend, “ It seems that you need to put on a new overcoat. Look, how worn-out it is!” “It doesn’t matter,” answered Albert Einstein. “No one knows me here in New York.” Several years later they met in New York again. Einstein had been a world-famous physicist after then but he still wore the same old overcoat. Once more his friend persuaded him to buy a new one. “There is no need now,” said Einstein, “Everybody here has known me.” 根据短文内容,回答问题。 1. Where did Albert Einstein meet an old friend of his? 2. What did the friend want him to buy? 3. How about Einstein’s overcoat? 4. Did Einstein still wear the same old overcoat when he became a world-famous physicist? 5. What did Einstein say when the friend persuade once more him to buy a new overcoat? 题二: Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago. She has already written several successful computer games. They are so popular that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business, and she is still at school. She gets up early in the morning, and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfast. Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough. She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interested. She usually gets ‘A’ grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help. She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer, writing games until 2 am. She does not usually need so much sleep as other children. 根据短文内容,回答问题。 1. When did Wendy Wong start the business? 2. What has Wendy Wong already written successful? 3. How does Wendy Wong go to school every day? 4. How about her grades in all her subjects? 5. How long can she finish her homework? 题三: How ______ the weather here last Wednesday? A. was B. were C. is D. are --Where ____ you ____ last Sunday? -- We went to the zoo. A. have; went B. had; went C. do; go D. did; go 题四: ---How ______ your trip to Hangzhou, Jim? ---Great! A. was B. were C. is D. are ---When ____ you ____ the Science Museum? ---Three months ago. A. did; visit B. had; visi t C. did; visited D. do; visit 题五: Paul and I ______ tennis yesterday. He did much better than I. A. play B. are playing C. played D. will play The last time I ____ to the cinema was two years ago. A. go B. have gone C. have been D. went 题六: They ____ many interesting animals in the zoo last weekend. A. see B. are seeing C. will see D. saw She _____ at home last night. A. don’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t stay D. didn’t stayed 题七: Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had __1__ money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy __2__ and had pity on him and lent some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and __3__ all his lessons. When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work. Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon. The young man __4__ and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at cooking and he cooked __5__ for her. So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk. And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart. H er husband wasn’t at home and she had to go to __6__ at once. The doctors looked her over and told her __7__ eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these. She was afraid __8__ the doctor’s words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. When she got home, she put the list on the table and __9__. When she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy __10__ there. As soon as he saw her, he said happily, “I’ve bought all the food you like, dear!” 1. A. no B. some C. much D. enough 2. A. lazy B. clever C. careful D. hard 3. A. did well in B. was poor at C. was working D. was good for 4. A. was angry B. thought hard C. agreed D. said “No.” 5. A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot 6. A. rest B. sleep C. hospital D. work 7. A. should B. would C. to D. not to 8. A. to remember B. to forget C. to catch D. to teach 9. A. slept B. went out C. cooked D. ate 10. A. reading B. seeing C. cooking D. writing 题八: It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn(小旅馆) and wanted to stay there for the night. After he had gone to his room, the owner 1 to his wife, “Look at his bag. Ther e 2 much100 money in it. Let’s 3 when he’s asleep, 4 ?” “No, no,” said the woman. “He must look 5 his bag tomorrow morning. If he can’t find it, he’ll telephone the police.” They thought for 6 minutes. Then the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass. Why 7 some forgetful grass into his food? If he 8 the food, he will forget 9 his bag away. The old man had the food 10 the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up, he found the door 11 and the old man had left with the bag. He woke his wife up and said to her 12 , “What a fool(傻瓜)! You forgetful grass isn’t 13 at all.” “No, I don’t think so. He must forget 14 ,” his wife said. “Oh! I remember now!” cried out the man suddenly. “He forgot to 15 for the night.” 1. A. sa id B. says C. say D. had said 2. A. must have B .must be C. may have D. can be 3. A. take it away B. to take it away C. take away it D. to take away it 4. A. don’t youB. won’t you C. will you D. shall we 5. A. at B. like C. for D. after 6. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 7. A. not put B. not to put C. not putting D. don’t put 8. A. has B. will have C. is having D. is going to have 9. A. taking B. to take C. bringing D. to bring 10. A. in B. of C. with D. from 11. A. open B. opens C. opening D. to open 12. A. quickly B. happily C. angrily D. politely 13. A. strong B. important C. delicious D. useful 14. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 15. A. cost B. stay C. pay D. spend 七年级下册重点语法 一. 词汇 ⑴ 单词 1. 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of 1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如: in our class 在我们班上 in my bag 在我的书包里 in the desk 在桌子里 in the classroom 在教室里 2). on 表示"在……上"。例如: on the wall 在墙上 on the desk 在桌子上 on the blackboard 在黑板上 3). under表示"在……下"。例如: under the tree 在树下 under the chair 在椅子下 under the bed 在床下 4). behind表示"在……后面"。例如: behind the door 在门后 behind the tree 在树后 5). near表示"在……附近"。例如: near the teacher's desk 在讲桌附近 near the bed 在床附近 6). at表示"在……处"。例如: at school 在学校 at home 在家 at the door 在门口 7). of 表示"……的"。例如: a picture of our classroom 我们教室的一幅画 a map of China 一张中国地图 2. 冠词 a / an / the: 冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词 有两个形式,即 a和 an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如 a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如 an apple. a或 an与可数名词单数连用,泛指某类人或某物中的一个。 This is a cat. 这是一只猫。 It's an English book. 这是一本英语书。 His father is a worker. 他的爸爸是个工人。 the既可以用在可数名词前,也可以用在不可数名词前,表示某个或某些特定的人或事物,也可以指上文 提到过的人或事物。 Who's the boy in the hat? 戴帽子的男孩是谁呀? ------ What can you see in the classroom? ------ I can see a bag. ------ Where's the bag? ------ It's on the desk. ------- 你能在教室里看到什么呀? ------ 我能看见一个书包。 ------ 书包在哪呀? ------ 在桌子上。 3.some 和 any ①在肯定句中用 some.例如: There are some books on the desk.桌子上有一些书。 Lucy has some good books露西有一些好书。 ②在疑问句和否定句中用 any。例如: Is there any ink in your pen?你的钢笔里有墨水吗? Do you have any brothers and sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗? There isn't any water in the glass.杯子里没有水。 ⑵记住它们的特殊用法。 ①some亦可用于表示盼望得到对方肯定的答复或表示建议、委婉请求的疑问句中,这一点我们不久就会学 到。例如: Would you like to have some apples?你想吃苹果吗? ②any也可用于肯定句中,表示"任何的"。例如: Any one of us can do this.我们当中任何一个都能做这个。 some 和 any的用法是经常出现的考点,希望大家能准确地掌握它们的用法。 4.family family看作为一个整体时,意思是"家庭",后面的谓语动词 be用单数形式 is ;如把 family看作为家庭成 员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词 be应用 are。 My family is a big family. 我的家庭是个大家庭。 My family are all at home now. 我的家人现在都在家。 Family强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。home指个人出生、被抚养长大的环境和居 住地点。 house指"家"、"房屋",侧重居住的建筑本身。 His family are all workers. 他的家人都是工人。 My home is in Beijing. 我的家在北京。 He isn't at home now. 他现在不在家。 It's a picture of my family. 这是一张我全家的照片。 5. little的用法 a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个小男孩。little常用来修饰有生命的名词。 *但 little还可表示否定意义,意为"少的",加不可数名词。 There is little time. 几乎没时间了。 There is little water in the cup. 杯中水很少。 ⑵ 词组 on the desk 在桌子上 behind the chair 在椅子后 under the chair 在椅子下面 in her pencil-box 在她的铅笔盒中 near the door 在门附近 a picture of a classroom 一个教室的图片 look at the picture 看这张图片 the teacher's desk 讲桌 a map of China 一张中国地图 family tree 家谱 have a seat 坐下,就坐 this way 这边走 二. 日常用语 1. Come and meet my family. 2. Go and see. I think it's Li Lei. 3. Glad to meet you. 4. What can you see in the picture? I can see a clock / some books. 5. Can you see an orange? Yes, I can. / No, I can't. 6. Where's Shenzhen? It's near Hong Kong. 7. Let me see.(口语)让我想想看。 see 在这是"明白、懂了",不可译作"看见"。例如: 8. Please have a seat. seat表示"座位",是个名词。have a seat表示"就坐",也可以说 take a seat, 和 sit down的意思相同。 三. 语法 1. 名词所有格 名词如要表示与后面名词的所有关系,通常用名词所有格的形式,意为"……的"。一般有以下几种形式: (1). 一般情况下在词尾加"'s"。例如: Kate's father Kate的爸爸 my mother's friend 我妈妈的朋友 (2). 如果复数名词以 s结尾,只加“'”。例如: Teachers' Day 教师节 The boys' game 男孩们的游戏 (3). 如果复数名词不以 s结尾,仍加"'s"。例如: Children's Day 儿童节 Women's Day 妇女节 (4). 表示两个或几个共有时,所有格应加在后一个名词上。例如: Lucy and Lily's room Lucy 和 Lily的房间 Kate and Jim's father Kate 和 Jim的爸爸 动物和无生命事物的名词的所有格一般不在词尾加"'s",而常常用介词 of的短语来表示。 a map of China 一幅中国地图 the name of her cat 她的猫的名字 a picture of my family 我的家庭的一张照片 the door of the bedroom 卧室的门 2. 祈使句 祈使句主要用来表示说话人的请求、命令、建议、叮嘱等意图。祈使句一般不用主语,读时用降调。为使 语气委婉、礼貌,常在句首或句尾加 please 。在句尾时,please前多用逗号。 (1). 祈使句肯定形式的谓语动词一律用动词原形。 Go and see. 去看看。 Come in, please. 请进。 (2). 祈使句的否定形式常用 don't于句首。 Don't look at your books. 不要看书。 Don't play on the road. 不要在马路上玩。 3. There be 的句子结构 There be是一个"存在"句型,表示"有"的意思, 肯定句的形式为:There be + 名词(单数或复数)+地点状语或时间状语。 be动词单复数的确定,看 be后边第一个名词,当所接主语为单数或不可数名词时,be动词形式为 is;当 所接主语为复数名词时,be动词为 are;当 be动词后接两个以上主语时,be动词与最临近主语保持数上的 一致。意思为"某地有某人或某物"。如: There is an eraser and two pens on the desk. 桌子上有一块橡皮和两支钢笔。 There are two pens and an eraser on the desk. 桌上有两支钢笔和一块橡皮。 (1)there be的否定句,即在 be的后面加上 not。 否定形式为:There be + not + (any) + 名词+地点状语。 There is not any cat in the room. 房间里没猫。 There aren't any books on the desk. 桌子上没书。 (2)there be句型的疑问句就是将 be提到句首:Be there + (any) +名词+地点状语?肯定回答:Yes, there is / are. 否定回答:No, there isn't / aren't. ---Is there a dog in the picture? 画上有一只狗吗? ---Yes, there is. 有。 ---Are there any boats in the river? 河里有船吗? ---No, there aren't. 没有。 (3)特殊疑问句:How many . . . are there (+地点状语)?"某地有多少人或物?"回答用 There be . . . There's one. / There are two / three / some . . . 有时直接就用数字来回答。One. / Two . . . ---How many students are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少学生? ---There's only one. / There are nine. 只有一个。/有九个。 (4)如果名词是不可数名词,用:How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语? How much water is there in the cup? 杯中有多少水? How much food is there in the bowl? 碗里有多少食物? 期中测试一 第Ⅰ卷(共 100 分) 一、听力部分(共 30 分) 第一节:情景反应。(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。 1.Is your brother watching TV or listening to music? 2. What time do they do their homework? 3.What’s the weather like in Toronto? 4.How does Mr. Brown go to work every day? 5.Why do you like pandas? 6.How is it going? ( )1. A. No, he isn’t. B. Watching TV. C. Yes, he does. ( )2. A. In the evening. B. At half past six. C. It’s forty five ( )3. A. It’s rainy. B. It’s great. C. It’s far. ( )4. A. On feet. B. By a bus. C. By bike. ( )5. A. Because they are cute. B. They’re not smart. C. Because I love dogs. ( )6. A. Not bad. B. It’s cold. C. Yes, she is. 第二节:对话理解。(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。 7. W: Where is Helen? M: She is in her room. W: What is she doing? M: She is playing chess with her brother. Q: What’s Helen doing now? 8. W: Can you dance, Eric? M: Yes, I can dance well. W: Then you can join a dancing club. M: I can sing, too. I want to join a music club. Q: What club does Eric want to join? 9. W: Do you like sports? M: Yes, I usually play sports for 2 hours every day. Q: How many hours does the boy play sports every day? 10. W: Do you like cats? M: No, I like dogs. Because dogs are friendly and clever. Q: Does the man like cats? 11. W: Do you walk to school, Peter? M: No. I ride a bike to school. Q: Does Peter walk to school? 12. W: Hello, Bob. This is Helen in Boston. M: Hello, Helen. How’s it going? W: Pretty good. M: How’s the weather there? W: It’s Sunny. Q: How’s the weather in Boston? ( ) 7. A. Helen is watching TV. B .Helen is singing. C. Helen is playing chess. ( ) 8. A. A sports club. B.A music club. C.A dancing club. ( ) 9. A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. ( )10. A. No, he doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. He likes dogs. ( )11. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. Sorry, I don't know. ( )12. A. It’s cloudy. B. It’s cold. C. It’s sunny. 第三节:短文理解。(第小题 1.5 分,共 12 分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。 听下面一篇短文,完成 13 至 16 题。 (A) It’s Sunday morning. There are many people in the park. Look! Some boys are playing soccer. Some girls are under a big tree. They’re singing and dancing. A man is playing the guitar near a tree. Look at the woman in the red jacket. She is my mother. She is talking to Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei is a student. He’s a good student. My mother likes him very much. ( )13.There are ______ in the park. A. some children B. many people C. many students ( )14._______ are playing soccer. A. Some boys B. Some girls C. Three teachers ( )15.A man is playing the guitar_________. A. under the big tree B. near a tree C. in the school ( )16.Who is talking to Zhang Lei? A. Mrs. Black B. Mr. Green C. My mother. 听下面一篇短文,完成 17 至 20 题。 (B) Amy has so many rules in her home. She has to do her homework after school. She can’t go out on school nights. She has to do the dishes after dinner, then she can watch TV for half an hour. She likes reading, so she often reads for 20 minutes every evening. She has to go to bed before 10 o’clock because she has to get up early the next morning. She joins a music club. She has to practice her guitar every day. ( )17. Amy can’t go out _________. A. after school B. before 10:00 C. on school nights ( )18. Amy has to __________ after dinner. A. do her homework B. do the dishes C. go to bed ( )19. Amy can watch TV for _________. A. half an hour B. twenty minutes C. ten o’clock ( )20. Amy has to practice_______ every day. A. the guitar B. reading C. doing the dishes 二、单项选择题(每题 1 分,共 20 分) ( )21.I can only watch TV for half _____ hour every evening. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )22. I want to join the _______ club. I can _______ well. A. swim , swim B. swimming , swim C. swim , swims D. swimming, swims ( )23. As a __________ boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. But he is not afraid. A. seven years old B. seven-year-old C. seven-years-old D. seven-years old ( )24.---____ don’t your parents go with you? ----- Because they are busy working. A.Why B.What C. Where D.When ( )25. It’s not good for us _____ late for class. We should be on time. A. to be B. arrive C. be D. arrive to ( )26.There ____________ a pen and two books near here. A.has B.have C.are D.is ( )27.The students are __________ books in the classroom. A.reading B.looking at C.watching D.seeing ( )28. Listen! Kate _____ at the moment. Oh., she often________ A. is singing ; is singing. B. sings; sings. C. is singing ; sings D. is sing; sings ( )29. It takes_______one hour ________his homework. A. he; do B. him; do C. him; to do D. his; to do ( )30. He goes to school_________his bike. A. by B. in C. with D . on ( )31. - I hear you run for half an hour every day. - Right, we have to. It is one of the ________ in our school. A.rules B.plan C.habit D.rule ( )32. It’s raining today, so we ________ stay at home and watch TV. A. have to B. must C. need D. could ( )33. Don’t ________. We are doing our homework. A. talking B. to walk C. talk D. talked ( )34. The panda is ________ animal. It’s ________ cute. A. a kind of ; a kind of B. kind of ; kind of C. kind of ; a kind of D. a kind of ; kind of ( )35.——_________is it from your home to the shopping mall? -----About ten kilometers. A .How long B How far C How soon D. How much ( )36.What do you think____this new computer game? A . of B with C for D. over ( )37.The vegetables_________. I like to eat them. A tastes well B tastes good C taste well D taste good ( )38. Laura's home is 10 kilometers __________ the school. A. far B. far from C. away from D. away ( )39. Susan has to practice ______ the violin every night. A. plays B. to play C. playing D. play ( )40. ---The weather is great, Let’s play basketball! ---_______. A. Yes,we do B. That sounds good C. Thanks D. No, it isn’t. 三、完形填空. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将 其序号填入题前括号内。(每题 2 分,共 20 分) Sam Scott and his sister Ann are students. Sam 41 school by bus, and Ann does, too. Some of 42 _ walk to school. Sam and Ann 43 at 4:00 in the afternoon. They do 44 homework before dinner, and they watch CCTV news after dinner. They usually 45 early. Sam and Ann 46 three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have breakfast at home. 47 _ they have lunch 48 school. They eat dinner at home. Mr. Scott 49 from 50 at five and Mrs. Scott serves(服务;端上) dinner at six. ( ) 41. A. go to B. go to the C. goes to D. goes to the ( ) 42. A. your friends B. their friends C. your fathers D.their fathers ( ) 43. A. get to school B. get to home C. get school D. get home ( ) 44. A. their B. my C. his D. her ( ) 45. A. go to school B. go to bed C. get to school D.leave home ( ) 46. A. has B. have C. is having D. are having ( ) 47. A. In weekdays B. In Sunday C. On weekdays D.On Sunday ( ) 48. A. at B. on C. of D. to ( ) 49. A. come to school B. come home C. comes to home D.comes home ( ) 50. A. working B. works C. work D. to work 四、阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 30 分) (A) Dear Jill, Thank you for your letter. I read it today after school, and now I want to tell you all about my hobbies(爱好). I like to swim. In summer, I swim every day. I also like reading. I read all kinds of books. I often read two or three books in a week. I like writing stories, too. I also like to play with my dog. His name is Tommy. On weekends, we like to go for long walks. There is a lake(湖) near my house. We often walk around the lake. There are many flowers. Tommy and I like to watch the flowers. Well , those are my hobbies. Please write to me and tell me about your hobbies. Yours Karen ( ) 51. What does Karen do every day in summer? A. She swims. B. She reads books. C. She writes stories. D. She goes for a walk. ( ) 52. Who is Tommy? A. Karen’s dog. B. Karen’s brother. C. Jill’s dog. D. Jill’s friend. ( ) 53. How many books does Karen read in a week? A. Only one book. B. No books. C. Two or three books. D. Many kinds of books. (B) Today is Thursday. It is a fine day. The sky is blue. Now it’s half past eight in the morning. The animals are having a sports meeting(运动会) in the forest(森林) on a big hill. Look, a horse, a deer and a cat are running. They run very fast. Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping. They jump one by one. Two monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying around and singing. They are very happy to watch the animal sports meeting. There are some other animals, too. The elephants are standing beside a house. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. The monkey has a flag in his hands. Polly is sitting in the tree. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the trees. They are interested in watching the meeting. ( )54. How many animals are running and jumping? A. Three. B. Six. C. Eight. D. Eleven. ( )55. Which animals are standing beside a house? A. The pandas and the foxes. B. Two monkeys. C. The elephants. D. The cats and the birds. ( )56. Which animals are NOT in the sports meeting? A. The cats. B. The giraffes . C. The monkeys. D. The foxes. ( )57. This passage mainly(主要) tells us a story of _____________. A. an animal sports meeting in the forest B. all the running animals on the hill C. the live of the animals in the forest D. some good and happy animals in the forest (C) Hello, my name is Peter. I study at a middle school in the UK. School days usually begin at 9 a.m. in the UK. So I usually go to school at 8:45 a.m.. School is over at 3:30 p.m. So I have time to go to different(不同的) clubs. I’m good at all my lessons. But my favourite lesson is Cooking. All my teachers are very friendly and helpful. I never go home for lunch, I have lunch at school with my classmates. After lunch, we often go to the school field. Sometimes we play ball games, sometimes we just sit under the trees, reading or chatting(闲聊). Sometimes we also go to the Computer Center to listen to music or send e-mails to our friends. I like my school and have a good time at school every day. ( ) 58. Schools in UK usually begin at ____________. A. 8:45 a.m. B. 9 a.m. C. 3:30 p.m. D. 8:30 a.m. ( ) 59. ---How are Peter’s teachers? ---They’re all very ______. A. friendly and helpful B. beautiful C. polite D. busy ( ) 60. After lunch, the students can ________. A. listen to music B. write e-mails C. play ball games D. A, B and C ( ) 61. Which one is NOT right? A. School is over at 3:30 p.m. in the UK. B. Peter is good at all his lessons. C. Peter has no time to go to clubs every day. D. Peter has a wonderful time at school. (D) 阅读下面表格中的内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出所给句子的最佳答案。 ( ) 62. Sunn y Engli sh Club is for ________ A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D. students ( ) 63. You will pay(支付) _____ if you stay in the English club for half a year. A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1,200 yuan D. 2,400 yuan ( ) 64. You can visit Ocean Museum_________. A. on Friday B. on Wednesday C. on Monday D. anytime ( ) 65. You can get free exams in Health Centre if you are____________. A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D. 73 第 II卷(共 45 分) 五、任务型阅读:(每题 2 分,共 6 分) We call Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese year. We may name it the year of pig, the year of tiger or the year of dog. And 2014 is the year of horse(马). Before New Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their house. On New Year’s evening, there is a big family dinner. After dinner ,all the family stay up(熬夜) late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes, people love the red clothes, because red is the symbol of good luck. They go to see their friends and relatives (亲戚). They say “Happy New Year and good luck.” and some other greetings(祝福)to each other. 66. Is 2014 the year of tiger? __________________________________________ 67. What are people doing before New Year’s Day? __________________________________________ 68. Why do people wear red clothes during the Spring Festival? __________________________________________ 六、根据要求完成句子(每空 1 分,共 8 分) Sunny English Club For students 16:00 ~ 18:00 Every Saturday 200 yuan a month 9 Zhouyu Street Tel:3785290 Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more! Ocean Museum 9:00 ~ 17:00 From Thursday to Saturday Ticket: 50 yuan 132 Zhongshan Street Tel: 5439871 Heath Centre 9:00 ~ 17:30 16 Yongle Street Tel: 3801451 Free exams for those over 70. 69. Jack goes to school on foot every day.(同义句转换) Jack ____________ school every day. 70. He is watching the boat races.(改为一般疑问句) ______ he ________ the boat races? 71. Mary does the dishes after dinner.(改为否定句) Mary_____________ the dishes after dinner. 72. 熊猫来自中国吗?(翻译) _______ pandas come _______ China? 七、口语运用(每空 1 分,共 5 分) 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,有两个是多余选项。 ( Larry and Henry are in the zoo.) A: Do you like animals, Henry? B: Yes, I do. A: 73 B: Dogs are my favorite. A: 74 B: Yes, I do. I like it a lot. 75 Do you like animals? A: I like animals, too, but I don’t like dogs. B: 76 A: I think they are ugly and dirty. B: Then what are your favorite animals? A: 77 I think they are smart and beautiful. B: Why not go to see them? 73_________ 74_________ 75_________ 76_________ 77_________ 八、短文填空(每空 2 分, 共 16 分) Bill Gray is 78 Australian boy. He is good 79 swimming. He studies at Darwin School. He studies very hard(努力 ). On school nights, he never watches TV, he 80 does his homework or reads some books. His father 81 in a big car factory( 工 厂 ). His mother is a teacher. She 82 English in a small town near their home. Every day she has to 83 a river to get to the school. She often reads some stories 84 her students. All the students like her. Bill says that he wants to be a teacher, 85 . 78_________ 79_________ 80_________ 81_________ 82_________ 83_________ 84_________ 85_________ 九、书面表达(共 10 分) 假如你是 Tina,请向大家介绍一下你自己(60 词左右)。包含以下内容: 我叫 Tina,我是一个学生,我喜欢弹吉它,也会下象棋。我家住在重庆,离学校有 20 公里。我通常在 6:15 起床,然后搭乘我爸爸的车上学,大约 30 分钟,在我们学校有许多规章制度,但我很喜欢的学校。我最 喜欢的动物是熊猫,现在我正在看一本关于熊猫的书。 A. What about you, Larry? B. How much are they? C. What animals do you like? D. I like pandas best. E. How do you like animals? F. Do you have a dog? 期中测试二 第 I卷(共 105 分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节:听对话,选出与你听到的句子相符的图片,并将其字母代号填入答题栏相应的题号内,每小题听 两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 1. M: Where do you come from ,Tina? W: I come from America. 2. M: Lucy, look! There are many animals. W: Yes ,which is your favorite animal, Paul? M: Koalas are my favorite. They are very smart. 3. W :What do you want to be, John? M:I want to be a police officer. It’s very exciting. 4. W: It’s snowing in Canada today. M: Really? But it’s fine here. 5. W :Are the boys watching TV now? M: No, they are reading. ( ) 1.Where does Tina come from? A. B. C. ( ) 2. What is Paul’s favorite animal? A B C . ( ).3. What does John want to be? A. B. C. ( ) 4. What’s the weather like in Canada? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What are the boys doing? A. B C. 第二节:听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后都有几个问题,根据对话或独白内容,从每组题目所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,将其字母代号填入答题栏相应的题号内。对话听两遍,独白听三遍。(共 25 小题, 每题 1 分,满分 25 分) 听第一段材料,回答第 6-7 小题。 W: Where do you often go on Sundays ,Jack? M: Well ,I often go to the zoo with Jim ,Linda and the twins .We are happy there. W: What do you often do there? M: Well, we often watch the animals, play games and eat some delicious food. W: How do you go there? M: We take the bus. The zoo is a little far. ( ) 6.How many people go to the zoo together? A .Three B .Four C .Five ( ) 7.How does Jack go to the zoo? A .By bike B. On foot .C. By bus 听第二段材料,回答第 8-9 小题。 M: H i, Lisa! .What club do you want to join? W: Well, I want to join the music club. I like singing.And I can sing well. What about you, Jim? M: I like singing ,too .But I can’t sing well. My father wants me to be a basketball player .So I want to join the basketball club. W: But we are busy and have a lot of homework to do on weekdays. M: Yeah ,but I can play basketball on the weekends. W: Great. I can watch you play basketball. ( ) 8.What club does Lisa want to join? A .The art club B .The music club C .The basketball club ( ) 9.Why can’t Jim play basketball on weekdays? A. Because he has a lot of homework. B. Because he doesn’t like basketball. C. Because Lisa can’t watch him play basketball. 听第三段材料,回答第 10-12 小题。 Mr Brown is a worker .He is 42 years old .He goes to work by car because his home is far from his workplace .He makes paper in a factory. He works hard and makes a lot of money .He usually tells his children to work hard. He likes singing and watching soccer games on TV. He thinks soccer games are exciting .He listens to CDs and walks on weekends .But he never plays soccer. ( ) 10.Where does Mr Brown work? A .In a car factory. B .In a school. C .In a paper factory. ( )11.What does Mr Brown like? A .Singing. B. Watching soccer games on TV. C. .Singing and watching soccer games on TV. ( ) 12. What doesn’t Mr Brown do on weekends? A. Listen to CDs B. Play soccer C. Walk 听第四段材料,回答第 13-15 小题。 M :Hi ,Lily ,nice to see you. W :Hi ,Peter. nice to see you ,too. M :Are you taking your dog for a walk? W: Yes ,I am. What are you going to do? M: I am going to the Children’s Palace to learn the piano. W: Do you like playing the piano? M: No ,but I have to learn it every Sunday. W: Then are you free on Saturday? M :No, I have a lot of homework to do. W: Sounds terrible. ( )13 Who is Lisa taking a walk with? A. Her friend B. Her cat. C. Her dog ( ) .14. What is Peter going to do in Children’s Palace? A. Play the guitar B. Play the piano C. Do his homework ( )15. What day is today? A. Sunday B. Friday C. Saturday. 听第五段材料,回答第 16-17 小题。 M:Good morning, Ann. W:Good morning, Alan. I need your help. I’m going to the market. But my car doesn’t work. Can I use your car? M:OK. But Tom is using the car now. W:Oh, I see. I’ll call him. Thanks. ( )16.Where’s Ann going? A. The market. B. The bank. C. The school. ( )17.Who is using the car now? A. Ann. B. Tom. C. Alan. 听第六段材料,回答第 18-20 小题。 M:Hi, Sandra. W:Hi, Peter. M:I’m in New York. I’m calling to say hello to you. Are you OK? W:Yes, Thanks. I’m cooking dinner. How is it going now? M:Great! I’m visiting my pen pal. W:Cool. How is the weather there? M:Sunny and humid. W:But it’s cold in Shanghai now. ( )18.Where’s Peter? A. France. B. the USA. C. China. ( )19.What’s Peter doing now? A. He’s cooking dinner. B. He’s visiting a pen pal. C. He’s having hunch. ( )20.How’s the weather in Shanghai? A. Sunny. B. Humid C. Cold 听第七段材料,回答第 21-25 小题 Hello, I’m Mary. I want to talk about David Smith. He is my uncle. He is forty-eight this year. He is a worker. He works in a Car Factory. His factory is not near his home. So he gets up early in the morning and takes a bus to work. At about seven thirty, he gets to his factory. He makes (生产) the parts (零件) of the car. He makes many every day. He works very hard. Everyone likes him and says he is a good worker. He has his lunch in the factory. He often plays basketball after work. In the evening, he learns Chinese at home. His Chinese is good, too. Sometimes he helps me with my Chinese. I like my uncle very much. ( )21.That man is ________________. A. Mary’s brother B. Mary’s father C. Mary’s uncle ( )22.He goes to work __________________. A. by bus B. on foot C. by taxi ( )23.He _________________ in the factory. A. has dinner B. sleeps C. eats lunch ( 24.Do people like him? A. Yes, they do B. No, they don’t C .Sorry ,we don’t know. ( )25.How old is he ? A.44 . B.48 C.42 听第八段材料,回答第 26-30 小题 Linda is one of my best pen friends. She is thirty-two years old and works as a doctor at a hospital in New York City. She gets up at 7 o’clock every morning. After breakfast she drives to work. It takes her about twenty minutes to go from her home to the hospital. She starts work at half past eight in the morning and finishes work at six o’clock in the evening. Linda is really busy all day, but she likes her job very much. She wants to make sick people better. Linda’s Information (信息) Her job: 26 How she goes to work: 27 How long it takes her to go to work: 28 What time she finishes(完成) her work: 29 Why she likes her job: 30 ( ) 26. What does Linda do ? A. A teacher B. A doctor C.A. nurse ( ) 27. How does Linda go to work? A. By car B. On a bike C. On foot ( ) 28. How long does it take her to go from her home to the hospital? A. About 20 minutes B. About 15 minutes C. About 30 minutes ( )29. What time does Linda finish work every day? A. At 4 pm B. At 8 pm C. At 6 pm ( ) 30. Why does Linda like her job? A. Because her job is very easy. B. Because she wants to make people healthy C. Because she can make much money. 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节:单项选择(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) A)选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项,将其字母代号填入答题栏相应的题号内。 ( )31.I’m thirsty. I would like to drink a cup of water. A. will B. want C. like ( )32.Ice-cream isn’t good for our health. A. is bad for B. is good at C. does well in ( )33.Why not listen to music? It can make you relaxed. A. How about B. Let’s C. Why don’t you ( )34.I have lots of homework to do every day.. A. a lot B. many C. much ( )35. You don't have to finish the work today. You can finish it next week. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't B)选出能填入下列各题空格处的最佳选项,将其字母代号填入答题栏相应的题号内 ( )36. He can play________basketball well, but he can't play________guitar. A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the ( )37. Please be quiet! Your sister ______ her homework. A. is doing B. does C. do ( )38. --How’s it ________? --It’s great. A. go B. going C. goes ( )39. —What animals are from Australia? --______. A. Lions B. Pandas C. Koalas ( )40. ---What time is Jay’s concert? --- It’s ______ three o’clock ______ the afternoon. A. at, in B. at, on C. on, in ( )41 — is it from your home to the bus stop? — It’s about 2 kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. How many ( )42 Mike is boy. A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. a 8-years old ( )43. — Is your brother at home? — Sorry, he isn’t in. Can I a message ______ him? A. take to B. leave to C.take for ( )44. — What time does your sister go to bed? — . A. On nine past half B. At half past nine C.At thirty nine. ( )45. Those students go a ropeway cross the river to school. A. on ; for B. on ; with C. on ; to ( )46 — does it take you to get to Beijing? — Twenty hours. A. How far B. How many C. How long ( )47. You need to brush your after . A. tooth eat B. teeth eating C. teeth eat ( )48. Liu Ping can’t play basketball. I can’t play basketball, ______. A. also B. either C. too ( )49. My father wants me _______ shopping with him. A. going B. go C. to go ( )50. His are very _______to us. We all like them. A. friends; friendly B. friend; friendly C.. friendly; friends 第二节:完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 先通读下面的短文,读懂大意,然后从题后所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳 选项,将其字母代号填入答题栏相应的题号内。 A In many English homes, people eat 51 meals(餐)a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. They have 51 breakfast at any time 52 seven to nine in the morning. They 53 tea or coffee or eat bread or eggs. 54 comes at one o’clock in the afternoon. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon, and 55 is about 7:30. First, they have some soup; then they have meat(肉)or fish with v egetables . After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and these meals are very simple(简 单). ( ) 51. A. two B. three C four ( ) 52. A. to B. on C. from ( ) 53. A. drink B. drinks C. cook ( ) 54. A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Supper ( ) 55.A. lunch B. tea C. dinner B A young man and an old man 56 in the park. The old man57_ tired(累) so he 58 to have a rest. There is a chair in front of the young man. Th e old man sees the chair. He wants_59 on the chair. He walks to the chair. The young man walks to it, too. So the old man begins to run. The young man say, “ 60 sit on the chair! ” The old man doesn ‘t 61 him. Now he 62 on it. He looks 63 .The young man comes over to him. He is 64 a small board(一块小的板) in his hand. It 65 “Wet Paint(油漆未干)” ( )56. A. are walking B. is wanting C.walking ( )57 A. am B. is C.are ( )58 A .is wanting B. want C.wants ( )59. A. to sit B. sit C.sitting ( )60 A. Not B. Doesn ’ t C.Don ’ t ( )61. A. listen B. listen to C. hear of ( )62. A . is siting B. is sitting C. sits ( )63. A. happily B. happy C. very happily ( )64. . A. hold 举 B. holding C. holds ( )65. A. talks B.tells C.says 第三部分:阅读理解(共 40 分) 阅读下面四段材料,从每题所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,将其字母代号填入答题栏相应的题号 内。(共 20 小题,每小题 2分,满分 40 分) A Hello! I’m Alex. I often get up at 6:30 am. Half an hour later(之后), I have my breakfast. At 7:30 am, I take a bus to school. We have Math, Chinese and English classes from 8:00 am to 11: 30 am. I have lunch and talk with my classmates at school. We have three classes from 1:40 to 4:10 in the afternoon. After school, I often play with my classmates. We often play soccer, tennis and ping-pong. I go home at about 5:00 pm. I usually have dinner at 6:00 pm. Then I do my homework and watch TV. At about 10:30 pm, I go to bed. ( )66. ---When does Alex go to school in the morning? --- At______. A. seven B. six thirty C .seven thirty ( )67. ---What time does Alex eat breakfast? --- At ______. A. six B. seven C. seven thirty ( )68. How long does it take Alex to have breakfast? A. Thirty minutes B. An hour C. Ten minutes ( )69.How many classes does Alex have in the afternoon? A. Two B. Three C. Four ( )70. Alex usually ______before he goes to bed. A. plays computer games B. plays soccer C. watches TV B Today is Sunday. Our class meets at seven thirty a.m. at the school gate. We take a bus to Haian Park. The price of the ticket(票) for each adult(成人) is eighteen yuan, but for each student is half(一半). The park is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. First we play games in the park. And then we have dinner at noon. After that we sit and chat under the trees. At half past three, we go to the Swimming Club. We come back home at about six o’clock in the afternoon because(因为) it is time for all of us to have supper. We are tired(累) but we are very happy. ( )71. Wemeet ___________ A. at the school gate. B. in the park C. in the bus ( ) 72. The price of the ticket for each student is _________yuan. A. nineteen B. nine C. eighteen ( )73. The park is open for _______hours a day. A. eight B. nine C. ten ( ) 74. After dinner we sit and chat________ A. at home B. near the club C. under the trees ( ) 75. Why do the students go home at about six p.m.? A. Because they are happy B. Because they are tired C. Because they go home for supper C A woman is at the movies,and she is enjoying the movie very much. A man in the next seat begins to look for(寻找) something on the floor under him. The woman is angry (生气的)and says“What are you doing there? What are you looking for?” “A piece of chocolate 巧克力. ” the man answers.“But it ’ s dirty now! Take this and be quiet, please! I am listening to the film! ” she gives the man a big one.“ But, ” the man says, “ my false ( 假的) tooth is in it on the floor 地板! ” ( )76. What’s the woman doing? A. She is watching a movie. B. She is looking for something. C. She is eating. ( )77.Why is the woman angry? A. Because the movie is boring. B. Because the man is eating. C. .Because the man isn’t quiet. ( )78.Where is the man sitting? A. At home B. Before the woman C. In the next seat ( )79.What does the woman give the man? A. A tooth B. A chocolate C. A false tooth ( )80. Why does the man want to find the chocolate? A. His false tooth is in the chocolate on the floor. B. He wants to eat the chocolate. C. He doesn’t like the movie. D Jim is from New York(纽约 ). His home is near the school. So he often goes to school by bike. Every day it takes him about fifteen minutes to get there. He always gets to school on time(准时). Mary is a student of a middle school in Tokyo(东京). The school is far from her home. Every day she has to go to school by subway. It takes her about forty minutes, she often gets up very early because she doesn’t want to be late for school. She is a good student. Jenny’s home is in London. It is far from her school. She usually goes to school by bus. This kind of bus has two floors. It takes her an hour every day. She must get up very early every morning. She often gets there early. Tom is a student of a middle school in Iceland(冰岛). There is snow all year around(一年到头)。 So he usually goes to school by sledge(雪橇). It takes about twenty minutes to get there. He is sometimes late for school. ( )81. How does Jenny go to school every day? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By subway. ] ( )82. Sometimes ______ is late for school. A. Tom B. Mary C. Jenny ( )83.Who is from America? A. Mary B. Jenny C. Jim. ( )84. Why does Tom usually go to school by sledge? A. Because his home is near the school. B. Because there is no bus in Iceland. C. Because there is snow all year round in Iceland. ( )85.The text(文章)tells us ______ A. how students can get to school on time. B. how students in other countries(其它国家)go to school. [C. students should get up early. [来源: 第 II 卷(共 45 分) 第四部分:口语运用(满分 10 分) 从对话后方框内的选项中选择适当的选项补全对话,并将其字母标号填入相应题号的横线上。(共 10 小题, 每小题 1分,共 10 分) A A: 86 ? B: I always watch TV on Friday nights. A. What about you? B. Why do you like her? C. What do you usually do on Friday nights? D:I like singing. E:I think all the singers are great. A:.What kind of show do you like watching? B: 87 So I usually watch I am a Singer. A: Oh, I watch it ,too. 88 But I like Huang Qishan best. B: 89. She doesn’t look beautiful . A:Because I think she sings very well.. 90 Who do you like best? B: My favorite singer is Lin Zhixuan. He looks cute, and he is kind of shy. He also sings well. A:OK,let’s watch the final(决赛) tomorrow.. B A: Hello! May I speak to Mary? B: Hello! This is Mary. 91 ? A: Hi, Mary .This is Lucy. I’m now in Beijing. It’s windy. 92 ? B:It’s sunny in Shanghai.. A: 93 ? B:I’m watching a soccer game with Kate at home. A:Idon’t know Kate. 94 ? B:She’s my classmate. A:Could you say hello to her for me? B:Sure. 95 第五部分:语言运用(共 10 分) 根据 A 句完成 B句,使其意思相同或相近,每空填写一词(含缩略词)。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 96.A: How do you like the school trip? B:What do you __________ _________ the school trip? 97.A:What’s the weather like in Toronto? B: ____________________ the weather in Toronto? 98. A:They usually exercise on Saturdays and Sundays. B:They usually exercise ____________________. 99.A:Lisa is from Boston. B: Lisa __________ __________ Boston. 100.A: What about going to see tigers? B: ____________________go to see tigers? 第六部分:写(共两节,满分 25 分) A:短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1分,满分 10 分) 下面短文中的划线部分都是错误的,请改正。并将正确答案写在右边相应的横线上,不得改变原文意思。 Today’s story is about Zhu Hui,a students from Shenzhen. 101.___________ He’s now study in the United States.He’s living with 102.___________ a American family in New York.Today is the Dragon Boat 103.___________ Festival. It’s 9:00 a.m. and Zhu Hui’s family is at home. 104.___________ His mom and aunt are makeing zongzi.His dad and uncle 105.___________ are watching the boat races in TV.But there isn’t a 106.___________ Dragon Boat Festival in the US.So it like any other 107.___________ A:No problem. B:What are you doing? C:What’s the weather like in Shanghai? D:Who is she? nights for Zhu Hui.He misses his family and 108.___________ wishs to have his mom’s delicious zongzi. Zhu Hui 109.___________ likes New York and his host family a lots, but there 110.___________ is still “no place like home”. B:书面表达(满分 15 分) 俗话说“无规矩不成方圆”,请你用英语说出你学校的至少四条校规,并谈一谈你对这些校规的看法。字 数不少于 60 字(开头已给出,不记入总词数)。 Different school has different rules. _________________________________________________ 期末测试一 一. 单项选择( 20 分) ( )1.This is _____elephant. _____elephant is from Africa. A . an,An B. an, The C. a, The ( )2.-----______________do you want to join ? -----I want to join the music club . A. What club B. How C. What sport ( )3. Bob can play ________ tennis . but he can’t play ______violin . A. the ; the B 不填, the C. the ;不填 ( )4. My brother can’t sing __________play the guitar. A. and B. or C. but ( )5. Miss Read is good ____music .She can be good ___children in the music club. A. at ; at B. with; with C. at; with ( ) 6.I________ sing , but I ______dance A. can; can’t B. can; can C. can’t; can’t ( )7.We have breakfast ________seven _________the morning. A . in ; at B . on; in C. at; in ( )8. What time ________she___________? A. do; go to bed B. does; go to bed C. do ; goes to bed ( )9. He’d like some ________ and ________. A. beef, tomatoes B. beefs, tomatoes C. beef, tomato ( )10 . _______did Mrs Black cook dinner? --- For half an hour. A. When B. How long C. How often ( )11. ------_________do you go to school every day ? ------I go to school at half past seven . A. Where B. When C. What ( )12.-------What time do you take a walk in the morning ? -----_________ A. On weekends B. With my friends C. At about 6:30 ( )13.-----___does Mary get _________school ? ------She takes the subway . A. How; to B. How ; for C. What ; to ( )14 .------______is it from your home to the school ? ------About twenty minutes’ walk . A. How far B. How long C. When ( )15.Mary practices ________ every day. A. dance B. to dance C. dancing ( )16.------What do they look like? -------They are medium build. A. of B. in C. at ( )17-------What does he _________the trip ? --------It’s interesting . A. think of B. think over C. think hard ( )18. It’s easy __________to school . A. to get B. for get C. get ( )19 Jim is ___________boy. A. eleven years old B.a eleven--year--old C. an eleven--year--old ( )20. Where is the bank near here? It’s the post office. A.next B. across from C. between 二.完形填空。(20 分) A Li Lei is a student 21 Class Two, Grade One. He likes football very 22 .He often plays it after school. And he often goes home 23 .His home is 24 the school. His mother doesn't worry 25 him. One Sunday morning, Li Lei goes to a shop 26 his mother. The shop is very 27 .There are many things 28 it. They get some things. Then his mother says to Li Lei, “What do you 29 ?” “I want to get a red blouse,” says Li Lei. “A red blouse?” asks his mother. “You are a 30 .You can't wear a red blouse.” Li Lei smiles(笑了)。“OK, please get me football clothes. ( ) 21. A. in B. of C. on ( )22. A. good B. fine C. much ( )23. A. early B. back C. late ( )24. A. near B. in C. on ( )25. A. for B. with C. about ( )26. A. with B. from C. on ( )27. A. small B. big C. nice ( )28 . A. on B. in C. at ( )29. A. want B. get C. put ( )30.A.girl B. woman C. boy B I am a middle-school student. Now let ___31___ tell you something ___32___ our classroom. It's very ___33___. There are two maps ___34___ the back wall. ___35___ is a map of China. ___36___ is a map of the world (世界). There are ___37___ desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a big desk ___38___ the teacher in the front of it. We ___39___ four classes in the ___40___ and two in the afternoon. ( )31. A. I B. my C. me ( )32. A.about B. in C. on ( )33. A. small B. big C. bigger ( )34. A. in B. on C. under ( )35. A. It B. It's C. One ( )36. A. Other B. Others C. The other ( )37. A. fourty B. forty C. forteen ( )38. A. for B. of C. to ( )39. A. there is B. there are C. have ( )40. A. moning B. mourning C. morning 三.阅读理解(50 分) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 A I’m a police officer. My work is very exciting. It can be dangerous,but I like it. Sometimes I work around the city and sometimes I work in the police station. I'm an actor. I work in a theatre(剧场)and I work late every night. When there’s too much work. I can’t relax on weekends. It’s a difficult job,but it has lots of fun. I'm a newspaper reporter. I'm always very busy. I interview(采访)people on the street, and then I go back to the office to write the story. My job is never boring. I am a bank clerk. I work with lots of money in a bank, but I’m not rich(富有).I meet many people every day. They give me their money or get their money from me. Sometimes I feel it boring. ( )41. Where does an actor work? A. In the police station. B. In a theatre. C. On the street. ( )42.What do reporters often do? A.They meet people on the street and ask them questions. B.They work late in a theatre. C.They work with lots of money. ( )43. How does a bank clerk think of his job? A.It has a lot of fun. B. It’s boring. C.It’s difficult. ( )44.If you find a thief, you should go to ________ for help. A. a police officer B. an actor C. a reporter ( )45.Which of the following is TRUE? A.A police officer always works in the police station. B.An actor can relax many hours every day. C.A reporter often goes back to the office to write stories. B One Sunday morning. Mr Green and his child , Bill ,are in a big shop . Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Green . Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of oranges for him , too . Bill wants to buy some picture—books and color pencils , too . There are many people in the shop . They are men and women , old and young . They all want to buy something there . ( )46. Mr Green goes to the shop with . A.Mrs green B.his son C.his daughter ( )47.Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for . A.Bill’s mother B.Bill C.his friend ( )48.Bill likes . A.all the things B.the new blouse C.oranges ( )49.Bill wants to buy . A.some picture—books B.some color pencils C.A and B ( )50. The shop is . A.empty B. full of people C. close C Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from Amercia. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw (扔) things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you. Tickets Open time Grown-up:(成人) $2.00 9:00a.m—4:00p.m Children :over 12 $1.00 Except(除)Friday Under12 Free(免票) 10:00a.m—3:00p.m Keep the zoo clean! Don’t touch , give good food or go near the animals! ( )51.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage? A. four B. five C. six ( )52.Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one is14 and the other is 10 .How much are the tickets together(总共)? A.$4.00 B. $2.00 C. $3.00 ( )53.Which of the following is the visiting time? A.8:30am Monday B.9:30am Friday C.3:00pm Sunday ( )54.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be very A. tall B.long C.strong ( )55.Which of the following can we do in the zoo? A. to keep the zoo clean B. to touch the monkey on the head C. to throw things everywhere D A crow (乌鸦)wants to drink, but he can’t find water. He looks here and there. At last (最后),he cries (大叫), “I can see a jar (罐子)and there is some water in it.” He tries (试图) to get the water, but he can’t. “How can I get the water?” he cries, “I can put my break (鸟嘴)quite close (靠近)to it.” But still (仍然)he can not drink. “What can I do? I want to drink.” He looks here and there, then he picks up a small stone (石头) in his break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the jar. “Soon the water will be high in the jar, and I can drink,” says the crow. So he begins (开始) to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink. ( )56. What is the crow looking for? A. A jar B. Water C. Food ( )57. Why doesn’t he drink right now(马上)? A. He isn’t very thirsty. B. No water in the jar. C. The water isn’t high. ( )58. What’s the English meaning (意思) for “drop”? A. put… into… B. take…to… C. carry…to… ( )59. Why does he pick up the stone? A. He is hungry. B. He wants to put them into the jar. C. He wants to make his break strong. ( )60. Which title (题目)do you think is the best (最好)? A. A Clever(聪明的) Crow B. A thirsty Crow C. A Crow and A Jar of Water E Tom Black likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.” So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?” ( )61. eats the fish. A. Mr Black B. Mrs Black C. The cat ( )62.What does Mrs Black do with the fish? A. She eats the fish after Tom comes back B. She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her C. She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband ( )63. Tom weighs in the shop with his wife. A. the fish B. the cat C. his wife ( )64.How much fish does Tom often buy? A. one kilo B. two kilo C. three kilo ( )65.Tom likes very much. A. cat B. his wife C. fish 四.补全对话。(5 分) Paul: ___66__, Nick? Is it time to go home? Nick: No, it’s 3:15.It’s time to go and play games. ___67___? Paul: I don’t know. I can’t find it. Mr.Li: Whose is this watch? Is it yours, Nick? Nick: ___68___. Mr.Li: What color is your watch, Paul? Paul: ___69____. Mr.Li: Is this one yours? Paul: Oh, yes, it’s mine. Mr.Li: Paul, ___70___. Put it in your schoolbag. Paul: Thank you, Mr. Li. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 五.用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5 分) 71. Bob (watch) a movie now. 72. The panda is very (interest) 73. Were the (strawberry) good? 74. Can we (eat) in the classroom? 75. She usually (take) the bus to school.) 六.根据首字母或汉语填写单词的正确形式。(8 分 76. We want to j the chess club. 77. He eats b at seven o’clock. 78. Don’t f in the school. Or the teacher will be angry. 79. What are they d ? They are playing soccer. 80. How’s the weather? It’s (多云) 81. Where is the hotel? It’s behind the (银行) 82. Do you have straight or (卷曲的)hair? 83.I’d like some (西红柿) noodles. 七.书面表达。(12 分) 现在是星期天上午,天气非常晴朗,朋友们正在公园里面玩的开心,请你根据表格内容用现在进行时态写 一篇 60 词左右的短文。(可适当发挥) Tom read a story book Jim play with a dog Peter swim Mary and Lucy play chess I take photos It’s Sunday morning. A.It’s blue. B.But where’s your watch? C.No, I think it’s Paul’s. D. What time is it now? E. You must look after (照看) your things. 期末测试二 听力理解(共 30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每个单词你将听两遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 1. right 2. hair 3. shout 4. choose 5. kite 1. A. right B. light 2. A. here B. hair 3. A. shout B. short 4. A. choose B. chose 5. A. Kate B. kite 二、听录音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的选项。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 6. Would you like to join us? 7. Do you like traditional music or pop music? 8. How long are you going to stay in Shanghai? 9. What was your first friend like? 10. Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 6. A. You can come too. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. It’s going to be great. 7. A. It’s beautiful. B. I love his music. C. Well, I like both. 8. A. It took three weeks. B. Three weeks ago. C. For three weeks. 9. A. She was friendly. B. She was in primary school. C. She liked singing. 10. A. That’s right. B. You’re welcome. C. Certainly. 三、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。 (共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 11.W: Whose camera is this? M: It’s Tony’s. 12. W: Which club are you in, Daming? M: I play table tennis, so I am in the Table Tennis Club. 13. W: What are they doing? M: They are shaking hands. 14. W: Listen. Who is playing the violin? M: Maybe it’s Mr White. I’m not sure. 15. W: Will people do heavy jobs in the future? M: No. Machines and robots will do heavy and difficult jobs and people will have a lot of time to relax. 四、听对话,根据对话的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话你将听两 遍。(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 请听一段对话,完成第 16 至第 17 小题。 16.W: Excuse me. I need to go to the Science Museum. Can you tell me how to get there? M: Sure. Walk down Park Road. Then turn left into Flower Street. W: Flower Street? M: Yeah. Go down the Flower Street and the Science Museum is on the left, next to the bank. It’s opposite the post office. W: Can I take a bus? M: Yes. You can take a No. 10 bus there. The bus stop is over there. W: OK. I’ll take a bus, Thanks very much. M: You’re welcome. 17. W: What are you going to do this summer, Li Ming? M: I’m going to visit America. W: Wow! That’s a long way. Why America? M: Because my father has got friends there. W: Oh, that’s good. W: Are you going to go to Disneyland? M: I don’t want to go there. W: So what are you looking forward to? M: Lots of things. I’m looking forward to making new friends, and to speaking English. W: And are you looking forwa rd to American food, too? M: Er no, not really. 16. Where does the woman want to go? A. To the Science Museum. B. To the bank. C. To the post office. 17. How is she going there? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi. 请听一段对话,完成第 18 至第 19 小题。 18. M: Hi, Jenny, did you have a good weekend? W: Yes, it was fantastic. We went to the National Park and went walking in the mountains. M: Great. How was the weather? W: Fine. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. We could see for miles from the top. What about you, what did you do? M: On Saturday, I went to the beach with my family. We swam there. But on Sunday, I stayed at home and went over lessons. You know, I am going to take an English exam. W: It’s on Friday, isn’t it? M: Yes. Five days to go. W: Good luck! 19. W: Can I help you? M: Yes. I’d like some apples, please. Some of the green ones. How much are they? W: Sixteen yuan a kilo. How many kilos of apples would you like? M: Two kilos. W: OK. What else would you like? M: And some bananas. How much are they? W: Ten yuan a kilo. How many would you like? M: Six. Have you got any strawberries? W: Um... no, we haven’t. We had a few last week, but there aren’t many strawberries at the moment. But we’ve got some nice oranges. And the pears are fresh too. 20. M: Good morning, madam. Can I help you? W: Yes. I lost my handbag on the train from Shanghai to Beijing. M: When did it happen? W: Last Friday. May 30th. M: Is there much money in the bag? W: No, only two hundred yuan. There was also my ID card and several bank cards. M: OK. What else? W: I had a new purple watch in it. M: What color is your handbag? W: Black M: Madam, may I have your name? W: Jenny Alda. Alda, A-L-D-A. And you can call me at 83690390. M: OK. We’ll call you when we find it. W: Thank you very much. M: You’re welcome. 18. Why is Li Ming going to America? A. Because his father works there. B. Because he wants to learn Engli sh. C. Because his father has some friends there. 19. What is Li Ming looking forward to? A. Eating American food. B. Going to Disneyland. C. Making new friends. 20. Where did the woman go at the weekend? A. To a city. B. To the beach. C. To the National Park. 21. What was the weather like at the weekend? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 22. What did the man do on Sunday? A. He took an exam. B. He went over lessons. C. He went swimming. 23. How many kilos of apples does the man want to buy? A. One. B. Two. C. Six. 24. How much are the bananas? A. Sixteen yuan a kilo. B. Ten yuan a kilo. C. Eight yuan a kilo. 25. What fruit can’t the man buy in the store? A. Strawberries. B. Oranges. C. Pears. Lost Item Report(失物报告单) Owner name: Jenny 26 Phone No.: 83690390 Date lost: 27 30th Things lost: A handbag with 28 yuan, ID card, several bank cards and a new purple 29 in it. Colour: 30 知识运用(共 22 分) 六、单项填空(共 12 分,每小题 1 分) 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. —Is this your pencil? —Yes. It’s ____________. A. mine B. yours C. his D. hers 32. —Can she swim? —Yes, she ____________. A. can B. is C. does D. was 33. My house is ____________ the right of the street, next to the supermarket. A. in B. on C. at D. opposite 34. ____________ make any noise! Your sister is asleep. A. No B. Stop C. Don’t D. Not 35. Tom and David ____________ born in the same year. A. is B. are C. was D. were 36. —When is Helen going to visit her grandma? —____________. A. Last year B. Next Sunday C. For two months D. Ten days ago 37. There ____________ a computer on every desk in the future. A. has B . will be C. will have D. is 38. Lily ____________ some presents for her friends when she was in London last month. A. buy B. buys C. is buying D. bought 39. —____________ is that T-shirt? —Sixty-eight yuan. A. How much B. How many C. What size D. What colour 40. David ____________ from London and he is British. A. come B. coming C. came D. comes 41. There isn’t ____________ in the box. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing 42. —Did he ____________ to work by bus yesterday? —Yes, he did. A. go B. went C. goes D. going 七、选词填空。(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) but, difficult, animals, early, rice, left, hand, another, strange, living Dear Wu Bin, I’m getting really excited about your visit. I must say, life is really different here. English people do some very 43 things! In the UK, people drive on the 44 . You have to remember this when you cross the road. In China, if you want a taxi, you can just put your 45 out. Well, here you must go to a special place and wait in line. Shopping is 46 on Sundays. The shops close 47 It seems like you can’t buy anything after six o’clock in the evening. You asked about 48 in an English house. The most difficult thing is using a knife and fork. But you can use chopsticks if you want. I live with Mr and Mrs Johnson. They have a cat, a dog and two rabbits. Well, can you imagine (想象 ), the other day, all four 49 were running around in the kitchen? 50 thing, people drink cold water all the day and they drink tea with milk! They don’t have 51 with every meal, and they put carpet(地毯) all over their houses. Life here is strange, 52 I’m enjoying it. Lots of love and see you soon. Li Ming 阅读理解(共 30 分) 八、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共 20 分,每小题 2 分) A When I am older, I’m going to go to college. I’m going to get a good job and have lots of money. I’m going to travel a lot. I’m going to visit China because I think it is a very interesting country. I’m going to go to college and I’m going to study to become an English teacher. I’m going to travel a lot but I’m not going to live in another country. I’m going to live in a nice house with my family. When I leave school, I’m going to go to college and I’m going to study other languages. I’m going to live in Africa and I’m going to help poor people there. I’m going to be an actress. I’m going to go to a special school for actors. I’m going to study a lot and work hard. One day, I’m going to be rich and famous! I’m going to live in a big house in California in the United States. 53. Where is Alison going to live? A. In China. B. In Africa. C. In the United States. D. In England. 54. Why is Steven going to Africa? A. To travel. B. To study other languages. C. To go to college. D. To help the poor people there. 55. Who is going to be an English teacher? A. Mark. B. Lisa. C. Steven. D. Alison. B It was a cold winter morning on February 22, 1732. In a Virginia village, a baby boy was born. The baby’s name was George Washington. As little George grew up, he loved the farm and all of the animals. He loved his horse best of all. George went to a small country school. He worked very hard. He was one of the smartest(聪明的) students. George was also the most honest (诚实的) boy in school. Geo rge liked to read and to write. He liked numbers. But he liked to make maps and mea sure(测量) land best of all. This is called surveying(勘测,测绘 ). George practiced by measuring the vegetable gardens on his farm. Many farmers wanted George to survey their land. It would help them to know how much seed (种子) to buy when to plant their crops. George was only a boy of sixteen. But the farmers trusted him. They knew George was very smart and honest. “He will do a good job,” one farmer said to another. George’s big brother, Lawrence, took him on a surveying trip in the Virginia wilderness (野外). They stayed many cold and rainy days and nights. There were many wild animals. George learned how to take care of himself in the woods. Living in the wilderness helped George to become an even greater leader. 56. What did George Washington love best of all as he grew up? A. His horse. B. His school. C. His farm. D. His land. 57. George was young, but the farmers wanted him to survey their land because ____________. A. he liked numbers B. he was very smart and honest C. he worked very hard D. he measured the vegetable gardens 58. The passage mainly tells us about George Washington’s ____________. A. hometown B. family C. early days D. school life C What was school like in the late 1800s? Would you like to know? To start with, imagine everyone in school sharing only one teacher and one classroom. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, most American students went to a one-room school. One teacher taught all the students in the school, from the first to eighth grades. A large class may have more than forty students, while a small class may have only five or six students. The youngest children sat in the front, while the oldest students sat in the back. The teacher usually taught reading, writing, math, history, and geography. Students tried to remember all the things they learned. The classroom of a one-room school looked much like your own. The teacher’s desk was at the front of the room, however, and there would have been a wood-burning stove (炉子 ). During the winter months the teacher would get to the school early to start a fire, so the room would be warm for the students. In Honeoye Falls, New York, there is a one-room schoolhouse and children today can experience the life as a student in the late 19th century. For a week during the summer, they wear 19th century clothes and learn in the way children learned more than a hundred years ago. 59. How many teachers were there in a one-room school? A. One. B. Six. C. Eight. D. Forty. 60. The underlined word “experience” means “____________”. A. feel B. see C. believe D. tell 61. What can we learn about one-room school from the passage? A. Each class had the same number of students. B. In New York some students still go to one-room school. C. The teacher not only taught but also took care of the students. D. The classroom of a one-room school looked different from ours. 62. What’s the passage mainly about? A. What were teachers like in the 19th century? B. What was school like in the 19th century? C. How did students learn in the 19th century? D. How did children get to school in the 19th century? 九、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) In 1969, John Rendall and his friend Anthony Bourke saw a cute little baby lion in a shop in London. They took him home and called him Christian. John and Anthony looked after Christian very well. They took him for walks and played with him every day. They drove him around the city in their ca r and even took him to the beach. Christian lived with John and Anthony happily for about a year. He was never angry and he was not dangerous. However, he grew quickly. Soon, he became very big. He was very strong and heavy, too. Clearly, he could not live with John and Anthony any more, so they took him to Africa. At first, it was not easy, but slowly, he learned and did well. After a year, John and Anthony went back to Africa. They wanted to see Christian again. But would Christian remember them? It took a long time, but they finally found Christian with a few other lions. What happened? Christian walked over slowly. Then suddenly, he recognized them! He ran over and jumped up on them. He didn’t hurt them. He hugged them warmly. They couldn’t believe it. John and Anthony visited Christian again a few years later. Christian was with other lions and his babies this time. He stil l recognized them and ran over, but he was too big and he knocked them down easily. John and Anthony were sad to leave him, but they were also happy to see Christian live freely in Africa. 63. What did John and Anthony do when they saw the baby lion? 64. How long did Christian live with John and Anthony? 65. Why did they t ake Christian to Africa? 66. Was it easy for Christian to live in Africa at first? 67. How many times(次数) did John and Anthony go to see Christian? 书面表达(共 18 分) 十、完成句子(共 8 分,每小题 2 分) 根据中文意思完成句子。 68. 我擅长踢足球。 I ____________ playing football. 69. 莎士比亚不仅是一个作家也是一个演员。 Shakespeare was ____________ a writer ____________ an actor. 70. 注意!来了一辆车。 ____________! Here comes a car. 71. 你上周乘坐火车去上海花了多长时间? ____________ go to Shanghai by train last week? 十一、文段表达(10 分) 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于 50 词的短文。所给的英文提示词语仅 供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 72. 假如你叫李华,最近和美国朋友 Jim 通过邮件谈论各自的校园生活,他想了解一些你上小学时的事情。 请你根据他的问题回复邮件。 提示词语:do one’s homework,help,play,happy To Jim From Li Hua Subject My past life Hi! Jim, I’m glad to hear from you. ____________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 期末测试三 一.听力测试部分(共四大题,满分 30 分) (一).听句子选择与内容相符的图片,把代表图片的字母填在横线上。(7.5 分) 1.I can’t stand soap operas. They’re boring. 2. I want a large bowl of beef and tomato noodles. 3. The animals only live in China. It’s very beautiful and lovely. 4. Nancy is a good student. Look! She is doing her homework now. 5. We visiteums last weekend. They were crowded but really interesting. A B C D E 1.______ 2. ______ 3.______ 4._______ 5._______21 教育网 (二).根据你所听到的问句,选择正确答案,每小题念两遍(7.5 分) 6. What does look like? 7. Can we eat in the classroom? 8 .What kind of noodles would you like? 9. Did you clean the room last Sunday? 10. Don’t run in the hallways. ( ) 6. A. He’s medium build. B.TV shows. C. Sports World. ( ) 7. A. can. We can listen in the classroom. B. No, we can’t .But we can eat in the music room. C. No, we can’t. But we can eat in the dining hall. ( ) 8.A.I’d like beef and tomato noodles. B. I’d like a small bowl. C. No, I’d like some noodles. ( ) 9.A.I watched TV last night. B. Yes ,I did. C. No, he didn’t. ( ) 10.A.No,I like running. B. Excuse me. Mr. Wang. C. Sorry, Mr. Wang. (三).对话理解(本题共 7.5 你所听到的一段小对话内容相符的答案,每段对话念两遍。 11.W: Do you kry Green, the movie star with long curly brown hair? M: Oh, she has a new look. She has short straight hair now. 12.W: Can I help you ? M: Yes, I’d like a small bowl of noodle, oh, no, a large one ,and orange juice, I’m so hungry. 13..W:How was you weekend, Tony? M: Oh! I was ill. 14..W: How was your vacation, Lisa? M: It was great. W: How was the weather? M: It was hot and humid. But the people were friendly and the beaches were fantastic. 15.W: Hello, Jimmy. You have a pair of sunglasses. What do you think of the sunglasses? M: I love them ,but I can’t stand the scarf. ( )11.Q:what’s Mary Green’s new look? A. He has long curly brown hair. B. He has short curly brown hair. C. She has short straight brown hair. ( ) 12.Q: What would the man like? A. He’d like a large bowl of noodles and orange juice. B. He’d like a medium bowl of noodles and orange juice. C. He’d like a small bowl of noodles and green tea. ( ) 13.Q: How was Tony’s weekend? A. It was great. B. It was a busy day. C. It was not very good. ( ) 14.Q: How was the weather? A: It was rainy. B. It was warm and beautiful C. It was humid. ( ) 15.Q: What does Jimmy think of the scarf? A. He doesn’t like it. B. He likes it. C. He thinks it’s very beautiful. (四).对话理解(本题共 7.5 分) 听一段大对话,选出一个与你所听到的对话内容相符的答案,念两遍。 M: Hell House of Noodles. May I take your order? W: Hello, I’d like to order a medium bowl of noodles. M: What kind of noodles would you like? W: Tomato and beef noodles. M: Ok. A medium bowl of tomato and beef noodles. what else do you want? W: Yes, I’d like a medium soda and a big fruit salad. M: That’ll be 9 dollars and 90cents.What’s your address? W:1815 Central Street. M: What’s your phone number? W: It’s 7774912 M: Ok. Thank you. W: How long will it take? M: Thirty minutes. It’s Saturday, and we’re always busy on Weekends. W: Ok. Thank you. Goodbye. ( ) 16.What swl of noodles does the woman order? A. Large. B. Medium. C. Small. ( ) 17. What kind of noodles does the woman order? A. Beef and tomato. B. Beef. C. Tomato. ( ) 18. What else does the woman order? A. A big soda and a big fruit salad. B. A medium soda and a medium fruit salad. C. A medium soda and a big fruit salad. ( ) 19. It’s 8:00now. What time will the noodles arrive? A. At 8:40. B. At 8:13. C. At 8:30. ( ) 20. What’s the woman’s telephone number? A. It’s 7774192 B. It’s 7774912. C. It’s 7779412. 二. 基础知识运用(共 58 分) (一)、选择填空。(共 34 分,每小题 2 分) ( )1.He is ____ actor, but he often wears ____ uniform.www.21-cn-jy.com A. an, an B. an, a C. a, an ( )2.--- Where______ your cousin come from? --- He ______ from the United Kingdom. A. is, does B. does, is C. do, is ( ) 3. The strict teacher often makes us ________ very tired. A. feel B. felt C. to feel ( ) 4.There ________ a ruler and two pens on the desk yesterday. A. is B. were C. was ( ) 5. What does you brother do? A. He works very hard. B. He is a shop assistant. C. He is tall with curly hair. ( ) 6 .Molly is sitting between Lily ______ me. A. in front of B. and C. across from ( ) ike pandas because they’re kind of _______. A. funny B. scary C. ugly ( ) 8. They ______ wear their school uniforms. A. don’t have to B. aren’t have to C. haven’t to ( ) 9.-- How’s the weather in Boston? --It’s ________. A. sun B. raining C. snow ( ) 10.Look! Lily with her friends______ for exams. A. are studying B. studied C. is studying ( ) 11.Most boys would like ______ soccer after school A. play B. playing C. to play ( )12.--- does Tony look like? ----________________________. A .He is quiet and a little shy. B. He is very well. C. He is ta thin. ( )13.----What did you do last Monday? ----I ______with my parents. A. go to the mountains B, went shopping C. go fishing ( ) 14.----What ______ bowl of noodles would you like? ----I’d like a small one. A. size B. large C. kind ( ) 15.----Do you enjoy _____this story book? ----Yes. I think it’s interesting. A. seeing B. reading C. read ( ) 16.----______do you think of Beijing Opera? ----Oh, it’s interesting. Many foreigners like it ,too. A. How B. Why C. What ( )17.______ play computer games after school. A. No B. Don’t C. Doesn’t (二)、完型填空。(共 24 分,每小题 1.5 分) (A) Kate is a lgirl. She is not ____1____ . She ____2____ how to read ____3____ write. But her sister Mary is a ____4____ . She is ten. One day, Mary ____5____ her little sister in the room. She’s at the table. There is a pencil in ____6____ hand(手). She is ____7____ . “What are you doing, Kate?” she asked. “I’m writing ____8____ my friend, Rose,” says Kate. “____9____ how can you? You don’t know how to write,” says her sister. “Well, Kate, “It doesn’t matter.(没关系). Rose doesn’t know how to __10__ , either(也).” ( )1. A. worker B. at school C. student ( )2. A. don’t know B. doesn’t know C. not know21·cn·jy·com ( )3. A. and B. but C. or ( )4. A. school girl B. school boy C. student girl ( )5. A. reading B. seeing C. sees ( )6. A. my B. his C. her ( )7. A. write B. to write C. writing21 世纪教育网版权所有 ( )8. A. from B. to C. for ( )9. A. And B. So C. But ( )10. A. write B. read C. lookwww-2-1-cnjy-com (B) Thankor __11____ CCTV’s Around The World program. Right now, we’re in Egypt(埃及), __12__ in the desert ( 沙 漠 ) . It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here 13____ vacation. Some are 14____ photos of the pyramids. Others are riding 15____ . The Egyptians are wearing a kind of scarf on their heads. They look cool! I guess they wear them because it’s so hot ! Behind me I can see the city of Cairo. I’m looking at five thousand years of 16____ ! What an interesting place! ( ) 11. A. joining B. having C. looking ( ) 12. A. running B. sleeping C. walking ( ) 13. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 14. A. making B. drawing C. taking 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 ( ) 15. A. s(骆驼) B. tigers C. penguins ( ) 16. A. time B. history C. long 三.阅读理解(共 32 分,每小题 2 分) (A) Kim went toutiful beach on Monday with his friends . It was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the shops were crowded, they didn’t really enjoy it.2. The next day, rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Kim was very happy. But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walked back to the hotel. That made him very tired. On Wednesday weather was very cool. So they played tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”。 ( )1. On Monday, Kim had fun going shopping. ( )2. It was very hot on Wednesday. ( )3. They went to a museum on Tuesday. ( )4. Kim ha boy find his father and went back to the hotel by taxi. (B) Mrs. is medium height with curly hair. She comes from Australia. She is our math teacher. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult and boring. Mrs. Wilson is 25 years old. She is very shy and kind of serious(严肃). She never plays games with us. She often goes to movies on weekends. And she enjoys reading very much. She has lots of books in her bedroom. 根据短文内容填表。 Name: Mrs. Wilson Age: 25 5. Nationality(国籍): __________________________ 6. Likes: ______________________________________ 7. Job: ________________________________________ 8. Appearance(外表): _________________________ (C) Round eyes, round head, round ears, round body! What is this little animal? He looks like a little bear. But he is not a bear. He’s KOALA. Soft grey fur(毛) covers(覆盖) his little fat body. His eye look like buttons(纽扣), He has small feet and big ears. And his nose shines like your new black shoes. Where do koalas live? In Australia. The people of Australia take care of the koalas. They build places for them to live in. Here the little animals are safe. No one can kill them for their beautiful fur. There are many koalas in Australia. The people of Australia love them. When koala is born, he has no fur. And he is not bigger than you little toe(脚趾). The mother koala has a pocket in the front of her body. The baby stays in this warm pocket. There he stays for six months. When the little koalas leave the pocket, he has lots of fur. And he is about as big as you shoe. He climbs(爬) to his mother’s back(背). And she teaches him to find food. ( )9.What’s this little animal? A.A bear B.A dog C.A cat D.A koala ( )10.What’s color is this animal? A. Grey B. Black C. Brown D. Blue ( )11.Where do they live? A. In America. B. In Australia. C. In China. D. In Japan ( ) 12. Who teaches him to find food? A. His father. B. His brother. C. His si D. His mother. (D) -y Pete born on September 1, 1992. He’s in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football games. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to find out where and when a football game is going to be. Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football game on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he has to go to school. He thinks hard and finds a way. “Hello, Mrs. Black,” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone. “Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask half a day leave.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” says Mrs. Black. “But who’s that?” “It’s my father, Mr. Smith.” answers Peter. ( ) 13. Peter is _______. A. a schoolgirl B. a schoolboy 21*cnC. a worker D. a teacher ( ) 14. Pekes _______. A. watching football matches B. playing football C. listening to the radio D. A and B ( ) 15. Peter _______ this afternoon. A. is ill in bed B. has no homework to do C. wants to watch a football game D. comes to school in time ( ) 16. Mrs. Black _______. A. doesn’t believe Peter B. believes Peter C. lets Peter stay at home D. takes Peter to a hospital 四. 口语应用(共 15 分) A: Many new animals are in the zoo. Do you know? B: Oh! ______1_________ A: Pandas, lions, monkeys, giraffes and elephants. B: Let’s go and see them. A: Ok. _____2_________ B: I want to see pandas first. A: ______3_________ B: Because they are very cute. _____4________ A: I like elephants. B: _____5_______ A: They have big ears and long noses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五.书面表达(共 15 分) (一)、连词成句。(共 8 分,每句 2 分)(注意标点符号) 1. speak, can, a, French, English, I, little, and,2·1·c·n·j·y _____________________________________________________ .21 教育名师原创作品 2.do, think, what, soap, you, operas, of _____________________________________________________ ?【版权所有:21 教育】 3. did, Mike, his, weekend, not, homework, do, last _____________________________________________________ . 4. the, know, old, with, do, man, sunglasses, you _____________________________________________________ ?21cnjy.com (二)、1.根据所给的中文提示,写一篇小短文,不少于 60 个词。逐句翻译不得分。(共 7 分)(此题不做, 仅供参考) 夏季的射洪,天气炎热多。他们穿着 T 恤衫或裙子。有的在购物,有的在闲逛(hang out). 老人们都 在公园的树下打牌(play cards)或聊天。看起来他们都很开心。 2、你是学校校刊的编辑,本期学们上一个暑假生活的内容。下面是你收到的同学们的假期度假的调查表 之一,请根据这张调查表写一篇介绍 Liu Tong 旅游的文章。(50 字左右)(7 分) Questionnaire NAME: Liu Tong AGE: 12 SEX: girl Place: Sydney Activities: visit zoos, swim, surf, Food: delicious Weather: sunny, hot Souvenirs(纪念品): shells(贝壳) A. What do you want to see first? B. Why do you like them? C. Where are they? D. Do you like elephants? E. What do you like? F. What are they? G. Why do you want to see them first? Vacation: great 七年级英语上册辅导 Starter Unit 1 Good morning. 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上(上午)/下午/晚上好。答语相同。在熟人或家人之间可省略 good。 熟人之间的问候可加上称呼语,称呼语放在问候语之后且用逗号隔开。如:Good morning , class!同学们, 早上好!△Good night!晚安(晚间告别用语) 2. Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克。 3. A: How are you? 你(身体)好吗? B: (I’m) fine/Very well/I’m OK, Thank you./thanks. How are you? / And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢? A: (I’m)fine/OK, too. 我也很好。 4. thanks = thank you 谢谢 5. HB(铅笔芯)硬黑 CD 光盘 BBC 英国广播公司 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? 1. What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a/an + 单数物品 (△不说 This/That is...) 1) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? 2) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺。 It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。 2. What’s this/that in English? 这/那用英语怎么说? It’s a/an + 单数物品 (△不说 This/That is...) What’s this in English? 这用英语怎么说?It’s a jacket. 夹克衫 What’s that in English? 那用英语怎么说?It’s an orange. 橘子。 in + 语言:用某种语言 in Chinese/English/Japanese 用汉/英/日语 英语中还可用 What’s the English for….?表达同样的含义。 What’s the English for 直尺?直尺用英语怎么说?It’s a ruler.是 ruler 3. a 和 an 是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示“一”。a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an 用在以 元音音素开头的单词前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如: a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔 (/p/为辅音音素) an orange /’ ɒrindʒ / 一个桔子 (/ɒ /为元音音素) 4. P 停车场;停车位 NBA(美国)全国篮球协会 kg千克 ;公斤 5. Spell it, please. = Please spell it. 请拼读它。 K – E - Y. Spell “pen”, please. = Please spell pen. 请拼读“pen”。 P – E - N. 注:please 置于句末时,前面要加逗号。 Starter Unit 3 What color is it? 1. What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s V. 这是 V。 V 是字母,是专有名词,前面不必加冠词,但表示某一类东西,则在其单数名词前加 a 或 an。 1) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? 2) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺。 It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。 2. 问颜色:What color 1) What color is + 单数名词? 2) What color are + 复数名词? It’s /It is + 颜色. They’re/They are + 颜色. 如 1) What color is the key?(这把)钥匙是什么颜色的? It’s (It is)yellow. (它是)黄色的。 2) What color are the keys? 这些钥匙是什么颜色的? They’re (They are) red.. (它们)是红色的。 3. color 1) n.颜色 2) v. 给......着色,把......染成某种颜色 color sth + 颜色:把某物涂成……颜 色 Color the pencil red. 把铅笔涂成红色。 4. It’s black and white. 它是黑白色的。 5. S 小号的 M 中号的 L 大号的 UFO 不明飞行物 CCTV 中国中央电视台 UN 联合国 6. The key is yellow. 钥匙是黄色的。 The 是定冠词,表示“这(个),那(个),这些,那些” ,在元音音素前读/ ði: /,在辅音音素前读 / ð ə /。它可以用在名词前,表示特指说话双方都知道的人或物,或上文提到的人或物。 1) The book on the desk is mine. 桌子上的书是我的。(特指) 2) Where is the teacher? 老师在哪? (双方都知道) 3) He has a pen, the pen is black. 他有支钢笔,钢笔是黑色的。(指上文提到的事物) 7. 七年级字母教学资料 1)英语中共有 26 个字母。其中的 Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu 5 个字母被称为元音字母。这五个元音字母是构成 英语成千上万单词的核心,除了一些缩略词之外,其它任何一个英语单词,通常都应包含一个或多个元音 字母。26 个字母中的其它 21 个字母被称为辅音字母。 2)字母书写的规格 ①斜度:每个字母都要稍向右斜约 10°左右,斜度要一致。 ②大写字母的书写规格是:上不顶天下立地。即笔画的上端稍离第一线,笔画的下端必须紧贴第三线,不 许离线也不许出格。 ③占中间格的小写字母有 a, c, e, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z 13 个,它们笔画的上端必须紧贴第二线,下端必须 紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 ④占一格、二格的小写字母有 b, d, h, k, l 共 5 个,它们笔画的上端必须顶第一线,下端必须顶第三线,不 许离线也不许出格。 ⑤小写字母 i 和 t 也占一格、二格。但 t 的上端在第一格中间,短横重合第二线;i 的小圆点在第一格中间 稍偏下处。 ⑥占二格、三格的小写字母有 g, q, y 3 个,它们的笔画的顶端要紧贴第二线,下端要紧贴第四线,不可离 线也不可出格。 ⑦占一格、二格、三格的小写字母有 f, j, p 3 个。其中 f 的上端稍离第一线(和大写字母一样),下端紧贴 第四线,短横重合第二线;j 的小圆点与 i 的小圆点位置相同,下面一笔的上端顶第二线,下端紧贴第四线; p 的上端略高于第二线,约占第一格的三分之一,下端紧贴第四线。 ⑧字母按所含音素归类表: /ei / 字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk 音标: /ei / /e t∫ / /dʒe / /ke / /i:/ 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt V 音标: /bi:/ /si:/ /di:/ /i:/ /dʒi:/ /pi:/ /ti:/ /vi:/ /ɑi/ 字母: Ii Yy 音标: /ɑ / /wɑ / / əʊ / Oo /əʊ / / ju: / 字母: Uu Qq Ww 音标: /ju:/ /kju:/ /`dΛblju:/ /ɑ: / Rr /ɑ: / /e/ 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 音标: /ef/ /el/ /em/ /en/ /es/ /eks/ /zed/ 8. 缩写词: HK 香港 ID 身份 PE 体育课 PRC 中华人民共和国 RMB 人民币 PLA 中国人民解放军 CCP 中国共产党 IOC 国际奥林匹克委员会 am 上午 pm 下午 cm厘米 mm毫米 9.英语句子的书写 句子开头的第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,单词与单词之间要有适当的距离,一般为放入一个字母的 空隙,句末要有标点符号,英语的句号是个实心圆点,而不是汉语中的小圆圈。 10..大写字母的用法 1)英语句子开头的第一个字母必须大写。 2)I(我),OK 在句中任何位置都大写。 3)人名、地名、国名、某国人或某种语言等专有名词的第一个字母必须大写。 4)电影名、书名、报刊、文章的标题等中的每个实词(如:名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词)的第 一个字母一般大写。English Weekly《英语周报》Titanic《泰坦尼克号》 5)表示月份、星期、重要节日的名词的第一个字母必须大写。 6)某些缩略词的第一个字母都必须大写。 7)表示称呼的名词的第一个字母通常要大写。Uncle Wang王叔叔 11.词类 词类 英语名称 意义 例词 名词 Noun (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 boy, pencil, book, backpack 冠词 Article (art.) 用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人 或事物 a (an), the 代词 Pronoun (pron.) 用来代替名词以及起名词作用的短 语、分句或句子等 we, that, his, what 形容词 Adjective (adj.) 用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 old, red, fine, good 数词 Numeral (num) 表示数量或顺序 one, thirteen, first, ninth 动词 Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 look, go, be(am, is, are) 副词 Adverb (adv.) 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词 not, too, here, often 介词 Preposition (prep.) 表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关 系 in, on, of, to, under 连词 Conjunction (conj.) 用来连接词与词、短语与短语 或句与句 and, or, but 感叹词 Interjection (interj.) 表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感 oh, hello, hi 12. 英语句子成分:组成句子的各个部分即句子成分。句子成分包括:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、 状语、补足语等。 一、主语(subject): 句子说明的人或事物。 1.The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。 (名词) 2.He likes dancing.他喜欢跳舞。(代词) 3.Twenty years is a short time in history. 二十年在历史中是个很短的时间。(数词) 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(动名词) 5.To see is to believe. 眼见为实。(不定式) 6.What he needs is a book. 他所需要的是本书(主语从句) 二、谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作、状态和特征。 1.We study English. 我们学习英语 2. He is asleep. 他睡着了。 三、表语(predicative):表示主语“是什么”或者“怎么样”,表语前面的动词称为系动词。 1. He is a teacher.他是个老师(名词 2. Five and five is ten. 五加五等于十(数词) 3.He is asleep.他睡着了 (形容词) 4.His father is in. 他的父亲在家 (副词) 5.The picture is on the wall. 画在墙上。 (介词短语) 6.That sounds good 那听起来很好。 7.Tom looks thin. 汤姆看上去很瘦。 常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来), look(看起来), feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来、吃 起来), feel(感觉) ... 四、宾语:动作、行为的对象 1.I like China. 我喜欢中国。(名词) 2.You can help me. 你能帮助我。(代词) 3.How many do you need? We need two. 你们需要多少?我们需要两个。(数词) 4. I like playing soccer. 我喜欢踢足球。 (动名词) 5.I want to have an apple. 我想要吃个苹果。 (不定式) 6.Did you write down what he said? 你写下他所说的话了吗?(宾语从句) 双宾语-----间接宾语(指人)和直接宾语(指物) Tom’s mother buy him some books. 汤姆的妈妈给他买了一些书。 五、宾补:对宾语的补充,全称为宾语补足语。 1.We elected him monitor. 我们选他当班长 (名词) 2.We will make them happy. 我们将让他们高兴。(形容词) 3. We found nobody in. 我们发现没人在里面。 ( 副词 ) 4.His father help him to do his homework. 他的父亲帮他做家庭作业。(带 to 不定式) 六、定语:修饰名词或代词的词、词组或句子。 1. He is a Chinese teacher. 他是个语文老师。(名词) 2. He is our friend. 他是我们的朋友。(代词) 3. I have three books. 我有三本书。 (数词) 4. He is a good student. 他是个好学生。(形容词) 5.The boy in red is my brother. 穿红衣服的男孩是我的弟弟。(介词短语) 七、状语:用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或 句子。 表示行为发生的时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、程 度、条件、方式等。 1.I go to school at seven o’clock. 我在七点钟上学。 2.He reads the book in the room.他在房间里看书。 3.I don’t like thrillers because they are scary. 我不喜欢恐怖片因为它们太吓人了。 13 冠词 :冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词。冠词可以说是名词的一种标志,它不 能离开名词而独立存在。 冠词分为不定冠词"a,an"、定冠词"the"和零冠词三种。零冠词指的是不用冠词 的情况。 不定冠词表示泛指,定冠词表示特指。 不定冠词的用法-1 不定冠词有"a 和 an"两种形式。"a"用在以辅音开头的词前,"an"用在以元音 开头的词前。判断一个词是以 元音开头还是以辅音开头,是根据读音而不是根据字母。 1) 用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示"一" There is a tiger in the zoo. 动物园里有一只老虎。 2) 表示一类人和东西 A tiger can be dangerous. 老虎可能有危害性。 3) 表示"某一个"的意思 A gentleman wants to see you. 有一位先生要见你。 4) 表示"同一"的意思 They are nearly of an age. 他们几乎同岁。 The two shirts are much of a size. 这两件衬衫大小差不多。 5) 表示"每一"的意思 We go swimming four times a week. 我们每周去游泳四次。 6) 用在作表语的单数可数名词前,表示身份、职业 My mother is a teacher. 我妈妈是教师。 7) 第一次提到的人或事物,但不特别指明是哪一个 Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter. 很久很久以前,有一个年老的国王,他有一个非常美丽的女儿。 8) 在 such a,quite a 句式中 He is quite a good actor. 他是一个相当好的演员。 Don't be in such a hurry. 不要如此匆忙。 9) 在感叹句 what...的句式中 What a pretty girl she is! 她是一个多么漂亮的女孩呀! 不定冠词的用法-2 用在某些表示数量的词组中: a lot of 许多 a couple of 一对 a great many 很多 a dozen 一打(但也可以用 one dozen)a great deal of 大量 定冠词的用法 1) 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 This is the house where Luxun once lived. 这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。 2) 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 Open the door, please. 请把门打开。 3) 用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a 或 an”,以后再次提到用“the”) Once there lived a lion in the forest. Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him. 从前森林里 住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。 4) 用在序数词和形容词最高级前 January is the first month of the year. 一月份是一年当中的第一个月。 Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 上海是中国最大的城市。 5) 表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物 the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 the sky 天空 the world 世界 6) 指由普通名词构成的专有名词 the West Lake 西湖 the Great Wall 长城 the United States 美国 the United Nations 联合 国 7) 表示方向、方位 in the east 在东方 in the west 在西方 in the front 在前面 at the back 在后面 in the bottom 在底 部 at the top 在顶部 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 8) 在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Huanghe River 黄河 the Tainshan Mountains 天山山脉 the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡 9) 在姓氏复数前,表示一家人 The Bakers came to see me yesterday. 贝克一家人昨天来看我。 10) 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表一类人或物 the poor 穷人 the rich 富人 the sick 病人 the wounded 伤员 the good 好人 the beautiful 美丽的事物 11) 用在表示阶级、政党的名词前 the working class 工人阶级 the Chinese Communist Party 中国共产党 12) 用在 the very 强调句中 This is the very book I want. 这就是我想要的那本书。 13) 在 the more, the more 比较级的句式中 The more you drink, the more you like it. 你越喝就越爱喝。 14) 表示演奏乐器时,乐器的前面要加 the play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 15) 某些固定的表达法 in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 go to the cinema 去看 电影 go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头 on the way to 前往...去的路上 16) the 加单数可数名词可以表示一类人或事物 The horse is a useful animal. 马是一种有用的动物。 注意:像这类句子还有如下两种写法 A horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals. 零冠词的用法 1) 专有名词前一般不加冠词 China 中国 Europe 欧洲 Lei Feng 雷锋 William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚 2) 月份、周日、节日前一般不加冠词 January 一月份 Sunday 星期日 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Thanksgiving 感恩节 National Day 国庆节 May Day 劳动节 比较: ...on a Sunday morning. 在一个星期天的早晨... (表示某一个。) 3)三餐、四季前一般不加冠词 I have lunch at school. 我在学校吃午餐。 Summer is the best season for swimming. 夏天是游泳的好季节。 比较: I had a big lunch yesterday. 昨天我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。(表示某一个) The dinner given by Mr Smith was very nice. 史密斯先生款待的晚宴真是美味。(表示特指) 比较: I will never forget the summer we spent in Hawaii. 我永远不会忘记我们一起在夏威夷度过的那个夏天。 (表示特指) 4)进行球类运动 play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打排球 play football 踢足球 5)没有特指的不可数抽象名词 Time is precious. 时间是宝贵的。 比较:The time of the play was 1990s. 这个剧本的时代背景是二十世纪九十年代。(表示特指) 6)没有特指的可数名词复数形式后。 I like tomatoes. 我喜欢西红柿。 7)固定词组 go to school 去上学 go to bed 上床睡觉 go by train 乘火车去 go by boat 乘船去 at table 在用餐 in hospital 住院 at school 求学 in school 求学 at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 in town 在城里 介词短语与冠词 at table 在进餐 at the table 在桌子旁边 at desk 在读书 at the desk 在课桌旁 at school 在上学 at the school 在学校里 in class 在上课 in the class 在班级里面 in bed 卧床 in the bed 在床上 in prison 坐牢 in the prison (因事)在监狱 in hospital 住院 in the hospital (因事)在医院 go to school 去上学 go to the school (因事)去学校 go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the bed 在床上 go to hospital 去看病 go to the hospital 去医院 Unit 1 My name’s Gina. 1. 介绍自己:My name’s+名字 我的名字叫....../ I’m+名字 我是...... 2.询问姓名 1)What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? Alan 艾伦 / My name’s Alan 我的名字叫艾伦 / I’m Alan 我叫艾伦 What’s = What is name’s = name is I’m = I am 2)What’s his name? 他叫什么名字? His name’s Eric 他的名字叫埃里克。/ He’s Eric . 他叫埃里克。 ( He’s = He is ) 3)What’s her name?她叫什么名字? Her name’s Mary. 她的名字叫玛丽。/ She’s Mary. 她叫玛丽。 ( She’s = She is ) 3. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。(初次见面用语。)回答 Nice to meet you. 或 Nice to meet you, too. 4. How do you do? 你好!回答:How do you do? 你好! 5. Mr ,Mrs ,Miss 和 Ms Mr ['mistə(r)] 先生 Miss [mis] 小姐,女士;(年轻未婚女子) Mrs ['misiz] 太太;夫人(用于已婚妇女姓名前) Ms. [miz] 女士 1)Mr 意为"先生",一般用于男子姓氏或职务前;不管年龄大小;辈分长幼;职务高低;结婚与否,男子 都可称为 Mr;要注意的是,英美人的姓在名字后面,中国人的姓在名字前面;如果一个英国男子叫 John Brown,就称他为 Mr Brown,但不能称其为 Mr John;如果一个中国男子叫刘诚,就称他为 Mr Liu,不能称 Mr Cheng;如果一个男子的职务是校长,就可以称他为 Mr Headmaster (校长先生); 对不相识的男子或上 级;长辈或从事某种职务的男子表示尊称时,英;美人通常用 sir,意为"先生;阁下;长官",后面不跟姓 氏;如:—May I go now,sir?(先生,我可以走了吗?)—Yes,sir.(可以,先生;)电视对话里还可以听到 Ma sir, Lin sir 等通俗说法;sir 还广泛用于各类信件中,如:Dear sir,My dear sir,Dear sirs,Sirs; 2)Mrs 意为"夫人,太太",常用于已婚妇女的丈夫的姓氏前;如果一个名叫 Mary Jones 的女子嫁给了一个 名叫 Jack White 的男子,就称她为 Mrs White,但不能称 Mrs Jones;一个叫李敏的女子嫁给了一个叫刘俊 的男子,就称这个妇女为 Mrs Liu,但不能称 Mrs Li; 3) Miss 意为"小姐",复数形式为 Misses,用于对未婚女子的称呼;如果一个未婚女子名叫 Rose Jones, 可以称她为 Miss Jones,也可以称她为 Miss Rose Jones(罗斯·琼斯小姐);一个中国未婚女子叫李芳,就称她 为 Miss Li 或 Miss Li Fang;如果 Mr Green 家有几位未婚姑娘,可以称她们为 the Miss Greens 或 the Misses Green(格林家的小姐们);Miss 还可以单独用于对一般年轻女性的尊称,包括学生对女教师的称呼;如:Good morning,Miss!(老师,早上好!)Just a moment,Miss.(请稍等,小姐;) 4)Ms 指婚姻状况不明或没必要说出其婚姻状况的“女士”。如:I'm not Mr King,I'm Ms King.(我不是金先生, 我是金女士;) 6. Is he Jack? 他是杰克吗? Yes, he is. 是的,他是。 No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. 不,他不是。他的名字叫迈克。 7. Are you Helen? 你是海伦吗? Yes, I am.是的,我是。/ No, I’m not. I’m Gina. 不,我不是。我是吉娜。 8.英美人的姓名与中国人的姓名顺序相反,名在前,姓在后。如 Jim Green, 名是 Jim,姓是 Green。 △名 字:first name(第一个名字)或 given name 姓氏:last name(最后的名字)或 family name(家族的 名字) 全名:full name 9. 问电话号码: What’s your/his/her telephone number? It’s + 号码. 电话号码的读法:用基数词按顺序读出。“0”可读 Oo或 zero. 10. is/am/are 的用法: I 用 am, you 用 are. 1) I am 14, how old are you? 我 14 岁,你多大了? is 连着他/她/它 2) He/She is a student.他/她是个学生。What color is it? 单数用 is,复数用 are. 3) The key is yellow. 钥匙是黄色的。 4)He and I are students. 他和我都是学生。 11. ID card 身份证 12. Three and five is eight. 三加五等于八。 What’s nine and seven? 九加七等于几? Unit 2 This is my sister. 1. parent: father or mother 父亲或母亲 parents: father and mother 父母(双)亲 2. 介绍他人 1) This / That is...这/那位是......2)These / Those are...这/那些是...... This is my friend Jane.这(位)是我的朋友简 That is my grandfather. 那(位)是我的祖父。 These are my brothers. 这些是我的兄弟。 Those are my parents. 那些是我的父母。 3. 指示代词 this / these 这/这些。一般用来指时间或空间上较近的事物。 that / those 那/那些。一般用来指时间或空间上较远的事物。 4. This is my friend. 复数 These are my friends. That is my brother. 复数 Those are my brothers. 5. Who’s she? 她是谁? She’s my sister. 她是我妹妹。 Who’s he? 他是谁? He’s my brother. 她是我哥哥。 Who’re they? 他们是谁? They’re my grandparents. 他们是我的祖父母。 Who’s = Who is Who’re = Who are She’s = She is He’s = He is They’re =They are 6. Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。 7. Have a good day! 愿你们(一天)玩得高兴!(该句用于表达祝愿,祝愿对方一天里有好的心情和运气。 Day 还可用 morning, afternoon, evening 等词语代替。 Have a good evening, you two! 祝你们俩晚上玩个痛快! 8. You, too. 你(们)也一样。 9. Bye / Bye-bye / Good-bye 再见 10. thanks = thank you 谢谢 11. the photo of your family = your family photo 12.Here are two nice photos of my family.这有两张我家人的漂亮照片。 Here are …表示“这是……;这(儿)有……”,用于介绍或引入话题,也可用 Here is … 来表示单数的概念。 Here is your book. 这是你的书 13. family 1)指家庭时是一个整体概念,是单数。 如: the family is rich.这个家庭很富有。His family is a big family 他的家庭是个大家庭。 2) 指家人时是复数,因为它指家庭成员。 Our family all like playing football. 我们家的人(家庭成员)”喜欢踢足球。 My family are watching TV at home. 我家人正在家看电视。 14. family tree 家谱(家庭关系图) male 男 female 女 15.名词复数(English book, Page94.) 可数名词有单复数两种形式,名词的复数形式的部分规则如下: 1)一般情况在词尾加-s ,清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/。如:book----books /buks/ desk---desks /desks/ bag----bags /bægz/ game----games /geimz/ key----keys /ki:z/ 2)以 s, x, sh, ch,等结尾的词加-s,读/iz/. 如:bus----buses /bʌsiz/ box----boxes /bɒksiz/ fish----fishes /’fiʃiz/ watch----watches /’wɒtʃiz/ 3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,变 y 为 i,再加-es。读/z/。如:family----families baby----babies party----parties strawberry----strawberries 4)以 f 或 fe结尾的词 ①变 f 或 fe 为 ves。读/vz/。该类词有:knife 刀,life 生命,wife 妻子,self 自己,leaf 叶 子,thief 贼,half 一半,wolf 狼,等等。 ②直接加-s 的有:roof房顶,belief 信念,chief首领,gulf 海湾,proof 证据 ③两种都可以的有:handkerchief手绢----handkerchiefs / handkerchieves 5)以 o 结尾的词 ①以“辅音字母+o”结尾的词,有生命的加-es,如:potato----potatoes,tomato----tomatoes, hero 英雄 ----heroes;无生命的加-s,如: photo----photos, kilo----kilos,piano----pianos ②以“元音字母+o” 结尾的词,加-s,如:radio----radios, zoo----zoos 常见的不规则变化有: man--men 男人 woman--women 女人 foot--feet 脚 mouse--mice 老鼠 child--children 孩子 deer----deer 鹿 sheep----sheep 绵羊 Russian---Russians 俄国人 German---Germans 德国人 American--- Americans 美国人 Chinese--- Chinese 中国人 Japanese--- Japanese 日本人 Swiss--- Swiss 瑞士人 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 1. 人称代词和物主代词 人称 代词 主格 I 我 you 你 he 他 she 她 it 它 we 我们 you 你们 they 他们 宾格 me 我 you 你 him 他 her 她 it 它 us 我们 you 你们 them 他们 物主 代词 形容 词性 my 我的 Your 你的 his 他的 her 她的 its 它的 our 我们的 your 你们的 their 他们的 名词性 mine 我的 yours 你的 his 他的 hers 她的 its 它的 ours 我们的 yours 你们的 theirs 他们的 1) 人称代词作主语时用主格;作宾语时用宾格;作表语时用主格或宾格,但在口语中常用宾格。 ① I am hungry, please give me something to eat.我饿了,请给我一些吃的东西。 (作主语) (作宾语) ②( ) like ( ), and ( ) likes ( ) , too.我喜欢她,她也喜欢我。 ③ Who told him that news? 谁告诉他那个消息的? It’s me/I. 是我。 2) 并列人称代词的排列顺序:人称代词在并列使用时,单数的顺序是第二人称→第三人称→第一人称;复 数的顺序是第一人称→第二人称→第三人称。 you, he, and I 你,我,他 you and I我和你 he and I 我和他 you and he 你和他 we and you 我们和你们 you and they 你们和他们 we, you and they 我们,你们和他们 3) 形容词性物主代词修饰名词,必须放在名词前面,相当于形容词,在句中作定语。名词性物主代词相 当于名词(即指代名词,后面不能再加名词),在句中作主语、表语或宾语。 ① This is your ruler, it is not mine.这是你的尺子,不是我的。 ② . 这是他的书,你的在桌子上。 ③ (他) doesn’t have an eraser. __ (我的)is in the bag. Give __(他)__(你的). 他没有橡皮擦。我的在包里。把你的给他吧。 2. Is this/that...? 这/那是......吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 是的,这/那(它)是。/ 不,这/那(它)不是。 △回答时,要用 it 来代替 this 和 that。不可回答 Yes, this/that is. / No, this/that isn’t. 1)Is this your pencil ? 这是你的铅笔吗 Yes, it is. It’s mine 是的,它是我的(铅笔)。 No, it isn’t. It’s hers. 不,不是的。这是她的(铅笔) 2)Is that your schoolbag? 那是你的书包吗? Yes, it is. It’s mine 是的,它是我的(书包)。 No, it isn’t. It’s his. 不,不是的。那是她的(书包) It’s = It is isn’t = is not 3. Are these / those … ? 这 / 那些是……吗? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 是的,这/那些(它们)是。/ 不,这/那些(它们)不是。 △回答时,要用 they 来代替 these 和 those。 不可回答 Yes, these / those are / No, these / those aren’t.. 1) Are these your books? 这些是你的书吗? Yes, they are. 是的,这些(它们)是。 No, they aren’t. They are hers. 不,这些(它们)不是。这些是她的(书)。 2)Are those her keys? 那些是她的钥匙吗? Yes, they are. 是的,那些(它们)是。 No, they aren’t. They are mine. 不,那些(它们)不是。那些是我的(书)。 aren’t = are not 4. Excuse me.请原谅/打扰了(客套语,用于问别人问题、请别人帮忙、打断别人说话等场合。) Sorry/I’m sorry. “对不起,抱歉”(用于向别人表示歉意) A: Excuse me. Where is my pen? 打扰了,我的钢笔在那? B: Sorry/I’m sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。 5. What / how about …? “……怎么样?” “……又如何呢?”。后接名词,代词或动名词。 1)向对方提出建议或请求。例如: How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好吗? What about another cake? 再吃块蛋糕好吗? 2)征询对方的看法或意见。例如: What about her playing the violin? (你认为)她的小提琴拉的怎么样? What about the TV play? 那个电视剧怎么样? 3) 询问天气或身体等情况。例如: What about the weather in your home town? 你们家乡的气候如何? How about your uncle now? You can’t leave him by himself. 你叔叔近来身体好吗?你们不能单独让他生 活。 4) 寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。例如: I am from Beijing. What about you? 我是北京人,你呢? 5) 对所陈述的情况做出反诘,常给予对方一种暗示。例如: ——My memory is good. I’ve never forgotten anything.我的记忆力很好,从不忘记什么。 ——What about that time you left your key to the office at home?那次你将办公室的钥匙忘在家里算是怎么回 事呀? 6. thanks / thank you for...因......而感谢 for是介词,后接 n / pron / v-ing. (名词/代词、动名词) Thanks for the photo of your family. 谢谢你的全家福照片。 Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。 Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 7.如何用英语表示感谢 1)表示感谢的常用套语: It‘s very kind of you. 你太好了,多谢你了。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 Thank you very much indeed. 真是太感谢你了。 Thanks. 谢谢。 Thanks a lot. 多谢。 Thanks very much. 非常感谢。 Thanks so much. 非常感谢。 Many thanks. 多谢。 2)回答感谢的常用答语: Not at all. 别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话。 You are welcome. 不用谢。 That‘s all right. 没什么;不用谢。 That‘s OK. 没什么;不用谢。 Please don‘t mention it. 不用客气;不用谢。 It‘s [It was] a pleasure. 不用客气;不用谢。 A pleasure. 不用客气;不用谢。 It is (was) my pleasure. 别客气,这是我高兴做的。 My pleasure. 不客气,这是我高兴做的事。 No problem. 不客气;不用谢。 It‘s [It was] nothing. 没什么;不客气。 8.How do you spell...? 你怎么拼写/读……? A: How do you spell “red”? B: R-E-D. 用于询问或要求对方拼写单词的表达方式还有: Spell it, please.请把它拼写出来。 Can you spell it, please? 请把它拼写出来好吗? Do you know how to spell it? 你知道它如何拼写吗? 9. ask for…. 请求/要…… 如:I’ll ask for two pencils. 我将要两支铅笔。 ask sb for sth 向某人请求/要某物 ask the teacher for help 向老师求助 10. call sb at + 电话号码:“拨打...号码找某人” Call Alan at 495-3539.拨打 495-3539 找艾伦 11.E-mail me at maryg2@gfimail.com.(请)给我 maryg2@gfimail.com 这个邮箱发邮件。 1)at放在电子邮箱的地址或电话号码等前面,表示“根据……;按照……” 2)@是 at的缩写,读作 at,com 前的实心点读作 dot。 12. I must find it. 我必须找到它。 13. a set of...一套/副/串......a set of keys 一串钥匙 a set of...作句子的主语时,应看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数。如: A set of keys is on the desk. 有串钥匙在桌子上。 14.Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? 那个在失物招领箱里的电子游戏机是你的吗? in the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里 Unit 4 Where’s my backpack? 1. 谈论物品的位置 Where’s + 单数物品? Where are + 复数物品? It’s + 介词短语. They’re + 介词短语. 1) Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack. 棒球在哪?在背包里。 2) Where’s my computer game? It’s under the bed.我的电子游戏机在哪?在床下面。 3) Where are your books? They’re on the chair.你的书在哪?在椅子上。 4) Where are the keys? They’re on the dresser. 钥匙在哪?在梳妆台上。 名词前已有作定语的 this, that, my, your, some, any, each, every 等代词,则不用冠词。 2. 表位置的介词 on 在......上(两者相接触) in 在......里 under 在......下面(正下方) 3. Come on, Jack! 快点儿,杰克!= Hurry (up), Jack! 4. Gina’s books are everywhere.吉娜的书到处都是。 5. I don’t know.我不知道。 6. take sb/sth to + 地点:把某人/某物带到某地。1) 把书带到学校 take sth to sb 把某物带给某人 2) 把书带给他 7. Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西到学校吗? bring“带来,拿来”表示从远处带到近处,从别的地方带到说话者的地方。 take “带走,拿走”表示从近处带到远处,从说话者的地方带到别的地方。 1) 请给我带块橡皮擦。 2)请把这些书带给你妹妹。 8. some 和 any(一些) 1) some 一般用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和疑问句 ①我需要一些笔记本。 ②我没有书。I don’t have ( )books. ③Do you have ( )books? 你有一些书吗? 2) 在表示请求、建议、征求意见等委婉语气的疑问句中,用 some 而不用 any。 ①Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西到学校吗? ②Would you like ( ) apples? 你想要一些苹果吗? 9. on the wall 与 in the wall(在墙上) 图画、黑板、风筝等“在墙上”,是因为它们在墙的表面,故用 on the wall。 门窗、钉子、洞、孔等“在墙上”,是因为它们在墙的里面,故用 in the wall。 10.名词所有格 在英语中,当我们表达“我的”“你的”“他的”时,用代词 my, your, his 等。如果要表示“某个(些)人的”时, 可以在某个(些)人后加’s 来表示所有关系,这种形式我们称为所有格。如 Mike的父亲:Mike’s father, 我 妈妈的名字:my mother’s name 构成:1)单数名词加’s. 2)以 s 结尾的复数名词加’读音不变。如 the teachers’ room(老师们的房间) 表共同所有,在最后一个名词后加“’s”。 Jim and Tom’s mother 吉姆和汤姆的母亲(共同所有) 表各自所有,在每个名词后加“’s” Jim’s room and Tom’s room are both big. 吉姆的房间和汤姆的房间都很大。(各自所有) Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 1. Do you have......? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.. 你有……吗? 是的,我有。 不,我没有。 Do they have......? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.. Does he have......? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Does she have......? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. 在一般现在时中,句子的谓语动词若是实义动词,常借助助动词 do 或 does 来构成否定句或疑问句。Does 用于主语是第三人称单数的句子中,其他情况用 do。 2. do/does 1)作助动词,帮助构成一般现在时的否定句或疑问句,无意义。 Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球吗? I don’t know. 我不知道。 Does Jim have a sister? 吉姆有妹妹吗? What does he like? 他喜欢什么? He doesn’t like English. 他不喜欢英语。 2) 作实义动词,“做,干”。 I do my homework every day. 我每天都做家庭作业。 Bob does his homework every day. 鲍勃每天都做家庭作业。 3) 在一般现在时中,do/does 可用来替代上文出现过的动词,以避免重复。 Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我有。(do 代 have) Does she have an eraser? Yes, she does. I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. 我没有足球,但我的哥哥艾伦有。 3. Let’s do sth. “(让)我们做某事吧。”表示建议。(let’s = let us) 肯定回答一般用 That sounds good.(那听起来很好)/OK.好的 / All right.好的 / Great.好极了/ Good idea. 好主意 否定回答一般用 sorry, I... 1) 让我们上学去吧。好的。 2)我们打乒乓球吧。对不起,我有许多家庭作业要做。 4. let sb. do sth. 让某人作某事 1)让他踢足球。 2)让海伦回家吧 5. We’re late! 我们迟到了!be late for…. ……迟到 Don’t be late for school.不要上学迟到。 6. play + 球类名词:打/踢……球(注意:球类运动不用冠词) play ping-pong/basketball/volleyball/tennis/soccer 7. sound 1)连系动词,“听起来”,后接形容词作表语。 That story sounds very interesting.那故事听起来很有趣。 2)名词“声音”(泛指自然界中的各种声音)。 The sound is too loud.声音太大了。 8. We play it at school with our friends.我们和我们的朋友在学校踢。 1)at school 在学校 2)with “和;与;跟……在一起” 9. It’s easy for me.这对我来说挺容易的。 for的用法 1)供……用,给……的 Is this apple for me? 这个苹果是给我的吗? Here is a letter for your mother. 这儿有你妈妈的一封信。 2)作……用(表用途) Do you need bags for sports? 你需要运动包吗? I need a cup for milk. 我需要一个装牛奶的杯子。 3)就……而言,对于……来说 For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉。 For girls, we have T-shirts in all colors.女孩子们可以买到各种颜色的 T 恤衫。 4)以……的价格(表交换、价格) You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each. 你可以买到每双只卖 5 美元的袜子。 5)for oneself 亲自 Come and see for yourself.你亲自来看看吧。 10. sports club 体育俱乐部 Sport“运动”,修饰名词时,总是用复数形式。sports meeting 运动会 sports shoes 运动鞋 11. play/do sports 做运动 12.watch TV 看电视 13.on TV/on the radio/on the computer/on the phone 在电视上/在收音机上/在电脑上/在电 上 电子产品上用介词 on。 14.every day 每天 She plays sports every day. 她每天都做运动。 everyday日常的 everyday English 日常英语 15.after class 下课后 after school 放学后 16. 辨析 interesting与 interested 1) interesting 可作表语,指某人/事/物本身有趣;也可作定语修饰人或物 ① The book is interesting. 这书很有趣。 (作表语) ②I have an interesting book.我有本有趣的书。(作定语) 2) interested 用于 be/get/become interested in…(对……感兴趣)这一结构中。 He is interested in playing football.他对踢足球感兴趣。 17.时态概说 在英语中,不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,要用不同的动词形式来表示,这种表示动作发生时间的 各种动词形式称为时态。 I am 14 this year. 今年我 14 岁。 I was 13 last year.去年我 13 岁。 He plays soccer every day.他每天都踢足球。 He played soccer yesterday.昨天他踢足球了。 时态包括两方面的因素,一为“时”即时间,一为“态”即方式。从时间上看,英语时态有现在、过去、 将来、过去将来之分;从方式上看,每一时间内的动作表现方式又有一般、进行、完成、完成进行之别。 动词表示的动作可以发生于四种不同的时间,表现出四种不同的方式,每一种“时间---方式”构成一种时态, 因此英语中共有 16 种时态。 18.一般现在时 一般现在时表示现在的状态,如:He is 12. She is at home. 表示经常的或习惯性的动作,如:I go to school at 7:30 every day. 表示主语具备的性格和能力等,如:She likes apples. They know English. 1)动词 be 肯定式 否定式 I am.... You are.... He/She/It is.... We/You/They are.... I am not.... You are not.... He/She/It is not.... We/You/They are not.... 疑问式和简略答语 Am I....? Yes, you are. No, you are not. Are we....? Yes, we/you are. No, we/you are not Are you....? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Are you....? Yes, we are. No, we are not. Is he/she/it....? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it is not. Are they....? Yes, they are. No, they are not. 2)动词 do 肯定式 否定式 I like.... You like.... He/She/It likes.... We/You/They like.... I do not (don’t) like.... You do not (don’t) like.... He/She/It does not (doesn’t) likes.... We/You/They do not (don’t) like.... 疑问式和简略答语 Do I like oranges? Yes, you do. No, you do not(don’t) Do we like oranges? Yes, we/you do. No, we/you do not(don’t) Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. No, I do not(don’t) Do you like oranges? Yes, we do. No, we do not(don’t) Does he/she/it like oranges? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it does not. Do they like oranges? Yes, they do. No, they do not(don’t) 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式有以下几种变化: 规则 动词原形 第三人称单数形式 一般动词在词尾加-s,在清辅音后读/s/,在 浊辅音或元音后读/z/,在 t 后读/ts/,在 d 后读/ds/。 help like swim listen know play get find helps /helps/ likes /laiks/ swims /wimz/ listens /’lisənz/ knows /nəʊz/ plays /pleiz/ gets /gets/ finds /faindz/ 以字母 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的动词加-es, 读/iz/。 如果动词原形词尾已有 e,则加 s。以 o 结 尾的动词也加-es,读/z/。 teach go teaches goes 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,先边 y 为 i, 再加-es,读/z/。 study studies Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 1. like 喜欢 1)like sb. / sth.喜欢某人/某物 2) like to do sth.喜欢/想要做某事(表一次性或特指的某一具体的动作) 3) like doing sth喜欢做某事(表习惯性的动作或爱好) ①我喜欢每天打篮球。I like playing basketball every day. ②今天很冷,我喜欢呆在家里。Today is cold, I like to stay at home. 2. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗。 可数名词可用复数表示一类人或事物 3. 名词的分类 1)名词分为“专有名词”和“普通名词”两大类。专有名词是个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称,如:Gina, China。专有名词的第一个字母要大写。 2)普通名词又可分为下面四类: ①个体名词:表示某类人或东西中的个体。如 pen, student, apple。 ②集体名词:表示若干个体组成的集合体。如 family, class。 ③物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。如 water, broccoli等。 ④抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质、情感等。如 work, happiness 等。 个体名词和集体名词都是可数名词,物质名词和抽象名词都是不可数名词。 3)有些名词既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词,但意义不同,要注意区分。 ①glass cn. 杯子 un. 玻璃 orange cn 橘子 un. 橘汁 ②还有表示动物类的名词,表示动物时是可数名词,作为菜肴时是不可数名词。 chicken cn. 小鸡 un. 鸡肉 fish cn.鱼 un. 鱼肉 ③salad, ice cream, food, fruit 作总称讲是不可数名词,作种类讲是可数名词 She likes hamburgers, salad and apples. a salad of tomato 4. good / well 1) good adj “好的”,常用来修饰名词。a good student 一位好学生 2)well ①adj “好的”,“健康的”(指身体好)He doesn’t feel well.他感觉不舒服。②adv. “好”常用来修饰 动词,放在动词之后。He learns English well.他英语学得好。 5. 许多 1) lots of = a lot of 修饰可数或不可数名词。lots of / a lot of bananas lots of / a lot of water 2)many 修饰可数名词 many boys many bananas 3)much 修饰不可数名词 much water much broccoli 6. think about 思考;考虑 7. Sports star 体育明星 sport 作修饰语时通常用复数形式。如:sports meeting 运动会 sports shoes 运动鞋 8. ask sb about sth .询问某人关于某事 He asked me about the meeting.他问我关于运动会的一些情况。 9. What do you like for breakfast? 你早餐喜欢(吃)什么? 10. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples.= She likes eggs, bananas, and apples for breakfast.她早餐 喜欢吃鸡蛋,香蕉和苹果。 sb like ....for + 某餐 = For + 某餐,sb. like....(某人某餐喜欢吃什么) 11. one last question 最后一个问题 12. I don’t want to be fat. 我不想变胖。 want to be… “想要成为……;想要变得……”,动词 be 后接形容词或名词。 Do you want to be a teacher? 你想成为一名老师吗? I don’t want to be old! 我可不想变老! Unit 7 How much are these socks? 1. 询问价格 1) How much is + 单数商品? How much are + 复数商品? It’s + 钱 They’re + 钱 ①这件红色的裙子多少钱?100 元。 ②这条蓝裤子多少钱?30 美元. 2) What’s the price of + 商品? It’s + 钱 ①这件红色的裙子多少钱?100 元。 ②这条蓝裤子多少钱?30 美元. 2. how many/how much 询问数量 how many + 可数名词,how much + 不可数名词 1)你有多少苹果?How many apples do you have? 2)你想要多少水?How much water do you want? 3. socks袜子, shoes 鞋, pants裤子,trousers 裤子等都是成双成对的物品,一般以复数形式出现,作主语时谓 语动词用复数形式。但它们和 a pair of (一双、一副或一对)连用作主语时,谓语动词要与 pair 在数上一 致。 The pants are Tom’s. 这条裤子是汤姆的。 The pair of pants is Tom’s. 这条裤子是汤姆的。 4. 英美等西方国家的货币单位像 dollar(美元)、cent(美分)、pound(英镑)、penny(便士)、shilling(先 令)等有单复数变化。我国的货币单位元(yuan)、角(jiao)、分(fen)单复数一样。 △表示货币等度量衡单位的词在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 100 dollars is quite a lot of money for him. 100 美元对他来说是相当多的钱。 5. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗? 此句是主动提供帮助时的服务用语。它的翻译随着场所的不同而不同。在饭店:你想吃点什么?在商店: 你想买点什么? 肯定回答:Yes, please. … 否定回答:No, thanks. (…) 与 Can I help you?同义的常用表达还有:What can I do for you?/ May I help you?/Is there anything I can do for you? 6. want sth 想要某物 1)我想要个苹果。 want to do sth. 想要做某事 2)他想打篮球 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 3)我想要他帮助我 7. Here you are.给你。 8. It looks nice.它看起来很漂亮。Look“看起来;看上去”,连系动词,后接形容词作表语。 9. I’ll take it.我买了。 10.表感谢的用语:Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot / Many thanks. 回答感谢的用语:That’s all right / That’s OK. Not at all. You’re welcome. 11.Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服! 1)come and do sth 来做某事 Come and see us. 来拜访 / 看看我们吧。 Please come and have dinner with us. 请来跟我们吃顿饭吧。 2)on sale 出售;廉价出售 for sale 待售 1)房子在待售 2)毛衣在出售 12.We sell all our clothes at very good prices.我们卖的所有服装价格都很优惠。 at very good prices 以合理/优惠的价格 13.for 的用法 1)供……用,给……的 Is this apple for me?这个苹果是给我的吗? Here is a letter for your mother. 这儿有你妈妈的一封信。 2)作……用(表用途) Do you need bags for sports?你需要运动包吗? I need a cup for milk. 我需要一个装牛奶的杯子。 3)就……而言,对于……来说 For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉。 For girls, we have T-shirts in all colors.女孩子们可以买到各种颜色的 T 恤衫。 4)以……的价格(表交换、价格) You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each. 你可以买到每双只卖 5 美元的袜子。 5)for oneself 亲自 Come and see for yourself.你亲自来看看吧。 14. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物 buy my mother a sweater = buy a sweater for my mother 给我妈妈买了件毛衣 △sth若是代词,只能用 buy sth. for sb. buy it for him 15. have a look at = look at看一看 Unit 8 When is your birthday? 1. months: 月份: January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八 月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 2. 基数词变序数词口诀: 基变序,有规律,尾部要加-th。 一、二、三,特殊记,结尾字母 t, d, d (one----first, two---second, three---third) 八去 t,九去 e,ve 要用 f 替 (eight—eighth, nine—ninth, five—fifth, twelve—twelfth) y 要改为 ie (twenty—twentieth, thirty—thirtieth) 若是碰上几十几,只变个位就可以 (twenty-one---twenty-first, thirty-four—thirty-fourth) 3. date of birth(出生日期)= birthday 4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 5. 问年龄用 how old +be + 主语?答:主语 + be + 基数词(years old) 1) How old are you? I’m fifteen(years old) 你多大了?我 15 岁。 2) How old is the baby? He is 10 months old.这个婴儿多大了?他 10 个月大。 6. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? 7. at / on / in 表时间“在……” 1)at 通常表在某个点时间。at 8:00 在 8:00 at 9:25 在 9:25 2) on 通常表在某一天或某一天的上/下午、晚上。 on September 1st 在 9 月 1 日 on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的上午 3)in 表在某一周/月/季节/年/世纪等。 in 1979 在 1979 年 in September 在 9 月份 in spring 在春天 表时间 at < on < in 4) 固定词组 at dawn 在黎明 at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 at sunrise 在黎明/日出时 at Christmas 在圣诞节 at lunch time 在吃中饭时 at this / that time 在这/那时 at the age of 20 在 20 岁时 on weekend(s)在周末 in the morning / afternoon / evening 在上午/下午/晚上 8. see you./ Goodbye / Bye/ Bye-bye 再见 see you later 回头见;过一会儿见。 see you tomorrow/next week. 明天见 / 下周见 see you then. 到时见。 9. have a good time = enjoy oneself(oneself 要随主语的变化而变化) = have fun They are having a good time. = They are enjoying themselves.= They are having fun. 他们正玩得高兴。 10.各种节日的英语 1 月 1 日元旦(New Year's Day) 2 月 14 日情人节(Valentine's Day) 3 月 8 日国际妇女节(International Women's Day) 3 月 12 日中国植树节(China Arbor Day) 4 月 1 日愚人节(April Fools' Day) 4 月 5 日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day) 5 月 1 日国际劳动节(International Labour Day) 5 月 4 日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day) 6 月 1 日 国际儿童节(International Children's Day) 8 月 1 日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day) 8 月 12 日国际青年节(International Youth Day) 9 月 10 日中国教师节(Teachers’ Day) 10 月 1 日国庆节(National Day) 10 月 31 日万圣节(Halloween) 12 月 25 日圣诞节(Christmas Day) 5 月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother's Day) 6 月第三个星期日父亲节(Father's Day) 10 月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day) 11 月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day) 农历节日 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(the Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 1. What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么?=What subject do you like best? My favorite subject is math. 我最喜欢的学科是数学。= I like math best. 1)What’s your favorite....? = What....do you like best? My favorite.... is …. = I like .... best. 2) favorite 前一定要用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格一起来修饰后面的名词。不可根据汉语意思而用 人称代词如 I, He 等。 What’s Gina’s favorite subject? Gina 最喜欢的学科是什么? Her favorite subject is math. 她最喜欢的学科是数学。 3)favorite(美)亦可拼为 favourite(英) 4)favorite n. 最喜欢的人或物(复数形式是 favorites) These clothes are my favorites.这些衣服是我最喜欢的。 Which color is your favorite? 哪种颜色是你最喜爱的? 2. Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢数学? Because it’s interesting. 因为它很有趣。 3. How’s your day? 今天过得如何? It’s OK.还行。 Great! 棒极了! 4. have + 学科:上某一学科的课。 have English 上英语课 have a class / lesson 上课 have breakfast / lunch / dinner 吃早饭 / 中饭/ 晚饭 have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 have a school trip 开展校外活动 have a party 举行派对;举办聚会 5. That’s for sure.的确如此。 6. be busy with sth / be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 I’m busy with my homework = I’m busy doing my homework 我在忙着做家庭作业。 He is busy writing a letter. 他在忙着写信。 7. interesting / funny Interesting“有意思的;有吸引力的”,指引起理性的或智慧的兴趣。Funny“逗乐的;有趣的;使人快乐的”, 强调“滑稽可笑的” English is interesting.英语很有趣。 I find this book interesting. 我发现这本书很有意思。 This is a funny movie.这是一部搞笑的影片。 This game looks fun. 这个游戏看起来好玩。 8. from … to … “从……到……”,用来表述时间、地点等范围。 from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五 from Beijing to Shanghai 从北京到上海 9. for + 一段时间:表(某个动作)持续了多长时间。 I played with him for two hours. 我和他玩了两个小时。 10.Is that OK with you?那对你来说合适吗? 补充: 1. It’s Tuesday, November 11. 今天是 11 月 11 日,星期二。 1)日期和星期同时表达时,通常先说星期后说日期。 2)句中 it 用来表示时间。 2. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对某事(在某方面)要求严格 1)Our English teacher is very strict with us.我们的英语老师对我们要求很严格。 2)Our English teacher is very strict in our homework. 我们的英语老师对我们的家庭作业要求很严格。 3. play with....和……一起玩 4. look, see, watch, read 1)look 为不及物动词,指看的过程,不一定看见。后接宾语须加 at。 2)see 用作及物动词。后面直接接宾语。“看见,看到”强调看的结果。“看医生”“看电影”常用这个词。 ①He looks at the blackboard, but can’t see the words.他看了看黑板,但看不见这个词。 ②see the doctor看医生 ③see a film/movie 看电影 3)watch为及物动词。“观看,注视”指非常仔细全神贯注地看。“看电视”“看比赛”习惯用这个词。 ①watch TV 看电视 ②watch the football game 看足球比赛 4)read本义为“读,朗读”,“看书,看报,看杂志”常用这个词 read a book 看书 read the e-mail 读这封电子邮件 5. 辨析 interesting 与 interested 1) interesting 可作表语,指某人/事/物本身有趣;也可作定语修饰人或物 ① The book is interesting. 这书很有趣。 (作表语) ②I have an interesting book.我有本有趣的书。(作定语) 2) interested 用于 be/get/become interested in…(对……感兴趣)这一结构中。 He is interested in playing football.他对踢足球感兴趣。 6. on weekends 在周末 7. play the guitar 弹吉他 play erhu 拉二胡 play chess 下国际象棋 play soccer 踢足球 1)演奏某种乐器,乐器名词前要用 the(汉语拼音组成的名词除外) 2)球类/棋类运动,名词前不用冠词 8. join / take part in 参加 join 多指参加某个团体或组织,成为其中的一员。take part in 多指参加某项活动,并在其中起一定的作 用。 join the Party 入党 join the army 参军 take part in the meeting 参加会议 join in(参加某项活动) = take part in join sb.加入到某人当中 join us 加入到我们当中 9. 辨析 speak,say, talk, tell 1) speak“说”,“讲话”。强调说的能力。 ①作及物动词,只能接某种语言作宾语:speak + 语言 “说某种语言”。 ②作不及物动词,“讲话,发言” She is speaking.她正在讲话/发言。 2)say“说”,后面跟说的内容。 I can say ABC.我会说 ABC. say hello to sb.向某人问好。 say sorry to sb.向某人道歉。 say it in English 用英语说(它)。 3)talk“谈论,交谈”。 ①talk to sb.对某人说话 ② talk with sb 同某人交谈 ③ talk about/on… 谈论…… 4) tell“告诉,讲述”。 ① tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事 ② tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事 ③ tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事 ④ tell a story 讲故事 tell a lie 撒谎 tell the truth 讲实话 10. Help Wanted 寻求帮助 wanted 常用于招聘或启事等的标题 Teachers Wanted 招聘教师 Waiters Wanted 招聘服务员 11. be good with sb 和某人相处得好(同义 get on well with sb.) be good to sb 对某人好 My teacher is good to me. be good for....对……有益 Learning English well is good for us. be good at....擅长…… Lucy is good at English. 12. help 1) n. 帮助 Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。 2) v. 帮助 ①help with sth. 帮着做某事 Please help with my homework. ②help sb. with sth.帮助某人(做)某事 Could you help me with my English? ③help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 Could you help me (to) learn English? 13.选择疑问句:用 or 连接的可供选择的疑问句。回答选择疑问句不能用 yes 和 no ,选择什么答什么。读 选择疑问句时,or 前用升调,or 后用降调。若选择疑问句中有三个火三个以上并列部分,or 用来连接最后 一部分,前面并列部分用逗号隔开。 Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? 你会弹钢琴、吹喇叭、打鼓、还是弹吉他? I can play the piano.我会弹钢琴。 Which is the smallest, the sun, the moon or the earth? 哪一个是最小的,太阳,月亮还是地球? 14. 辨析 little, a little, few, a few 1) little, a little 修饰不可数名词;few, a few 修饰可数名词。 2) little, few 表否定含义“几乎没有”,a little, a few 表肯定含义“一点儿,少量” There is_________water in the cup. 杯子里有点水。 I know________English. 我几乎不懂英语。 There are________apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。 The stone is too heavy,________people can move it. 15. go to school 去上学 in hospital 在住院 go to the school 去学校 in the hospital在医院里 16. get up 起床 go to bed 睡觉 17. what time / when 都可对时间进行提问,表示“什么时候”。what time 用来询问具体的时间点;when 既可用来询问具体的 时间点,还可用于询问时间段。 1)询问动作发生的具体时间时,两者可互换。 What time / When do you usually go to school? 你通常几点去上学? 2)询问钟表示的具体时间时,只能用 what time, 不能用 when。 What time is it?几点了? 3)询问年份、月份、日期等非点时间时,只能用 when,不能用 what time。 When is the Music Festival? 音乐节是什么时候? 18.感叹句 感叹句常用 what和 how 引出强调部分,并放在句首,一般情况下,what 修饰名词,how 修饰形容词、 副词。 1)what 感叹句的结构为: a / an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 What + 形容词 +可数名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他 ! 形容词 + 不可数名词 ①What a good boy he is!他是一个多么好的男孩啊! ②What an interesting book it is ! 多有趣的书啊 ! ③What delicious broccoli (it is) !多好吃的花椰菜啊 ! ④What beautiful flowers in the garden ! 花园中的花式多么美丽啊 ! 2)how 感叹句的结构为: How + 形容词/副词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他 ! How interesting the book is ! 这书多有趣啊 ! How beautiful the flowers in the garden are ! 花园中的花式多么美丽啊 ! How well he draws ! 他画得多好啊 ! 19.People love to listen to him! 人们喜欢听他(演奏)。 1)people“人,人们”,集合名词,没有单数形式,作主语时,谓语动词总是用复数。 The people there are teachers. 那儿的那些人是老师。 2)hear / listen to listen to“听……”强调“听”的行为,不一定听见;hear“听见,听到”,强调“听”的结果。 ①Please listen to me. 请听我说。 ②I can’t hear . 我听不见。 20. Can you think what his job is? 你能想出他是做什么工作的吗? what his job is 是 think 的宾语,因它也是一个句子,故称宾语从句。宾语从句若是特殊疑问句,疑 问词后面的部分应用陈述句语序。 How old is he? Do you know how old he is? What’s your name? I want to know what your name is. 21. best wishes 致以最美好的祝愿 ①best wishes to sb.向某人致以最美好的祝愿 Best wishes to you.向你致以最美好的祝愿。 ②best wishes for + 节日 “致以……节日最美好的祝愿” Best wishes to you for Teachers’ Day.向你致以教师节最美好的祝愿 22. 时刻表达法 1)顺读法:先说小时数,再说分钟数。 8:00 eight (o’clock) 9:05 nine o five 7:15 seven fifteen 7:30 seven thirty 6:45 six forty-five 6:55 six fifty-five 2) 逆读法:先说分钟数,再说小时数 ①分钟数≤30 用“分钟数 + past + 小时数”来表达(即几点过了几分) 15 分常用 a quarter(一刻钟,四分之一)来表示 30 分常用 half(半,一半)来表示 9:05 five past nine 8:24 twenty-four past eight 7:15 a quarter past seven (fifteen past seven) 7:30 half past seven (thirty past seven) ②分钟数>30 用“(60-分钟数)+ to + (小时数+ 1)”来表达(即几点差几分) 7:31 twenty-nine to eight 8:45 a quarter to nine (fifteen to nine) 9:55 five to ten Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 练习一参答 1、C 2、join 3、swim,swimming 4、B 5、A 6、at,on 7、I can speak a little English. 8、with 9、 1)a dolphin show 2)a movie/film show 典题精讲 例 1 思路解析:本题考查冠词的用法。在表示球类的名词和一日三餐的名词前面通常不加冠 词,因此选 D。例 2 思路解析:根据 there is no air there 判断出月亮上根本不可能有人在砍树,所以表示不 可能。答案选 A。例 3 思路解析:play 后面跟表示球类(运动)的名词时,中间不用冠词 the;而跟表示乐 器的名词时,中间应用定冠词 the。答案为 C。原创题 参考答案:1.musician 2.sing 或 dance 3.dance 或 sing 4.guitar 5.sports 6.soccer 或 basketball 7.basketball 或 soccer 8.chess 思路解析:这是一则俱 乐部招收学生的广告,所招收学生应会 play soccer/basketball/chess 等或 play the guitar。另外,要注意最后 句子中的 an intelligent game 的含义,以便确定此前空处的答案。 Unit 2 What time do you go to school 练习一参答 三.典型例解 1. 分析:D 本题考查感叹句的用法。中心词是名词用"What"(单数可数名词用 What a(或 an),中心词是形容词或副词用"How"。 2. 分析:C 本题是通过语境考查询问时间的表达方法。常有两 种问法: What time is it?或 What’s the time?。3.分析:C 本题考查时间的表示法。除整点时间有一种表 示方法外, 一般有两种表示方法。12: 45 既可以表示为 a quarter to one, 也可以表示为 twelve forty-five。4. 分析:D 本题考查表示在某一确定时刻和在上午/下午/晚上时, 一些介词的应用。在几点钟常用介词 at, 在 上午/下午/晚上常表达为 in the morning/ afternoon/ evening。5.分析:B have breakfast“吃早饭”,Maria 是 第三人称单数, 动词应与主语在人称和上保持一致, 故选 B。6.分析:B 本题考查固定句子结构 What’s wrong with ...?“……怎么了/出什么事了?”。 7.分析:C 本题考查句式 It’s (very) kind of sb. to do sth. 的用法。8. 分析:B It’s time to do sth. 是固定搭配, go home 的意思是“回家”。整个句意为“七点钟了, 该回家了。” 故选 B。9.分析:B 本题通过语境考查 at 和 about 的用法。“大约在几点钟”通常表示为 at about +时间。10. 分析:D 本题考查日常交际用语。当麻烦别人的时候常说 Excuse me“打扰了/麻烦您了/劳驾”。 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 同步参答 题一: 1. join 2. swims 3. chess 4. piano 5. draws 6. makes 7.good 8.doing 9. to dance 10. join 11. to sing 12. English 13. musician 解析:1.句意:你想要加入什么俱乐部? 2. 句意:他经常在这条河里游泳。in the river 在这条河里。 3. 句意:约翰喜欢和汤姆在一起下棋。play chess with sb.和某人一起下棋。 4. 句意:这个小男孩不会弹钢琴。play the piano 弹钢琴。 5.句意:这个小女孩经常在下午三点画画。 6. 句意:他在中国交了许多朋友。make friends 交朋友。 7. 句意:吃健康的食物对你的身体健康是有好处的。be good for 对……有益。 8. 句意:他喜欢做早操。like doing sth.喜欢做早操。 9. 句意:他想晚饭后和他的朋友一起跳舞。 10. 句意:因为他很小,他不能参加讲故事俱乐部。the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部。 11. 句意:他想喝你们一起唱歌。 12. 句意:他来自英国他会讲英语。 13. 句意:他作为一个音乐家而出名。 题二: 1. join 2. swimming 3. chess 4. piano 5.drawing 6. makes 7.good 8.doing 9. dancing 10.to join 11. singing 12. English 13. musician 解析:1. 句意:你想要加入我们一块散步吗?join sb.加入某人一起做某事。 2. 句意:玛丽喜欢游泳。like + doing 喜欢做某事。 3. 句意:你想加入象棋俱乐部吗?join+俱乐部,表示成为其中的一员。 4. 句意:今天有一节钢琴课。have a piano lesson 上钢琴课。 5.句意:在周二有一节绘画课。have a drawing lesson 上绘画课。 6. 句意:她经常为她的朋友做生日蛋糕。 make birthday cakes for sb.为某人做生日蛋糕。 7. 句意:他擅长画画。be good at 擅长。 8. 句意:玛丽喜欢在晚饭后做作业。do one’s homework 做作业。 9. 句意:他最喜欢的运动是跳舞。 10. 句意:他不想参军。join the army 参军。 11. 句意:他喜欢和他的朋友一起唱歌。like doing 喜欢做某事。 12. 句意:他经常帮助他的妹妹学习英语。 13. 句意:他是来自英国的音乐家。 题三: 1.A 2.D 解析:1.句意:他喜欢拉小提琴而她的弟弟喜欢打篮球。球类运动的前面没有冠词,乐器前面需加定冠词。 2. 句意:说英语的 学生讲的汉语很好。讲某种语言应该用 speak。 题四: 1.A 2.C 解析:1.句意:一些人喜欢弹吉他而另外一些人喜欢踢足球。球类运动的前面没有冠词,乐器前面需加定冠 词。 2. 句意:这个小男孩会讲故事了。tell stori es 讲故事。 题五: 1.D 2.C 解析:1.句意:—他会游泳吗?--不会,但是他会跳舞。上句的谓语动词用的是情态动词 can,下句的答语 还是用 can来回答。 2. 句意:请给我们打这个电话。call sb at+电话 号码“给某人打这个电话” 题六: 1.C 2.C 解析:1.句意:--你会弹钢琴吗?--是的,我会。请让我给你弹一曲吧。 2. 句意:你经常和他们玩游戏吗?这里作介词的宾语应该用宾格。 题七: 1.C 2.D 解析:1.句意:他和他班级里的同学相处的很好。be good with 与……相处得好。 2. 句意:玛丽擅长跳舞。be good at擅长…… 题八: 1.B 2.D 解析:1.句意:做运动对于你的健康是有好处的。be good for对……有益。 2. 句意:他非常喜欢游泳并且他还擅长它。be good at擅长…… 题九: 1.B 2.B 解析:1.句意:他不喜欢西红柿和胡罗卜。在否定句中用 or 表示两者都否定了。 2. 句意:请给她打这个电话 234-6754。 题十: 1.B 2.A 解析:1.句意:他不会踢足球也不会弹钢琴。在否 定句中用 or 表示两者都否定了。 2. 句意:不要在课堂上说话。in class 在课堂上。 题十一: 1. I want to join the art club. 2.—Can you sing?—No, I can’t. But I can dance. 3.He often helps Jim (to )learn to sing. 4. Let’s go home after school. 5.He likes playing chess, so he wants to join the chess club. 6. We need you to help carry the box. 解析:1. join the art club 加入艺术俱乐部。 2. 这里考查 can的用法。can表示能,会。 3. help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事。 4. after school 放学后。 5. join the chess club 加入象棋俱乐部。 6. need to do 需要某人做某事。 题十二: 1.You can join the art club. 2. –Can he play volleyball? --No, he can’t. But he can play the drums. 3. Can you help your brother to learn to draw? 4. Let them play tennis with us. 5.He likes apples, so his mother often buys some for him. 6. They need you to help clean the room. 解析:1. join the art club 足球俱乐部。 2. play volleyball 打排球; play the drums 敲鼓。 3. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事。这里的 to可以省略。 4. play tennis 打网球。 5. buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物。 6. clean the room 打扫房间。 题十三: 1.The weather. 2.An umbrella or a raincoat. 3.Yes, it does. 4.The Weather in England 解析: 短文大意:本文叙述了英国的天气变化,在英国呆一天有可能人们经历四季的天气,在冬天也可以感受到 夏天的温暖,所以人们通常在晴朗的天气里也经常带着一把雨伞,以防后半天的时候有可能出现下雨的天 气。 1. 细节理解题。根据 In England, people often talk about the w eather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. 可知人们经常在一起谈论天气,故用 The weather. 2. 细节理解题。根据 some English people usually take a n umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, 人们经常带着一把雨伞,故选 An umbrella. 3. 细节理解题。根据 If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.可知在 英国下雨是很常见的天气,故用 Yes, it does. 4. 标题归纳题。根据这篇文章主要叙述了英国的天气变化,故用 The Weather in England。 题十四: 1. strange 2. a earth monster 3. nice things , balls from the trees and water 4. a TV set 解析: 短文大意:本文叙述了在外星人来看地球上的人是怪物,怪物长的什么样子,怪物都吃些什么东西,晚上 人们看电视,外星人看来人们是在看一个里面能出现怪物的小盒子。 1. 细节理解题。根据 Shlander is a man from space(太空). He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange. Shlander 认为地球上的东西都是非常奇怪的。 2. 细节理解题。根据 There are many earth monsters(怪物)here, too Shlander 认为地球上的人都是怪物。 3. 细节理解题。根据 Every day,they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole, too.他们每天向洞里放一些好的东西,从树上摘的果实和水。 4.推理判断题。根据 At night,the earth monsters like to look at a square(方形的)window box. This box has very small earth monsters in it.可知这里提到的盒子就是电视机。 Unit 2 What time do you go to school同步参答 1. dressed 2. shower 3. usually 4. quickly 5. exercise 6. quarter 7. job 解析:1. 句意:吉娜现在能够自己穿衣服。get dressed. 表示穿衣服。 2. 句意:他经常在晚饭后洗澡。这里是短语 take a shower 洗澡。 3. 句意:他通常和他的姐姐一块去上学。go to school 上学。 4. 句意:他每天刷牙很快。brush teeth 刷牙;every day 每天。 5. 句意:约翰想要她每天锻炼。want sb. to do 想要某人做某事。 6. 句意:你通常在六点一刻吃晚饭吗?have supper 吃晚饭。 7. 句意:他喜欢他的工作。job 工作。 1. dressed 2. shower 3. usually 4. quickly 5. exercise 6. quarter 7. job 解析:1. 句意:我穿好衣服后就吃早饭。get dressed 表示穿衣服。 2. 句意:我总是每天洗澡。take a showe r 洗澡。 3. 句意:他们通常晚饭后看电视。watch TV 看电视;after supper。 4. 句意:皮特吃饭很快。这里用副词来修饰动词 has。 5. 句意:每天锻炼是有好处的。every day 每天。 6. 句意:他每天下午六点差一刻回家。go home 回家。 7. 句意:它是一份难的工作。difficult 困难的。 1.B 2.C 解析:1.句意:—他通常几点起床?---经常在早晨六点。在具体的时间点前用介词 at。在早晨用介词 in。 2. 句意:他们通常在放学后去打篮球。球类运动的前面不用冠词;after school 放学后。 1.B 2.B 解析:1.句意:--你几点吃早饭?--在 7:30。在具体的时间点前用介词 at。 2. 句意:他经常在饭后弹吉他。乐器前用冠词 the,after dinner 饭后。 1.C 2.A 解析:1.句意:他每天在 9 点开始工作。start work 开始工作。 2.句意:他们通常下午 6 点回家。这里 get home 到家。 1.C 2.A 解析:1.句意:本学期是在 9 月份开始的。in September 在 9 月。 2.句意:我们都回家吃晚饭。go home 回家。 C 解析:1.我们中有一个错了,不是你们就是我错了。A. Both; and 表示两者都; B. Neither; nor 既不…… 也不……;C. Either; or 不是……就是…… ; D. Not only; but also 不仅……而且……根据 One of us is wrong 我们中有一个错了可知应该用 C. C 解析:不是这星期就是下星期我们就可完成这项工作。A. Both; and 表示两者都; B. Neither; nor 既不…… 也不……;C. Either;or 不是……就是…… ;D. Not only;but also 不仅……而且……根据 We can finish the work 可知应该用 C. D 解析:你知道它是谁的书吗?这里考查宾语从句,宾语从句的语序必须用陈述语序。 B 解析:句意:--你能告诉我玛丽在哪里吗?--是的,她在教室里。这里考查宾语从句,宾语从句的语序必须 用陈述语序。根据答语 She is in the classroom 可知这里问的是玛丽在什么地方,故选 B。 1. Do…go to school 2. What time…have classes 3. write…tell…about 4. He usually goes to school by bus. 5. What time does he usually have breakfast? 6. I don’t have enough food to eat, so let’s buy some. 解析:1. go to school 上学。 2. have classes 上课; in the morning 3. tell sb. about sth.告诉某人某事。 4. go to school 上学; by bus 乘车。 5. have breakfast 吃早饭。 6. have enough+名词“有足够的某物”。 1. Does…get home 2. What time…watch TV 3. write…tell…about 4.I usually go to see their parents with my sister. 5. What time do you usually play basketball? 6.Mary doesn’t have enough time to do her homework, so she can’t watch TV. 解析:1. get home 到家。 2. watch TV 看电视。 3. tell sb. about sth.告诉某人某事。 4. see their parents 看望他们的祖母。 5. play basketball打篮球。 6. do her homework 做作业; watch TV 看电视。 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.A 解析: 短文大意:本文叙述了马克和他的妈妈一起坐车去看望他的外公,因为车上人少,所以马克就在车里一直 在跑,妈妈让他坐下来,他说他要早点见到外公。 1.考查代词及语境的理解。A. She 她; B. It 它; C. He 他; D. They 他们。马克是一个小男孩,他四岁了 。因为上句提到的是马克,下一句用代词代替 Mike,因为他是男孩,所以应该用 he,故选 C。 2.考查代词及语境的理解。A. her 她的; B. he 他; C. she 她;D. his 他的。他的妈妈带着他去看望外公。 这里根据上文及下文 talks __7_ his mother 可知这里指的是 Mike 的妈妈,故选 D。 3.考查介词短语及语境的理解。 A. by bike骑自行车; B. by bus 坐公交车; C. by car 坐小汽车; D. by train 坐火车。根据 only a few people on the bus. 可知他们是坐车去的,故选 B。 4.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. is 是,单数;B. are 是,复数; C. has 有,第三人称单数; D. have 有,动 词原形。车上仅仅有几个人,这里是 there be 句型,句子的主语是 only a few people 所以谓语动词用 are, 故选 B。 5.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. stand站;B. stands 第三人称单数;C. sit 坐;D. sits 第三人称单数。他们都 坐在自己的位置上,这里句子的主语是 They,故选 C。 6.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. looks看; B. sees 看见;C. listens 听;D. speaks 说。他从窗子向外看,根 据常识可知他从窗外看去,故选 A。 7.考查介词及语境的理解。A. talk of 谈论;C. talk with 和某人谈话;D. talk about 谈论。他看着窗外和妈 妈说着话,根据下文“I want to see my grandpa earlier, I want the bus__10___faster(更快). “ Mike answers. 可 知他一直在和他妈妈在说话,故选 C。 8.考查疑问词及语境的理解。 A. What 什么;B. Where 哪里; C. When 什么时候; D. Why 为什么。为什 么你总是在跑,根据 Please sit __9_.可知故选 D。 9.考查副词及语境的理解。 这里与 sit up 熬夜,不 睡觉;sit down 坐下; 根据上文可知他一直在跑,他的 妈妈让他坐下来,故选 C。 10.考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。我想要车跑得更快写,这里是短语 want sth. to do,故应该用 to run,故 选 A。 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B 解析: 短文大意:本文主要向我们介绍了水的重要性。人体缺水会导致较严重的后果,所以不要在感到口渴时才 饮水,要及时补充水分。 1.考查介词及语境的理解。介词 Of 表示比较范围,意为“在……当中”,即我们所食用和饮用的物品中,水 是最重要的;其他的三个介词无此用法;故选 B。 2.考查代词及语境的理解。But 表示转折,即虽然不是很多人了解这一点,但是它却是真实的;故选 A。 3.考查介词及语境的理解。这句话是为了进一步论证开头的结论的,即,食物不如水重要,人类在较长时 间内不吃食物是可以维持生命的,结合下句中的 without 可知用 with;故选 B。 4.考查连词及语境的理解。两到三天多用连词 or,即人两三天不喝水就难以忍受;故选 D。 5.考查动词及语境的理解。动词 make要用省略 to 的不定式做宾补;故选 B。 6.考查动词及语境的理解。这一句是对前一句话的进一步诠释,即人类没有水是无法生存的;故选 B。 7.考查副词及语境的理解。water 为不可数名词,所以要用 how much 来修饰,故选 B。 8.考查形容词及语境的理解。喝水不足时,尤其是在炎热的天气里是危害较大的;故选 D。 9.考查名词及语境的理解。根据常识我们可以推断,人体内含有水分 70%,所以用 body;故选 A。 10.考查形容词及语境的理解。缺水会使我们感到疲倦,甚至会生病;故选 B。 Unit 3 How do you get to school 同步参答 题一:ride; took; far; subway; means 解析: 1. 句意为“我每天骑自行车去地铁站”。ride 骑。 2. 句意为“到那得花我一小时的时间”。take花费。 3. 句意为“从你家到学校有多远?”How far 距离有多远。 4. 句意为“我每天坐地铁去上学”。subway 地铁。 5. 句意为“无线电和电视是重要的交流方式”。means 方式。 题二:drives; half; cross; bridge; villagers 解析: 1. 句意为“我爸爸每天开车去上班”。drive 开车。 2. 句意为“我经常早上 6 点半起床”。half 半。 3. 句意为“当你过马路时,应该当心。”cross 穿过。 4. 句意为“河上有一座古老的石桥”。bridge 桥。 5. 句意为“村里有 2000 个村民”。villager 村民。 题三:come true; takes; leaves for; lives; think of; stop 解析: 1. come true 实现。句意为“我们的愿望将会实现”。 2. take花费。句意为“到学校通常花费半小时”。 3. leave for...出发去...,句意为“他八点半去公司”。 4. live 居住,生活。句意为“露西住得离学校很远”。 5. think of 认为,考虑。句意为“你的新工作怎么样?” 6.bus stop公交车站。句意为“你可以在公交车站等我”。 题四:come true; takes; leave for; lives; think of; stop 解析: 1. come true 实现。句意为“如果你学几门外语,你的梦想将会实现”。 2. take花费。句意为“到那骑自行车要花 20 分钟,步行要花 40 分钟”。 3. leave for...出发去...,句意为“我准备好去上海了”。 4. live 居住,生活。句意为“Tom住的地方离学校 60 英里远”。 5. think of 认为,考虑。句意为“你认为你的英语老师怎么样?” 6.bus stop公交车站。句意为“公交车站有许多人”。 题五:inviting; ride; worry; worried; be...more...riding 解析: 1. thanks for doing sth. 感谢做某事。句意为“感谢你邀请我们去你的生日聚会”。 2. tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事。句意为“我妈妈告诉我雨天不要骑自行车”。 3. worry about 担心。句意为“不要担心。只不过是一次小测验”。 4. be worried about 担心。句意为“那个女孩担心她的妈妈”。 5. 句意为“那一定比骑车更有趣”。must 后面跟动词原形,much 的比较级为 more,比较级后面接动名词形 式,故用 riding. 题六:taking; ride; worry; worried; be...more...climbing 解析: 1. thanks for doing sth. 感谢做某事。句意为“感谢你照顾我的孩子”。 2.learn to do sth. 学习做某事。句意为“他十岁的时候学习骑自行车”。 3. worry about 担心。句意为“别担心这个问题”。 4. be worried about 担心。句意为“她妈妈担心她的安全”。 5. 句意为“那一定比爬山更刺激”。must 后面跟动词原形,much 的比较级为 more,比较级后面接动名词形 式,故用 climbing. 题七:by; How; How long; to fini sh; for 解析: 1. by 加交通工具,表示乘...。句意为“莉莉每早骑自行车去上学”。 2. How 表示方式,怎么。句意为“玛丽怎么去上班?”“她坐公交车”。 3. How long 表示多久。句意为“你住在这里多久了?”“两年了”。 4. It takes sb. ...to do sth. 做某事花费某人......,句意为“完成这项工作将花费这些人半年的时间。” 5.thanks for doing sth.感谢做某事。句意为“感谢你送我生日礼物”。 题八:by; How; How long; to find; for 解析: 1. by 加交通工具,表示乘...。句意为“萨莉骑自行车去市场”。 2. How 表示方式,怎么。句意为“你哥哥怎么去工厂?”“他坐地铁”。 3. How long 表示多久。句意为“你有这个工作多久了?”“三年了”。 4. It takes sb. ... to do sth. 做某事花费某人......,句意为“他花了一个小时才找到去超市的路。” 5.thanks for doing sth.感谢做某事。句意为“感谢邀请我吃午饭”。 题九:takes...home; leaving for; took...to get; It’s difficult for us to 解析: 1. take a bus 乘车。 2. leave for...出发去...。 3. It takes sb. ... to do sth. 做某事花费某人......。 4. It’s difficult for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事很难。 题十:takes...school; leaves for; took...to get; It’s difficult ...to swim. 解析: 1. take a bus 乘车。 2. leave for...出发去...。 3. It takes sb. ... to do sth. 做某事花费某人......。 4. It’s difficult for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事很难。 题十一:It’s easy for many students to learn math. T here is a post office between the two shops. It usually takes me an hour to do my homework. I like riding my bike on the weekends. 解析: 1. It’s easy for sb. to do s th.对某人来说做某事很容易。 2. between...and...在两者之间。there be 句型表示某地有某人或某物。 3. It takes sb. ...to do sth. 做某事花费某人... ...。 4. like doing sth.喜欢做某事。 题十二:It’s easy for him to finish the task. There is a river between the bank and the school. It takes me twenty minutes to get to school. Most students like going to school by school bus. 解析: 1. It’s easy for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事很容易。 2. between...and...在两者之间。there be 句型表示某地有某人或某物。 3. It takes sb. ... to do sth. 做某事花费某人......。 4. like doing sth.喜欢做某事。 题十三:C A 解析: 1. 事实细节题。由第 1段第 1句“Cool” is a word with many meanings和第 3句 the word has had many different meanings 可知。 2. 事实细节题。由第 1 段的最后一句“Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything 可 知。 题十四:D A 解析: 1. 选 D。由第 1 段的句子…In fact, Jean is quite lonely. 可知答案选 D。 2. 选 A。Jean 认为 David 幽默风趣,在摇滚乐和现代舞上和她有共同的兴趣,他们可以在网上快乐地聊上 几个小时。很显然 David 使 Jean 很开心。答案选 A。 Unit 4 Don't eat in class同步参答 题一:rules; fight; arrives; uniform; listen 解析: 1. too many 后加可数名词的复数形式,表示“太多的……”。句意为“我家有太多的规矩了”。 2. fight with sb. 和某人打架。句意为“不要相互打架”。 3. arrive 到达。句意为“他经常上学迟到”。 4. uniform 校服。句意为“那个男孩在学校不得不穿校服”。 5. listen to music 听音乐。句意为“不要在教室里听音乐”。 题二:rules; fight; arrive; uniform; listen 解析: 1. rules 规矩,规则。句意为“规则是什么?”。 2. fight 打架。句意为“不要在这打架”。 3. arrive 到达。句意为“上学别迟到”。 4. uniform 校服。句意为“我们得穿校服吗?”。 5. listen to music 听音乐。句意为“我们可以在走廊听音乐”。 题三:speaking; swim; do; was; washing; loudly 解析: 1. practice doing sth.练习做某事。句意为“如果你每天练习说英语,你就会进步”。 2. 句意为“你不能在这个池塘游泳”。 3. help sb do sth.帮助某人做某事。句意为“他经常帮助妈妈做家务”。 4. be late for…迟到。句意为“汤姆今天上学迟到了”。 5. do some washing 洗衣服。句意为“周天我得洗衣服”。 6. talk loudly 大声讲话。句意为“在医院我们不能大声讲话”。 题四:speaking; swim; do; be; washing; loudly 解析: 1. practise doing sth.练习做某事。句意为“莉莉每天练习说英语”。 2. 句意为“我们夏天可以游泳”。 3. help sb do sth.帮助某人做某事。句意为“露西经常帮助妈妈打扫”。 4. be late for…迟到。句意为“上学别迟到”。 5. do some washing 洗衣服。句意为“我经常帮助妈妈洗衣服”。 6. spea k loudly 大声讲话。句意为“在办公区不要大声讲话”。 题五:Don’t eat in the hallways. Don’t listen to music in the classroom. Don’t be late for school. Obey the rules in school. Open the door. 解析: 1. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 主语 you 省略,后面的动词用原形。 2. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 主语 you 省略,后面的动词用原形。 3. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 主语 you 省略,后面的动词用原形。 4. 在祈使句中,通常省略第二人称主语 you,以动词原形开头。句末一般用句号。 5. 在祈使句中,通常省略第二人称主语 you,以动词原形开头。句末一般用句号。 题六:Don’t go out at night. Don’t watch TV too much. Don’t play soccer on the street. Arrive here on time. Eat lunch in the dining hall. 解析: 1. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 主语 you 省略,后面的动词用原形。 2. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 主语 you 省略,后面的动词用原形。 3. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 主语 you 省略,后面的动词用原形。 4. 在祈使句中,通常省略第二人称主语 you,以动词原形开头。句末一般用句号。 5. 在祈使句中,通常省略第二人称主语 you,以动词原形开头。句末一般用句号。 题七:on; on; Don’t be; or; No; either 解析: 1. 星期几前用介词 on.句意为“周一我不能去看电影,但我周天可以”。 2. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 后面的动词原形 be 不能省略。 3. or 用于否定句中,表示并列关系。 4. No 型祈使句是一种特殊的祈使句。它经常由 No+名词或者动词的-ing 形式构成。这种祈使句多为警示语, 常用于公共场所,警示或提示人们不要做某事。 5. either 表示“也”,用于否定句中。 题八:on; on; Don’t be; or; No; either 解析: 1. on weekdays 在工作日,on weekends在周末。. 2. 祈使句的否定形式是在句首加 Don’t, 后面的动词原形 be 不能省略。 3. or 用于否定句中,表示并列关系。 4. No 型祈使句是一种特殊的祈使句。它经常由 No+名词或者动词的-ing 形式构成。这种祈使句多为警示语, 常用于公共场所,警示或提示人们不要做某事。 5. either 表示“也”,用于否定句中。 题九:C C A 1. arrive in 后加大地方,arrive at 后加小地方。 2. too many 后加可数名词复数形式,表示“太多”。 3. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事。 题十:A B B 解析: 1. arrive 是不及物动词,后接 here, there 等地点副词时不用介词。 2. too many 后加可数名词复数形式,表示“太多”。 3. tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事。 题十一:on time; too many books; has to...; Don’t...late for...chat 解析: 1. on time 准时,按时。 2. too many 后加可数名词复数形式,表示“太多”。 3. have to do sth.不得不做某事。 4.祈使句的否定形式:一般在句首加 Don’t。 题十二:on time; too many eggs; have to...; Don’t...late for...have 解析: 1. on time 准时,按时。 2. too many 后加可数名词复数形式,表示“太多”。 3. have to do sth.不得不做某事。 4.祈使句的否定形式:一般在句首加 Don’t。 题十三:There are too many students in our class. She can’t go to school because she is ill. XiaoMing can’t play computer games after supper. No smoking in the office area. 解析: 1. too many 后加可数名词复数形式,表示“太多”。 2. 情态动词 can’t 后接动词原形。because 表示“原因是……”。 3. 情态动词 can’t 后接动词原形。 4. No+名词或者动词的-ing 形式多为警示语,常用于公共场所,表示“禁止做某事”。 题十四:He has too many questions to ask you. He can’t pass the exam because he doesn’t study hard. I can’t play in the street after school. Don’t make noise in class. 解析: 1. too many 后加可数名词复数形式,表示“太多”。 2. 情态动词 can’t 后接动词原形。because 表示“原因是……”。 3. 情态动词 can’t 后接动词原形。 4. Don’t 加动词原形,表示“不要做某事”。 题十五:B D A C A C D B C A 解析: 1.B。本文讲述了 Allan 第一次乘飞机时的情况, 故选 by air。 2.D。根据文意, Allan 因为找不到座位, 所以他就去问空姐。这里构成因果关系,应用 so 引导结果状语 从句。 3.A。Allan 是男士,故选 him 充当 show 的宾语。 4.C。tell sb. to do sth.意思是“叫某人干某事”。故选 to sit down。 5.A。a little 修饰形容词表示“有点……”。 6.C。 need to后面应接动词原形。 worry 为不接物动词,不能直接接宾语。 故选 worry about。 7.D。like that意为“像那样”。 8.B。固定结构 either…or… , 意为“或者……或者……”。 9.C。根据文意,空姐拿来食物和饮料给乘客, 故选 bring。 题十六:B C C A D C B A A B 解析: 1.B。下文指出这是一个好的学习习惯但不是一个好的学习方法,故选 study。 2.C。介词 for 常与一段时间连用, 在句中作状语。 3.C。与下半句形成转折关系,这里应选 good,说明努力学习是一种好的习惯。 4.A。一个会学习的学生必须有足够的睡眠。have 意为“拥有”,为正确选项。 5.D。下文 take a walk, play basketball 都是些日常活动,故 day 为正确选项。 6.C。take a walk, play basketball这些活动很有必要在学习之余进行,故选 need。 7.B。根据文意,休息之后, 应重新返回到学习上, 而不是才开始学习, 故选 return。 8.A。由句中的 than 可知应选比较级;根据文意,锻炼身体后, 身体应更加强壮, 故选 stronger。 9.A。say 强调说的内容;guess 表猜测;talk 指交谈;know 指知道。这里强调说的内容,故选 say。 10.B。根据最后一句“effects will come just like Chinese medicine”以及文意可知 come为正确选项。 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 同步参答 课后练习参考答案 题一:Giraffes; tiger; Elephants; Koalas; lion 解析: 1. “长颈鹿有长脖子”。由动词 have 可知为复数 Giraffes。 2. “老虎是森林之王”。由动词 is 可知为单数 tiger。 3. “大象是动物园里大的动物”。由动词 are 可知为复数 Elephants。 4. “考拉来自澳大利亚,他们吃树叶”。由动词 come可知为复数 Koalas。 5. “狮子有很长的毛”。由动词 has 可知为单数 lion。 题二:lions; tiger; koala; Elephants; giraffes 解析: 1. 狮子 lion。 2. 由动词 looks 可知为单数,tiger。 3. 由动词 is 可知为单数,koala。 4. 由动词 are 可知为复数,Elephants。 5. like后加可数名词复数形式,故用 giraffes。 题三:friendly; smart; cute; beautiful; shy; interesting 解析: 1. 句意为“我们的老师对我们很友善”。be friendly to sb.对某人很友善。 2. 句意为“我们班的那个男孩非常聪明”。smart 聪明的。 3. 句意为“考拉非常可爱”。cute可爱的。 4. 句意为“熊猫非常漂亮”。beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的。 5. 句意为“那个女孩很害羞”。shy 害羞的。 6. 句意为“我们都喜欢英语,因为它很有趣”。interesting有趣的。 题四:friendly; smart; cute; beautiful; shy; interesting 解析: 1. 句意为“她对我很友善”。be friendly to sb.对某人很友善。 2. 句意为“我哥哥如此聪明以至于他很容易地算出了这道题”。smart 聪明的。 3. 句意为“我喜欢熊猫,因为它们很可爱”。cute 可爱的。 4. 句意为“多么漂亮的女孩啊!”beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的。 5. 句意为“我的妹妹是个害羞的女孩”。shy 害羞的。 6. 句意为“猴子有点有趣”。interesting有趣的。 题五:be; eating; friendly; tigers; to bring; is ; relax; play; legs; a 解析: 1. Let’s do sth. 让我们做某事。句意为“让我们安静”。 2. like doing sth.喜欢做某事。句意为“我喜欢吃苹果”。 3. friendly 友善的。句意为“狗很友善,也很忠诚”。 4. 句意为“动物园里有三只老虎”。 5. remember to do sth.记得去做某事。句意为“记得把英语书带来!” 6. ice cream 为不可数名词,故用 is。 7. 句意为“我的父母经常在周末放松”。 8. 句意为“不要在街上玩”。 9. 句意为“桌子有四条腿”。 10. useful是以辅音音素开头,故前面用 a。 题六:go; dancing; friendly; tigers; to turn; is ; relaxed; smoke; legs; an 解析: 1. Let’s do sth. 让我们做某事。句意为“让我们去购物吧”。 2. like doing sth.喜欢做某事。句意为“我喜欢跳舞”。 3. friendly 友善的。句意为“我的老师很友善很漂亮”。 4. 句意为“我害怕老虎”。 5. remember to do sth.记得去做某事。句意为“记得关灯!” 6. bread 为不可数名词,故用 is。 7. 句意为“孩子们假期感到放松”。 8. 句意为“不要在这吸烟”。 9. 句意为“狗有四条腿”。 10. excellent 是以元音音素开头,故前面用 an。 题七:AB 解析: 1. in danger 在危险中;处于危险中。表示“在哪个国家”用介词 in。句意为“在中国,熊猫和其它动物是濒危 动物”。 2. 第一次提到用不定冠词,important 是以元音音素开头,故用 an。第二次提到用定冠词 the。 题八:AA 解析: 1. in danger 在危险中;处于危险中。国家名词前用 in。句意为“在西藏,羚羊面临濒危。”。 2. 第一次提到用不定冠词,故用 a。第二次提到用定冠词 the。 题九:DD 解析: 1. cut down 砍倒;turn down 调小;look down 向下看;write down 写下;记下。句意为“你可以在日记里写 下你的感受”。 2. want to do sth.想做某事。句意为“你想和我们一起打篮球吗?” 题十:DA 解析: 1. cut down 砍倒;turn down 调小;look down 向下看;write down 写下;记下。句意为“他急急忙忙地写 下了那个男孩的名字”。 2. want to do sth.想做某事。句意为“你想和我一起去购物吗?” 题十一:A 解析: kinds of 各种各样的,后加可数名词复数。kind of 有点,后接形容词。句意为“我的花园里有 25 种花。有 些花有点罕见。” 题十二:B 解析: kinds of 各种各样的,后加可数名词复数。kind of 有点,后接形容词。句意为“动物园里有许多种动物。我 很害怕狮子,因为它们有点吓人”。 题十三:animals; Because; about; Why; Where; They’re 解析: 1. 根据答语的 pandas 可知此处为 animals。 2. 用because 来回答 why 引导的疑问句。 3. what about you 用来询问对方的观点和看法。 4. why 用来提问原因。 5. 询问地点,用 where。 6. 复数用 they 来指代。 题十四:fruit; Because; about; Why; Where; They’re 解析: 1. 根据答语的 apples 可知此处为 fruit。 2. 用 because 来回答 why 引导的疑问句。 3. what about you 用来询问对方的观点和看法。 4. why 用来提问原因。 5. 询问地点,用 where。 6. 复数用 they 来指代。 题十五: 1.He was planting a fig tree. 2.He was ninety years old. 3.No, he wasn’t. He was planting the tree for the people after him. 4.Yes, he did. 5.We should do some good things for the people after us. 解析: 1.根据文章第二段可知。 2.根据文章“What!” cried the rich man, “You’re ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it’ll take years to give fruit.可知。 3.根据文章“Our forefathers(祖先) planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.”可知。 4.根据文章“Tell me, sir. Did you eat figs when you were a boy? ”“Sure,” the man did not know why he asked this question.可知。 5.根据文章结尾句“We should do some things for the people after us.”可知。 题十六: 1.In the freezer. 2.They hope that they can come back to life one day. 3.They usually keep it in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of 328 degrees below zero. 4.Around 1000 people. 解析: 1.根据文章第一段第二句可知。 2.根据文章第二段第一句可知。 3.根据文章第二段最后一句可知。 4.根据文章最后一段第一句可知。 Unit 6 I'm watching TV同步参答 题一:reading; playing; going; watching; cleaning; shopping; writing 解析: 1. 句意为“莉莉正在读故事书”。 read a story book 读故事书。 2. 句意为“我哥哥正在踢足球”。play football 踢足球。 3. 句意为“我打算去买些水果”。be going to do sth.打算做某事。 4. 句意为“汤姆正在看电影”。watch a film看电影。 5. 句意为“孩子们在打扫房间”。clean the room 打扫房间。 6. 句意为“她正在超市和她的朋友购物”。 7. 句意为“我正在给我的朋友写信”。write a letter 写信。 题二:writing; having; playing; talk; go; singing; take 解析: 1. 句意为“蒂娜正在写信”。write a letter 写信。 2. 句意为“学生们正在上英语课”。have an English class 上英语课。 3. 句意为“男孩们正在公园玩游戏”。play games 玩游戏。 4. 句意为“让我们讨论那个电影吧”。let’s do sth. 让我们做某事,talk about sth.讨论某事。 5. 句意为“我通常晚上九点睡觉”。go to bed 上床睡觉。 6. 句意为“她正在唱英文歌”。si ng songs 唱歌。 7. 句意为“你能和我一起散步吗?”take a walk 散步。 题三:watch; delici ous; Dragon; What; first 解析: 1. 句意为“格林一家每晚都看电视”。watch TV 看电视。 2. 句意为“这个蛋糕如此美味”。delicious 美味的。 3. 句意为“人们在端午节这天吃粽子”。Dragon Boat Festival端午节。 4. 句意为“她正在做什么”。 5. 句意为“她考试得了第一名”。get the first place 取得第一名。 题四:delicious; playing; studying; swimming; shop 解析: 1. 句意为“这些菜很美味。我们很喜欢”。delicious 美味的。 2. 句意为“麦克和他哥哥喜欢玩象棋”。like playing chess 喜欢玩象棋。 3. 句意为“我们在第一中学学习”。 4. 句意为“汤姆在泳池游泳”。 5. 句意为“我们学校有一个商店。我们经常在那买东西”。 题五:Ilive with my sister. ; Lily is reading a newspaper.; My Mom is washing the dishes.; The Mr. Browns are having supper.; Tom is talking on the phone.; My brother is listening to music.; Lucy is standing at the swimming pool.; Who is using my computer? 解析: 1. 和某人一起住 live with sb. 2. 读报纸 read a newspaper. 3. 洗盘子 wash the dishes. 4. 吃完饭 have supper. 5. 通过电话交谈 talk on the phone. 6. 听音乐 listen to music. 7. 在泳池旁边 at the swimming pool. 8. 用某人的电脑 use one’s computer. 题六:make soup; wash clothes; go to the cinema; wash hands; drink some tea; play computer 解析: games; write a letter; at the table 1. 做汤用动词 make, make soup. 2. 洗衣服用动词 wash, wash clothes. 3. 去电影院用动词 go, go to the cinema. 4. 洗手用动词 wash, wash hands. 5. 喝茶用动词 drink, drink some tea. 6. 玩电脑游戏用动词 p lay, play computer games. 7. 写信用动词 write, write a letter. 8. 在桌子旁用介词 at. 题七:What’s she doing?;He is playing the piano.;She is playing computer games.;I do my homework every night. 解析: 1. 对“正在做什么”进行提问,用疑问词 What. 2. 现在进行时用 be 加动词现在分词,去掉时间状语 every day. 3. 现在进行时用 be 加动词现在分词。 4. 主语为第一人称,一般现在时用 do. 题八:What’s Jim doing?; He is watching TV.; He is reading books.; She dances every morning. 解析: 1. 对“正在做什么”进行提问,用疑问词 What. 2. 现在进行时用 be 加动词现在分词,去掉时间状语 every day. 3. 现在进行时用 be 加动词现在分词。 4. 主语为第三人称单数,一般现在时用 does. 题九:is playing; is fixing; are watching; are cleaning; Does; play; play. 解析: 1. 由标志词 listen 可知为现在进行时。句意为“听!谁在唱歌?” 2. 句意为“你爸爸呢?他正在修表。”由标志词 now 可知为现在进行时。 3. 由标志词 It’s 8:00 可知为现在进行时。句意为“8 点了,格林一家正在看电视。” 4. 由标志词 look 可知为现在进行时。句意为“看!一群孩子正在打扫教室”。 5. 由标志词 every day 可知为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,故用 Does. 6. 情态动词后接动词原形。 题十:is washing; is talking; are listening; is doing; Do; see; speak 解析: 1. 由标志词 look 可知为现在进行时。句意为“看!那个女孩正在洗手。” 2. 句意为“你姑姑去哪了?她正在讲电话。”由标志词 now 可知为现在进行时。 3. 由标志词 listen 可知为现在进行时。句意为“听!布朗一家正在听音乐”。 4. 由标志词 It’s 9 o’clock 可知为现在进行时。句意为“9 点了,比尔正在做作业。” 5. 由标志词 every week 可知为一般现在时,主语为第二人称,故用 Do. 6. 情态动词后接动词原形。 题十一:CCD 解析: 1. 由标志词 look 可知为现在进行时。run 的现在分词要双写 n. 2. apple 是以元音音素开头,故前面用不定冠词 an. 3. 由标志词 Be quiet 可知为现在进行时。现在进行时用 be 动词加现在分词构成。 题十二:BAC 解析: 1. 由标志词 look 可知为现在进行时。 2. useful 是以辅音音素开头,故前面用不定冠词 a. 3. 由标志词 now 可知为现在进行时。现在进行时用 be 动词加现在分词构成。 题十三:are cleaning the room; writing to my friend; is talking on the phone; is playing basketball; playing basketball. 解析: 1.“正在做某事”用现在进行时。 2.“正在做某事”用现在进行时。write to sb.给某人写信。 3. 由标志词 listen 可知为现在进行时。用电话交谈 talk on the phone. 4.“正在做某事”用现在进行时。喜欢做某事 like doing sth. 题十四:are playing soccer on the playground; is doing her homework; is talking on the phone; is seeing a film; seeing films. 解析: 1.“正在做某事”用现在进行时。 2.“正在做某事”用现在进行时。do homework 做作业。 3.“正在做某事”用现在进行时。用电话交谈 talk on the phone. 4.“正在做某事”用现在进行时。喜欢做某事 like doing sth. 题十五:ADDCB 解析: 1. 选 A。因为在第 4 段有这样一句 If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out.那么肯定是椅子比人 数少 1,这样才会有人没得坐,故选 A。 2. 选 D。在第 1 段中提到了 A、B、C 三种可以播放音乐的器具,而 D 项没有,因为一般来说电话是不能 播放音乐的,所以选 D。 3. 选 D。第 2 段的 Put the chairs in a row 就是“把椅子排成一排”这意。选 D。 4. 选 C。由第 3 段中的句子 When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs.可知答案为 C。 5. 选 B。本题可用排除法,由第 1 段第 2 句 It is easy to play 可知道 A 项正确;由最后一句 The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.可知 C 项是正确的;由第 4 段的句子 The person playing music cannot see the people in the game 可知 D 项也是正确的。故答案选 B 题十六:CDDAD 解析: 1. 选 C。根据第 4 段中的 No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value 可知答案。 2. 选 D。根据第 5 段中的 you are always valuable to those people who love you可知答案。 3. 选 D。根据第 5 段中的 Your value doesn’t come from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE 可 知答案。 4. 选A。老师第一次问Who would like this ¥100 bill? 时,同学们的反应是:The students began to put up their hands at once. 老师第二次问Who wants it now? 时,同学们的反应是:The hands went back into the air. 老 师第三次问:Who still wants it? 时,同学们的反应是:Hands went back into the air. 很显然,Hands went back into the air 中的 back有类似 again 的含义,故选 A。 5. 选 D。通读全文可以看出,老师利用这张百元大钞作“教具”,其目的是想告诉同学们,无论你怎样折腾 这张百元大钞,它的价值都不会因此而减少。所以答案选 D最佳。 Unit 7 It's raining 同步参答 题一: weather; hot; Summer; vocation; skate; raining 解析: 1. 句意为“北京的天气怎么样”?weather 天气。 2. 句意为“太热了。我们去海边吧”。hot 热。 3. 句意为“春天之后是夏天”。summer 夏天。 4. 句意为“他们今天在法国度假”。vocation 假期。 5. 句意为“下雪的时候我们可以滑冰”。skate 滑冰。 6. 句意为“下雨了。所以我不想去公园了”。rain 下雨。 题二: snowing; cloudy; How; snowy; weather; sunny 解析: 1. 句意为“今天很冷。外面正在下雪”。snow 下雪。 2. 句意为“看起来有雨。今天阴天”。cloudy 多云的。 3. 句意为“进展怎么样?还不错”。How 怎么样。 4. 句意为“下雪天!地面都被雪覆盖了”。snowy 下雪的。 5. 句意为“伦敦夏天的天气怎么样?”weather 天气。 6. 句意为“今天天气真好。我们去购物吧”。sunny 阳光灿烂的。 题三: DD 解析: 1. wind 为名词时,表示“风”。windy 为形容词,表示“多风的”。rain 为名词时,表示“雨”,为动词时,表示 “下雨”。句意为“这风很大。可能要下雨”。 2. 此处要填动词,故排除 B。主语为 it 可排除 A。根据句意“外面雨下得很大”。故选 D。 题四: CB 解析: 1. wind 为名词时,表示“风”。windy 为形容词,表示“多风的”。cold 为形容词,表示“冷的”。句意为“巴黎 的冬天多风且寒冷”。 2. 此空应该填动词,故排除 CD。主语为 it, 故排除选项 A。句意为“中国北方冬天常下雪,而且天气很冷”。 题五: AC 解析: 1. what 修饰名词,how 修饰形容词、副词或动词。句意为“这个男孩多么聪明啊!”修饰形容词 clever, 因此 选 A。 2. 句意为“进展得怎么样?”选项 A 风很大;选项 B 一点也不;选项 D 没关系;均不符合题意。故选 C 还不 错。 题六: DB 解析: 1. what 修饰名词,how 修饰形容词、副词或动词。句意为“她是多么漂亮的女孩啊!”修饰名词 girl, 因此排 除 AB,girl 为可数名词单数,因此选 D。 2. How’s it going 意思为“进况如何?” 题七: the weather like in Harbin; It’s snowing; it going; play volleyball; are having a good time; on vocation; Are; drinking orange juice; having a good time 解析: 1. What’s the weather like in...表示“某地的天气怎么样?” 2. How’s it going 意思为“进况如何?” 3. play 加球类名词时,球类名词前不加冠词。 4.“玩得开心”可以说:have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself. 5. 度假 on vocation。 6. 喝橙汁 drink orange juice。 7. 玩得很愉快 have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself. 题八: the weather like in London; It’s foggy; How’s; are playing basketball; are having a good time; is on vocation; drinking orange juice; had a good time 解析: 1. What’s the weather like in.. .表示“某地的天气怎么样?” 2. How’s it going 意思为“进况如何?” 3. play 加球类名词时,球类名词前不加冠词。 4.“玩得开心”可以说:have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself. 5. 度假 on vocation。 6. 喝橙汁 drink orange juice。 7. 玩得很愉快 have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself. 题九: 1. On a street in New York. 2. A new overcoat. 3. Very old. 解析: 1.所问的问题是“爱因斯坦在哪儿遇见了他的老朋友?”根据 One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein met an old friend of his on a street in New York(一天,在纽约的一条街道上,著名美国科学家爱因斯 坦遇见了他的一个老朋友)就能作出上述回答。 2.所问的问题是 “他的朋友让他买什么?” 根据“ it seems that you need to put on a new overcoat. Look, how worn-out it is!”(“你该穿一件新大衣了。看,你的大衣多么破呀!)就能作出上述回答。 3.所问的问题是 “爱因斯坦的大衣怎么样了?” 根据文章的标题就能作出上述回答。 题十: 1. In a park. 2. A young man. 3. Yes, it was. 解析: 1. 所问的问题是“歌德正走在什么地方?”根据Once Goethe, the great German poet, was walking in a park(有 一次,德国大诗人歌德正在一个公园里散步)就能作出上述回答。 2.所问的问题是“谁从路的另一端向歌德走来?”根据 Just at that time, a young man came towards him from the other end of the road(就在那个时候,一个年轻人从从路的另一端向他走来)就能作出上述回答。 3.所问的问题是“这条路太窄两个人不能同时经过吗?”根据 It was too narrow for both of them to pass through at the same time. (这条路太窄两个人不能同时经过)就能作出上述回答。 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here 同步参答 题一: Is there a hotel; there is; on Fifth Street; Are there any; in front of the supermarket; Where’s; next to; is the airport; across from; is the library; between the pay phone; the post office spend some time in the library 解析: 1. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用 there be 句型。回答也要用 Yes, there is/are.或 No, there isn’t./aren’t. 2. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用 there be 句型。在......前面 in front of... 3. “......在哪?”可以用 where。next to挨着。 4. across from 在......对面。 5. between...and...在两者之间。 6. spend some time...在......度过时光,花时间。 题二: Is there a garden; there is; on Fifth Avenue; Are there any; in front of the library; Where’s; next to; is the library; across from; is the post office; between the pay phone; the park spend some time in the cinema 解析: 1. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用 there be 句型。回答也要用 Yes, there is/are.或 No, there isn’t./aren’t. 2. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用 there be 句型。在......前面 in front of... 3. “......在哪?”可以用 where。next to挨着。 4. across from 在......对面。 5. between...and...在两者之间。 6. spend some time...在......度过时光,花时间。 题三:D A 解析: 1. orange juice 为不可数名词,用 much 修饰。排除 AC。不可数名词用 there is。 2.“某地有某物”使用 there be 句型。排除 CD。a library 为可数名词单数,故选 A。 题四:D A 解析: 1. bread 为不可数名词,用 much 修饰。排除 AC。不可数名词用 there is。 2.“某地有某物”使用 there be 句型。排除 CD。an apple 为可数名词单数,故选 A。 题五:C C B 解析: 1. 一般疑问句中 be 动词提前,books 为可数名词复数,故选 C。 2. there be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于后面的名词的单复数。 3. have 表示“拥有某物”,there be 表示“某地有某物”。 题六:D C D 解析: 1. 一般疑问句中 be 动词提前,a post office为可数名词单数,故选 D。 2. there be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于后面的名词的单复数。 3. have 表示“拥有某物”,there be 表示“某地有某物”。 题七:in; along/down; across 解析: 1. in the neighborhood 在附近。 2. go along/down 沿着。 3. across from 在......对面。 题八:through; between 解析: 1. walk through穿过。 2. between...and...在两者之间。 Unit 9 What does he look like同步参答 题一: looks; straight; heavy; build 解析: 1. look like看起来像。主语为第三人称单数,故用 looks。 2. straight hair 直发。 3. 句意为“她妈妈很胖她想变苗条”。heavy 重。 4. medium build 中等身材。 题二: like; straight; heavy; medium 解析: 1. look like看起来像。 2. straight hair 直发。 3. 句意为“我想变苗条点。我有点胖”。heavy 重。 4. medium build 中等身材。 题三: glasses; playing; doesn’t have; height 解析: 1. wear glasses 戴眼镜。 2. like doing sth.喜欢做某事。and 连接并列成分。 3. 主语为第三人称单数,故用 doesn’t have。 4. medium height 中等身高。 题四: look; singer; puts; persons 解析: 1. look like看起来像。 2. singer 为名词,表示“歌手”。 3.主语为第三人称单数,故用 puts。 4.根据主谓一致原则,应为复数 persons。 题五: What does...look like; short; curly; planning to go to the concert; in front of the classroom; high or short; neither high nor short; of medium height; does your friend look like; straight hair;wears glasses; tell me; your sister looks like 解析: 1. What does...look like?某人或某物长什么样。卷发 curly hair。 2. 打算做某事 plan to do sth. 3. in front of...在......前面 4. neither...nor...既不......也不...... 5. What does...look like?某人或某物长什么样。直发 straight hair。戴眼镜 wear glasses。 6. 宾语从句用陈述语序。 题六: What does...look like; high; short straight; planning to have a picnic this Sunday; in front of the supermarket; fat or thin; neither fat nor thin; of medium build; does your pen pal look like; brown hair; wears glasses; describe; your brother looks like 解析: 1. What does...look like?某人或某物长什么样。短直发 short straight hair。 2. 打算做某事 plan to do sth. 3. in front of...在......前面 4. neither...nor...既不......也不...... 5. What does...look like?某人或某物长什么样。棕发 brown hair。戴眼镜 wear glasses。 6. 宾语从句用陈述语序。 Unit 10 I'd like some noodles同步参答 题一: DC 解析: 1. 由不定冠词 an 可知此处填以元音因素开头的可数名词单数,故排除 ABC。 2. ice-cream 和 chocolate 为不可数名词,在肯定句中用 some 修饰。 题二: BC 解析: 1. some 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。故排除 ACD。 2. water 和 orange juice 为不可数名词,在肯定句中用 some 修饰。 题三: BB 解析: 1. some 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。故排除 AC。beef 为不可数名词,故排除 D。 2. 句意为“冰箱空了。没有食物剩下了”。little 和 few 表否定,food为不可数名词,故选 B。 题四: AB 解析: 1. some 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。由答语 just one 可知是可数名词,故排除 BCD。 2. 句意为“没有肉了,请买一些”。little 和 few 表否定,meat 为不可数名词,故选 B。 题五: AB 解析: 1. there be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于最近的名词的单复数。coffee 为不可数名词,故用 is。 2. ther e be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于最近的名词的单复数。a few toys 为可数名词的复数形式,故用 are。 题六: AB 解析: 1. there be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于最近的名词的单复数。milk为不可数名词,故用 is。 2. there be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于最近的名词的单复数。books 为可数名词的复数形式,故用 are。 题七: to have; some; is; bread; to drink. 解析: 1. would like to do sth.想要做某事。句意为“我想吃牛肉西红柿面”。 2.表示建议或请求时,希望得到肯定答案时,在一般疑问句中用 some。 3. there be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于最近的名词的单复数。 4. a piece of bread一片面包。 5. 句意为“我想喝点东西”。不定式做定语修饰不定代词 something,要放在不定代词的后面。 题八: to have; some; is; apples; to eat 解析: 1. would like to do sth.想要做某事。句意为“她想吃米饭”。 2.表示建议或请求时,希望得到肯定答案时,在一般疑问句中用 some。 3. there be 句型中 be 动词的单复数取决于最近的名词的单复数。 4. a basket of apples 一筐苹果。 5. 句意为“他们想吃点东西”。不定式做定语修饰不定代词 something,要放在不定代词的后面。 题九: soups 改为 soup; any改为 some; like与 have 之间加 to; meats 改为 meat; tomatoes 改为 tomato. 解析: 1. soup 为不可数名词。 2. 表示建议或请求时,希望得到肯定答案时,在一般疑问句中用 some。 3. would like to do sth.想要做某事。 4. meat 为不可数名词。 5. 名词作定语,修饰另一个名词时,通常用单数形式。 题十: drink 改为 drinks; any 改为 some; like 与 have 之间加 to; noodle 改为 noodles; eggs 改为 egg. 解析: 1. drinks 作可数名词时,表示“饮料的种类”。 2. 表示建议或请求时,希望得到肯定答案时,在一般疑问句中用 some。 3. would like to do sth.想要做某事。 4. noodle 为可数名词, 应该用复数形式。 5. 名词作定语,修饰另一个名词时,通常用单数形式。 题十一: DC 解析: 1. some 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。故排除 ABC。mutton 为不可数名词。 2. some 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。根据 there is 可知此处只能填不可数名词,故排除 ABD。 题十二: AB 解析: 1. some 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。故排除 BCD。 2. some 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。根据 there is 可知此处只能填不可数名词,故排除 ACD。 题十三: BB 解析: 1. why 原因;what什么;when 什么时候;how 怎么。句意为“你想要什么号的?大号”。 2. would like to do sth.想要做某事。句意为“你想和我去购物吗?” 题十四: BD 解析: 1. why 原因;what 什么;when 什么时候;how 怎么。句意为“你爸爸想要多大碗的面条?他想要大碗的”。 2. would like to do sth.想要做某事。句意为“你想和我们去爬山吗?” 题十五: AB 解析: 1. 句意为“他不喜欢牛肉和胡萝卜。”否定句中用 or 表示并列关系。 2. 句意为“我喜欢加鸡蛋的西红柿面”。 题十六: AB 解析: 1. 句意为“你想吃汉堡还是热狗?” or 表示选择关系。 2. 句意为“我想吃加牛肉和土豆的面条”。 题十七: kind of; would; like would like a large bowl; chicken; cabbage What size shoes; Would you like some potatoes; No; thanks; Is there any beef; tomato and egg noodles; is not; may be; the same 解析: 1. What kind of...哪种。would like 想要。 2. a large bowl of...一大碗。 3. What size 多大号。 4. Would you like some...你想要...... 5. there be 句型的一般疑问句。 6. may be 可能。the same 一样。 题十八: kind of; would; like mutton; potato What size dumplings; Would you like some milk; No; thanks; Is there any mutton; tomato and potato noodles; is not; may be; the same 解析: 1. What kind of...哪种。would like 想要。 2. mutton and potato noodles 羊肉土豆面条。 3. What size 多大号。 4. Would you like some...你想要...... 5. there be 句型的一般疑问句。 6. may be 可能。the same 一样。 Unit 11 How was your school trip 同步参答 题一: visitted 改为 visited; buyed 改为 bought; feeded 改为 fed; went 改为 go; doed 改为 did. 解析: 1. 根据时间状语 last week 可知为一般过去时,visit 的过去式为 visited. 2. 根据时间状语 last night可知为一般过去时,buy 的过去式为 bought. 3. 根据时间状语 yesterday 可知为一般过去时,feed的过去式为 fed. 4. 实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句中动词用原形。went 需要改为 go. 5. 根据时间状语 last night可知为一般过去时,do 的过去式为 did. 题二: were 改为 was; plaied 改为 played; seed 改为 saw; joinned 改为 joined; listened 改为 listen 解析: 1. your weekend为单数,were 需要改为 was. 2. 根据时间状语 last weekend可知为一般过去时,plaid 的过去式为 played. 3. see 的过去式为 saw. 4. join 的过去式为 joined. 5. 实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句中动词用原形。listened 需要改为 listen. 题三: was; was; did; do; fed; Did; have 解析: 1. 根据 went 可知为一般过去时,因此用 was, 句意为“周末过得怎么样?”。 2. It was great!太棒了。 3. 实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句要借助助动词 d id, 后面动词用原形。 4. fed the monkeys 喂猴子。 5. 实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句要借助助动词 did, 后面动词用原形。 题四: go; went; Were; them; How; was 解析: 1. 实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句要借助助动词 did, 后面动词用原形。 2. 根据上句的时间状语 last night 可知此处用一般过去时。 3. 根据 many people 可知。 4. 此处需要填人称代词的宾格形式。 5. How 用来询问“怎么样”。 6. It was great!太棒了。 题五: had; cleaned; did; was; took; visited; had 解析: 1. 由时间状语 last week 可知用一般过去时。句意为“麦克周末很忙”。 2. 句意为“在周六早上,他打扫了房间”。 3. 句意为“下午,他做作业”。 4. 句意为“作业很简单,只花了他半小时时间”。 5. 句意为“晚上,他去拜访了朋友并在那吃了晚饭”。 题六: got; took; began; went; watched; had 1. 由时间状语 last Sunday 可知用一般过去时。句意为“上周日我 6 点半起床,锻炼了半小时”。 2. 句意为“早饭后,我开始读英语和中文”。 3. 句意为“下午我去游泳”。 4. 句意为“晚上,我看了电视”。 5. 句意为“我过得很愉快”。 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend同步参答 题一: On a street in New York; A new overcoat; Very old; Yes, he did.; There is no need now. Everybody here has known me. 解析: 1. 所问的问题是“爱因斯坦在哪儿遇见了他的老朋友?”根据 One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein met an old friend of his on a street in New York(一天,在纽约的一条街道上,著名美国科学家爱因斯 坦遇见了他的一个老朋友)就能作出上述回答。 2. 所问的问题是 “他的朋友让他买什么?” 根据“ It seems that you need to put on a new overcoat. Look, how worn-out it is!”(“你该穿一件新大衣了。看,你的大衣多么破呀!”)就能作出上述回答。 3. 所问的问题是“爱因斯坦的大衣怎么样了?” 根据“ It seems that you need to put on a new overcoat. Look, how worn-out it is!”(“你该穿一件新大衣了。看,你的大衣多么破呀!”)可知答案。 4. 所问的问题是“成名之后的爱因斯坦仍然穿同一件破大衣吗?” 根据 Several years later they met in New York again. Einstein had been a world-famous physicist after then but he still wore the same old overcoat. (几年 之后,他们再次在纽约相遇了,这时候的爱因斯坦已经成了世界著名的大科学家。然而,他仍然穿着那件 破大衣)就能作出上述回答 5. 所问的问题是 “当朋友再次劝爱因斯坦买一件新大衣时,他是怎么说的?” 根据“There is no need now,” said Einstein, “Everybody here has known me.”(爱因斯坦说:“没有必要了,这儿的人都知道我了)就能作出上 述回答。 题二: At the age of thirteen; Computer games; In her own car with a driver; She usually gets A grades; In half an hour. 解析: 1. 所问的问题是“Wendy Wong什么时候开始做生意?” 根据Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago(你曾经听说过一个 15 岁办了属于自己的公司的女孩吗? Wendy Wong就是这个办公司的女孩,她两年以前就开始做生意 )就能 作出上述回答。 2. 所问的问题是“她成功地写出了什么?”根据 She has already written several successful computer games(她 已经成功地写出了几部游戏程序)就能作出上述回答。 3. 所问的问题是“Wendy Wong 每天怎样去上学?”根据 Every day she goes to school in her own car with a d river, for she is not old enough(每天司机开着她自己的车送她去上学, 这是因为她年龄还小)就能作出上述 回答。 4. 所问的问题是“Wendy Wong 的学习怎么样?”根据 She usually gets ‘A’ grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help. (在所有功课中,她通常都得优秀,因此,她的同学常常问她功课方面 的问题)就能作出上述回答。 5. 所问的问题是“她多长时间能做完作业?”根据 She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home(在她的司机送她回家之后的半个小时内完成作业)就能作出上述回答。 题三: AD 解析: 1. 句意为“上周三这儿的天气怎么样?”the weather 为单数,根据时间状语 last Wednesday 可知为一般过去 时,所以用 was. 2. 根据时间状语 last Sunday 可知为一般过去时,需要把助动词 did 提前,后面的动词用原形。 题四: AA 解析: 1. 句意为“吉姆,你杭州之旅怎么样?”your trip 为单数,根据句意可知为一般过去时,所以用 was. 2. 根据时间状语 Three months ago可知为一般过去时,需要把助动词 did提前,后面的动词用原形。 题五: CD 解析: 1. 根据时间状语 yesterday 可知用一般过去时,句意为“保罗和我昨天打网球。他打得比我好”。 2. 根据时间状语 two years ago 和 The last time 可知用一般过去时。 题六: DC 解析: 1. 根据时间状语 last weekend可知用一般过去时,句意为“他们上周末在动物园看到了许多有趣的动物”。 2. 根据时间状语 last night可知用一般过去时,否定句用助动词 didn’t 加动词原形。 题七: ABACD; CDBBC 解析: 1. A。查理家境贫困,父母没有钱资助他上学,故选 no。 2. B。根据下文,查理不负众望,说明他聪明好学,故选 clever。 3. A。查理学习刻苦,并顺利完成了学业,说明他各门功课成绩较好,故选 did well in。D 选项介词用错, 正确词组为 was good at。 4. C。根据下文查理娶了金先生女儿为妻并精心呵护她,说明查理同意了金先生的请求,故选 agreed。 5. D。根据下文妻子胖得不能走路,说明她食物吃得多。此外食物为不可数名词,因此只能用 a lot 来修饰。 6. C。心脏不好,应去医院检查,下文指出为她检查的正是医生,故选 hospital。 7. D。由于她的病是因营养过剩引起的,医生应让她不要吃肉,糖果之类的食物,故选 not to。 8. B。她害怕忘了医生的指示,因此将其写在纸上,故选 to forget。 9. B。与下文相对应,这里应填 went out。 10. C。擅长烹饪的查理将菜买回之后,肯定要忙着为爱妻做饭,故 cooking为正确答案。 题八: ABADC; BAABC; ACDBC 解析: 1. A。本句考查的过去时,故选 A。 2. B。此为情态动词表示猜测在 there be 句型中的运用。 3. A。let’s 后跟动词原形,代词要放在动词和副词构成的词组中间。 4. D。let’s 引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句为 shall we。 5. C。包没了,当然会寻找(look for)。 6. B。下文 minutes 为可数名词复数,此句为肯定句,故选 a few。A 项表示否定含义,C、D 都修饰不可数 名词,前者表否定,后者表肯定。 7. A。why not do sth.为 why don’t you do sth.的省略形式,表示建议。 8. A。条件状语从句中,主句是将来时,从句则用一般现在时。 9. B。forget doing sth. 表示忘记做过某事了,forget to do sth.表示忘记了要去做某事;take 与下文的 away 构成固定短语,表示拿走。 10. C。那个客人吃的是拌有健忘草的饭。with 表示具有、伴随。 11. A。find the door open, 发现门是开着的,这里 open 是形容词作宾语补足语。 12. C。妻子的建议没有达到预想的效果,所以店主很生气。 13. D。店主抱怨说健忘草根本没用。 14. B。妻子坚持认为吃了健忘草的客人一定忘了某事。 15. C。原来客人吃饭、住宿后忘记付钱了。 期中测试一参答 一、听力 1—6:BBACAA 7—12:CABABC 13—16:BABC 17—20:CBAA 二、单选 21—25:BBBAA 26—30:DACCD 31—35:AACDB 36—40:ADCCB 三、完形填空 41—45:CBDAB 46—50:BCADC 四、阅读理解 51—55:AACBC 56—60:BABAD 61—65:CDCAD 五、任务型阅读 66. No,it isn’t. 67. People are busy shopping and cleaning their house. 68. Because red is the symbol of good luck. 六、完成句子。69. walks to 70. Is watching 71.doesn’t do 72. Do from 七、口语运用。73---77: C F A G D 八.短文填空。78.an 79.at 80.either 81.works 82. teaches 83.cross 84.to 85.too 期中测试二参答 听力:1-5 CBACA 6-10 CCBAC 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 ABBBC 21-25 CACAB 26-30 BAACB 单项选择:31-35 BACCC 36-40 BABCA 41-45 ABCBC 46-50 CBBCA 完形填空:51-55 CCABC 56-60 ABCAC 61-65 BBBBC 阅读理解:66-70 CBABC 71-75 ABBCC 76-80 ACCBA 81-85 BACCB 口语运用 :86-90 CDEBA 91-95 ECBDA 语言运用:96.think of 97.How is 98.on weekends 99.comes from 100.Why not A.改错: 101. Student 102.studying 103.an 104.are 105.making 106. on 107.it’s 108.night 109.wishes 110.lot B.书面表达:Different school has different rules.At our school,we have many rules. I think some rules are necessary that we must follow them.For example,we can’t be late.And we must be quiet in the classroom and the library.But I think some rules are too strict.For example,we must wear school uniforms at school.School uniforms are not comfortable.And we can’t eat outside.It’s not good for our health.If we are hungry,we should eat an egg and drink some milk.. 期末测试一参答 一. 单项选择 1—5 BABBC 6—10ACBAB 11—15 BCAAC 16—20 AAACB 二. 完形填空 21—25 ACCAC 26—30 ABBAC 31—35 CABBC 36—40 CBACC 三. 阅读理解 41—45 BABAC 46—50 BACCB 51—55CCCAA 56—60 BCABA 61—65 BBBAC 四. 补全对话 66—70 DBCAE 五. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。71. is watching 72. interesting 73. strawberries 74. eat 75. takes 六. 根据首字母或汉语填写单词的正确形式。76. join 77. breakfast 78. fight 79. doing 80. cloudy 81. bank 82.curly 83. tomato 期末测试二参答 听力:1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. Alda 27. May 28. 200 29. watch 30. black 知识运用:31. A 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. B 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. D 41. A 42. A 43. strange 44. left 45. hand 46. difficult 47. early 48. living 49. animals 50. Another 51. rice 52. but 阅读理解:53. C 54. D 55. B 56. A 57. B 58. C 59. A 60. A 61. C 62. B 63. They took him home. 64. For about a year. 65. Because he became very big and he was very strong and heavy. 66. No, it wasn’t. 67. Twice.68. am good at69. not only; but also70. Be careful71. How long did it take you to 文段表达:72. One possible version: Hi! Jim, I’m glad to hear from you. I went to Yu Ying Primary School. It was small but beautiful. Wang Hui and Liu Bo were my first friends. We often went to school together in the morning. After school, we did our homework and helped each other with our lessons. At weekends, we played basketball or had some other games. We really spent a lot of happy time together. Yours, Li Hua 文段表达评分标准: 第一档:(10~9 分)完全符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意连贯, 表达清楚,具有逻辑性。 第二档:(8~6 分)基本符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语言基本 通顺,语意基本连贯,表达基本清楚。虽然有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。 第三档:(5~3 分)部分内容符合题目要求,要点不齐全。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不通顺,表达不 够清楚,影响整体理解。 第四档:(2~0 分)与题目有关内容不多,只是简单拼凑提示词语,所写内容难以理解。 初一英语下册教学反思 反思一:初一英语下册>教学反思 今学期,我担任七年级的英语教学工作,使用人教版的英语教材,通过上学期的教学,学生的知识面 提高了,基础好的学生有的知识不用讲、练,基础差的学生没有兴趣,练了也不会,我很着急,不知 顾哪些学生好,而新课程改革是强调课程要促进每个学生身心健康的发展,培养学生良好的品质的终 身学习的能力,新课改倡导建设性学习,注重科学探究的学习,关注体验性学习,提倡交流与合作、 自主创新学习,课程改革的成败关键在于教师,教师是课程改革的实施者,作为教师的我必须做好充 分的准备,学习新课程改革理论,更新教学观念,迎接新课改的挑战。下面简单地回顾一下今学期所 做的一些英语教学工作。 一、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。 1、创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。 在教学过程中,每个需要掌握的知识点,我都从差生入手,使他们掌握最基本的知识的同时,注意拓 宽知识面,关注优生的情况,给他们自主学习和直接交流的机会。 2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。 3、鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作、探索等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4、创造条件让学生能够探究他们自己的一些问题,并自主解决问题。 二、关注学生情感,创造民主、和谐的教学气氛。 学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化有积极的情态,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩,刻板的情态, 不仅会影响英语学习的效果,还会影响其它发展,情态是学好英语的重要因素,因此我努力创造宽松 民主、和谐的教学空间,做到: 1、尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中的尝试,保护他们的自尊心和积极性。 2、把英语教学与情态有机地结合起来,创造各种合作学习的活动,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助, 体验成就感,发展合作精神。 3、关注学习有困难的或性格内向的学习,尽可能地为他们创造语言的机会。 4、建立融洽、民主的师生交流渠道,经常和学生一起反思学习过程和学习效果,互相鼓励和帮助, 做到教学相关。 5、加强课外辅导、个别辅导。 三、加强对学生学习策略的指导,让他们在学习和适用的过程中逐步学会如何学习做到: 1、积极创造条件,让学生参与到阶段性学习目标,以及实现目标的方法。 2、引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅和协调的方法进行学习。 3、引导学生在学习过程中,进行自我评价,并根据需要调整自己的学习目标和学习策略。 四、对学生进行有效的评价。 评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己的学习过程,评价或采用测验及非测验 形式,平时重视形成性评价,对学生回答学习过程中的表现所改进的诚绩,及反映的情感、态度、策 略某方面进行及时的评价,如有口头评价、等级评价、学生之间互相评价等方法,充分发觉学生的进 步,鼓励学生自我反思,自我提高,测验以学生综合运用能力为目标,侧重于学生理解和获取信息, 能力减少客观题,增加主观题,通过评价学生学会分析自己的成绩和不足,明确努力方向。 五、存在的问题 1、学生成绩不稳定,容易忽高忽低,与他们基础知识掌握不好有关,需要进一步加强训练。 2、两极分化现象仍然严重,有个别学生对英语学习兴趣不大,虽然很像用功的样子,但是实际没有 专心,记忆就不牢固。需要着力培养这部分学生的英语学习兴趣。 3、写作能力上不去,课文、句型虽然会背诵会默写,但实际运用能力差,需要平时注意训练写作能 力的培养。 新课程改革不是纸上谈兵,必须要与实践相结合,我将努力学习,积极进取,积极参与课程改革,在 课改中不断学习,不断实践,不断反思,愿与新课程共同成长。 反思二:初一英语下册教学反思 时间过的真快,不知不觉期中考试已经过去了,本次期中考试我所带的两个班成绩不够理想,均处于年 级后列。从卷面成绩来分析,我所带的班级平均分不高。另外,优秀率和及格率太低,超低分太多。 对本次考试,我做了以下反思: 本次期中考试,英语试卷题量适度、难易适宜,试题大部分都是基础题。从总体上说,试题出题范围 很合适。对学生来说,只要细心,就会得高分。 听力部分满分为 20 分,是本次考试失分最多的一道题,究其原因,是学生听力训练少、考试经验不 足所致。单项选择为基本题型,学生失分较少,不过,学生因语法知识欠缺,导致的问题还是显而易 见的。句型转换、补全对话、完型填空、阅读理解得分率都还比较满意。最后一项写作不是太满意, 学生失误的原因主要是不注意大小写,句型掌握不牢固。 总的来说,究其原因有以下几点: 一、教师方面 1、对教材的深度挖掘不够。课前准备不足导致课堂效率低下:初中生的求知欲非常强烈,对新鲜事 物的联想力也很丰富,很多课本中出现的生活性词汇在短时间内便能掌握,有时上课前做的准备不足, 导致课堂效率和课堂气氛受到影响。今后的主要目标还是放在如何把更多的时间放在如何指导好学生 在教学的同时进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣上多下些功夫。 2、作业批改不及时,由于自已在工作中的懒惰思想,导致有时学生交的作业当天不能及时批阅,学 生们没有趁着刚写完的劲头去改正,时间略一长,就把东西忘了,导致最后的作业效果不强。以后从 作业的质量和数量上,要更加严格要求,对自己的批改也应更加严格要求。 3、基础知识打得不牢,从这次考试来看,学生们对所学过的知识掌握的不牢固,无论是语法还是词 汇都没有达到应该具有的知识水平。主要是由于对学生的检查不够到位,大多是让课代表和小组长检 查,自己抽查较少。所以部分学生不认真背诵,尤其是我请假期间,效果更差。 4、辅优扶困做得很不到位,从这次考试的成绩来看,优秀生没有达到优秀生的标准,学困生也没有 上来。说明这方面的做法是失败的。今后的主要精力课堂上要照顾大部分中等生和后进生身上,课下 多找些资料给优秀生去指导,去向他们提更高的要求。这样才会取得更好的成绩。 5、学生的思想工作没有做好,现在好多学生不但是中等生,连部分优秀生的思想状态没有紧张起来。 只要思想工作做到了位,对自己的学科教学也有益。为此,我打算每天坚持找一两个学生谈心,找出 他们的思想问题,注意帮助他们树立学习英语的信心。坚持每星期都对自己的英语学习过程当中出现 的主要思想问题班内强调。使他们的思想得到统一,这样自己的教学才会减少阻力,才能向更高的目 标前进。 二、学生方面 1、学生的自控、自学能力较差,听力简直就是他们的死穴,我虽然一再强调听力的重要性,并明确 告知他们仅仅靠上课时间练听力是远远不够的,课后还要多练。但是学生还是认识不到听力的重要性, 很难做到老师的要求。 2、部分学生的基础知识不够扎实,学生遗忘知识快,背诵过的知识点一段时间不用就忘了。 3、学生的应变能力有待提高,不能正确写出单词的正确形式;每一单元都让学生背诵过一篇短文, 一旦遇到考试时的类似>作文,学生只会照搬照套,不能根据>作文要求灵活变通。 4、理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意,原因是词汇量少,即使是平时默写过的 单词一到考试时又不认识了。 5、不能熟练运用学过的句型。 针对这样的现状,我想以后采取以下措施: 1、抓基础知识,多默写单词,词组; 2、进行分层教学。后进生稍微放低要求,多默写单词和词组。对 80分以上的学生多鼓励,多督促, 争取他们的成绩往 90分靠拢。 3、坚持讲练结合,提高学生的做题能力。 英语教学工作任重道远,但我相信,只要我们努力就一定会有进步。 反思三:初一英语下册教学反思 一、刚学英语的时候,学生对英语这门课程充满好奇,喜欢学习、模仿。但是,我发现自从小学读了 六年后,好奇心逐渐减弱。随着学习难度的增加,学生产生了消极情感,没有兴趣,甚至厌学。 二、下册教材词汇量增加,内容难度加大,学生怕苦而不能及时巩固。课文的配套练习也不能自觉的 去独立完成。 三、教师面对一些整体学生进行教学的态度误区。教师对学生学习英语的要求过于严格,不能注意到 学生的差异性,没有发现他们接受语言的快慢程度,最终导致有的学生吃得饱,有的学生吃不饱。吃 不饱的那部分学生就会产生以下情绪:上课或讲练习的时候,就会马虎,注意力不集中。 四、教师在有些知识点讲过后,有的甚至操练了多遍,反反复复强调了,学生仍没有掌握。有些教师 就责怪学生,并因此加强反复训练。于是在教师的责怪声中,在枯燥的联系中,学生的学习兴趣消失 了。 针对这种现状,我主要从以下几个方面入手: 一、观察分析,了解基础 小学阶段英语只注重听说读,而写的练习相对较少,英语考试也仅仅是流于形式。而农村小学由于师 资问题,英语课的教学质量也受到限制。绝大部分学生的英语基础仅限于会朗读 26个字母,而不能 准确地读准、写出 26个字母;兴致高时,能朗读几个带有 chilish 的英文单词及几句日常用语。 因此,接手初一新的教学班时,要对学生进行难易适当的诊断性英语考试,包括字母测试、词汇测试 等。通过测试,了解学生的现有基础,精心备课、上课。针对基础参差不齐的学生进行分层次教学, 避免有一定的基础的学生对重炒旧菜,索然无味;同时对于毫无基础的学生精心施教,夯实基础。 二、主动学习,音标先行 英语学科的学习过程主要包括预习—上课—复习。英语学科的特殊性又决定了它的预习具有一定的难 度,那么音标的教学显得至关重要。我认为,在学完字母及若干基本词汇之后,要打破教材的编排顺 序,系统讲授音标知识。可采用"分散归纳"的教法,及时利用字母以及一定量的词汇归纳出音标,教 授读音规则,如:字母组合的发音、辅音连缀、多音节的划分等,读音规则与音标结合起来,给学生 记忆单词的拐杖。也可以在音标教学中,编一些与音素相关的歌谣、绕口令及小短文,让学生在有趣 的活动中巩固枯燥的音标读音规则,为将来成功记忆单词打好基础。当然,音标的教学不能孤立的进 行,应结合单词来认识其读音,这样将起到事半功倍的效果。掌握了音标,学生可自行拼读和记忆单 词,既减轻了教师的负担,又增强了学生学习英语的信心和能力。 三、课堂设趣,寓教于乐 "兴趣是最好的老师"。只有不断地激发学生的兴趣,调动其积极性,才能持之以恒地学好英语。 教师在教学中要善于运用丰富多采的教学方法和手段,让学生做到听、说、读、写并举,眼、耳、口、 鼻、脑并用。单词教学中,可以采用实物、彩图、卡片、简笔画等教学手段来加强教学的取见性,激 发学生兴趣,或者在课前进行词汇、听写接力赛;句型教学中常用的方法有表演法、竞赛法和游戏法。 七年级学生表现欲强,可以让学生利用每课前五分钟的表演来巩固已学句子,如购物、就医等。同桌 表演对话,会什么,说什么,不搞每错必纠,减轻学生的心理压力。巩固单词和词组时,我经常采用 "竞赛法",以小组为单位,拼写单词或翻译词组,评出"the best team",培养他们的合作精神,激 发学习的热情。 另外,教师要注重授学生以"渔",让学生掌握规律性的知识,使学生灵活的解决问题,提高学生的应 用能力和思维能力。英语教学中,动词的时态是一大难点。在教学中,我除了让学生记住时态的构成 及与哪些时间状语连用外,更重要的是教给其方法:找时间,看主语,对规则。如 She always ___ to school early. A. go B goes C went D is going . 此题中有副词 always ,学生确定用一般现在时, 主语是 she ,再看动词是否是规则动词,go 的第三人称单数加上"es",所以选 B。再如,His mother ____ (cook) in the kitchen now. 根据 now 确定是现在进行时,My mother 是单数,填 is cooking 。 这样的练习使学生融会贯通地掌握不同知识的联系与区别,达到了举一反三的效果。 四、课外延伸,共同提高 要学好英语光靠每周几节英语课是不够的,所以教师可以利用空余时间开展课外教学活动,鼓励学生 大胆地用英语交流,根据不同班级、不同层次进行组织,加强课外辅导和个别辅导。如,充分利用早 读课的时间检测学生的知识掌握情况,听、说、读、写训练皆可。再如,培养"小助手",把班级分为 十个小组,每组一名组长,要求他们主动帮助基础差的学生,不要嘲笑他们的错误,耐心地教他们读 和说,以此带动班上落后学生。成绩进步者及时奖励,在班级内创造良好的学习气氛。 在抓好课堂质量的同时,作业的布置和批改亦不容忽视。作业的选择很重要,我们要注重练习的典型 性,我多以考试中常出现的基础及易错题为主,一天几题,积少成多,及时巩固,做到精讲精练。作 业的批改中,我不忘给学生评价,及时赞赏进步较大的学生,激发和保护他们的信心,对于退步的同 学不忘写上几句鼓励或提醒的话。 反思四:初一英语下册教学反思 本学期,我担任七年级的英语教学工作,使用人教版的英语教材,通过上学期的教学,学生的知识面 提高了,基础好的学生有的知识不用讲、练,基础差的学生没有兴趣,练了也不会,我很着急,不知 顾哪些学生好,而新课程改革是强调课程要促进每个学生身心健康的发展,培养学生良好的品质的终 身学习的能力,新课改倡导建设性学习,注重科学探究的学习,关注体验性学习,提倡交流与合作、 自主创新学习,课程改革的成败关键在于教师,教师是课程改革的实施者,作为教师的我必须做好充 分的准备,学习新课程改革理论,更新教学观念,迎接新课改的挑战。下面简单地回顾一下今学期所 做的一些英语教学工作。 一、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定 七年级英语下册练习(全册) Unit 1 Section A -1 【将横线当作四线格的第三线认真书写。】 短语: 1. 下国际象棋 ________________________ 2. 说英语 _____________________________ 3. 弹吉它 ____________________________ 4. 跳舞很好 ___________________________ 句子: 1. 你会画画吗?是的,我会。 ____________________________________________________________________ 2. 他会游泳吗?不,他不会。 ____________________________________________________________________ 3. 我想参加音乐俱乐部,因为我会弹吉他。 ____________________________________________________________________ Unit 1 Section A- 2 短语: 1. 国际象棋俱乐部 ________________________2. 游泳俱乐部 ________________________ 3. 讲故事 ___________________________ 4. 擅长做某事 ____________________________ 句子: 4. 你爸爸会做什么运动?他会游泳。 _________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我想参加音乐俱乐部,但我不会弹吉他。 _________________________________________________________________________ 6. 她想参加什么俱乐部?她想参加美术俱乐部。 _________________________________________________________________________ 7. 你很擅长讲故事。你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 1 Section A -3 【将横线当作四线格的第三线认真书写。】 1. 你会做什么? 2. 他会做什么? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. 你想参加什么俱乐部? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. 我不会唱歌也不会跳舞。 ______________________________________________________________________ 5. 你擅长画画吗? ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Bill 会写故事,也会讲故事。 ______________________________________________________________________ 7. 请放学后与张老师谈谈。 ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Tom会下象棋,但是下得不好。 __________________________________________________________________________ 9. 快来加入我们吧! __________________________________________________________________________ 改错: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Unit1 Section B 1 (课时 4) 1. 我喜欢打鼓和弹钢琴。 2. 他喜欢拉小提琴,他也喜欢弹吉它。(两种) 3. 辛迪会唱歌,但她不会画画。 4. 比尔喜欢和他的朋友们打游戏。 5. 艾伦在学校的音乐俱乐部。 6。 我会说英语,我也会踢足球。 改错: Unit1 Section B 2 (课时 5) 1. 老人之家需要帮助。 2. 你七月份有时间吗?(两种 3. 他喜欢交朋友,而且他很会讲故事。 4.我们需要你帮助说英语的学生们做运动。 5. 请来学生体育中心! 6. 你能弹钢琴或拉小提琴吗? 7. 你能弹钢琴或拉小提琴吗? 改错: Unit1 Section B 3 (课时 6) 1. 学校音乐节招聘音乐家。 2. 你能弹吉它或打鼓吗? 3. 那么你可以参加我们学校的音乐节了。 4.你喜欢游泳吗?(两种) 5. 你擅长讲故事吗? 6. 你能和老人相处的好吗? 7. 你能在英语方面帮帮我吗? 改错: Unit2 ( Section A --1) 提示:请将横线当做四线格的第三条线书写,不合格者扣 20分。 短语 1. 起床 2. 去上学 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 穿衣服 4. 刷牙 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 吃早餐 6. 洗澡 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 句子 1. 几点了?(两种) 八点整。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 . 你通常几点起床?我通常 5:50 起床。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 你经常几点穿衣服? 我经常 6:00穿衣服。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 她经常几点刷牙? 她经常 6:15刷牙。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我哥哥经常 6:30吃早饭。 6. Eric经常晚上 9:00洗澡。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 改错: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2013 Unit2 ( Section A --2) 提示:请将横线当做四线格的第三条线书写,不合格者扣 20分。 单词 1.从不;绝不 2. 早(的) 3. 五十 4. 工作;职业(可数) 5. 工作(不可数) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.电视台;车站 7.(表示整点)…点钟 8.晚上;夜晚 9.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的 10.锻炼;练习 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 句子 1. Jim有两个哥哥和三个姐姐。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Jim 经常什么时间刷牙? 他经常 6:20 刷牙。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Jim 家有一个淋浴器。 4. Bob 经常在 8:40 洗澡。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我从不起床那么早。 6. Scott有一份有趣的工作。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 他在一个广播站工作。 8. 你的广播节目是什么时间? ________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. 从晚上 12点到早上 6点。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 吃早饭的时间多有趣呀! 11. 我经常在大约 10:20做运动。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 12. 你经常什么时间去上班? 13. 我从不上班迟到。 _____________________________________________________________________________ Unit2 ( Section A --3) 提示:请将横线当做四线格的第三条线书写,不合格者扣 20分。 1. 你在上学日几点起床? 我在上学日 5:50起床。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 他们几点穿衣服? 他们经常 6:00 穿衣服。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Rick 几点刷牙? 他总是在 6:20 刷牙 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Scott什么时候上班? 他七点上班。他从不迟到。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 你的朋友们什么时间做运动? 他们经常在周末做运动。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Anna从来不吃早饭。 7. 你最好的朋友什么时间上学? ________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. 吃早饭的时间多有趣呀! 9. Alice在一个广播站工作。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. 你哥哥经常什么时间洗澡? 他经常在晚上 8:00洗澡。 _____________________________________________________________________________ Unit 3 Section A1 2013-3-14 1. 你怎样去上学? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 我坐地铁。(两种) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. 他怎样去上学? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. 他骑自行车去。(两种) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. 他们怎样去上班? _____________________________________________________________________ 6. 他们步行去上班。(两种) _____________________________________________________________________ 7. 你打车到学校需要多长时间? _____________________________________________________________________ 8. 打车到校要花费我 40分钟。 _____________________________________________________________________ 改错: _____________________________________________________________________ Unit 3 Section A2 2013-3-15 【提示:按四线格要求标准书写】 1. 我乘坐出租车上学。(2 种) 2. 他步行去上班。(2种) 3. 这段公交车旅程经常要花费 20 分钟左右。 4. 你家离学校多远? 5. 从家到学校花费你多长时间? 改错: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Unit 3 Section A3 2013-3-18 【提示:按四线格要求标准书写】 1. 她怎么到校? 她通常乘坐公交车。 2. 到校得花费多长时间? 花费大约 15分钟。 3. 从你家到学校多远? 仅仅只有两千米。 4. Jane 步行去上学吗? 不,不是的。她骑自行车去。 5. 他们乘坐公交车去上学吗? 不,不是的。他们步行。 改错: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT3 Section B 1 单词短语: 1. 车站,停止 2. 认为 3. 公共汽车站(两种) __________________________________________________________________ 4. 火车站 5. 地铁站 __________________________________________________________________ 句子: 1. Bob 怎么到达他祖父母的家? _______________________________________________________________ 2. 我骑自行车去地铁站,然后我乘坐地铁。 _______________________________________________________________ 3. Mary 想知道 Bob 住的离他的祖父母家有多远。 _______________________________________________________________ 4. Mary 想知道到达他的祖父母家花费多少时间。 _______________________________________________________________ 5. 他们住在哪里? _______________________________________________________________ 6. 然后我乘坐公交车从火车站到他们的家。 _______________________________________________________________ UNIT3 Section B 2 单词: 1. 横过,穿过 2. 河,江 3. 许多 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 村庄,村镇 5. 介于…之间 6. 桥 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 小船 8. 索道 9. 年,岁 ________________________________________________________________________ 10. 害怕,畏惧 11. 像,怎么样 12. 村民 ________________________________________________________________________ 13. 离开 14. 梦想,睡梦 15. 真的,符合事实的 ________________________________________________________________________ 短语: 1. 在…和…之间 2. 实现,成为现实 3. 穿过河流 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 一个 11 岁的男孩 5. 像 6. 不得不 ________________________________________________________________________ 句子: 1. 对于在中国一个小村庄的学生们来说,上学时很难的。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. 在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条大河。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. (河上)没有桥,并且河水湍急,不能行舟。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 所以这些学生们通过一条索道横穿河流。(两种) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 一个 11 岁的男孩亮亮每个上学日都横穿河流。 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 他对我来说像是一位父亲。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 学生们和村民们中间的很多人都从没有离开过村庄。 ________________________________________________________________________ 8. 村民们的梦想是有一座桥。 ________________________________________________________________________ 9. 他们的梦想能实现吗? ________________________________________________________________________ 10. 他们不能乘船上学因为河水湍急。 ________________________________________________________________________ UNIT3 Section B 3 1. 谢谢你上一封邮件。 _________________________________________________________________ 2. 你想知道我怎么上学。 _________________________________________________________________ 3. 我通常大约 8 点钟离开家,然后走到公共汽车站。 _________________________________________________________________ 4. 校车通常大约在 8:15 到。 _________________________________________________________________ 5. 我的学校离我家大概 20 公里。(两种) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. 乘公交车到那大概 40 分钟。 _________________________________________________________________ 7. 这段公交车车程从来不无聊因为我总是和同学们聊天。 _________________________________________________________________ Unit 4 Section A 1 (课时 1) 【提示:按四线格要求标准书写】 1. 学校制度 2. 违反制度 3. 遵守规则 4. 上课迟到 5. 准时 6. 食堂 7. 听音乐 8. 和…打架 9. 学校制度是什么? 10. 上课不能迟到。你必须准时到。 11. --不能在走廊里跑。 --抱歉,王老师。 12. 不能在教室里吃东西。你必须在食堂里吃东西。 13. 课堂上不能听音乐。 14. 不能打架。 Unit 4 Section A 2 (课时 2) 【提示:按四线格要求标准书写】 1. 音乐教室 2. 在外面吃 4. 戴帽子 4. 第一天 5. 音乐播放器 6. 穿校服 7. 不得不,必须 8. 我们能听音乐吗? 9. 我们不能在走廊里听音乐,但是我们可以在外面听。 10. 这是我在学校的第一天。 11. 这非常重要。 12. 这是一个很棒的学校,但是有很多制度。 13. 我们能带音乐播放器到学校吗? 14. 我们总是必须穿校服。 15. 我们也必须在图书馆里保持安静。 Unit 4 Section A 3 (课时 3) 【提示:按四线格要求标准书写】 1. 图书馆规则 2. 照相 5. 不要在走廊里跑。 4. 不要打架。 5. 规则是什么? 6. 我们必须准时来上课。 7. 我们不能在教室里吃东西,但是我们可以在外面吃。 8. -–我们能在课堂上戴帽子吗? --不,我们不能。 9. --他在学校必须得穿校服吗?--是的。 10. 你们不得不做什么? 11. 我们必须在图书馆里保持安静。 错题整理: Unit 4 (Section B P22) 单词 1.外出 adv. 2. 练习(v. &n.) 3. 碟;盘(n.) 4. 在…以前(prep& conj.) 以前(adv.) 短语 1.外出(娱乐) 2. 清洗餐具 句子 1. 戴夫在上学的夜晚能出去吗? 不, 他不能。 2. 戴夫一定要在晚饭后清洗餐具。 3. 戴夫放学后能见朋友吗? 不, 他不能。 4. 戴夫每天早晨一定帮助妈妈做早饭。 5. 戴夫每周六都不得不练习吉他。 Unit 4 (Section B P23) 单词 1.脏的(adj.) 2. 厨房(n.) 3. 更多的(adj.&pron.) 4. 吵闹的(adj.) 5. 放松;休息(v.) 6. 读,阅读(v.) 7. 非常讨厌的;可怕的(adj.) 8. 感受;觉得(v.) 9. 严格的; 严厉的(adj.) 10. 记住;记起(v.) 11. 遵循; 跟随(v) 12.幸运;运气(n.) 短语 1. 铺床 2. (对某人)要求严格 3. 遵守规则 4. 上学的时候 句子 1. 父母和学校有时会很严厉,但是记住,他们制定规矩是为了帮助我们。 2.我知道你的感受。 3. 有许多你能做的事情。 Unit 4 (Self Check P24) 单词 1.保持; 保留(v.) 2. 头发; 毛发(n.) 3. 学习; 学会(v.) 短语 1. 和某人玩 2. 想让某人做某事 3. 留短发 4. 学习弹钢琴 句子 1. 然后,我不得不去厨房为我爷爷拿食物。 2. 我爷爷对我很严格,但是我认为遵守规则是最好的。 3. 我听他的话因为我不想让猫抓到我。 4. 我们上课不能迟到。 5. 周末的时候我也不能放松,因为我不得不学习弹钢琴。 Unit 5 Section A 1 (课时 1) 一.根据汉语意思翻译句子。 1.我们先看熊猫吧。它们是我最喜欢的动物。 2. 你为什么想要看它们? 因为它们非常可爱。 3. 我喜欢大象因为它们聪明又有趣。 4. 我喜欢长颈鹿因为我认为它们很漂亮。 5. 你喜欢狮子吗?是的,我喜欢。 6. 你为甚么喜欢老虎? 7.考拉看起来很懒。 8. 欢迎来到动物园。 9. 这是一张我们学校的地图。 改错: Unit 5 Section A 2 (课时 2) 一.根据汉语意思翻译句子。 1.这头狮子来自南非。它很可怕。 2.1) 熊猫有点有趣。 2) --它们来自哪里? --它们来自中国。 3.考拉来自澳大利亚。它们非常可爱。 4.他是我的新宠物,豆豆。他很聪明。 5.他能做什么?他会立着行走。 6.我的狗还能跳舞。 7.你家有宠物吗? 8. 1)你为什么不喜欢那只猫? 2) 因为它有点无聊。它一整天都睡觉。 9. 那对她来说是一个好名字。 改错: Unit 5 Section A 3 (课时 3) 【提示:按四线格要求标准书写,不合乎规范的扣 10-20 分。标点及大小写每处 5分。 每个句子 10 分】 一.根据汉语意思翻译句子。 1.—你们为什么喜欢熊猫? —因为它们有点有趣。 2.—John为什么喜欢考拉?—因为它们非常可爱。 3.-为什么你不喜欢老虎?-因为它们太可怕了。 4. -狮子来自哪里?-它们来自南非。 5. -那个动物大吗?-是的,大。 6. -它是黑白色的吗?-不,它不是。 7.-它是长颈鹿!-是的,你答对了! 8. 我的朋友喜欢狗因为她认为它们聪明。 9. Mike不喜欢猪因为它们太懒了。 改错: Unit 5 (Section B P28) 单词 1. 友好的 ______________ 2. 羞怯的;腼腆的______________ 短语 1. 真的很聪明 ______________________2. 有点羞怯 ________________________ 3. 在那边 _______________________ 4. 离考拉不远 _______________________ 句子 1. ---你喜欢什么动物? ---我喜欢大象。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. 你为什么喜欢熊猫? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 他们很有趣,而且他们实在很聪明。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 他们在那边,离考拉不远。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我喜欢狗是因为他们友好又聪明。 ________________________________________________________________________ Unit 5 (Section B P29) 短语 1. 迷路 __________________ 2. 处于极大危险之中 _________________________ 3. 砍倒 ___________________ 4. 由……制成 _____________________________ 5. 来自泰国的学生 ________________________ 6. 挽救大象 __________________ 7. 泰国的象征之一 _________________________ 8. 好运气 ___________________ 9. 走很长时间 __________________________ 10. 超过 _________/______________ 11. 象牙制品 ___________________________ 12. 泰国大象节 __________________ 句子 1. 大象是泰国的象征之一。 ______________________________________________________________________ 2. 我们最初的(国)旗上就有一头白象。 ______________________________________________________________________ 3. 这是好运的象征。 ______________________________________________________________________ 4. 人们说大象从不忘事。 ______________________________________________________________________ 5. 大象能走很长时间而从不迷路。 ______________________________________________________________________ 6. 他们还能记住有食物和水的地方。 ______________________________________________________________________ 7. 这帮助他们生存。 ______________________________________________________________________ 8. 可是大象(现在)处于极度危险当中。 ______________________________________________________________________ 9. 人们伐倒太多的树木因此大象正在失去它们的家园。 ______________________________________________________________________ 10. 人们还为了获取象牙而猎杀大象。 ______________________________________________________________________ 11. 我们必须挽救树木而不要购买象牙制品。 ______________________________________________________________________ 12. 记住三月十三日是泰国大象节。 ______________________________________________________________________ Unit 5 (Section B P30) 句子 1. ---她(难道)不漂亮么? ---不,她很漂亮。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ---他来自那里?(两种) ---他来自非洲。(两种) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. 他十二岁。(两种)。 __________________________________________________________________ 4. 他是个十二岁的男孩。 __________________________________________________________________ 5. 我喜欢 Becky 是因为她聪明又友好。 __________________________________________________________________ 6. 她住在 Blackwood 动物园里。 __________________________________________________________________ 7. ---你喜欢什么动物? ---我喜欢狮子。 __________________________________________________________________ 8. ---你为什么喜欢长颈鹿? ---我喜欢它们是因为它们实在漂亮。 __________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 Section A1 I. 写出下列单词的现在分词(-ing)形式。 do _________ dance___________ sing __________ swim____________ listen____________ run ____________ play ___________ read ____________ wash ___________ use ___________ exercise ___________ eat ___________ get ____________ begin ______________ go ____________ write ___________ II.句子: 1. —你在做什么? —我在家看电视。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. —她在做什么? —她在读报纸。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. —他在做什么? —他在听 CD。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. —他们在教室里做什么呢? —他们在下棋。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. —Cindy在做什么? —她在给妈妈做汤。 ______________________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 Section A2 I.句子: 1. 我正在看电视,但是(节目)有点无聊。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我的电视节目也没意思。(两种) _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. 你想跟我去看电影么? _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. (打电话)你好,我是 Laura. 你是谁? _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. —你在做什么呢? —没什么事。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. 你想跟我们一起吃晚餐吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. 我很想(去),但是我必须在家写作业。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 8.— 咱们先在我家见面。 — 好的,到时见! ______________________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 Section A3 I. 句子。(注意区分现在进行时与一般现在时) 1. Jenny 正在打扫房子。 她每周都帮她妈妈做家务。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Bob 喜欢做饭。看!他正在给他的弟弟做汤呢! _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Mary经常在饭后喝茶。 看!她正在和她的朋友们喝茶呢。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Bill正在看电视,但他不经常在上学日的晚上看电视。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. 明晚见! ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. 你想跟我一起去看电影吗? 我很想(去),但是我得在家写作业。 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. 现在是八点钟。学生们正在上英语课。 ______________________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 Section B1 1.--Alice在吗?(电话用语). –对不起,她还在学校。 2. Mary 和她的妈妈在干什么? 她们正在超市购物. 3.那个男孩正在学校打篮球. 4. Lisa 正在图书馆里读书。 5.--那个男人正在河里游泳吗? --不,他正在游泳池里游泳。 6.--她正在读报纸吗? -- 不,她正在用电脑。 7.--东京几点了? --上午八点。 Unit 6 Section B2 所有的答案均在书上 2b 1. 今天的故事是关于朱会,一个来自深圳的学生的事。 2.他现在正在美国学习。 3.他现在在纽约和一个美国家庭住在一起。 4.今天是龙舟节。朱会的家人呆在家。 5.他的妈妈和婶婶正在包粽子。他的爸爸和叔叔正在看电视上的龙舟比赛。 6.纽约晚上 9 点,正是节日的前一晚。 7.在美国没有龙舟节,所以对于朱会和他的房东家人来说,今晚和平时的晚上都是一样的。 8.妈妈正在给她的小孩子们讲故事。 9.他正在和他在深圳的表哥聊电话。 10.朱会想念他的家人,希望吃妈妈包的美味的粽子。 11.朱会非常喜欢纽约和他的房东家人,但是还是“千好万好不如自己的家好” Unit 6 Self check 1. 这是一张我的全家福。我们都在家。 2.我父母正在客厅看电视。 3. 这期谈话节目很有趣。 4.他正在为一次考试而学习。 5. 我想他能和你一起踢足球。 Unit 7 (Section B P40) 单词 1.干燥的 adj. 2. 寒冷的 adj 3. 热的 adj 4. 温暖的 adj 句子 1. 你在哪里?我在墨西哥。 2. 你那里情况怎么样? 3. 我的全家都在这。 4. 墨西哥天气怎么样? 5. 我在看望我的祖母。 6. 我打电话祝福您生日快乐。 Unit 7 (Section B P41) 单词 1.参观 2. 加拿大 3.夏季 4. 坐 5.果汁 6. 不久,很快 7. 假期 8. 努力地 9.欧洲 10.高山 11. 国家 句子 1.在加拿大我看望姑妈过的很愉快。 2. 我在学习英语并且学会了很多。 3. 又一次看到他们我是如此的高兴。 4. 我正坐在水池旁喝着桔汁。 5. 我的家人和我在山区度假。 6. 你的暑假怎么样? Unit 7 (Section B P42) 单词 1.滑冰 2. 下雪的 3.冬天 4. 俄罗斯的 5.雪人 6. 阴雨的/多雨的 词组 1.在哈尔滨 2.带回家 3. 在多雨的天气 4.过的愉快 句子 1. 人们带着帽子,穿着毛衣。 2. 一些男孩正在雪中玩耍着。 3. 一位男士正在给一个雪人拍照。 4. 现在你在干什么? 5. 请找 Laura接电话好吗? 6. 我可以捎个信(留言)吗? Unit 8 Section A 课时 1 背诵卷 一、单词 1. 邮政 2. 办公室 3. 警察 4. 旅馆,酒店 __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 餐馆 6. 银行 7. 医院 8. 大街 __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. 付费 10. 在…附近 __________________________________________________________________________________ 二、短语 1. 邮局 2. 警察局 3. 付费电话 __________________________________________________________________________________ 三、句子 1. —附近有医院吗? —是的,有。在桥街上。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. —附近有邮局吗? —是的,有。在长街上有一个。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. —在中央大街上有医院吗? —不,没有。 __________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 Section A 课时 2 背诵卷 一、单词 1. 过,穿过 2. 前面 3. 在…后面 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 镇,市镇 5. 到处,大约 __________________________________________________________________________________ 二、句子 1. 打扰一下。附近有饭店吗?(复数) __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 是的,有一个在邮局前面。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 那个公用电话在图书馆对面。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 警察局在饭店和医院中间。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我能帮你吗? __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 我新到这个镇里的。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ---中央大街在哪? ---离这不远。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. 我可以和你一起去。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. ---非常感谢! ---不客气! __________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 Section A 课时 3 背诵卷 句子: 1. ---银行在哪? ---它在邮局旁边。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ---公园在哪? ---它再银行对面,旅店后面。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ---公用电话在哪? ---他们在邮局和图书馆之间。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 在北方大街上有饭店吗? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 在公用电话附近有医院吗? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 银行在医院旁边,公园对面。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 Section B 1 (课时 4) 短语 1. 沿着…走 __________________ 2. 向左转 _________________ 3. 在…的右边 __________________ 4. 在某人的左边 ____________________ 句子 6. --附近有一个宾馆吗? --是的,有。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. 就沿着 Bridge 大街走,当你看到图书馆的时候左转。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. 沿着 Long街走,它在右侧。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. 它紧挨着超市,在银行对面。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. 在第一个十字路口右转,饭店在你的左边,公共电话的对面。 ____________________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 Section B 2 (课时 5) 1. 周末我喜欢在那里度过。 ____________________________________________________ 2. 我爱看猴子们爬来爬去。 ____________________________________________________ 3. 我经常在公园锻炼因为我爱清洁的空气和阳光。 ____________________________________________________ 4. 生活中最好的东西是免费的! ____________________________________________________ 5. 当我读书的时候,时间过得飞快! ____________________________________________________ 6. Anna 认为猴子像人吗? ____________________________________________________ Unit 8 Section B 3 (课时 6) 1. 我通常在我家附近的一个超市购物。 ___________________________________________________________ 2. 你住在哪? ___________________________________________________________ 3. 在你的街区里你最喜欢的地方是哪? ___________________________________________________________ 4. 上学日我非常忙,但是在周末我有一些空闲的时间。 ___________________________________________________________ 5. 我们也喜欢坐下来聊聊。 ___________________________________________________________ 6. 我们有时候看邻居家的猫们爬树。 ___________________________________________________________ 7. 像这样度过周末是放松的。 ___________________________________________________________ Unit 9 (Section A P49) 单词 1.卷曲的 adj. 2. 直的 adj. 3. 高的 adj 4. 中等的 adj. 5. 身高, 高度 n. 6. 瘦的 adj. 7. 重的 adj. 8. 身材 n. 短语 1.中等身高 2. 中等身材 句子 1. 你朋友长什么样? 2. 她中等身高,并且她有长长的直发。 3. 那是你的朋友吗? 不,不是 4. -他是胖还是瘦? -他中等体型。 Unit 9 (Section A P50 ) 单词 1. (在) 今晚 adv.&n 2. 小的 adj. 3. 电影院 n. 4. 眼镜 n( pl.) 5. 以后 adv 6. 一点 (词组) 句子 1. 萨利是长发还是短发? 2. 你今晚你打算去电影院吗? 3. 我们七点四十见面,对吗? 4. 但是我可能会晚到一点。 5. 我的朋友戴维也要去,就先在电影院前见他吧。 6. 他棕色的头发,戴眼镜。 7. 他不高也不矮。他中等个子。 Unit 9 (Section A P51 ) 单词 1.英俊的(adj) 2. 演员 (n.) 3. 女演员 (n.) 4. 人(n) 句子 1. 你朋友克拉克长什么样? 2. 她瘦,留着长的黑色卷发。 3. 真的吗?他个子高还是矮? 2. 你最喜欢的女演员长什么样? 6. 这个人中等身材。她留着金色的直发 Unit 9 Section B (课时 4) 一.单词及短语。 1. 一只小鼻子 __________________ 2. 一张大嘴__________________ 3. 大眼睛 __________________ 4. 一张长脸__________________ 二.根据汉语意思写出句子。 1. Tony有张圆脸。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Jackson戴眼镜。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 难道你不爱 Johnny Dean吗? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 电影演员(男)来了。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我喜欢那位有着一头金发的女性。 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 她非常漂亮并且是位伟大的演员。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 我最喜欢的歌手 John有着一头短、卷、金色的头发。 ________________________________________________________________________ Unit 9 Section B (课时 5) 一.写出下列词的反义词。 1. old _________ 2. thin __________ 3. tall __________ 三.long _________ 5. new __________ 6. curly__________ 二.根据汉语意思写出句子。 1. 他是一名刑侦画像师。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. 一些人看到犯罪活动然后告诉 Joe。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 他们告诉他那名罪犯长什么样。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 然后 Joe画一张罪犯的画像。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 警察把它登在报纸及电视上来找到他。 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 他想给每一个罪犯画出准确的画像。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 人们并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述的不一样。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8. 而且他们并不总是记得牢靠。 ________________________________________________________________________ Unit 9 Section B (课时 6) 一.根据汉语意思写出句子。 1. 让我来告诉你他长得什么样。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. 首先,他很高而且帅。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 他通常穿牛仔裤,T 恤衫和运动鞋。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 我喜欢他是因为他真的很酷并且是个有趣的人。 ________________________________________________________________________ Unit 10 (Section B P58) 单词 1. 饺子 n.. 2. 粥;面糊 n 3. 洋葱 n 4. 鱼;鱼肉 n 5. 烙饼;煎饼 n 句子 1. 我想点一些食物。 2. 你要什么样的饺子? 3. 我想要牛肉胡萝卜馅的饺子。 4. 你想要一些饮料吗? 5. 你的地址是什么? 6. 其它的食品你还想要什么? Unit 10 (Section B P59) 单词 1.答案;回答 2. 不同的 3.蛋糕 4. 蜡烛 5.将要 6. 糖果 7. 幸运的 8. 想法 短语: 1.世界各地 2.许愿 3. 吹灭 4. 受欢迎 5.切碎 6. 给…带来好运 句子 1. 蜡烛的数量就是过生日人的年龄。 2. 吃到糖果的孩子是很幸运的。 3. 在中国,你过生日吃蛋糕是很流行的。 4. 他们从来不把面条剪断因为长面条是长寿的象征。 5. 他们给过生日的人带来好运。 Unit 10 (Section B P60) 句子 1.你想吃冰欺凌还是煎饼? 2. 我们有不同种类的水果冰欺凌,像草莓味,香蕉味或橘子味。 3. 我的粥里有个苍蝇。 4. 我们缺少鱼。 5. 戴上眼镜你就能看见羊肉了。 Unit 11 Section A 课时一背诵卷 (P61) 一、单词 1. 挤奶 2. 奶牛 3. 马 4. 喂养,饲养 __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 农民,农场主 6. 相当,完全 __________________________________________________________________________________ 二、短语(动词短语用现在时和过去时两种方式) 1. 给奶牛挤奶 2. 骑马 3. 喂鸡 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 许多 5. 去散步 6. 和农民聊天 __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 照相 __________________________________________________________________________________ 三、句子 1. 你看到奶牛了吗? 是的,我看到了。我看到了很多 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 昨天你的学校旅行怎么样? 它很棒! __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 你骑马了吗? __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 我给奶牛挤奶了。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我和我的朋友绕着农场散步并且和一个农民聊了天。 __________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 11 Section A 课时二背诵卷(P62) 一、单词 1. 任何东西,任何事情 2. 种植,生长,发育 3. n.农场 v.务农,种田 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 采,摘 5. 极好的,优秀的 6. 农村,乡村 __________________________________________________________________________________ 二、短语 1. 在农村 2. 学到东西 3. 种苹果 __________________________________________________________________________________ 三、句子 1. 你学到东西了吗? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Carol 学到了很多关于农业的知识。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 农民们从十二月到六月种草莓。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Carol 摘了一些草莓并且带回家。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我每天都去钓鱼。(过去时) __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 那有很多乐趣。(过去时) __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 天气怎么样?(过去时) __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. 我晚上看星星。(过去时) __________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 11 Section A 课时三背诵卷 (P63) 一、单词 1. 昨天 2. 花 3. 担心 4. 幸运地 5. 太阳 __________________________________________________________________________________ 二、动词过去式变化 1. play — ___________ 2. study — ___________ 3. worry — ___________ 4. stop — ___________ 5. have — ___________ 6. eat — ___________ 7. buy — ___________ 8. do — ___________ 9. am/is — ___________ 10. are — ___________ 11. climb — ___________ 12. shop — ___________ 13. visit — ___________ 14. see — ___________ 15. ride — ___________ 16. take — ___________ 17. grow — ___________ 18. feed — ___________ 19. go — ___________ 20. come — ___________ 21. get — ___________ 三、句子 1. 草莓好吗? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 你看到任何有趣的动物了吗? __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我们在那爬了山并且看到了很多花。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 在大约两点左右,天变得非常阴,我们担心会下雨。 __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 太阳又出来了。(过去式) __________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 11 Section B 1 (课时 4) 短语 1. 去动物园 __________________ 2. 参观博物馆 ___________________ 3. 骑马 __________________ 4. 爬山 ___________________ 5. 参观消防站 __________________ 6. 去钓鱼 ___________________ 7. 去乡村 ___________________ 8. 去一个艺术博物馆 ___________________ 9. 看一些画 ___________________ 10. 画画 ___________________ 句子 1. 你的学校旅行怎么样? ______________________________________________________________ 2. 你们去了哪里? ______________________________________________________________ 3. 我们去了乡村爬了山。 ______________________________________________________________ 4. 雨下啊下啊下了一整天。 ______________________________________________________________ 5. 有如此多的有趣的东西要去看。 ______________________________________________________________ 6. 我们去了一间特别的艺术室画了画。如此有趣。 ______________________________________________________________ 7. 听起来你有一个很棒的学校旅行。 ______________________________________________________________ Unit 11 Section B 2 (课时 5) 短语 1. 日记记载 ____________________ 2. 进行一次旅行 ____________________ 3. 科学博物馆 ____________________ 4. 沿途 ____________________ 5. 今天的学校旅行 ____________________ 句子 1. 我们坐火车到那这么快。 ___________________________________________________________ 2. 在博物馆,关于机器人我们学了很多。 ___________________________________________________________ 3. 导游教给了我们怎样制作一个机器人模型。 ___________________________________________________________ 4. 我去了礼品店为我的父母买了一些可爱的礼物。 ___________________________________________________________ 5. 总之,它是令人兴奋的一天。 ___________________________________________________________ 6. 在慢车上这么热。 ___________________________________________________________ 7. 所有东西都跟机器人有关,我对那不感兴趣。 ___________________________________________________________ 8. 房间真暗,拍照很困难,所以我没拍。 ___________________________________________________________ 9. 我根本不喜欢这次旅行。 ___________________________________________________________ Unit 11 Section B 3 (课时 6) 分别写出下列动词的单三、现在分词、过去式。 1. go: ___________ _____________ _____________ 2. do: ___________ _____________ _____________ 3. play: ___________ _____________ _____________ 4. live: ___________ _____________ _____________ 5. shop: ___________ _____________ _____________ 6. study: ___________ _____________ _____________ 句子 1. 今年夏天我去了乡村。 _____________________________________________________ 2. 我喂了小鸡们,在河里游了泳。 _____________________________________________________ 3. 你度过了一个美好的周末吗? _____________________________________________________ 4. 你去了一些地方吗? _____________________________________________________ 5. 我没买任何东西因为它们太贵了。 _____________________________________________________ Unit 12 (Section A P67) 单词 1.扎营; 搭帐篷 2.湖;湖泊 3.海滩;沙滩 4.羽毛球运动 短语 1去电影院 2. 划船 3在湖边宿营 4 去海滩 5. 打羽毛球 6. 做我的作业 句子 1. 你上周末做什么了,露西? 2. 我在周六上午打的羽毛球。 3. 露西在周六下午去划的船。 . 4. 他们在周日晚上做的作业。 Unit 12 (Section A P68) 单词 1.羊,绵羊 2. 作为,当作 3. 自然的 4. 蝴蝶 5. 游客,访问者 6. 疲倦的,疲劳的 7. 停留,呆 短语 1. 为英语测试而学习 2. 喂一些羊 3. 告诉某人关于某事 4. 深夜不睡,熬夜做某事 句子 3. 我在自然历史博物馆里当解说员。 2. 这本书多么有趣呀! 3. 他们有一间蝴蝶馆,共有 200多种蝴蝶。 4. 我现在有点累。我熬夜看了足球赛。 Unit 12 (Section A P69) 单词 1. 离开;远离 2. 老鼠(单数和复数) 3. 幼小的;婴儿 4. 呼叫;喊叫 5. 语言 短语 1. 跑开 2. 冲…大声叫嚷 句子 1. 在周六早晨,有一窝老鼠在厨房里,这时他们看见了一只大猫。 2.小老鼠害怕了爬到它爸爸的背上。 3. 鼠爸爸回答到,“所以嘛,儿子,那就是为什么学习外语的重要性啦。” Unit 12 Section B (课时 4) 一.单词及短语。(动词原型及过去式) 1.做作业 2. 唱歌 3. 游泳 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 去图书馆 5. 为考试学习 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 弹吉他 7. 放风筝 ________________________________________________________________________ 8. 和朋友吃晚饭 ________________________________________________________________________ 二.根据汉语意思写出句子。 1. 我星期六在家了。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我相当忙了。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 星期天我去了图书馆。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 星期六早上我又唱歌又弹吉他。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 星期天下午我在公园放风筝。 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 星期天的晚上我和我的朋友吃了饭。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 我有很多事情要做。 ________________________________________________________________________ 8. 你过的很放松啊! ________________________________________________________________________ 9. 我没做作业,所以学校今早没什么意思。 ________________________________________________________________________ Unit 12 Section B (课时 5) 短语。 1. 高中 2. 在头一天夜里 3. 在月下 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 彼此 5. 睡觉 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 吃了一惊 7. 讲故事 ________________________________________________________________________ 根据汉语意思写出句子。 2. 作为一份特殊的礼物,我爸妈带着我们去了印度。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 在那里我们搭起帐篷,生活取暖并做饭。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 我是那么害怕,一动都不敢动。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 当我们往帐篷外看的时候,我们看见一条大蛇正在篝火旁睡觉。 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 我们乘坐了很长时间的汽车来到了乡村的一条湖。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 我们喊父母来让他们知道危险。 ________________________________________________________________________ 8. 我爸爸开始在他们的帐篷里跳上跳下。 ________________________________________________________________________ 9. 这唤醒了蛇然后它钻进了湖附近的森林里。 ________________________________________________________________________ 10. 不要走近蛇是很重要的。 ________________________________________________________________________ 11. 我获得了很重要的经验。 ________________________________________________________________________ Unit 12 Section B (课时 6) 短语。(动词原型及过去式) 1.和朋友出去 2. 摘苹果 3. 照相 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 放风筝 5. 挤奶 6. 打扫我的房间 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 在湖边野营 8. 为考试学习 9. 去图书馆 ________________________________________________________________________ 根据汉语意思写出句子。 1. 我观看了消防战士在消防站工作。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 他们有个多么有趣的工作啊! ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 我们学会了如何给消防站打电话。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. 我们还学会了发生火灾的时候怎么做。 ________________________________________________________________________ 8. 我待在家里并且帮助妈妈做晚饭。 ________________________________________________________________________ 9. 我读了一本关于英语的书。 ________________________________________________________________________ 10. 我看了一个有趣的脱口秀(节目)。 ________________________________________________________________________

