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Unit 2 This is my sister. Grammars ( 介绍位置相对较 近 的人 ) This is … . These are … . ( 介绍位置相对较 远 的人 ) That is ... . Those are … . I’m Mary . This is my family . This is my _____________. This is my _____________. This is my _____________. This is my _____________. They are my __________. That is my _________. That’s my ________. They are my __________. grandfather grandmother grandparents father mother parents brother sister Can you remember? Mary family F ather a nd m other I l ove y ou. Lead in What’s his name? His name is Xia Yu. father mother sister brother I’m Xia Yu. Do you know his family? This is his mo ther . This is his … fa ther . These are his pa ren ts. That is his … gr a ndm o th er . That is his … gr a ndf a th er . Those are his … gr a ndp a r e nt . S This is his … fr ie nd . (朋友) These are his … fr ie nd s . ( 朋友们) mother _a_ father ____ parents___ brothers __ grandmother ___ 6. grandfather __ 7. friend ___ 8. grandparents ___ 9. sister ____ Match the words with the people in the picture. c f h b e i d g 1a Listen and circle the words with the people in the picture. mother father parents brothers grandmother 6. grandfather 7. friend 8. grandparents 9. sister that’s 是 that is 的缩写形式。当人称代词、指示代词及疑问词与 be 动词 (am, is, are) 等连用时,为了简便常用缩写。 缩写形式: who is = ________ who are = _______ they are = ______ I am = _________ she is = ________ he is = _________ it is = ________ what is = ________ who’s who’re they’re I’m she’s he’s it’s what’s 名词单数变复数的变化规则 ①一般情况下在词尾加 s 如 pen → pens ②以 x, s, ch, sh 结尾的词加 es 。 如 watch → watches ③以 o 结尾地词加 s ( 无 生命 ) 或者 es(有生命) 。 如 photo → photos , tomato → tomatoes ④以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词,变 y 为 i 再加 es 。 如 family → families ⑤以 f 或 fe 结尾的词,变 f 或 fe 为 v 再加 es 。 如knife → knives ⑥特殊 man→ men ( 男人 ) 一、写出下列单词的复数形式 1. parent ________ 2. sister ________ 3. brother _______ 4. this ________ 5. that ________ 6. photo ________ 7. family _______ 8. bus _________ 9. watch ________ 10. girl _________ 11. cousin _______ 12. dog _________ parents sisters brothers these those photos families buses watches girls cousins dogs Exercises Role-play the conversation in 1a and talk about the other people in the picture. Pairwork parents mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents 2a Listen and circle the words you hear. Listening 1. Jenny ____ 2. Jack ____ 3. Tom _____ 4. Bob ____ 5. Linda ____ 6. Mary ____ 2b. Listen and match the names with the people in the picture. d c a b e f 2c. Ask and answer questions about the photo in 2b. Pairwork 2d. Read the dialogue in 2d and fill in the blanks. Reading This is Sally. This is Jane. She’s _____ He’s _____ Those are Sally’s ( 莎莉的 ) _______ Kate Paul parents Role-play the conversation. Sally: Good morning, Jane. Jane: Good morning, Sally. Sally: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate. Kate, this is my friend Jane. Kate: Nice to meet you, Jane. Jane: Nice to meet you, too . Are those your parents? Groupwork too ,也用于句末前有逗号 Kate: Yes, they are. Jane: And who’s he ? Sally: He’s my brother, Paul. Jane: Oh, I see. Well, have a good day ! Sally/Kate: Thanks! You, too. 一、单项选择 1. —Is that your sister Anna? —No, ______ isn’t. A. it B. she C. he 2. My aunt Alice and my mother are _________. A. sisters B. brother C. brothers Exercises 3. —Are these your grandparents? —Yes, _____ are. A. these B. they C. those 4. —_______ that boy? —He's my friend Jack. A. Is B. What's C. Who's 5. Look! That's my _______. Those are my parents. A. family B. brothers C. friends 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Lucy, Mary and Linda are my good ______ (friend). 2. Look at the photo. Those are my ____________ (grandparent). 3. Is ___ (these) your sister? 4. They ___ (be) my father and mother. 5. Mr. Black has ( 有 ) three _______ (brother). friends grandparents this are brothers 三、连词成句 1. my, is, Bill, This, friend, (.) ____________________ 2. parents, these, your, Are, (?) ____________________ 3. day, a, good, Have, (!) _______________ This is my friend Bill. Are these your parents? Have a good day! 4. are, grandparents, Those, his, (.) _________________________ 5. is, she, Who, (?) __________________ Those are his grandparents. Who is she? Section A Grammar Focus This is Xia Yu. That’s his family. Who ’s he? He’s his _________. ? ? ? ? brother Who ’s she? She’s his _________. Who ’s he? He’s his _________. Who ’s she? She’s his _________. sister mother father 1. 这是我的朋友简。 _____ ______ my friend Jane. 2. 那是我的爷爷。 _____ my grandfather. 3. 这是我的兄弟们。 _____ ____ my brothers. Fill in the blanks. Grammar Focus This is That’s These are 4. 那是我的父母亲。 _____ _____ my parents. 5. 她是谁? ______ she? 6. 她是我的妹妹。 She’s my ______. 7. 他是谁? ______ he? 8. 他是我的弟弟。 _______ my brother. Those are Who’s sister Who’s He’s 9. 他们是谁? Who ____ they? 10. 他们是我的祖父母。 _______ my grandparents. are They’re 1. these 是指示代词,意为“这些”,是 this 的复数形式。 These are… 句型意为“这(些)是 ……” ,用来介绍离说话人较近的两者或两者以上的人或物。例如: These are his parents. 这是他的父母亲。 These are blue skirts. 这是些蓝色的衬衫。 Explaination 2. Are these/those…? 是一般疑问句,意为“这 / 那(些)是 …… 吗?”,用 Yes, they are. 或 No, they aren't. 来回答。例如: Are these your friends? 这些是你的朋友们吗? Yes, they are. 是的。 3. who 意为“谁;什么人”, 是一个疑问代词,用于对人的身份进行询问。 who's 是 who is 的缩写形式,用于对单个人进行询问,回答时常用 He's/She's/It's… 。 who’re (=who are) 用于对两个或两个以上的人进行询问,回答时常用 They’re (=They are)… 。 例如: —Who is that boy? 那名男孩是谁? —He’s my cousin. 他是我的堂弟。 — Who are they? 他们是谁? —They’re my brothers. 他们是我的弟弟们。 they 意为“他(她、它)们”,是人称代词的主格,用于指代两个或两个以上的人或事物,在句子中作主语。 They’re 是 they are 的缩写形式。 例如: —Who’re they? 他们是谁? —They’re my cousins. 他们是我的表弟。 — Who’re Linda and Mary? 琳达和玛丽是谁? — They’re my sisters. 她们是我的妹妹。 5. that’s 是 that is 的缩写形式。当人称代词、指示代词及疑问词与 be 动词 am, is, are 等连用时,为了简便常用缩写的形式。大家试着写出下列缩写形式: who is = ________ who are = _______ they are = _______ I am = _________ she is = ________ he is = _________ it is = ________ what is = ________ who’s who’re they’re I’m she’s he’s it’s what’s A: That ___ my family. That’s my mother. B: _____ he? A: ____ my father. B: Who’s ____? is Who’s He’s she 3a. Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. Pairwork A: She’s ___ sister. B: And ________ they? A: ______ my grandparents. my who are They’re this that these those 3b. Look at the picture. Make sentences with the words in the three boxes. my your father mother grandfather grandmother parents grandparents brother sister Practice This is my brother. This is my sister. That’s my grandfather. Those are my parents. That is my father. That’s my mother. 3c. Ask and answer questions about the photos. Who’s he? He’s my grandfather. Who’s …? … This is… That’s… These are… Those are… 用下列句型介绍一下你的一张家庭照片。 Homework A B C D E Exercises 一、看图片读句子,选择合适的选项。 1. This is my sister. 2. That's my grandfather. 3. These are Cui Tao and Li Dong. 4. Those are my father and mother. 5. They're my friends Mary and Linda. B A D C E 二、句型转换 1. That is my brother. ( 变为复数句 ) _____ ___ my brothers. 2. It is a nice picture. ( 变为复数句 ) ____ ___ nice pictures. 3. Are these your sisters? ( 变为单数句 ) __ ____ your sister? Those are They are Is this 4. Are those your friends? (做肯定及否定回答) Yes, ____ ____. No, ____ ______. 5. He’s my father . (对划线部分提问) ______ he? 6. They’re my grandparents . (对划线部分提问) _______ they? they are they aren’t Who’s Who’re A: This ______ my family. B: Who’s he? A: ____ my father. B: ______ she? A: _____ my mother. are, they, are, is, thanks, who’s, is, he’s, she’s 三、从方括中选择恰当的单词补全对话。 is He’s Who’s She’s B: _______ those your grandparents? A: Yes, ____ ___. B: __ that your brother? A: Yes. He’s my brother, Dale. B: Oh, I see. Well, have a good day! A: ________! You, too. Are they are Is Thanks grandmother grandfather aunt uncle mother father cousin cousin I brother I am Gina. (daughter) (son) Gina’s family My family Hi, I’m Jenny. Here are two nice photos of my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob a nd Eric. These two girls are my sister and my cousin Helen. Coco is in my family, too. 嗨,我是珍妮。 在这里是两张漂亮的照片属于我的家庭。 我的祖父和祖母是在第一张照片里。 这些是我的父母,艾伦和玛丽。 在下一张照片是我的兄弟们,鲍勃和埃里克 这两个女孩是我的妹妹辛迪和堂妹海伦。 可可也在我的家庭里。 2 . Read the passage again and complete the sentences. 1.My name is . 2.Alan and Mary are my________ . 3.Bob and Eric are my ________ . 4.Cindy is my ______________. 5.Helen is my __________. 6. is the name of my dog. Jenny parents brothers sister cousin Coco Section B 3a-Self Check father/ dad mother/ mom grandfather/ grandpa grandmother / grandma uncle aunt brother I cousins Family Tree son daughter sister Revision 3a. Complete the passage with the words in the box. 【 指导 】 1. 首先,读懂短文的大意。 ( 你好,我的名字叫保尔。这是我的一张 _____ 照片。这是我的 _____ 这是我的 ____, 约翰和鲍勃。这是我的妹妹 _____ 。 ) writing 2. 其次,分析选项中单词的意思、性别、单复数 形式等信息。 3. 分析每句话意思,将选项对号入座。 Hi. My name is Paul. This is a photo of my ______. These are my ______ and these are my _______, John and Bob. This is my sister _____. family parents brothers Cindy Let’s check the answers. Then draw a picture of Paul’s family. Hi. I’m _________. Here is a photo of my family. These are _________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 3b. Bring a family photo to class and write about it. Then tell a classmate about your family. 【 指导 】 1. 作文的前两句话已给出,第一空格处应填好自己的名字。 2. 然后,将照片上的家人的姓名或与自己的关系向大家作介绍。同学们可以按辈份或年龄的大小有顺序地依次进行介绍。 3. 注意运用正确的句型,在介绍父母或祖父母等多个人时,可用 These/Those are… 句型;在介绍单个的人时,应用 This/That is… 句型。 Hi. I’m _____. Here is a photo of my family. These are ____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Here’s an example: Jack grandparents Those are my parents. Those are my aunt and uncle. This is my brother Bob. That is my cousin Dale. Male Both Female father/dad grandfather/ grandpa son brother uncle grandparents parents cousin mother/mom grandmother/grandma daughter sister aunt 1. Group the words for family members you have learned. Self Check Bill: Here’s a photo of my family. Dale: ________ he? Bill: ____ my uncle. Dale: _____ this girl? Bill: _____ my cousin. Dale: Are ___ your parents? Bill: Yes, ___ are. And these ___ my grandparents. Who’s He’s Who’s She’s they they are 2. Complete the conversation. 可数名词的复数形式。 a. 可以直接以数字计算的名词称为可数名词,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。 b. 对可数名词来说,当表示一个人或事物时用单数形式;表示两个或两个以上的人或事物时则用复数形式。 c. 单数名数名词变为复数名词有以下规则: Grammar 1 、一般情况下在名词后面加 -s 。 pencil→ pencil s , sister→ sister s , 2 、 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词, 先将 y 改为 i ,再加 -es 。 family → famil ies 3 、 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词后加 -es . watch→watch es , box→box es ( 盒子 ) 4 、 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,先将 f 或 fe 改为 v ,再加 -es knife→ kniv es ( 小刀 ) 5 、 以 o 结尾的名词,有的加 -es ,有的直接加 -s 。 tomato→tomatoes ( 西红柿 ) photo→photos 6 、 特殊情况,无规则可循。 man→ men ( 男人 ) 一、写出下列单词的复数形式 1. parent ________ 2. sister ________ 3. brother _______ 4. this ________ 5. that ________ 6. photo ________ 7. family _______ 8. bus _________ 9. watch ________ 10. girl _________ 11. cousin _______ 12. dog _________ parents sisters brothers these those photos families buses watches girls cousins dogs Exercises 二、根据首字母及图片提示,写出单词。 1. Look! This a p__________ of my brothers? 2. This is my a___, Mary. She's my father's s____. 3. —Is Bob your u____? —Yes. He's my mom's b_______. 4. Jenny is my sister. She’s my dad's d_______. 5. Is that boy your brother? No. He's my c_____. icture/ p hoto unt ister ncle aughter rother ousin 三、根据汉语提示,完成句子。 1. 这里有一张我的家庭照片。 Here __ a photo __ my _____. 2. 这些是我的舅舅和舅母。 ____ are my ____ and ____. 3. 那两名女孩子是我的表妹。 _____ two ____ are my ______. is of family Here uncle aunt Those girls cousins 4. — 咪咪是你的猫的名字吗? — 不是。 —Is Mimi the _____ __ your cat? —No, __ isn't. 5. 你的祖父母亲在下一张照片中吗? 是的。 —____ your _______ in the ____ picture? —Yes, ____ ____. name of it Are parents next they are Thank you ! Good bye

