人教版七年级英语上册-Unit 4 单元测试卷

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人教版七年级英语上册-Unit 4 单元测试卷

Unit 4 单元测试卷 得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________ 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择正确的答语。(5×1 分=5 分) ()1.A.It's a clock. B.No,it's his clock. C.It's on the desk. ()2.A.No,they aren't. B.Yes,I am. C.Yes,it is. ()3.A.I'm his mother. B.I don't know. C.Thanks for your help. ()4.A.This is my room. B.It's white. C.It's nice. ()5.A.You're welcome. B.No,it isn't. C.Oh,I see. 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1 分=5 分) ()6.Where is Mary's CD? A.On the chair. B.On the table. C.In the schoolbag. ()7.What is black? A.Tony's ruler. B.Tony's jacket. C.Tony's notebook. ()8.What are on the desk? A.Some pens. B.Some keys. C.Some books. ()9.Who is Jim's sister? A.Gina. B.Tina. C.Anna. ()10.What is under the table? A.A tape player. B.A radio. C.A model plane. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1 分=5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 ()11.Where is Sam's eraser? A.In his schoolbag. B.On his desk. C.In his pencil box. ()12.What is NOT on Sam's desk? A.An ID card. B.A computer game. C.An English book. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 ()13.What are Gina's? A.The computer game and the books. B.The books and the model planes. C.The computer game and the model planes. ()14.Where is Jenny's hat? A.Under the bed. B.On the sofa. C.On the bed. ()15.What is NOT in the schoolbag? A.A watch. B.The keys. C.The tapes. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5×1 分=5 分) ()16.Who is Bill? A.Tom's friend. B.Tom's cousin. C.Tom's brother. ()17.Where's Bill's hat? A.On his sofa. B.On his chair. C.On his desk. ()18.What color is Bill's clock? A.Green. B.Blue. C.Purple. ()19.What's in Bill's schoolbag? A.Some books. B.Some pens. C.Some notebooks. ()20.Where are Bill's keys? A.On his book. B.In his pencil box. C.In his hat. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(15×1 分=15 分) ()21.—What's under ________ desk? —________ model plane. A.a;AB.the;AC.the;AnD.an;The ()22.—Are these hats yours,Linda? —No,the red one is mine,________ the purple one ________ the white one are my sister's. A.but;and B.but;/ C./;and D.and;but ()23.—Are ________ Grace and Jenny? —Yes, and this is ________ friend, Alice. A.they;they B.they;their C.their;they D.their;they ()24.—Mom,where is my baseball? —It's ________ the box ________ your bed. A.under;on B.in;under C.in;at D.at;in ()25.—________ are the maps? —They're on the bed. A.How B.Who C.What D.Where ()26.Where ________ Helen and where ________ her pencils? A.is;is B.are;is C.is;are D.are;are ()27.—Dad,I can't find my ________. —Oh,it's on your head. A.table B.hat C.radio D.map ()28.The tape player is on the ________ desk. A.teacher B.teachers C.teacher's D.teacher' ()29.—What are these? —They are ________.They are ________. A.pen;Cindy B.pens;Cindy's C.pen;Cindy's D.pens;Cindy ()30.—Is Alice________? —No,she isn't.Look! Her books are everywhere. A.tidy B.nice C.fine D.welcome ()31.Tom isn't tidy. He always ________ me,“Where is my English book? Where are my rulers?” A.ask B.think C.asks D.thinks ()32.I ________ this girl.She is my friend. A.spell B.think C.lose D.know ()33.I________ think Eric ________ in the classroom now. A.not;is B.don't;is C./;isn't D.don't;isn't ()34.—Where are these tapes? —________ in the bookcase. A.They are B.These are C.Those are D.Their are ()35.—What's this in English,Tina? —________.You can ask Ms. Zhou for help. A.I don't know B.Thank you C.Good morning D.You're welcome 六、完形填空。(10×1.5 分=15 分) I'm Sally.I am a __36__ girl.In my room,the books are always __37__ the desk.__38__ green computer game is always there (那里),__39__.My shoes (鞋) are always under the bed.My black schoolbag is always on the sofa.I am tidy,__40__ my dog,Lucky,is not.Look at (看) my __41__.It is messy (不整洁的) now.The __42__ are not on the desk.They are everywhere—on the bed ,on the sofa and under the desk.My computer game is on the bed.My shoes are on the sofa.__43__ is my schoolbag? Oh,__44__ under the bed.Where is Lucky? __45__ he under the bed? Is he under the sofa? No,he is not in the room now. ()36.A.tidy B.welcome C.fine D.last ()37.A.on B.under C.in D.at ()38.A.His B.Her C.Their D.My ()39.A.always B.too C.to D.oh ()40.A.and B.but C.or D.well ()41.A.room B.classroom C.school D.library ()42.A.dogs B.games C.books D.watches ()43.A.Who B.How C.Where D.What ()44.A.that's B.it's C.those are D.they're ()45.A.Are B.Am C.Is D.Be 七、阅读理解。(10×2 分=20 分) A Hello,my name is Linda Green.I'm in Class 4.Here are my four classmates (同班同学) and their things. Name Thing (东西) Color Where Jack Miller a computer game yellow on the desk Cindy Brown a baseball white under the chair Dale Smith a model plane red in the schoolbag Anna Green a tape blue in the tape player ()46.Cindy's last name is ________. A.Miller B.Brown C.Smith D.Green ()47.What class is Jack in? A.Class One. B.Class Two. C.Class Three. D.Class Four. ()48.What color is Jack's computer game? A.Yellow. B.White. C.Red. D.Blue. ()49.Who is Linda? A.Dale's friend. B.Dale's teacher. C.Dale's sister. D.Dale's classmate. ()50.We know that ________. A.Cindy has a model plane B.Anna's tape is yellow C.three things are in the table (表格) D.Anna's tape is in the tape player B My name is Lily.I live with (和……住) my parents and two brothers,Dale and Mike.Look! This is my room.It's very tidy.There is a brown desk in it.I have some books.They are on the desk.And I like reading them every day (喜欢每天读它们).My bag is under the chair.Under the bed,there is a model plane.It's not mine.It's Mike's.Beside (在……旁边) my bed,there is a table.My computer and my tape player are on it.I always email my friends by (通过) computer. But Mike and Dale's room is not tidy.Their books and pens are everywhere.You can find them on the bed,on the sofa or in my room! ()51.What's the color of Lily's desk? A.Black. B.Blue. C.Brown. D.White. ()52.The model plane in Lily's room is from (来自) ________. A.Lily B.Lily's friend C.Lily's brother D.Lily's parent ()53.Where is Lily's computer? A.On the table beside her bed. B.On the desk in her room. C.In a bag under the chair. D.In her brother's room. ()54.What can we infer (推断) from the passage? A.Lily is the only daughter in her family. B.Lily's brothers' room is tidy. C.Lily's grandpa lives with her family. D.Lily doesn't have a hat. ()55.The passage is mainly about ________. A.Lily's nice parents B.Lily's and her brothers' room C.Lily's family photo D.Lily's good brothers 八、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(5×1 分=5 分) 56.Your bag is on the ________ (椅子). 57.Ms. Lin is ________ (我们的) English teacher. 58.I ________ (认为) Jane is in the classroom now. 59.The ________ (收音机) is nice.Is it yours? 60.I ________ (总是) help my friends. 九、按要求完成下列句子。(5×2 分=10 分) 61.My book is on the desk.(改为复数形式) My ________ ________ on the desk. 62.Those are my tape players.(改为一般疑问句) ________ ________ ________tape players? 63.—Where is Eric?(补全答语) —________ ________ in his room. 64.—Is this Jack's chair?(补全否定回答) —No,________ ________. 65.His books are in_the_schoolbag.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________ his books? 十、补全对话。(5×2 分=10 分) 从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)。 A:Mom!66.________ I can't find it. B:Is it in your pencil box? A:67.________ B:I think it's on your desk. A:Yes.68.________ Em...where's my schoolbag? B:It's on the chair. A:No,it's not mine.69.________ My schoolbag is black. B:Oh,yours in on your bed. A:Yes,Mom.70.________ Thank you. A.It'smysisterMary's. B.Whereismyhat? C.It'sonmydesk. D.Where'smypencil? E.It'shere,onmybed. F.Isyourpencilinthepencilbox? G.No,Ican'tseeit. 十一、任务型阅读。(5×2 分=10 分) 阅读下面短文,完成表格。 Sonia is an English girl.This is her room.The TV and video tape ( 录 像 带 ) are on the table.The chair is next to the table.What's that on the chair?It's a schoolbag.The pencil box and some books are in it.The clothes (衣服) are on the bed.The soccer ball is under the bed.What's that?It's a map.It's on the wall (墙). Things Where the TV and 71.________________ on the table the schoolbag 72.________________ the pencil box and some books 73.________________ the 74.________________ under the bed the map 75.________________ 十二、书面表达。(15 分) 假设图片所示的是你的房间,请根据图片描述一下你房间中物品的位置。 提示词: 1.night table 床头柜 2.pillow 枕头 3.next to 挨着 要求: 1.句子通顺,语意连贯,可适当发挥; 2.包括所有提示信息; 3.不少于 30 词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 This is my room.________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 听力材料 一、听句子,选择正确的答语。 1.Where is my clock? 2.Are your photos on the sofa? 3.Mom,where are Mike's books? 4.What color is your room? 5.Is this a tape player? 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。 6.M:Mary,where's your CD? W:It's on the table. 7.W:Is your black notebook on the desk,Tony? M:No.It's on my bed. 8.W:Some keys are on the desk.Are they yours? M:No,they aren't. 9.W:Is your room tidy,Jim? M:No,it isn't.But my sister Gina's room is tidy. 10.W:What's under the table?Is it a tape player? M:No,it's a model plane. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 M:Is Sam's eraser on his desk? W:No,his eraser is in his schoolbag. M:What is on his desk? W:An ID card is on his desk,and an English book is on his desk,too. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 M:Hi,Jenny.Where is my computer game? W:It's under the bed.Are these your books,Ben? M:No,they aren't.They're Gina's.And these model planes are hers,too. W:Is my hat on the sofa? M:No,it's on the bed,and where's my watch? W:Oh,it's in your schoolbag.The keys are in it,too. M:Thank you very much. W:You are welcome. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。 (M)Hello,my name is Tom.I have a brother.His name is Bill.He is tidy.In his room,his books are in the bookcase.His hat is on the sofa.His clock is blue and it's on the desk.Some pens and pencils are on the desk,too.His schoolbag is on the chair.Some notebooks are in it.Where are his keys?Oh,they're in his pencil box. 参考答案 一、1~5 CABBB 二、6~10 BCBAC 三、11~15 ABBCC 四、16~20 CABCB 五、21~25 BABBD26~30 CBCBA31~35 CDBAA 六、36~40 AADBB41~45 ACCBC 七、46~50 BDADD51~55 CCAAB 八、56.chair57.our58.think59.radio60.always 九、61.books are62.Are those your63.He is64.it isn't 65.Where are 十、66~70 DGCAE 十一、71.video tape72.on the chair73.in the schoolbag 74.soccer ball75.on the wall 十二、One possible version: This_is_my_room.A bed is in it.A quilt and two pillows are on the bed.And my night table is next to the bed.This is my bookcase.Some books are in it.And that is my desk.Two books and a pencil are on it.Is my room tidy?

