冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 12 Lets Go Shopping!

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冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 12 Lets Go Shopping!

Lesson 12 Let's Go Shopping! 冀教版七年级 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语词汇 1. They ___________ ( 将要 ) go shopping this afternoon. 2 . It is in the ___________ ( 中心 ) of the town. will     centre       3. Can we play sports this _________ ( 星期六 )? 4. She lives __________ ( 和 ) her parents. 5. This is a __________ ( 双 ) of shoes for my mother. Saturday   with       pair 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 我们可以玩得开心 ! We can __________ __________! have fun 7.  你可以和你妈妈一起来 ! You can __________ __________ your mum! come with 8.  我将穿我最喜欢的裙子。 I __________ _________ my favourite dress. will wear 9.  我想买一双鞋和一件粉色的女衬衫,上学穿! I want to buy __________ _________ _________ shoes and a pink blouse _________ _________! for school a pair of 10.  咱们这周六下午一点在购物中心见面吧。   Let’s meet ________ ________ _____________ _________ at 1:00 p. m. this _________. centre Saturday at the shopping 1. Let’s _________. A. go shops B . go shopping C . go to shopping D . go shop B 2. What about _________ tomorrow ? A. go swimming B . going swim C . go to swim D . going swimming D   3. My grandma goes to bed ________ nine every day. 【 中考 · 重庆渝北 】 A. in B. on C. at D. for C 【 点拨 】 句意为“我的奶奶每天九点上床睡觉”。 in 后跟时间段或年份; on 后跟具体的某一天;在具体时刻前用介词 at ; for 后跟时间时表示“一段时间”。根据句意选 C 。 4. —When do you usually visit your grandparents? — I usually visit them _________ Sundays . 【 中考 · 梧州 】 A . on B . in C . of D . from A   【 点拨 】 在具体的“星期几”之前用介词 on 。故选 A 。 5. 我们上午去上课。 We have classes _______ _______ ___________. in the morning 6. Jack bought a ________ in a shoe shop yesterday. A. pair of shoes B . pairs of shoes C . pair of two shoes D . pair of shoe A     【 点拨 】 表示一双鞋用 a pair of shoes ;若表示复数时,将 pair 变复数形式,故选 A 。 7. Look! A pair of sports shoes _________ under the bed. A. are B. is C . am D. be B     8. ________ our classroom. We have classes in ________. A. It’s ; it B . Its; it C . It’s; its D . Its; it’s A     9. My cousin has a pet dog. __________ (it) name is Wangwang. Its     一、单项 选择 1. They meet _________ the school gate ________ 2:30 . A. in ; in B . at; at C . on; at D . in; on B   2. Do you want ________ with me? A. go shopping B . to go shop C . to go shopping D . going shopping C   3. We have great fun _________ volleyball . A. play B . playing C . plays D . to play B   4. This pair of shoes _________ new . Whose ________ the shoes ? A. is ; are B . are; are C . are; is D . is; is A   5. He ________ us around their school this afternoon. A. show B . shows C . will show D . will shows C 二、用所给词的适当形式 填空 6. These are my __________(cloth ). They look nice. clothes      7. Can you go to the park with ________ (I)? me    8. Let’s __________ (buy) some school things! buy     9. I’m glad _________ (meet) you here. to meet    10. They are my good ___________ (friend). We help each other. friends 三、连词成句 11. does, want, what, she _______________________? What does she want   12. shopping, here, a, is, centre ________________________. Here is a shopping centre   13. pants, I, this, of, like, pair _________________________. I like this pair of pants   14. cold, will, a, catch, you ________________________. You will catch a cold 15. favourite, these, my, clothes, are ____________________________. These are my favourite clothes 四、 语法专练。用适当的人称代词或形容词性物主 代词填空 16. Jenny is a girl. _________ is good. __________ teachers like her. She Her     17. This is Danny’s hat. His mother buys _________ for him. _________ likes it very much. He    it 18. _________ am a student. __________ father is a doctor. I My     19. — What’s _________ name ? — My name is Nancy. your   20. He and she are friends. __________ are students. __________ classroom is big. Their They 根据短文内容或所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空 Hello! My name _________1 (be) Li Ming. I go to the new _________2 (shop) center with my brother today. Many ___________3 (colour) clothes are in the centre. T 4 are so bright. is   shopping      colourful     hey    I want to buy a p 5 of shoes. My brother buys a jacket. The jacket is not too big _______6 too small. It’s just right. Also, it goes well ________7 his pants. He likes it very __________8 (many). A blue shirt looks nice. We want to buy it for ________9 (we) father, but it is too small. So we buy a white shirt for him. Today we ________10 (real) have fun buying things. or       with       much      our    really air 一、话题分析 本单元的话题是 Colours and Clothes ( 颜色和衣服 ) 。 学生通过本单元的学习,学会描述颜色及衣服名称, 并能用英语叙述最喜欢的颜色及衣服。 二、写作方法 “三步条陈法”描述对事物的喜好 第一步:引出话题,简单明了。 第二步:逐一叙述,详略得当。 第三步:发表看法,总结收尾。 三、素材积累 “描述对事物的喜好类”作文常用词汇: wear, red/green/white/black..., dress/jacket... traditional, colourful “描述对事物的喜好类”作文常用句型: 1. My favourite colour/clothes is/are... 2. I can wear my...with... 3. I look pretty/nice in... 4. It’s / They’re just right for me. 5. I feel happy in my... 四、写作任务 假如你是 Jenny, Kate 是你的好朋友。请根据表格中的信息写一篇 50 词左右的英语小短文,介绍一下你 和 Kate 喜欢的衣服和颜色。 Name Clothes Favourite colour Jenny a pink dress pink Kate a white T-shirt and a red skirt purple, yellow 五、写作模板 六、满分作文 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Jenny. I am a girl. I am in a pink dress. Pink is my favourite colour. This is Kate. She is in a white Tshirt and a red skirt. Her favourite colours are purple and yellow. We like different colours, but we are good friends.

