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句型专训 外研版 七年级英语上册期末复习 一、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一 词 1. 明天星期几? ________ ________ is it tomorrow? 2. 谢谢你帮助我学习英语。 ________ ________ ________ helping me with my English. What day Thank you for 3. 请为我挑选一件衬衣。 Please ________ a shirt ________ me . 4. 来一些苹果怎么样? __________ __________ some apples? 5. 玲玲,你在做什么呢? Lingling, ______ ______ ______ ______ ? choose for What/How about what are you doing 6. 现在是 10:45 。 It's ________ ________ ________ . 7. 我恐怕明天不能参加你的生日聚会。 ________ ________ I can't go to your birthday party tomorrow. fifteen to eleven I'm afraid 8. 他姐姐经常给他寄书。 His sister often ________ books ________ him . 9. 你离开时,记得关上门。 ___________ _____ close the door when you leave. 10. 很高兴在这里遇到你。 ________ glad ________ ________ you here . sends to Remember to It's to meet 11. 你喜欢哪一个,橘子还是梨? ________ do you like, an orange ________ a pear? 12. —— 来点果汁好吗? —— 好的。 —How about some juice? — ________ ________. Which or All right 13. 你喜欢哪种音乐? ________ ________ ________ music do you like? 14. —— 让我们去公园好吗 ? —— 好主意。 — ________ ________ go to the park? —Good idea. 15. 这家商店在上午 8 点到晚上 9 点之间营业。 The shop is open ________ 8 am ________ 9 pm . What kind of Shall we   between and 16. —— 几点了? —— 八点半。 — ________ ________ ________? — It's half past eight. 17. 我经常看他在操场跳舞。 I often ________ him ________ in the playground . What's the time watch dance 18. 今天下午你愿意打篮球吗? ______ _____ _____ _____ play basketball this afternoon? 19. 读完这本书花费了我 4 天的时间。 ________ ________ me four days ________ finish the book . 20. 我想学习如何打印照片。 I want to learn ________ ________ print a photo . Would you like to It takes to how to 21. 他的新卧室是什么样子的? ________ his new bedroom ________? 22. 大明和他的父母一样也喜欢熊猫。 Daming ________ ________ ________ his parents ________ pandas. What's like as well as likes 23. 他有两个儿子。一个是医生,另外一个是教师。 He has two sons. One is a doctor; _____ ______ is a teacher. 24. 湖里有许多水。 ________ ________ a lot of water in the lake. 25. 你妈妈是做什么工作的? ________ your mother's ________? the other There is What's job 26. 多么好看的一件 T 恤衫啊! ________ ________ nice T-shirt it is! 27. —— 请这样做 ! —— 我明白了。 —Do it like this, please! —________ ________. 28. 你最喜欢的运动是什么,迈克? ________ ________ ________ ________ , Mike? What a I see What's your favourite sport 29. 我是贝蒂。你是谁 ? ( 电话用语 ) _______ _______ Betty _________. Who's that ? 30. —— 你的新自行车是什么颜色? —— 黑色。 —_______ _______ is your new bike? — It's black . This is speaking What colour 31. —— 请问,我可以问你一个问题吗? —— 当然可以。 —Can I ask you a question, please? —________ ________. 32. 现在到吃晚饭的时间了。 _______ _______ _______ have dinner now . Of course It's time to 33. 这些是我的书。你想读哪本? Here are my books. ______ ____ do you want to read? 34. 赵丽在衣服上花费太多的钱。 Zhao Li ________ too much money _______ clothes . 35. 篮子里有多少土豆? ______ ______ potatoes _____ ______ in the basket? Which one spends on How many are there 二、同义句转换,每空一词 1 . He is Danny. ________ ________ is Danny. 2. Her parents are Americans. Her parents ________ ________ America. 3. Jack is on the right of Lucy. Lucy is _____ _____ _____ _____ Jack. His name are/come from on the left of 4. What's your brother's job? What ________ your brother ________? 5. I have many books in my bag. ________ ________ many books in my bag. 6. Class Two is behind our school library. Our school library is _____ ______ _____ Class Two . does do in front of There are 7. To have a healthy breakfast is good. ________ good ________ ________ a healthy breakfast. 8. I like Friday best. ________ _____________ ________ is Friday . It's to have My favourite day 9 . My mother often buys me apples. My mother often ________ apples ________ me. 10. Lucy does well in Chinese. Lucy is ________ ________ Chinese . buys for good at 11. It's six thirty. It's ________ ________ ________. 12. My sister can sing and dance. My sister can sing ______ ______ ______ dance . 13. Danny and Jim aren't in the same class. Danny and Jim are in ________ ________ . half past six as well as different classes 14. Mr Li gives me a present. Mr Li ________ a present ________ me . 15. Kate wants to be a Chinese teacher. Kate ________ ________ to be a Chinese teacher. 16. He enjoys playing football very much. He enjoys playing football ________ ________. a lot gives to would like 17. Where does your aunt come from? Where ________ your aunt ________ ? 18. Miss Chen is working in the office. Miss Chen is ________ ________ in the office . is from at work 19. Kevin is writing a letter to his father at this moment. Kevin is writing a letter to his father ______ _____. 20. My father and I use the same computer. My father ________ the computer ________ me . right now shares with 三、根据汉语提示翻译句子 1. 他们正在吃早饭。 __________________________________ 2 . 他从来不听音乐 。 __________________________________ They are having breakfast. He never listens to music. 3. 你想来参加我的生日聚会吗 ? __________________________________________ 4. 让我们去看看托尼,好吗? __________________________________ 5 . 你怎么打开这个文件 ? __________________________________ Would you like to come to my birthday party? Shall we go and see Tony? How do you open the document? 6. 他们的生日不是在同一天 。 __________________________________ 7. 他每年买许多衣服 。 __________________________________ Their birthdays are not on the same day. He buys a lot of clothes every year. 8. 他正在写家庭作业吗 ? __________________________________ 9. 把这些苹果放进你的包里。 __________________________________ 10 . 来点橘子汁怎么样 ? __________________________________ Is he doing his homework? Put these apples into your bag. What/How about some orange juice? What/How about some orange juice? 11. 我们星期一上什么课? __________________________________ 12 . 他们现在不是在玩游戏 。 __________________________________ What are our lessons on Monday? They aren't playing games now. 13. 让我们买些鸡肉吧。 __________________________________ 14 . 太多的糖对你的牙齿没有好处。 __________________________________ 15 . 他最喜欢的学科是英语 。 __________________________________ Let's buy/get some chicken. Too much sugar is bad for your teeth. His favourite subject is English. 16. 放学后我经常和朋友们一起打篮球 。 ____________________________ ____________________________ 17. 那位老人也来自上海 。 __________________________________ __________________________________ I often play basketball with my friends after school. The old man is from Shanghai too. / The old man also comes from Shanghai. 18. 多么漂亮的一个女孩啊 ! __________________________________ 19. 你的房间是什么样子的? __________________________________ 20 . 你左边的那个男孩是谁 ? __________________________________ What a beautiful girl ! What is your room like? Who is the boy on the left of you? 21. 不要吃太多的奶酪 。 __________________________________ 22. 对于早餐来说,我喜欢喝牛奶 。 __________________________________ 23. 我们周日不去公园。 __________________________________ Don't eat too much cheese. For breakfast, I like to drink milk. We don't go to the park on Sunday. 24 . 公园里有一些花和树 。 _________________________________________ 25. 他会说汉语而且还会说英语 。 _________________________________________ There are some flowers and trees in the park. He can speak Chinese as well as English. 四、按要求完成 句子 1. The weather is too hot today .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ________ ________ the weather like today? 2. The man seldom dresses up like that . ( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ________ ________ does the man dress up like that ? 3. She likes PE because it's fun .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ________ ________ she like PE ? What is How often Why does 4 . There are 460 students in Grade 8 .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ________ ________ students are there in Grade 8? 5. Tom's sweater is black .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ________ ________ ________ Tom's sweater ? 6. Betty starts school at half past nine (. 对画线部分 提问 ) ________ ________ Betty start school ? How many What colour is When does 7 . She does housework every evening .( 改为 否定 句 ) She ________ ________ housework every evening . 8. He often gets presents from his family and friends .( 改 为一般 疑问句 ) ________ he often ________ presents from his family and friends ? doesn't do Does get 9 . They can play table tennis .( 改为 一般 疑问句 ) ________ they ________ table tennis ? 10. There are some students on the playground .( 改为一般疑问句 ) ________ ________ ________ students on the playground? Can play Are there any

