安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit2Thisismysister单元写作专项课件 人教新目标版

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安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit2Thisismysister单元写作专项课件 人教新目标版

单 元 写 作 专 项 Unit 2 This is my sister. 本单元的话题主要是介绍他人和辨认他人。 要求同学们能运用所学短语简单介绍各个家庭 成员的名字以及自己和他们的关系。 【词汇】 1.一张我的全家福 _______________________ 2.在第一张照片里 __________________ 3.在下一张照片里 ____________________ 4.我堂兄(弟、姐、妹)的宠物狗 ______________________ in the next photo in the first photo  a photo of my family  my cousin's pet dog 5.在一所中学里 ____________________ 6.我的好朋友 _________________ 7.my grandparents ________________ 8.a happy family _________________ 9.my brother and sister ____________________________ 我的(外)祖父母  my good friend in a middle school  一个幸福的家庭 我的哥哥(弟弟)和姐姐(妹妹) 【开头句】 1.Hello! My name's…Here is a photo of my family. 2.Hi! Look, this is my family photo. 【中间句】 1.This is my…and that is my… 2.These are my…and those are my… 3.That's my family.In the first picture is(are) my… 【结尾句】 1.I have a happy family. 2.I love my family. 【名言警句】 1.Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功 之母。 2.Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。 3.There's no place like home.千好万好, 家里最 好。 【写作任务】 假设你是Mike, 下面是一张你的全家福。 请向大家介绍你的家人, 可适当发挥。 参考词汇及句型: happy快乐的; 幸福的  Here is… This is… These are… _____________________________________________ 【写作点拨】 审题: (1)确定体裁: 说明文; (2)确定时态: 采用一般现在时; (3)确定人称: 第一人称和第三 人称。 【写作提纲】 【范文点评】   Hello! My name's Mike. ①Here is a photo of my family. ②These are my grandparents, Jack and Cindy. This is my father David and that is my mother Linda. Those are my brother and sister, Tom and Gina. ③My dog's name is Coco, but he isn't in the picture. ④I have a happy family. I love my family. ①开篇直入主题。 ②运用句型 This/That is…; These/Those are… 等介绍他人; 正确使 用表示家庭成员名词 的单复数形式。 ③发挥想象, 介绍自 己家里的小狗。 ④总结、抒发情感。 假设你是Jenny Green, 下面是你舅舅 David的一张全家福。请根据图画内容及汉 语提示内容写一篇短文介绍他的家庭成员。 要求: 1.语句通顺, 语意连贯, 标点正确; 2.要包含图 画中的所有信息, 可适当发挥; 3.不少于50词;4.提示词: have有。 Hello! My name is Jenny Green. My first name is Jenny. My last name is Green. Look at this photo. It is a family photo of my uncle. These are my grandparents. This is my grandfather. His name is Bob White. That is my grandmother. Her name is Rose White. Those are my aunt Gina and my uncle David. They have a son and a daughter. Those are my cousins Linda and Tom. They are in China now. They have a happy family. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________

