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UNIT2 教案 PART 1‎ 一、教学目标 ‎1. 辨认物品的所有者 ‎2. 根据场景询问英语中对应的表达法 二. 教具:‎ 黑板,多媒体,本课所需的物品,如铅笔,书等。‎ 三.教学过程:‎ ‎1.复习上节课所学的内容。5分钟 ‎——What is your name?‎ ‎——My name is Gina,‎ ‎——What is his name?‎ ‎——His name is Jim.‎ 学生对这两个对话进行练习。‎ ‎2. 教学生新单词。 10分钟 Pencil [n.] 铅笔 Pen [n.] 钢笔 Book [n.] 书 Eraser [n.] 橡皮 Ruler [n.] 尺子 Pencil case [n.] 铅笔盒 Backpack [n.] 背包,双肩包 Dictionary [n.] 词典 Pencil sharpener [n.] 卷笔刀 先带领学生读两遍,然后用实物展示出来,加深印象。‎ ‎3. 教授单元重点。 10分钟 ‎1. --- Is this your pencil? ——这是你的铅笔吗?‎ ‎ --- Yes, it is. / No, it isn‘t. ——是的。/不是。‎ ‎2. --- What‘s this in English? ——这个用英语怎么说?‎ ‎ --- It‘s a book. ——它是本书。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3. --- How do you spell it? ——这个怎么拼写?‎ ‎     --- B-O-O-K. ——B-O-O-K.‎ 将自己的东西展示给学生看,问他们以上几个句型,并用中文稍作解释,帮助理解。‎ 然后让一个学生展示一两件文具,我问他们是什么和是谁的,他们回答。然后反过来由他们问我,最后让同学相互询问练习。‎ ‎4. 进行重点知识点练习。10分钟 PPT会展示一张图片,请学生根据图片做对话练习和物体归属认知。‎ ‎5. 听录音,练习听力。 8分钟 PART 2 ‎ Teaching aims:‎ 1. Learn the words on page8.‎ 2. Learning to talk about ownership 3. Train the listening and speaking skills.‎ Teaching difficulties:‎ ‎ Grasp some names of personal possessions and learn to talk about ownership.‎ Teaching aids: PPT, Some school things.‎ Teaching procedures:‎ Step 1: Revision. 7'‎ 1. Play a guessing game and ask the students to guess the names of personal possessions on PPT.‎ 2. Present the drill “Is this/that your …? Yes/ No, it is/isn’t.” Pay attention to the use of my, your,his or her.‎ ‎(Hold the teacher’s pen.)‎ T:This/That is my pen.Is this/That your pen?‎ S1:No,it isn’t.It’s your pen.‎ T:(Hold the student’s pen.) ‎ This/That is your pen. Is this/That your pen?‎ S1:Yes,it is. It’s my pen.‎ T:(Hold a girl’s pen.) ‎ This/That is her pen. Is this/That your pen?‎ S1:No,it isn’t.It’s her pen.‎ T:(Hold a boy’s pen.) ‎ This/That is his pen. Is this/That your pen?‎ S1:No,it isn’t. It’s his pen.‎ T:Thank you.‎ Step 2: Listening. 26'‎ 1. ‎ Listening (2a). 10'‎ ‎(Before listening, point to the objects in the illustration and ask students to name each one to strengthen the memory of the key words. )‎ ‎(1) T: Please look at the pictures in 2a. Can you say their English name? (Teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)‎ S6: This is…‎ S7: This is …‎ ‎……‎ ‎(2) T: Now please take out the objects in 2a and put them on the desk.‎ ‎ You will listen a dialogue and please pick up the things you hear. Let’s see who will do fastest and best.‎ ‎( Play the recording for the students to listen.)‎ ‎(3) T: Now let’s check the answers. Please hold the things you hear and say their English names,OK?‎ ‎(Make sure students hold the things to show them to the other students.)‎ S8: Pencil.‎ S9: ……‎ 2. ‎ Listening (2b). 16'‎ ‎(1) Look at the picture of 2b on page8. Discuss and answer the following questions before listening.‎ A: What school things can you find from the picture?‎ B: What do you think happened among the students?‎ C: Who do you think is Tim, Sonia, Jane?‎ ‎(Teacher asks the students discuss and answer the questions. )‎ ‎(2) T: Now please read the words. One holds the things in the picture of 2b, the others read them aloud one by one.‎ ‎(One student holds the things, and the other students say the words aloud.)‎ ‎(3) T: This time you will listen to the recording again, and you will write one of the words from the box on each blank line.‎ ‎(Play the recording. Students listen and complete the conversation.)‎ ‎(4) T: Let’s check the answers. I’d like to ask three students to read the conversation in role.‎ ‎(Three students read the conversation, filling the missing words. The rest of the students check their answers.)‎ ‎(5) Ask students to be groups of three and act the dialogue. ‎ Step 3: Pairwork (2c) 7'‎ ‎1. Look at the picture of 2b on page8. Discuss and answer the following questions before listening.‎ ‎(1)What school things can you find from the picture?‎ ‎(2)What do you think happened between the students?‎ ‎(3)What relationship between the two persons ?‎ ‎2. Let students work in pairs to practice the conversation.‎ ‎3. Have several pairs of students present their conversations to the class.‎ Step 4: Grammar Focus 4'‎ ‎ Divide the class into two groups to say the questions and responses.‎ Step 5 Homework 1'‎ 1. Practice the conversations in 2b and Grammar Focus.‎ 2. Make your own conversation with your partner to identify ownership.‎ ‎3. Do some preparing.‎ PART 3‎ CONTENT: Lesson 2 Is this your pencil?‎ TEACHING AIMS: ‎ ‎1. Help the students grasp the words they have learnt as good as possible.‎ ‎2. Train the students’ ability of speaking through pair work and group work.‎ ‎3. Let the students know generously how to find the owner of something in English.‎ TEACHING DIFFICULTS:‎ 1. Some words may be difficult for them to remember and read, such as pencil sharpener, dictionary and so on..‎ 2. The structure of How do you spell it may be difficult for them to understand for it’s the first time they meet this kind of structure.‎ TEACHING AIDS: Computer, blackboard, chalk, and box.‎ TEACHING PROCEDURES:‎ ‎ Step one(1 minute): Greeting ‎ ‎ Say hello to them.‎ ‎ Step two(7 minutes): Revision ‎ 1. Practice some short greeting conversations they learnt before with them.‎ 1. Present some words they learnt last class.‎ 2. Talk with them by using the sentences they learnt last class, such as what’s this in English? Is this your pencil? It’s her pen, and so on.‎ ‎ Step three(10 minutes): Play a game.‎ 1. Show them how to play the game Find the owner by myself.‎ 2. Tell them the rules of the game.‎ 3. Choose at least three students to play the game.‎ Step four(10minutes): Practice the conversation.‎ 1. Practice the conversation on the screen with them; let them get the idea of How to spell this.‎ 2. Let them practice the conversation for two minutes.‎ 3. Ask at least two pairs to make conversations by using the objects on the screen.‎ Step five(5 minutes): Listening.‎ ‎ Let them listen to a conversation about words to help them grasp this words and be familiar with the conversations we have learnt..‎ ‎ Step six(10 minutes): Finish two Tests.‎ 1. Finish a test about words and help them keep these words by heart.‎ 2. Finish a test about conversations and help them be familiar ‎ with the structures.‎ 1. Present the important sentences we have learnt this class.‎ HOMEWORK:‎ Let them make a conversation with all what we have learnt today.‎ PART 4‎ CONTENTS: lesson 2 “is this your pencil”.‎ ‎ TEACHING AIMS: ‎ 1. Master all important words and language points.‎ 2. Train students’ ability of speaking skills and listening skills.‎ 3. Let students understand the ownership identity.‎ ‎ TEACHING DIFFICULTS:‎ - IS this /that your pen? -How do you spell it?‎ - Yes, it is. /no it isn’t. –yes, P-E-N.‎ - What is this in English?‎ - It is a …‎ TEACHING AIDS: computer, blackboard, ID card, key, notebook.‎ TEACHING PROCEDURES:‎ ‎ Step one(1 minute): Greeting (good afternoon, everyone. Today we will learn section B. But before the new lesson let’s review what have learnt last time.)‎ ‎ Step two(5 minutes): Revision (slide 2and 3)‎ ‎ The teacher (short for T) asks the students tell the difference between “this”and “that”. Then practice the phrase with three students ‎ T: What is this?‎ S: It is a …‎ When we want to find the owner of the objects we can say “is this your …” “yes it is. /no it isn’t”. Then practice the phrase with three students, too.‎ Pay attention to the grammar focus. (Ss read one time)‎ Step three(10 minutes): Presentation (slide 4 to 9)‎ ‎ Now we move to our new lesson. Last several classes we have learnt the thing in class. But now we will study the things in school life. It is our study things, like a pen, a pencil, a rule and so on or the playing balls, like football, basketball, Ping-Pong ball and so on.‎ ‎ T uses the slide 4 to 8 explains the words, the slide 9 to sum up.‎ Step four(4minutes): T asks Ss to finish the textbook on page and check time..‎ Step five(6 minutes): Pair works. (slide12)‎ ‎ Let the students practice the phrases and remember the words.‎ ‎ Then let Ss show on stage. ‎ Step six(10 minutes): listen and circle (slide13), listen and write (slide14)‎ T plays the tape two times to finish the task. Then play the third time to find the owner.‎ Step seven(5 minutes): Have a try (slide 15)‎ ¨ ‎ 1.这是你的卷笔刀吗?是的,它是.‎ ¨ ‎___ ___ your ___ ? Yes, ___ is.‎ ¨ ‎2.那是他的尺子吗?不,不是.那是我的尺子.‎ ¨ Is __ __ ruler? __, it__. __ __ ruler.‎ ¨ ‎3.这个东西用英语怎么说?这是字典.‎ ¨ ‎__this __ ___? It’s ___ ___.‎ ¨ ‎4.你怎么拼写棒球? __ __ you __”baseball”?‎ Step eight: slide16 homework(1 minute)‎ Ask about other students’ things. Student A, look at page81. Students B, look at page 82.‎ PART 5‎ Content: Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 第五课时 Teaching aims: 1. Acquire how to write the bulletin board notices.‎ ‎ 2. Acquire the usage of some important words, such as “call”.‎ Teaching difficulty: How to write the bulletin board notices.‎ Teaching aid: PPT课件 Teaching procedures:‎ ‎ StepⅠ Lead-in (5minutes)‎ ‎ 1. Show a picture on PPT, ask students to guess the meaning of the bulletin board then explain the meaning to students.‎ ‎ 2. Ask students to differ the two phrases “bulletin board” and “bulletin board notices”‎ ‎ StepⅡ Review (3minutes)‎ ‎ 1. Have a brief review about the words from 1a and ask students to remember it.‎ ‎ 2. Review the two sentences: Is this your...?Is that your...?‎ StepⅢ Presentation & Practice (20minutes))‎ ‎ 1. First teach students how to write found message, then give students a paten and they can follow it to write their own found message. At last ask students to finish a piece of found message.‎ ‎ 2. Second teach students how to write lost message, then give students a paten and they can follow it to write their own lost message. At last ask students to finish a piece of lost message.‎ ‎ 3. Analyse the Lost and found message to students and explain the usage of the word “call”.‎ StepⅣ Practice (15minutes)‎ ‎<3A> 1. Read and circle the words from 1a.‎ ‎<3B> 2. Put these pieces in order to make a message. Write numbers in the boxes.‎ ‎<3C> 3. Draw a picture on the blackboard. The other students guess what it is.‎ Step Ⅴ Conclusion (2minutes)‎ ‎ Through this lesson students learned how to write bulletin board notices and can use it in their daily life.‎ Step Ⅵ Homework Ask students to write your own bulletin board message. ‎ PART 6‎ 一 Teaching Goals: 1. The students should remember the new words we have learned. 2. The students can use the sentences and perform a brief dialogue.‎ 二 Teaching Important Points: 1. The new words we have learned 2. The grammar 三 Teaching Difficult Points: 1. The students can retell the words through the pictures. 2. The students can use the sentences to make a dialogue. ‎ 四Teaching aids: computer, ppt, blackboard ‎ 五Teaching Procedures:‎ ‎ Step 1: show the students some pictures quickly and let them guess the words. (10min)‎ ‎ Step 2: make a conclusion about the words we have learned. (3min)‎ ‎ Step 3: let the students take out a piece of paper and recite the words. (5min)‎ ‎ Step 4: review the grammar. I will list the sentences and give some examples. (12min)‎ ‎① Is this / that / it your…?‎ ‎ Yes, it is. It is my… ‎ ‎ No, it isn’t. It is his / her…‎ e.g. ----Jane, is this your ruler?‎ ‎ ----No, it isn’t. It is his ruler.‎ ‎ ----Mike, is that your pen?‎ ‎ ----Yes, it is. It is my pen ‎② What’s this / that / it in English?‎ ‎ It / This / That is a / an…‎ How do you spell it?‎ ‎ (It is)…‎ ‎ e.g. ---What’s that in English?‎ ‎ ---It is a pencil.‎ ‎ ---How do you spell it?‎ ‎ ---P-E-N-C-I-L Step 5: play a game: make dialogues about Lost and Found. (10min)‎ Step 6: make a conclusion about this unit. (5min)‎

