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Module ‎9 A trip to the zoo 单元测评 听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ.听录音,选出下列人物所喜欢的动物(5分) ‎1.Ann  2.Tom  3.Tony  4.Daming  5.Lingling  听力原文及答案:1.Ann likes giraffe. ‎2.My name is Tom.My favourite animal is lion. ‎3.Tony's favourite animal is tiger. ‎4.—Daming,what do you like? ‎—I like pandas. ‎5.Lingling likes elephants very much. 答案:1~5 BECAD Ⅱ.听录音,将符合内容的连成线(5分) ‎6.elephant a.leaves ‎7.polar bear b.big ‎8.giraffe c.meat ‎9.lion d.Australia ‎10.kangaroo e.swim 听力原文及答案:6.The elephant is big. ‎7.—Does the polar bear like to swim? ‎—Yes,it does. ‎8.The giraffe likes to eat leaves. ‎9.The lion doesn't eat grass.It eats meat. ‎10.The kangaroo is from Australia. 答案:6~10 b e a c d Ⅲ.听句子,选出正确答语(10分) ‎11.A.I am from China.     ‎ B.He is from Europe.     ‎ C.She is from Japan. ‎12.A.I live in Beijing.‎ B.She lives in Guangzhou.‎ C.He lives in Tianjin. ‎13.A.Yes,there is.‎ B.Yes,there are.‎ C.No,there isn't. ‎14.A.Yes,it is.‎ B.Yes,it does.‎ C.No,it doesn't. ‎15.A.Thank you.‎ B.Here you are.‎ C.That's all right. 听力原文及答案:1 1.Where is the boy from? ‎12.Where do you live? ‎13.Are there any animals in the zoo? ‎14.Is it a European wolf? ‎15.Welcome to our city! 答案:11~15 BABAA 笔试部分(满分80分) Ⅰ.单项选择(15分) A)从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案 ‎1.He is an Australian boy.He is from ‎ A.Japan      ‎ B.China      ‎ C.Australia     ‎ D.England 答案:C an Australian boy当然来自Australia。‎ ‎2. your father stay at home unday? A.Is;on B.Do;in C.Does;on D.Is;in 答案:C stay是实义动词,应用助动词帮助构成否定句或一般疑问句,所以排除选项A和D,在星期天用on ‎3.Daming pandas very much. A.like B.is like C.likes D.does likes 答案:C 主语是第三人称单数名词,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。‎ ‎4.— is Jim from? ‎—He is from Japan. A.When B.What C.Where D.Who 答案:C 对地点提问用where。‎ ‎5.There are two and six in the zoo. A.kangaroos;wolfs B.kangaroos;wolves C.kangarooes;wolves D.kangarooes;wolfs 答案:B 本题考查名词复数变化,kangaroo的复数加s,wolf的复数把f改成v再加-es。‎ ‎6.This is African camel.That is European wolf. A.a;a B.an;an C.a;an D.an;a 答案:D African前面的冠词用an,而European前面的冠词要用a,因为它不是元音发音开头。‎ ‎7.—Is there meat in the fridge? ‎—Yes,there is . A.some;any B.any;some C.some;some D.any;any 答案:B any用于一般疑问句,而some用于肯定句。‎ ‎8.—Is the wolf from Europe? ‎ ‎— . A.Yes,it's B.Yes,it is C.Yes,it does D.No,it doesn't 答案:B 原句是由be构成的一般疑问句,故C、D两项不对,A项是简略回答,it和is不能写成it's,故选B项。‎ ‎9.The kangaroo is Australia.It lives grassland. A.from;in B.come from;in C.comes from;in D.from;on 答案:D be from表示“来自某地”,on grassland表示“在草地上”。‎ ‎10.—I like English and maths. ‎—Why do you like ? A.it B.they C.them D.its 答案:C 因English和maths是两门课程,故要用复数的宾格代词。‎ B)选择与画线部分意思相同或相近的单词或短语 ‎11.Mr Green wants two kilos of apples. A.would like B.needs C.gives D.takes 答案:A wants意思是“想要”,此句可用would like代替。‎ ‎12.Lucy and Lily are English. A.from England B.come from England C.be from England D.of England 答案:B “是英国人”与“来自英国”意思相同。‎ ‎13.How about going swimming now? A.Which B.What C.Where D.When 答案:B How about...?与What about...?都有建议别人做某事的意思。‎ ‎14.Is Li Dong at home? A.out B.of C.on D.in 答案:D 副词in有“在家”的意思,可以代替at home。‎ ‎15.Do you have time this evening? A.Do;free B.Do;has C.Are;free D.Are;have 答案:A have time与be free意思相同,都是“有空闲”的意思 Ⅱ.选择方框内的词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次(10分) go do help study look have sell be like find ‎1.I can my watch. ‎2.They me very much. ‎3.Mike hard in class. ‎4.The workers in the shop very friendly.‎ ‎5.What does he want to ? ‎6.The shirt very nice. ‎7.We don't these things in our shop. ‎8.My father usually to work on foot. ‎9.Sometimes I my mother with the housework. ‎10.The students often morning exercises. ‎.答案:1.find 2.like 3.studies 4.are 5.have 6.looks 7.sell 8.goes 9.help 10.do Ⅲ.情景交际 (10分) A:Jim,do you have  1  this afternoon? B:Yes,I do.Do you have any ideas? A:What  2  going to the zoo? B:That's a good  3 . A:There are some  4  animals in the zoo. B:What are they? A:Some wolves,giraffes  5  kangaroos. B:Really?Where are they  6 ? A:Well,the wolves are from Europe and the giraffes are from  7 . B: 8  about the kangaroos? A:They are from Australia. B:Well,I really  9  to see them.I think they are beautiful. A:Yes,let's go there at half  10  two in the afternoon.OK? B:Great! ‎.答案:1.time have time是“有空闲”的意思。 ‎2.about What about doing something?意为“提议做某事”。 ‎3.idea 是个好主意。 ‎4.new 动物园来了新动物。 ‎5.and 连接词,连接两种动物。 ‎6.from 问动物来自哪里。 ‎7.Africa 长颈鹿来自非洲。 ‎8.How How about...?表示“……又怎样(即:袋鼠又来自哪里呢)?” ‎9.want 想去做某事。 ‎10.past 约好2:30出发。‎ Ⅳ.完形填空 (10分) Mike and Jack are monks(和尚).Mike is short and fat.Jack is tall and thin.They  1  brothers but they live  2  same room.Every morning they go out  3  food. One day,they  4 out for food very early.They are on a road to a village.There aren't any men on the road.They walk  5 .Suddenly(突然)they stop.There is a comb(梳子)on the road  6 them.Both of them run up to it.“I find it first.It's  7 comb,” one of them says.‎ ‎“No,I find it before you,” 8 says.“It's not yours.” Mike and Jack sit  9 the road.They quarrel(争吵) about the comb.Morning is up and then comes the afternoon.They still quarrel. A little boy comes up to them and says,“You're monks,monks have no hair.What's the use of the comb  10 you?” ‎1.A.don't have B.have C.have not D.aren't ‎2.A.in B.in the C.the D.onK]‎ ‎3.A.to B.with C.in D.for ‎4.A.goes B.go C.going D.not go ‎5.A.to B.along C.on D.out ‎6.A.near B.after C.behind D.before ‎7.A.you B.mine C.my D.yours ‎8.A.other B.the other C.others D.another ‎9.A.in B.on C.at D.with ‎10.A.for B.about C.on D.with ‎.答案:1.D 他们不是兄弟。 ‎2.B “同一个房间”用“in the same room”。 ‎3.D go out for food意为“出外找食物”。 ‎4.B go out for food意为“出外找食物”。 ‎5.C “继续走下去”用walk on。 ‎6.D “在……前面”用before。 ‎7.C 物主代词作定语,修饰comb。 ‎8.B 这里用the other表示另外的人。 ‎9.B 在路上用on。 ‎10.A 介词短语for you表示“对于你来说”。‎ Ⅴ.阅读理解(20分) A Lily and Lucy are twins.They look the same.Their parents buy them the same clothes,the same shoes,the same hats and the same bikes.So the twins have the same things. But now Lily wants to be different.Listen,the twins are talking in their bedroom. Lily:There's a new supermarket near our home.My blouse is old.I want to buy a new one. Lucy:I would like a new blouse,too. Lily:But we can't have blouses of the same colour.I like green. Lucy:I like green,too. Lily:Then you can have a dark green blouse.And I can have a light green one,OK? Lucy:No,I like light green,too. Lily:Well,well,let's buy blouses of the same colour. ‎1.The twins are now . A.at school B.at home C.in the supermarket D.in the hospital ‎2.Lily wants to wear now. A.like talking B.like shopping]‎ C.different colours D.want to be the same  ‎3.They would like to buy new . A.blouses B.hats C.bikes D.shoes ‎4.Of the following,which is RIGHT? A.The twins like wearing the same clothes.‎ B.The twins like dark green.‎ C.The twins like the same colour.‎ D.The twins have different things. ‎5.Of the following,which is NOT right? A.The parents buy the same things for the twins. B.The new supermarket is near the twins' house. C.The twins' bikes are of the same colour. D.The parents want their daughters to be different. 答案:1.B 根据第二段,可知她们正在卧室里对话。 ‎2.C 从Lily的话中得知,她想穿不同颜色的衣服。 ‎3.A 她们都想买新的上衣。 ‎4.C 从她们的对话中得知,她们喜欢同一种颜色。 ‎5.D 从第一段得知,她们的父母给她们买同样的东西,故D项与事实不符。‎ B Welcome to the zoo!‎ ‎ ‎ Opening Fees Monday to Friday Adults ‎$8.00‎ ‎10:00 am.-6:00 pm.‎ ‎15-18‎ ‎$6.00‎ Saturday to Sunday ‎8-14‎ ‎$3.00‎ ‎8:00 am.-8:00 pm.‎ Under 8‎ Free Try our Train Ride for $2.00 each person! ‎6.On Sunday,the zoo opens at . A.10:‎00 in the morning B.8:‎00 in the morning C.6:‎00 in the afternoon D.8:‎00 in the afternoon ‎7.The zoo opens day(s) a week. A.one B.two C.five D.seven ‎8.You are 13 years old.If(如果)you want to go to the zoo,you should(应该)pay(付钱) . A.$3.00 B.$‎6.00 ‎ C.$8.00 D.$2.00 ‎9.Kate is 12 years old,and her little sister is six years old.If they go to the zoo,they should pay . A.$9.00 B.$‎11.00 ‎ C.$6.00 D.$3.00 ‎10.You are 14 years old and your brother is 7 years old.You are going to try the train ride,you should pay . A.$2.00 B.$‎4.00 ‎ C.$6.00 D.$7.00 答案:6.B 从表中内容得知,动物园早上8:00开门。 ‎7.D 动物园一周7天都开放。 ‎8.A 从表中内容得知,8~14岁门票3元,13岁应付3元门票。 ‎9.D Kate的小妹妹只有6岁,不用买门票。 ‎10.B 乘火车每人2元,两个人就要付4元。‎ Ⅵ.书面表达(15分) 动物是人类的朋友。你最喜欢的动物是什么?它们生活在什么地方?以什么食物为生?请以My Favourite Animal为题,写一篇短文介绍你最喜欢的动物。词数不少于60词。 My Favourite Animal  ‎   ‎   答案:‎ My Favourite Animal My favourite animal is the monkey.It usually lives in the forest.It is very clever.The monkey is good at climbing trees.It likes to eat fruit.Bananas are its favourite fruit.Some monkeys live in the zoo.Children love to see them.They often give some bananas to the monkeys.And they are happy to play with children.‎

