高中英语必修2教案:The Olympic Games-period2学案2

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高中英语必修2教案:The Olympic Games-period2学案2

Unit 2 The Olympic Games part one words 1. compete ‎【用法指南】‎ vi 比赛;对抗 ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) John competed for a place at the school, but he didn’t give in.‎ 约翰在学校里竞争一个职位,但没有成功。‎ 2) Five children competed in the race.‎ 五个孩子参加赛跑。‎ 3) Although there only four horsed competing, it was an exciting race.‎ 虽然只有四匹马赛跑,但比赛很精彩。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ ‎1)competition n. 况赛 ‎ competitor. n. 参赛者 competitive adj. 竞赛的 ‎2) compete in 在某一方面竞争 compete for 为。。。 而竞争 compete with / against 与。。。竞争 compete with/ against sb. for sth. 为得到某物与某人竞争 ‎【类比延伸】‎ 1) compete的含义仅仅是为了争得名次、奖品、合同。并不含有将对手征服得意思。例如:‎ The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool.孩子们互相竞争着抵达池子的另一端。‎ 2) vie (with ) 与compete 相比,词义弱得多,包含着争夺得兴奋,激动,因此这种竞争与其说是“争夺”不如说是嬉戏,或者争先恐后。如:The two boys vie with each other for the first place.‎ 3) contest 所表示的“竞争”可以是友谊赛,也可以是有故意的竞赛,旨在比试技能、能力、力气、耐力等。如:‎ The two armies are contesting every inch of ground.两军正争夺每一寸土地。‎ ‎【过关练习1】‎ 汉译英 1) 几家公司正在为争取一项合同而相互竞争。‎ 2) 他相信没有人能与他抗衡。‎ 3) 有多少人参加马拉松比赛。‎ 1) 他们为了赢得奖牌而相互竞争。‎ 2) He’s going to ____ his old rival in the second round.‎ A. compete B. compete for C. compete with D. be competitor ‎6) – More than thirty students competed _____ each other in the English competition ‎-- But they could only compete ____ three medals .‎ A. against; with B. against ; on C. with ; for D. on; for ‎2. host ‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ 1) vt 主人招待;主办或主持某项活动。‎ 2) n. 主人; (电视等) 节目主持人 ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) China‎ will host the 29th Olympic Gamers in 2008.‎ 中国将在2008年主办第29届奥运会。‎ 2) Hosting our show this evening is the lovely Mary.‎ 我们今晚得演出由美丽得玛丽主持。‎ 3) He acted as host to his father’s friends.‎ 他当主人款待父亲的朋友。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ 1) host country (比喻)奥林匹克运动会的主办国。‎ 2) be/ play host to sb. (作为主人)招待或款待某人 3) host vt, 做东; 主办;主持; ‎ ‎ n. 主人, 东道主 hostess n. 女主人 ‎【类比延伸】‎ host / hold / own host指作为主人来主办或主持某项活动 hold 只单纯的表示“举办, 举行”‎ own 表示“拥有”或“承认”‎ ‎【过关练习】‎ 完成句子 1) Mr. Brown was __________ . (我们晚会的主人)‎ 2) ‎____________ ( 客队和主队 ) won each of the games , so they were even with each other.‎ 3) Which country _________ ? (将主办今年的运动会)‎ 4) He first came to China and I _______. (作为主人款待他)‎ 5) ‎_______ the Olympic Games is a great honor for a country.‎ ‎ A. Host B. Hosting C. Hold D. Holding ‎3. admit ‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ 1) vt. 让。。。进入, 允许。。进入(常to和into或连用 2) vt. 接纳;招待;容纳 3) vt. 承认(后接名词; v-ing形式; that从句;sb./sth. to be等)‎ 4) vi. 容许有(常与of连用)‎ 5) vi 承认(常与to连用)‎ ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) This ticket admits two people to the basketball match.‎ 这张票可供两人入场看篮球赛。‎ 2) The college admits two thousand new boys and girls every year.‎ 这所大学每年招收2,000男女新生。‎ 3) The cinema admits about 3,000 people.‎ 这座电影院大约可坐3,000人。‎ 4) He admitted to the teacher that he was wrong.‎ 他向老师承认他错了。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ 1) be admitted to / into… 获准进入/参加 2) be admitted as …. 作为。。。 被接受 3) admit doing 承认,公认,招认 ‎【过关练习3】‎ 1. I admitted ______ done wrong.‎ A. to have B. being C. that he D. having ‎ 2. – By the way, how about your salary last month?‎ ‎-- The boss had to admit _____ back $200 from my salary for no good reason.‎ A. keep B. keeping C. kept D. to have kept 完成句子 ‎3) He _______ (被接受称为) a member of the baseball team.‎ ‎4) You were supposed to __________ . (承认冤枉了她)‎ ‎5)He _____ (入院) with minor burns.‎ ‎6.) George would never ______ (认错)‎ ‎4.allow ‎【用法指南】‎ 1) vt. 允许;准许 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某事 allow sb. in / out 允许某人进入/出去 allow sb. sth.允许某人某事 ‎#不能说allow to do sth.‎ ‎2)vi. 考虑到;估计; (常与for连用)‎ ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) We don’t allow smoking in the office. 我们不允许在办公室吸烟。‎ 2) She allowed her daughter to go to the party她允许她得女儿去参加晚会。‎ 3) You are allowed to speak loudly in class. 你们不允许在课堂上大声说话。‎ 4) Has everything been allowed for in your plan?‎ 你得计划是否把各种情况都考虑进去了?‎ ‎【类比延伸】‎ allow / permit / let allow 和permit都表示允许,用法也一样,在许多情况下可以相互替换,只是词义的强弱上有些差别。‎ allow 词义较弱,含有“听任”, “默许“、“不加阻止”的意思。‎ permit 词义较强,强调“正式认可”“批准”的意思。‎ let 表示“让”词义罪最弱,较口语化,用法也不同与allow和permit; let后的宾语不足语为不带to的不定式;let 一般不用于被动语态。‎ ‎【过关练习4】‎ 完成句子 ‎1)Your gift ___________ (使我可以买一部车)‎ ‎2) She ____________________ (不允许房子内有狗)‎ ‎3)My father ___________. (给我一些钱买书)‎ ‎4)The facts _______________ . (不容另作解释)‎ ‎5)Teachers usually _________ (不允许学生查字典) in the exam.‎ ‎6) He is said to ______ to his country because a new president comes to power.‎ A. be allowed to return B. allow to return C. allow returning D. be allowed returning ‎5. promise ‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ 1) vt. 许诺;答应(常与to, that连用)‎ promise + n. 许诺某事 promise sb. to do sth 向某人许诺做某事 promise (sb). that… 向某人许诺。。。‎ ‎2) n, 诺言 make a promise ‎ give a promise keep /carry out a promise break a promise ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) He has given a promise to write to me.他答应要给我写信。‎ 2) I promised him to behave better henceforth 我答应他今后表现得好些。‎ 3) This year promises to be another good one for harvests 今年看来又是个丰收年。‎ ‎【过关练习】‎ 1) Early mist_________ (预示好天气)‎ 2) She _____________ (答应弟弟) that she would write to him.‎ 3) He ______ (不遵守诺言) and did not come to see me.‎ 4) Remember to __________ (履行你得诺言)‎ 5) If you _____ (许下诺言0 , you should _____ ;You shouldn’t ______ (违背诺言)‎ Part two phrase 1. find out ‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ 1) 查明,;如通过观察或询问查明(某事)‎ I found out the phone number by looking it up. If you are no sure, find out.通过查找,我查到了电话号码。 如果你不肯定,查一查 Please find out when the ship sails for New York.‎ 2) 发现;揭露 I’ve found you out at last.我终于把你揭露了 The criminals tried to run away ,but the police found out. 犯罪企图逃跑,但警察发现了。‎ ‎【过关练习1】‎ ‎1) If you want to do the job well, you must ____ how to do it fast first.‎ A. find B. B. find out C. look for D. look at ‎2). Don’t worry . You’ll soon _______ how to solve the problem.‎ A. find B. discover C. find out D. look for ‎3.) – Did you ______ where she lived?‎ ‎ --- No, I didn’t.‎ A. find B. discover C. look at D. find out ‎4) I am _____ my book everywhere but I haven’t ____ it yet.‎ A. found ; found B. looking for ; looked at C. looking for; found D. looking for ; found out ‎2. a set of ‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ 一组;一套 ‎1)a set of tools 一套工具 ‎2) a set of six dining chairs 一套六把得餐椅 ‎3) a set of false teeth 一套假牙 ‎4) a set of Dickens novels. 一套狄更斯得小说 ‎5) a set of golf clubs 一套高尔夫球杆 ‎6) a bit of luck 一点运气 ‎【拓展】‎ 1) a series of lectures 一系列演讲 2) a series of days 连续几天 3) a chain of proof 一连串证据 4) a train of mourners 一长队送葬者 5) a pair of shoes 一双鞋 6) a mountain of trouble许多麻烦 7) a pile of trouble 一大堆麻烦 ‎【过关练习】‎ 1) 一套园艺工具 2) 一组指纹 3) 一套21件的茶具 4) 一连串的音乐会 5) 电视连续剧 6) 一大堆工作 7) 一堆旧书 8) 一条裤子 ‎3. every four years ‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ every与数词连用, 表示时间或空间的间隔,译作“每(隔)……”。具体用法为:‎ 1) every +基数词+复数名词 2) every +序数词+单数名词 3) every +other+ 单数可数名词 4) every +few +复数名词 ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) every two days = every second day = every other day 每两天(每隔一天)‎ 2) every three years = every third year 每三年 3) every other line 每隔一行 4) every few meters 每隔几米 ‎* 注意: 不能将every更改为each; few前不能加a ‎【过关练习3】‎ ‎1)When I was in the countryside , I would go to the river bank _____.‎ A. each second day B. every a few days C. each two days D. every few days ‎2). When the old was ill in hospital , we went to look after him ____ by turns.‎ A. every a days B. every two days C. everyday D. every the second day ‎4. used to ‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ 过去常常,表示以前经常做某事,而现在不做了。‎ ‎【典型例句】‎ ‎1)I used to go there every year.‎ ‎2) He is not what he used to be.‎ ‎【类比延伸】‎ used to / would / used to / get/ become used to …‎ 1) used to 有较强的今昔对比的含义。表示过去持续的状态;客观的陈述过去存在,但现在已经停止的情况或习惯。如 I used to be drink coffer, but now I drink tea instead.‎ ‎2 ) would 强调过去习惯性的,反复发生的动作,含有较强的主观感情色彩。可以跟sometimes, frequently , for hours等表示时间的副词(短语)连用。‎ Sometimes John would sit for hours without saying a word.‎ 1) use to ‎ ‎① 习惯于。。。‎ He’s not used to making speeches in public ; it’s so embarrassing.‎ ‎② 被用来做。。。‎ This machine is used to make farm tools.‎ ‎= This machine is used for making farm tools.‎ 2) get/become used to 从不习惯到习惯 You’ll get used to the work in short time.‎ ‎5. more than ‎【用法指南】‎ 1) more than +数词 , 表示“超过, 多于”‎ 2) 修饰形容词、副词、动词、分词、或动名词时,起到加强语气或程度的作用,表示“十分、 几乎”‎ 3) more than 修饰名词时,表示“不仅仅是, 不只是”同not only.‎ ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) The school is more than 10 kilometers from my home.‎ 2) She speaks English more than fluently 3) China Daily is more than a newspaper , it help to improve our English.‎ ‎【拓展】‎ more … than …‎ 1) 与其说。。。倒不如说。。。 ‎ She is more lazy than unintelligent.她与其智力差,不如说懒惰。‎ 1) 不。。。更多 He has made much more progress this year than ( he did ) last year.‎ ‎6. as well as…‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ 1) 用于比较状语从句,表“和。。。一样好”如“‎ ‎ He speaks French as well as English.‎ ‎2) 用作复合介词,相当于not only …but also…; as well as 重点强调其前面的人或事,而not only …. but also…重点强调后面的人或事。‎ ‎1) Li Ping as well as Wei Fang and Wabg Ling was praised be the coach.‎ ‎2) The little girl sings as well as playing the piano The girl is lively as well as healthy 注意:当连接名词或代词作主语时, 谓语动词的形式由前者决定。‎ ‎【过关练习6】‎ 1) E-mail, as well as telephone , _____ an important part in daily communication.‎ ‎ A. is playing B. are playing C. have played D. play ‎2) John plays football _____ if not better than ,David.‎ A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as ‎3) She doesn’t speak ____ her friend, but her written work is excellent.‎ A. as well as B. so often as C. so much as D. as good as ‎ ‎4) ____ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they has picnic in the forest.‎ A. Not only they bought B. Not only did they bring C. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring ‎7. pick up ‎【用法指南】‎ ‎1)拾起,捡起 Pick up the box by the handles ‎2) 收拾,整理 Please pick up all your toys when you have finished playing ‎3) 改善, 改进 Mary has been ill, but she’s picking up now.‎ ‎4) (从无线电)收听 We picked up signals for help from the burning plane ‎5)车船途中搭人,载货 The bus stopped to pick up the passengers.‎ ‎6)用车接人 I will pick you up at the station ‎ ‎7)买东西 I picked up a valuable coin at a very low price.‎ ‎8)通过实践学会(语言,技术)‎ Where did you pick up your excellent English?‎ ‎【过关练习7】‎ ‎1. Under good treatment , Linda is beginning to _____ and will soon recover.‎ A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up ‎2. Something is wrong with my radio . It can’t _____ and programme.‎ A. take in B. get up C. pick up D. listen to ‎3. Without proper lessons, you could _____ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.‎ A. put up B. take up C. pick up D. grow up ‎4. When he went abroad , he ______ Japanese.‎ A. looked up B. picked up C. turned up D. made up Part three : structure ‎1. I have come to your time to find out about the present day Olympic Games because I know that in 2004 they are to be held in my hometown of ‎Athens ‎【用法指南】‎ be to do 表示将来 ‎1)表示按计划安排将要发生的动作。‎ ‎2)表示命令、禁止等 ‎3)表示注定要发生的事 ‎4)用于条件句中,侧重于表示计划、安排要发生的将来的动作。‎ ‎【典型例句】‎ ‎1)He was very interested in making things when he was young. He was to become a great inventor.‎ 小时候他就对制作东西感兴趣,他注定要成为一个伟大的发明家。‎ ‎2) You are not to stand here.‎ 你不可以站在这儿。‎ ‎3) Their daughter is to be married soon.‎ 他们的女儿很快就要结婚了。‎ ‎4) The president is to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.‎ 总统将参加奥运会的开幕式。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ 1) be to do 不能表示不受人们意志控制的将来的动作。此时要用be going to 。如:It’s going to rain.‎ 2) be about to do 表示马上要发生的动作常与when连用,意为“这时” 而且后面不与时间状语连用。‎ ‎【过关练习1】‎ ‎1) No one _____ this building without the permission of the police.‎ A. is leaving B. is to leave C. has left D. will be leaving ‎2) I feel it is your husband who _____ for the spoiled child .‎ A. is to blame B. is going to blame ‎ C. is to be blamed D. should blame ‎3. In such dry weather , the flowers will have to be watered if they ________.‎ A. have survived B. are to survive ‎ C. would survive D. will survive.‎ ‎4. If a man _____ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.‎ A. will B. is to C. is going to D. should ‎2. A special village is built for the competitors to live in, a stadium for competitions, a very large swimming pool, a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch the games.‎ 有一个特殊的村庄供参赛的人住。 并提供比赛用场地,很大的游泳池,室内体育馆,还有观众席呢。‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ for the competitors to live in 属于不定式的复合结构(for sb. to do sth.)在句中作定语,修饰a special village.‎ 1) 不定式复合结构的省略。‎ 为避免重复,不定式结构的动词部分常可以承前省略,尤其在(want , would like, be happy , used to)‎ ‎【典型例句】‎ ‎1) I went there because I wanted to.‎ 注意:不定式为to be或to have done 结构时,be和have不能省。如: He is fatter than he used to be.‎ 2) 不定式复合结构在句中作定语。‎ 作定语的不定式的为不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后必须加上相应的介词,如look after , search for, listen to , depend on , laugh at , care for , look at 等。如:‎ He found a good house to live in.‎ The child has nothing to worry about.‎ They have no happiness to speak of.‎ ‎【过关练习2】‎ ‎1) The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in street, but his mother told him ______.‎ A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do to to ‎2) – Alice , why didn’t you come yesterday?‎ ‎-- I _____ , but I had an unexpected visitor.‎ A. had B. would C. was going to D. did ‎3.) When I handed the report to John , he said that George was the person _________.‎ A. to send B. for sending it C. to send it to D. for sending it to ‎3. women are not only allowed to join in but play a very important role…‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ not only… but also… 不但。。。而且。。。‎ ‎1) 连接除主语以外的成分时,如果位于句首,not only 后的句子要倒装。‎ ‎2) 连接主语时,谓语动词必须和邻近的主语保持一致。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ either… or…和neither… nor….连接主语时,谓语也要遵循就近原则 ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) He not only said it ,but also did it.‎ 2) Not only has he been to China , but also he knows some Chinese.‎ 3) Not only he but also I am responsible for it.‎ 4) Neither you nor Tom is interested on pop music.‎ ‎【过关练习3】‎ ‎1)Either you or the headmaster _____ the prize to the gifted students at the meeting.‎ A. is handing out B. are to hand out ‎ C. are handing out D. is to hand out ‎2) Not only ____ the exam , but also won the first place.‎ A. he passed B. he did pass C. did he pass D. passed he 汉译英 ‎3)不仅他而且我也想出国。‎ ‎4)他不仅帮助了我,而且还给了我一些钱。‎ ‎4. Where will all the competitors be staying?‎ ‎【用法指南】‎ will be doing 为将来进行时表示某一时刻或某一段时间里正在进行的动作,也可以表示预料将要发生的动作。‎ ‎【典型例句】‎ 1) At this time tomorrow , we will be having the exam.‎ 2) We will be leaving for Beijing ‎ ‎【过关练习4】‎ 1) this time tomorrow morning __________ ? (你将在干什么)‎ 2) If free this afternoon , I will ________ (在机场为朋友送行)‎ 3) ‎_____________________ (将告诉他) about it when I see him again.‎ 4) ‎– Mike , the phone is ringing , Do you want me to go?‎ ‎-- No, sit still. ___________.‎ A. I am about to get it B. I’m getting it ‎ C. I’ll get it D. I’m go get it

