2019-2020学年安徽省滁州市九校高二上学期期末联考英语试题 Word版

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2019-2020学年安徽省滁州市九校高二上学期期末联考英语试题 Word版

‎2019-2020学年安徽省滁州市九校高二上学期期末联考英语试题 考生注意:‎ 1. 本试参分逸非逸择■西寿命.漏9150分.考试时伺120‎ ‎2•参龍茄.母!•义用査饪0.5皇彖X色皇本馨字笔将窗身权内瑣0堵写潰憩・‎ ‎1考*件參时•靖常**■卡上.4#«<小由答*后.用■卡上时 眉的&童辱号涂JG非逸*■请用JL&0.5登求M色星冰狠丰宅在&・卡上&•的&‎ ‎ ‎ 第一部分 所力(共育节•溝分30分)‎ 第一节《共5小Ifh毎小HL5分.IR分7.5分)‎ 所下面5段对话.毎段对话后冇一个小聽.从题中所始的A.B.C三个选項中透岀最隹选项. 所完g段対话后,你勢布10tMf的肘间来回書有关小世砲圖读下一小18・华段对法仅读一谊・‎ 1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?‎ A. The choice o( pets.‎ R The trouble of raising pets.‎ C The way of taking cure of pels 2. Where i» the More?‎ A. Beside the railway utation.‎ R Neat to the movie lheatrr.‎ C In front of lhe grocery *hop.‎ 3. Whal did lhe man want lo buy for lhe woman?‎ A. Some tweets. R A bunch of flowcra. C A frwi cake.‎ 4. Where doe* lhe convcrMtion probably lake place?‎ A. In • library. K In a claAaroom. G In the teacher s office.‎ 5. Whal is the tnosi probnble relationship between rhe speakers?‎ A. Neighbors. B> Husband and wife. C AuMwlant and customer.‎ 靈二* 515小■由小題L5分.■分22.5分)‎ 所下面5段鶏话或独白.符段时话或袖白后有几个小1A.从M中所嬉的A.B.C三个选項 中透出鑑隹透項.所何段対话或發白前.你常冇时间阍读各个小18.毎小18 5秒协所完后,各 小K将给出5秒枠的作答时间.制段对话或致白读两遍.‎ 听第6权材料.回答站6.7聞.‎ 6. What docs lhe man plan lo do in the evening?‎ A. Pay ■ visit.‎ R Cook at home.‎ G Take care of a sick co-worker.‎ 7. What is the woman probably goinx to do?‎ A. Have a cup of lea. R Go to bed. C Attend a meeting.‎ 折第7段材昭.回答她8、9秘・‎ 1. Whai did I be woman want the man to do?‎ A. Open a clothing shop.‎ K Start his own busineM.‎ G Take ovrr the restaurant.‎ 2. How will the nun make hia shop different (ram all the other*?‎ A. By Kcllinff more Roodtu R By makinK hi> own T ihirtK C By dnuKninn unique ^luiteboardi.‎ 所第8位“科.冋答第10至 3. Where are I he Bpeakm?‎ A. At a store. K At ii book dub. C At ■ deniiBl'n.‎ H. Why i> the woman advi»cd io come back on Monday or Tucmky?‎ A. Il it I he workday.‎ R Thefr will be a special gih. C The price will br lowrr.‎ ‎12. Whai doe* I hr woman agree lo do?‎ A. Come t>*ck cxi T ucaday.‎ EL Put down her information fir»L Q Si|(n up a —year membership. 所第9段冋将気13至16 tt. 11 What did the num do before he found hm dog gone?‎ A. He bought Rome coffee.‎ H He tncl I he woman in ■ calc. C He drove around with his dog.‎ 14. What can we know about Milo?‎ A. Hc,» about 14 pound*.‎ ‎& He i> a wdl-bchaved dog.‎ Q He is a black dog with white spots.‎ C Calling the police 15. Whai i» I he wom*n » i«arching phn?‎ A. Looking around Gnt B. Searching laiteihrr.‎ 16. Whcrr have the upcakers found Milo?‎ A. In a nearby (Mirk.‎ ‎& At I he police station. C Before I he coffee nhop.‎ 听第 10SMM.H 答第 17520 H.‎ C Tnffic.‎ 17. Whai ts the previous program about?‎ A. Weiiher. K New*.‎ C Mostly rainy.‎ 18. How is the weather (or the whole werk?‎ A. Mostly sunny. H Mostly niormy.‎ 19. Why does the speaker ask people to be Mpecially careful?‎ A. The IrafGc will be heavy.‎ H The trmpmture is low.‎ C Some area* might be flooded.‎ 20. When is I he program probably broodcafti?‎ COn Tuesday.‎ A. ()n Sunday. H On Monday.‎ 分 共两节.•分40分)‎ W-V《共15小1!出小HZ分.■分30分)‎ 闻读下列版文.从毎题所嬉的A.B.C和D四个逸項中•透出員隹切.‎ A The Best Free Tourist Attractiom Ahskat Anct»on^r Marlrt and Festival While Anchorage isn't I he capiul of Alaska* it is the state's largest and most populated city. The Anchorage Market and Focival i> open and fret of charge on weekends Anchorage is also a< the beginning of I he Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, where walks and hikes can last betwvm two hours and ■ half day. Il's frer. of course.‎ AriuMUU! Walmart Mawwn In the northwest corner of Arkansas is Bentonvilk. which gavr birth to « «upennarkel you may have heard of. It's Walman • which is currently one of the beggesf companin in I he world. Admission is free lo the Walman Museum. And just outside town is the Crystal Bridge* Museum o( Amcncan Ari. which is also free.‎ Colorado I United States Air Farr* Academy Driving around and taking in I he great natural beauty o( Colorado i» free. If you know some kid* who milc pmnnng ihrir houses or mowing ihcir lawn*(草坪).and lerwi going for a swim."‎ Now they want lo make it of Goal blander* gaihered al a town hall meeting to mrh a petitionCi^B) for • time-free tone and on June 13. Hvcding met with a Xorwexum member of pRrliamcnU IM 会)lo hand over lhe locals' MRnaiurea and lo diacuss I he prartinl and Inta I challenges.‎ ‎"To us. RctnnK this in writing would »imply mean formalizing something we have been priciiang for generations." he uys.‎ Islander* hope lo be frer of tradiliooal opening hours and lo introduce flexibility in school and working hours. Fishing and lourism are lite main induslnca on this island with a population of little more than 300 people. Local fishermen and women ofien spend days on the ocran for I heir catch, with link regard . which was bom with the ability io reproduce without males. Every marbled crayfish is female, and every egg Lid is an exact clone of its mother. The ability io reproduce quickly with such case made them popular in the aqu&num trade but when they found ihe«r way into the wild. lhe crayfish got out of control The first known marbled crayfish appeared in 1995. Since then, they have spread into I he wild and populated in freshwater ecmysiems around the world. Scientists Mudying this animal hive raised the alann about its likely influencr on local wildlife, eeosysienu and agneuhure as i< spreads into new environments. Successful non-native species like the marbled crayfish often ciuse trouble when they arrive in new environments, as lhey can ferd on load wildlife or compete with it for rvaouren.‎ According to Dr Frank Lyko. a researcher at the German Cancer Research Centre, the first marbled crayfish appeared due to a sudden change in its parents' cdls. Il was an animal that reprodum clonally and thrrefore represents a modd of a central asped in lumor(H*> development.‎ ‎",Tumor gcnomsC 基内垠)also devdop dcmlly. beaiuse they go back to a Angle origmal crU." hr said. However, both crayfish and tumors are Mill able io Minp( io lheir cnvrnxvnmts through a prnerm termed "doml exjiutian". and tn both ones this can be hannful !n cniyfinh. their ability to adapt means they can spread io a vanefy of differml cnvironmEnbi and ciumica. and in tumom lhi» means lhey can develop ressunnK 挺抗〉agamsl cancerurKclinK drug&‎ At present, wiih lhe potential influencv of the increaMng marbled crayfish on local p&cs・ governments from different pUcrs are working on controlling lheir population.‎ 18. What docs lhe lexl say about marbled crayfish in lhe wild?‎ A. They prove popular. R They arc under control.‎ C They can be iroublcaccne. Di They arc out of condition.‎ 19. What doc* Dr Frank Lyko try to explain?‎ A. The reaMm for marbled crayfish's clonal reproduction.‎ R The similanties between marbled crnyftsh and tumorx C. The way io stop marbled crayfish cloning ihcmselves.‎ D. The harmful influence marbled crayfish have on heahh.‎ 14. Whal arc governments doing about niarbled crayfish now?‎ A. Working on removing all o( them. B. Trying to limit the quantity of them.‎ G Taking control of them with drugK IX Connecting them with harmful tumor*.‎ 15. Whal can be a suitable title for the text?‎ A. Why Marbled Crayfish Reproduce Rapidly H The Population of Marbled Crayfi»h I» Hu*‎ C. The Spread of Marbled Crayfish h Worrying Q How io Control the Number of Marbled Crayfish 第二节(共5小地,每小题2分,渦分10分)‎ 帼据短文内&.从短文后的通琅中逸出他ft人空白处的■住选項.逸項中有筒项为多余选項・‎ The best time to try to fight rIoImi! warming is now* Any action that reduces water and energy consumption and the build-up o( harmful in our aimo»phcre» helps io nuninuxr the cffecls of global warming. Simple ideas that you can easily pul into practice are as follows 36 Evra though some area* expcncncc rainfall, other areas are short of water. At home. Nmple actions like making sure you turn off lhe lap while brushing your lerih will make a difference to both the environment and your wiicr bill*‎ Turn off devices(设备)liiai lire not in uk. 37 Thun, you can rawly develop lhe habit of leaving sometliing on. Not only is this bad for lhe device* lltcmselvra. but also you end up wastirm energy nerdlcswly. Before xnuinphoncA und compulcrn* I here were RAinc?* connununtf no energy at all 38 Surely, you will mjoy yoursclws wiihoui wozning global warming.‎ Walk or cycle as much as possible. Not only are ibeAe ureal ways to get Mxne exercise, but they are the least polluting ntranft of transport. For short distances, walking and cycling should really be your first choice. Nowadays, there are many »harcd btkes available. 39‎ Use public transport or ear pooKtff 4-). If you need lo travel longer distances, public iranspon is greenwt. 40 You could also try out car pool. These are designed io save you money and fill up cars that would nornuilly be driven empiy on the roads.‎ A. Treat waler as something precious. B> Learn tomrlhing iboui water wa&ie.‎ C. Electronic devices are around the house these days.‎ IX That means you don、evrn have to own one io get around.‎ E. There are many devters that are good (or lhe environment.‎ F. You can iry to find plenty of ideas for traditional games and loy*.‎ G. Taking lhe bus or subway is belter than Retting in your car and driving. 第三■分VWftiRiK用(共街节,溝分45分)‎ 第一不(共20小Hh*小lfll.5分.満分30分)‎ 阅眞下而短文,从短文后各HI所结的A、B、C和D四个选項中,透出可以塩入空白錠的最 佳逸項・‎ l«ant week, my fnends and I got togelhcr lo eal delictous Asian fusion chicken wings in our college town. We hadn i all been U (or a while, so h w*i nice catching up(叙旧〉and sharing summer plans with each other.‎ These c«
