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‎2019届二轮复习书面表达各种便条的写作指导 1. 文体特征 ‎ 便条是书信的一种形式,它的特点是内容简短。虽然内容简单,但却有其独特的风格。 主要目的是为了尽快的把最新的信息、通知、要求或者活动的时间、地点转告给对方。跟正 规书信相比,便条的语言比较口头化。常见的便条有道歉条、祝贺条、收条、欠条、留言和 请假条等。 ‎ ‎2. 写作指导 ‎ ‎(1) 基本结构 英文便条的结构包括四个部分: 称呼 (Salutation):收便条人的称呼写在便条的左上方,称呼后常用逗号。称呼的具体 方式视双方的熟知程度而定。如:对于不太熟悉的人称:Sir; Gentleman; Dear President; Dear Madame 等。对于相识的人称:Dear Mr. White; Dear Dr. Williams 等。对于熟悉的亲友称: Dear Mama; My dear Tom 等 日期 (Date) :便条上的日期应写在便条的右上角,差不多与收条人的称呼平齐或高一 行。日期的写法非常简洁,往往只需要写月份的缩写和日期。 正文 (Body) :便条的正文是便条的主体,应该在信纸上占据大部分空间。与正式书信 不同的是,便条的字数有限,独立成段即可。 谦语 (Complimentary Close) : 便条的结束语应写在便条正文之后两三行处,位置中 偏右,应该有致敬的结束语和谦称。谦称有尊卑亲疏之分,应该与收条人的称谓相配合。在 谦称敬语的后面应该加上逗号,注意结束语和谦称应分成两行。 ‎ ‎(2) 注意事项 词句简洁,字数要求在 50-60 左右,必须开门见山,直接进入话题,切忌啰嗦。尽量避 免应酬语和各种敬词。切忌内容空洞、言不达意。一定要说清楚写给谁的、什么事、谁写的 以及什么时候写的。结束时也无需结尾礼词,只需写上写便条者姓名。如果是关系比较近的 人,则只需写上姓或名。 ‎ 知能提升 1. 常用便条形式及表达法 ‎ 道歉便条 (Note of Apology) 写这类便条时,一般先向对方道歉,承认中间的错误,而后解释原因,最后提出弥补或 补救的具体措施。在写这类便条时,我们要注意这样一个细节。解释原因时要具体,不能只 简单地说 I’ve got something urgent or more important to do,这样写有可能使对方误解,似乎你 不重视与对方的约定,或者是听起来像是托词、借口。 常用表达法: (1) I sincerely apologize for…对……真诚的道歉。 (2) I must apologize for (not) doing…没做……我感到非常抱歉。 (3) Please accept my sincere apologize for…请接受我诚挚的道歉。 (4) Please excuse me for my carelessness. 请原谅我的粗心。 (5) I’m afraid…我恐怕……。 (6) I fell awful about…对……感到抱歉。 (7) I’m terribly / very sorry. 对……感到非常抱歉。 ‎ 询问便条 (Note of Request) 写询问便条时先要说明请求帮助的原因,以及求助的具体内容或细节,而后向对方表 示感谢。 常用表达法: (1) Could you please …? 您能……吗 (2) Would you mind doing …? 您介意……吗 (3) Could you possibly…? 您能……吗 (4) I would be grateful if you would …如果您能……我将不胜感激。 (5) I wonder if you could …我想知道你是否能……。 ‎ 建议便条:(Note of Suggestions) 写这类便条时,先要交代事情的起因,而后根据便条的具体要求提出相应的建议。 常用表达法: (1) I’d like to suggest that …我想说的是……。 (2) May I suggest that …? 您能否……? (3) Could you please …? 您可不可以……? (4) Perhaps we could … 也许我们可以……。 ‎ 祝贺便条 (Note of Congratulations) 这类便条一般包括以下几个要点:首先,复述值得祝贺的事情以及自己听到喜讯的心 情;其次,对值得祝贺的事做积极的评价;最后,表示自己衷心的祝福。 常用表达法: (1) I’m delighted to hear the news that …很高兴听到……的消息。 (2) I’ve received the exciting news of your …听到您的令人兴奋的消息……。 (3) Please accept my heartiest congratulations on …请接受我最真诚的祝福。 (4) Congratulations! 祝贺您! (5) I wish you further success in the future. 希望你未来取得更多的成功。 (6) It is an award that you really deserve. 这是你应该得到的奖励。 (7) I’m fortunate in having you among my friends and I’m so proud of you and happy for you. 很高兴有你这样的朋友,为你感到骄傲。‎ ‎ 感谢便条 (Note of Thanks) 写便条感谢对方时,首先要交代致谢的原因,然后再进一步说明对方的帮助给自己带 来的益处,最后再次向对方表达由衷的谢意。 常用表达法: (1) I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude for … 写信表达我诚挚的感谢……。 (2) Thank you so much for … 非常感谢……。 (3) Many thanks for your hospitality during my stay at your home. 非常感谢我在您家短暂停留 时您的盛情款待。 (4) It is very nice / kind of you to … 您做……太好了 ‎ 邀请便条 (Note of Invitation) 写这类邀请便条时,首先要简要交代邀请对方做什么;而后再对要做的事情做进一步 的说明,或者解释邀请的原因;最后诚恳地希望对方能够接受邀请。 常用表达法: (1) We wonder if you’d like to come. 我们想知道您是否能来。 (2) We would like to invite you to … 我们想邀请您……。 (3) We’d really like you to …我们非常想让您……。 (4) Can you come … for the weekend? 您能来一起过周末吗? (5) Would you like to join me? 你愿意和我一起吗? 接受邀请便条 (Note of Accepting Invitations) 写这类便条时,首先要向对方表示感谢;而后可以简单地解释一下自己为什么愿意接 受邀请;最后可以再次向对方表示谢意。 常用表达法: (1) It is very nice / kind of you to invite me …您能邀请我……真好。 (2) I’d be very pleased to come / accept your… 我很乐意接受您的…… (3) Thank you for your invitation. 感谢您的邀请。 ‎ 表同情便条 (Note of Sympathy) 写这类便条时首先要对对方的境遇表示同情,而后对对方给予鼓励或表达良好的祝愿。 常用表达法: (1) I’m sorry to hear that …听到……我很难过。 (2) What a shame! 多可惜! (3) What a pity! 真遗憾! (4) My kindest regards and best wishes. 给您我最美好的祝愿。 (5) May you …希望您……‎ ‎ 请假便条 (Note Asking for Leave) (1) Will you please excuse my absence on Saturday? 请星期六准假一天。 (2) I beg to apply for three days’ leave of absence from 10th to 12th. 我想从 10 日到 12 日,请 假三天。 (3) Enclosed please find a certificate from the doctor.‎ ‎ 附上医生证明一张。‎ ‎ 2. 其他常用句式 ‎ (1) I would appreciate it if you will favor me with a call at your earliest convenience. 如您方便, 请早日来电,我将不胜感激。 ‎ ‎(2) Delighted! Will call at 2 p.m. tomorrow. 来条收悉,定于明天下午两点拜访。 ‎ ‎(3) I shall be very happy to call at your house at 6:30 this everything. Until then,...我定于今晚 6: 30 去你家,望等候。‎ ‎ (4) Upon/as soon as receiving this note, please come to my office. 见条后,请立即来我办公室。‎ ‎ (5) Mr. Li stands in urgent need of your service. 李先生急需你的帮助。‎ ‎ (6) I happen to be in urgent need of 200 yuan. 我因有急事,需要 200 元。 ‎ ‎(7) Your note with an admission ticket enclosed is much appreciated. 留言和一张入场券均已收 到,不胜感激。‎ ‎ (8) I am very grateful to you for your kind invitation, and I am sure to come to see your concert. 承蒙邀请观看你们的音乐会,我一定按时到场。‎ ‎ (9)I hope my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience. 望我的缺席不会给你带来 太大的不便。 ‎ ‎(10) Please favor me with an early reply. 敬请早复。 (11) Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. 希望能及早处理此事。 (12) Please give an extension of leave for three days. 请准予续假三天。 ‎ ‎3. 模板参考 请假条 (Note Asking for Leave) Jan. 10th Dear Ms. Jiang, I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning’s two periods of English Class (不能做计划好的事情) due to a bad cold and high fever (请假理由). Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days.(医生证明)I will go back to school as soon as I recover. Yours respectfully, Tian Ye ‎ 道歉便条 (Note of Apology) May 4th 2012 Dear Professor Brown, I would like to express my apologies for not being able to keep our appointment for I had some urgent business to deal with out of town and did not come back until next morning (道歉并 解释未能赴约的具体原因). Could we arrange another appointment some time next week (提出 补救的措施:是否能另行安排时间见面) ? Sorry for any inconveniences (再次对由此带来的不便表示歉意). Yours sincerely, Wang Lu ‎ 求助便条 (Note of Asking for Help) April 3rd,2012 Dear Professor Brown, I’d like to know your comments on the outline of my thesis before I begin my first draft (点 明求助的原因). Could you please fix a time (I’m free on Monday and Tuesday afternoon as well as Thursday and Friday) and leave me a message for me with Ms Liu in the department office (具 体说明要对方办的事情)?Thank you (向对方表示感谢). Yours truly, Zhang Mu ‎ 建议便条:(Note of Suggestions) July 11th 2012 Dear Monica, This summer I will be traveling with some of my friends to Beijing and we will stay for about one week there from August 1st to August 8 th (交代事情起因) . If you are free, I would be very happy to meet you in person. Perhaps we could spend a day or two together. (建议见面并一 起呆上一两天) . Yours, Kelly ‎ 祝贺便条 (Note of Congratulations) April 4th, 2012 Dear Tom, I’m so glad to learn that you won the first prize in the English contest (交代值得祝贺的事情 以及自己高兴的心情) . Please accept my warmest congratulations (向对方表示祝贺) . It is a well-deserved recognition of your excellent work (积极肯定对方所取得的成绩) . As your close friend, I’m so proud of you and feel very happy for you. Congratulations again and all good wishes for your future study. (再次祝贺,并对日后的学 习表示良好的祝愿) . Yours, Jerry 感谢便条 (Note of thanks) March 8th, 2012 Dear Ben, Thank you very much for buying me the book for reading (交代感谢的原因) . This is the very book I need and it is of great help on my completing the thesis. The updated sources have broadened my mind a great deal (进一步解释对我的帮助) . Thanks again! It is a wonderful book (再次表达谢意) . Yours, Mary ‎ 邀请便条 (Note of Invitation) April 2nd, 2012 Dear Tony, I’ve got two tickets for a computer fair at China International Exhibition Center this Saturday (交代事情的起因) . There you may find the brand new products of some top computer companies across the world. I know you are very interested in computer (进一步的说明,并交代邀请对方的 原因) . So would you like to join me (向对方发出邀请)?Please let me know before Friday. Yours, Mike ‎ 接受邀请便条 (Note of Accepting Invitations) May 5th, 2010 Dear Jane, It is so kind of you to have invited me to the get-together (向对方表示感谢) . Having not seen you and some other old friends for such a long time, I really miss you all. I’ll go to your place right after I finish my work at about 6 p.m. this Friday. (简单解释欣然接受邀请的原因) . Thank you for your invitation again(再次向对方表示感谢) . Talk to you soon. Yours, Elizabeth ‎ 典例学习 (1) 李涛是一名大一的学生,因父亲身体状况欠佳,作为家里的独生子,所以需要请假回家 照顾父亲。请以李涛的身份给马教授写份请假条。 注意:1. 请假条必须写明请假原因,及请假时长。 2. 词数 60 左右。 ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __ ‎ ‎【审题谋篇】 第一步 定便条类别 第三步 列要点信息 第二步 布文章结构 请假便条 日 期 (date) 、 称 呼 (salutation) 、 正 文 (body) 、 署 名 (signature) 1. 表明请假这一目的。 2. 礼貌得解释请假的理由。 3. 告知请假时长及回来的具体时间。 【遣词造句】 1. 词汇精练 ①申请 apply ‎ for ②重病 be badly ill ③独生子 the only child ④至于 as concern as ⑤缺席 absence ⑥允许 allowance 2. 佳句锤炼 ① 我的父亲生病,我要去照看他。 一般表达:My father now is ill and I have to see him and take care of him. 高级表达:My father now is badly ill. I have to take care of him for a few days. ②我会把我母亲寄过来的关于父亲病情的电报给您看。 一般表达:My mother sent to me the telegram about my father’s illness. I will show it to you. 定语从句:Of course I will show you the telegram about my father’s illness which is received from my mother. ③我会落下很多课程,回来之后我会补上。 一般表达:I will miss some lessons and I will make up when I come back. 目的状语从句:As concern as the missed lessons during my absence, I promise I will do my best to catch them on after I come back to the campus. ④希望您能同意。 一般表达:I hope you can agree with me. 高级表达:Wish for your allowance. ‎ ‎【学生习作展评】 习作展示 阅卷点评及修改建议 Aug. 22nd Professor Ma, ①I’m writing to ask for leave. ②My father now is ill and I have to see him and take care of him. ③You know I'm the only child in my family. ④My mother sent to me a telegram about my father’s illness. ⑤I will show it to you. ⑥I will miss some lessons and I will make up when I come back. ⑦I promise I will do it. ⑧I hope you can agree with me. Yours, Li Tao 本文为 3 档(良好档)作文,总分 30 分,本文可评为 23 分。具体分析如下: 一、内容结构上 格式完全正确,但遗漏了请假时长。并且缺乏恰当有 效地过渡词汇,因而显得文章内容平铺直叙,缺少亮点。 二、语言运用上 1. 用词不准确,表达不贴切。如第⑧句中 agree with 宜改 为 allow。 2. 缺乏高级词汇的灵活运用。如第⑦句的 do it 可以用 make it up 或者 catch it on 等高级词汇替换。 3. 句式运用过于单一。整篇文章以简单句和并列句为主, 缺乏变化,不会灵活应用复合句等高级句式。如第②句 两个 and 连接,可以拆分为两个句子,则读上来更加朗 朗上口。第④句可以改为 which 引导的定语从句。 ‎ ‎【满分作文赏析】 满分作文 名师点评 Aug. 22nd Professor Ma, ①I’m sorry to apply for ten day’s leave from the Aug. 23rd to Sep. 2nd instant. ②My father now is badly ill. ③I have to take care of him for a few days. ④You know I'm the only child in my family. ⑤Of course I will 1. 全文格式完全正确,并覆盖了所有 内容要点, 文章结构紧凑,流畅自然。 2. 用词准确贴切,个别高级词汇的使 用,更使得文章表达地道。如第②句中 be badly ill,第⑥句中 absence,第⑦句 中 allowance 的使用都显示了作者扎实 show you the telegram about my father’s illness which is received from my mother. ⑥As concern as the missed lessons during my absence,I promise I will do my best to catch them on after I come back to the campus. ⑦Wish for your allowance. Yours respectfully, ××× 的语言功底。 3. 句子表达中运用了高级的语法与完 美的句式。如第⑤句中 which 引导的定 语从句的应用,以及第⑥句中不定式作 目的状语的使用都使得文章语法结构 丰富,句式多变,既有高度又有深度。 (2) Directions: Write a note based on the following situation:‎ ‎ Yesterday you planned to meet your teacher, Professor Wang, but you forgot it. Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting. You should also suggest the time for the requested meeting. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________________ _ ‎ ‎【审题谋篇】 【遣词造句】 1. 词汇精练 ①非常地__________ ②出现 _________ ③约会 ___________ ④焦急的 _______ ⑤肯定很失望____________________ ⑥ 看病_________ ⑦弥补___________ ⑧不方便 _____________ 2. 佳句锤炼 ①没能按期赴约,感到很抱歉。 一般表达:I am very sorry. I forgot yesterday’s appointment. 高级表达(宾语从句):I’m terribly sorry____ I didn’t turn up for the appointment with you. ②我知道您很失望。 第一步 定便条类别 第二步 布文章结构 道歉便条 格式要包含日期、称呼和结尾 3 部分 1) 日期 (Date):位置在右上角。 2) 称呼 (Heading):位置在日期下面一行左侧。 3) 结尾(Ending):Yours sincerely, Yours truly, 1. 为不能赴约道歉。 2. 解释爽约原因。 3. 请求再次会面。 4. 给出再次会面的具体时间。 第三步 列要点信息 一般表达:I know you are upset. 高级表达(对过去的肯定推测):I know that you _____ have been disappointed. ③我想周末约您出来。 一般表达:I want to ask you to go out this weekend. 高级表达(委婉语气表达):However, I _______ like to ask you out this weekend to make up for yesterday. ④我们下周日在你办公室见面好吗? 一般表达:Can we meet at your office next Sunday? 高级表达(宾语从句):I wonder ____ we could meet again at your office next Sunday. ‎ ‎【学生习作展评】 习作展示 阅卷点评 Professor Wang, ①I am very sorry. ②I forgot yesterday’s appointment. ③ So I do hope we could make another one. ④Sunday is convenient for me, what about you? ⑤Give me a call to discuss it further. Yours, Jim 本文为 4 档作文,总分 30 分,本文可评为 20 分。具体分析如下: 一、内容结构上 首先,便条的格式有错误,没写时间。其次内容不够完整,没 有解释爽约的原因。便条虽没有语法错误,但用语不够得体。尤其 是第⑤句。这本应该是写给老师的、表示歉意的便条,但作者却以 一种权威的口吻“发号施令”。 二、缺乏高级词汇的灵活运用。第①句中 sorry 宜用 terribly。 三、句子表达过于通俗,缺乏高度及深度。第④句 Sunday is convenient for me, what about you? 可改为 I wonder if we could meet again at your office next Sunday. ‎ ‎【满分作文赏析】 满分作文 名师点评 May 9th, 2012 Dear Mr. Wang, ①I’m terribly sorry I missed seeing you yesterday. ②I didn’t turn up for the appointment because my friend John was ill and I had to take him to see a doctor. ③I know that you must have been disappointed. ④I also feel worried and anxious in my heart. ⑤However, I would like to ask you out this weekend to make up for yesterday. ⑥I wonder if we ‎ could meet again at your office next Sunday. ⑦Sorry for any inconvenience. Yours sincerely, Li Dan 1. 全文格式完全正确,内容充实完 整,层次清晰明了。 2. 行文中无任何语法错误,表达流 畅自然。如第②句中 turn up 及 appointment,第④句中 anxious,第 ⑤句中 make up for 等高级词汇的使 用。第③句中对过去的肯定推测 must have done 的使用。第④句中 I wonder if 高级句型的使用。第⑤句为可能给 对方造成的不便表示歉意。充分体现 了作者深厚语言功底。 达标测试 1 赵小姐的朋友李平从西安打来长途电话,让她帮忙预定一张 8 月 5 号九点去上海的机票 并且预订宾馆。但因有急事,你不能当面传达,因此需要写一张留言条。 注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Aug. 4th Miss. Zhao, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______ Yours, Lily 2 Susan 因为借书未还被图书馆罚款,原因是 Cassie 在她不知道的情况下把书拿走。请你 以 Cassie 的身份用英语写一张留言条,内容包括:道歉日期,3 月 6 日;词数,70 左右。 Mar. 6th, 2012 Dear Susan, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Cassie ‎ ‎【遣词造句】 1. 词汇精练①terribly ②turn up ③appointment ④anxious ⑤must have been disappointed ⑥see a doctor ⑦make up ⑧inconvenience 2. 佳句锤炼①that ② must ③would ④if 跟踪演练 1. (one possible version) Aug. 4th Miss. Zhao, A friend of yours, Li Ping, made a long distance call from Xi'an this morning while you went out. She asked you to book an air ticket for Shanghai at 9 o'clock, August 5th, and make a reservation for hotel room. I am sorry that I can't pass on the message to you in your presence, because I was ordered to do something urgent. See you then. Yours, Lily 2. (one possible version) March 6th, 2012 Dear Susan, I am terribly sorry that you have been fined by the library for not having returned the book on time. It is all my fault, which caused you so much trouble. I took the book away without letting you know. I am writing to express my apology and I will give you the money the amount you have been fined. I sincerely hope this incident will not destroy our friendship. Yours sincerely, Cassie

