2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测2-3 Reading for Writing

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2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测2-3 Reading for Writing

2020-2021 学年高一英语课时同步检测 2-3 Reading for Writing 一、基础巩固 I.单词拼写 1. A bronze s__________ was set up in his honour. 2. Often,the only way people keep relationships going with friends is by posting a c__________ to each other online. 3. The new app can give you t__________ information,including timetables and maps. 4.Since Britain banned smoking in public,groups of people smoking outside office buildings has become a common s__________ in London. 5. Do you think it’s very embarrassing when a friend refuses your r__________? 6. It is important to pay your electricity bill on time,as late payments may affect your c__________. 7. It's u__________ that I was able to slow down and take time to learn and appreciate the history and beauty of the ancient culture. 8. But after moving to a____________ senior high school elsewhere in the county, he now only comes back in summer and winter holidays. 9. The place is famous for its great landscape(风景) as well as a____________ natural wonders. 10. In addition to the industrial park, visitors can a_________ the historical glory(辉煌) of the 'tea boat road' II.单句语法填空 1. He refused to comment __________ his opinion about a healthy lifestyle. 2. I caught sight ______an empty seat at the back of the bus. 3.If the ____________ (view) falls asleep,the sensor(感应器) moves the TV into “picture off”. 4. All club members are requested ____________ (attend) the annual meeting. 5.My trip is ____________ (make) up of sightseeing of the unique sites,shopping and a lecture. 6.___view of the weather,the event will now be held indoors. 7. The ________(detail) of the plan are still being worked out. 8. It’s usually ____________economy) to buy washing powder in large quantities. 9. As the holiday is approaching,I can’t wait ____________ communicate with my friends. 10. Because of the ____________ roads, people's lives are getting better and better. III.短语填空 can’t wait to,check out,in sight, be made up of, it is obvious that, according to,be admiring of,credit card,be known as,comment on 1. The country has managed to lift more than 850 million people out of poverty since reform and opening up began in the late 1970s, with GDP growth averaging almost 10 percent a year, _______________ the World Bank. 2. I ____ sincerely __________ what China has achieved. 3. With the number of infected people increasing rapidly, even now we see no end_______________ . 4. What I'm different from the other micro-blog users is that I never _________ it. 5. _______________ the film The Wandering Earth in 2019 was a great success. 6. The fans seem to be very calm. Actually they _________see their favorite singer. 7. The country of Indonesia _______________over 17,000 islands where people can enjoy amazing views. 8. While I was waiting to _______________ at the counter,the cashier of the supermarket cried out for help. 9. In my opinion,Vitamin A _______________a great solution to preventing “night blindness”. 10. _________let you buy things without paying the money right away. IV.完成句子 1.新学期快到了,我迫不及待地想见到我的同学和老师。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我 认 为 我 们 能 够 与 世 界 各 地 的 友 好 人 士 接 触 是 令 人 惊 讶 的 ! ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.你可能听说过“欧若拉”,游客称之为北极光(极光)。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4.南方天降大雨,导致许多省份出现了严重的水灾。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5.我们要飞往昆明,一个因为美丽和温和的气候而备受欢迎的旅游景点。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ V.课文缩写 1.理查德打算十月假期去西安参观兵马俑。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2.他迫不及待地想看到这令人惊奇的景象。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.这些雕像建于公元前三世纪,建造它们花费了 70 万人 40 年的时间。(定语从句) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4.一些农民在挖井的时候发现了这个坟墓。(while) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5.理查德也会参观被称为“中国宝库”的陕西历史博物馆以及一些其他著名景点。(过去分词作定语) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 二、拓展提升 I.阅读理解 A One summer my friend and I decided to go to Italy for a holiday and we decided to travel there without going through a travel agency. You know,you would be submerged(淹没) in crowds of tourists and lose lots of opportunities to get familiar with the country more closely. We started to think over our trip and managed to come up with a free tour of Italy. The trip was not very long but it was still very impressive(印象深刻的).We look forward to going there again! Of course,we spent lots of time arranging(安排) the trip,but it was well worth it! Of course I was afraid that something would go wrong and I was especially anxious about my visa,but everything went quite smoothly in the end. The most difficult part was getting a visa without an invitation. In the Italian consulate(领事馆),one must hand in some official papers proving that one has a hotel booked for oneself in order to get the visa. Then we had to solve the ticket problem. Airlines often sell cheap tickets and we bought ours far in advance. The next step was to book a hotel. We finally booked a hotel about 30km away from the heart of Rome and it was the perfect choice for our trip. Every day we took a train that carried us to the heart of Rome. Our big house,which was surrounded by the forest,was a rare place for the fresh air and absolute silence,beautiful views,hospitable hosts, comfortable living conditions delighting us to no end. Besides this,we were very lucky that our mistress(女 主人) was a Russian. She gave us a lot of advice that was of great use. She told us what transport to choose and where the best places to go. Don’t be afraid to arrange your trip by yourself. It’s not difficult! The only thing I’ll say right now is that we really enjoyed traveling by ourselves. We walked with a map and a guide-book to wherever we wanted and we even met some of our fellow countrymen on the way just two or three times. So,if you’re also planning a “single” trip,don’t forget to take a Russian-Italian phrasebook as people in Italy prefer to speak in their native tongue. 1. What is the most difficult thing for the author to prepare for his trip to Italy? A. Buying cheap airline tickets to Italy before the traveling. B. Getting a visa without an invitation from the Italian consulate. C. Booking a comfortable hotel on his own in Rome. D. Solving the ticket problem far in advance. 2. Which of the following questions has NOT been answered in the passage? A. Why did the author decide to go to Italy for a holiday for the first time? B. Why did the author decide not to follow a travel agency? C. How did the author prepare for his trip? D. What tools did the author use for his traveling? 3. From the text we can know the author ______________. A. enjoys traveling everywhere in the world B. likes being accompanied by tour guides C. advised us to arrange trips by ourselves D. met with a lot of his countrymen in Italy B The tourism industry in Hubei, the province hit hardest by COVID-19 in China, is gradually recovering. Scenic areas, museums and hotels have been actively marketing themselves through livestreams and short videos. They're also offering discounts(打折)for visitors with extra Hongbao. Travelers must make reservations so that attractions(景点) can limit visitor numbers in real time. They must also present their health QR codes and have his or her body temperature checked at the entrances. And they're required to wear masks and practice social distancing. Dining halls require customers to eat separately and use serving chopsticks. Hubei's Shennongjia National Park reopened its scenic areas on March 25 with daily visitor numbers limited at 30 percent or less of its capacity. "Shennongjia is known as a natural oxygen bar. This is typically its peak visitor season because of the blooming flowers and good weather. Visitor volumes are recovering," Ming Lei says. "Visitors enjoy the unique fauna and flora. Many ride horses, practice archery and see cute spotted deer." Many visitors drive themselves. Most are from Hubei, especially Wuhan, Yichang and Xiangyang cities. Some independent travelers arrive by motorcycle or bicycle, he says. The park received over 184,000 visits between the reopening and May 12, a 50 percent decrease over the same period last year. Before May 1, travelers could visit Shennongjia's six scenic areas for free. From May 1 until June 25, visitors can buy a ticket for all these zones at the reduced price of 169 yuan ($24). Yichang's Tribe of the Three Gorges scenic area has suspended its indoor performances and closed a cave that contains narrow spaces. Tourists can still enjoy open-air performances of ethnic Tujia wedding ceremonies and folk-culture shows. "We're cooperating with online influencers to market the scenic spot…It's an efficient way to promote the stunning scenery and cultural items that tourists like to buy as souvenirs," says Qu Jiachun. He hopes greater government support and media exposure( 曝光)can speed up the tourism industry's recovery. Wuhan's tourism recovery started later than other cities' in the province because of its situation during the epidemic. 1. How did Scenic areas, museums and hotels in Hubei market themselves? A. send out brochures B. have body temperature checked C. use livestreams and short videos D. visitors’ feelings 2. When was Hubei's Shennongjia National Park open to the public again ? A. on March 25 B. May 12 C. June 25 D. May 1 3.Which of the following is ture ? A. Travelers could visit Shennongjia's all zones for free before May 1. B. You could see indoor performance in Yichang's Tribe of the Three Gorges scenic area then. C. Qu Jiachun means they should work online all day if they want more visitors to come. D. Wuhan's tourism recovery started later than other cities' in the province. II.七选五 Carpooling(拼车) can be a great way to go to work. 1 It can also be a great way to decrease boredom and lower stress on your ride to work. Here,we will look at some tips to help make your carpooling successful and stress-free. 2 You need to clearly outline what time everyone is expected to be ready and who will be doing the driving each day. You can alternate drivers every day,week,month,or whatever works for your schedule. Ensure that you are always punctual for picking people up when driving,and you are always ready when the car pool arrives to pick you up. 3 Another thing to consider is creating a list of rules and policies ahead of time. 4 Make people know that the carpooling is for going to and from work,not running errands,and ask that everyone should gas up their cars before departing. Blasting music may be one person’s morning pick-me-up(提神的事物) but another’s morning headache,so set rules for the use of the radio early and don’t break them. Finally,be certain that everyone is respectful of the carpooling. This means always being on time, ensuring that peopled(挤满人的) vehicles are kept calm,not leaving trash to the car and ensuring everyone has good manners during the ride. A quiet morning commute(通勤) can be a good way to start the day. 5 A. This will save you tons of money. B. Be certain that everyone is punctual. C. For example,don’t eat or smoke in your car. D. This will make your carpooling the most efficient. E. Riding together can save money on gas and parking. F. Making your carpooling peaceful can make all the difference. G. One thing to consider is that you have a good schedule established. III.完形填空 Two years ago,my whole family went to Vietnam,the country of my ancestors. The feeling of 1 still exists in me whenever I think about the visit. When I first 2 of the plane into the burning hot weather,I thought the trip would be long, 3 and hot. I didn’t 4 my grandparents and uncle because I had never seen them before. However,the longer I was there,the more I 5 the stay. I became very 6 of my grandmother,and also loved talking about what my parents did when they were 7 .The more time I spent with them,the more I knew I would 8 them when time came for me to go back to the United States. Besides my grandparents,I also loved to spend time with my 9 .Because they were close to my age,they knew 10 where to take me for fun. We went on boat rides,mountain climbing and to many parks and gardens. I had a great time,and also realized how 11 I am to live in a developed country. Although the country itself is 12 ,there are many poor and homeless people. The most 13 thing was that there were many disabled people,especially children 14 for food or money. Looking through these people’s eyes made me 15 what I took for granted. I had many 16 ,but was not putting them to use properly. Finally the last day in Vietnam arrived,and we had to 17 from our relatives. Though there were tears and 18 ,we all knew that one day we would 19 and have more opportunities to discover each other. Two years have passed,and I still remember this 20 like it was yesterday. 1. A. suffering B. excitement C. regret D. hesitation 2. A. stepped out B. looked out C. kept out D. ran out 3. A. relaxing B. boring C. meaningful D. dangerous 4. A. admire B. serve C. recognize D. describe 5. A. expected B. disliked C. ignored D. enjoyed 6. A. fond B. ashamed C. afraid D. tired 7. A. poor B. young C. healthy D. happy 8. A. miss B. blame C. consult D. understand 9. A. classmates B. parents C. colleagues D. cousins 10.A. differently B. formally C. exactly D. curiously 11.A. anxious B. frightened C. lucky D. pleased 12.A. remote B. controversial C. splendid D. traditional 13.A. extraordinary B.significant C.excellent D.heartbreaking 14.A. accounting B. begging C. apologizing D. charging 15.A. realize B. design C. schedule D. imagine 16.A.relatives B.assignments C.appointments D.opportunities 17.A.part B. hear C. recover D. benefit 18.A. success B. sadness C. disasters D. trouble 19.A. appear B. remain C. change D. reunite 20.A. incident B. adventure C. trip D. celebration IV 写作 假设你是李华,下周你们将组织由外国学生参加的中国城市多元文化之旅活动“Discovering China”,你刚到北京的美国朋友 Tom 来信询问活动的有关安排。请你给他写一封回信: 1.日程安排:(1)时间:周一开始,持续一周; (2)路线:昆明—井冈山—上海—苏杭; 2.发出邀请。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、基础巩固 I.单词拼写 1.statue 2.transport 3.comment 4.sight 5.request 6.credit 7.unbelievable 8. attend 9.amazing 10.admire II.单句语法填空 1.on/upon 2. of 3.viewer 4.to attend 5.made 6.In 7.details 8. economical 9.to 10.improved III.短语填空 1.according to 2.am admiring of 3. in sight 4.comment on 5.It is obvious that 6.can’t wait to 7.is made up of 8.check out 9. is known as 10.Credit cards IV.完成句子 1.With the new term coming,I can’t wait to meet my classmates and my instructors. 2.I think it’s amazing that we are able to make contact with friendly people all around the world! 3.You may have heard of the “Aurora”,which is known as the Northern Lights by tourists. 4.It rained heavily in the south,causing serious flooding in several provinces. 5.We’ll fly to Kunming and it is a popular tourist destination for its beauty and mild temperature. V.课文缩写 Richard is planning to visit the Terracotta Army in Xi’an over the October holiday. 13. He can’t wait to have a good look at the amazing sight. The statues were made in the third century BCE,14.which took 700,000 people 40 years to build.15.Some farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a well. Richard will also visit the Shaanxi History Museum,16.known as a “Chinese treasure house”,and a few other famous sights. Richard will take the train,and believes it is going to be an enjoyable trip. 二、拓展提升 I.阅读理解 A 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者和他的朋友策划的意大利之行。 1. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“The most difficult part was getting a visa without an invitation.”可知,最难的事情是在没有邀请函的情况下向意大利大使馆申请签证,因此选 B。 A、C、D 三项虽然文中都涉及了,但是都不符合题干。故选 B。 2. A 【解析】细节理解题。文章第一段第二句讲述了他不愿意随旅行社出游的原因,B 项被提到了; 文章第二、三两段讲述作者是怎么准备他的旅行的,所以 C 项被提到了;最后一段的“We walked with a map and a guide-book to wherever we wanted...”提到了 D 项。纵观全文,作者并 没有提到第一次他去意大利旅游的原因。故选 A。 3. C 【解析】推理判断题。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段说不想淹没在旅游团的拥挤人群中,也不 想错过更多亲近意大利的机会,以及最后一段的“Don’t be afraid to arrange your trip by yourself.”可推知选 C。其余选项没有依据。 B 语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道,讲述武汉在新冠肺炎控制后,各个景点的恢复开放。 1. C 【解析】根据文章第二段“Scenic areas, museums and hotels have been actively marketing themselves through s and short videos.”可以知道景点、博物馆和旅馆是通过直播和视频进行宣 传。故选 C。 2. A 【解析】根据文章第四段“Hubei's Shennongjia National Park reopened its scenic areas on March 25”,可以知道神农架在 3 月 25 日向公众开放。故选 A。 3. D 【解析】根据第十段“Before May 1, travelers could visit Shennongjia's six scenic areas for free.”可 知在五一之前仅有六个景点免费。故 A 错误。根据十一段“Yichang's Tribe of the Three Gorges scenic area has suspended its indoor performances and closed a cave that contains narrow spaces.” 中“closed a cave ”可知户内活动被禁止。加之第十二段“Tourists can still enjoy open-air performances“游客可以观看户外活动,进步证明户内表演的暂停。suspend 意思为“暂时关闭”。 故 B 错误。根据第十四段"We're cooperating with online influencers to market the scenic spot…" “为了景点进行宣传我们正在和网红进行合作。”由网红进行宣传…… 故 C 错误。根据文章 最后一段“Wuhan's tourism recovery started later than other cities' in the province”可知武汉旅游 恢复业开放比湖北其他城市晚一些。故选 D。 II.七选五 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。拼车是一种很好的上班方式。文章介绍了一些关于拼车的建议。 1. E 【解析】上文提到“拼车是一种很好的上班方式”,下文提到“它也可以是一种很好的用来减少 无聊和你上班时的压力的方式”,故 E 项“拼车可以节省汽油钱和停车费”承接上下文。根据下 文的 also,可知空格处在讲“Riding together”的好处。 2. G 【解析】此空是段落首句。下文提到“你需要清楚地勾勒出每个人都应该在什么时间准备好, 以及每天是谁在开车”,G 项“需要考虑的一件事是你要有一个良好的时间表”引出下文。该项 中的 schedule 与下文的 what time 相吻合。 3. D 【解析】此空是段落尾句。上文提到“确保你在开车时总是准时接人,当合伙用车的一伙人来 接你的时候,你总是准备好”,D 项“这将使你的拼车效率最高”承接上文。D 项中的指示代词 this 指的是上文中的“you are always punctual”和“you are always ready”。故选 D。 4. C 【解析】上文提到“另一件需要考虑的事情是提前制定一个规则和原则的列表”,C 项“例如, 不要在你的车里吃东西或抽烟”承接上文。该项中的“don’t eat or smoke”和上文中的“a list of rules and policies”对应。 5. F 【解析】上文提到“早晨安静的通勤是开始一天的好方法”,F 项“让你的拼车变得和平可以让 一切变得不同”承接上文。 III.完形填空 语篇解读:这是一篇记叙文。文章回忆了作者回到自己的祖籍国——越南的一次美好的探亲之 旅。 1. B 【解析】suffering 痛苦,苦难;excitement 兴奋;regret 后悔,遗憾;hesitation 犹豫。根据下 文可知,文章介绍了作者在越南美好的旅行,故 B 选项符合文章感情色彩。 2. A 【解析】step out 离开,退出;look out 当心;keep out 使……不进来;run out 用完。根据后面 的“into the burning hot weather”可知,作者从飞机里面出来,故 A 选项正确。 3. B 【解析】relaxing 令人放松的;boring 令人厌烦的;meaningful 有意义的;dangerous 危险的。 该空和 long,hot 并列,感情色彩一致,故 B 选项正确。作者认为自己的旅途会非常漫长、 令人厌烦、炎热。 4. C 【解析】admire 钦佩,羡慕;serve 为……服务;recognize 认出;describe 描述。根据后面的“because I had never seen them before”可知,因为作者以前没见过祖父母和叔叔,所以作者没有认出他 们来。故 C 选项正确。 5. D 【解析】expect 期望,预料;dislike 不喜欢;ignore 忽略;enjoy 喜欢,享受。上文提到,作 者原以为这次旅行会非常漫长、令人厌烦、炎热。根据 However 可知,该句和上文之间是转 折关系,由此可以推知,作者待的时间越长,就越喜欢待在那儿。故 D 选项正确。 6. A 【解析】fond 喜欢的;ashamed 羞愧的;afraid 害怕的;tired 疲惫的。根据上文提到的“the longer I was there,the more I enjoyed the stay”可以推知,作者对祖母的态度发生了变化,由原来的不 熟悉转变为喜欢。故 A 选项正确。 7. B 【解析】poor 贫穷的;young 年轻的;healthy 健康的;happy 快乐的。作者和祖母待在一起, 那么谈论的应该是自己父母年轻时的事情。故 B 选项正确。 8. A 【解析】miss 错过,思念;blame 责备;consult 咨询;understand 理解。作者越来越喜欢自己 的祖父母,所以,作者认为当自己回到美国后,会越来越思念他们。故 A 选项正确。 9. D 【解析】classmate 同班同学;parent 父(母);colleague 同事;cousin 堂(表)兄(弟、姐、妹)。根 据后面的“Because they were close to my age”可以推知,作者在祖父母家和堂兄弟们一起玩耍。 故 D 选项正确。 10. C 【解析】differently 不同地;formally 正式地;exactly 确切地,精确地;curiously 好奇地。因 为堂兄(弟)和我年龄相仿,所以他们确切地知道带我去哪儿玩。故 C 选项正确。 11. C 【解析】anxious 焦虑的;frightened 害怕的;lucky 幸运的;pleased 高兴的。根据 and 可知, 前后两句感情色彩一致,故可知“我”过得很开心,同时意识到自己生活在发达国家是多么的 幸运。故 C 选项正确。 12. C 【解析】remote 遥远的;controversial 矛盾的;splendid 极好的,壮观的;traditional 传统的。“there are many poor and homeless people”和逗号前的句子是转折关系,故可推知,尽管国家本身很 好,但是有很多穷人和无家可归的人们。故 C 选项正确。 13. D 【解析】extraordinary 非凡的;significant 意义重大的;excellent 卓越的,杰出的;heartbreaking 令人心碎的。有很多残疾人,尤其是儿童乞讨,这是令人心碎的事情。故 D 选项正确。 14. B 【解析】account 把……视作,认为;beg 乞讨,恳求;apologize 道歉;charge 索价,收费。 有很多残疾人,尤其是儿童乞讨。故 B 选项正确。 15. A 【解析】realize 意识到;design 设计;schedule(在时间上)安排,计划;imagine 想象。透过这 些人的眼睛使我意识到了一些我认为理所当然的东西。故 A 选项正确。 16. D 【解析】relative 亲戚;assignment 任务,工作;appointment 约会,职务,职位;opportunity 机会。和那些残疾人相比,我意识到自己有很多的机会,但是并没有好好地利用这些机会。 故 D 选项正确。 17. A 【解析】part (使)分开;hear 听见;recover 恢复;benefit 使受益。根据 the last day 可知,作者 要离开越南,要和亲戚们分开了。故 A 选项正确。 18. B 【解析】success 成功;sadness 悲伤;disaster 灾难;trouble 麻烦。该空和 tears 并列,感情色 彩一致,而分离会使人难过,故 B 选项正确。 19. D 【解析】appear 出现;remain 留下,仍然处于……状态;change 改变;reunite (使)重聚。根据 后面的“have more opportunities to discover each other”可知,此处指我们都知道有一天我们会重 聚,会有更多的机会了解彼此。故 D 选项正确。 20. C 【解析】incident 事件;adventure 冒险;trip 旅行;celebration 庆祝。两年过去了,但我仍然记 得去越南的那次旅行。第二段中的“I thought the trip would be long”亦是提示。故 C 选项正确。 IV. 写作 Dear Tom, How are you doing? I’m glad to tell you that an exploring trip called “Discovering China” will be organized next week. I’m writing to share more details with you. The trip starts from next Monday. We’ll fly to Kunming,which is a popular tourist destination for its beauty and mild temperature. Afterwards,we’ll head for Jinggangshan,a former revolutionary base as well as a natural scenic spot. Then we’ll board a ship on the Yangtze River to Shanghai,and meanwhile we can enjoy the great scenery alongside. Our last destination is Hangzhou and Suzhou. The whole trip will last a week. I firmly believe that this trip will not only enrich your knowledge,but also broaden your horizons. I sincerely invite you to join us. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua

