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高二年级 英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话, 每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 1. How does the woman prefer to go to the airport?‎ A. By taking a taxi. B. By driving her car. C. By taking Steven’s car.‎ ‎2. Where did the conversation take place?‎ A. At the hospital. B. At the post office. C. At the airport. ‎ ‎3. What does the woman worry about Jeff?‎ A. He won’t come to the meeting. B. He hasn’t prepared for the meeting. ‎ C. He doesn’t want to speak at the meeting.‎ ‎4. Who fixed Mary’s camera?‎ A. Tom. B. Someone else. C. Mary herself.‎ ‎5. What will the woman probably do?‎ A. Go to bed early . B. Work until midnight. C. Sleep late in the morning.‎ 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。‎ ‎6. Where is the man going?‎ A. To New York. B . To Washington. C. To the bus station.‎ ‎7. When is the man leaving?‎ A. At 4:00 pm. B. At 11:30 am. C. At 8:20 am.‎ ‎8. How much does a ticket cost?‎ A. 18 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 36 dollars.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第9--11题。‎ ‎9. What is the possible relationship between the man and the woman?‎ A. Teacher and student. B . Boss and clerk. C. Doctor and patient.‎ ‎10. What did Joan do when the robber pointed a knife at her?‎ A. She pushed him to the floor. B. She caught hold of his knife.‎ C. She ran to the policeman for help.‎ ‎11. Who caught the robber in the end?‎ A. A policeman. B. The conductor. C. Two other passengers.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。‎ ‎12. Where is the conversation taking place?‎ A. At the bus stop. B. At the taxi pick-up. C. At the museum.‎ ‎13. How long will it take to get to the National Museum of Art?‎ A. Less than 10 minutes. B. Less than 15 minutes. C. Less than 20 minutes.‎ ‎14. What do we learn about the woman?‎ A. She won’t pay the driver. B. She will visit the National Museum of Art ‎ C. She may get to the museum at half past four.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第15-17题。‎ ‎15. Why does the woman visit the country?‎ A. To attend a meeting . B. To give a lecture. C. To visit a friend.‎ ‎16. Where will the woman stay in the country?‎ A. At a hotel. B. At a school C. At his parents’ home.‎ ‎17. What things are in the woman’s luggage?‎ A. Books, gifts and a CD player. B. Clothes, a computer and books.‎ C. A CD player, clothes and books.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第18-20题。‎ ‎18. What is the name of the course?‎ A. World geography. B. World biology. C. World chemistry.‎ ‎19. What is Karl Roberts talking about?‎ A. Teaching plan. B. Classroom rules. C. Course design.‎ ‎20. How often will the class meet in the research lab during the last part of the course?‎ A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Four times a month.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A ‎ Every morning Grandpa got up early sitting at the table, reading his book. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to copy him in every way he could. ‎ One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa, I try to read the book just like you, but I don’t understand it, and I forget what I understand as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the book do?” The grandpa quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.”‎ ‎ The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandpa laughed and said, “You’ll have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.‎ This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned. Out of breath, he told his grandpa that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, so he went to get a bucket instead.‎ The grandpa said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You’re just not trying hard enough.”‎ ‎ The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandpa the basket was empty again. Out of breath, he said, “Grandpa, it’s useless !”“So, you think it is useless?” the grandpa said, “Look at the basket.”‎ ‎ The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean. ‎ ‎“Grandson, that’s what happens when you read the book. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you’ll be changed, inside and out.”‎ ‎21. What puzzled the grandson most was ________.‎ A. what kind of book he could understand B. why he forgot what he read soon ‎ C. whether it was useful to read books D. how he could read books like his grandpa ‎22. Why did Grandpa ask his grandson to fetch a basket of water? _______‎ ‎ A. To punish him for not reading carefully. B. To get him to realize the use of reading books.‎ ‎ C. To train him to run faster. D. To clean the dirty basket in the river.‎ ‎23. What lesson can we learn from the story? ________‎ ‎ A. It is foolish to carry water with a basket. B. The old are always wiser than the young.‎ ‎ C. You can’t expect to remember whatever you read.‎ ‎ D. Reading books can change a person gradually.‎ ‎ B When people were building houses, they used to consider not only the climate of the areas but also the building materials and the fashions for their houses. However, since electricity became more and more expensive, people began to pay much more attention to the energy they could get for their houses and the new ways they could find to protect their houses from both cold and heat.‎ Now, houses of an old yet new type have been widely built. In some parts of the world, people share their houses with their livestock(家畜). During cold weather, they gather their cows, goats, or other animals and keep them on the first floor of their houses. The reasons are that the animals can be protected from the cold and that they can help to heat the houses as well. The body heat given off by the animals rises to the second floor of the houses, where people live. By sharing their houses with their livestock, people gain a source of heat.‎ People who live in or near cities do not usually keep livestock. However, home builders use the fact that heat rises. This natural law can be used in building houses in these areas. Instead of keeping livestock on the first floor, builders fill it with large rocks. As they are open to the sun’s rays during cold weather, these rocks take in heat. They also give off the heat, and, of course, the warm air rises into the living areas of the houses. So these houses are energy-saving.‎ House-building becomes a great challenge to building designers and energy engineers. They try to meet this challenge by learning from old traditions and by using modern technology. And someday in the future, people will be able to live in more energy-saving houses.‎ ‎24. What did people begin to consider as electricity was no longer cheap?‎ ‎      A. The climate of their areas.                   B. The energy for their houses.‎ ‎      C. The fashions for their houses.              D. The building materials for their houses.‎ ‎25. People in some areas gain a source of heat by _________.‎ ‎      A. keeping their livestock downstairs      B. protecting their livestock from the cold ‎      C. sharing their houses only with their cows     D. living on the second floor with their livestock ‎26. The underlined words “natural law” in the third paragraph refer to the fact that ________.‎ ‎      A. heat raises the temperature in the houses B. heat goes in the upward direction ‎      C. heat goes up if temperature is raised D. heat increases the temperature of rocks ‎27. From the passage, we can conclude that __________.‎ ‎      A. people will no longer consider building materials in the future B. energy-saving buildings will become more popular in the future ‎      C. almost all people will move into the houses heated by large rocks ‎      D. energy engineers will devote themselves only to modern technology C Planning a visit to the UK? Here we help with ways to cut your costs.‎ ‎ AVOID BIG EVENTS Big sporting events, concerts and exhibitions can increase the cost of accommodation and make it harder to find a room. A standard double room at the Thistle Brighton on the final Friday of the Brighton Comedy Festival (19 Oct.) cost £169.15 at Booking.com. A week later, the same room cost £118.15.‎ ‎ If you can be flexible and want to know dates to avoid—or you’re looking for a big event to pass your time—check out ‎ sites such as Whatsonwhen.com, which allow you to search for events in the UK by city, date and category.‎ ‎ STAY AWAY FROM THE STATION If traveling to your destination by train, you may want to find a good base close to the station, but you could end up paying more for the sake of convenience at the start of your holiday.‎ ‎ Don’t be too choosy about the part of town you stay in. Booking two months in advance, the cheapest room at Travelodge’s Central Euston hotel in London for Saturday 22 September was £95.95. A room just a tube journey away at its Covent Garden hotel was £75.75. And at Farringdon, a double room cost just £62.95. ‎ ‎ LOOK AFTER YOURSELF Really central hotels in cities such as London, Edinburgh and Cardiff can cost a fortune, especially at weekends and during big events. As an alternative consider checking into a self-catering flat with its own kitchen. Often these flats are hidden away on the top floors of city centre buildings. A great example is the historic O’Neill Flat on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, available for £420 for five days in late September, with rooms for four adults.‎ ‎ GET ON A BIKE London’s ‘Boris bikes’ have attracted the most attention, but other cities also have similar programmes that let you rent a bicycle and explore at your own pace, saving you on public transport or car parking costs.‎ ‎ Among the smaller cities with their own programmes are Newcastle (casual members pay around £1.50 for two hours) and Cardiff (free for up to 30 minutes, or £5 per day). ‎ ‎28. The Brighton Comedy Festival is mentioned mainly to show big events may __________.‎ ‎ A. help travelers pass time B. attract lots of travelers to the ‎UK ‎ C. allow travelers to make flexible plans D. cause travelers to pay more for accommodation ‎29. The passage shows that the O’Neill Flat __________.‎ ‎ A. lies on the ground floor B. is located in central ‎London ‎ C. provides cooking facilities for tourists ‎ D. costs over £100 on average per day in late September ‎30. Cardiff’s program allows a free bike for a maximum period of __________.‎ ‎ A. half an hour B. one hour C. one hour and a half D. two hours ‎31. The main purpose of the passage is __________.‎ ‎ A. to tell visitors how to book in advance B. to supply visitors with hotel information ‎ C. to show visitors the importance of self-help D. to offer visitors some money-saving tips D While income worry is a rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that aged parents may face. Of all the reasons that explain their loneliness, a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major one. This phenomenon is commonly known as “Empty Nest Syndrome”(空巢综合症).‎ In order to seek better chances outside their countries, many young people have gone abroad, leaving their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will return home. Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care of themselves, in the hope that someday their children will come back to stay with them. The fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would have if they had not left their countries. Whatever the case, it has been noted that the values they hold do not necessarily match what they actually do. This geographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing response in time for their aged parents living by themselves.‎ The situation in which grown-up children live far away from their aged parents has been described as “distant parent phenomenon”, which is common both in developed countries and in developing countries. Our society has not yet been well prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome”.‎ ‎32. According to the passage, the loneliness of aged parents is mainly caused by _________.‎ ‎      A. their earlier experience of feeling lonely ‎      B. the unfavorable living conditions in their native countries ‎      C. the common worry about their income ‎      D. the geographical distance between parents and children ‎33. Many young people have gone abroad, leaving their aged parents behind, to _________.‎ ‎      A. live in the countries with more money B. seek a better place for their aged parents ‎      C. continue their studies abroad D. realize their dreams in foreign countries ‎34. If young people go abroad, _________.‎ ‎      A. they do not hold to the value of duty at all ‎      B. they can give some help to their parents back home ‎      C. they cannot do what they should for their parents ‎      D. they believe what they actually do is right ‎35. From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.‎ ‎      A. the situations in the developed and developing countries are different ‎      B. “Empty Nest Syndrome” has arrived unexpectedly in our society ‎      C. children will become independent as soon as they go abroad ‎   D. the aged parents are not fully prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome”‎ 第二节:任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ Dear Seth,‎ You’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can’t read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter. But someday, when you’re ready, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I share with you.‎ Life can be cruel ‎ 36 They’ll tease (嘲笑)you or try to hurt you because you’re different.‎ There’s not much you can do except learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you and who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, treasure them, spend time with them and love them.‎ Be open to life anyway Yes, you’ll find cruelty and suffering in your journey through life, but don’t let that close you to new things. Don’t retreat from life, don’t hide or wall yourself off. 37 ‎ Life isn’t a competition You will meet many people who will try to do better than you, in school , in college, at work. To them, life is a competition.‎ But here’s the secret: life isn’t a competition. 38 Learn to enjoy the journey and make it a journey of happiness, of constant learning, of continual improvement, of love.‎ ‎ 39 ‎ If there’s a single word you should live your life by, it should be this: love. It might sound corny, I know, but trust me, there’s no better rule in life.‎ Love not only your loved ones, but your neighbors, your co-workers, strangers, your brothers and sisters in humanity. And most of all, love yourself and learn to love yourself for who you are.‎ ‎ 40 You are starting out on an unknown, tiring, scary, but ultimately incredibly wonderful journey, and always remember I will be there for you when I can.‎ A. Be open to new things, new experiences, new people.‎ B. It's a journey. C. Life is full of love D. Last, think that you are a wonderful human being.‎ E. Finally, know that I love you and always will.‎ F. There will be people in your life who won't be very nice. G. Love should be your rule ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ John,an academically excellent young man,went to apply for a management position in a big company. The director did the last 41 .‎ ‎ The director asked,“Who paid for your school fees?” John answered,“My 42 did. When I was young,my father 43 . ”Then he continued,“ 44 was your mother?” John answered,“My mother worked as a 45 cleaner. ”Hearing this, the director asked John to 46 his hands. John reached out his hands that were 47 and perfect. The director said,“I have a 48 .When you go home,clean your mother’s hands and see me tomorrow.”‎ ‎ John felt 49 but did it. His tears fell 50 he cleaned his mother’s hands. He noticed for the first time that her hands were so 51 . Also John 52 that it was this pair of hands that washed clothes every day to 53 him. After cleaning his mother’s hands,John 54 washed all the remaining clothes for her.‎ ‎ Next day,John went to the director’s office. Tears in eyes,John was asked to 55 his feelings. “Now I know what is 56 . Without my mother,there wouldn’t be the 57 me today. By helping my mother,I see how 58 it is to get something done. I have also come to know the value of family relationship.”‎ ‎ The director smiled,“This is what I am 59 .I want a person who can appreciate the help of others,a person who knows the sufferings of others and a person who 60 put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.”‎ ‎41.A.farewell B.job C.interview D.try ‎42.A.tutors B.father C.parents D.mother ‎43.A.died away B.passed away C.died out D.passed by ‎44.A.What B.How C.Who D.Where ‎45.A.carpet B.floor C.clothes D.window ‎46.A.turn B.show C.wave D.shake ‎47.A.clumsy B.dirty C.strong D.smooth ‎48.A.request B.question C.wish D.choice ‎49.A.embarrassed B.frightened C.confused D.inspired ‎50.A.before B.as C.since D.until ‎51.A.slim B.warm C.soft D.rough ‎52.A.realized B.believed C.insisted D.wondered ‎53.A.sacrifice B.serve C.satisfy D.support ‎54.A.modestly B.secretly C.quietly D.gently ‎55.A.improve B.describe C.awaken D.hide ‎56 A. appreciation B.cooperation C.qualification D.communication ‎57.A.wealthy B.famous C.successful D.humorous ‎58.A.firm B.exciting C.crazy D.tough ‎59.A.looking through B.looking for C.looking at D.looking into ‎60.A.may not B.needn’t C.won’t D.mustn’t 第Ⅱ卷 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ Agent: What is 61 with you, madam? You look pale and anxious. ‎ Jane: Oh, my God ! My luggage got lost just now. ‎ Agent: Take it easy. Would you please describe it 62 detail ? I will try to help you. ‎ Jane: Thank you. I have just been to the cafe, 63 I put my luggage under the table. Then I 64 (order) a coffee when I was waiting for the train. When I finished drinking, I found my suitcase 65 (lose). ‎ Agent: I feel sorry to hear that. Or perhaps someone just picked up the wrong case. ‎ Jane: I can’t believe it.It is 66 (possible)! ‎ Agent: Will you please leave your name and your address here? We will make an attempt 67 (find)the suitcase for you. ‎ Jane: How long does it take? ‎ Agent: Sorry, I have 68 idea. Will you please wait here for a while? We are going to extend your ticket to the next train, only by this means 69 you have enough time to find your luggage. ‎ Jane: Anyway, it 70 (sound) a better choice. I have to wait for a while and have a try.‎ ‎2014—2015学年下期郑州市第三十一中学期中考试 高二年级 英语答题卡 任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎36-40 __________________________‎ 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎61._________________62.__________________63._______________64._____________‎ ‎65._________________66.___________________67._____________68.______________‎ ‎69._________________70.____________________‎ 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每个错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线(__),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改仅限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分 There are a lot of unforgettable thing in our life. The most unforgettable one for me is the speech competition holding last year. When my English teacher told me that I had chosen to take part in the speech competition ,I devoted me to the preparation. I was determined to win the first prize. I was such nervous when I stood on the stage that I forgot everything. Not until I caught a sight of my teacher did I calm down. Finally, I do a good job. When I heard I got the first prize. my heart was filled in joy and tears rolled down. Through this speech competition, I understand that it is confident that makes people successfully.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 请根据下列表格内容描述你在过去的寒假中的活动,适当增加细节,字数120词左右。‎ ‎1、参加了一个短期英语课程,练习了听、说;‎ ‎2、给来北京度假的一些外国朋友当导游,参观名胜,品尝传统小吃,欣赏京剧;‎ ‎3、你的感受 提示词:短期英语课程 a short-term English course ‎___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎ 期中考试答案 听力:1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B ‎11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. B 阅读:21-23 CBD 24-27 BABB 28-31 DCAD 32-35 DDCB ‎36-40 FABGE 完形填空: 41—45 CDBAC 46—50 BDACB 51—55 DADCB 56—60 ACDBC 语法填空:61. wrong 62. in 63. where 64.ordered 65.lost 66.impossible 67.to find ‎ ‎68. no 69. can /will 70. sounds 短文改错:‎ There’re a lot of unforgettable thing in our life. The most unforgettable one for me is the ‎ things speech competition holding last year. When my English teacher told me ‎ held that I had ∧chosen to take part in the speech competition, I devoted me to the preparation.‎ been myself I was determined to win the first prize. I was such nervous when I stood on the stage that I so forgot everything. Not until I caught a sight of my teacher did I calm down. Finally, I do a good ‎ ‎ did job. When I heard I got the first prize, my heart was filled in joy and tears rolled down. with Through this speech competition, I understand that it is confident that makes people successfully. confidence successful ‎ 作文:‎ At the beginning of my winter vacation, I attended a short-term English course, practicing listening and speaking there. Then I acted as a tour guide for some of my foreign friends who came to Beijing for their holiday and showed them around some places of interest, such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and Summer‎ ‎Palace. We also tasted some traditional snacks and enjoyed Beijing opera. All of us had a very good time. ‎ Generally speaking, I not only introduced our culture and custom to foreigners but also practiced my English as well. What a colorful and meaningful winter holiday!‎

