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‎2020届一轮复习必修五Unit 1Great scientists单元学案 一、知识点 ‎1. Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?哪位科学家发现了水里的东西被帮助以浮动的力举起?‎ in water定语,修饰objects, a force之后又跟了个that引导的定语从句。‎ lift up 拿起,举起,升起 He lift up his little son, and mounted him on the horse. 他把小儿子举起来,让他骑在马背上。‎ To call back the boy from a distance, the father had to lift up his voice.为了把儿子从远处叫回来,父亲不得不提高嗓子喊。‎ ‎2. Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children? 谁用豌豆显示了身体特征是如何从父母传延到孩子的?‎ A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.骆驼的特点是不喝水也能活很长时间。‎ with his characteristic enthusiasm 以他特有的热忱 The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it. 那封信逐一传阅,直到每个人都看过为止。‎ According to her will, when the old lady dies, her money will pass to her grandson. 根据老太太的遗瞩,她去世时,她的钱将遗留给她的孙子。‎ ‎3. Who put forward a theory about black holes? 谁提出了关于黑洞的理论?‎ put forward提出建议,拨快(钟等) ...‎ They put forward some new ideas on the subject.他们对这个问题提出了一些新的见解。‎ put的常用词组有:‎ put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边 put away储存(钱);放好 ‎ put back拨慢;搁置 put down放下;记下;击败;使(飞机)着陆; put off延期;推迟 put on上演;穿上;戴上 put out熄灭;关掉;扑灭 put through接通电话;完成 ‎ put up with忍受;忍耐 put into action/effect/practice实施;实行 ‎4. What do you know about infectious diseases such as cholera?‎ 关于传染病你了解什么,比如霍乱?‎ Colds are infectious, and so are some eye diseases. 感冒是传染的,有些眼病也是传染的。‎ It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German. 学习英语和德语等现代语言有用。‎ ‎5. …so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies…….他的确医术精湛,因而成为照料维多利亚女皇 的私人医生…‎ Which doctor is attending you? 哪一个医生为你看病?‎ attend a meeting [lecture]出席会议[听演讲, 听课]‎ attend a wedding [a funeral]参加婚礼[葬礼]‎ attend school [church]上学[教堂]‎ ease用作动词,意思是“减轻;消除;舒缓;放松”,表示消除某人的痛苦时用结构“ease sb. of sth.”;也可以用作名词,意为“舒适;自在;不拘束;容易”。‎ These pills will ease the headache. 这些药丸会减轻头疼。‎ Walking helped to ease him of his pain. 他散了散步减轻了一些痛苦。‎ Her words gave ease to my distracted mind. 我心神不宁,她的话使我宽心。‎ ease作名词时的常见搭配:at ease放松;自如;不拘束 be/feel at ease感到舒适 ill at ease不自在;感到拘束 put/set sb. at one’s ease使某人感到舒适、不拘束 with ease容易地;无困难地 The doctor gave him some painkillers to ease the pain. 医生给了他一些止疼片以减缓疼痛。‎ I don't feel at ease in the strange place.‎ 在这个陌生的地方,我觉得很不自在。‎ ‎6. …people exposed to cholera. 得了霍乱的老百姓 是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰people。相当于定语从句which were exposed to cholera。‎ expose的意思是“暴露;揭露;使曝光”,常与介词to连用,表示“使暴露于(日光、风雨等);受到风险;使面临”的意思。‎ The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock. 泥土被洪水冲走,露出光秃秃的石头。‎ The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.婴儿被弃于风雨之中。‎ The soldiers in the open field are exposed to the enemy’s fire. 空地里的士兵暴露于敌人的火力之下。‎ ‎7. the most deadly disease in its day.在当时是最致命的疾病 deadly adj.致命的, 势不两立的, 死一般的, 极度的, 必定的 adv.如死一般地, 极度地;非常地 Fog is the sailor's deadly enemy. 雾是航海者最致命的敌人。deadly serious.极其严重 ‎8. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. 每当(疾病)突发时,总有成千的人死去。 本句是一个复合句,every time引导的是一个时间状语从句,意思是“每当……”,相当于“when”。 另外,此状语从句中还有一个“there be”结构。 类似用法的副词和短语有“directly(一……就), immediately(一……就), instantly(一……就), the minute(一……就), the moment(一……就), the second(一……就), each (every) time(每当), next time(下次……时), the last time(上次……时)等。‎ She went to see him directly she got the letter. 她一收到信就去他了。‎ Immediately the meal was over, he switched on the radio.饭一吃完他就把收音机打开。‎ She came to the scene the moment she heard of the accident.她一听说发生了事故,就立刻到现场来了。‎ The last time we talked he said he needed another two days.上次我们谈话时他说他还需要两天。‎ ‎9. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.‎ 第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。‎ I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o'clock train, but that you caught the 8.25 train. 你没有搭8点钟的火车,而是搭的8点25分的车。‎ He suggested going out for a walk.= He suggested that we (should)go out for a walk. 他建议出去走走。‎ absorb的意思是“吸收;吸引;使专心;合并;吞并”,常用be absorbed in sth.表示“专心于某事”。‎ Clever children absorb knowledge easily. 聪明孩子容易吸收知识。‎ Aspirin is quickly absorbed by /into the body. 阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了。‎ He is absorbed in his business. 他专心致志的处理业务。‎ be absorbed by被……吞并;为……所吸收 absorb … into吞并;吸……到…… ‎ absorb one’s attention吸引某人注意 absorb one’s time占用某人 的时间 ‎10. the affected person 患者be affected by heat [cold] 中暑[着凉]‎ He was deeply affected by my words. 他听了我的话很受感动。‎ ‎11. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, John Snow was ready to test these two theories.因此,在1854年伦敦再次爆发霍乱的时候,约翰斯诺着手准备对此进行调研。‎ be ready to do sth 乐于做,准备做 We were all hit by the depression. 我们都受到了不景气的影响。‎ Price increases hit everyone's pocket. 物价上涨冲击了每个人的钱袋。‎ Strike waves hit several Western European countries. 罢工的浪潮袭击了好几个西欧国家。‎ ‎12. …the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people had died in 10 days.霍乱流行得很严重,在10天之内就死去了500多人。‎ severe 用作形容词,当它的意思为“严重的;严肃的”时,和serious相近;当它的意思为“严厉的;严格的”时,与strict 相近,常用结构be severe on(upon)/with sb.表示“对某人严厉或严格”;此外它还有“剧烈的;尖锐的;朴素的”的意思。 ‎ The drought is becoming increasingly severe. 旱灾日趋严重。‎ He is severe with his children. 和对子女很严格。‎ You are too severe on (upon) the boy. 你对那个男孩太严厉了。‎ I felt a severe pain in the chest. 我感到胸口剧烈疼痛。‎ 表示“伤势严重”要用severe,不用serious; 但指“疾病严重”时,两者都可与illness连接。‎ She received severe head injuries in the accident.在事故中她的头部受了重伤。(此句不可用serious)‎ I was laid up for six weeks with a severe/serious illness.由于重病,我卧床六个星期。‎ ‎13. The map gave a valuable clue about the cause of the disease.这张地图提供了一条说明霍乱起因的很有价值的线索。‎ valuable 的意思是“贵重的;有很大价值的;有用的;有帮助的”,其名词形式为value。‎ I have a valuable collection of painting. 我有一批很有价值的画。‎ This book is valuable to /for students of English. 这本书对学英语的学生很用。‎ valuable, valueless, invaluable, priceless与 worthless的用法区别:‎ ‎(1)valuable, priceless, invaluable这三个词意思一样,都表示“贵重的;无价的”的意思。priceless意思为“无价的;价值连城的”,用于加强语气,加深程度等情况;比valuable的程度更强。invaluable的意思是“无法估价的;无价的”,不用于形容价值或金钱,而是指质或品质。‎ ‎(2)valueless, worthless这两个词意思一样,表示“无价值的,无用的”的意思,worthless是个常用词,valueless很少用。‎ The jewel is of great value, and it is priceless. 这珠宝很有价值,是无价 之宝。‎ This ancient gold coin isn’t just valuable, it’s priceless.这枚古代金币不仅贵重,而且价值连城。‎ Your advice is invaluable to us. 你的建议对我们来说是非常珍贵的。‎ The drawing is of no value, and it is worthless. 这画没有价值,它没有用。‎ It looked like gold, but in fact it was worthless (valueless). 这看起来像金子,其实毫无价值。‎ ‎14. It seemed the water was to blame. 看来水是罪魁祸首。‎ blame用作动词,意为“责备;责怪;归咎于”的意思。常用结构为blame sb for sth./blame sth on sb (把某事归咎于某人),be to blame for sth(应受责备;对某坏事应负责任),此句就使用这种结构。‎ Don't blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。‎ They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan. 他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。‎ The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。‎ blame也可用作名词,意为“责任;责怪”。常见搭配有:bear/take/accept/get the blame for sth.(对某事承担责任),lay/put the blame for sth on sb(把某事归咎于某人)。‎ We should take the blame for our failure. 我们应该承担失败的责任。‎ We shouldn’t lay the blame for our failure on him. ‎ 我们不应该把失败归咎于他 ‎15. …look into the source of the water…调查水源look into 调查,观察 ‎16. slow down (使)慢下来,放慢速度,减速 ‎17. in addition 另外,加之,此外,可以用在句子开头,可以用于句末。和besides意思相同,但besides不能用在句尾。‎ In addition, there was a crop failure in many provinces.此外,许多省份粮食歉收。‎ The man worked him sixteen hours a day and beat him in addition. 那人让他每天工作16小时,而且还打他。‎ ‎(2)in addition to的意思是“除了……外(还有)”,可用于句首,也可置于句子后部,相当于 besides, apart from。‎ In addition to giving him some advice, I gave him thirty dollars. 我向他提出忠告,又给了他30美元。‎ He can get twenty dollars’ extra income every month in addition to his salary.除工资外,他每月还可得到20美元的收入。‎ ‎18. be linked to …与……有关联 link 在此句中用作动词,意为“连接;联系”,常用结构link… to/with意思是“将……和……连接或联系起来”,link up意为“连接或连接起来”;也可用作名词,意为“环;连接;联系;纽带”。‎ The highway links Shanghai to/with Beijing. 这条公路连接上海和北京。‎ A railway links up the two towns.这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。‎ Your story links up with his. 你所说的和他所说得能联系的起来。‎ A lot of links fitted together form a chain. 许多链环连在一起组成链条。‎ Old friends are a link with the past. 老朋友是连接往事的纽带。‎ ‎(1)join指的是任何事物的直接连接,连接的程度可紧可松,还能分开之意。常用结构join…to, join up。‎ ‎(2)connect指的是通过某种媒介物把事物连接起来,事物的特征还保持,常表示与技术有关的连接和火车、飞机等实行联运。常用结构connect…with/to。‎ ‎(3)combine着重指两个或两个以上的人或事物为了共同目的而结合在一起,结合后原来部分可能仍不改变或失其本性,常用结构combine…with。‎ ‎(4)unite强调紧密地结成一体,含极难分开之意,常用结构unite…with。‎ Please join this pole to that one. 请把这根竿子和那根竿子接起来`。‎ This flight connects with New York one. 这班飞机在纽约可接上另一班机。‎ We should combine theory with practice. 我们应该理论联系实际。‎ The two big companies plan to unite. 两家大公司计划联合起来。‎ ‎19. …she had had it delivered from the pump to her house 她派人从水泵打水运到家里。‎ deliver sth. to sb. 把某物交付给某人deliver a message 带信, 传话 ‎20. With this extra evidence, John Snow was able to announce with ‎ certainty that polluted water carried the disease. 有了这个提别的证据,约翰斯诺就能够肯定地宣布,这种被污染了的水携带着病菌。‎ The captain announced that the plane was going to land. 机长宣布飞机就要着陆了。‎ It can be said with certainty that English is pretty important nowadays.可以肯定地说,英语在当今社会里相当重要。‎ ‎21. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found. 为了防止这种情况的再度发生,约翰斯诺建议所有水源都要经过检测并且要找到处理污水的新方法。‎ To prevent为表示目的的不定式短语;prevent…(from) doing sth 意为“阻止……做某事”,其中prevent可与stop, keep互换;suggest表示“建议”的,其宾语从句的谓语用“should +动词原形”,句中的should被省略了。‎ ‎22. The water companies were also instructed not to expose people to polluted water anymore.自来水公司也接到指令,不能在让人们接触被污染的水了。‎ instruct意思为“命令;指示;嘱咐;吩咐;教导(教授知识或技术);训练”。其名词形式为instructor(教员;教练)和instruction(命令;指示;说明)。‎ The teacher instructed him to start early. 老师命令他早动身 I've been instructed to wait here until the lecturer arrives.‎ 我得到指示在这儿等到讲课老师到来。‎ He instructs a class in history. 他教授一个班的历史(instruct … in…)‎ Read the instructions on the pocket. 看一下袋子上的说明。‎ 辨析instruct, order, demand 和direct : instruct 指出正确的方式以教导; order 意为“命令”;demand 指强烈地“要求”; direct 表示“指示;期望;服从”。‎ ‎23. be similar to 与……相似,类似 What I am going to say to you would be similar to what you are going to tell me. 我想对你说的话,类似于你想对我说的话.‎ ‎24. conclude用作动词,意为“结束;推论;推断”,常用conclude by doing/with sth. 表示“以……而结束”;conclude from 表示“从……推出结论”的意思,to conclude表示“最后”的意思,相当于意思名词短语in conclusion。‎ He concluded his speech with/by reading a poem. 他朗诵一首诗结束了他的演讲。‎ What do you conclude from these facts. 从这些事实中你得出什么结论?‎ The doctor concluded that the patient's disease was cancer. 医生断定病人患的是癌症。‎ To conclude/in conclusion, I wish you all good health and a long life. 最后,祝大家健康长寿。‎ draw( arrive at/come to /reach )a conclusion “得出结论”,‎ jump to a conclusion 意为“草率地得出结论”,conclusion后可接that从句。‎ ‎25. contribute的意思是“捐赠;贡献;投稿;提供”。常用短语contribute to意思是“有助于;有益于;促成”。其名词为contribution意思是“捐献: 贡献: 投稿”,常用make a contribution to/towards…,表示“对……作贡献”的意思。‎ Everyone should contribute three dollars to the Red Cross. 每位工人捐了3美元给红十字会。‎ Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford. 人人都应该尽自己的能力做贡献。‎ I’ve been asked to contribute an article to the language magazine. 有人请我给那份语言杂志撰篇稿。‎ Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health. 新鲜空气和锻炼有益与健康。‎ Does smoking contributed to lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗?‎ He made an outstanding contribution to science. 他对科学作出了卓越的贡献。‎ ‎26. apart from除……以外(except for);除……外,还有(besides)‎ Apart from being short, Tom is smart. 除了个子矮了点,Tom还是挺帅气的。‎ Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time. ‎ 除了花费钱以外,它还需要不少时间。‎ ‎27. 由make构成的词组 ‎1)be made up of组成 Two thirds of the earth’s surface is made up of vast ocean.‎ ‎2)make a bargain with sb : 与某人成交 ‎3)make a decision 做出决定 We must look ahead before we make a decision.‎ ‎4)make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用 ‎5)make a dive for向……猛冲 The dog made a dive for the bone.‎ ‎6)make a face 做鬼脸 The student made a face when the teacher turned back.‎ ‎7)make a fire 生火 ‎8) make a living 谋生 He began to make a living by himself when he was ten.‎ ‎9)make a promise许诺言 Father made a promise to buy me a new computer ‎10)make an apology to向……道歉 He apologized/made an apology to her.‎ ‎11)make for走向,前往 They set off by car and made for the nearest town.‎ ‎12) make friends 交朋友 ‎13) make it成功,及时达到 After hard-working.we made it at last.‎ ‎14) make money赚钱 To make money in the new era, follow the flow of information.‎ ‎15) make one’s way排除困难前进 After the film ended we made our way out of cinema.‎ ‎16)make out认出,理解 We made out a figure in the darkness.‎ It’s difficult to make out his ideas.‎ ‎17)make progress进步 With the teacher's help,I have made much progress.‎ ‎18) make repairs修理 They are making repairs in that building ‎19) make room for给……腾地方 Would you like to make room for the old lady?‎ ‎20) make sure ‎21) make the bed ‎22)make the best of尽量利用 Mother didn’t enjoy his job,but she made the best of it ‎23)make up组成;化妆;打扮;补充;弥补;编造;捏造 Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom.‎ It took her more than one hour to make up for the party Our losses have to be made up with more loans. The whole story is made up ‎24)make up for弥补 We must make up for the time wasted before.‎ ‎25)make up one’s mind下决心 I have made up my mind to work harder than before.‎ ‎26)make use of利用 We should make full use of the books in the library ‎28. … all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion… 他所有的数学计算都得出了相同的结论。‎ lead to导致;引向;通往 The road leads to the foot of the hill.这条路通往山脚下。 ‎29. Only if you put the sun there did the moments of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有你把太阳放在那儿,天空中其它行星的运动才能说地清楚。‎ 以only引导的短语作状语或状语从句放在句首时,为了加强语气,句子需要部分倒装。‎ Only by working hard can we succeed.只有通过努力工作,我们才能取得成功。 make sense讲得通;有道理 Your story doesn’t make sense to me.你编的故事我听不明白。 如果想表示某人所说的话或提议,没道理、行不通。我们经常说:It ‎ doesn’t make any sense.‎ ‎30. The problem arose because astronomers had noticed that some planets in the sky seemed to stop, move backward and then go forward in a loop. 问题产生了,因为天文学家以前发现过,天上有些行星停顿下来,往后移动,然后再成环状向前移动。‎ arise vi 出现;发; 生起来;站起 That question did not arise. 那个问题没有出现。‎ I arose early in the morning.我每天早上起得很早 Accidents arise from carelessness. 疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。‎ arise from 由...而引起, 由...而产生; 从...中产生 arise out of 由...而引起, 由...而产生; 从...中产生 ‎31. Others appeared brighter at times and less bright at others. 其它行星有时看上去亮些,有时又不怎么亮。‎ 第一个others表示other planets, 第二个others表示other times at times有时;不时I do feel a little nervous at times.我有时的确感到有点紧张 与time相关的词组 at one time意为“一度;过去曾经”,用于一般过去时态;‎ at a time意为“一次;每次;在某个时候”; at all times意为“一直;无论何时”,相当于at any time; always。‎ ‎32. So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete. 于是,他在1510至1514年期间从事这项研究,逐步修改他的理论,直到他感到完善时为止。‎ work on 对…起作用;对…发生影响;向…做工作;使兴奋;左右 His work on the cause of the diseases is of premier importance to the whole world.‎ 他的病理研究工作对全世界至关重要。‎ ‎33. He also suggested that the earth was spinning as it went round the sun…他还提出地球在围绕太阳转的同时,它本身还自转,……‎ ‎34. His friends were entusiastic and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but Copernicus was cautious. 他的朋友都热情地鼓励他把他的思想公诸于世,而他却小心谨慎。‎ The retired worker is very enthusiastic about neighbourhood affairs. 这个退休工人对里弄工作非常热心。‎ The schoolboys are more cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before. 男学生们在拼写时比以前更加小心,以避免发生错误。‎ ‎35. Yet Copernicus’ theory is now the base on which all our ideas of the universe are built. 然而哥白尼的理论却是我们宇宙观赖以建立的基础。‎ ‎36. If you were Nicolaus Copernicus, would you have hidden your theory for so many years? 如果你是哥白尼,你会把你的力量掩藏很多年么?‎ ‎37. He has done many years of observations to prove his new theory is true. 他做了多年的观察工作来证实他的新理论是真的。‎ a man of no observation 没有观察力的人 carry out observations ‎ 进行观察 ‎38. somebody else’s point of view 别人的观点 ‎39. hold discussions 进行讨论 ‎40. make choices 做出选择 ‎41. You may argue with them and try to persuade them 你可以和他们争辩并且尽力说服他们。‎ 高中英语新课标必修五unit 1练习及参考答案 二、练习 一)单词拼写 ‎1. My computer is infected with some sort of v______ and does’t work.‎ ‎2. A_____ from a few faults,he is a trustworthy teacher.‎ ‎3. Will you a______ the wedding ceremony tomorrow? ‎4. Be careful. Don’t e_______ it to the rain or wind.‎ ‎5. It’s very dangerous to be e________ to SARS patients without any protection. ‎6. Everyone should c________ what he or she can afford to helping the poor.‎ ‎7. The teacher gave me v________ advice on how to learn English well. ‎8. It is you not I am to b_____ for breaking the window.‎ ‎9. The doctor e_________ the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.‎ ‎10. Kindness is one of the prime minister's ‎ ‎__________________(特征).‎ ‎11. He became ____________________(狂热的) about classical music.‎ ‎12. You should not r_________________the invitation from your old friend.‎ ‎13. Be c_________________when you cross the street.‎ ‎14. He finished his work in a __________________(积极的) way.‎ ‎15. Water and salt are _____________(吸收) into our blood stream everyday.‎ 二)英汉互译 ‎1. The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock.‎ ‎2. 我们得研究一下罢工的原因. ‎ ‎3. From his appearance we may conclud that he is a heavy smoker。‎ ‎4. 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机 ‎5. 我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。‎ ‎6. 感冒是传染的,有些眼病也是传染的。‎ ‎7. We must take a scientific approach to the problem.‎ ‎8. 只有通过努力工作,我们才能取得成功。 ‎9. Immediately the meal was over, he switched on the radio.‎ ‎10. 我想对你说的话,类似于你想对我说的话.‎ 三)单项选择 ‎1. The building _____in our school is for our teachers, though there is noise most of the day, we still feel happy about it.‎ A built B having been built C to be built D being built ‎ ‎2. The old man,_______ abroad for 20 years, is on the way back to his mother land.‎ ‎ A to work B working C to have worked D having worked ‎ ‎3. Who are these people with banners? -A group _____ itself the league for Peace.‎ ‎ A calling B called C calls D is called ‎ ‎4. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours _____a look at the sports stars. ‎ A had B having C to have D have ‎5. The meeting ______ tomorrow will be of great importance. All of us should attend it.‎ A held B to be held C being held D is going to be held ‎ ‎6. You must do everything _________you ______.‎ ‎ A as; are told to B as; are told B like; are told D when ; are told ‎ ‎7. The purpose of technology is to make things easier ,______ them more difficult.‎ ‎ A not make B not to make C making not D do not make ‎8. The mother did not know ____ to blame for the broken glass as it ‎ happened while she was out.‎ A who B when C how D what ‎ ‎9. A man is questioned in relation to the _____ murder last night.‎ A advised B attended C attempted D admitted ‎10. -George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding.‎ ‎-No, I _____.Did they have a big wedding.‎ A was not invited B have not been invited C hadn’t been invited D didn’t invite ‎11. ______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.‎ A Exposed B having exposed C Being exposed D after being exposed ‎12. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _______.‎ A 20 dollars remained B 20 dollars to remain C remained 20 dollars D remaining 20 dollars ‎13. Has someone suggested there _______ be an international language all could understand and use ______? ‎ A can; it B /;/ C would; it D may;/‎ ‎14. European football is played in 80 countries, ___ it the most popular sport in the world.‎ A. making B. makes C. made D. to make ‎15. Unless ___ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference. ‎ A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invited ‎ ‎16. ---You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. ---Well, now I regret ____ that. ‎ A. to do b. to be doing C. to have done D. having done ‎17. I can’t imagine_____ that with such a famous author.‎ A. work B. to work C. to be working D. working ‎18. ____ a letter from her parents, Lily is now looking forward to ___ from them.‎ A Having not received; hear B. Not received; hear C. Not having received; hearing D. Receiving not; hearing ‎19. The police had to ____ the evidence in order to arrest the thief.‎ A examine B check C test D prove ‎ ‎20 My heart was filled with gladness because I was able to ____ my parents.‎ A intend B care C concern D attend ‎ ‎21. This medicine will ____ him of his cough.‎ A recover B cure C treat D heal ‎ ‎22. He always brings me a pretty gift ____ he comes to visit me.‎ A by the time B sometimes C every time D at times ‎ ‎23. To our surprise, the man, who was looked down upon by others in the past, is now ____ the whole project.‎ A beyond control B in control of C out of control D losing control of ‎ ‎24. Finally he got the ___________from her eyes; she didn’t love him any longer. ‎ A. news B. message C. explanation D. expression ‎ ‎25. ----- Where was I ?------ You _________you didn’t like your father’s job.‎ A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying ‎26. Professor Jordan gave us _______ lecture this afternoon and most of us were confused.‎ A. a more confusing B. more confusing a C. a most confusing D. the most confusing ‎ ‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎(一)‎ ‎1. viruses ‎2. Apart ‎3. attend ‎ ‎4. expose ‎ ‎5. exposed ‎6. contribute ‎7. valuable ‎8. blame ‎9. examined ‎10. chacteristics ‎11. enthusiastic ‎12. reject ‎13. cautious ‎14. positive ‎15. absorbed ‎ ‎ ‎(二)1. 泥土被洪水冲走, 露出光秃秃的岩石.‎ ‎2. We must try to analyse the causes of the strike.‎ ‎3. 从他的外表,我们可以有断定他烟抽得很凶。‎ ‎4. The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. ‎ ‎5. Our English teacher is very strict with us.‎ ‎6. Colds are infectious, and so are some eye diseases.‎ ‎7. 我们必须科学处理这个难题。‎ ‎8. Only by working hard can we succeed. ‎9. 饭一吃完他就把收音机打开。‎ ‎10. What I am going to say to you would be similar to what you are going to tell me.‎ ‎(三)DDACB ABACC CDBAA DDCAD BCBBC C 高考真题解题指导 主语从句 ‎1.It is by no means clear   the president can do to end the strike. ‎ A.how B.which C.that D.what ‎2.   I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents. ‎ A.That B.Which C.Whether D.What ‎3.I think   impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses. ‎ A.what B.that C.which D.who ‎4.   the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather. ‎ A.Why B.When C.That D.What ‎5.   Li Bai,a great Chinese poet,was born is known to the public,but some won’t accept it. ‎ A.That B.Why C.Where D.How ‎6.It is often the case    anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. ‎ A.why B.what C.as D.that 题组二宾语从句 ‎1.As a new graduate,he doesn’t know   it takes to start a business here. ‎ A.how B.what C.when D.which ‎2.How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largely on   he goes with,whether his friends or relatives. ‎ A.what B.who C.how D.why ‎3.We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have   we have here and treat food nicely. ‎ A.that B.which C.what D.whether ‎4.We haven’t discussed yet   we are going to place our new furniture. ‎ A.that B.which C.what D.where ‎5.The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of   others actually understand. ‎ A.why B.that C.which D.what ‎6.The villagers have already known   we’ll do is to rebuild the bridge. ‎ A.this B.that C.what D.which ‎7.We promise   attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star. ‎ A.who B.whom C.whoever D.whomever ‎8.The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for   he could find about Mark Twain. ‎ A.wherever B.however C.whatever D.whichever ‎9.Police have found   appears to be the lost ancient statue. ‎ A.which B.where C.how D.what ‎10.It’s good to know   the dogs will be well cared for while we’re away. ‎ A.what B.whose C.which D.that ‎11.From space,the earth looks blue.This is   about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water. ‎ A.why B.how C.because D.whether ‎12.Pick yourself up.Courage is doing   you’re afraid to do. ‎ A.that B.what C.how D.whether ‎13.It is difficult for us to imagine   life was like for slaves in the ancient world. ‎ A.where B.what C.which D.why ‎14.You have to know   you’re going if you are to plan the best way of getting there. ‎ A.what B.that C.where D.who ‎15.—I wonder   Mary has kept her figure after all these years. ‎ ‎—By working out every day.‎ A.where B.how C.why D.if ‎16.The exhibition tells us   we should do something to stop air pollution. ‎ A.where B.why C.what D.which ‎17.Reading her biography,I was lost in admiration for   Doris ‎ Lessing had achieved in literature. ‎ A.what B.that C.why D.how ‎18.We must find out   Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him. ‎ A.when B.how C.where D.why ‎19.She asked me   I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadn’t. ‎ A.when B.where C.whether D.what ‎20.We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20, half of   it used to charge. ‎ A.that B.which C.what D.how 题组三表语从句 ‎1.“Every time you eat a sweet,drink green tea.”This is   my mother used to tell me. ‎ A.what B.how C.that D.whether ‎2.As John Lennon once said,life is   happens to you while you are busy making other plans. ‎ A.which B.that C.what D.where ‎3.Grandma pointed to the hospital and said,“That’s   I was born.” ‎ A.when B.how C.why D.where ‎4.—What a mess!You are always so lazy!‎ ‎—I’m not to blame,mum.I am   you have made me. ‎ A.how B.what C.that D.who ‎5.A ship in harbor is safe,but that’s not     ships are built for. ‎ A.what B.whom C.why D.when ‎ ‎ 答案精解精析 题组一主语从句 ‎1.答案 D 句意:总统会采取什么措施来结束罢工一点都不清楚。本题考查主语从句。It为形式主语,空格处引导的从句为真正的主语。从句中do后缺少宾语,故由what引导该主语从句。‎ ‎2.答案 D 句意:我想告诉你的是我对父母深深的爱和敬意。“   I want to tell you”为主语从句,该从句中缺少宾语,故选D项。 ‎ ‎3.答案 A 句意:我认为他的画使我印象深刻的是他对色彩的使用。本题考查主语从句。在主语从句中,所缺的词作主语且表示“物”,没有选择范围,所以用what引导。‎ ‎4.答案 B 句意:延迟的航班什么时间起飞主要取决于天气状况。考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,本句是含主语从句的复合句。由本句情景可知,飞机什么时候起飞主要由天气状况决定,故选B项。‎ ‎5.答案 C 句意:李白,中国伟大的诗人,所出生的地方人人皆知,但是有些人对此并不接受。本题考查主语从句。“   Li Bai,a great Chinese poet,was born”为主语从句,该从句缺少状语,结合选项可知答案应为C。 ‎ ‎6.答案 D 句意:对于那些不放弃希望的人来说,‎ 发生什么都是有可能的,这是很常见的。考查主语从句。本句中it为形式主语,空格处引导的从句为真正的主语,从句结构和意义完整,故由that引导。‎ 题组二宾语从句 ‎1.答案 B 句意:作为一个新毕业生,他不知在此地创业要付出什么。本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的做题方法是:缺什么成分,补什么成分。It takes(sb.)sth.to do sth.意为:(某人)要付出(时间或钱物)做某事,由此可知本句中缺少宾语,故用关系代词what引导。该题受汉语思维影响,考生易选择A 项how。‎ ‎2.答案 B 句意:一个人享受旅行快乐的程度主要取决于和谁同行,是朋友还是亲戚。介词on后面的宾语从句缺少宾语,并指人。‎ ‎3.答案 C 句意:我们应该重视食物,善待食物,此外还要时刻记住那些没有我们现在所拥有的这些食物的人们。考查宾语从句。“    we have here”作第一个have的宾语,该宾语从句缺少宾语,且表“物”,故排除A、D两项;which意为:哪一个(在给出范围时使用),故被排除;what在此处相当于the food that,故为答案。 ‎ ‎4.答案 D 句意:我们还没有讨论要把新家具放在什么地方。本题考查宾语从句的引导词。本空引导宾语从句并在从句中作地点状语,所以选D。that在宾语从句中只起连接作用,不充当句子成分;which在宾语从句中可以作主语或宾语,表示选择的含义;what在宾语从句中作主语或宾语。‎ ‎5.答案 D 句意:你想通过话语传达的信息也许正与其他人实际理解的相反。介词of后的宾语从句中understand缺少宾语,故用what,D 为正确答案。‎ ‎6.答案 C 句意:村民们已经知道我们将要做的就是重建这座桥。本题考查名词性从句。分析句子成分可知have already known后为宾语从句。而在该宾语从句中又含“   we’ll do”这一主语从句,该主语从句缺少宾语,且表“事物”,故用what引导。 ‎ ‎7.答案 C 句意:我们承诺无论谁参加聚会,都有一次机会与这位电影明星合影。本题考查名词性从句。设空处引导宾语从句,而且在从句中作主语,故排除B、D两项。这里whoever=anyone who无论谁,故选C。‎ ‎8.答案 C 句意:这位新来的人前几天去了图书馆寻找他能找到的关于马克•吐温的书。考查宾语从句。设空处在介词for后的宾语从句中作宾语。wherever无论在哪里;however无论多么,在从句中作状语;whichever无论哪一个,与句意不符。whatever 无论什么,符合句意,故为答案。‎ ‎9.答案 D 句意:警方发现了看起来像那件丢失的古代雕像的东西。“   appears...”为宾语从句,该从句缺少主语且表示“物”,故用what引导。 ‎ ‎10.答案 D 句意:得知在我们离开期间这些狗会得到很好的照顾,这太好了。“the dogs will be well cared for while we’re away”为宾语从句,该从句结构完整,不缺任何成分,故答案为D项。‎ ‎11.答案 C 句意:从太空看,地球是蓝色的。这是因为地球表面大约71%都被水覆盖着。A:为什么;B:怎么样;C:因为;D:是否。根据句意应选 C。‎ ‎12.答案 B 句意:振作起来,勇气就是去做你不敢去做的事情。本题考查宾语从句。分析题干可知doing后为宾语从句,从句中缺作宾语的连接词。在宾语从句中,that 只起连接作用,不作任何成分;what作主语、宾语等;how作状语;whether意为“是否”,故答案为B项。‎ ‎13.答案 B 句意:我们很难想象古代奴隶们的生活是什么样子的。本题考查宾语从句。在该空引导的宾语从句中,介词like后面缺少宾语,所以用what引导宾语从句。which表示在一定范围内进行选择,在此处不符合题意,故排除C项。‎ ‎14.答案 C 句意:如果你要安排到达那里的最好路线,你就得知道你将要去哪儿。本题考查宾语从句。根据题干中getting there可知答案选择C项。‎ ‎15.答案 B 句意:——我想知道这么多年过去了玛丽是如何保持体形的。——通过每天锻炼身体。本题考查宾语从句。根据答语By working out every day.(表示方式)可知设空处应为表示方式的连接副词how。‎ ‎16.答案 B 句意:这个展览告诉我们为什么我们应该做一些事情来阻止空气污染。本题考查宾语从句。由tell sb.sth.可知设空处引导宾语从句,根据语境可知选why。‎ ‎17.答案 A 句意:读着多丽丝•莱辛的自传,我沉浸在对她在文学上获得的成就的崇拜之中。本题考查名词性从句。设空处引导宾语从句,并且在从句中作宾语,故选A项。‎ ‎18.答案 A 句意:我们必须弄清楚卡尔什么时候来,以便我们可以为他预订房间。考查宾语从句。空格处引导的是find out后的宾语从句,根据句意可知此处要用when引导。‎ ‎19.答案 C 句意:她问我是否已经把书还给图书馆,我承认我还没有归还。本题考查名词性从句。根据题干可知,设空处引导宾语从句,根据句意,应选whether“是否”,故选择C项。‎ ‎20.答案 C 句意:我们选择这家宾馆是因为这里住一晚上的价格降到了20美元,这是其之前要价的一半。本题考查宾语从句。逗号后面是$20的同位语,charge后面缺少宾语,故用what引导。‎ 题组三表语从句 ‎1.答案 A 句意:“每次你吃糖果的时候,喝点绿茶。”这就是我妈妈过去常常告诉我的。根据句意可知,设空处引导表语从句,引导词在从句中作宾语,因此用what引导,故选A。‎ ‎2.答案 C 句意:正如约翰•列侬曾经所说的那样:当你正在为生活疲于奔波时,生活已离你远去。本题考查表语从句。空格处引导表语从句且充当主语,故答案为what。which表示在一定范围内进行选择,不符合语境。‎ ‎3.答案 D 句意:奶奶指着那家医院说:“那就是我出生的地方。”本题考查表语从句。根据句意可知,该空应该填表示地点的连接词引导表语从句,故选D项。‎ ‎4.答案 B 句意:——真是太乱了!你总是这么懒惰!——妈妈,别责怪我。你使我成了现在这个样子。本题考查表语从句。what 引导表语从句,且what在从句中作宾语补足语。‎ ‎5.答案 A 句意:在港口的船是安全的,但是那并不是船被建造的目的。本题考查表语从句。连接代词what引导表语从句并作介词for的宾语,故选A项。‎

