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‎2019届格致中学高考第三次模拟考试 英语试卷 考生注意:‎ 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。‎ 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。‎ 3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸反面清楚地填写姓名。‎ Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A (10分)‎ Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.‎ The biggest house of cards, the longest tongue, and of course, the tallest man: these are among the thousands of records logged in the famous Guinness Book of Records. Created in 1955 after a debate (21) _______ (concern) Europe's fastest game bird, (22) _______ began as a marketing tool sold to pub landlords (23) _______ (promote) Guinness, an Irish drink, became the bestselling copyright title of all time (a category that excludes books such as the Bible and the Koran). In time, the book would sell 120 million copies in over 100 countries— quite a leap from its humble beginnings. ‎ In its early years, the book set its sights on (24) _______ (satisfy) man's inborn curiosity about the natural world around him. Its two principal fact finders, twins Norris and Ross McWhirter, moved wildly around the globe to collect facts. It was their task to find and document aspects of life that can be sensed or observed, things that can be quantified or measured. But not just any things. They were only interested in superlatives: the biggest and the best. It was during this period (25) _______ some of the remarkable Guinness Records were documented, answering such questions as "What is the brightest star?" and "What is the biggest spider?"‎ Once aware of the public's thirst for such knowledge, the book's authors began to branch out to cover increasingly doubtful, little-known facts. They started documenting human achievements as well. A forerunner for reality television, the Guinness Book gave people (26) _______ chance to become famous for accomplishing odd, often pointless tasks. Records were set in 1955 for consuming 24 raw eggs in 14 minutes and in 1981 for the fastest solving of a Rubik's Cube (which took a mere 38 seconds). In 1979 a man yodeled(用真假嗓音交替唱)‎ ‎ non-stop for ten and a quarter hours. ‎ In its latest appearance, the book has found a new home on the internet. No longer (27) _______ (restrict) to the limits of physical paper, the Guinness World Records website contains seemingly innumerable facts concerning such topics as the most powerful combustion(燃烧) engine, or the world's longest train. What is striking, however, is that such facts are found sharing a page with the record of the heaviest train to be pulled (28) _______ a beard. ‎ Originating as a simple bar book, the Guinness Book of Records (29) _______ (evolve) over decades to provide insight into the full range of modern life. And although one may be (30) _______ (likely) now to learn about the widest human mouth than the highest number of casualties in a single battle of the Civil War, the Guinness World Records website offers a telling glimpse into the future of fact-finding and record-recording.‎ Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than youneed.‎ A. boastB. underrepresentedC. shared D. participation E. pursuit F. launched G. confirmed H. femaleI. barriers J. agreementsK. advancing Gender equality has powerful potential to improve the economy, security and the overall well-being of a population.‎ ‎“If the world closed the gender gap in workforce 31 , global [Gross Domestic Product] would increase by 28 trillion dollars by 2025... That’s about a quarter of the world’s current GDP, and almost half of the world’s current debt,” said U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Catherine Russell in a recent speech. She also noted that “studies have found that countries with less gender inequality are more secure, and peace 32 last longer when women are at the negotiating table.”‎ Nonetheless, no country in the world can 33 that it has achieved full gender equality.‎ ‎“Around the world, women are vastly 34 in politics and the workforce, particularly in leadership positions and other high-paying jobs,” said Ambassador Russell. At the same time, women make up the majority of the poor. “I’ve heard people say that poverty has a 35 face, and that makes sense when you consider that women control just one-fifth of global wealth,” said Ambassador Russell.‎ World leaders are beginning to recognize that everyone benefits from 36 gender equality, she said. This is why gender equality is part of U.S. foreign policy. A key part of U.S. efforts focus on educating and empowering girls. In the past 18 months, the United States 37 its global strategy to empower adolescent girls, as well as Let Girls Learn, which is a Presidential initiative that focuses on educating girls.‎ We are also working with numerous countries to remove 38 that keep women from inheriting or owning property, entering the formal job market or accessing banking services.‎ ‎“Gender equality sometimes looks like an impossible task —a 39 without an end,” said Ambassador Russell. “But...we can make progress, and that progress is worth making. Little by little, discussion by discussion, step by step, we can improve the lives of women and girls, men and boys all around the world. And in doing so, we can reach our 40 goals of peace, prosperity, and security.”‎ I. Reading Comprehension SectionA Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.‎ Microsoft Corp founder Bill Gates caught people’s eye in a recent interview, when he suggested that robots should be taxed in, order to help humans keep their jobs. Gates is only one of many people in the tech world who have worried about automation and its ___41___ to workers.‎ It’s easy to see why the tech world is ___42___. The rise of machine learning has increased the fear that ___43___ humans could simply become out of date--___44___, 3.5 million American truck drivers might soon find their jobs threatened by driverless trucks. Though in the past, technology usually complemented workers ___45___ replacing them, there’s no law of nature saying the technology of the future will work the same. A few economists even claim that cheap automation has already ___46___ income from workers to company owners.‎ Another ___47___ is that even if the mass of humanity ultimately does find new ways to add value by complementing new technology—to“race with the machines,”as economist Erik Brynjofsson puts it—this transition could take a long time and hurt a lot of people. As Bloomberg View’s Tyler Cowen has noted, wages inBritain fell for four decades at the start of the Industrial Revolution. More ___48___, we’ve seen very slow and painful adjustment to the impact of globalization. If the machine learning revolution hurts workers for 40 years before ultimately helping them, it might be worth it to ___49___ that revolution and give them time to adjust.‎ The main argument against taxing the robots is that it might hold back ___50___. Growth in rich countries has slowed markedly in the past decade, suggesting that it’s getting harder and harder to find new ways of doing things. Stagnating productivity, combined with falling business investment, suggests that ___51___ of new technology is currently too slow rather than too fast—the biggest problem right now isn’t too many robots, it’s too few. Taxing new technology, however it’s done, could make that slowdown worse.‎ The problem with Gate’s basic proposal is that it’s very hard to tell the difference between new technology that ___52___ humans and new technology that replaces them. This is especially true over the long term. Power looms(织布机)replaced human weavers back in the Industrial Revolution. ___53___, people eventually became more productive, by learning to operate those looms. If taxes had slowed the development of power looms, the eventual improvements would have come later.‎ This is a powerful argument ___54___ the taxation of automation. Gates is right to say that we shoulc start thinking ahead of time about how to use policy to mitigate(缓和)the unintended consequences of automation. But given the importance of sustaining innovation, we should look at ___55___ policies.‎ ‎41. A. resistance B. threat C. admission D. dedication ‎42. A. frightened B. worried C. intolerant D. offensive ‎43. A. few B. several C. many D. any ‎44. A. in other words B. for example C. of course D. by contrast ‎45. A. in case of B. because of C. in face of D. instead of ‎46. A. distracted B. digested C. directed D. disclosed ‎47. A. fear B. proposal C. adjustment D. complement ‎48. A. possibly B. recently C. primarily D. technically ‎49. A. slow…down B. make…up C. get…over D. give…up ‎50. A. modernism B. availability C. popularity D. innovation ‎51. A. persuasion B. adoption C. interruption D. elimination ‎52. A. complements B. engages C. invades D. matures ‎53. A. However B. Therefore C. Consequently D. Furthermore ‎54. A. from B. against C. by D. besides ‎55. A. uppermost B. stimulating C. persistent D. alternative Section B Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.‎ ‎( A )‎ ‎ High above Earth, a multi-billion- dollar formation of communications satellites stands ready to instantly connect people like pilots and seamen to every available aid when they find themselves in emergency. But what if the communication computers on board these ships and aircrafts broke down? The world could go silent, and leave travelers looking for directions. Not worry. There is a backup plan, in part using technology that was invented in 1835, the year Mark Twain was born. It’s the Morse code, the language of dots and dashes that has survived the “ attack” of higher techonology for a century and half.‎ ‎ Named after its inventor, Samuel F B Morse, the code is a series of combinations of short and long tones(dots and dashes) representing letters of the alphabet that can be transmitted(方法送) manually by a key operator. A telegrapher combines the dots and dashes to form letters and words. It is a seemingly tiring procedure, but skilled operators can transmit and receive faster than most secretaries can type.‎ ‎ Morse telegraphy may seem weird and out of fashion, with its brass sounder and key operated by the world’s most basic tool, the human finger. However, it is sometimes vital to worldwide communications. When the Mexico City earthquake occurred in 1985 and all the power went off, calls for help were transmitted in Morse by an amateur radio operator. “We see the Morse code as a dying art, but we refuse to let it die completely,” says Major General Leo M Childs, the US Army’s Chiefs Signal Officer. “ Newer isn’t always better. Even though it is old and slow, Morse is still the most reliable in difficult conditions.”‎ ‎ Ever since Morse started the telegraph service in 1844, the death of Morse code has been predicted regularly. However, although the telegraph has receded from public view, experts say that they cannot envision an end to its use any time soon. “ I can carry a very small Morse key in my pocket and transmit around the world,” says Burke Stinson, a public relations man for American Telephone & Telegraph Co. “ I don’t think you will ever see the Morse code die. It is going to be difficult to find another method that is as flexible and reliable.”‎ ‎56. Why does the writer mention the possibilityof satellite-based communication systems failing?‎ A. To compare Morse to communication satellites.‎ B. To underlined the importance of a reliable alternative.‎ C. To suggest that satellite communications are unreliable.‎ D. To emphasize the weaknesses of satellites communications.‎ ‎57. What can be learned about the process of communications using Morse Code?‎ A. It involved more than transmitting tones.‎ B. It is difficult even for experienced users.‎ C. It is not as laborious as people think.‎ D. It is simple enough for anyone who can type.‎ ‎58. In the third paragraph, what does the writer imply about the use of Morse Code?‎ A. It attracts many enthusiasts thought old-fashioned.‎ B. It is most useful to the armed forces and some hobbyists.‎ C. It has been brought to life again by amateur radio operators.‎ D. It can be the only way to communicate during a crisis.‎ ‎59. Which of the following might the best title of the passage?‎ A. Dots and Dashes Still Alive ‎ B. A New Age for Morse Code ‎ C. The Evolution of Morse Telegraphy D. Samuel F. B Morse : Father of the Morse Code ‎( B)‎ Read the following passage about four apps.‎ ‎1. Start Walking Path ‎ This app was created by the American Heart Association to encourage people to walk more to stay fit. It makes it easy for you to find or create and then share nice walks wherever you are. For example, imagine you take a walk through a park on your way home from work one day. You can map your walk using this app and share it with your friends and coworkers so they can enjoy it too. Or you can search a new area to see if anyone else has posted a nice walk.‎ ‎2. Weigh What Matters.‎ ‎ This app was created by the American Medical Association to make it easy for patients to set healthy goals and then keep track of their progress. The app tracks three areas: weight, nutrition, and physical activity. Users record what they weight, what they eat, and how much exercise they get. From this information, a progress report is created and emailed to the patient’s doctor. If patients are not getting enough exercise, their doctors can encourage them to work out more often.‎ ‎3. My Fitness Pal ‎ This app allows you to easily keep track of everything you eat and shows you the calories you are consuming. You can also keep track of or find recipes for healthy meals. And it has links to discussion boards where you can get support from other people who are trying to lose weight.‎ ‎4. Sleep Cycle ‎ This app watches you while you sleep. It then teaches you about your sleep patterns. You can then use the information to change your pattern if necessary in order that you can sleep better. Here’s how it works. You places your phone on your bed, near your pillow. Then just go to sleep—you phone keeps track of your movement and breathing during the night. It records this information in an easy-to- read graph that shows you how much you move and how often and when you wake up during the night. It also choose the best time to wake you up so that you have a peaceful start to your day. ‎ ‎60. What do the four apps have in common?‎ A. They are all apps to enable users to socialize.‎ B. They are all apps to help users become healthier.‎ C. They are all apps to ensure users have a good sleep.‎ D. They are all apps to encourage users to take exercise.‎ ‎61. Which pair of apps allow users to record what they eat?‎ A. Start Walking Path and Weigh What Matters B. Weigh What Matters and My Fitness Pal C. Sleep Cycle and Start Walking Path ‎ D. My Fitness Pal and Sleep Cycle ‎ ‎62. Which of the following is a function of Sleep Cycle?‎ A. It can serve as an alarm clock.‎ B. It is connected to the user’s doctor.‎ C. It keeps track of the user’s brain activity.‎ D. It wakes the users up if he doesn’t sleep well ‎(C)‎ ‎ In an industry with low margins(利润) where the traditional wisdom is led by Walmart, the key to success is lowering operating costs. A big part of those costs are in labor, so it is no surprise that the retail industry has been a leader in using more part-time workers to keep labor costs down, holding the line on wages, not training, and with few exceptions, seeing employees as a cost to be minimized. There is no doubt that these businesses fight for every dollar of margin. Unlike trend-leading hi-tech companies which spend a lot of money on employees to get them innovated, retail industry can spend very limited money on their employees.‎ ‎ What researchers found was that companies were often staffingtheir stores far too low, and that many stores tended to perform better with higher staffing levels and were more profitable. Let’s let that sink in for a minute. The stores were making more money (with all other things being equal) when they spent more on employees.‎ ‎ They also found that retailers didn’t do a very good job when staffing levels are just the actual demand in those stores. In fact, they set staffing levels identically across stores, even when the needs of the stores varied considerably. The average store did not appear to be understaffed, but there were enough that were understaffed and effect on overall company profitability was substantial.‎ ‎ Interestingly, the same researchers persuaded the retail chain to run an experiment with them and slightly raise staffing levels to the amount that their analysis of historical data suggests would be ideal. Yes, ‎ labor costs obviously jumped when they did that, but so did profits. In retail, labor is a small percentage of costs—the biggest part is the cost of the products they sell. So, the net effect was an increase in profits of $7.4 million across 168 stores on an annual basis.‎ ‎ What can we learn from this? One question worth thinking of is: How can traditional retail industry survive the increasingly severe market? Especially now with the growth of online retail, the one thing stores still have going for them is one to one customer contact with salespeople. If retailers cut that down to almost nothing, then they have effectively eliminated their competitive advantage against online stores.‎ ‎63. In the first paragraph, Walmart is mentioned to indicate that ______.‎ ‎ A. Walmart is suffering a low return on investments ‎ B. Walmart is followed by companies in controlling costs ‎ C. Walmart well balances investments and profits ‎ D. Walmart should considerably cut costs on its employees ‎ ‎64. According to the passage, which of the following is true about retail industry?‎ ‎ A. It focuses on lowering costs of employees.‎ ‎ B. It intends to over staff employees in the stores. ‎ ‎ C. It attempts to maintain high income for the employees. ‎ ‎ D. It invents a large sum of money on staff training. ‎ ‎65. What can we learn from the researchers’ experiment?‎ ‎ A. It’s acceptable to have equal staffing levels across stores. ‎ ‎ B. Understaffing helps the stores to operate profitably. ‎ ‎ C. Profitability has nothing to do with staffing. ‎ ‎ D. A little over the standard staffing proved to be profitable.‎ ‎66. Which of the following would the author probably agree with?‎ ‎ A. For retail industry, cutting product costs is the priority.‎ ‎ B. Online retail industry should staff more precisely to be competitive. ‎ ‎ C. Investment on employees is potentially profitable for retail industry. ‎ ‎ D. Staffing control is an effective way for retail industry to make profits.‎ Section C (4*2=8)‎ Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than youneed.‎ A. One reason that it’s urgent is that countries are sending more and more objects into space.‎ B. There are also millions of smaller pieces of junk that we can’t see.‎ C. Blowing up older satellites with a missile may create thousands of smaller pieces!‎ D. In the upper parts of the atmosphere, it will burn up.‎ E. When two objects in space collide, the two objects break into many smaller pieces.‎ F. Years of space exploration have left tons of “space junk” in orbit around the planet.‎ Many people know that trash is a big problem on planet Earth. What many people don’t know is that trash has become a problem in outer space too. (67) __________________________________ ‎ Statistically, there are more than 22,000 pieces of junk in space around the earth. And these are just the items that we can see from the surface of the earth by telescopes or radars. (68) ______________________________‎ Objects, like bits of old space rockets or satellites, move around the planet at very high speeds, so fast that even a very small piece can break important satellites or become dangerous to people, particularly astronauts. If the tiniest piece of junk crashed into a spacecraft, it could damage the vehicle. That’s because the faster an object moves, the greater the impact if the object collides with something else.‎ To help minimize additional space junk, countries around the world have agreed to limit the time their space tools stay in orbit to 25 years. Each tool must be built to fall safely into the earth’s atmosphere, or the mass of gases that surround the earth, after that. (69) ________________________________‎ Many scientists are also proposing different ways to clean up space junk. The Germans have been planning a space mission with robots that would collect pieces of space trash and bring them back to Earth so that they can be safely destroyed.‎ ‎"In our opinion the problem is very challenging, and it's quite urgent as well," said Marco Castronuovo, an Italian Space Agency researcher who is working to solve the problem. (70) _______________________________ Many of these objects are tools that help people use their cell phones or computers.‎ ‎"The time to act is now; as we go farther in time we will need to remove more and more fragments," he says.‎ I. Classes Itookat Chabot haverippled(起涟漪)throughmyprofessional pond.Iproduced the HBO mini-series John Adams with an outline format I learned from a pipe-smoking historian, James Coovelis, whose lectures were interesting. Mary Lou Fitzgerald’s “Studies in Shakespeare” Summary Writing(10’)‎ Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in NO MORE THAN 60 WORDS. Use your own words as far as possible. Write your answer on the answer sheet.‎ Live in the present moment To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment. Irrelevant to what happened yesterday, and what may or may not happen tomorrow.‎ Without question, many of us have mastered the art of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things. We allow past problems to dominate our present moments so much that we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed and hopeless. We have concern over events that might happen in the future—we won’ t have enough money, our children will get into trouble, we will get old and die, whatever. We also postpone our gratification, our priorities and happiness, often convincing ourselves that “someday” will be better than today. Unfortunately, that “someday” neverarrives.‎ Life is what’s happening while we’re busy making other plans. When we’re busy making other plans, our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies are getting out of shape, and our dreams are slipping away. Many people live as if life was a dress rehearsal for some later date. It isn’t. In fact, no one has a guarantee that he or she will be here tomorrow. Now is the only time we have, and the only time we have any control over. When our attention is in the present moment, we push problems and fear from our minds.‎ The best strategy to improve our well-being is to learn to bring your attention back to the present. Mark Twain said, “I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened. I don’t think I can say it any better. Practice keeping your attention on the here and now. Your efforts will pay off.”‎ 第 II 卷 (共 40 分)‎ I. Translation (3’+3’+4’+5’=15’)‎ Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word or phrase given in the brackets.‎ ‎72、暴饮暴食被一些人认为是缓解工作压力的手段。( regard)‎ ‎73.让我印象最深的是,单身女性已成购房新军。( impress)‎ ‎74.他对大家的警告充耳不闻,执意在如此恶劣的天气驾车上山。( insist)‎ ‎75.在春节期间,许多服务行业的企业都面临着用工荒的问题,大大阻碍了行业的发展。(face)‎ II. GuidedWriting Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.‎ 日前,一社会机构对“高中生认为最有用的手机app类型”进行调查,结果如下:‎ 最有用的app类型 参与调查的高中生人数占比 社交类app ‎45%‎ 游戏类app ‎32%‎ 学习类app ‎12%‎ 其他 ‎11%‎ 请简单描述以上数据,并结合自身实际,谈谈你对这一调查结果的看法。‎ ‎(文中不得出现考生姓名,学校等真实信息)‎ 试卷参考答案 ‎21. concerning 22. what 23. to promote 24. satisfying 25. that 26. a 27. restricted 28. with 29. has evolved 30. more likely ‎31-35: D J A B H 36-40: K F I E C ‎41-45 BBCBD 46-50 AABAA 51-55 BAABD ‎56. B 57. C 58.D 59. A ‎ ‎60. B 61. B 62. A ‎ ‎63—66 BADC 67-70 FBDA Summary:‎ Starting with the novel Du Lala’s Rise, the author analyzes the rising power of Chinese women and its four reasons. First, China’s rapid growth has created opportunities. Secondly, the cultural and historical legacy encourages and expects women to do whatever they want. Thirdly, child care is easily available. Lastly, women are finding it necessary to beambitious.‎ ‎【答案】Overeating is regarded by some as a way to relieve work pressure.‎ ‎【分析】考察regard…as…的用法,“暴饮暴食”的表达为“overeating”. “缓解工作压力的手段”可以翻译为“a way to relieve work pressure.”‎ ‎【答案】What impresses me most is that single women have emerged as new buyers for house property.‎ ‎【分析】考察名词性从句,现在完成时和impress sb 令某人印象深刻。这句话首先要选一个主语从句作为句子的结构,其次不可忽略“印象最深”的“最”,必须把most翻译出来。此外,“购房新军”的表达也是一个注意事项,这个时候需要意译。‎ ‎【答案】He turned a deaf ear to people’s warnings and insisted on driving up the hill in such bad weather.‎ ‎【分析】考察三点,分别是时态,“insist on doing sth”和“充耳不闻”的翻译。在翻译的时候可以用“he”做主语,然后并列两个动词。注意驾车上山的表达为drive up the hill.‎ ‎【答案】During the spring festival, many enterprises in service industry are facing the problem of labour shortage, which greatly blocks the development of the industry ‎【分析】考察face的用法,和非限制性定语从句。这句话中后半部分大大阻碍了行业的发展的主语时前半部分所叙述的情况,所以需要用非限制性定语从句“which”来引导,指代主句的全部内容。此外,注意“用工荒”的表达以及逐项对照翻译,确保没有漏译的情况。‎ 作文(仅供参考):‎ These days, a social organization is conducting a survey of the most useful mobile apps for senior high school students.As can be easily seen from the above figure,the number of the students participating in the survey who chose social app and game app accounts for 45% and 32% while those who chose learning app and others accounts for only 12 % and 11%.It is not a good trend but a disturbing one. What is the real reason behind it?‎ As far as I’m concerned, with the rapid development of mobile technology, a wide variety of phones are available at a less expensive price within people of all ages, particularly for high school students. For one, it not only provides them with easy access to knowledge on the internet but also makes it much easier for them to communicate with each other whenever and wherever they want.‎ Nevertheless, in my opinion, for students what matters most at present is that they should try their hard to focus on study rather than social interaction and games, using their learning apps to the full. Only when you realize it is wrong to do so can you spare no efforts to make gradual progress in study and achieve ‎ success in the end.‎

