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‎2020年高考英语模拟考试试卷试题 ‎【可编辑、附答案和详细解释】‎ Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. A 14﹣year﹣old Girl Built an App to Help Alzheimer's patients (老年痴呆症患者) For many teenagers, their lives typically might circle around schoolwork and spending time with friends. Not so for Emma Yang. Though the Hong Kong﹣born girl is only 14, she (1)________(create) her own mobile app for Alzheimer's patients already. The Timeless app, which Yang spent two years (2)________(develop), comes with several important features. It is an artificial intelligence﹣powered facial recognition system in the app (3)________helps Alzheimer's patients identify people in photos and remember who they are. It also allows photos (4)________(group)by individuals as well as provides a picture﹣based phone book, which enables a user to tap on photos to call or text a person. The inspiration to develop an app that would help Alzheimer's patients connect with their loved ones came to Yang at the age of 12, when her grandmother started forgetting things like (5)________she lived and Yang's birthday. "I wanted to create something to help people like my grandmother stay (6)________(connect)with her family," Yang said. It was a task she was well﹣prepared to undertake,(7)________venture capitalists didn't take her work seriously. Yang started a crowd finding campaign in March last year to support her 37/we/es^ app project. That effort raised more than $10,000. At present Yang works with an international team that includes a designer in California and a developer in Cologne, Germany. The chief technology officer of Kairos, the AI company (8)________ technology is used in the Timeless app, is now Yang's adviser. Yang urged other young, ambitious people to believe in (9)________because the teenagers of today will be tomorrow's leaders. "Technology has been able to make kids put their ideas into action,'' she said "(10)________yon get out there and put yourself out there, tell people about your idea and find out who's onboard and can get behind it,you'll eventually find that team of people." ‎ Section BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. ‎ A. drew B. allowed C. result D. transformed E. physical F. discovered G. effort H. figure I. respect J. fundamental K. mutual ‎ Stephen Hawking: The Extraordinary Scientist Who Changed Our Understanding of Physics There aren't very many scientists who achieved rock star status. Stephen Hawking was definitely one of them. Hawking was a theoretical physicist whose early work on black holes (1)_______ how scientists think about the nature of the universe. Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist from Arizona State University and a friend and colleague of Hawking's, says that at a young age. Hawking (2)_______ something "truly remarkable". Krauss says before Hawking, physicists thought that the large gravity of a black hole (3)_______ everything in and nothing could escape. But by combining quantum mechanics (量子力学)and the theory of relativity, Hawking showed something and changed everything about the way we think about gravity. Krauss says Hawking pointed out a(n)(4)_______ problem in the way physicists understand our world一a problem that Krauss says has yet to be resolved. But his fame wasn't just a(n) (5)_______ of his research. Hawking, who had a rare disease that made it impossible for him to move or speak, was also a popularpublic(6)_______ and best﹣selling author. When he came to scientific conferences,the audience focused their attention on him. And it wasn't just the scientists but the general public as well who showed great (7)_______ for him. His popular book about his work, A Brief History of Time, was a best﹣seller. But he agreed that that book was probably the least﹣read, most﹣bought book ever. This showed Hawking's sense of humor. That sense of humor, along with his fame, (8)_______ Hawking to appear on The Simpsons several times as well as on a number of other popular shows. Toward the end of his life, Hawking's disease left him almost(瘫痪的).It look an enormous(9)_______ for Hawking to communicate, using the tiny movements he could make to control a computer. It's tempting to say that Hawking achieved his fame in spite of his (10)_______ challenges.‎ Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.     What did we do to deserve cats and dogs?  Not only are they super cute and make us smile on a daily basis,  scientists from Washington State University have now proved that touching our favourite(1)_______ friends gently for just ten minutes is an effective way to reduce stress levels.     In findings published in AERA Open ﹣ an open access journal published by the American ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 Educational Research Association ﹣ last month,  scientists showed that the general (2)_______ of students improves quickly,  with even those who are highly﹣stressed showing ''significant" reduction in cortisol levels ﹣ a chemical produced by our bodies in times of stress.     Many universities have adopted "Pet Your Stress Away" programs where students can (3)_______ cats or dogs and it appears to be showing both psychological and physiological benefits now.     The research,  conducted by Washington State University (WSU),  shows that pets improve students' moods,  and their (4)_______ as stress﹣relieving physiological benefits. "Just 10 minutes can have a significant (5)_______, " said Patricia Pendry,  an associate professor in WSU's Department of Human Development.     This is the first study that has demonstrated reductions in students' cortisol levels during a (6)_______ intervention (介入).     The team chose 249 college students and put them into tour random groups and compared the effects of different (7)_______ to animals. The first group were provided 10 minutes of actual interaction with dogs and cats. The second group waited in line while(8)_______ others petting the animals. The third group watched a slide﹣show of the same animals,  while the fourth group had to (9)_______and was told they would be allowed to sec the animals after 10 minutes.     Salivary cortisol (10)_______ were collected from each participant starting from the moment they woke up in the morning. There was significantly less cortisol in the saliva of students who had(11)_______ interaction with the pets.     Many universities have started these (12)_______ where students can interact with cats or dogs to help relieve the pressures of higher education. "We already knew that students enjoy interacting with animals,  and that it helps them experience more(13)_______ emotions, " Dr. Pendry said. "What we wanted to learn was whether this exposure would help students reduce their stress in a less(14)_______ way. And it did,  which is (15)_______because the reduction of stress chemicals may,  over time,  have significant benefits for physical and mental health." ‎ ‎(1)‎ A.new B.furry C.close D.personal ‎ ‎ ‎(2)‎ A.endurance B.awareness C.education D.well﹣being ‎ ‎ ‎(3)‎ A.glance at B.focus on C.interact with D.escape from ‎ ‎ ‎(4)‎ A.presence B.performance C.intelligence D.perseverance ‎ ‎ ‎(5)‎ A.potential B.problem C.chance D.impact ‎ ‎ ‎(6)‎ A.real﹣life B.part﹣time C.contributions D.high﹣quality ‎ ‎ ‎(7)‎ A.responses B.exposures C.contributions D.approaches ‎ ‎ ‎(8)‎ A.keeping B.preventing C.observing D.catching ‎ ‎ ‎(9)‎ A.swear B.wait C.supervise D.appreciate ‎ ‎ ‎(10)‎ A.samples B.levels C.injections D.tips ‎ ‎ ‎(11)‎ A.little B.harmonious C.informal D.direct ‎ ‎ ‎(12)‎ A.campaigns B.programs C.researches D.majors ‎ ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎(13)‎ A.complex B.intense C.familiar D.positive ‎ ‎ ‎(14)‎ A.subjective B.risky C.mysterious D.effective ‎ ‎ ‎(15)‎ A.demanding B.challenging C.exciting D.disappointing Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.     Every year, the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre in San Francisco fills up with dance lovers. They come to take in experimental works of art that all have one thing in common﹣hip hop. This weekend the San﹣Francisco International Hip Hop Dance﹣Fest celebrates 20 years of presenting electrifying hip hop performances.     Each Dance﹣Fest has diversity (多样化)of style and group size,  and a balance of local and out﹣of﹣town companies. From Vietnam to Brazil to Uganda to the Czech Republic,  the festival has drawn impressive international talent.     After a long process,  only the most exceptional companies are flown in for Dance﹣Fest. In fact,  outstanding technical dance skills are only a basic standard that the festival organizers are looking for. They look for much more﹣groups or artists that think outside the box. Artists that use hip hop in a theatrical way or to address social issues are sure to stand out. For instance,  the 2010 performance "Tables and Chairs" served to underline the negative effects of alcoholism on society.     It would be terribly irresponsible not to mention the founder,  Micaya, in any introduction to Dance﹣Fest. A popular hip hop dance instructor,  Micaya began producing high energy dance shows in the heart of San Francisco in 1993.Students of all ages and backgrounds love her classes so much that a San﹣Francisco newspaper once described her as "Best Dance Instructor".     However, Micaya was concerned about the then dubious reputation of hip hop. She made it her goal to get hip hop the same recognition and respect as other dance forms. In 1999 she started Dance﹣Fest. It was the first festival of its kind to honor the creativity of hip hop dance in a non﹣competitive atmosphere. To Micaya,  competitive Riles leave little room for the magic that comes from true expression. One review said,  Micaya's festival challenges us "to reconsider just how diverse and embracing hip hop can now be." Indeed,  Micaya brings out the best in dancers,  and has given San Francisco one of its finest festivals. ‎ ‎(1)What is the passage mainly about?________‎ A. The creativity of hip hop.‎ B. The characteristics and the history of Dance﹣Fest.‎ C. The best instructor of hip hop.‎ D. The unique Riles and the challenge of Dance﹣Fest..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)Hip﹣hop dancers are more likely to be chosen for Dance﹣fest if they cannot only dance skillfully but also________.‎ A. dance on the outside of the box B. give up drinking alcohol before dancing C. handle social problems with their dance D. show their technical dance skills in theaters.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)By "dubious reputation" in the last paragraph,the author means hip hop back then________.‎ A. was forbidden in public B. was considered something bad C. received too much attention D. lacked creativity and competition.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)What can be concluded about Dance﹣Fest?________‎ A. It is a competition for hip hop dancers.‎ B. It is a dance festival for various dance forms.‎ C. It is successful in popularizing hip hop.‎ D. It is better respected than other dance festivals.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5.     ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎1. Admission and School Policies     The enrolment of a prospective pupil to the School is subject to the School's Admissions and Entry policies and other policies and procedures (including those relating to discipline and curriculum) as modified by the School from time to time ‎4. Fees     School Fees are listed on the Fee Schedule and subject to variation from time to time. A full term's tuition is payable for any term during which the pupil is in attendance irrespective of the number of days attended. If tuition fees have not been paid,  they shall remain due and payable and the Refundable Deposit shall be used to pay the tuition fees and the parents / guardians remain responsible for the rest.     The School reserves the right to exclude a pupil where tuition or other fees are not paid in full by the due date.The School may also keep back any information, pupil reports or property in such circumstances.‎ ‎2. Withdrawal by Parent / Guardian     Parents / Guardians shall give a minimum of 6 weeks written notice of withdrawal from the School.Notice received during a school holiday will be considered to have been received on the first day of the following session.‎ ‎3. Refundable Deposit     On the offer of a place at the School,  the Refundable Deposit becomes payable.This is to secure enrolment at the School until the termly or annual fees have been paid. The Refundable Deposit is refundable,  and shall be without interest and without taking into account changes in exchange rates.‎ ‎5. Termination by the school     The school may terminate this agreement when permanent exclusion or removal is required. The School shall not take such action without good cause and full consultation with parents / guardians and the pupil. Parents / guardians have the right to appeal to the Orbital Education International Schools Development Officer on a decision to permanently exclude a pupil.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(1)The passage can most probably be found in the part "________" in a schools admissions booklet.‎ A. Application Procedures B. Terms and Conditions C. Frequently Asked Questions D. Acknowledgement and Declaration.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)What can be learned about tuition fees?________‎ A. Tuition fees are usually paid after pupils gel their school reports.‎ B. Tuition fees can be paid according to the number of days attended.‎ C. There fundable deposit can be used to pay the tuition after the due date.‎ D. A pupil may be removed from school if part of his tuition fees is overdue..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)It can be inferred from the passage that________.‎ A. a pupil can withdraw from the school as soon as his guardian gives a written notice B. there fundable deposit should be paid after the pupil begins study in the school C. both the school and the guardian can determine the pupils place in the school D. the school's admissions and entry policies remain the same all these years.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6.     Data centres and smart﹣phones will be the most damaging information and communications technologies (ICT) to the environment by 2040,  according to new research from W Booth School's Lotfi Belkhir.     At the end of winter term in 2014,  Lotfi Belkhir was approached by a student taking his Total Sustainability and Management course who asked,  "What does software sustainability mean? " The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Associate Professor at the W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology didn't have an answer.     Belkhir teaches students to think creatively about sustainability tools that can be applied to their ventures. But his tools,  at the time,  mainly applied to hardware,  not software.     The student's question inspired Belkhir's latest research on the global emissions footprint of information and communications technology.     Belkhir,  along with Ahmed Elmeligi,  a recent W Booth graduate and co﹣founder of HINT(Healthcare Innovation in Neuro Technology),  studied the carbon footprint of consumer devices such as smart﹣phones,  laptops,  tablets,  desktops as well as data centres and communication networks as early as 2005. Their findings were published in the Journal of Cleaner Production.     Not only did they discover that software is driving the consumption of ICI,  they also found that ICI has a greater impact on emissions than we thought and most emissions come from production and operation.     "For every text message,  for every ﹣ phone call,  every video you upload or download,  there's a data centre making this happen." Belkhir explains.' Telecommunications networks and data centres consume a lot of energy to serve you and most data centres continue to be powered by electricity produced by traditional fuels. It's the energy consumption we don't see."     Among all the devices,  ti*ends suggest that by 2020,  the most damaging devices to the environment are smart﹣phones. While smart﹣phones consume little energy to operate. 85% of their emissions impact comes from production.‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎     A smart﹣phone's chip and motherboard (芯片牙口主板)require the most amount of energy to produce as they are made up of precious metals that are mined at ahigh cost. Smart﹣phones also have a short life which drives further production of new models and an extraordinary ﹣ amount of waste.     Belkirhas made policy recommendations based on his findings.     "Communication and data centres have to go under renewable energy now. The good news is Google and Facebook data centres are going to am on renewable energy. But there needs to be a policy in place so that all data centres follow. Also. It's not sustainable to have a two﹣year plan for smart﹣phones." ‎ ‎(1)The story between Lotfi Belkhir and his student in 2014 was mentioned to________.‎ A. explain the importance of software sustainability B. illustrate the inspiration for Belkhir's latest research C. reveal the damaging impact of ICT on the environment D. show Belcher's student's creativity and critical thinking.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)One reason why smart﹣phones may be the most damaging devices of all to the environment by 2020 is that________.‎ A. they are more precious than other devices B. they drive the greatest consumption of ICT C. they are frequently replaced by new models D. they need large amounts of energy to operate.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)To reduce the emission of ICT, Lotfi Belkhir suggests that________.‎ A. longer plans be made to create renewable data centres B. sustainable materials be invented to produce smart﹣phones C. policies be established to advocate everlasting smart﹣phones D. green energy be used to operate communication and data centres.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)What is the main idea of the passage?________‎ A. ICT does greater harm to the environment than thought.‎ B. Software can do irreversible damage to the environment.‎ C. Software is more damaging to the environment than hardware.‎ D. ICT will have the greatest impact on the environment by 2040.‎ Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎7. ‎ A.But setting up the aeroponic farm was not easy. B.The government wants to greatly expand this percentage. C.Many of the commercial aeroponic systems are relatively costly. D.Aeroponics, however, does not require traditional farm work or much land. E.Growing with aeroponics is not difficult and its benefits far outweigh any disadvantages. F.It could make a big difference in places where huge amounts of land have been made unfarmable.‎ ‎ Growing Food from Air in Nigeria A group of farmers in Nigeria is using a technology﹣based method to grow crops from mist (水汽) in the air. The method, known as aeroponics, does not involve soil. Instead, plant roots hang in the air. The roots take in nutrients from a watery mist. Aeroponics is not well﹣known in Nigeria, but farmers there are working to make the technique more popular.(1)________ Biochemist Samson Ogbole is popularly known as Nigeria's smart farmer. He and his team are growing crops without soil at the technology﹣based farm they started three years ago ill Abeokuta. Ogbole says they are on a campaign to end seasonal food scarcity in Nigeria. "Because we are the ones controlling everything that the plant requires, we are not depending on seasons. So it's no longer seasonal farming. It is just farming anytime of the year,meaning we can plant anytime of the year, and we can harvest anytime of the year." (2)________ It required financing of more than $180,000. And some people in Abeokuta were very much against this non﹣traditional method of farming. It took a lot of effort to change peopled minds about aeroponics. In Nigeria, about 30 million hectares of farmland is being used, instead of the 78.5 million hectares required for food security. In the north, only 49 percent of the land is fertile, a situation that worries traditional farmers. (3)________ Nutrients for the plants are controlled by a recycling system, greatly increasing productivity. Philippines is director general of Nigeria's National Agricultural Seeds Council. He says the 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎ government welcomes new farming methods. Ojo noted that with aeroponics, farmers can quickly increase planting materials. So, his group strongly supports the technology. The agricultural industry represents about 40 percent of Nigeria's economy. (4)________ For now, most farmers lack the technical knowledge to increase productivity. They also need access to high﹣quality seeds to guarantee better harvests. Technologically skilled farmers like Samson Ogbole are offering a new way forward.‎ IV.Summary Writing ‎ ‎ ‎8. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Giving Thanks This is the season for taking the time to reflect on what we're thankful for in life. Spending that time with friends and family to give thanks is what makes the holidays so special. But why should we limit it to just a few weeks in the years? Gratitude is a muscle we should strengthen year﹣round to make us healthier, happier humans and leaders. Emmons, through his research, found that grateful people reported feeling healthier, both mentally and physically. Specifically, those who were grateful were 25 percent happier than those who weren't. In the workplace, well﹣being is a crucial topic when it comes to preventing employee burn﹣out and promoting engagement. Beyond the research that shows that employees who are shown that they are appreciated arc more productive by 50 percent, caring for your employees' well﹣being is simply the right thing to do. Providing programs that support managing life's everyday challenges, offering fitness classes orimplementing flexible work schedules are just a few things that, when paired with gratitude, can lead to more productive, engaged and happier working professionals. Working in an ever﹣evolving, fast﹣paced industry, I am surrounded by ambitious people who are always striving for more and better. Gratitude challenges yon to reflect in the moment instead of always thinking about the future. It starts by paying attention to what's going on in your life, and that true self﹣awareness is a key ingredient to being successful in your career. Gratitude is a powerful tool for strengthening relationships, both at work and in your personal life. People who express their gratitude tend to be more willing to forgive others and therefore able to create long﹣lasting connections. The old saying goes "It's never too late to say you're sorry," but the same is true of gratitude. That's a gift worth celebrating 365 days a year. ‎ V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎9. 出于好奇,杰克向村民们打听了这座城堡的历史.(curiosity) ________ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎10. 我们最好分析一下公司最近几年发展减缓的原因.(analyze) ________ ________ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎11. 人人都该意识到,减少人类活动对环境的负面影响是很有必要的.(it) ________ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎12. 我决心已定,无论你怎么劝我,我也不会同意放弃这个通过夜以继日的努力工作才获得的机会.(however) ________ ‎ VI. Guided Writing ‎ ‎ ‎13. Directions: Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 明启中学为了进一步丰富学校艺术节,决定在原有三个专场(分别是:书法专场、器乐专场、歌曲专场)的基础上再增加一个专场,现向广大师生征求意见.假设你是该校学生林平,给负责的王老师写一封电子邮件,表达你的意见.邮件内容须包括: > 增加的专场的名称; > 该专场的具体内容; > 增加该专场的理由. 注:文中不得提及你的真实姓名或学校. ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 参考答案与试题解析 Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.‎ ‎1.【答案】‎ has created,developing,that,to be grouped,where,connected,but,whose,themselves,Aslongas ‎【解答】‎ ‎1. has created.考查时态.句意:她已经为老年痴呆症患者创建了自己的手机应用程序.根据句意和already可知是现在完成时,表示动作发生在过去对现在有影响,主语she是第三人称单数,故填has created. 2. developing.考查现在分词.根据空前的spent two years可知考查spend+时间doing…"花费时间做某事",动词应用现在分词,故填developing. 3. that.考查强调句.句意:是一个应用程序中的人工智能面部识别系统,帮助老年痴呆症患者识别照片中的人并记住他们是谁.分析句子结构可知是强调句,强调主语an artificial intelligence﹣powered facial recognition system in the app应用that,故填that. 4. to be grouped.考查不定式的被动.根据前面的allows photos可知考查allow…to do sth."允许…做某事",动词group与photos是被动关系应用不定式的被动式,故填to be grouped. 5. where.考查状语从句.分析句子结构可知是状语从句,从句中动词lived缺地点状语应用连接副词where,故填where. 6. connected.考查形容词.句意:我想创造一些东西来帮助像我祖母这样的人与家人保持联系.根据句意可知考查短语stay connected with…"与…保持联系",故填connected. 7. but.考查连词.句意:这是一项她准备充分的任务,____风险投资家并没有认真对待她的工作.根据句意可知两句之间是转折关系应用转折连词but,故填but. 8. whose.考查定语从句.分析句子结构可知是定语从句,先行词the AI company在从句中作定语与空后的名词technology是从属关系,故填whose. 9. themselves.考查反身代词.句意:杨敦促其他有抱负的年轻人相信自己,因为今天的青少年将成为明天的领袖.根据句意可知考查believe in oneself"相信自己",结合ambitious people可知此处应用they的反身代词,故填themselves. 10. As long as.句意:只要你走出去,站出来,告诉人们你的想法,找出谁能支持你.根据句意可知此处意为"只要"应用as long as引导条件状语从句,故填As long as.‎ Section BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.‎ ‎2.【答案】‎ D,F,A,J,C,H,I,B,G,E ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1) D ,考查句意,根据句意"霍金是一位理论物理学家,他早期对黑洞的研究改变了科学家对宇宙本质的看法 ",可知要填的词为"transformed 转变 ". (2) F ,考查句意,根据句意" 霍金发现了一些"真正了不起的东西".",可知要填的词为" discovered 发现". (3) A ,考查句意,根据句意" 物理学家认为黑洞的巨大引力吸引了一切,没有什么东西可以逃脱",可知要填的词为" drew拉、拽". (4) J ,考查句意,根据句意"霍金指出物理学家理解世界的一个基本问题 ",可知要填的词为"fundamental基本的",形容词作定语. (5) C ,考查句意,根据句意"但他的名声并不仅仅是他的研究成果 ",可知要填的词为" result 结果 ",名词作表语. (6)H ,考查句意,根据句意" 霍金患有一种罕见的疾病,使他无法动弹或说话,他也是一位受欢迎的公众人物和畅销书作家",可知要填的词为"figure人物 ",前面有a,所以用单数名词. (7) I ,考查句意,根据句意"不仅是科学家,公众也对他表示了极大的尊敬 ",可知要填的词为" respect尊重",show respect for尊重. 8B ,考查句意,根据句意" 这种幽默感,加上他的名声,使得霍金多次出现在《辛普森一家》以及其他一些热门节目中",可知要填的词为" allowed 使某人能". (8) G ,考查句意,根据句意" 对霍金来说,沟通似乎是一项巨大的努力",可知要填的词为"effort 努力 ",前面有不定冠词,所以用单数名词做宾语. (9) E ,考查句意,根据句意"很有意思的是,尽管身体上的挑战,Hawking还是获得了高的声誉. ",可知要填的词为" physical身体上的",形容词作定语.‎ Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.‎ ‎3.【答案】‎ B D C A D A B C B A 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 D B D A C ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)B.考查形容词辨析及句意理解.A. new 新的;B. furry 毛的;C. close 亲密的;D. personal私人的.根据前文的 cats and dogs可见都是些有毛的朋友, 所以答案选B.‎ ‎(2)D.考查名词辨析及句意理解.A. endurance 忍耐力;B. awareness意识; C. education 教育;D. well﹣being幸福感.根据前文 scientists from Washington State University have now proved that touching our favourite(1)B friends gently for just ten minutes is an effective way to reduce stress levels,轻轻抚摸我们最喜欢的带毛朋友十分钟,是一种有效的减轻压力的方法.可见通过这项研究,学生的幸福感快速提高 , 所以答案选D.‎ ‎(3)C.考查短语辨析及句意理解.A. glance at 撇一眼;B. focus on集中注意力于; C. interact with 与互动;D. escape from逃脱. 许多大学都采用了"减轻压力"的计划,学生可以与猫或狗互动,现在似乎显示出心理和生理上的好处. 所以答案选C.‎ ‎(4)A.考查名词辨析及句意理解.A. presence出席,存在; B. performance 表演;C. intelligence 智力;D. perseverance毅力.进行的这项研究表明,可以改善学生的情绪,而且宠物的存在有助于缓解压力. 所以答案选A.‎ ‎(5)D.考查形容词辨析及句意理解.A. potential 潜在的;B. problem问题; C. chance 机会;D. impact影响.根据语境仅仅10分钟就可以产生重大影响. 所以答案选D.‎ ‎(6)A.考查形容词辨析及句意理解.A. real﹣life 真实的,现实的;B. part﹣time 兼职的;C. contributions 奉献;D. high﹣quality高质量的.这是第一项在现实生活干预中证明学生皮质醇水平降低的研究. 所以答案选A.‎ ‎(7)B.考查名词辨析及句意理解.A. responses回应; B. exposures 揭露;C. contributions捐款; D. approaches靠近.研究小组选择了249名大学生,将他们随机分为两组,并比较了不同动物接触暴露的效果. 所以答案选B.‎ ‎(8)C.考查动词辨析及句意理解.A. keeping保持; B. preventing阻止; C. observing 观察;D. catching抓住.第一组与猫狗进行10分钟的实际互动,第二组排队等候,观察其他人则抚摸动物, 所以答案选C.‎ ‎(9)B.考查动词辨析及句意理解.A. swear 发誓;B. wait等待; C. supervise 监管;D. appreciate欣赏.第三组观看相同动物的幻灯片,而第四组则必须等待,并被告知10分钟后允许他们看动物, 所以答案选B.‎ ‎(10)A.考查名词辨析及句意理解.A. samples 样品;B. levels 水平;C. injections 注射;D. tips技巧.从早上醒来的那一刻起,从每个参与者身上采集唾液皮质醇样本,与宠物有直接接触的学生唾液中皮质醇明显减少. 所以答案选A.‎ ‎(11)D.考查形容词辨析及句意理解.A. little 小的,少的;B. harmonious 和谐的;C. informal不正常的; D. direct直接的.从早上醒来的那一刻起,从每个参与者身上采集唾液皮质醇样本,与宠物有直接接触的学生唾液中皮质醇明显减少. 所以答案选D.‎ ‎(12)B.考查名词辨析及句意理解.A. campaigns 运动;B. programs项目; C. researches 研究;D. majors专业课.许多大学已经开始了这个项目,学生可以和猫或狗互动,以帮助缓解高等教育的压力." 所以答案选B.‎ ‎(13)D.考查形容词辨析及句意理解.A. complex复杂的; B. intense 紧张的;C. familiar 熟悉的;D. positive.积极的,根据前文的研究,动物给学生带来的是好的影响,所以这个学生说的应该是:我们已经知道学生喜欢和动物互动,这有助于他们体验更多积极的情绪, 所以答案选D.‎ ‎(14)A.考查动词辨析及句意理解.A. subjective 主观的;B. risky冒险的; C. mysterious D. effective有效的.这种接触是否有助于学生以一种不那么主观的方式减轻压力. 所以答案选A.‎ ‎(15)C.考查辨析及句意理解.A. demanding 高要求的;B.challenging 富有挑战性;C. exciting使兴奋的; D. disappointing感到失望的.根据语境这确实令人兴奋,因为随着时间的推移,减少压力化学物质可能对身心健康有显著的好处.所以答案选C.‎ Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.‎ ‎4.【答案】‎ B C B C ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1) B,主旨大意他,本文讲述了旧金山舞蹈节的特点与历史.每年,旧金山的艺术宫剧院都会挤满舞蹈爱好者,每场舞蹈节都有不同的风格和团体规模,作品都有一个共同点:嘻哈.故选B.‎ ‎(2) C,细节理解题,根据第三段的"Artists that use hip hop in a theatrical way or to ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 address social issues are sure to stand out以戏剧化的方式使用嘻哈乐或解决社会问题的艺术家肯定会脱颖而出",可知答案选C.‎ ‎(3) B,推理判断题,根据最后一段的"She made it her goal to get hip hop the same recognition and respect as other dance forms她的目标是让嘻哈和其他舞蹈形式一样得到认可和尊重.",可知那时嘻哈音乐被认为是坏的东西,故选B.‎ ‎(4) C,推理判断题,根据最后一段的"One review said, Micaya's festival challenges us "to reconsider just how diverse and embracing hip hop can now be." Indeed, Micaya brings out the best in dancers一篇评论说,Michaya的音乐节要求我们"重新考虑嘻哈现在的多样性和包容性."."事实上,米卡娅带来了最好的舞者,",可知它成功地推广了嘻哈舞蹈.故选C..‎ ‎5.【答案】‎ B D C ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1) B. 细节理解题.根据文章内容,本文章主要讲述了学校的1.Admission and School Policies入学和学校政策;2. Withdrawal by Parent / Guardian 由父母或者监护人带回;3. Refundable Deposit 可还退押金;4. Fees学费;5. Termination by the school学校终止.可知,本文章主要讲述了某学校的招生手册的注意事项和一些家长与学生的必知项目.因此可以在学校招生手册的条款和条件部分看到该文章,结合选项,故选B.‎ ‎(2)D.推理判断题.根据文章Fee部分内容,The School reserves the right to exclude a pupil where tuition or other fees are not paid in full by the due date.学校有权将未在到期日前缴清学费或其他费用的学生排除名.结合选项,故选D.‎ ‎(3) C.推理判断题.根据文章Termination by the school部分内容,The school may terminate this agreement when permanent exclusion or removal is required. The School shall not take such action without good cause and full consultation with parents / guardians and the pupil. Parents / guardians have the right to appeal to the Orbital Education International Schools Development Officer on a decision to permanently exclude a pupil.当需要永久性的排除或迁移时,学校可终止本协议.未经正当理由及与家长/监护人及学生充分协商,学校不得采取此类行动.家长/监护人有权就以下决定向轨道教育国际学校发展主任提出上诉:永久排除学生.可知,学校和监护人都可以决定学生在学校的位置,结合选项,故选C.‎ ‎6.【答案】‎ B C D A ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)B.细节理解题.根据文章第四段,The student's question inspired Belkhir's latest research on the global emissions footprint of information and communications technology.这个学生的问题激发了Belkhir对信息和通信技术的全球排放足迹的最新研究.由此可知,文章提到Lotfi Belkhir 和他的学生是为了说明Belkhir进行他研究的灵感来源.结合选项,故选B.‎ ‎(2)C.细节理解题.根据文章第九段,Smart﹣phones also have a short life which drives further production of new models and an extraordinary ﹣ amount of waste.智能手机的使用寿命也很短,这就导致了新机型的进一步生产和大量的浪费.可知,智能手机之所以对环境危害大,是因为它更新速度快,会导致新的生产以及资源的浪费.结合选项,故选C.‎ ‎(3)D.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段,Communication and data centres have to go under renewable energy now. The good news is Google and Facebook data centres are going to am on renewable energy.通讯和数据中心现在必须进入可再生能源领域,好消息是谷歌和Facebook的数据中心将进入可再生能源领域.可知,为了减少 ICT的排放, Lotfi Belkhir 建议绿色能源用于运营通信和数据中心.结合选项,故选D.‎ ‎(4)A.主旨大意题.根据文章第一段,Data centres and smart﹣phones will be the most damaging information and communications technologies (ICT) to the environment by 2040 到2040年,数据中心和智能手机将成为对环境危害最大的信息和通信技术.由此本文就其带来的环境危害和影响进行了阐述,结合选项,故选A.‎ Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.‎ ‎7.【答案】‎ F,A,D,B ‎【解答】‎ ‎1. F 细节理解题. 根据前句Aeroponics is not well﹣known in Nigeria, but farmers there are working to make the technique more popular.航空疗法在尼日利亚并不出名,但那里的农民正在努力使这项技术更受欢迎.可知后面应该是在大量土地无法修复的地方,这可能会有很大的不同.故选F. 2. A 归纳总结题.根据后面It required financing of more than $180,000. And some people in Abeokuta were very much against this non﹣traditional method of farming. It took a lot of effort to change peopled minds about aeroponics.它需要超过18万美元的资金,而阿贝奥库塔的一些人非常反对这种非传统的耕作方法,要改变人们对航空疗法的看法需要付出很大的努力.可知此处是本段归纳总结句,但是建立航空农场并不容易.故选A. 3. D 承上启下题.根据前后句In the north, only 49 percent of the land is fertile, a ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 situation that worries traditional farmers. (3)…Nutrients for the plants are controlled by a recycling system, greatly increasing productivity.在北方,只有49%的土地是肥沃的,这种情况令传统农民担忧.植物的养分由循环系统控制,大大提高了生产力.可知然而,航空航天并不需要传统的农业劳动或大量的土地.故选D. 4. B 归纳总结题.根据后句For now, most farmers lack the technical knowledge to increase productivity.目前,大多数农民缺乏提高生产力的技术知识.可知前句政府希望大幅提高这一比例.故选B.‎ IV.Summary Writing ‎8.【答案】‎ We should show gratitude year﹣round as it is beneficial to both our personal and professional life.(我们应该全年都感激生活,因为它有益于我们的个人生活和职业生涯) First, it helps our physical and mental health and makes us happier, thus promoting production at work.(高分句型一)(它有助于我们身心健康,进而提升我们的工作效率) Second, it makes us more self﹣aware, which can contribute to career success.(高分句型二)(它能增强我们的自我意识,促使事业的成功) Lastly,it makes us more likely to forgive others and helps build strong relationships. (更能易于宽恕别人,培养牢固的人际关系)‎ ‎【解答】‎ We should show gratitude year﹣round as it is beneficial to both our personal and professional life.(我们应该全年都感激生活,因为它有益于我们的个人生活和职业生涯) First, it helps our physical and mental health and makes us happier, thus promoting production at work.(高分句型一)(它有助于我们身心健康,进而提升我们的工作效率) Second, it makes us more self﹣aware, which can contribute to career success.(高分句型二)(它能增强我们的自我意识,促使事业的成功) Lastly,it makes us more likely to forgive others and helps build strong relationships. (更能易于宽恕别人,培养牢固的人际关系)‎ V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.‎ ‎9.【答案】‎ Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle.‎ ‎【解答】‎ 答案:Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle.考查汉译英.1. 因事情已发生,要用一般过去时;2. out of curiosity出于好奇心.‎ ‎10.【答案】‎ We'd better analyze(the reasons) why our company's development has slowed down in recent years.,/We'd better analyze the reasons for the slow﹣down of our company's development these years.‎ ‎【解答】‎ 答案:We'd better analyze(the reasons) why our company's development has slowed down in recent years. /We'd better analyze the reasons for the slow﹣down of our company's development these years.考查汉译英.1.因指的现在的情况,主句用现在一般时,从句强调对现在造成的结果,用现在完成时;why our company's development has slowed down in recent years是定语从句修饰先行词reasons,或作宾语从句,或作介词短语for the slow﹣down of our company's development these years作后置定语修饰名词reasons;2. these years这些年.‎ ‎11.【答案】‎ Everyoneshouldrealizethatit'squitenecessarytoreducethenegativeeffectthathumanactivityhasontheenvironment ‎【解答】‎ 答案:Everyone should realize that it's quite necessary to reduce the negative effect that human activity has on the environment.考查汉译英.1. 因指的一般事实,主从句都用一般现在时;2. it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to reduce the negative effect;3. that human activity has on the environment是定语从句从句,修饰先行词effect.‎ ‎12.【答案】‎ I have made up my mind, however you try to persuade me, I won't agree to give up the opportunity that I got after working hard day and night.‎ ‎【解答】‎ 答案:I have made up my mind, however you try to persuade me, I won't agree to give up the opportunity that I got after working hard day and night.考查汉译英.1. 因强调对现在造成的结果或影响,主句用现在完成时;在时间,条件,让步等状语从句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时态;2. that I got是定语从句修饰先行词opportunity;3.give up放弃;day and night日夜.‎ VI. Guided Writing ‎13.【答案】‎ Dear Mr. Wang, In order to further enrich the school art festival, our school decided to add another special session on the basis of the original three special sessions (namely, calligraphy, instrumental music and song). I strongly recommend that photographic work should be included as an important aspect of the art festival.(建议) Whoever is interested in photography can submit their photos to take part in the exhibition.【高分句型一】 My suggestion lies in the following two reasons. On the one hand, for the students who are fond of taking photos, the photographic exhibition can stimulate them to discover the beauty of our surroundings.As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; such an activity will definitely foster sharp eye of photographerto﹣be. On the other hand, for the students who appreciate the photos, they are given a short﹣cut to the beauty of the nature and the society. 【高分句型二】(理由)‎ ‎【解答】‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 Dear Mr. Wang, In order to further enrich the school art festival, our school decided to add another special session on the basis of the original three special sessions (namely, calligraphy, instrumental music and song). I strongly recommend that photographic work should be included as an important aspect of the art festival.(建议) Whoever is interested in photography can submit their photos to take part in the exhibition.【高分句型一】 My suggestion lies in the following two reasons. On the one hand, for the students who are fond of taking photos, the photographic exhibition can stimulate them to discover the beauty of our surroundings.As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; such an activity will definitely foster sharp eye of photographerto﹣be. On the other hand, for the students who appreciate the photos, they are given a short﹣cut to the beauty of the nature and the society. 【高分句型二】(理由)‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页

