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课时跟踪练(六) Communication Workshop, Culture Corner & Bulletin Board 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 ‎[本课语言点针对练习]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The survival_(生存) of human can not leave nature.‎ ‎2.We observed_(观察) that it had turned cloudy.‎ ‎3.Two of the patients were airlifted to Holmes Hospital and the others were transported (运输) by ambulance.‎ ‎4.The machine has two serious disadvantages (缺点).‎ ‎5.After the big earthquake, the victims had to live in the temporary shelters_ (庇护所).‎ ‎6.I think we should invest in training the staff_ (员工).‎ ‎7.Do you have a size limit (限度) on that?‎ ‎8.Next he told me about his leadership philosophy_(哲学).‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The mother observed his son doing (do) his homework and felt cheerful.‎ ‎2.We must set a limit to_the expense of the trip.‎ ‎3.It remains to_be_seen (see) whether you are right.‎ ‎4.Who do you suggest should_be_sent (send) to work there?‎ ‎5.There is nothing in particular in today's newspaper.‎ ‎6.People were desperately seeking shelter from_the gunfire.‎ ‎7.The spider web is only attached to the leaf by one thread.‎ ‎8.This morning I was walking on the street when I saw that two travelers were reading a map, looking puzzled (puzzle).‎ ‎9.We couldn't agree on_a date for the party for various reasons.‎ ‎10.The Christmas Day is on the way. We need prepare some presents.‎ Ⅲ.选词填空 ‎1.They are talking about the problems which is_associated_with economy.‎ ‎2.The hospital is_attached_to the medical college.‎ ‎3.The goals and scope, in_particular,_show you the direction to move.‎ ‎4. Florida is_home_to the largest population of elderly Americans.‎ ‎5.I can see a figure in_the_distance.‎ ‎6.He packed his bags in_preparation_for the journey.‎ ‎7.Tom's mother passed_away just now, so he was very upset.‎ ‎8.Each word and performance of teachers in class will have_an_influence_on students.‎ ‎9.We should take_advantage_of_ this chance to finish the task.‎ ‎10.They are busy making_arrangements_for the meeting to be held tomorrow.‎ Ⅳ.串点成篇微表达 汤姆是我们的同学,去年来自英国的交流生(exchange student)。他充分利用(take full advantage of)每一分钟来学习。他严格限定(set a limit on)每天玩耍的时间。我们经常注意(observe)到他学习到深夜。一听到他被北京大学附属(attached to)中学录取,我们都欣喜若狂(be transported with joy),我们都为他感到骄傲。‎ Tom_is_our_fellow_student,_an_exchange_student_from_England_last_year._He_takes_full_advantage_of_every_minute_to_study._He_sets_a_strict_limit_on_the_time_of_playing._We_often_observe_him_studying_late_into_night.On_hearing_the_news_that_he_was_admitted_into_the_high_school_attached_to_Beijing_University,_we_were_transported_with_joy._We_are_all_proud_of_him.‎ ‎[本单元语言点温故练习]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.His doctors said he had a 50-50 chance of survival_(survive).‎ ‎2.It is said that he bought a new car recently, whose_price is too much for an ordinary family. ‎ ‎3.I know what I want to say but I have difficulty in getting (get) it across.‎ ‎4.They managed to carry on their performance in spite of rain.‎ ‎5.They have run out of_their supplies and they don't know what to happen next.‎ ‎6.Behind any successful event lay months of preparation (prepare).‎ ‎7.What can I do to drive away these feelings of sadness.‎ ‎8.Huge quantities of oil were_spilling (spill) into the sea.‎ ‎9.I must stand by_what I have said.‎ ‎10.I am so confused by the confusing world!(confuse)‎ ‎11.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy_(wealth) and wise.‎ ‎12.The road conditions there turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.‎ Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.It_shocked_me_to_see how they treated the miners.‎ 看到他们这样对待矿工,我感到震惊。‎ ‎2.On the wall hangs_two_large_pictures.‎ 在墙上有两幅巨画。‎ ‎3.When he was a child, he aimed_to_be_a_doctor.‎ 他小时候立志当个医生。‎ ‎4.In_order_to_earn_enough_money,_he worked late into the night.‎ 为了挣更多的钱,他工作到深夜。‎ ‎5.Have you read any similar books? If_ever,_can you name them?‎ 你读过类似的书吗?如果读过的话,你能说出它们的名字吗?‎ ‎6.I have to differ_from_you on the question of cost.‎ 在成本问题上,我不得不与你持不同意见。‎ ‎7.Whatever is worth doing is_worth_doing_well.‎ 任何值得做的事都值得做好。‎ ‎8.So_clever_a_student_was_he_that he was able to work out all the difficult problems.‎ 他是一个如此聪明的学生以至于能解出所有的难题。‎ 二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧 Ⅰ.语法填空 It is interesting to know __1__ people of different nations like to do best.‎ In France, when a woman enters a café or a restaurant, she is freely discussed, not only about her appearance but about her past and future as well. She invites looks in the streets whether she is beautiful __2__ plain. There is no __3__ (good) way for a woman to get back her selfconfidence than a walk in the streets of Paris or Marseilles, and women really like that.‎ In Italy, people love talking. They sit about in cafés, talking about news and discussing politics. They are sure__4__ (ask) questions about the family, income and private life of anybody __5__ happens to be there.‎ The Swiss eat as a pastime. Ladies walk into a teashop, __6__ (eat) a couple of ice creams and a large piece of chocolate cake, and then leave, __7__ (complain) about their weight.‎ For the Americans, the greatest fondness is said __8__ (be) the push of buttons. You push a button in the lift. You push a button for a cigarette, chewing gums, stamps, even for a life insurance. You can even push a button to get married and another button to get divorced. ‎ In England, waiting in a line is national passion. The English will form a line whether they have the opportunity or not. Long queues can __9__ (see), for example, at stations when the train is __10__ (practical) empty and everybody can have a seat.‎ 答案:1.what 2.or 3.better 4.to ask 5.who 6.eat ‎7.complaining 8.to be 9.be seen 10.practically Ⅱ.短文改错 During the weekend I traveled by air the first time in my life.I generally travel by train and bus.It is both cheaper and safe.But this was a short journey.In the beginning I did not feel very happily, but this feeling did not last longer.The journey was very exciting.I was soon high up in the sky among the cloud.The views of mountains, fields and rivers were interested.I enjoy my ‎ short and comfortable journey very much.This experience has shown that traveling in air is actually the safest way of make journeys.‎ 答案:第一句:在air后加for 第二句:and→or 第三句:safe→safer 第五句:happily→happy; longer→long 第七句:cloud→clouds 第八句:interested→interesting 第九句:enjoy→enjoyed 第十句:in→by; make→making ‎ Ⅲ.书面表达 今年夏天你和其他同学参加了一次野外生存训练(wildness survival program)。请根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文来描述这次活动并谈谈自己的感受。‎ 时间 活动 你的感受 ‎7月10日 至12日 ‎1.携带物品:指南针、帐篷、手电筒、地图、急救包、火柴、食品、衣物等。‎ ‎2.途中翻过三座山,游过两条河。在穿越森林时迷了路,靠指南针你们找到了正确的方向。‎ ‎3.在营地,支起帐篷,自己生火、做饭。‎ ‎4.学习紧急救护。‎ ‎……‎ 注意:1.词数100左右。‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:指南针compass 手电筒flashlight 急救包firstaid kit 宿营地campsite 参考范文:‎ My classmates and I took part in a wildness survival program from July 10th to July 12th this summer.‎ Before we started, we were equipped with a compass, a map, a firstaid kit, tents, flashlights, some food, some clothes and so on. On the way we climbed three hills and swam across two rivers. We lost our way in the forest. Luckily we found the right direction with the compass. As soon as we arrived at the campsite, we put up our tents, made a fire and then started cooking. We also learned how to give firstaid.‎ Through the program, we learned to use knowledge gained in class to solve problems. It was quite an unforgettable experience for me.‎

