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Unit 4: Astronomy: the science of stars telescope astronomers The Milky Way galaxy 1. All living things depend on ________ for life. 2. As far as we can see, the ______ is the only planet suitable for life to develop. It’s about _________years old. 3. The sun is about ____ the size of the earth. 4. ______ is what makes life possible. 5. Where did life first begin? On the land or in the ocean ? 6. Which appear first? Plants or animals? 7. How many planets are there in the Solar System? A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 8. On what day is the Earth Day celebrated? A. April 22 B. May 4 C. August 21 D. November 11 the sun Free Talk earth Water 49 4.5 billion 水星   金星 地球 火星 木星 土星 天王星 海王星 Did an asteroid (小行星) kill the dinosaurs — and could another kill us? How did life begin on earth? In Chinese culture: Pangu separated the sky and the earth; Nvwa made human beings with clay( 黏土 ). How did life begin on earth? In Indian culture: Brahman( 婆罗门 ) is the creator of the universe and all living beings are said to have evolved from him. How did life begin on earth? In Western culture: God created the world in 7 days. On the 6th day, he created humans: Adam and Eve All began with a “Big Bang ”( 大爆炸 ) How did life begin on earth? According to a widely accepted theory, Reading HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH universe formation earth formation importance water development plants animals humans arrival influence Development of life Development of earth ----- which makes it possible for life to develop Development of earth: Development of life:P4-5 1. After water appeared ___________ appeared on the surface of the water, which encouraged the development of ____________________ small plants shellfish and all sorts of fish 2. Next, ___________ began to grow on land as well as land animals-------insects and ___________, which can live both on land and in the water. green plants amphibians 3. Later, when plants grew into forests, ______ appeared for the first time. Some huge animals, called _________, developed, they produced young by laying eggs. reptiles dinosaurs About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs disappeared, after that, _________ became more important. mammals came into being and spread all over the world. What life developed after mammals? Humans They developed new methods of growing food, hunting and moving around.As time went by they covered the earth and have become the most important animals on the planet. According to the pictures, have a try to retell the development of life. The earth was just a cloud of dust whose future is _________ after the “Big Bang”. Then the dust began to settle into a _______ ball which is so ________ and _______ loudly with fire and rock, to be in time to produce many things, which made the earth’s ___________. As the earth cooled down, ________ began to appear and people think it is important for the beginning of life. It allowed the earth to dissolve ________ gases. Then life began to develop. uncertain solid violent exploded atmosphere water harmful ︶ ︶ ︵ I felt lonely and life was dull at that time. ︵ ︵ ︶ Nobody understood plants were the start of changes. They ___________ and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen. This encouraged the _____________ of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such as insects, amphibians, reptiles and dinosaurs and so on _________ after the first green plants appeared. Dinosaurs disappeared, which made possible the rise of _____________ on the earth. Then small clever animals ____________ all over the earth. multiplied development spread With so many friends on me, I was happy. followed mammals Humans developed new ________ of growing, hunting and moving around. As time went by they covered the earth. Now _______ carbon dioxide has been putting into the __________, which ________ heat_____ escaping from the earth into space. As a result, the problem of ______________ occurs. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will ___________ whether this problem can be solved. means from prevents Now, I’ m worried about the future of myself and humans… depend on ︹ too much atmosphere global warming They are making the world better . They are making the world worse . A B Discussion As a student, what little things can we do for the earth? to prevent the earth from getting hotter and hotter to slow down the problem getting worse …… solar energy plant trees recycle rubbish prevent desertification save water purify air What can we do tak e care of the earth? Man has but one earth! To save the earth is to save man himself! our home P1:A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe No one knows……, as ….so long ago. According to a widely accepted theory begin with in all directions After that , atoms ….form and combine to… P2:The formation of the earth For several billion years after …the earth….a cloud of dust Between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago … settle into a solid globe so violent that … explode with…in time to produce… which were to make… As … cool down , ….appear on its surface P3: Water’s importance but disappear on other planets like mars It was not immediately obvious that …be fundamental to …. What many scientists believe is that … allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acid into … A chain reaction, which ….. P4: The development of plants and animals on the earth Many million of years later , the first extremely small plants…. which encouraged…. Next , green plants….on land, followed by …. Later when the plants grew into forests,…. for the first time . After that … Lay eggs/exist for …140 million years However ,…. Why they suddenly disappeared…… made possible ….mammals Give birth to ….produce milk to feed…. P5: The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth Finally about 2.6 million years ago some small clever animals ……all over the earth Thus …..the most important animals But …..put too much carbon dioxide into…which prevents…from …. As a result of this, too hot to live on So whether life will continue on the earth for million of years to come will depend on … Homework Collect more information about the development of life and make a poster with your group members. 2. Read and retell the passage to learn the important and difficult language points. As the result of "Big Bang", the violent earth slowly settled into a globe __1 ____ around the sun. The gases which were to make the earth's 2 _____ came into being from the explosion of the dust ball, with water 3 (follow) them while the earth cooled down . It allowed the beginning for life. Many millions of years 4 , the first 5 ( 极度的 ) small plants began to appear 6 the surface of the water, 7 ( 繁殖 ) and filling the sea and oceans, moving atmosphere following later extremely on multiplying which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. As time passed , green plants taking carbon dioxide and producing 8 (氧气) came to land and grew into forest. Later the chains of lives continued, such as insects, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs and mammals, the typical of 9 is human being. They don't only do 10 to the earth but cause damage to it. oxygen which good

