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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修7Unit 4 Sharing单元学案 核心词汇 ‎1.Everyone in the class is expected to ____________(参加)in the discussion,all included.‎ ‎2.Foreign investors are not permitted to____________(购买)land.‎ ‎3.Clothes and blankets have been_____________(分配,分发) among the flood victims.‎ ‎4.I’m afraid that either of them will not agree to this ____________(安排).‎ ‎5.She often tells her classmates how hard life is at the____________(偏僻的)school.‎ ‎6.Some old workers enjoy certain____________(特权),such as company cars and private health care in our company.‎ ‎7.It is hoped that education should be____________(有关的)to children’s needs.‎ ‎ 8.In my opinion,these are____________(政治)rather than social matters.‎ ‎9.The desks and chairs are____________,and you can_____________them to the height of the students.The ____________is not difficult to make.(adjust)‎ ‎10.The schoolbus was ____________to them by a motor company and they received ____________from other companies as well.(donate)‎ ‎1.participate 2.purchase 3.distributed 4.arrangement 5.remote 6.privileges 7.relevant 8.political 9.adjustable;adjust;adjustment 10.donated;donations 高频短语 ‎1.________________ 接到……的信 ‎2.________________ 极想;渴望 ‎3.________________ 不久前的一天 ‎4.________________ 和……有关 ‎5.________________ 参与……;参加……‎ ‎6.________________ (使浸水等物)完全变干; 干透 ‎7.________________ (指河流、井等)干涸 ‎8.________________ 在困难中;在危急中 ‎9.________________ 完成;穿过 ‎10.________________ 伸出 ‎11.________________ 说实在的 ‎1.hear from  2.(be)dying to 3.the other day 4.be relevant to... 5.participate in 6.dry out 7.dry up 8.in need 9.get through 10.stick out 11.to be honest 重点句式 ‎1.We walked for two and a half hours to get there—first up a mountain to a ridge____________we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.‎ 我们走了两个半小时才到了那儿。先爬到了一座山的山顶,从那儿我们欣赏到了优美的风景,然后又沿着陡峭的山坡到了下面的山谷。‎ ‎2.But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I_________visit a village which is the home of one of the boys,Tombe.‎ 但是上个周末,我和另一个老师,珍妮,确实拜访了一个村庄,其中一个男孩汤贝的家就在那里。‎ ‎3.The gift you give is ________something your loved one keeps ________a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.‎ 你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。‎ ‎4.__________,I doubt whether I’m ____________these boys’ lives at all.‎ 说实话,我真有点怀疑,我是否能对这些男孩的生活产生什么影响。‎ ‎1.from where 2.did 3.not;but 4.To be honest;making any difference to ‎1 .adjust vi.& vt. 调整;使适合 The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.‎ 小屋内很黑,因此眼睛要过好一阵才能适应过来。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①It took her a while to adjust to living alone.‎ 她过了一段时间才适应独自生活。‎ ‎②You will quickly adjust yourself to student life. ‎ 你将很快适应学生生活。‎ ‎③This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need. Besides,it’s not expensive at all.‎ 这种课桌可以调整你需要的高度,况且一点也不贵。‎ ‎④Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared.‎ 我正努力适应这里的新环境,这时王平出现了。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎1.To be honest,it took me more than a month to __________myself__________the new school life.‎ A.adopt;to       B.adjust;to C.adapt;into D.suit;for 解析:选B。adjust...to意为“调整……使适合”。句意:老实说,我花了一个多月时间才适应新学校的生活。adapt与to搭配;adopt意为“采纳,收养”;当suit 表示“使适合”时,与to搭配。‎ ‎2.—Did he say something in the lecture that ________ you?‎ ‎—Not really.Actually I felt sleepy over his speech.‎ A.adjusted to B.attached to C.referred to D.appealed to 解析:选D。考查动词短语辨析。根据下文可知演讲并没有吸引我。故选appeal to对……有吸引力。adjust to 适应;attach to依附于……;refer to提及。‎ ‎2 .participate vi. 参与;参加 I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language,even though I could not participate in the conversation.‎ 我喜欢听一家人用他们的语言轻声细语地交谈,虽然我无法参与到他们的对话中去。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①As far as I know,she didn’t participate in the discussion.‎ 据我所知,她没有参加讨论。‎ ‎②We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.‎ 我们鼓励学生全面参与学院的运作。‎ ‎③All the participants in the debate will have an opportunity to speak.‎ 所有参加辩论的人都有机会发言。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎3.Students in our school are encouraged to________more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge.‎ A.attend         B.join C.take part D.participate in 解析:选D。participate in=take part in表示“参加集体活动”的意思。‎ ‎4.All of them thought it necessary that he________the meeting.‎ A.attend B.join C.participate in D.take part in 解析:选A。attend a meeting“参加(出席)会议”。‎ ‎5.—Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time?‎ ‎—Yes,since she________the Chinese Society.‎ A.has joined B.joins C.had joined D.joined 解析:选D。句意:——你认识Dr.Jackson好长时间了吗?——是的,自从她加入华人社团我就认识了她。since自从……以来,引导时间状语从句,强调过去认识时的时间,第一句话所用的现在完成时是判断该句子时态的重要依据。‎ ‎3 .privilege n. 特权;特别优待 It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’‎ s family.‎ 能与汤贝一家度过一天的时间真是莫大的荣幸。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①You can enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership.‎ 你可以享受俱乐部成员的一切福利和优惠。‎ ‎②I hope to have the privilege of working with them again. ‎ 但愿有幸与他们再度合作。‎ ‎③We are privileged to have a distinguished guest with us tonight.‎ 我们今晚有幸与一位贵宾在一起。‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎6.完成句子 ‎(1)在现代社会中不应该把教育看成一种特权,每一个人都有权力接受教育。‎ Education should not be ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ for everyone has the right to do so.‎ 答案:a privilege in the modern society ‎(2)女士们、先生们,我很荣幸的向大家介绍今晚的发言人。‎ Ladies and gentlemen,I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________introducing our speaker for tonight.‎ 答案:have the great privilege of ‎4 .donate vt. 捐赠;赠送 Would you like to donate an unusual gift?‎ 你愿意捐献一份不平常的礼物吗?‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①There is no risk of getting AIDS when donating blood.‎ 献血不会染上艾滋病。‎ ‎②Last year he donated 100,000 dollars to cancer research.‎ 去年他捐赠10万美元支持癌症研究工作。‎ ‎③The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations.‎ 这家慈善机构工作所需资金是人们自愿捐赠的。‎ ‎④All the donation was sent to the earthquakestriken areas.‎ 所有捐赠都送往地震灾区了。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎7.如果大多数能赚钱自立的人把一天的工资捐给希望工程的话,事情就很有希望了。‎ If most breadwinners ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.‎ 答案:donate a day’s pay to ‎5 .operate vi. 工作,运转;给……动手术 ‎ vt. 操作 This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages.‎ 这份礼物包含了支援贫困或偏远山村社区小学的练习本和课本的费用。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①For most people,it’s almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse.‎ 对大多数人而言,没有鼠标几乎无法操作电脑。‎ ‎②The doctor said that the patient had to be operated on at once, which made us all worried.‎ 医生说这个病人必须立刻做手术,这使我们都非常担心。‎ ‎③His father is operating a big company,which operates in several cities,making high profits.In return for society,he donated much money to a patient in need,who was operated on last year.‎ 他的父亲经营着一家大公司,在几个城市里运营着且盈利很高。作为对社会的回报,他为一位去年动了手术急需帮助的病人捐了一大笔钱。 ‎ ‎④When shall we put the project into operation?‎ 我们何时开始运作这项工程?‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎8.这种设备设计的可以在所有气候条件下运转。‎ The equipment ________ ________ ________ ________in all weather conditions.‎ 答案:is designed to operate ‎6 .(be)dying to do sth. 渴望做某事 ‎ I know you’re dying to hear all about my life here,so I’ve included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about.‎ 我知道你急于了解我在这儿的生活情况,我在信中附有几张照片,能够帮助你想象出我所谈到的地方。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①I’m dying to know what happened.‎ 我很想知道发生了什么事。‎ ‎②She was dying for a holiday to relax herself.‎ 她非常渴望一个假期来放松一下自己。‎ ‎③Mike is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a while.‎ 迈克渴望离开繁忙的城市生活一段时间。‎ ‎④To be honest,I’m eager to go abroad for further education.‎ 诚实地说,我极想出国深造。‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎9.When will the result of the exam be announced?The students are________to know it.‎ A.agreeing      B.dying C.deciding D.desiring 解析:选B。be dying to do sth.“极想做某事”。desire意为“渴望;渴求”后可接动词不定式,但不用于进行时。‎ ‎7 .come across  偶然遇到或发现,碰见 The boys who had never come across anything like this before started jumping out of the windows.‎ 男孩们从未见过这种情况,(吓得)都往窗外跳去。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①She came across some old photographs in a drawer.‎ 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。‎ ‎②I came across an old friend I hadn’t seen for years.‎ 我碰巧遇见了多年未见的老朋友。‎ ‎③This situation should never have come about.‎ 这种情况本来不应该发生。‎ ‎④They met with an accident on their way home.‎ 他们在回家的路上出了车祸。‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎10.If we can______our present difficulties,then everything ‎ should be all right.‎ A.come across      B.get over C.come over D.get off 解析:选B。本题考查动词短语。come across偶然碰到/遇见;get over克服(困难);come over过来,从远方来,顺便来访;get off意为“下车/来,动身,开始”。本题为“克服我们目前的困难”之意,故选B。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎11.His car ________ the terrible traffic jam,so he had to call off his appointment with his doctor.‎ A.came across B.came along C.came between D.came over 解析:选A。句意:由于他的车遇到了交通堵塞,所以不得不取消了与医生的约会。come across偶然遇到。come along 随同,一起;come between介入……之间,妨碍;come over过来,从远方来。‎ ‎8 .in need  在困难中;在危急中 Choose from this catalogue a really useful gift for some of the world’s poorest and bring hope for a better future to a community in need.‎ 从这份清单中选择一份确实有用的礼物,送给世界上一些最穷苦的人,给急需帮助的社区带去对未来的希望。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①A friend in need is a friend indeed.‎ 患难朋友才是真朋友。‎ ‎②We are collecting money for families in need.‎ 我们正在为有困难的家庭募捐。‎ ‎③Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.当人们需要帮助时,行动比话语更好。‎ ‎④There is no need to regret what has happened.‎ 没必要为已经发生的事感到后悔。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎12.Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students________financial aid.‎ A.in favour of       B.in honour of ‎ C.in face of D.in need of 解析:选D。句意:很多中国大学为需要经济资助的大学生提供奖学金。in favour of 赞同,支持,有利于;in honour of 向……表示敬意;in face of 面临;in need of 需要。‎ 句型梳理 ‎1【教材原句】 The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.(P34)‎ 你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。‎ ‎【句法分析】 not...but...意思是“不是……而是……”,连接两个表语。not...but...连接两个平行成分,当连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近一致”原则确定。‎ ‎①I’m not a student but a teacher.‎ 我不是学生而是老师。‎ ‎②He does not work but play all day.‎ 他整天不学习只是玩耍。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ not only...but(also),either...or...,neither...nor...连接两个主语时,谓语动词按“就近一致”原则确定。as well as连接主语时,谓语动词按“就前一致”原则确定。‎ ‎③Not he but you are wanted on the telephone.‎ 电话找的是你不是他。‎ ‎13.It is often said that the joy of traveling is ________ in arriving at your destination ________ in the journey itself.‎ A./;but         B./;or C.not;or D.not;but 解析:选D。本题考查的是固定搭配。not...but...是固定词组,意为“不是……而是……”。句意:人们常常说旅行不在于你到达目的地而在于旅程本身。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎2【教材原句】 We walked for two and a half hours to get there-first up a mountain to a ridge from_where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.(P29)‎ 我们走了两个半小时才到了那儿。先爬到了一座山的山顶,从那儿我们欣赏到了优美的风景,然后又沿着陡峭的山坡到了下面的山谷。‎ ‎【句法分析】 from where引导的定语从句修饰a ridge,关系副词where前一般不加介词,但from where却是个例外。‎ ‎①There are many websites,from where you can find almost all the necessary information.‎ 有许多网址,从那里你能够找到几乎所有必要的信息。‎ ‎②China is the birthplace of kites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan,Korea and India.‎ 中国是风筝的故乡,从那里放风筝传到了日本、朝鲜和印度。‎ ‎③Alice stood at the window,from where she could watch her classmates playing football.‎ Alice站在窗户旁边,从那里她可以观看同学们踢足球。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎14.The following are some popular websites________people can sell goods to each other.‎ A.where         B.which C.when D.whose 解析:选A。where引导定语从句,并在从句中作地点状语,意思是 ‎“在这些网站上”。 ‎ 高考试题链接 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night,when fear seized me. My wallet was gone. I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding in the dark to some 16 station. ‎ The 17 moment was quickly followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost to replace the 18 of that little wallet?The credit cards,the driver’s license,the cash,all lost to the bus. ‎ Two hours later,back at my house,I heard a knock on the door. My husband 19 it while I was on the phone in the dining room. “Does Jennifer live here?” I heard a lady say. In my husband’s hand was my wallet,with not a penny 20 . She left before I could 21 make it to the door to offer my thanks. ‎ After sharing the story online,I heard from someone,who 22 ‎ ‎ the lady as Erin Smith. Without 23 ,I called to thank her. She said she 24 my wallet on a bus seat. She 25 that going to a stranger’s house was a 26 move,but she decided to take the chance. "If I were in that 27 . I would want someone to try to find me," she said. ‎ This one stranger responded beautifully to my small 28 ,but she actually wasn’t the only one. Right after Erin 29 my wallet on the bus,she posted a picture of my driver’s license to an online forum(论坛),trying to see 30 anyone knew me. No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son’s nursery and who recognized my face. I’ve never 31 words with those moms beyond small tall,but they wanted to help. I read that people are more divided than ever,but that’s not how the people I 32 tend to act. ‎ ‎ 33 ,I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger. Erin had gone 34 what almost anyone would have done,finding my house on a bitterly cold night,and for that I was extremely 35 .‎ ‎16. A. accessible B. hidden C. unknown D. convenient ‎17. A. face-saving B. brain-washing C.‎ ‎ eye-catching D. heart-stopping ‎18. A. parts B. contents C. details D. ingredients ‎19. A. ignored B. answered C. examined D. interrupted ‎20. A. missing B. returned C. remaining D. abandoned ‎21. A. still B. ever C. yet D. even ‎22. A. selected B. appointed C. identified D. defined ‎23. A. delay B. alarm C. regret D. invitation ‎24. A. moved B. placed C. opened D. spotted ‎25. A. disagreed B. complained C. calculated D. recommended ‎26. A. selfless B. risky C. slow D. personal ‎27. A. site B. direction C. situation D. atmosphere ‎28. A. crisis B. danger C. threat ‎ ‎ D. failure ‎29. A. got rid of B. made use of C. had control of D. took possession of ‎30. A. if B. where C. how D. when ‎31. A. recalled B. exchanged C. repeated D. whispered ‎32. A. encounter B. follow C. consult D. accompany ‎33. A. Going away B. Turning around C. Looking back D. Coming along ‎34. A. into B. against C. over D. beyond ‎35. A. longing B. enthusiastic C. concerned D. grateful 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)‎ ‎【答案】16. C 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D ‎25. C 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. A 31. B ‎ ‎ 32. A 33. C ‎34. D 35. D ‎【分析】这是一篇夹叙夹议类的文章。作者将钱包落在了公共汽车上,Erin捡到了作者的钱包,在寒冷的黑夜亲自登门归还钱包。作者深受感动。文章叙述了事情的来龙去脉和作者的感受。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 根据前文的“fear seized me. My wallet was gone.”可以推知,作者将钱包落在了公共汽车上,而汽车正在开往某个作者未知的地方,这使得找回钱包的希望渺茫,因此作者心生“恐惧”。故C选项(unknown)切题。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 根据上一段中的“fear seized me”可以推知,作者在发现丢了钱包之后的第一感觉是“害怕”。之后,作者开始在内心计算找回钱包里的那些东西所需要的时间和钱数。故该空应和fear表达的意思相近,D选项(heart-stopping)切题:令人心跳停止的,惊心动魄的。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 该空指下文中提到的“the credit cards, the driver’s license, the cash”,这些都是钱包里装的东西。故选B(content):所含之物,所容纳之物。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 两小时后有人敲门,丈夫去应门。B选项(answer)切题:应(门);接(电话);应答。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 结合下文的陈述可知,那位女士捡到了作者的钱包,她拾金不昧,将钱包完璧归赵。由此可以推知,该处指“钱包里的钱一分也没有丢失”。故A选项(missing)切题:不见的,丢失的。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 作者甚至还没有来得及到门口感谢那位女士,她就离开了。该空表示“甚至”,故选D选项(even):甚至。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 在网上分享了这个故事之后,作者收到了某个人的来信,这个人确认了那位女士是Erin Smith。C选项(identify)切题:确认,认出,识别。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 找到了那位拾金不昧的女士,作者当然要“马上,毫不耽搁地”打电话去感谢对方。A选项(delay)切题:耽搁,延迟。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 作者将钱包落在了公共汽车上,Erin是在一个座位上发现了它。该空表示“发现”,故选D选项(spot):发现,认出。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 根据文章最后一段中的“a bitterly cold night”可知,这件事发生在一个寒冷的晚上。同时,Erin又不认识作者。由此推知,该句应指:Erin估计去一个陌生人的家是一个冒险的举动。C选项(calculate)正确:估算,估计,预料。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 根据下文中的转折词but可知,该句和she decided to take the chance(她决定冒险)是转折关系。那么该句应指去一个陌生人家是一个冒险的举动。故B选项(risky)正确:冒险的。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 该句叙述的是Erin当时的想法:“如果我处在那种情况下(指丢了钱包这种情形),我希望有个人努力地找到我”。该空表示“情况,情形”,故选C选项(situation):情况,情形。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 作者丢了钱包,对于作者来说,这是一个“危机,危难时刻”。故选A选项(crisis):危机,危难时刻。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ Erin捡到了作者的钱包,在归还作者之前,钱包在Erin的手里,Erin暂时“拥有,占有”作者的钱包。故D选项正确。take possession of意为“拥有,占有”。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ Erin把作者的驾照图片发到一个论坛里,想看看是否有人认识作者。该空表示“是否”,故选A选项(if):是否。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 根据后面的转折词but可知,该句和后面一句(她们想帮忙)转折关系,由此推知,该句指:除了闲聊,作者和那两位妈妈从来没有说过话,即:从未和她们“交换过词语”。B选项(exchange)正确:交换,互换。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 作者曾经读到这样的说法:人们比以往更加四分五裂,即:人们不像以前那样团结,不像以前那样互相帮助了。但是,作者遇到的这些人的行为方式不是那样的。上文中提到的Erin,two moms都是作者遇到的人。故A选项(encounter)正确:偶遇,遇到,邂逅。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 回顾发生的这件事,作者感到很幸运:有人想帮助一个陌生人。C选项(look back)正确:回顾,追忆。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 根据倒数第二段中提到的“people are more divided”可以推知,一般人在捡到别人的钱包后,都不会像Erin那样亲自归还失主。因此该句指:Erin的所作所为远远超越了其他人的行为。该空表示“超过,超越”,故选D选项(beyond):超过,超越。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ Erin在寒冷的黑夜亲自登门归还作者的钱包,作者对此非常感激。D选项(grateful)正确:感激的。‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A 90-year-old has been awarded“Woman Of The Year”for 61 (be)Britain's oldest full-time employee-still working 40 hours a week. Now Irene Astbury works from 9am to 5pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, 62 she opened with her late husband Les. Her years of hard work have 63 (final)been acknowledged after a customer nominated(提名)her to be Cheshire's Woman Of The Year.‎ Picking up her“Lifetime Achievement”award,proud Irene 64 (declare) she had no plans 65 (retire) from her 36-year-old business. Irene said,“I don't see any reason to give up work. I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends I 66 (make) over the years. I work not because I have to, 67 because I want to.”‎ Granddaughter Gayle Parks,31-who works alongside her in the family business-said it remained unknown as to who nominated Irene for the award. She said,“We don't have any idea who put grandma forward. When we got a call 68 (say)she was short-listed,we thought it was 69 joke. But then we got an official letter and we were blown away. We are so proud of her. It's 70 (wonder).”‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Since I was a kid, I`ve considered different job I would like to do. First, I wanted to be a fireman, whose uniform looked so coolly. Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher too much. When I studied chemistry high school, I reconsidered mg goal or decided to be a doctor. They were two reasons for the decision. One was that I was amazing at the fact that a sick person could feel much more better after seeing a doctor. And the other is that I wanted to help people in need.‎ 参考答案 第二节 ‎61. being 62. which 63. finally 64. declared 65. to retire 66. have made ‎ ‎67. but 68. saying 69. a 70. wonderful

