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‎(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 ‎1.pavement n.       人行道 ‎2.passage n. 船费(包括食宿);通道;(一)段 ‎3.embassy n. 大使馆;大使及其官员 ‎4.charity n. 慈善(团体);施舍 ‎5.barber n. 理发师 ‎6.scream vi. 尖声叫 n. 尖叫声;喊叫声 ‎7.genuine adj. 真的;真诚的 ‎8.bow vi.&n. 鞠躬;弯腰 ‎9.penniless adj. 贫困的;身无分文的 ‎10.issue vt.&vi. 发行(钞票等);发布(命令);出版(杂志等)‎ ‎11.fake n. 假货;欺骗 adj. 假的 ‎12.nightfall n.[纵联1] 黄昏 ‎13.author n. 著者;作家 ‎14.dessert n. 餐后甜点 ‎15.bay n. 海湾 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 ‎1.wander vi. 漫游;漫步;漂泊;徘徊 ‎2.envelope n. 信封 ‎3.scene n. (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 ‎4.spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 斑点;污点;地点 ‎5.account vi.&vt. 认为;说明;总计有 n. 说明;理由;计算;账目 ‎6.seek vt.&vi. 寻找;探索;寻求 ‎7.contrary n. 反面;对立面 adj. 相反的;相违的 ‎8.manner n. 礼貌;举止;方式 ‎9.indeed adv.[纵联2] 真正地;确实;实在 ‎10.stare vi. 凝视;盯着看 ‎11.fault n. [纵联3] 过错;缺点;故障;错误 ‎12.amount n. 数量 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 ‎1.novel n.小说;长篇故事adj.新奇的;异常的→novelist n.小说家 ‎2.adventure n.奇遇;冒险→adventurous adj.冒险的 ‎3.permit vt.&vi.许可;允许;准许n.通行证;许可证;执照→permission n.许可[纵联4]‎ ‎4.patience n.耐性;忍耐→patient adj.能忍耐的;有耐心的n.病人;患者→patiently adv.耐心地;有毅力地 ‎5.unbelievable adj.难以置信的→believable adj.可信的→belief ‎ n.信念;信仰;信心 ‎6.rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的→rudely adv.粗鲁地→rudeness n.粗鲁[纵联5]‎ 纵联1.“一天时间”知多少?‎ ‎①dawn黎明       ②noon中午 ‎③dusk黄昏 ④nightfall黄昏 ‎⑤midnight半夜 纵联2.“真正;确实”家族 ‎①indeed adv. 真正地;确实;实在 ‎②real adj. 真实的;现实的 ‎③true adj. 真实的;真正的 ‎④sincere adj. (指感情或行为)真实的;诚挚的 纵联3.“过失”与“冲突”相关名词一览 ‎①fault过错 ②argument争吵;争论 ‎③quarrel争吵;吵架 ④conflict冲突 ‎⑤mistake错误 纵联4.以ssion结尾的名词集锦 ‎①permission许可 ②discussion讨论 ‎③possession拥有 ④expression表情 ‎⑤impression印象 ⑥admission允许进入 纵联5.以字母e结尾的形容词直接加ly变副词荟萃 ‎①rude→rudely ②polite→politely ‎③wide→widely ④fortunate→fortunately ‎⑤entire→entirely ⑥extreme→extremely 单元话题——电影剧本 子话题1 影视相关人员 ‎①actor n.          男演员 ‎②actress n. 女演员 ‎③director n. 导演 ‎④cameraman/photographer n. 摄影师 ‎⑤producer n. 制片人 ‎⑥audience n. 观众;听众 ‎⑦supporting role 配角 ‎⑧leading role 主角 子话题2 影视类型 ‎①drama n.戏剧 ②cartoon n.动画片 ‎③comedy n.喜剧;喜剧片 ④tragedy n.悲剧 ‎⑤opera n.歌剧 ⑥soap opera肥皂剧 ‎⑦TV series电视连续剧 子话题3 影视器材及设施 ‎①camera n.摄像机 ②microphone n.麦克风 ‎③studio n.工作室;演播室 ④stage n.舞台 ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 ‎1.(2018·北京高考完形填空)Mr. Anderson said: “I couldn’t believe that the guy never took a penny❶. To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight when he could have stolen the money and paid for a place to stay in. This guy has nothing and yet he didn’t take the wallet for himself; he thought about others instead❷. It’s __❸__.It just proves there are ‎ honest guys out there.”‎ ‎①写出本单元中与加彩词同词根的形容词:penniless ‎②写出本单元中与加彩词意义相近的形容词:contrary;_on the contrary意为相反的 ‎③选词填空: A.unbelievable   B.unimportant  C.unnecessary ‎2.(2015·天津高考阅读A)No pets except fish __❶__ (permit) in student rooms. Students who are found❷ with pets, whether visiting or owned by the student, are subject to an initial fine of $100 and a continuing fine of $50 a day per pet. Students receive written notice when the fine goes into effect.‎ ‎①用permit的适当形式填空:are_permitted,此句是说“在学生宿舍除鱼外其余的宠物都不能养”‎ ‎②写出本单元与加彩词意义相近的词:spotted_,意为“发现”‎ 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 ‎(根据汉语及提示翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)此外,一些著名艺术家将会现场表演如何剪纸。(spot)‎ In_addition,_there_are_famous_artists_who_will_perform_how_to_cut_paper_on_the_spot.‎ ‎2.(2014·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)时间允许的话,我希望有更多的业余时间与朋友在一起以便于提升我们的友谊。(permit)‎ ‎①If_time_permits,_I_expect_to_have_more_spare_time_to_spend_with_my_friends_so_that_we_can_promote_our_friendship.(条件状语从句)‎ ‎②Time_‎ permitting,I_expect_to_have_more_spare_time_to_spend_with_my_friends_so_that_we_can_promote_our_friendship.(独立主格结构)‎ ‎3.(2017·北京高考书面表达)我真诚地希望你能考虑我的推荐。(account)‎ I_sincerely_hope_you_will_take_my_recommendation_into_account.‎ ‎ (二)课堂重点释疑 ‎1.scene n.(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 ‎[记牢]‎ on the scene        在现场;当场;在台上 behind the scenes 在幕后;暗中 appear/come on the scene 出场;登场 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Nine people died on the scene and one more person died in hospital in the car crash.‎ ‎②The students were able to go behind the scenes (scene) to see how programmes were made.‎ 单句改错 ‎③In the picture, there’s a scene that some foreign school children in Grade One are having a class.that→where ‎[用准] scene有“场景;场面;地点”的含义,后接定语从句,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,一般用where或in which来引导。‎ ‎[写美] 句式升级 ‎④On receiving the call, the police rushed to the scene. There a traffic accident happened.‎ ‎→The moment the police received the call, they rushed to the scene, where/in which a traffic accident happened.(定语从句)‎ ‎2.permit vt.&vi.许可;允许;准许n.通行证;许可证;执照 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)permit sb. to do sth.    允许某人做某事 permit doing sth. 允许做某事 ‎(2)a driving permit 驾驶执照 ‎(3)permission n. [U] 允许;许可 without permission 未经允许 ask for permission 申请许可 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)The government has already permitted the company to_use (use) special materials to make it easier for the vehicle to fly.‎ ‎②You should know that no photos are to be taken of the exhibits without permission (permit).‎ 单句改错 ‎③The owner doesn’t permit park cars in front of the shops.park→parking ‎[用准] permit用作不及物动词,可表示时间、条件、天气等“允许的话”,此时常用于独立主格结构,即“名词+现在分词”。‎ ‎[写美] 句式升级 ‎④If time permits, I will accompany my parents to call on you this weekend.‎ ‎→Time_permitting,_I will accompany my parents to call on you this ‎ weekend.(独立主格结构)‎ ‎[联想] 动词permit 的常见用法为:permit doing sth./sb. to do sth.,有类似用法的动词还有:‎ ‎①allow doing sth./sb. to do sth.    允许(某人)做某事 ‎②forbid doing sth./sb. to do sth. 禁止(某人)做某事 ‎③advise doing sth./sb. to do sth. 建议(某人)做某事 ‎④encourage doing sth./sb. to do sth. 鼓励(某人)做某事 ‎3.spot vt.发现;认出;点缀n.斑点;污点;地点 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)spot sb. doing sth.   发现某人正在做某事 be spotted with 满是……的斑点;点缀着 ‎(2)on the spot 当场;在现场;立即 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①I was waiting for my friend when I suddenly spotted a man not far from me staring (stare) at me.‎ ‎②More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened.‎ ‎③He was dressed in a coat, which was_spotted (spot) with stars.‎ ‎[用准] spot作“地点”讲,用作定语从句的先行词时,从句如缺状语则用where引导定语从句,从句如缺主语或宾语则用that/which引导定语从句。‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎④(2017·北京高考书面表达)此外,长江沿岸的风景令人惊叹,有许多著名的观光景点。‎ Moreover,_the_scenery_along_the_Yangtze_River_is_amazing,_with_many_wellknown_sightseeing_spots.‎ ‎4.account vi.&vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明;理由;计算;账目;报道 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)account for    解释;是……的原因;占……(比例)‎ ‎(2)on account of 由于;因为 on no account 决不 考虑……‎ ‎(4)give an account of ... 叙述/描述……‎ ‎[练通] 补全句子 ‎①(2017·江苏高考书面表达)The application of new technologies and the wide appeal of movie stars could also account_for (解释) the increase.‎ ‎②On_no_account_must_employees (雇员绝不能) make personal telephone calls in the office.‎ ‎③I’m writing to give_you_a_full_account_of (给你详细叙述) my unforgettable trip to Europe.‎ ‎[写美] 词汇升级 ‎④(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)I sincerely hope that you will consider my suggestions.(升级加彩词汇)‎ ‎→I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions into_consideration/account.‎ ‎[联想] on no account意为“决不”,放在句首时常引起句子的部分倒装,有类似用法的还有:by no means, in no way, in no case, on no condition, under no circumstances, at no time等。‎ ‎5.manner n.举止;方式;方法;态度;(pl.)礼貌;礼仪;习俗 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)in a ...manner      以……的方式 ‎(2)It’s bad/good manners to do sth.‎ ‎ 做……是没有/有礼貌的 ‎(3)table manners 餐桌礼仪 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①The work should have been done in a more satisfactory manner.‎ ‎②It’s bad manners (manner) to break in while others are speaking.‎ ‎[用准] manner意为“方式;方法;举止;态度”时,常用单数形式;而当它意为“礼貌;礼仪;习俗”时,常用复数形式。‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎③(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)下面是你在中国如何注意餐桌礼仪的一些建议。‎ The_following_are_my_suggestions_on_how_to_mind_your_table_manners_in_China.‎ ‎[词汇过关综合训练]  ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.We have obtained permission (许可) from the directors to use some of our funds.‎ ‎2.As far as we are concerned, it takes much patience (耐心) and practice to learn English well.‎ ‎3.The man wrote many interesting stories on the basis of his adventures (冒险).‎ ‎4.The area has been the scene (地点;场所) of fierce fighting for three months.‎ ‎5.You’d better pay attention to table manners (礼仪) when visiting other countries.‎ ‎6.Every year, the young wealthy businessman gives away much money to the two charities (慈善机构).‎ ‎7.The boys wandered (徘徊) around the town with nothing to do.‎ ‎8.He is always finding fault (错误;过错) with me, which makes me very angry.‎ ‎9.Replace desserts (甜点) with fresh fruit after meals and you will find it is beneficial to your health.‎ ‎10.The girl is staring (盯着看) at the stranger with her eyes wide open.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.I am interested in western culture, and love reading English novels (novel).‎ ‎2.It is very important to teach the children how to deal with others’ kindness and rudeness (rude).‎ ‎3.I don’t understand it thoroughly though I sought (seek) advice from my teacher yesterday.‎ ‎4.We were having class when a sudden noise set my mind wandering (wander).‎ ‎5.No one who has not received education and training in safety shall be_permitted (permit) to work in the position.‎ ‎6.It would be unbelievable (believe) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.‎ ‎7.They went back to the scenes where they had played together and sung together.‎ ‎8.He spotted the thief coming (come) out of the building.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with patient.patient→patience ‎2.I need to call my dad and ask for permit before we go out.permit→permission ‎3.When the man was trying to break into the bank, he was caught by the police in the spot.in→on ‎4.He is always polite. He is a man of good manner.manner→manners ‎5.Several author were invited to attend the big event held in the building.author→authors Ⅳ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.事实是现在很多年轻人正在大城市寻找发财的机会。(seek)‎ The fact is that nowadays many young people are seeking_their_fortune in big cities.‎ ‎2.你只要问明白怎样申请借书证就行了,用借书证你可以经常把书借出来。(permit)‎ You simply ask how to apply for a library card, which will_permit_you_to_take books out regularly.‎ ‎3.离开时向主人说再见是礼貌的。(manner)‎ It_is_good_manners_to_say_goodbye_to your host when leaving.‎ ‎4.你不开收据,我们回去怎么解释?(account)‎ If you don’t give us a receipt, how are we going to account_for it?‎ ‎(一)课前自主学习 ‎1.bring_up        抚养;培养;教育;提出 ‎2.stare_at 凝视;盯着看 ‎3.account_for [串记1] 是……的原因;解释;占……(比例)‎ ‎4.on_the_contrary 与此相反;正相反 ‎5.go_ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;‎ ‎ 往下说;开始做 ‎6.by_accident 偶然;无意中;不小心 ‎7.a_large_amount_of 许多;大量 ‎8.take_a_chance [串记2] 冒险 ‎9.in_rags 衣衫褴褛 ‎10.as_for 关于;至于 ‎11.from_the_bottom_of_one’s_heart 发自内心 ‎12.make_a_bet 打赌 ‎13.on_the_scene 在现场;当场;在台上 ‎14.find_fault_with 吹毛求疵;找毛病 ‎[同根短语串记]‎ 串记1.“v.+for”高频短语聚焦 ‎①account for解释      ②apply for申请 ‎③call for要求;需要 ④care for照看;照料 ‎⑤answer for负责 ⑥arrange for安排 ‎⑦leave for出发去 ⑧hope for希望;期望 串记2.“take a(n)+n.”一览 ‎①take a chance冒险 ②take a break休息一下 ‎③take a seat就坐 ④take a shower淋浴;洗澡 ‎⑤take an exam参加考试 ⑥take an example举例;示范 ‎⑦take a nap小睡一会儿 ⑧take a photo拍照 ‎1.be set in 以……为背景 ‎2.be lost in 迷路;沉浸于 ‎3.as a matter of fact 事实上 ‎4.work as 担当……角色;做……工作 ‎5.do with 对待;处理 ‎6.show sb. out 领某人出去 ‎7.take one’s order 给某人点菜 ‎1.Well, towards nightfall I found_myself_carried_out to sea by a strong wind.‎ 嗯,傍晚时分我发现自己被一阵大风刮到海上去了。‎ ‎2.The next morning I’d just about given_myself_up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.‎ 第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。‎ ‎3.And it_was_the_ship_that brought you to England. ‎ 正是那艘船把你带到了英国。‎ ‎4.Indeed, sir, I hope you’ll come here whenever_you_like.‎ 真的,先生,我希望您随时光临。‎ ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的短语(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·江苏高考阅读B)As_for (关于) crowds, a Hong Kong study found that they increased a restaurant’s reputation, suggesting great food at fair prices.‎ ‎2.(2018·天津高考阅读B)The museum was free. We entered, excited. A group of people sitting in the hall stopped talking and stared_at ‎ (盯着看) us.‎ ‎3.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ阅读七选五)You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, too. But it doesn’t happen by_accident (偶然).‎ 高考采撷(二) 写作中的句式(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)我们学校有一个大的体育馆,无论什么时候我有时间就去那儿锻炼。(whenever)‎ Our school has a big gymnasium, and I will go there for exercise whenever_I_have_time.‎ ‎2.(2016·北京高考书面表达)正是他的不懈努力使得中国逐渐发生变化。(it was ...that)‎ It_was_his_continuous_efforts_that caused China to change gradually.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎[短语集释]‎ ‎1.bring up培养;抚养;养育;教育;提出;呕吐 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中bring up的含义 ‎①Born into a family with three brothers, David was brought up to value the sense of sharing.教育 ‎②He brought up a practical plan in the meeting, which brought down the cost of production.提出 ‎③He was drunk and brought up what he had eaten at midnight.呕吐 ‎④Brought up in a big city, he found it quite difficult to fit in the countryside.抚养;养育 ‎[记牢]‎ bring about      引起;导致;产生;带来 bring sth.back 使某物恢复;带回某物;使想起某事 bring down 让……降下来;使倒下 bring in 引入;赚(钱)‎ ‎[练通] 用bring的相关短语填空 ‎⑤The reason why the goods are sold at such low prices is that the manufacturers are willing to bring_down prices in return for big volume of purchases.‎ ‎⑥This picture often brings_back to me many happy memories of my high school days.‎ ‎[用准] bring up后接代词时,应用bring sb. up; be brought up in“在……长大”; be brought up by sb.“由某人抚养”。‎ ‎[写美] 词汇升级 ‎⑦Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her aunt.(升级加彩词汇)‎ ‎→Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought_up by her aunt.‎ ‎2.take a chance冒险;碰运气 ‎[记牢]‎ take a chance=take chances    冒险;碰运气 by chance=by accident 偶然;碰巧 ‎(The) chances are that ... 有可能……‎ There is a chance that ... 有可能……‎ have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①You should never take a chance when driving a car.‎ ‎②The player is under good treatment and the chances are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.‎ ‎③What’s more, I consider it a good chance to_enjoy (enjoy) the wonderful scenery and taste the delicious food here and there.‎ 单句改错 ‎④I was wandering in the street when I met my neighbour by a chance.去掉a ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎⑤(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)我希望你能抓住这次进一步了解中国传统文化的机会。‎ I_wish_that_you_could_grasp_this_chance_to_learn_traditional_Chinese_culture_further.‎ ‎[句式集释]‎ ‎1.find+宾语+宾补 ‎[教材原句] Well, towards nightfall I found_myself_carried_out to sea by a strong wind. ‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking (smoke) in the kitchen.‎ ‎(2)But when the police arrived, they found the door locked (lock) and all windows closed.‎ ‎(3)That’s why she often finds herself helpless (help) when she meets with some challenges.‎ ‎(4)With the world becoming a global village, I find it necessary to_have (have) a good command of English.‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)find+宾语+现在分词(表示主动或正在进行) ‎ ‎(2)find+宾语+过去分词(表示被动或完成) ‎ ‎(3)find+宾语+形容词/介词短语 ‎(4)find+it+形容词/名词+to do(it是形式宾语,to do是真正的宾语)‎ 注意事项 ‎(1)与find用法相同的动词还有:see, hear, watch, notice, have, make, keep等。‎ ‎(2)记住句式结构,分清宾语与宾补之间的逻辑关系是解题的关键。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)After I arrived in America, I found myself living in a completely foreign culture.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)When preparing for the English speech contest, I found it very challenging to collect information and use language correctly.(要点句)‎ ‎2.It is/was ... that/who ...强调句型 ‎[教材原句] And it_was the ship that brought you to England.‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)It_is_with_your_generous_help_that I firmly believe that I will adapt to the college life as soon as possible.‎ 正是你慷慨的帮助,我坚信我会很快地适应大学生活的。‎ ‎(2)Was_it because Jack came late for school that Mr. Smith got angry?‎ 史密斯先生很生气是因为杰克上学迟到吗?‎ ‎(3)What_was_it_that made his parents so happy?‎ 是什么使他父母这么高兴?‎ ‎(4)It was not until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her ‎ own plan.‎ 直到将近信的结尾她才提及了自己的计划。‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)强调句的基本句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分。‎ ‎(2)强调句的一般疑问句:Is/Was it +被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分?‎ ‎(3)强调句的特殊疑问句:疑问词(被强调部分)+is/was+it+that+句子其他部分?‎ ‎(4)not ... until ...结构的强调句型:It is/was not until ... that ...‎ 注意事项 ‎(1)记住句式结构,不管强调人或物都可用that; 强调人时可用who。‎ ‎(2)强调句与定语从句的区别 ‎①强调句的特点:去掉it is/was和that/who后句子结构完整,意义清楚。‎ ‎②时间、地点状语前是否有介词是判断这两种句式的关键。例如:‎ It was in the shop that I met an old friend of mine.(强调句型) ‎ It was the shop where I met an old friend of mine.(定语从句)‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)It is the elderly who are usually the first to taste the food served on the table.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)I’d like to introduce my mother to you, because it is she who/that has a great effect on me.(要点句)‎ ‎[词块、句式过关综合训练]  ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 take a chance, bring up, as for, in rags, go ahead, account for, by accident, on the contrary ‎1.The professor thought that the idea which was brought_up by the young engineer was worth considering.‎ ‎2.She did not want her parents to help her to do it, so she just went_ahead and did it by herself.‎ ‎3.Under the rules of the game, you really never know what will happen in the future. You have to take_a_chance!‎ ‎4.You were not boring us. On_the_contrary,_your wonderful speech interested us a lot.‎ ‎5.They had a wonderful weekend in the countryside.As_for the travelling expenses, they ran out.‎ ‎6.This afternoon, just as I was doing my business, a man dressed in_rags stepped into my shop and begged me for some money.‎ ‎7.Success in life doesn’t happen by_accident. It’s the result of devoting your time and energy to what you’ve set out to do.‎ ‎8.It is said that body language accounts_for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)无论何时你需要帮助,我希望你可以联系我。(whenever)‎ Whenever_you_need_help,_I hope you can get in touch with me.‎ ‎2.不是兴趣而是市场需求影响着大学生的专业选择。(强调句型)‎ It_is_not_their_interest_but_the_need_of_the_market_that influences students’ choices of college majors.‎ ‎3.昨天她刚写完作业她妈妈就让她练习弹钢琴。(had just ‎ done ... when ...)‎ She had_just_finished_her_homework_when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.‎ ‎4.我们转过身来时发现小女孩在湖中挣扎,大声呼救。(find+宾语+宾补)‎ We turned around and found_the_girl_struggling in the lake, crying for help.‎ Ⅲ.分步写作 ‎(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括:‎ ‎1.短片内容:学校的发展;‎ ‎2.放映时间、地点;‎ ‎3.欢迎对短片提出意见。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本写作为提纲式作文,属于应用文中的书面通知,时态以一般将来时和一般现在时为主,人称为第一、三人称。根据写作要求,本通知可从以下几个方面来写作: 1.告知通知内容(学校将放映一部英文短片);2.说明放映的时间和地点;3.介绍英文短片的内容(介绍学校发展);4.表达希望。写作时,应紧扣主题,覆盖所有的要点,合理发挥,做到水到渠成。‎ 要点1:我代表学生会通知你们将放映一部叫Growing Together的英文短片。‎ On_behalf_of_the_Students’_Union,_I_inform_you_that_an_English_short_film,_called_Growing_Together,_will_be_shown.‎ 要点2-①:它将于明天下午4点至5点在我们学校剧院放映。‎ It_will_be_shown_from_4:00_to_5:00_at_our_school_theatre_tomorrow_afternoon.‎ 要点2-②:不要错过参加这次有意义的活动的好机会。‎ Don’t_miss_the_good_chance_of_taking_part_in_this_meaningful_activity.‎ 要点3:欢迎大家观看这部英文短片。它讲述了我们学校的发展。‎ Everyone_is_welcome_to_watch_the_English_short_film._It_tells_about_the_development_of_our_school.‎ 要点4-①:看完电影之后,每个班级应该讨论。希望所有的学生对这部电影做出评论,表达观点。‎ After_the_film,_each_class_is_supposed_to_have_a_discussion_and_all_the_students_are_expected_to_make_comments_and_express_their_views_about_the_film.‎ 要点4-②:我希望你们能对这部短片给我们一些宝贵的建议。‎ I_hope_you_can_give_us_some_valuable_suggestions_about_the_short_film.‎ 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 为做到内容充实,我们需要对要点加以补充说明,添加细节或用高级句式表达。对要点1添加高级句式It’s a great honour to ...;要点2-①增加“我们已经安排这部短片”,并用名词性从句表达;要点3可升级为非限制性定语从句;在要点4-②中用do强调句式表达殷切盼望并增加“请在你们方便时和我们取得联系”。‎ 拓展要点1:非常荣幸代表学生会通知你们将放映一部叫Growing Together英文短片。(honour)‎ On_behalf_of_the_Students’_Union,_it’s_a_great_honour_to_inform_you_that_an_English_short_film,_called_Growing_Together,_will_be ‎_shown.‎ 拓展要点2-①:我们已经安排这部英文短片将在明天下午4点至5点在我校剧院放映。(arrange,名词性从句)‎ We_have_arranged_that_the_short_film_will_be_shown_from_4:00_to_5:00_at_our_school_theatre_tomorrow_afternoon.‎ 升级要点3:欢迎大家观看这部英文短片,它讲述了我们学校的发展。(定语从句)‎ Everyone_is_welcome_to_watch_the_English_short_film,_which_tells_about_the_development_of_our_school.‎ 拓展要点4-②:我的确希望你们能对这部短片给我们一些宝贵的建议。请在你们方便时和我们取得联系。(do hope that; contact)‎ I_do_hope_you_can_give_us_some_valuable_suggestions_about_the_short_film.Please_contact_us_at_your_convenience.‎ 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 结合要点,本写作可采用“三段式”来行文,根据语篇表达中的逻辑关系,可添加连接词:please, what’s more, finally衔接要点,使要点衔接顺畅,过渡自然。‎ NOTICE Boys_and_girls,‎ On behalf of the Students’ Union, it’s a great honour to inform you that an English short film, called Growing Together, will be shown.‎ We have arranged that the short film will be shown from 4:00 to 5:00 at our school theatre tomorrow afternoon.Please don’t miss the good chance of taking part in this meaningful activity.Everyone is welcome to watch the English short film, which tells about the development of our ‎ school.What’s more, after the film, each class is supposed to have a discussion and all the students are expected to make comments and express their views about the film.‎ Finally, I do hope you can give us some valuable suggestions about the short film.Please contact us at your convenience.‎ The_Students’_Union 理清文体结构之(十三) 说明文之现象类——确定说明对象,查找说明顺序和方法 破解现象类说明文的关键:首先确定主题句,它常常位于篇首,通过主题句确定文章的说明对象。其次,要在略读全文时确定说明的顺序和方法,这是文章的核心部分,是命题的切入点,也是解题的关键。然后迅速浏览题干,结合题干要求到文中寻找关键对应点,从而确定答案。‎ ‎[确定说明对象,查找说明顺序和方法]‎ ‎[高考典例] 2018·全国卷Ⅰ·C篇 ‎[读文解题技法]‎ ‎ 说明对象 时间1‎ 数字1‎ 时间2‎ 数字2‎ 数字3‎ 时间4‎ ‎[1]Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by huntergatherers, small, tightly knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000‎ ‎1.速读首段查找主题句,确定说明对象 数字5‎ 数字6‎ 数字7‎ ‎ languages between them.‎ ‎[2]Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries,trade, industrialisation, the development of the nationstate and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.‎ ‎[3]At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 languages; the Americas about 1,000; Africa 2,400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number (中位数) of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the world’s languages are spoken by fewer people than that.‎ 本文的主题句在首段but后,说明语言正在消失这一现象。‎ ‎2.略读全文查找说明顺序和说明方法 本文以时间顺序采用各种数字来说明语言消失的规律。‎ ‎3.结合题干要求比对原文定答案 结合题干中的关键词,比对各种数字背后暗含的意义,得出正确答案。‎ ‎[4]Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction (消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers), Chiapaneco in Mexico (150), Lipan Apache in the United States (two or three) or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a questionmark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.‎ ‎[利用说明顺序和方法巧解题]‎ ‎28.What can we infer about languages in huntergatherer times?‎ A.They developed very fast. ‎ B.They were large in number.‎ C.They had similar patterns. ‎ D.They were closely connected.‎ ‎30.How many languages are spoken by less than 6,000 people at present?‎ A.About 6,800. ‎ B.About 3,400.‎ C.About 2,400. ‎ D.About 1,200.‎ 由关键词第三段中的“时间4”、“数字4”、“数字5”和“数字6”,分析得出答案。‎ ‎31.What is the main idea of the text?‎ ‎―→文章主旨题:由说明对象及数字变化得出答案。‎ A.New languages will be created. ‎ B.People’s lifestyles are reflected in languages.‎ C.Human development results in fewer languages. ‎ D.Geography determines language evolution.‎ ‎[答案] 28.B 30.B 31.C

