【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修1Unit2B Heroes作业

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【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修1Unit2B Heroes作业

限时规范练4(必修1 Unit 2B)‎ 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与科学、热爱科技的素养能力意识 ‎ 限时规范练第8页  ‎ 一、阅读理解 A A new program encouraging children ages 9 to 12 to get interested in computers,math and science starts next week at all 36 libraries of the San Diego Public Library.‎ Called “Spring into STEAM”,the program will offer workshops in March,April and May.It begins on March 2.‎ ‎“We know that science education is so important now,and technology is changing so fast,” said Misty Jones,library director.“We see this as a way to bring kids new ideas and help them know more about the world around them.”‎ STEAM stands for science,technology,engineering,art and math,and there will be workshops in each area.This year’s theme is “Bug Out!”,so the science workshop will invite insect experts to explain the survival skills of insects.The engineering workshop will watch bees as builders.For math,the kids will learn spatial geometry (空间几何学) by making 3-D paper insects.Kids in other workshops will learn computer coding,create a light using a glass bottle,or build insects using pipe cleaners and LED lights.‎ Jones said she’s also excited about the chance for children to take part in the International Barcode of Life Project,which is trying to create a digital catalog (电子目录) of different kinds of insects on Earth.Kids in San Diego can ask for free insect collection tools at their local libraries beginning on March 2.Insects they collect can then be sent in for DNA identification.‎ Jones said it is unusual for every library to start the same program at the same time.“It’s something we’ve been trying to do,and I think it’s just the beginning of the chances we will be able to offer,” she said.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。圣地亚哥公共图书馆发起了一个针对9至12岁儿童的教育项目Spring into STEAM,本文是对该项目举办时间、举办内容等的相关报道。‎ ‎1.What do we know about “Spring into STEAM”?‎ A.It is open to kids of all ages.‎ B.It lasts for at least four months.‎ C.It helps kids learn more about themselves.‎ D.It is held by the San Diego Public Library.‎ 答案D 解析推理判断题。由第一段中的“A new program...starts next week at all 36 libraries of the San Diego Public Library”可知,该项目由圣地亚哥公共图书馆举办。‎ ‎2.What will kids learn from the engineering workshop this year?‎ A.How LED lights work.‎ B.How bees build their home.‎ C.How to make 3-D paper bees.‎ D.How to create a light using a glass bottle.‎ 答案B 解析细节理解题。由第四段中的“The engineering workshop will watch bees as builders.”可知,参加该小组的孩子将会了解蜜蜂是如何筑巢的。‎ ‎3.What will kids do for the International Barcode of Life Project?‎ A.Collect insects.‎ B.Take DNA tests.‎ C.Create a digital catalog.‎ D.Make insect collection tools.‎ 答案A 解析推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“Kids in San Diego can ask for free insect collection tools at their local libraries beginning on March 2.Insects they collect can then be sent in for DNA identification.”可知,孩子们为该工程收集昆虫。‎ ‎             ‎ ‎4.What can we infer from what Jones said in the last paragraph?‎ A.The program will continue.‎ B.The program should last much longer.‎ C.The program will have different themes.‎ D.The program should be held by different libraries.‎ 答案A 解析推理判断题。由最后一段中的“it’s just the beginning of the chances we will be able to offer”可知,三十六家图书馆同时举办同一个项目并不常见,但Jones说他们一直在努力做,这仅仅只是个开始,也就是说这个项目还会再次举办。‎ B Does a grasshopper taco (墨西哥蚂蚱卷饼) sound delicious? If you were living in another part of the world — say,Mexico or Thailand or Kenya — the idea of eating insects might not seem strange to you at all.For thousands of years,insect-eating has been common practice among many of the world’s people.According to insect-eaters around the world,insects are tasty.‎ Insect fans say insects are not only tasty,they are also nutritious.Arnold van Huis is working with other scientists to encourage insect-eating in areas where it is already common.‎ According to the United Nations,the planet’s population is now almost 7 billion.It is expected to reach 9 billion before 2050.By that time,people’s need for meat is expected to double.Raising livestock (家畜) requires large areas of farmland,and feeding the animals can be expensive.“We have to find something else to take the place of meat,” Arnold van Huis says.“One very good choice is using insects.”‎ Raising insects would require less land,says Arnold van Huis.Insects would also be cheaper to feed.‎ For insect-eating to become popular in the U.S.,Brian Fisher,an insect scientist at the California Academy of Sciences,says people must be careful with ready-to-eat insects.There are more than 1,700 types of insects that are safe to eat.But do not even think of eating insects from your backyard,since there ‎ is no way of knowing if they are dangerous! If you really want to eat insects,it is possible to order insect cuisine (烹饪) at a handful of U.S.restaurants.‎ Arnold van Huis is working with chefs in the Netherlands to develop delicious insect recipes.For one experiment,his team prepared two types of meatballs:some made with meat and others made with mealworms and meat.In a blind taste test,nine out of ten people preferred the mealworm meatballs.‎ In the future,will eating insects be common practice for people in Europe and North America? “I’m completely sure it will,” says Arnold van Huis.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。来自荷兰的昆虫专家Arnold van Huis认为虫子不仅美味还能帮助养活不断增长的世界人口。‎ ‎5.What can we learn about insect-eating in Thailand or Kenya?‎ A.It is not allowed. ‎ B.It is not common.‎ C.It is very popular. ‎ D.It is rather strange.‎ 答案C 解析推理判断题。由第一段中的“If you were living in...Mexico or Thailand or Kenya — the idea of eating insects might not seem strange to you at all...insect-eating has been common practice among many of the world’s people”可知,在泰国或肯尼亚很流行吃昆虫。‎ ‎6.According to Arnold van Huis,what would be an advantage of eating more insects?‎ A.It would save more livestock.‎ B.It would solve environmental problems.‎ C.It would provide more nutrition for people.‎ D.It would help feed the world’s growing population.‎ 答案D 解析推理判断题。第三段提及了随着世界人口数量的急剧增长,人类对肉的需求量也大大增加。由第三段Arnold van Huis提出的建议“find something else to take the place of meat...One very good choice is using insects”和第四段他指出饲养昆虫的优势require less land和be cheaper to feed可知,他认为昆虫可替代肉来帮助养活不断增长的世界人口。‎ ‎7.Why does Brian Fisher advise people to go to restaurants to eat insects?‎ A.Insect cuisine ordered there is delicious.‎ B.Insects cooked there taste more like meat.‎ C.Insects cooked there are safe enough to eat.‎ D.Different insect cuisine can be chosen there.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“But do not even think of eating insects from your backyard,since there is no way of knowing if they are dangerous”可知,Brian Fisher建议想要吃昆虫的人去饭店是出于安全方面的考虑。‎ ‎8.How might Arnold van Huis feel about the experimental result mentioned in Paragraph 6?‎ A.Fearful. ‎ B.Satisfied.‎ C.Doubtful. ‎ D.Surprised.‎ 答案B 解析推理判断题。倒数第二段的实验结果“nine out of ten people preferred the mealworm meatballs”说明,绝大多数受测者喜欢含有昆虫的肉丸。这样的实验结果对鼓励人们食用昆虫并致力于研发美味的昆虫食谱的Arnold van Huis来说自然是满意的。‎ ‎             ‎ 二、完形填空 Like many children with autism (自闭症),my son Noah loves planes.He carries a toy  1  with him wherever he goes.Last month,Noah  2  a 2008 Matchbox Sky Busters Continental Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner on the computer and became very  3 .Although his language is just three or four words at a time,he clearly told me “This is the little Continental I want!”  4  enough,I thought.I usually have no problem finding toys on the Internet. ‎ But this Matchbox Sky Busters,made only in 2008,was difficult to 5 .It was not on any of the places from which I had  6  toys for Noah.I spent hours at the computer  7  the plane.I discovered several Matchbox collectors online,and over the next few weeks I sent emails to them  8  none of them had Noah’s dream plane.So I decided to  9  Matchbox in California.My email made its way to Abe Lugo,lead project designer for Matchbox,who  10  to let me know he was looking for the 2008 Continental Boeing 787-8. ‎ While 11  to hear good news from Abe at Matchbox,I continued my  12 .Although for weeks I had no  13  on the Internet,I tried again and saw there was still no auction (拍卖) for Noah’s dream plane! Noah’s impatience was growing,and I was starting to lose  14 . ‎ A week later,I received a(n) 15  from Abe saying he had a plane in hand for Noah and would be  16  it that afternoon! ‎ Last week,we 17  the package from Abe.Noah opened it.He held the toy plane close to his face.He turned it over.He was filled with  18 . ‎ We sent a 19  to Abe,whom we haven’t met or even talked to on the phone.I wanted Noah to say thank you in his own  20 .In the video,Noah says,“Thanks,Mr Lugo.You’re welcome,honey.” ‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。作者的自闭症儿子想要一架2008年的Matchbox波音787-8模型飞机,作者花了几周的时间找遍了平时给儿子买玩具的所有地方,还是没找到。无奈之下,作者向Matchbox的首席设计师Abe Lugo求助。在Abe的帮助下,作者一家最终收到了儿子想要的模型飞机。‎ ‎1.A.car B.gun C.telephone D.plane 答案D 解析由上文中的“my son Noah loves planes”以及下文的描述可知,Noah不管到哪儿都带着一架玩具“飞机(plane)”。‎ ‎2.A.sold B.collected C.saw D.copied 答案C 解析句意:上个月,Noah偶然在电脑上“看到(saw)”一架2008年的Matchbox波音787-8梦想飞机,并且很感兴趣。由句意可知选C项。‎ ‎3.A.worried B.interested C.bored D.surprised 答案B 解析由下文中的“he clearly told me ‘This is the little Continental I want!’”可知,Noah偶然在电脑上“看到(saw)”一架2008年的Matchbox波音787-8梦想飞机,对它非常“感兴趣(interested)”。‎ ‎4.A.Easy B.Hard C.Expensive D.Cheap 答案A 解析由下文中的“I usually have no problem finding toys on the Internet.”可知,“我”以为找到Noah想要的那架模型飞机是非常“容易的(Easy)”。‎ ‎5.A.produce B.find C.fly D.carry 答案B 解析但是Noah想要的那个模型飞机只在2008年做过,很难找到。故选B项。‎ ‎6.A.bought B.made C.provided D.prepared 答案A 解析由But以及上文中的“I usually have no problem finding toys on the Internet.”可知,“我”发现Noah想要的那个模型飞机很难“找(find)”。“我” 在平时给Noah“买(bought)”玩具的所有地方都找了。‎ ‎7.A.playing with B.reading about C.picking out D.looking for 答案D 解析由下文中的“I discovered several Matchbox collectors online”可知,“我”花了几个小时在网上“寻找(looking for)”那架模型飞机。‎ ‎8.A.since B.but C.so D.when 答案B 解析“I sent emails to them”与“none of them had Noah’s dream plane”之间是转折关系,故填but,选B项。‎ ‎9.A.visit B.head for C.choose D.turn to 答案D 解析由下文中的“My email made its way to Abe Lugo,lead project designer for Matchbox...”可知,于是,“我”决定向Matchbox首席设计师Abe Lugo“求助(turn to)”。‎ ‎10.A.arrived B.accepted C.replied D.helped 答案C 解析由上文中的“My email made its way to Abe Lugo,lead project designer for Matchbox...”以及本句中的“let me know he was looking for the 2008 Continental Boeing 787-8”可知,Abe Lugo “回复(replied)”了“我”。‎ ‎11.A.refusing B.hoping C.promising D.offering 答案B 解析句意:在希望听到Abe关于Matchbox的好消息的同时,“我”继续“我”的寻找。由句意可知,选B项。‎ ‎12.A.search B.study C.sleep D.speech 答案A 解析由上文中的“My email made its way...he was looking for the 2008 Continental Boeing 787-8.”以及下文中的I tried again可知,“我” 一边“希望(hoping)”收到Abe Lugo的好消息,一边继续“寻找(search)”。‎ ‎13.A.trouble B.fun C.luck D.change 答案C 解析由上文中的“over the next few weeks I sent emails to them...none of them had Noah’s dream plane”可知,“我”在网上找了几个星期,“运气(luck)”很不好,他们都没有Noah想要的模型飞机。‎ ‎14.A.weight B.face C.touch D.heart 答案D 解析由上文的描述以及本句中的Noah’s impatience was growing可知,“我”开始“失去信心(lose heart)”。‎ ‎15.A.email B.invitation C.call D.prize 答案A 解析由本句中的“saying he had a plane in hand for Noah”以及最后一段中的“to Abe...we haven’t met or even talked to on the phone.”可知,“我”收到的应该是一封 “邮件(email)”。‎ ‎16.A.showing B.checking C.shipping D.improving 答案C 解析由Abe说他有一架Noah想要的模型飞机及下文“我们”收到了Abe的包裹可知,Abe说他那天下午把模型运过来,故选C项。‎ ‎17.A.posted B.got C.borrowed D.lost 答案B 解析由“saying he had a plane in hand for Noah”以及“we 17 the package from Abe.Noah opened it.”可知,我们“收到了(got)”Abe的包裹。 ‎ ‎18.A.happiness B.sadness C.fear D.bravery 答案A 解析由上文中的“He held the toy plane close to his face.He turned it over.”可知,收到模型飞机后,Noah非常“高兴(happiness)”。‎ ‎19.A.postcard B.letter C.picture D.video 答案D 解析由下文中的In the video可知,作者和儿子给Abe发了一段“视频(video)”。‎ ‎20.A.words B.thoughts C.time D.life 答案A 解析由上文中的“his language is just three or four words at a time”以及Noah在视频中所说的话可知,“我”想让Noah用他自己的“话(words)”对Abe表示感谢。‎ 三、短文改错 For years,I didn’t have the habit for working out.One day last month I decide to start building the habit.Now I’m proudly to say I work out almost every day.Exercise not only gives me more energy throughout the day and also lifts my spirits.I usually exercise in the morning.That way I will get the energy I need it for the rest of the day.Exercise helps me building self-control,which are important for me to build other good habits.Also,I can use my exercise time for learning.I usually listen English programs while work out.It’s a good way to build my knowledges.‎ 答案 第一句:for→of 第二句:decide→decided 第三句:proudly→proud 第四句:and→but 第六句:去掉it 第七句:building→build;are→is 第九句:listen后加to;work→working或work→前加I 第十句:knowledges→knowledge

