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‎2018届译林版必修5一轮复习:Unit1Getting along with others单元学案设计 一 重点单词 Ⅰ.写作必记单词 ‎1.pretend vi.&vt.假装;装扮,扮作 ‎2.sincerely adv.真诚地 ‎3.manner n.方式;态度,举止 ‎4.remark n.&vi.评论,谈论 ‎5.argue vi.争吵,争论 ‎6.apologize vi.道歉 apology n.道歉 ‎7.gifted adj.有天赋的,有天才的 ‎ ‎8.hopeless adj.没有好转希望的,无望的;糟透的 hopeful adj.(反义词)有希望的 hope n.希望 ‎9.overcome vt.克服,解决 ‎10.topic n.话题 ‎11.attitude n.态度,看法 ‎12.worldwide adv.&adj.全世界(的)‎ ‎13.respond vi.做出反应,回应 response n.响应,反应;回答,答复 ‎14.committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚信的;坚定的 commit vt.& vi.全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承诺,保证 commitment n.承诺,保证;投入,奉献;委托;承担义务 Ⅱ.阅读识记单词 ‎15.quiz n.小测验 ‎16.washroom n.洗手间,厕所 ‎17.swear(swore,sworn) vt.&vi.发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂,说脏话 ‎18.forgive (forgave,forgiven) vt.原谅,宽恕 ‎19.superb adj.极佳的;卓越的 ‎20.pace n.速度;步伐;节奏 ‎21.horrible adj.极坏的,糟糕的;恐怖的,令人震惊的 ‎22.cruel adj.伤人的;残酷的,残忍的 cruelty n.残酷,残忍,残暴 ‎23.awkward adj.令人尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的 ‎24.sensitive adj.易生气的;敏感的;体贴的 ‎25.athletic adj.擅长运动的;健壮的 ‎26.absurd adj.荒唐的,怪诞的 ‎27.acquaintance n.泛泛之交,熟人;略有交情,(与某人)认识 acquaint vt.使熟悉,使了解 ‎28.apartment n.公寓套房 ‎29.adolescent adj.青春期的;n.青少年 adolescence n.青春;青春期 ‎30.pause vi.&n.停顿,暂停 ‎31.revision n.复习;修订,修改 ‎32.mercy n.宽恕;仁慈 语境活用 [用所给词的正确形式填空]‎ ‎1.I sincerely(sincere) hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.(2016·全国Ⅲ)‎ ‎2.But more importantly,we made a commitment(commit) to grow together as a couple.(2016·江苏)‎ ‎3.We accepted the agreement without argument(argue).‎ ‎4.“I think maybe we owe you an apology(apologize),” she said.(2015·北京)‎ ‎5.These comments came in response(respond) to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.(2015·浙江)‎ ‎6.The merciful(mercy) king saved him from death.‎ ‎7.She is a beautiful girl who is gifted(gift) in language.‎ ‎8.John is an athletic(athlete) boy.He is good at running.‎ ‎1.spy on暗中监视,窥探 ‎ ‎2.keep pace with(与……)步调一致,(与……)同步 ‎3.before long不久,很快 ‎ ‎4.get through(用电话)接通 ‎5.be based on以……为基础,以……为根据 ‎6. regardless of不管,不顾 ‎7.end up最后成为;最终处于 ‎8.rely on依靠,依赖 ‎9.thanks to幸亏;由于 语境活用 [运用上述短语完成片段]‎ Tom was a top student in a senior high school but recently he was addicted to playing games online.1.Regardless of(不管,不顾) the bad effect computer games had on him,he still went his own way.2.Before long(不久之后) he 3.ended up in (以……告终) failure in the midterm exam.His head teacher,Mr.Wang,was worried about him.He 4.got through to(打通电话) Tom’s father.His father talked to him face to face seriously.Finally,Tom realized that success 5.was based on (基于) diligence and persistence.6.Thanks to (多亏了) the timely warning of his father and teacher,Tom was confident that he was to make much progress in the finalterm exam.‎ ‎1.must have done I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz,...‎ 考试之后,我一定是听上去洋洋得意……‎ 仿写 我说了肯定有10分钟。(2016·江苏)‎ I must have talked for ten minutes.‎ ‎2.I don’t think...‎ I don’t think I can ever truly forgive her.‎ 我认为我永远不会真正地原谅她。‎ 仿写 我认为他说的话与我们讨论的主题无关。(2015·湖北)‎ I don’t think what he said is relevant to the topic we are discussing.‎ ‎3.can’t help doing...‎ Yesterday,I saw him talking to another boy,Peter,and I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.‎ 昨天,我看见他和另一个男孩彼得说话,我忍不住想他是不是想让彼得取代我做他最好的朋友。‎ 仿写 杰克还是不由自主地担心他的工作面试。(2016·江苏)‎ Jack still can’t help being anxious about his job interview.‎ ‎4.if so If so,the problem lies with you,not her.‎ 如果是这样的话,问题在于你而不在于她。‎ 仿写 如果是这样,早点来听下午7:30 由朱尔斯·斯凯——一个成功的唱片制作人作的报告。(2016·全国Ⅱ)‎ If so,come early to the talk at 7:30 pm by Jules Skye,a successful record producer.‎ ‎5.条件句中的虚拟语气 However,if I had ended our friendship,we would have both learnt nothing.‎ 然而,如果我结束了我们的友谊,我们俩就什么也学不到了。‎ 仿写 如果你告诉了我,我就能够帮助你。(2016·北京)‎ If you had told me,I could have helped.‎ ‎ pretend vi.假装;装扮,扮作 ‎(1)He would ask who we were and pretend not to know us.‎ 他总是问我们是谁,假装不认识我们。(2016·浙江)‎ ‎(2)I pretend that things are really okay when they’re not.‎ 当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。‎ pretend to be+adj./n.假装是……‎ pretend that...假装……‎ pretend to do/to be doing/to have done假装要/正在/已经做某事 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Don’t pretend to understand(understand) when you don’t.‎ ‎(2)When his mother came in,he pretended to be studying(study).‎ ‎(3)He pretended to have known(know) the answer to the problem already.‎ ‎(4)She buried her head under the covers,pretending(pretend) to be asleep.‎ 写作能力提升——[将下列简单句改为复合句]‎ ‎(5)She pretended to be reading a book.‎ She pretended that she was reading a book.‎ ‎(6)He pretended to have known the news.‎ He pretended that he had known the news.‎ ‎ admit v.(常指勉强)承认;承认(过错、罪行),招认,招供;准许……进入,接纳;容纳 ‎(1) The thing is,a number of them have admitted that despite their success,they aren’t happy.‎ 实际情况是,他们中的很多人承认尽管他们很成功,但并不快乐。(2015·浙江)‎ ‎(2)How many students have been admitted to the school this year?‎ 今年这所学校有多少学生入学?‎ ‎(1)admit sth./doing sth.承认某事/做某事 admit+n./pron.+to be...承认……是……‎ admit sb./sth.into/to...允许某人/物进入……;成为……中的一员 be admitted as...作为……被接受 ‎(2)admission n.进入;入场费;承认 ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Joe is proud and stubborn,never admitting(admit) he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.(2014·浙江)‎ ‎(2)He admitted cheating/having cheated(cheat) in the exam.‎ ‎(3)We all admit him to be(be) foolish.‎ ‎(4)Do they charge for admission(admit)?‎ ‎[单句改错]‎ ‎(5)He admitted us to enter the building.‎ ‎(6)He was admitted a member of the club.‎ ‎ beg v.请求,恳求;乞讨 ‎(1)—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.‎ ‎—I beg to differ.Opposites sometimes do attract.‎ ‎——只有那些志趣相投的人才能够友好相处。‎ ‎——恕我不敢苟同,有时兴趣相反的人却能相互吸引。(2016·江苏)‎ ‎(2)I begged him to come back to England with me.‎ 我恳求他和我一起回英格兰。‎ ‎(1)beg for乞求得到;请求得到 beg sb.to do...恳求某人做……‎ beg that...(should) do...请求……做……‎ I beg your pardon./Beg your pardon./Pardon.请再说一遍。/对不起。‎ ‎(2)beggar n.乞丐 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)I was surrounded by people begging for food.‎ ‎(2)The child begged not to be left(leave) home when his parents went to Shanghai on business.‎ ‎(3)The beggar(beg) was too sleepy to be aware how cold it was.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(4)He begged Tom to help him.‎ He begged that Tom (should) help him.‎ ‎ forgive v.原谅,宽恕;免除 ‎(1)To forgive is a virtue,but no one has ever said it is easy.‎ 宽恕是一种美德,但没人说这很容易做到。‎ ‎(2)She’d find a way to forgive him for the theft of the money.‎ 她会让自己原谅他偷钱的行为的。‎ ‎(1)forgive sb.sth.原谅某人某事 forgive sb.for (doing) sth.原谅某人做了某事 ‎(2)forgiveness n.宽恕;宽仁之心 ‎(1)forgive后面可接双宾语 ‎(2)“原谅某人做了某事”可表达成:forgive sb.for (doing) sth.或forgive sb.’s doing sth.‎ ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Please forgive me for my interrupting.‎ ‎(2)He asked for forgiveness(forgive) for what he had done wrong.‎ ‎(3)Forgive my interruption(interrupt),but I really have to go.‎ ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(4)你已经原谅他的粗鲁了吗?‎ Have you forgiven him his rudeness?‎ ‎ argue v.争论,争吵;争辩;劝说;提出理由 ‎(1)But he argued that this did not prove parental involvement was the root cause of that success.‎ 但他认为这并不能证明父母的参与是成功的根本原因。(2015·陕西)‎ ‎(2)Peter argued against making a new job cut in the company.‎ 彼得据理反对公司新一轮的裁员。‎ ‎(1)argue with sb.about/over sth.与某人争论某事 argue for/against sth.支持/反对某事 argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事 ‎(2)argument n.争论;论据 beyond argument无需争论 ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Mary argued Tom into buying a new car.‎ ‎(2)It is beyond argument that Diaoyu Island belongs to China.‎ ‎(3)He was arguing with his brother about/over how they should spend the money.‎ ‎(4)Having argued(argue) for hours,they felt tired.‎ ‎ apologize vi.道歉;辩白 ‎(1)Later that morning,Dario suggested that they write a letter to their neighbors and apologize for their playing.‎ 那天早晨晚些时候,达里奥建议他们给邻居写信,为他们演奏(钢琴一事)道歉。(2015·北京)‎ ‎(2)The passenger made an apology to Angie O’Edema because he spoke very loudly on his phone.‎ 那位乘客向Angie O’Edema道歉,因为他打电话时声音太大。(2015·重庆)‎ ‎(1)apologize to sb.for (doing) sth.为(做)……而向某人道歉 ‎(2)apology n.[C] & [U]道歉;歉意 accept sb.’s apology接受某人的道歉 owe sb.an apology应该向某人表示歉意 make an apology to sb.(for...)(为……)向某人道歉 apologize为不及物动词,“向某人道歉”应为apologize to sb.。‎ 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)I must apologize to you for coming late.‎ ‎(2)I certainly owe you an apology for not writing more often.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(3)他因自己的粗鲁行为向她道歉。‎ ‎①He apologized to her for his rude behavior.(apologize)‎ ‎②He made an apology to her for his rude behavior.(apology)‎ ‎ quarrel n.& vi.争吵;争论;吵架 ‎(1)Then they started shouting and yelling,and it turned into a horrible quarrel.‎ 他们开始大喊大叫,然后变成了可怕的争吵。‎ ‎(2)The couple often quarrel with each other over nothing at all.‎ 这对夫妇经常无缘无故地争吵。‎ have a quarrel with sb.about/over sth.因某事和某人争吵 quarrel with sb.about/over sth.因某事和某人争吵 ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.‎ ‎(2)They had a quarrel with her parents over/about whether to apologize to her brother.‎ ‎ blame v.把……归咎于;责怪,指责 n.过失;责任;责备,指责 ‎(1)If you fail the exam,you’ll only have yourself to blame.‎ 你若考试不及格,只能怪自己。(牛津词典)‎ ‎(2)Everybody knows that he is to blame for this.‎ 人人皆知他应该为此受到责备。‎ blame sb.for...因……而指责某人;把……归咎于某人 blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人 be to blame (for sth.)应承担责任;该受责备(主动形式表被动意义) accept/bear/take the blame for...对……负责;为……承担责任 put/lay the blame for sth.on sb.把某事的责任推到某人身上  blame,charge,accuse ‎(1)blame责备,谴责;归咎于,归罪于。常用于blame sb.for sth.因某事指责某人;blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人。‎ ‎(2)charge控告;谴责。常用于charge sb.with (doing) sth.指控某人(做了)某事。‎ ‎(3)accuse控告,指控;指责,谴责。常用于accuse sb.of (doing) sth.指控某人(做了)某事。‎ 基础知识训练——[用blame,charge,accuse的正确形式填空]‎ ‎(1)She was said to have been charged with drunk driving.‎ ‎(2)I was told that he was accused of murder.‎ ‎(3)It is obvious that you are to blame for the accident.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(4)他把考试失败归咎于老师。‎ ‎①He blamed the failure of his exam on the teacher.(blame...on)‎ ‎②He blamed the teacher for the failure of his exam.(blame...for)‎ ‎③He put/laid the blame for the failure of his exam on the teacher.(blame n.)‎ ‎ cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的 ‎(1)The airpollution board has reacted with cautious optimism to the announcement.‎ 空气污染委员会对这一声明持谨慎的乐观态度。(朗文高阶)‎ ‎(2)The students are cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling.‎ 学生们在拼写时非常小心,以避免出错。‎ ‎(1)be cautious of/about在……方面谨慎 be cautious to do...小心做……‎ ‎(2)caution n.& v.小心;谨慎;警告 with caution小心地 caution sb.to do.../against doing...警告某人做/不做……‎ with caution小心地,谨慎地,相当于副词cautiously。‎ 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)The governments are very cautious about setting a new policy and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.‎ ‎(2)The teacher cautioned him against being late.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(3)Those numbers need to be treated cautiously.‎ Those numbers need to be treated with caution.‎ ‎ eager adj.热切的,急不可待的;渴望的 ‎(1)I’m eager to improve my oral English.I think I can improve it with your help.‎ 我渴望提高英语口语。我想在你的帮助下我是能够提高的。(2015·四川)‎ ‎(2)She is so eager for success.‎ 她太渴望成功了。‎ be eager to do...渴望做……‎ be eager for...急于得到……‎ be eager that...热切地希望……(从句常用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用“should+do”,should可省略 ‎(1)表达“急切/盼望(做)……”的短语还有:be anxious for/to do...,long for,be greedy for,be hungry for,be dying for/to do...,be thirsty for,be keen on/to do...等。‎ ‎(2)too eager to do...急于做某事……,而非“太着急而不能做……”。‎  eager,anxious ‎(1)eager着重强调对美好事物的向往,可译作“渴望的”,表示急于看到某事的发生。‎ ‎(2)anxious更多强调“焦急的,忧虑的”,表示担心某事发生。‎ ‎[用eager,anxious填空]‎ ‎(1)He is still absent,so I am quite anxious about his health.‎ ‎(2)She is eager for her parents’ approval.‎ ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(3)The mother was eager to see(see) the doctor about her sick son.‎ ‎(4)He was desperately eager that he (should) come(come) back after more than a week’s absence from school.‎ ‎[翻译句子]‎ ‎(5)They are too eager to show off their beautiful garden.‎ 他们急于炫耀他们漂亮的花园。‎ ‎ mercy n.仁慈;怜悯;宽恕 ‎(1)We were given no/little mercy.‎ 我们没有得到宽恕。(牛津高阶)‎ ‎(2)The little ship was at the mercy of the storm.‎ 小船只好任暴风雨摆布。‎ ‎(1)show mercy to sb./have mercy on sb.怜悯某人 at the mercy of...任由……摆布;受……控制 It’s a mercy that...……真是万幸。‎ without mercy毫不留情 ‎(2)merciful adj.仁慈的;宽大的 ‎ be merciful to/towards sb.对某人仁慈 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Antonio was merciful(mercy) that he even showed mercy to Shylock.‎ ‎(2)The policemen shot the crocodile without mercy.‎ ‎(3)When they were about to kill him,he begged them to have mercy on him.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(4)It was lucky that she wasn’t seriously hurt and was waiting until the rescue ‎ arrived.(用带mercy的句型改写)‎ It was a mercy that she wasn’t seriously hurt and was waiting until the rescue arrived.‎ ‎ before long不久,很快 ‎(1)Before long,a train inspector comes to check our tickets.‎ 没过多久,一位火车检查员来检查我们的票。(2014·浙江)‎ ‎(2)The story took place in a small village long before.‎ 这个故事发生在很久以前的一个小村庄里。‎ ‎(3)It won’t be long before I go to the university that I dream.‎ 不用多久我就可以上我梦想的大学了。‎ ‎(1)before long意为“不久”,常与将来时、过去时连用,在句中作状语,不可以直接加从句。‎ ‎(2)long before意为“很久以前”,常在过去时或过去完成时的句子中作时间状语,before后面可以接名词、代词或句子。‎ ‎(3)It is/was not long before...不久就……‎ ‎(4)It will be long before...要过多久才……‎ ‎(5)It won’t be long before...过不了多久就……‎ ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(1)He had studied a lot of English long before he went to England(在他去英国前很久).‎ ‎(2)It wasn’t long before(不久就) he learned to use the computer.‎ ‎(3)It looks as if it will rain before long(不久).‎ ‎(4)It will be long before(要过很久) the film is on.‎ ‎ get through通过;接通电话;用完;完成;到达;(使某人)熬过困难时期 ‎(1)Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr.Bernie and his CDs again to get through my own cancer experience?‎ 谁会知道多年后我又要依赖Dr.Bernie和他的光盘来熬过我自己的癌症经历?(2015·江苏)‎ ‎(2)It’s easy for me to see through his trick.‎ 我很容易看穿他的鬼把戏。‎ go through经历,经受;仔细查看;(法律等)通过;用完;浏览 look through浏览;往……里面看 break through冲破;突破 see through看穿;识破 pull through康复;渡过难关 表示“用电话接通到(联系到)某人”用get through to sb.。‎ ‎[写出下列句子中get through的汉语意思]‎ ‎(1)We got through a fortune while we were in New York!用完 ‎(2)I tried to ring my girlfriend but I couldn’t get through.接通电话 ‎(3)Let’s start;there’s a lot of work to get through.完成 ‎(4)Do you think the bill will get through Parliament?通过 ‎[用through短语的正确形式填空]‎ ‎(5)I always start the day by going through my mail.‎ ‎(6)The doctors think she will pull through.‎ ‎(7)We finally broke through the unfriendly atmosphere.‎ ‎(8)The window is clear enough to look through.‎ ‎ end up最后成为;最终处于;结果为……;以……结束 ‎(1)If traveling to your destination by train,you may want to find a good base close to the station,but you could end up paying more for the sake of convenience at the start of your holiday.‎ 如果坐火车去目的地,你可能想找一个靠近车站的据点,但是为了这一方便你可能在假期开始就多花了钱。‎ ‎(2)He’ll end up in prison if he’s not careful.‎ 如果他不小心,最后可能会锒铛入狱。‎ end up with...以……结束/告终,end in...以……结尾,以……告终,以……为结果,end up as...最后成为……,end up doing sth.最终(却)做了某事,end up+形容词/介词短语 最终处于……状态 end up后可直接跟现在分词,表示“以做某事而告终”。‎ ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)The party ended up with a beautiful song.‎ ‎(2)Our game always ends in a quarrel.‎ ‎(3)After several years of hard work,she ended up as a successful writer.‎ ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(4)如果你不听我的建议,你最终会失败的。‎ You will end in failure if you don’t follow my advice.‎ ‎(5)最初他拒不承认有任何责任,到头来还是道了歉。‎ At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing.‎ ‎ rely on/upon依靠;依赖 ‎(1)I think we can rely on Derek not to tell anyone.‎ 我认为我们可以信赖德里克,他不会告诉任何人。(朗文词典)‎ ‎(2)You can rely on it that they will finish their work ahead of time.‎ 你可以放心,他们会提前完成工作的。‎ ‎(1)rely on...to do/doing...依赖……做……‎ rely on sb./sth.for sth.在某事上依赖/指望某人/物 rely on it that...指望……;相信……‎ ‎(2)reliable adj.可信赖的;可依赖的;可靠的 ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)We have to rely on him to make/making(make) the design.‎ ‎(2)Tom is an honest and reliable(rely) student.‎ ‎(3)You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.‎ ‎(4)I rely on/upon him for everything;he’s my right arm.‎ ‎ focus v.集中;(使)聚焦 n.中心点;焦点 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Bring the subject into focus if you want to have a good picture.‎ ‎(2)With his attention focused(focus) on his homework,he forgot all about what I had told him.‎ ‎(3)Consider carefully what you want to be in focus. ‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(4)他集中精力学习。‎ ‎①He focused his attention on his study.(focus)‎ ‎②He fixed his attention on his study.(fix)‎ ‎③He was absorbed in his study.(absorb)‎ ‎④He applied himself to his study.(apply)‎ ‎⑤He concentrated his attention on his study.(concentrate)‎ 名师点拨 focus...on/upon...把……集中于……‎ bring...into focus使……成为焦点 in focus对准焦点;清晰 out of focus没对准焦点;不清晰 注意“他的眼睛注视着黑板。”应译为“His eyes were focused on the blackboard.”。不要受汉语的影响,译为“His eyes focused on the blackboard.”。‎ ‎ pace n.速度;速率;步伐;步态;节奏 ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)It’s better to walk at a slow pace.‎ ‎(2)To realize China Dream,we should keep pace with the times.‎ ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(3)你定步调,我跟上。‎ You set the pace and I’ll follow you.‎ 名师点拨 at a...pace以……速度 keep pace with(与……)并驾齐驱,齐头并进;跟上……‎ set the pace定步速(使其他赛跑者跟从)‎ ‎ manner n.方式;方法;态度;举止;(pl.)礼貌 ‎[用manner,means,way,method,approach的正确形式填空]‎ If he changes his (1)way of thinking,his teaching (2)method will present a new (3)approach to foreign language teaching and by this (4)means the students will make ‎ great progress,but his (5)manner is disappointing.‎ ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(6)He has no manners at all(一点礼貌也没有) and he always speaks to his mother in a rude manner(以一种粗鲁的方式).‎ ‎(7)Two days passed in this manner(这样) before he was able to speak.‎ 名师点拨 ‎(1)manner指按传统习惯或个人主观的标准衡量的行为方式、举止。‎ ‎(2)means指为达到一个目的或产生某种结果而采用的方法、手段。‎ ‎(3)way是最普通、最常用的词,可以指一切“方法、办法”。常用way of doing/way to do。‎ ‎(4)method是指理论的或系统的方法,有时是针对某个具体问题而采用的特殊方法,常用method of。‎ ‎(5)approach常与to搭配,指从事某事的特别方法、途径。‎ ‎ sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;体贴的 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)He is very sensitive about/to his weight.‎ ‎(2)She is very sensitive to the cold.‎ ‎ ‎ 写作能力提升——[句式升级]‎ ‎(3)You are sensible to take his advice.(用it作形式主语改写)‎ It is sensible of you to take his advice.‎ 名师点拨 ‎(1)be sensitive to对……敏感 be sensitive about/to神经过敏的;易生气的 ‎(2)sensible adj.明智的;意识到的 It is sensible of sb.to do...某人做……是明知的 ‎ Yesterday,I saw him talking to another boy,Peter,and I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.‎ 昨天,我看见他和另一个男孩彼得说话,我忍不住想他是不是想让彼得取代我做他最好的朋友。‎ ‎(1)He could not help laughing.‎ 他忍不住笑了。(牛津词典)‎ ‎(2)I can’t help but obey the order.‎ 我不得不服从命令。‎ can’t help doing...情不自禁做……,忍不住做……‎ can’t help/choose but do...不得不做……‎ can’t help (to) do...不能帮忙做……‎ help oneself to...自用/自取所需(食物等) 基础知识训练——[用所给词的正确形式填空]‎ ‎(1)You can’t help but start(start) moving when you hear this song.‎ ‎(2)I can’t help (to) clean(clean) the room,because I have to do my homework.‎ ‎(3)I think everybody can’t help laughing(laugh) if they see it.‎ ‎(4)Help yourself(you) to whatever you like.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(5)Looking at the Great Wall,you can’t help wondering how it was built so many years ago.‎ Looking at the Great Wall,you can’t help but wonder how it was built so many years ago.‎ ‎ If so,the problem lies with you,not her.‎ 如果是这样的话,问题在于你而不在于她。‎ ‎(1)If so,they will make great progress in their study.‎ 如果是这样的话,他们在学业方面会取得很大的进步。(2015·广东)‎ ‎(2)Focus your attention on your study.If not,you will be left behind.‎ 集中注意力学习。否则的话,你会落后的。‎ ‎(1)if so如果是这样的话,是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义。‎ ‎(2)if构成的其他省略形式:‎ if not如果不是这样的话 if any如果有的话 if possible如果可能的话 if necessary如果必要的话 if ever如果曾经发生过的话 基础知识训练——[对比填空]‎ ‎(1)Is everybody feeling cold?If not,let us open the windows.‎ ‎(2)The girl seldom,if ever,turned to her brother for protection.‎ ‎(3)—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?‎ ‎—Yes.If possible,I’m going to visit some old people’s homes in the city.‎ 写作能力提升——[将下列句子改为省略形式]‎ ‎(4)Some of you may have finished Unit One.If you have done so,you can go on to Unit Two.‎ ‎→Some of you may have finished Unit One.If so,you can go on to Unit Two.‎ ‎(5)Wash it in water and pick out the small particles,if there are any.‎ ‎→Wash it in water and pick out the small particles,if any.‎ Ⅰ.教材与语法填空 Secrets and lies In Sarah’s letter,she told Annie that she and Hannah 1.had been(be) best friends since primary school.They were 2.both very hardworking and got good grades at school.One day,they had 3.a surprise math quiz.4.Though/Although it was easy,Sarah got the lowest grade in the class!The next day Sarah found almost everyone in the class knew it.She was very angry with Hannah 5.because she only told Hannah the secret.Hannah said someone 6.must have been spying on them in the washroom,7.but Sarah didn’t believe her 8.explanation(explain) and couldn’t forgive her.‎ A friendship in trouble In Andrew’s letter,he said he and his best friend Matthew were in the school football team.Last week they played 9.against another school.The other team was superb and they really had to focus.In the match Matthew couldn’t keep pace with the game 10.so they lost the game.11.For this reason,Andrew got angry with Matthew and said that he had not tried hard enough.Matthew got 12.annoyed(annoy),saying it wasn’t his fault and 13.that Andrew shouldn’t talk to him in that manner.‎ They quarreled and 14.it turned into a horrible argument at last.Because Andrew disliked seeing his team lose,he made some cruel remarks during the argument.Since they argued,they had stopped 15.talking(talk) to each other.Andrew felt awkward.‎ Ⅱ.教材与短文改错 When decided what is most important in life,some people choose money,when others choose things like security and comfort.However,for me,the most important thing in life are friendship.Friendship means having someone I can rely.Last year,I leave my schoolbag on a trolleybus,and I lost all of my note for the final exam.You can imagine what I panicked.Lucky for me,my best friend Jenny let me to copy hers,and I used them in my revision.Thanks to his help,I was able to pass the exam.‎ 答案 When what is most important in life,some people choose money, others choose things like security and comfort.However,for me,the most important thing in life friendship.Friendship means having someone I can rely .Last year,I my schoolbag on a trolleybus,and I lost all of my for the final exam.You can imagine I panicked. for me,my best friend Jenny let me to copy hers,and I used them in my revision.Thanks to help,I was able to pass the exam.‎ Ⅲ.教材与微写作 写作素材(关于冲突)‎ ‎1.汤姆和同学相处得不好,主要原因是他说话不算数。‎ ‎2.当他与别人争吵或自己犯错误时,他总是责备他人,并且从不道歉。‎ ‎3.马克决定帮助他,多次和他面对面交谈。慢慢地同学们也原谅了他。‎ ‎4.现在汤姆交了很多朋友,朋友们也信任他。‎ ‎5.总之,懂得如何与他人相处和保持友谊是一门艺术。‎ 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。‎ 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)‎ Tom didn’t get along well with his classmates.The main reason was that he didn’t keep his word.When he quarreled with someone else or made a mistake,he always blamed it on others and never apologized to them.Mark was determined to help him and talked to him face to face many times.Slowly his classmates also forgave him.Now Tom has made many friends and they rely on him.In conclusion,it’s an art to know how to get on with others and keep friendship.‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Anxious all the time,I was unable to keep focused(focus) for more than an hour at a time.(2016·北京)‎ ‎2.The author’s story tells me that I should be confident and practice hard to_overcome(overcome) difficulties in my life.(2016·天津)‎ ‎3.—I wonder_how Mary has kept her figure after all these years.‎ ‎—By working out every day.(2015·福建)‎ ‎4.In conclusion,I like being praised,but I know sometimes it’s not always good.(2015·湖南)‎ ‎5.The desert hadn’t changed,but I had.I had changed my attitude(态度).(2016·浙江)‎ ‎6.He walks so fast that I can’t keep pace with him.‎ ‎7.He made an apology to us for not replying in time.‎ ‎8.Brian is gifted(gift)in writing music;he is very likely to be a Beethoven.(2015·四川)‎ ‎9.I pretended to_be_sleeping(sleep) when my parents came in.‎ ‎10.As we flew home over Britain,both of us remarked(评论) how green everything looked.‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎(2017·广西桂林十八中月考)‎ Two of the saddest words in the English language are “if only”.I live my life with the goal of never having to say those words,because they convey regret,lost opportunities,mistakes,and disappointment.‎ My father is famous in our family for saying,“Take the extra minute to do it right.” I always try to live by the “extra minute” rule.When my children were young and likely to cause accidents,I always thought about what I could do to avoid an “if only ” moment,whether it was something minor like moving a cup full of hot coffee away from the edge of a computer,or something that required a little more work such as taping padding(衬垫) onto the sharp corners of a glass coffee table.‎ I don’t only avoid those “if only” moments when it comes to safety.It’s equally important to avoid “if only” in our personal relationships.We all know people who lost a loved one and regretted that they had foregone an opportunity to say “I love you” or “I forgive you”.When my father announced he was going to the eye doctor across from my office on Good Friday,I told him that it was a holiday for my company and I wouldn’t be there.But then I thought about the fact that he’s 84 years old and I realized that I shouldn’t give up an opportunity to see him.I called him and told him I had decided to go to work on my day off after all.‎ I know there will still be occasions when I have to say “if only” about something,but my life is definitely better because of my policy of doing everything possible to avoid that eventuality(可能发生的事).And even though it takes an extra minute to do something right,or it occasionally takes an hour or two in my busy schedule to make a personal connection,I know that I’m doing the right thing.I’m buying myself peace of mind and that’s the best kind of insurance for my emotional wellbeing.‎ 语篇解读 本文介绍了作者的一种人生态度,为了避免说“if only”,无论是在安全防护还是个人关系方面,作者都提前准备,尽一切可能避免遗憾的发生。‎ ‎11.Which of the following is an example of the “extra minute” rule?‎ A.Start the car the moment everyone is seated.‎ B.Leave the room for a minute with the iron working.‎ C.Wait for an extra minute so that the steak tastes better.‎ D.Move an object out of the way before it trips someone.‎ 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。由第二段中的“whether it was something minor like moving a cup full of hot coffee away from the edge of a computer,or something that required a little more work such as taping padding(衬垫) onto the sharp corners of a glass coffee table”可知在物体绊住别人之前将它移动属于the “extra minute” rule,故选D。 ‎ ‎12.The author decided to go to her office on Good Friday to ________.‎ A.keep her appointment with the eye doctor B.meet her father who was already an old man C.join in the holiday celebration of the company D.finish her work before the deadline approaching 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。由第三段中的“But then I thought about the fact that he’s 84 years old and I realized that I shouldn’t give up an opportunity to see him.”可知,我在周五休息的时候去工作是为了去看我已经年迈的爸爸,故选B。‎ ‎13.The underlined word “foregone” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “________”.‎ A.abandoned B.lacked C.avoided D.wasted 答案 A 解析 词义猜测题。由第三段中的“We all know people who lost a loved one and regretted that they had foregone an opportunity to say ‘I love you’ or ‘I forgive you.’”可知,我们都知道失去亲人的人当初放弃了一个机会说“我爱你”或“我原谅你”。划线词语指“放弃”,与A项同义,故选A。‎ ‎14.What is the best title for the passage?‎ A.The Emotional Wellbeing B.The Two Saddest Words C.The Most Useful Rule D.The Peace of Mind ‎ 答案 B 解析 标题归纳题。本文围绕英语中两个最悲伤的词语“if only”展开叙述,故选B。‎ Ⅲ.七选五 We all have to apologize sometimes,and researchers have now shown how to make it count(被正式接纳、正式认可).After a series of studies,researchers found six key elements that make your apology more meaningful.__15__.These two key elements are admitting you are at fault and offering to repair the damage.__16__,but you should make sure you hit as many of the six key components as possible.The list includes:expression of regret,explanation of what went wrong,acknowledgement of responsibility,declaration of repentance,an offer of repair and request for forgiveness.‎ The researchers’ findings showed that hitting each point on the list is sure to win back the trust you may have lost,but there may be occasions when one is pressed for time or space.__17__,researchers say there are two key elements that are most critical to having someone accept your apology.__18__.The other is an offer of repair.Researchers also say the value of the six components is the same,whether the apology is related to failures of competence or integrity(诚实正直).__19‎ ‎__.Clearly,things like eye contact and appropriate expression of sincerity are important when you give a facetoface apology.‎ A.Apologies really do work B.They all have a powerful effect C.One is an acknowledgement of responsibility D.If you need to reconcile(使和解) the relationship right away E.Researchers found the six keys to saying you are sorry F.Researchers found more and more components are contained in people’s apologies G.They also found that two elements are the most critical(关键的) to having someone accept it ‎15.答案 G 解析 根据后文内容“These two key elements are admitting you are at fault and offering to repair the damage.”其中最关键的两点,就是承认错误,并主动提出弥补伤害。可知,该空应该引出这两点。因此选G。‎ ‎16.答案 A 解析 根据后文“...but you should make sure you hit as many of the six key components as possible.”可知,该空和后文的关系为转折关系,所以,填“道歉虽然管用,但要尽可能多地包含这六大因素”符合文意。因此选A。‎ ‎17.答案 D 解析 根据后文:“...researchers say there are two key elements that are most critical to having someone accept your apology.”可知,该空应为后文的条件句,所以填“如果你需要马上和解”符合文意。因此选D。‎ ‎18.答案 C 解析 根据后文“The other is an offer of repair.”可判断出此处为固定搭配“One...the other...”。因此选C。‎ ‎19.答案 B 解析 根据前文“Researchers also say the value of the six components is the same,whether the apology is related to failures of competence or integrity(诚实正直).”可知,该空为前文内容的总结句,所以填“它们都能产生很大的作用”符合文意。因此选B。‎ Ⅳ.完形填空 ‎(2016·山东临沂一模)‎ I was coming back home late at night in a “Sharing” mini van(厢式货车).In Hyderabad,India,it is a cheap and quick form of __20__.The van driver picked up as many as 13 people at times in a vehicle which is __21__ for the transport of 8.So our van was very __22__.‎ Making her way to the__23__ of the van,a school girl with a bag __24__ the driver to stop.While getting down,she slipped and fell.None of us __25__ it,as it was dark outside.The driver was __26__ for her to pay.It was then that we saw that the girl was on her __27__ by the side of the road.Another passenger and I got down __28__ and held her up.‎ Even in__29__,she held up a note and asked us to pay the driver.The other __30__ passenger took the note and paid the driver.My __31__ was a few hundred meters away.As a girl,I knew I’d get off and stay with her in the __32__.So I paid up the driver for __33__ and he drove away with the other passengers.‎ I neither__34__ her nor did I know what to do.But I was there,giving some __35__ words to another girl in pain.I asked her to stand__36__ for a few while.I then looked for a place for her to sit.Then I __37__ her friend and waited there.She was rushed to a nearby clinic later.Before leaving,she thanked me for __38__ and we hugged goodbye.‎ The night breezes were blowing__39__ upon my cheek as I walked home,with a feeling of relief.‎ 语篇解读 本文为记叙文。在作者乘车途中一个女孩下车时摔倒了,乘客们纷纷伸出援助之手。作者提前下车陪伴女孩直到她的朋友把她接走。‎ ‎20.A.life B.transport C.activity D.communication 答案 B 解析 life生命;transport运输;activity活动;communication交流。此处指厢式货车是一种既便宜又快的交通方式。根据句意选B。‎ ‎21.A.designed B.bought C.organized D.powered 答案 A 解析 design设计;buy买;organize组织;power激励。此处指每次司机用被设计成装8个人的厢式货车装13个人。故选A。‎ ‎22.A.heavy B.noisy C.crowded D.awkward 答案 C 解析 heavy沉重的;noisy喧闹的;crowded拥挤的;awkward尴尬的。根据上句本来装8个人的车装13个人,所以车内很拥挤,故选C。‎ ‎23.A.driver B.window C.door D.seat 答案 C 解析 ‎ driver司机;window窗户;door门;seat座位。因为小女孩要下车所以她往门边走,故选C。‎ ‎24.A.guided B.suggested C.admitted D.signaled 答案 D 解析 guide指导;suggest建议;admit承认;signal示意。此处指背书包的小女孩示意司机停车,故选D。‎ ‎25.A.noticed B.managed C.recognized D.stood 答案 A 解析 notice注意到;manage管理;recognize认识到;stand站立。指小女孩下车后滑倒了,由于外面很黑我们谁都没注意到。故选A。‎ ‎26.A.caring B.reaching C.waiting D.planning 答案 C 解析 care关心;reach到达;wait等待;plan计划。句意为:司机等着女孩付车费。故选C。‎ ‎27.A.back B.knees C.feet D.own 答案 B 解析 back后背;knee膝盖;foot脚;own自己的。这时我们发现女孩摔倒在路边,由于是下车时摔倒应该是膝盖着地跪在地上,故选B。‎ ‎28.A.immediately B.doubtfully C.naturally D.anxiously 答案 A 解析 immediately立刻;doubtfully怀疑地;naturally自然地;anxiously焦虑地。此处指看到女孩摔倒,我和另一名乘客立刻下车去扶她。故选A。‎ ‎29.A.silence B.surprise C.vain D.pain 答案 D 解析 silence寂静;surprise惊奇;vain徒劳;pain疼痛。句意为:虽然很疼,但女孩拿着钱让我们帮忙付给司机。故选D。‎ ‎30.A.patient B.helpful C.generous D.secret 答案 B 解析 patient耐心的;helpful有帮助的;generous慷慨的;secret秘密的。此处指另一个热心的乘客帮助女孩把车票钱给了司机,故选B。‎ ‎31.A.home B.stop C.car D.school 答案 B 解析 home家;stop车站;car汽车;school学校。我下车的车站还有几百米,故选B。‎ ‎32.A.dark B.rain C.wind D.van 答案 A 解析 dark黑暗;rain雨;wind风;van厢式货车。句意为:作为女孩,我知道我应该此时下车在黑暗中陪伴女孩。故选A。‎ ‎33.A.himself B.herself C.myself D.itself 答案 C 解析 句意为:所以我付了我的车费,司机拉着其他乘客开走了。故选C。‎ ‎34.A.ignored B.persuaded C.promised D.knew 答案 D 解析 ignore忽视;persuade说服;promise答应;know知道。句意为:我既不认识她也不知道该干什么。根据句意选D。‎ ‎35.A.anxious B.sorrow C.comforting D.satisfying 答案 C 解析 anxious焦虑的;sorrow悲伤的;comforting安慰的;satisfying令人满意的。句意为:但我在那里,给另外一个疼痛的女孩说一些安慰的话。根据句意选C。‎ ‎36.A.up B.straight C.still D.out 答案 C 解析 up向上的;straight笔直的;still静止的;out外面的。我让女孩静止的站了一会,然后给她找了个地方让她坐下。故选C。‎ ‎37.A.found B.phoned C.brought D.saw 答案 B 解析 find发现;phone打电话;bring带来;see看见。此处指然后我给她朋友打了电话并陪她等着。故选B。‎ ‎38.A.company B.support C.bravery D.convenience 答案 A 解析 company陪伴;support支持;bravery勇敢;convenience便利。句意为:在走之前,她感谢我的陪伴,我们拥抱告别。故选A。‎ ‎39.A.hard B.happily C.willingly D.gently 答案 D 解析 hard努力地;happily快乐地;willingly愿意地;gently温柔地。句意为:我回家时晚风温柔地吹过我的面颊,我有一种轻松感。故选D。‎ 话题词汇 ‎1.donation n.捐献 ‎ ‎2.volunteer n.志愿者 ‎3.participate vi.参加 ‎4.improve vt.&vi.改善 ‎5.launch vt.发起 ‎6.distribution n.分配;分发 ‎7.in need需要 ‎8.Project Hope希望工程 ‎9.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物 ‎ ‎10.contribute to捐款;有助于 话题佳作 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Chris刚刚转学,感到一切都很陌生。他在邮件中向你询问如何尽快融入新环境,请你根据以下信息写一封回信。‎ ‎1.多跟同学交流沟通;‎ ‎2.积极参加学校活动;‎ ‎3.向老师寻求帮助。‎ 佳作欣赏 Dear Chris,‎ I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in at your new school.Such problems are quite normal.Perhaps the following suggestions may be helpful.‎ First,I think you may need to communicate with your classmates as much as possible.In this way,you will get to know each other better.Second,it might be a good idea for you to take part in more activities,which usually involve teamwork and interactions with other students and are therefore good for developing friendly relationships.Last but not least,faced with some tough problems,you might consider asking our teachers,who can usually offer you some sensible suggestions.‎ I sincerely hope my advice will be of some help to you.If there is anything more I can do to help,please let me know.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 名师点睛 本文是一篇书信,采用三段式,结构合理,内容齐全。文中使用了很多高级句式,如:宾语从句;it作形式主语,动词不定式的复合结构作真正的主语;过去分词作状语;which,who引导的非限制性定语从句;be of+n.;条件状语从句。还有一些高级词汇,如have trouble (in) doing sth.,as...as possible,last but not least等。‎ 单元知识综合运用 Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎1.The shy girl felt _______and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher's questions.‎ ‎ A.amazed B.awkward C.curious D.amused 答案 B [考查形容词词义辨析。选项应该和uncomfortable相对应,根据句意,当无法回答老师的问题时,那个害羞的女孩感到“别扭,不自然”;只有awkward意为“别扭的,不自然的”,符合句意。故选B。]‎ ‎2.At first the institute refused to purchase the experiment instrument,but this decision was _____changed.‎ ‎ A.occasionally B.consequently ‎ C.backwards D.afterwards 答案 D [考查副词词义辨析。句意:这家研究所一开始拒绝购买这种实验设备,但是随后这个决定就改变了。afterwards然后,后来。]‎ ‎3.You will never________your tomorrow’s exam if you don’t fix your attention on it.‎ A.get on with        B.get back C.get through D.get in 答案 C [考查get短语。句意:如果你不把注意力集中在你的考试上的话,你永远也不会通过明天的考试的。get on with相处,进展;get back回来,恢复,取回;get through接通(电话),完成,通过;get in收割,收获。根据句意选C。]‎ ‎4.Mr Harris apologized ________the children ________the lady ________what they had done.‎ ‎ A.for;to;to B.to;to;for ‎ C.for;to;for D.to;for;for 答案 C [考查apologize的用法。apologize to sb for sth为某事向某人道歉。句意:哈利斯先生替这些孩子们为他们所做的事向那位女士道歉。]‎ ‎5.Without enough evidence,the jury couldn’t find him________of the crime,so he was set free.‎ A.skeptical B.ashamed C.innocent D.guilty 答案 D [考查形容词辨析。句意:因为没有足够的证据,陪审团就不能认定他有罪,所以他被释放了。skeptical怀疑的;ashamed惭愧的;innocent无辜的;guilty有罪的。]‎ ‎6.Whenever he meets difficulties,he always takes a positive________towards them.‎ A.mind B.attitude C.opinion D.state 答案 B 考查名词词义。句意:无论何时他遇到困难总会采取积极的态度去面对。mind头脑,思维;opinion意见,主张,后常接of;state状态;attitude态度,看法,后接to/towards;take a...attitude to/towards采取……的态度,故选B。‎ ‎7.When the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami(海啸),the worstever natural ‎ ‎ disasters,happened,the people there ________heavy losses.‎ ‎ A.received B.suffered C.accepted D.occurred ‎ 答案 B [suffer忍受,遭受(损失,伤害),其他选项均不符合句意。]‎ ‎8.The poster was revised ________the suggestions of other group members.‎ ‎ A.based on B.to base on ‎ C.basing on D.which based on 答案 A [本句主动形式应该是:base the poster on the suggestions of...,base 和主句主语poster成被动关系,所以应该选择过去分词形式作状语。]‎ ‎9.It seems that you need to apologize quickly ________a good friend.‎ ‎ A.avoiding to lose B.to avoid losing ‎ C.avoiding losing D.to avoid to lose 答案 B [不定式to表示目的,另外avoid后应接v.ing意为“避免做某事”,所以选择B。]‎ ‎10.—I didn't mean________my mother.‎ ‎ —But talking to her like that meant________her.‎ ‎ A.hurting;hurting B.to hurt;hurting ‎ C.hurting;to hurt D.to hurt;to hurt 答案 B [考查固定搭配。mean to do sth有意/打算做某事;mean doing ‎ sth表示“意味着”。根据句意可知,选B。]‎ ‎11.Dogs have a very good ________of smell and are often used to search for ‎ ‎ survivors in an earthquake.‎ ‎ A.sense B.view C.means D.idea 答案 A [sense感官(即:视、听、嗅、味、触)。a very good sense of smell 意为“嗅觉非常灵敏”。]‎ ‎12.I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we ________fine.‎ ‎ A.look out B.stay up C.carry on D.get along 答案 D [考查短语辨析。look out留神;当心;stay up熬夜;停留;carry on从事;进行;get along与……和睦相处;进展。]‎ ‎13.________an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.‎ A.Based B.Basing C.Base D.To base 答案 B [考查非谓语动词。句意:在作出重要决定时,如果你更多地基于情感而不是理性,那么你早晚会后悔的。base...on...“以...为基础”。主语为you,与动词base为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用ing 形式,所以答案为B。]‎ ‎14.He began to take political science ________only when he left school.‎ ‎ A.strictly B.truly C.carefully D.seriously ‎ 答案 D [take sth seriously严肃/认真地对待某事。]‎ ‎15.________for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits.‎ ‎ A.Blaming B.Blamed C.To blame D.To be blamed 答案 B [blame为及物动词,后面必须跟宾语,blame与Alice成动宾关系,这里过去分词作状语表示被动、完成。] ‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎ It was a winter morning,just a couple of weeks before Christmas.While most people were__16__their cars.Trevor,my husband,had to__17__early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work.On arrival,he__18__his bike outside the back door as he usually does.After__19__10 hours of labor,he returned to find his bike__20__.‎ ‎ The bike,a black Kona 18 speed,was our only tool.Trevor used it to get to__21__,putting in 60hour weeks to__22__his young family.And the bike was also used to get groceries,__23__us from having to walk long distances from where we live.‎ ‎ I was so__24__that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story.Shortly after that,several people in our area__25__to help.One wonderful stranger__26__bought a bike,then called my husband to pick it up.__27__my husband had a way to get to and from his job.It really is a(an)__28__that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.People say that a smile can be__29__from one person to another,but acts of kindness from__30__are even more so.This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it__31__our faith in humanity as a whole.And it has__32__us to be more mindful of ways that we,too,can__33__with others.No matter how big or how small,an act of kindness shows that someone__34__.And the results can be__35__.‎ ‎16.A.cooling down B.warming up ‎ C.speeding up D.slowing down 答案 B [由于是冬天,所以出行前要给车warm up(加热)。cool down冷却;speed up加快速度;slow down减慢速度。]‎ ‎17.A.get up B.wake up ‎ C.turn up D.rise up 答案 A [Trevor,my husband,是骑车上班,所以要早起赶时间,而wake up醒来;turn up出现;rise up升起,均不合题意。]‎ ‎18.A.piled B.pushed C.parked D.paused 答案 C [到了之后把自行车停(parked)在后门外,而pile堆放;push推动;pause停顿,都不合题意。]‎ ‎19.A.putting in B.putting on C.putting off D.putting away 答案 A [put in time/energy投入、花费时间或精力,符合题意。put on穿上;上映;put off推迟;put away收拾好。]‎ ‎20.A.broken B.robbed C.hidden D.gone 答案 D [下班后出来发现自行车不见了(gone)。break使……破碎;rob后跟人或地点作宾语;hide躲藏。]‎ ‎21.A.study B.shop C.work D.deliver 答案 C [根据上文应为get to work上班。deliver投递;study学习;shop商店,均不合题意。]‎ ‎22.A.live B.support C.serve D.protect ‎ 答案 B [丈夫每天上班得support his family(养活家庭)。其他不符合常识。]‎ ‎23.A.getting B.protecting C.saving D.allowing 答案 C [由后面的long distances from where we live可知骑自行车节省了时间,且save sb from doing....固定短语;protect sb from sth保护某人免受……;get,allow均不和from搭配。]‎ ‎24.A.surprised B.thrilled C.puzzled D.sad 答案 D [小偷steal our bike,我当然是难过(sad)。surprised吃惊;thrilled兴奋的;puzzled迷惑的。]‎ ‎25.A.offered B.supported C.provided D.agreed 答案 A [offer to help(主动帮助)为固定短语;B、C两项先排除;agree to do同意做某事,不符合上下文。]‎ ‎26.A.still B.finally C.even D.yet 答案 C [even甚至,表示递进关系,符合句意。still仍然,一直;finally最后;yet还。]‎ ‎27.A.Now and then B.Once in a while ‎ C.Once again D.Sooner or later 答案 C [丈夫丢了自行车后“又一次(once again)”正常的上下班,而now and then时而;once in a while偶尔,间或;sooner or later迟早。]‎ ‎28.A.honor B.pity C.sympathy D.respect 答案 A [陌生人会给从未见过的帮助对于我来说是honor(荣耀);pity可怜,同情;sympathy同情;respect尊重。]‎ ‎29.A.thrown B.passed C.sent D.got 答案 B [pass sth from...to...把……传递下去,微笑是一种善意的传递;throw扔;send派,发送;get得到。]‎ ‎30.A.friends B.strangers ‎ ‎ C.relatives D.parents 答案 B [从上文可知acts of kindness从strangers那里得到;friends,relatives,parents不具备代表性。]‎ ‎31.A.weakened B.spread ‎ ‎ C.reduced D.strengthened 答案 D [strengthen our faith in humanity巩固了我们对人性的信任。weaken减弱;spread传播;reduce减少。]‎ ‎32.A.moved B.forced C.urged D.influenced 答案 D [好的人性influence(影响)到我们和他人分享的方式。move移动;force强迫;urge敦促。]‎ ‎33.A.share B.connect C.deal D.work ‎ 答案 A [share with others和他人分享。]‎ ‎34.A.likes B.cares C.worries D.wonders 答案 B [an act of kindness表明人“关心、帮助”他人。like喜欢;worry担心;wonder纳闷,想知道。]‎ ‎35.A.short B.promising C.permanent D.temporary 答案 C [act of kindness固然渺小,但其影响是permanent(永恒的)。short,promising,temporary分别为短暂的、有希望的、临时的。]‎ Ⅲ.阅读理解 Sons who have fond childhood memories of their fathers are more likely to be emotionally stable in the face of daytoday stresses,according to psychologists who studied hundreds of adults of all ages.‎ ‎“As our study shows,fathers do play a unique and important role in the mental health of their children much later in life,”Psychology professor Melanie Mallers of California State University said.‎ For this study,912 adult men and women between the ages of 25 and 74 completed short daily telephone interviews about that day's experiences over an ‎ eightday period.The interviews focused on the participants' psychological and emotional distress (i.e.,whether they were nervous,sad,etc.) and if they had experienced any stressful events that day.‎ The participants were also required to answer questions such as,“How would you rate your relationship with your mother during the years when you were growing up?”and “How much time and attention did your mother give you when you needed it?”The same questions were asked about fathers.‎ People who reported they had a good motherchild relationship reported three percent less psychological distress compared to those who reported a poor relationship,according to Mallers.‎ Men who reported having a good relationship with their father during childhood were more likely to be less emotional when reacting to stressful events in their current daily lives than those who had a poor relationship,according to her findings.‎ Also,the quality of mother and father relationships was significantly associated with how many stressful events the participants faced on a daily basis.In other words,if they had a poor childhood relationship with both parents,they reported more stressful incidents over the eightday study when compared to those who had a good relationship with their parents.‎ Mallers theorized why healthy or unhealthy relationships may have an effect on how people handle stress as adults,“Perhaps having caring parents equips children with the experiences and skills necessary to more successfully navigate their relationships with other people throughout childhood and into adulthood.”she said.‎ ‎【语篇导读】 最新研究发现,孩提时的父母与子女的关系会影响孩子成人以后的处理压力的能力。‎ ‎36.What can we know about the recent study from the passage?‎ A.It was led by Melanie Mallers.‎ B.912 adults who were over twentyfive joined in it.‎ C.It lasted as long as eight days.‎ D.It was funded just by California State University.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。从文中第三段第一句可知该研究进行了8天,故选C项。根据第三段第一句可知,B项不对;A、D两项在文中没有信息支持。]‎ ‎37.Which of the following may the participants be asked about in telephone interviews?‎ A.Their physical condition.‎ B.Their parenting skills.‎ C.Their emotional distress and stressful events.‎ D.Their childhood relationships with teachers.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。结合第三段最后一句和第四段的内容可知,被调查人员有可能被问到他们的感情困扰和有压力的事情。故选C项。]‎ ‎38.Which of the following statements is TRUE?‎ A.Many people with good parentchild relationships still can't keep emotionally stable in stressful incidents.‎ B.Men with a good motherchild relationship were more likely to be emotionally stable when reacting to stressful events.‎ C.Women were better at getting along with their parents than men when they were young.‎ D.People with good childhood relationships with parents suffered less stressful incidents.‎ 答案 D [细节理解题。根据第七段“In other words,if they had a poor ‎ childhood relationship with both parents,they reported more stressful incidents over the eightday study when compared to those who had a good relationship with their parents.”可判断选D。]‎ ‎39.What can be concluded from the findings of the study?‎ A.Childhood memories of parents have a lasting effect on one's ability to handle stress.‎ B.Adults with good childhood relationships with parents will live happily and successfully.‎ C.The motherchild relationship is more important than the fatherchild relationship.‎ D.The quality of parentchild relationships determines how people handle stress as adults.‎ 答案 A [推理判断题。从文章第一段和接下来对研究内容和研究结论的描述可知,孩提时与父母间的相关记忆可以影响一个人处理压力的能力。D项错在determines的说法过于绝对。]‎

