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Ⅰ.高考单词→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.核心词汇 ‎①________vt.主持;呈现 ‎②________n.争执;冲突 ‎③________vt.拯救,救援 ‎④________vi.通信;符合 ‎⑤________adv.同时 ‎⑥________vt.治愈 ‎⑦assist vt.帮助;协助________n.助手;助理________n.帮助;协助 ‎⑧technical adj.技术上的________n.技术________n.工艺,技术 ‎⑨latter n.后者________n.前者 ‎⑩starve v.挨饿________n.饥饿 ‎⑪equal adj.平等的v.等于________adv.平等地________n.平等 ‎⑫assess vt.评价;评估________n.评价;评估 ‎⑬donate vt.捐赠;赠送________n.捐赠者________n.捐赠;赠送 ‎⑭electric adj.电的;电动的________adj.电的;电气科学的________adj.电子的 ‎⑮special adj.专门的;特殊的________n.专家 ‎⑯poison n.毒药;毒物________adj.有毒的 ‎⑰permit vt.允许;准许;许可________n.允许;准许 ‎⑱declare vt.宣告;宣布________n.宣布 ‎⑲explore vt.探测,探险________n.检测;探险 答案 ①present ②conflict ③rescue ④correspond ⑤meanwhile ⑥cure ⑦assistant;assistance ⑧technique;technology ⑨former ⑩starvation ⑪equally;equality ⑫assessment ⑬donor;donation ⑭electrical;electronic ⑮specialist ⑯poisonous ⑰permission ⑱declaration ⑲exploration ‎2.常考词汇 ‎①recreation n.________‎ ‎②seminar n.________‎ ‎③enterprise n.________‎ ‎④discrimination n.________‎ ‎⑤category n.________‎ ‎⑥dilemma n.________‎ ‎⑦permanent adj.________‎ ‎⑧souvenir n.________‎ 答案 ①消遣;娱乐 ②研讨会 ③事业;企业 ④歧视;识别力 ‎⑤类别;类型 ⑥困境,进退两难的窘境 ⑦长久的,永久的 ⑧纪念品 用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.He,in his book,Haiguo Tuzhi (Maps and Records of the World),introduced modern ________(technique) and ideas to China.(2016·北京, 书面表达)‎ ‎2.Learning to deal with the social world is ________(equal)important.(2016·北京,阅读D)‎ ‎3.We are trying to ________how well the system works and the ________will be subscribed to the committee.(assess)‎ ‎4.The use of certain chemicals has now been ________(declaration) illegal.‎ ‎5.Having survived ________(starve),we’re beginning to live happily.‎ ‎6.The leaves of certain trees are ________(poison) to cattle.‎ ‎7.In our school,the students are not ________to use phones and without ________they can’t leave school during weekdays.(permit)‎ ‎8.Without his ________(assist),it couldn’t be completed on time.‎ ‎9.On hearing the brave girl’s disease,local people lined up to donate blood for her,and their ________(donate)has saved her life.‎ ‎10.Their ________(explore) may change our future.‎ ‎11.She still ________(correspond) with American friends she met nine years ago.‎ ‎12.The professor is a ________ (special) of studying a criminal’s psychology.‎ ‎13.I was asked to give a short ________ (present)on the aims of the plan.‎ ‎14.There is no ________(effect) cure for colds except rest.‎ 答案 1.technologies 2.equally 3.assess;assessment 4.declared  5.starvation 6.poisonous 7.permitted;permission 8.assistance 9.donation 10.exploration 11.corresponds 12.specialist 13.presentation 14.effective ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶“时间”相关词 ‎①temporary adj.暂时的 ‎②permanent adj.永久的 ‎③instant n.&adj.时刻;紧迫的;即刻的 ‎④interval n.间隔,间歇 ‎⑤punctual adj.守时的 ‎❷assess形近词 ‎①possess vt.拥有,占有 ‎②possession n.拥有,财产 ‎ ‎③assess vt.评估 ‎ ‎④assessment n.评估 ‎ ‎❸“互联网”家族 ‎①Internet n.因特网 ‎②network n.网络 ‎③password n.密码 ‎④wechat n.微信 ‎⑤database n.数据库;资料库 ‎⑥surf vi.&vt.浏览 ‎⑦download vt.下载 ‎⑧upload vt.上传 ‎❹聚焦后缀-ous形容词 ‎①glorious光荣的 ‎②dangerous危险的 ‎③mountainous多山的 ‎④humorous幽默的 ‎⑤continuous连续的 ‎⑥poisonous有毒的 ‎⑦courageous勇敢的 ‎❺-ant结尾名词个个清 ‎①accountant会计 ‎②assistant助手 ‎③applicant申请人 ‎④immigrant移民,侨民 ‎⑤merchant商人 ‎⑥servant仆人 开心词场→核心单词串记 Two villagers,Mr.Wang and Mr.Li,came into conflict,because Mr.Wang didn’t permit Mr.Li to use his pipe.So Mr.Li set fire to his house,which made things worse.Luckily,many villagers assisted putting out the fire.Meanwhile,the firefighters came to his rescue.However,Mr.Wang still suffered great loss.Hearing the news,many people donated food and clothes to him.‎ Ⅱ.重点短语→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.动词+介词/副词 ‎①get ________使理解;把……讲清楚 ‎②take ________接收,接管 ‎③give ________泄露(秘密);赠送 ‎④carry ________开展;执行 ‎⑤click ________点击进入 ‎⑥drop ________下降;入睡 ‎⑦figure ________想出;理解;计算出 ‎⑧make up ________弥补 答案 ①across ②over ③away ④out ⑤into ⑥off ⑦out ⑧for ‎2.介词+名词 ‎①in ________提前,预先 ‎②in ________另外 ‎③in ________总之 答案 ①advance ②addition ‎③conclusion ‎3.其他形式 ‎①due ________由于;因为 ‎②rather ________而不是 ‎③not to ________更不用说 ‎④be dedicated ________致力于;献身于 答案 ①to ②than ③mention ④to 用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 ‎1.It wasn’t hard to ____________ how he got his nickname.‎ ‎2.Bill Gates was so nice that he decided to ____________ ninety percent of his money to the charities.‎ ‎3.He was convinced that it was necessary to ____________ to them.‎ ‎4.To make sure that he was at home,I called him up ____________.‎ ‎5.Jack has been wrestling with these technical problems since he ____________ the department last year.‎ ‎6.I ____________ and missed the end of the film.‎ ‎7.Can you give me some advice on how to ____________ the time I have lost?‎ ‎8.China will continue to ____________ international cooperation in this area.‎ 答案 1.figure out 2.give away 3.get across 4.in advance 5.took over ‎ ‎6.dropped off 7.make up for 8.be dedicated to ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶表示“总之”短语 ‎①in all ‎②in a word ‎ ‎③in short ‎④all in all ‎⑤in conclusion ‎⑥in sum ‎⑦in summary ‎❷“不用说”的短语小结 ‎①to say nothing of ‎ ‎②not to speak of ‎③let alone ‎④not to mention ‎❸表示“致力于”的短语 ‎①devote to/be devoted to ‎②commit oneself to ‎③apply oneself to ‎④be dedicated to Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 原句背诵感悟 ‎1.By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.‎ 到2015年,服装业将生产出各种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污迹。‎ ‎2.In the summer of 1905,this outspoken young man was rocking his one-year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.‎ ‎1905年夏天,这位率直的年轻人正摇晃他一岁的婴儿,这时他突然有了灵感。‎ ‎3.I think there will be an invention that will help prevent drivers from getting stuck in traffic jams.‎ 我想将会有一种有助于防止司机困于交通阻塞的发明。‎ ‎4.There’s no doubt about it.‎ 对此应该深信不疑。‎ 句型公式仿写 ‎1.“by+时间点”常与完成时连用 By the end of this week,________________.‎ 到本周末,他将完成所有的工作。‎ ‎2.be doing...when...“正在……这时……”‎ I ________________ he rang.‎ 我正在洗澡这时他打电话过来了。‎ ‎3.get+动词的过去分词 Be careful when you cross the busy street.If not,you may ________________ by a car.‎ 当你穿过繁忙街道的时候要当心,否则就可能被车撞倒。‎ ‎4.There’s no doubt about/that...“毫无疑问……”‎ ‎________________ China’s ability to deal with some emergencies.‎ 对中国政府处理紧急事情的能力我们深信不疑。‎ 答案 1.he will have finished all the work 2.was taking a bath when ‎3.get run over 4.There is no doubt about ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎“get+过去分词”结构 ‎(1)在口语中,过去分词之前常用get代替be,构成被动语态。‎ ‎(2)能够用于get后构成被动语态的过去分词不多,常见的有arrested,broken,caught,cheated,confused,delayed,divorced,dressed,drowned,drunk,elected,engaged,hit,killed,lost,married,stuck等。‎ ‎[单 词 点 睛]‎ 高考必备词汇——精讲精练 ‎1.assist vt.帮助;协助 ‎[高考佳句]I’d like to invite you to join us in assisting the elderly people there.(2015·全国Ⅱ,满分作文)‎ 我想邀请你加入我们去帮助那里的老人。‎ ‎(1)帮助某人做某事 ‎(2)assistance n.帮助 with the assistance of在……帮助下 ‎(3)assistant adj.辅助的 n.助手 单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①The public is urgently requested to assist police ________tracing/to trace this man.‎ ‎②Under the assistance of my cousin we paddled across the river in the dark to participate in a private meeting.‎ 答案 ①in ②Under→With ‎2.donate vt.捐赠,赠送;捐献(器官)‎ ‎[高考佳句]I believe these donated books will not only make you more familiar with China but help enhance your Chinese.(2015·天津,书面表达)‎ 我相信捐赠的这些书不仅会使你们更了解中国,而且还会帮助你们提高汉语。‎ ‎(1)donate sth to sb向某人捐献某物 ‎ (2)donation n.捐赠;捐赠物;捐款 give/make/present a donation to...向……捐赠 ‎(3)donor n.捐赠者,赠送者 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①We want to make a ________(donate) to the Hope Project,so we are organizing a charity show.‎ ‎②Instead of shouting empty slogans,it is more meaningful to ________________.‎ 给需要的孩子们捐些书和体育用品要比空喊口号更有意义。‎ 答案 ①donation ②donate books and sports goods to children in need ‎3.cure vt.治愈,治好 n.疗法;治疗 ‎[教材原句]During the Second World War,when Fleming’s discovery was first helping to cure people,the US Navy was looking for ways of improving the accuracy of their missiles.‎ 第二次世界大战期间,青霉素第一次被使用,这时美国海军正在致力于寻找提高导弹命中率的方法。‎ cure sb of sth治好某人的病;矫正某人的不良行为 a cure for sth疾病的治疗方法 单句语法填空 ‎①The fresh air and exercise cured him ________ his headache.‎ ‎②The doctor claimed to have discovered a cure ________ the disease.‎ ‎【辨析比较】 cure/treat cure 意为“治愈,治好”,可直接跟人或疾病作宾语,有时用来指突然地、出乎意料地痊愈;也用于引申指人的生活习惯的纠正、矫正等,与介词of搭配,强调结果 treat 只指治病,不包括治疗的效果如何。其宾语可以是人也可以是病,人作宾语时,病用for短语表示。它强调“治疗”这一动作 写作运用 ‎③The doctor ________________ a new drug but didn’t ________ him.‎ 那位医生用一种新药给他治疗头痛,但是没有给他治好。‎ 答案 ①of ②for ③treated his headache with;cure ‎4.permit v.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照 ‎[高考佳句]Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen.(2015·天津,阅读A)‎ 住在设有厨房的楼房里的学生只准在厨房做饭。‎ ‎(1)permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事 permit doing sth允许做某事 ‎(2)a driver’s/driving permit驾驶执照 ‎(3)permission n.[U]允许;许可 with/without one’s permission获得某人同意/没有获得某人同意 ask for permission请求允许 单句语法填空 ‎①Many cities permit migrant workers to apply for a hukou,but their family members ‎ are not permitted ________(apply).‎ ‎②With your ________(permit),I will carry out the project as soon as possible.‎ 答案 ①to apply ②permission ‎[语境助记]Without a driver’s permit,you are not permitted to drive the car.‎ 你若没有驾驶执照,就不允许开这辆车。‎ ‎【名师指津】 permit用作不及物动词,可表示“(时间、条件、天气等)允许的话”,此时常用于独立主格结构,即“名词+现在分词”。也可在前面加if表示条件。‎ ‎[联想发散]动词permit的常见用法:permit sb to do sth/permit doing sth,根据汉语提示写出用法类似的动词。‎ ‎①allow sb to do/doing允许(某人)做 ‎②forbid sb to do/doing禁止(某人)做 ‎③encourage sb to do/doing鼓励(某人)做 ‎④advise sb to do/doing建议(某人)做 常考必会词汇——理解辨认 ‎1.conflict n.争执;冲突 vi.冲突;争执;抵触 ‎[高考佳句]For another,fashion is an essential part of our life which doesn’t conflict with our studies.(2014·上海,满分作文)‎ 另一方面,时尚是生活中的重要组成部分,它与我们的学习并不冲突。‎ 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①All these actions by the U.S.A.conflicted ________the universally accepted international laws.‎ ‎②She found herself ____________________________________________.‎ 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。‎ 答案 ①with ②in conflict with her parents over her future career ‎2.rescue vt.&n.拯救;救援 ‎[高考佳句]Now,electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.(2016·北京, 阅读C)‎ 现在,电击训练和医疗护理正帮助拯救这些大鸟。‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people ________the roof of the burning building.‎ ‎②We were about to close down the business,but the bank went/came to ________(we)rescue with a huge loan.‎ 答案 ①from ②our ‎3.correspond vi.与……通信;符合 ‎[高考佳句]Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university? (2014·江西,满分作文)‎ 自从大学毕业后,你一直和他通信吗?‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Your account of events does not correspond ________hers.‎ ‎②What she has just said isn’t in ________(correspond) with the views of the majority.‎ 答案 ①with/to ②correspondence ‎[短 语 点 拨]‎ ‎1.in advance提前,预先 ‎[高考佳句]We require the student’s full flight details at least 4 weeks in advance.(2016·天津,阅读A)‎ 我们要求学生至少提前 4 周提供全部的航班详细信息。‎ 单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①Having shown you around our school,we will introduce our most ________(advance) science lab to you.‎ ‎②China has made great advance in science and technology.‎ 答案 ①advanced ②made后加a或advance →advances ‎2.take over接收,接管,接任 ‎[教材原句]His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.‎ 他在公司里投资的唯一理由就是接管它。‎ take in吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗 take off脱去(衣服等);(飞机等)起飞;成功 take on呈现;雇用;承担 take over接管 take up拿起;着手处理;占据(时间、空间等)‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I’ve settled that I’ll drop medicine and take ________ physics.‎ ‎②I was taken ________ by the salesman—the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable.‎ ‎③As wheel design took ________,vehicles got faster and faster.‎ 答案 ①up ②in ③off ‎[句 式 透 析]‎ ‎1.By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.‎ 到2015年,服装业将生产出各种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污渍。‎ by the year 2015是“by+时间点”构成的介词短语,表示“到……时候”。它通常在完成时态的句子中作时间状语,有以下两种情况:‎ ‎(1)by+表示将来的时间点,句子谓语动词常用将来完成时,表示到将来某一时间已经完成的动作。‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①By the end of next year,I ________(be) a doctor for twenty years.‎ ‎(2)by+表示过去的时间点,句子谓语动词常用过去完成时,表示到过去某一时间已经完成的动作。‎ ‎②By the the day before yesterday,his relatives and friends ________(leave).‎ 答案 ①will have been ②had left ‎2.There is no doubt about it.关于这一点是毫无疑问的。‎ There is no doubt about...是一个常用句型,意为“毫无疑问……,不用怀疑……”。‎ There is no doubt that...毫无疑问……‎ There is some doubt whether...是否……还有疑问 单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 ‎①There is some doubt if he will be elected.‎ ‎②______________ Mary performed well in the speaking competition.‎ 毫无疑问,玛丽在演讲比赛中表现得相当出色。‎ ‎【名师指津】 doubt在肯定句中后接whether/if引导的宾语从句(若doubt是名词,则只能接whether引导的同位语从句);在疑问句和否定句中其后接that从句。‎ ‎③Fred doesn’t doubt ________he will rank first in the final.‎ ‎④I really doubt ________we can finish the work ahead of time.‎ 答案 ①if→whether ②There is no doubt that ‎③that ④whether/if 课堂作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Two men got ________(beat) in the restaurant last night.‎ ‎2.She was having lunch ________ an old friend came to see her.‎ ‎3.The guards permitted me ________(bring) my camera and tape recorder.‎ ‎4.—Oh,Mum,just a few minutes.‎ ‎—Hurry up,Harry.Or by the time you pack your belongings,the flight ________(leave)!‎ ‎5.If every one of us donates a day’s pay ________ the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.‎ ‎6.________ the assistance of my English teacher I’ve made rapid progress in English.‎ ‎7.There is no doubt ________ wealth brings happiness.‎ ‎8.By the time Jack returned home from England,his son ________(graduate) from college.‎ ‎9.The manager doesn’t permit ________ (smoke) in his office.‎ ‎10.There is no doubt ________ what has happened.‎ 答案 1.beaten 2.when 3.to bring 4.will have left 5.to 6.With 7.that ‎ ‎8.had graduated 9.smoking 10.about Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Many support the former alternative,but personally I favour the later.‎ ‎2.I doubt that they can swim across the river.‎ ‎3.Aspirin (阿司匹林) is a certain cure of a headache.‎ ‎4.Time permits,I’ll see you after the meeting.‎ ‎5.Dedicated to raise money for the project,they have been working day and night.‎ ‎6.I always prefer starting early,rather than leave everything to the last minute.‎ ‎7.By next Sunday you have stayed with us for three months.‎ ‎8.After graduation for ten years,they are still corresponding to each other.‎ 答案 1.later→latter 2.that→whether/if 3.of→for 4.permits→permitting 5.raise→raising 6.leave→leaving 7.you后加will 8.to→with Ⅲ.课文缩写语法填空 I love talking about the future—and I am not the only one.Over the centuries,people have always wondered about the future.But for some people,1.________ (think) about the future is not just 2.________ fun.They plan the future of the world for a 3.________(live).These people are called futurologists.The future is now big business and many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new ‎ enterprises 4.________(base) on the predictions they will hear.I clicked into the websites of a few futurologists and here’s 5.________ they’re predicting: By the year 2015,the clothing industry 6.________(produce) new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.Garments will also be so strong that they will never get old and 7.________ (wear).By the year 2025,no one will die of 8.________(starve) because there will be food for everyone.By the year 2030,development in biochemistry and medical science will have made 9.________ theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years.By the middle of the century,computers that are millions of times 10.________ (smart) than us will have been developed.‎ 答案 1.thinking 2.for 3.living 4.based 5.what 6.will have produced 7.worn 8.starvation 9.it 10.smarter Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 一、根据提示翻译句子 ‎1.公布损失评估后,源源不断的捐款被送到了灾区。(declare,assess,donate)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.捐款被用来帮助那些处于饥饿状态的人们。(assist,starvation)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.每个人都意识到人们之间已经没有了歧视,人人生而平等。(aware,discrimination,equal)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.毫无疑问,人们在灾难面前表现出的这种大爱可以弥补一切矛盾。(there is no doubt,make up for,conflict)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.人们之间重新建立起来的这种原始的、朴素的情感会激励我们奋发有为。(primitive,emotion,enthusiastic and press on)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案 1.After the declaration of assessment of the loss,constant donation was sent to the disaster-hit area.‎ ‎2.The donation is used to assist the people in starvation.‎ ‎3.Everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.‎ ‎4.There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts.‎ ‎5.The primitive,simple emotion set up among people will inspire us to be enthusiastic and press on.‎ 二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇 ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ After the declaration of assessment of the loss,constant donation was sent to the disaster-hit area to assist the people in starvation.On this occasion,everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts.Meanwhile,the primitive,simple emotion set up among people will inspire us to be enthusiastic and press on.‎ 课下作业 A卷 阅读提速练(限时20′)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Every year, TIME editors take a look at the past year’s coolest inventions.In 2015, they picked 25 favorites.These inventions are making the world better, smarter and a little more fun.Here are some exciting ones.‎ A See -through Truck Too often people meet with car accidents because a large vehicle blocks their view.This is especially true in Argentina.The South American country is known for its winding and narrow roads.However, Samsung and ad agency Leo Burnett have come up with a creative solution: the Safety Truck.The system sends video footage (片段) in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of what’s ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,” said Sang Jik Lee, president of Samsung Electronics Argentina.‎ A Virtual (虚拟的) Pencil and Paper In the 450 years or so since its invention, a pencil has become so common. It’s easy to forget how great technology is.It writes darker words when you press it harder.Its marks can be erased (擦掉).It’s difficult to digitally copy the way it works.That’s what makes Apple’s latest effort so impressive.The Apple Pencil allows users to draw, paint, or write on a screen, just as they do on a piece of paper.The Apple Pencil goes for $99, and the iPad Pro is $799+.‎ Easy-on Shoes In 2012, Matthew Walzer, a high school student with a disability, sent a note to Nike.“My dream is to go to college,” he wrote, “without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day.” Nike appointed a design team to the challenge.This year, they came up with their solution:the Flyease.The basketball ‎ shoes can be fastened with one hand.The idea for the mechanism came from “opening and closing a door,” said Tobie Hatfield, the shoes’ head designer.A pair of Nike Flyease shoes sells for $130.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是应用文,题材为日常生活类。本文介绍了几个2015年最酷的发明创造。这些发明创造与人们的生活相关,能极大地提高人们的生活质量。‎ ‎1.Once put to use, the Safety Truck________.‎ A.will be very expensive ‎ B.will only be sold in Argentina C.can greatly reduce car accidents ‎ D.can be the most popular truck in the world 答案 C [细节理解题。根据文章第二段The system sends video footage in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of what’s ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,”可知,安全卡车能告诉司机前方有什么,可以极大地减少交通事故。]‎ ‎2.What makes the Apple Pencil different from the common pencil?‎ A.It writes more smoothly.‎ B.Its marks cannot be erased.‎ C.It can be digitally used on a screen.‎ D.Users have to press it harder when writing.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据文章第三段“It’s difficult to digitally copy the way it works.That’s what makes Apple’s latest effort so impressive可知C项正确。”]‎ ‎3.It can be learned that Matthew Walzer________.‎ A.has only one foot B.might have one disabled hand C.can’t play basketball D.wants a pair of Nike shoes 答案 B [细节理解题。根据文章最后一段without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day和The basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand可知,Matthew Walzer可能有一只手残疾。]‎ B I was so surprised to find so many differences in the various school systems.The differences are huge.They mainly lie in the date school starts, the age at which kids start school, grading systems and teaching methods.‎ In Germany, school kids are given a school cone on their first day of school.It can be filled with sweets, snacks, art supplies,lunch boxes, little books and small gifts.The kids can only open it at school.On entering a school, the kids don’t have to be able to write their names, although they must be able to hold a pen properly.School readiness is decided by not only physical development but also social skills.‎ Russian children always start school on September 1st even if it’s a holiday or the weekend.This is referred to as “Knowledge Day” and marks both the first day of school and the first day of autumn.Most kids bring a change of shoes to school.The classrooms of the elementary school through the high school are usually in the same building.‎ Dutch children go to school on their fourth birthday.This results in some chaos as new kids are added to the class throughout the year during the first year.The kids get to play and learn social skills and only start “real school” when they’re 6.However, school is not compulsory until the kids are 5 years old.‎ Polish kids have to wear a formal costume—usually a white blouse with navy blue trousers or skirts for the girls and suits for the boys for the first day of school and school ceremonies.There’s also an opening ceremony where the kids are sworn in as the students of the first class.‎ Finnish schools are considered to be the best in the world.They’re also very hands-off (不干涉的): no grades until Year Three.There are no national tests until the 12th year.Teachers are trusted and respected, and they have a lot of autonomy (自治权).‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了学校系统的规定或做法在一些国家的不同之处。‎ ‎4.In Germany, when kids enter a school, they________.‎ A.will receive a cone as a reward B.won’t be tested on their social skills C.have to be able to write their names D.should know how to hold a pen properly 答案 D [细节理解题。根据第二段的On entering a school, the kids don’t have to be able to write their names, although they must be able to hold a pen properly可知,德国的孩子入学时应该知道怎么正确握笔。]‎ ‎5.What does “Knowledge Day” mean in Russia?‎ A.A public holiday. B.The graduation day.‎ C.The first school day. D.The beginning of spring.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第三段的Russian children always start school on September 1st even if it’s a holiday or the weekend.This is referred to as “Knowledge Day”and marks both the first day of school and the first day of autumn可知,Knowledge Day在俄罗斯是指开学第一天。]‎ ‎6.What are Polish school kids required to do on the first day of school?‎ A.Wear a school uniform. B.Bring a school cone.‎ C.Hold an opening ceremony. D.Receive a test of social skills.‎ 答案 A [推理判断题。根据第五段的Polish kids have to wear a formal costume—usually a white blouse with navy blue trousers or skirts for the girls and suits for the boys for the first day of school and school ceremonies可知,波兰孩子在开学第一天会被要求统一穿校服。]‎ ‎7.What can we learn about the teachers in Finnish schools?‎ A.They like giving tests. B.They must work very hard.‎ C.They can decide how to teach. D.They don’t have a high social position.‎ 答案 C [推理判断题。根据末段的Teachers are trusted and respected, and they have a lot of autonomy可知,芬兰的老师在教学方面有很大的自主权,能决定怎么教学生,故选C。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Four habits of highly emotionally intelligent people It has increasingly become accepted that emotional intelligence (EI) is an important factor in our success and happiness, not only at work, but in our relationships and all areas of our lives.__1__Here are four habits that people with high EI have:‎ ‎1.They focus on the positive.While not ignoring the bad news, emotionally intelligent people do not spend a lot of time and energy focusing on problems.__2__These people focus on what they are able to do and what is within their control.‎ ‎2.They surround themselves with positive people.People with a lot of EI don’t spend a lot of time listening to complainers.They are aware that those people are not helpful to them.__3__You can spot these folks as they tend to smile and laugh a great deal and attract other positive people.Their warmth, openness, and caring ‎ attitude let others look upon them as more trustworthy.‎ ‎3.They look for ways to make life more fun, happy, and interesting.Whether it is in their workplace, at home, or with friends, high EI people know what makes them happy and look for opportunities to expand their enjoyment.__4__Therefore, they do whatever they can to brighten someone else’s day.‎ ‎4.__5__People with high EI are so busy thinking of possibilities in the future that they don’t spend a lot of time worrying about things that didn’t work out in the past.They take the learning from their past failures and apply it to their actions in the future.‎ A.They are willing to let go of the past.‎ B.They know how they can use their energy wisely.‎ C.So what sets emotionally intelligent people apart?‎ D.They receive pleasure and satisfaction from seeing others happy.‎ E.So they always spend time with people that look at the bright side of life.‎ F.Instead, they use the incident to create awareness of how to not let it happen again.‎ G.Rather, they look at what is positive in a situation and look for solutions to a problem.‎ 答案 1.C 2.G 3.E 4.D 5.A B卷 Ⅱ卷规范练(限时45′)‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 Every August my family sets out on a road trip.And we always head north.Canada may not be the most exciting of destinations, but we __1__(attract) by its familiarity, cool weather and, most of all, niceness.‎ We experience Canadian niceness as soon as we reach customs.The US border ‎ guards are __2__(friendly) and all business.The Canadians, on __3__contrary, are unfailingly polite, even as they question us __4__the number of wine bottles we’re bringing into the country.One year, we had failed __5__(notice) that our 9-year-old daughter’s passport was out of date.They, nicely, let us enter anyway.The niceness continues for our entire trip, as we meet nice __6__(waiter), nice hotel clerks, nice strangers.‎ Life is hard enough.Why not coat it with politeness? Politeness, at its best, is a way of __7__(honour) others, especially strangers.Politeness makes social interactions run __8__(smooth) and reduces the risk of conflicts.The world, I think, would be a better place if we __9__(be) all a bit more Canadian.Fortunately, Canadian niceness is contagious (有感染力的).On my annual northern trip, I find __10__(I) slowing down, saying “thank you” and “please” more often than I usually do.‎ 答案 1.are attracted [考查一般现在时的被动语态。we与attract之间是被动关系,且从全文时态可知应填are attracted。]‎ ‎2.unfriendly [考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语且由all business可知设空处意为“不友好的”,故填unfriendly。]‎ ‎3.the [考查定冠词。on the contrary意为“正相反”。]‎ ‎4.about [考查介词。question sb about sth意为“询问某人某事”。]‎ ‎5.to notice [考查不定式作宾语的用法。fail后需跟不定式作宾语,故填to notice。]‎ ‎6.waiters [考查名词。设空处前有nice修饰,且与hotel clerks和strangers并列,故填waiters。]‎ ‎7.honouring [考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后需跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填honouring。]‎ ‎8.smoothly [考查副词。设空处修饰动词run,故填smoothly。]‎ ‎9.were [考查虚拟语气。由would be可知,这是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,故条件从句中用were。]‎ ‎10.myself [考查代词。主语与宾语指的是同一个人,故填myself。]‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 I really think the way most young people use modern technology are almost anti-social.Last week my cousin came over for the dinner.She’s seventeen and addicting to her mobile phone.All through dinner she was on her phone, send messages and chatting online.We were both there having a conversation, but she was in her own little world.It was quite strange and annoyed.When I asked her about it, her reply was “Well, I need to stay touch with my friends”.However, I’m really not convinced that this way of using technological really does this.After all, there had lots of us there together but he wasn’t in touch with us at all!‎ 答案 ‎ I really think the way most young people use modern technology almost anti-social.Last week my cousin came over for dinner.She’s seventeen and to her mobile phone.All through dinner she was on her phone, messages and chatting online.We were there having a conversation, but she was in her own little world.It was quite strange and .When I asked her about it, her reply was “Well, I need to stay touch with my friends”.However, I’m really not convinced that this way of using really does this.After all, there lots of us there together but wasn’t in touch with us at all!‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 假设你是李华。某外资企业拟在你市建造一个主题公园,现就主题公园的相关情况征求市民的意见。请你给该项目负责人史密斯先生写一封电子邮件,谈谈你的看法。内容包括:‎ ‎1.公园的最佳位置及理由;‎ ‎2.主题及活动项目。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Mr.Smith,‎ I’m glad to hear that a theme park will be built in our city.                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ I hope you will find my suggestions useful.‎ Yours faithfully,‎ Li Hua ‎【参考范文】‎ Dear__Mr.Smith,‎ I’m__glad__to__hear__that__a__theme__park__will__be__built__in__our__city.I’d like to give my opinions about it.‎ The best location of the park would be the west of the city, where both the subway station and the train station are located.Undoubtedly this would be convenient for visitors to get there.I would expect it to be a water park where we can see the interesting mysteries of the underwater world and do various exciting water activities.Moreover, there should be some shows, which can help people relax after a long day’s work or study.Like other theme parks, it would be necessary to have roller coasters and other rides for adventurous people to enjoy.‎ I__hope__you__will__find__my__suggestions__useful.‎ Yours__faithfully,‎ Li__Hua Ⅰ.高考单词→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.核心词汇 ‎①________vt.主持;呈现 ‎②________n.争执;冲突 ‎③________vt.拯救,救援 ‎④________vi.通信;符合 ‎⑤________adv.同时 ‎⑥________vt.治愈 ‎⑦assist vt.帮助;协助________n.助手;助理________n.帮助;协助 ‎⑧technical adj.技术上的________n.技术________n.工艺,技术 ‎⑨latter n.后者________n.前者 ‎⑩starve v.挨饿________n.饥饿 ‎⑪equal adj.平等的v.等于________adv.平等地________n.平等 ‎⑫assess vt.评价;评估________n.评价;评估 ‎⑬donate vt.捐赠;赠送________n.捐赠者________n.捐赠;赠送 ‎⑭electric adj.电的;电动的________adj.电的;电气科学的________adj.电子的 ‎⑮special adj.专门的;特殊的________n.专家 ‎⑯poison n.毒药;毒物________adj.有毒的 ‎⑰permit vt.允许;准许;许可________n.允许;准许 ‎⑱declare vt.宣告;宣布________n.宣布 ‎⑲explore vt.探测,探险________n.检测;探险 答案 ①present ②conflict ③rescue ④correspond ⑤meanwhile ⑥cure ⑦assistant;assistance ⑧technique;technology ⑨former ⑩starvation ⑪equally;equality ⑫assessment ⑬donor;donation ⑭electrical;electronic ⑮specialist ⑯poisonous ⑰permission ⑱declaration ⑲exploration ‎2.常考词汇 ‎①recreation n.________‎ ‎②seminar n.________‎ ‎③enterprise n.________‎ ‎④discrimination n.________‎ ‎⑤category n.________‎ ‎⑥dilemma n.________‎ ‎⑦permanent adj.________‎ ‎⑧souvenir n.________‎ 答案 ①消遣;娱乐 ②研讨会 ③事业;企业 ④歧视;识别力 ‎⑤类别;类型 ⑥困境,进退两难的窘境 ⑦长久的,永久的 ⑧纪念品 用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.He,in his book,Haiguo Tuzhi (Maps and Records of the World),introduced modern ________(technique) and ideas to China.(2016·北京, 书面表达)‎ ‎2.Learning to deal with the social world is ________(equal)important.(2016·北京,阅读D)‎ ‎3.We are trying to ________how well the system works and the ________will be subscribed to the committee.(assess)‎ ‎4.The use of certain chemicals has now been ________(declaration) illegal.‎ ‎5.Having survived ________(starve),we’re beginning to live happily.‎ ‎6.The leaves of certain trees are ________(poison) to cattle.‎ ‎7.In our school,the students are not ________to use phones and without ________they can’t leave school during weekdays.(permit)‎ ‎8.Without his ________(assist),it couldn’t be completed on time.‎ ‎9.On hearing the brave girl’s disease,local people lined up to donate blood for her,and their ________(donate)has saved her life.‎ ‎10.Their ________(explore) may change our future.‎ ‎11.She still ________(correspond) with American friends she met nine years ago.‎ ‎12.The professor is a ________ (special) of studying a criminal’s psychology.‎ ‎13.I was asked to give a short ________ (present)on the aims of the plan.‎ ‎14.There is no ________(effect) cure for colds except rest.‎ 答案 1.technologies 2.equally 3.assess;assessment 4.declared  5.starvation 6.poisonous 7.permitted;permission 8.assistance 9.donation 10.exploration 11.corresponds 12.specialist 13.presentation 14.effective ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶“时间”相关词 ‎①temporary adj.暂时的 ‎②permanent adj.永久的 ‎③instant n.&adj.时刻;紧迫的;即刻的 ‎④interval n.间隔,间歇 ‎⑤punctual adj.守时的 ‎❷assess形近词 ‎①possess vt.拥有,占有 ‎②possession n.拥有,财产 ‎ ‎③assess vt.评估 ‎ ‎④assessment n.评估 ‎ ‎❸“互联网”家族 ‎①Internet n.因特网 ‎②network n.网络 ‎③password n.密码 ‎④wechat n.微信 ‎⑤database n.数据库;资料库 ‎⑥surf vi.&vt.浏览 ‎⑦download vt.下载 ‎⑧upload vt.上传 ‎❹聚焦后缀-ous形容词 ‎①glorious光荣的 ‎②dangerous危险的 ‎③mountainous多山的 ‎④humorous幽默的 ‎⑤continuous连续的 ‎⑥poisonous有毒的 ‎⑦courageous勇敢的 ‎❺-ant结尾名词个个清 ‎①accountant会计 ‎②assistant助手 ‎③applicant申请人 ‎④immigrant移民,侨民 ‎⑤merchant商人 ‎⑥servant仆人 开心词场→核心单词串记 Two villagers,Mr.Wang and Mr.Li,came into conflict,because Mr.Wang didn’t permit Mr.Li to use his pipe.So Mr.Li set fire to his house,which made things worse.Luckily,many villagers assisted putting out the fire.Meanwhile,the firefighters came to his rescue.However,Mr.Wang still suffered great loss.Hearing the news,many people donated food and clothes to him.‎ Ⅱ.重点短语→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.动词+介词/副词 ‎①get ________使理解;把……讲清楚 ‎②take ________接收,接管 ‎③give ________泄露(秘密);赠送 ‎④carry ________开展;执行 ‎⑤click ________点击进入 ‎⑥drop ________下降;入睡 ‎⑦figure ________想出;理解;计算出 ‎⑧make up ________弥补 答案 ①across ②over ③away ④out ⑤into ⑥off ⑦out ⑧for ‎2.介词+名词 ‎①in ________提前,预先 ‎②in ________另外 ‎③in ________总之 答案 ①advance ②addition ‎③conclusion ‎3.其他形式 ‎①due ________由于;因为 ‎②rather ________而不是 ‎③not to ________更不用说 ‎④be dedicated ________致力于;献身于 答案 ①to ②than ③mention ④to 用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 ‎1.It wasn’t hard to ____________ how he got his nickname.‎ ‎2.Bill Gates was so nice that he decided to ____________ ninety percent of his money to the charities.‎ ‎3.He was convinced that it was necessary to ____________ to them.‎ ‎4.To make sure that he was at home,I called him up ____________.‎ ‎5.Jack has been wrestling with these technical problems since he ____________ the department last year.‎ ‎6.I ____________ and missed the end of the film.‎ ‎7.Can you give me some advice on how to ____________ the time I have lost?‎ ‎8.China will continue to ____________ international cooperation in this area.‎ 答案 1.figure out 2.give away 3.get across 4.in advance 5.took over ‎ ‎6.dropped off 7.make up for 8.be dedicated to ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶表示“总之”短语 ‎①in all ‎②in a word ‎ ‎③in short ‎④all in all ‎⑤in conclusion ‎⑥in sum ‎⑦in summary ‎❷“不用说”的短语小结 ‎①to say nothing of ‎ ‎②not to speak of ‎③let alone ‎④not to mention ‎❸表示“致力于”的短语 ‎①devote to/be devoted to ‎②commit oneself to ‎③apply oneself to ‎④be dedicated to Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 原句背诵感悟 ‎1.By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.‎ 到2015年,服装业将生产出各种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污迹。‎ ‎2.In the summer of 1905,this outspoken young man was rocking his one-year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.‎ ‎1905年夏天,这位率直的年轻人正摇晃他一岁的婴儿,这时他突然有了灵感。‎ ‎3.I think there will be an invention that will help prevent drivers from getting stuck in traffic jams.‎ 我想将会有一种有助于防止司机困于交通阻塞的发明。‎ ‎4.There’s no doubt about it.‎ 对此应该深信不疑。‎ 句型公式仿写 ‎1.“by+时间点”常与完成时连用 By the end of this week,________________.‎ 到本周末,他将完成所有的工作。‎ ‎2.be doing...when...“正在……这时……”‎ I ________________ he rang.‎ 我正在洗澡这时他打电话过来了。‎ ‎3.get+动词的过去分词 Be careful when you cross the busy street.If not,you may ________________ by a car.‎ 当你穿过繁忙街道的时候要当心,否则就可能被车撞倒。‎ ‎4.There’s no doubt about/that...“毫无疑问……”‎ ‎________________ China’s ability to deal with some emergencies.‎ 对中国政府处理紧急事情的能力我们深信不疑。‎ 答案 1.he will have finished all the work 2.was taking a bath when ‎3.get run over 4.There is no doubt about ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎“get+过去分词”结构 ‎(1)在口语中,过去分词之前常用get代替be,构成被动语态。‎ ‎(2)能够用于get后构成被动语态的过去分词不多,常见的有arrested,broken,caught,cheated,confused,delayed,divorced,dressed,drowned,drunk,elected,engaged,hit,killed,lost,married,stuck等。‎ ‎[单 词 点 睛]‎ 高考必备词汇——精讲精练 ‎1.assist vt.帮助;协助 ‎[高考佳句]I’d like to invite you to join us in assisting the elderly people there.(2015·全国Ⅱ,满分作文)‎ 我想邀请你加入我们去帮助那里的老人。‎ ‎(1)帮助某人做某事 ‎(2)assistance n.帮助 with the assistance of在……帮助下 ‎(3)assistant adj.辅助的 n.助手 单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①The public is urgently requested to assist police ________tracing/to trace this man.‎ ‎②Under the assistance of my cousin we paddled across the river in the dark to participate in a private meeting.‎ 答案 ①in ②Under→With ‎2.donate vt.捐赠,赠送;捐献(器官)‎ ‎[高考佳句]I believe these donated books will not only make you more familiar with China but help enhance your Chinese.(2015·天津,书面表达)‎ 我相信捐赠的这些书不仅会使你们更了解中国,而且还会帮助你们提高汉语。‎ ‎(1)donate sth to sb向某人捐献某物 ‎ (2)donation n.捐赠;捐赠物;捐款 give/make/present a donation to...向……捐赠 ‎(3)donor n.捐赠者,赠送者 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①We want to make a ________(donate) to the Hope Project,so we are organizing a charity show.‎ ‎②Instead of shouting empty slogans,it is more meaningful to ________________.‎ 给需要的孩子们捐些书和体育用品要比空喊口号更有意义。‎ 答案 ①donation ②donate books and sports goods to children in need ‎3.cure vt.治愈,治好 n.疗法;治疗 ‎[教材原句]During the Second World War,when Fleming’s discovery was first helping to cure people,the US Navy was looking for ways of improving the accuracy of their missiles.‎ 第二次世界大战期间,青霉素第一次被使用,这时美国海军正在致力于寻找提高导弹命中率的方法。‎ cure sb of sth治好某人的病;矫正某人的不良行为 a cure for sth疾病的治疗方法 单句语法填空 ‎①The fresh air and exercise cured him ________ his headache.‎ ‎②The doctor claimed to have discovered a cure ________ the disease.‎ ‎【辨析比较】 cure/treat cure 意为“治愈,治好”,可直接跟人或疾病作宾语,有时用来指突然地、出乎意料地痊愈;也用于引申指人的生活习惯的纠正、矫正等,与介词of搭配,强调结果 treat 只指治病,不包括治疗的效果如何。其宾语可以是人也可以是病,人作宾语时,病用for短语表示。它强调“治疗”这一动作 写作运用 ‎③The doctor ________________ a new drug but didn’t ________ him.‎ 那位医生用一种新药给他治疗头痛,但是没有给他治好。‎ 答案 ①of ②for ③treated his headache with;cure ‎4.permit v.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照 ‎[高考佳句]Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen.(2015·天津,阅读A)‎ 住在设有厨房的楼房里的学生只准在厨房做饭。‎ ‎(1)permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事 permit doing sth允许做某事 ‎(2)a driver’s/driving permit驾驶执照 ‎(3)permission n.[U]允许;许可 with/without one’s permission获得某人同意/没有获得某人同意 ask for permission请求允许 单句语法填空 ‎①Many cities permit migrant workers to apply for a hukou,but their family members ‎ are not permitted ________(apply).‎ ‎②With your ________(permit),I will carry out the project as soon as possible.‎ 答案 ①to apply ②permission ‎[语境助记]Without a driver’s permit,you are not permitted to drive the car.‎ 你若没有驾驶执照,就不允许开这辆车。‎ ‎【名师指津】 permit用作不及物动词,可表示“(时间、条件、天气等)允许的话”,此时常用于独立主格结构,即“名词+现在分词”。也可在前面加if表示条件。‎ ‎[联想发散]动词permit的常见用法:permit sb to do sth/permit doing sth,根据汉语提示写出用法类似的动词。‎ ‎①allow sb to do/doing允许(某人)做 ‎②forbid sb to do/doing禁止(某人)做 ‎③encourage sb to do/doing鼓励(某人)做 ‎④advise sb to do/doing建议(某人)做 常考必会词汇——理解辨认 ‎1.conflict n.争执;冲突 vi.冲突;争执;抵触 ‎[高考佳句]For another,fashion is an essential part of our life which doesn’t conflict with our studies.(2014·上海,满分作文)‎ 另一方面,时尚是生活中的重要组成部分,它与我们的学习并不冲突。‎ 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①All these actions by the U.S.A.conflicted ________the universally accepted international laws.‎ ‎②She found herself ____________________________________________.‎ 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。‎ 答案 ①with ②in conflict with her parents over her future career ‎2.rescue vt.&n.拯救;救援 ‎[高考佳句]Now,electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.(2016·北京, 阅读C)‎ 现在,电击训练和医疗护理正帮助拯救这些大鸟。‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people ________the roof of the burning building.‎ ‎②We were about to close down the business,but the bank went/came to ________(we)rescue with a huge loan.‎ 答案 ①from ②our ‎3.correspond vi.与……通信;符合 ‎[高考佳句]Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university? (2014·江西,满分作文)‎ 自从大学毕业后,你一直和他通信吗?‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Your account of events does not correspond ________hers.‎ ‎②What she has just said isn’t in ________(correspond) with the views of the majority.‎ 答案 ①with/to ②correspondence ‎[短 语 点 拨]‎ ‎1.in advance提前,预先 ‎[高考佳句]We require the student’s full flight details at least 4 weeks in advance.(2016·天津,阅读A)‎ 我们要求学生至少提前 4 周提供全部的航班详细信息。‎ 单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①Having shown you around our school,we will introduce our most ________(advance) science lab to you.‎ ‎②China has made great advance in science and technology.‎ 答案 ①advanced ②made后加a或advance →advances ‎2.take over接收,接管,接任 ‎[教材原句]His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.‎ 他在公司里投资的唯一理由就是接管它。‎ take in吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗 take off脱去(衣服等);(飞机等)起飞;成功 take on呈现;雇用;承担 take over接管 take up拿起;着手处理;占据(时间、空间等)‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I’ve settled that I’ll drop medicine and take ________ physics.‎ ‎②I was taken ________ by the salesman—the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable.‎ ‎③As wheel design took ________,vehicles got faster and faster.‎ 答案 ①up ②in ③off ‎[句 式 透 析]‎ ‎1.By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.‎ 到2015年,服装业将生产出各种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污渍。‎ by the year 2015是“by+时间点”构成的介词短语,表示“到……时候”。它通常在完成时态的句子中作时间状语,有以下两种情况:‎ ‎(1)by+表示将来的时间点,句子谓语动词常用将来完成时,表示到将来某一时间已经完成的动作。‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①By the end of next year,I ________(be) a doctor for twenty years.‎ ‎(2)by+表示过去的时间点,句子谓语动词常用过去完成时,表示到过去某一时间已经完成的动作。‎ ‎②By the the day before yesterday,his relatives and friends ________(leave).‎ 答案 ①will have been ②had left ‎2.There is no doubt about it.关于这一点是毫无疑问的。‎ There is no doubt about...是一个常用句型,意为“毫无疑问……,不用怀疑……”。‎ There is no doubt that...毫无疑问……‎ There is some doubt whether...是否……还有疑问 单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 ‎①There is some doubt if he will be elected.‎ ‎②______________ Mary performed well in the speaking competition.‎ 毫无疑问,玛丽在演讲比赛中表现得相当出色。‎ ‎【名师指津】 doubt在肯定句中后接whether/if引导的宾语从句(若doubt是名词,则只能接whether引导的同位语从句);在疑问句和否定句中其后接that从句。‎ ‎③Fred doesn’t doubt ________he will rank first in the final.‎ ‎④I really doubt ________we can finish the work ahead of time.‎ 答案 ①if→whether ②There is no doubt that ‎③that ④whether/if 课堂作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Two men got ________(beat) in the restaurant last night.‎ ‎2.She was having lunch ________ an old friend came to see her.‎ ‎3.The guards permitted me ________(bring) my camera and tape recorder.‎ ‎4.—Oh,Mum,just a few minutes.‎ ‎—Hurry up,Harry.Or by the time you pack your belongings,the flight ________(leave)!‎ ‎5.If every one of us donates a day’s pay ________ the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.‎ ‎6.________ the assistance of my English teacher I’ve made rapid progress in English.‎ ‎7.There is no doubt ________ wealth brings happiness.‎ ‎8.By the time Jack returned home from England,his son ________(graduate) from college.‎ ‎9.The manager doesn’t permit ________ (smoke) in his office.‎ ‎10.There is no doubt ________ what has happened.‎ 答案 1.beaten 2.when 3.to bring 4.will have left 5.to 6.With 7.that ‎ ‎8.had graduated 9.smoking 10.about Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Many support the former alternative,but personally I favour the later.‎ ‎2.I doubt that they can swim across the river.‎ ‎3.Aspirin (阿司匹林) is a certain cure of a headache.‎ ‎4.Time permits,I’ll see you after the meeting.‎ ‎5.Dedicated to raise money for the project,they have been working day and night.‎ ‎6.I always prefer starting early,rather than leave everything to the last minute.‎ ‎7.By next Sunday you have stayed with us for three months.‎ ‎8.After graduation for ten years,they are still corresponding to each other.‎ 答案 1.later→latter 2.that→whether/if 3.of→for 4.permits→permitting 5.raise→raising 6.leave→leaving 7.you后加will 8.to→with Ⅲ.课文缩写语法填空 I love talking about the future—and I am not the only one.Over the centuries,people have always wondered about the future.But for some people,1.________ (think) about the future is not just 2.________ fun.They plan the future of the world for a 3.________(live).These people are called futurologists.The future is now big business and many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new ‎ enterprises 4.________(base) on the predictions they will hear.I clicked into the websites of a few futurologists and here’s 5.________ they’re predicting: By the year 2015,the clothing industry 6.________(produce) new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.Garments will also be so strong that they will never get old and 7.________ (wear).By the year 2025,no one will die of 8.________(starve) because there will be food for everyone.By the year 2030,development in biochemistry and medical science will have made 9.________ theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years.By the middle of the century,computers that are millions of times 10.________ (smart) than us will have been developed.‎ 答案 1.thinking 2.for 3.living 4.based 5.what 6.will have produced 7.worn 8.starvation 9.it 10.smarter Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 一、根据提示翻译句子 ‎1.公布损失评估后,源源不断的捐款被送到了灾区。(declare,assess,donate)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.捐款被用来帮助那些处于饥饿状态的人们。(assist,starvation)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.每个人都意识到人们之间已经没有了歧视,人人生而平等。(aware,discrimination,equal)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.毫无疑问,人们在灾难面前表现出的这种大爱可以弥补一切矛盾。(there is no doubt,make up for,conflict)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.人们之间重新建立起来的这种原始的、朴素的情感会激励我们奋发有为。(primitive,emotion,enthusiastic and press on)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案 1.After the declaration of assessment of the loss,constant donation was sent to the disaster-hit area.‎ ‎2.The donation is used to assist the people in starvation.‎ ‎3.Everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.‎ ‎4.There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts.‎ ‎5.The primitive,simple emotion set up among people will inspire us to be enthusiastic and press on.‎ 二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇 ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ After the declaration of assessment of the loss,constant donation was sent to the disaster-hit area to assist the people in starvation.On this occasion,everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts.Meanwhile,the primitive,simple emotion set up among people will inspire us to be enthusiastic and press on.‎ 课下作业 A卷 阅读提速练(限时20′)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Every year, TIME editors take a look at the past year’s coolest inventions.In 2015, they picked 25 favorites.These inventions are making the world better, smarter and a little more fun.Here are some exciting ones.‎ A See -through Truck Too often people meet with car accidents because a large vehicle blocks their view.This is especially true in Argentina.The South American country is known for its winding and narrow roads.However, Samsung and ad agency Leo Burnett have come up with a creative solution: the Safety Truck.The system sends video footage (片段) in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of what’s ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,” said Sang Jik Lee, president of Samsung Electronics Argentina.‎ A Virtual (虚拟的) Pencil and Paper In the 450 years or so since its invention, a pencil has become so common. It’s easy to forget how great technology is.It writes darker words when you press it harder.Its marks can be erased (擦掉).It’s difficult to digitally copy the way it works.That’s what makes Apple’s latest effort so impressive.The Apple Pencil allows users to draw, paint, or write on a screen, just as they do on a piece of paper.The Apple Pencil goes for $99, and the iPad Pro is $799+.‎ Easy-on Shoes In 2012, Matthew Walzer, a high school student with a disability, sent a note to Nike.“My dream is to go to college,” he wrote, “without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day.” Nike appointed a design team to the challenge.This year, they came up with their solution:the Flyease.The basketball ‎ shoes can be fastened with one hand.The idea for the mechanism came from “opening and closing a door,” said Tobie Hatfield, the shoes’ head designer.A pair of Nike Flyease shoes sells for $130.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是应用文,题材为日常生活类。本文介绍了几个2015年最酷的发明创造。这些发明创造与人们的生活相关,能极大地提高人们的生活质量。‎ ‎1.Once put to use, the Safety Truck________.‎ A.will be very expensive ‎ B.will only be sold in Argentina C.can greatly reduce car accidents ‎ D.can be the most popular truck in the world 答案 C [细节理解题。根据文章第二段The system sends video footage in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of what’s ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,”可知,安全卡车能告诉司机前方有什么,可以极大地减少交通事故。]‎ ‎2.What makes the Apple Pencil different from the common pencil?‎ A.It writes more smoothly.‎ B.Its marks cannot be erased.‎ C.It can be digitally used on a screen.‎ D.Users have to press it harder when writing.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据文章第三段“It’s difficult to digitally copy the way it works.That’s what makes Apple’s latest effort so impressive可知C项正确。”]‎ ‎3.It can be learned that Matthew Walzer________.‎ A.has only one foot B.might have one disabled hand C.can’t play basketball D.wants a pair of Nike shoes 答案 B [细节理解题。根据文章最后一段without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day和The basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand可知,Matthew Walzer可能有一只手残疾。]‎ B I was so surprised to find so many differences in the various school systems.The differences are huge.They mainly lie in the date school starts, the age at which kids start school, grading systems and teaching methods.‎ In Germany, school kids are given a school cone on their first day of school.It can be filled with sweets, snacks, art supplies,lunch boxes, little books and small gifts.The kids can only open it at school.On entering a school, the kids don’t have to be able to write their names, although they must be able to hold a pen properly.School readiness is decided by not only physical development but also social skills.‎ Russian children always start school on September 1st even if it’s a holiday or the weekend.This is referred to as “Knowledge Day” and marks both the first day of school and the first day of autumn.Most kids bring a change of shoes to school.The classrooms of the elementary school through the high school are usually in the same building.‎ Dutch children go to school on their fourth birthday.This results in some chaos as new kids are added to the class throughout the year during the first year.The kids get to play and learn social skills and only start “real school” when they’re 6.However, school is not compulsory until the kids are 5 years old.‎ Polish kids have to wear a formal costume—usually a white blouse with navy blue trousers or skirts for the girls and suits for the boys for the first day of school and school ceremonies.There’s also an opening ceremony where the kids are sworn in as the students of the first class.‎ Finnish schools are considered to be the best in the world.They’re also very hands-off (不干涉的): no grades until Year Three.There are no national tests until the 12th year.Teachers are trusted and respected, and they have a lot of autonomy (自治权).‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了学校系统的规定或做法在一些国家的不同之处。‎ ‎4.In Germany, when kids enter a school, they________.‎ A.will receive a cone as a reward B.won’t be tested on their social skills C.have to be able to write their names D.should know how to hold a pen properly 答案 D [细节理解题。根据第二段的On entering a school, the kids don’t have to be able to write their names, although they must be able to hold a pen properly可知,德国的孩子入学时应该知道怎么正确握笔。]‎ ‎5.What does “Knowledge Day” mean in Russia?‎ A.A public holiday. B.The graduation day.‎ C.The first school day. D.The beginning of spring.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第三段的Russian children always start school on September 1st even if it’s a holiday or the weekend.This is referred to as “Knowledge Day”and marks both the first day of school and the first day of autumn可知,Knowledge Day在俄罗斯是指开学第一天。]‎ ‎6.What are Polish school kids required to do on the first day of school?‎ A.Wear a school uniform. B.Bring a school cone.‎ C.Hold an opening ceremony. D.Receive a test of social skills.‎ 答案 A [推理判断题。根据第五段的Polish kids have to wear a formal costume—usually a white blouse with navy blue trousers or skirts for the girls and suits for the boys for the first day of school and school ceremonies可知,波兰孩子在开学第一天会被要求统一穿校服。]‎ ‎7.What can we learn about the teachers in Finnish schools?‎ A.They like giving tests. B.They must work very hard.‎ C.They can decide how to teach. D.They don’t have a high social position.‎ 答案 C [推理判断题。根据末段的Teachers are trusted and respected, and they have a lot of autonomy可知,芬兰的老师在教学方面有很大的自主权,能决定怎么教学生,故选C。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Four habits of highly emotionally intelligent people It has increasingly become accepted that emotional intelligence (EI) is an important factor in our success and happiness, not only at work, but in our relationships and all areas of our lives.__1__Here are four habits that people with high EI have:‎ ‎1.They focus on the positive.While not ignoring the bad news, emotionally intelligent people do not spend a lot of time and energy focusing on problems.__2__These people focus on what they are able to do and what is within their control.‎ ‎2.They surround themselves with positive people.People with a lot of EI don’t spend a lot of time listening to complainers.They are aware that those people are not helpful to them.__3__You can spot these folks as they tend to smile and laugh a great deal and attract other positive people.Their warmth, openness, and caring ‎ attitude let others look upon them as more trustworthy.‎ ‎3.They look for ways to make life more fun, happy, and interesting.Whether it is in their workplace, at home, or with friends, high EI people know what makes them happy and look for opportunities to expand their enjoyment.__4__Therefore, they do whatever they can to brighten someone else’s day.‎ ‎4.__5__People with high EI are so busy thinking of possibilities in the future that they don’t spend a lot of time worrying about things that didn’t work out in the past.They take the learning from their past failures and apply it to their actions in the future.‎ A.They are willing to let go of the past.‎ B.They know how they can use their energy wisely.‎ C.So what sets emotionally intelligent people apart?‎ D.They receive pleasure and satisfaction from seeing others happy.‎ E.So they always spend time with people that look at the bright side of life.‎ F.Instead, they use the incident to create awareness of how to not let it happen again.‎ G.Rather, they look at what is positive in a situation and look for solutions to a problem.‎ 答案 1.C 2.G 3.E 4.D 5.A B卷 Ⅱ卷规范练(限时45′)‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 Every August my family sets out on a road trip.And we always head north.Canada may not be the most exciting of destinations, but we __1__(attract) by its familiarity, cool weather and, most of all, niceness.‎ We experience Canadian niceness as soon as we reach customs.The US border ‎ guards are __2__(friendly) and all business.The Canadians, on __3__contrary, are unfailingly polite, even as they question us __4__the number of wine bottles we’re bringing into the country.One year, we had failed __5__(notice) that our 9-year-old daughter’s passport was out of date.They, nicely, let us enter anyway.The niceness continues for our entire trip, as we meet nice __6__(waiter), nice hotel clerks, nice strangers.‎ Life is hard enough.Why not coat it with politeness? Politeness, at its best, is a way of __7__(honour) others, especially strangers.Politeness makes social interactions run __8__(smooth) and reduces the risk of conflicts.The world, I think, would be a better place if we __9__(be) all a bit more Canadian.Fortunately, Canadian niceness is contagious (有感染力的).On my annual northern trip, I find __10__(I) slowing down, saying “thank you” and “please” more often than I usually do.‎ 答案 1.are attracted [考查一般现在时的被动语态。we与attract之间是被动关系,且从全文时态可知应填are attracted。]‎ ‎2.unfriendly [考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语且由all business可知设空处意为“不友好的”,故填unfriendly。]‎ ‎3.the [考查定冠词。on the contrary意为“正相反”。]‎ ‎4.about [考查介词。question sb about sth意为“询问某人某事”。]‎ ‎5.to notice [考查不定式作宾语的用法。fail后需跟不定式作宾语,故填to notice。]‎ ‎6.waiters [考查名词。设空处前有nice修饰,且与hotel clerks和strangers并列,故填waiters。]‎ ‎7.honouring [考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后需跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填honouring。]‎ ‎8.smoothly [考查副词。设空处修饰动词run,故填smoothly。]‎ ‎9.were [考查虚拟语气。由would be可知,这是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,故条件从句中用were。]‎ ‎10.myself [考查代词。主语与宾语指的是同一个人,故填myself。]‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 I really think the way most young people use modern technology are almost anti-social.Last week my cousin came over for the dinner.She’s seventeen and addicting to her mobile phone.All through dinner she was on her phone, send messages and chatting online.We were both there having a conversation, but she was in her own little world.It was quite strange and annoyed.When I asked her about it, her reply was “Well, I need to stay touch with my friends”.However, I’m really not convinced that this way of using technological really does this.After all, there had lots of us there together but he wasn’t in touch with us at all!‎ 答案 ‎ I really think the way most young people use modern technology almost anti-social.Last week my cousin came over for dinner.She’s seventeen and to her mobile phone.All through dinner she was on her phone, messages and chatting online.We were there having a conversation, but she was in her own little world.It was quite strange and .When I asked her about it, her reply was “Well, I need to stay touch with my friends”.However, I’m really not convinced that this way of using really does this.After all, there lots of us there together but wasn’t in touch with us at all!‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 假设你是李华。某外资企业拟在你市建造一个主题公园,现就主题公园的相关情况征求市民的意见。请你给该项目负责人史密斯先生写一封电子邮件,谈谈你的看法。内容包括:‎ ‎1.公园的最佳位置及理由;‎ ‎2.主题及活动项目。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Mr.Smith,‎ I’m glad to hear that a theme park will be built in our city.                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ I hope you will find my suggestions useful.‎ Yours faithfully,‎ Li Hua ‎【参考范文】‎ Dear__Mr.Smith,‎ I’m__glad__to__hear__that__a__theme__park__will__be__built__in__our__city.I’d like to give my opinions about it.‎ The best location of the park would be the west of the city, where both the subway station and the train station are located.Undoubtedly this would be convenient for visitors to get there.I would expect it to be a water park where we can see the interesting mysteries of the underwater world and do various exciting water activities.Moreover, there should be some shows, which can help people relax after a long day’s work or study.Like other theme parks, it would be necessary to have roller coasters and other rides for adventurous people to enjoy.‎ I__hope__you__will__find__my__suggestions__useful.‎ Yours__faithfully,‎ Li__Hua

