高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 4 Reading and Thinking

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高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 4 Reading and Thinking

Unit 4 Body Language   Reading and Thinking Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1.__________ ( 相互影响 , 交流 )with other people 2. ____( 变化 ) from culture to culture 3. eye contact is not always _________( 赞同 ) of 4. ___________( 表达 )respect 5._______( 目击 )another person nodding interaction vary approved demonstrate witness 6. _______( 使用 )other gestures 7. a(n)________( 相同的 )gesture 8. ________( 把 …… 解释为 )it as meaning zero 9. kiss sb. on the _____( 面颊 ) 10. ____( 弯腰 )from the waist 11. _____( 不同于 )around the world 12. a _______( 可靠的 )guide employ identical interpret cheek bow differ reliable Ⅱ. 用正确的介词或动词填空 1. ___ contrast 相比之下 2. ___ comparison( 与 …… ) 相比较 3. _____ inferences 推理 ; 推断 4. break _____ 消除 ; 分解 ; 打破 by by make down 5. __ other words 换句话说 ; 也就是说 6. call ___( 短暂地 ) 访问 ; 要求 ( 某人讲话等 ); 正式邀请 7. __ work 有某种影响 ; 在工作 8. get _______ 通过 ; 渡过 ( 困难时期 ) in on at through Ⅰ. 文本整体理解 : 理清文章架构 Ⅱ. 文本细节理解 : 探寻语篇细节信息 1. From Paragraph 1, we know that ______.   A. words speak louder than body language B. body language is more useful than words C. people prefer to express their feelings in words D. body language plays an important role in daily communications 2. The gesture for “OK” means “______” in Japan.   A. zero    B. money    C. good    D. certain 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Shaking one’s head means “no” in few countries. B. The gesture of “OK” is considered impolite in Brazil. C. Russians may kiss their friends on the cheek when they meet. D. Using body language properly is important when abroad. 4. What will you do to express “I am full”? A. Placing your hands together. B. Placing your hands on the stomach. C. Shaking your head. D. Moving your hand in circles over your stomach. 答案 : 1 ~ 4. DBAD Ⅲ. 文本素养提升 : 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 (1) 译文 : 语言是重要的 , 但是 _____________________ ___________ 仍然可以给我们信息来感知他们的感 受。 人们站立、抱肘和手做 动作的方式 (2) 译文 : 我们彼此接触的方式、 ___________________ _______ 以及我们见面或分手时的行为也存在差异。 我们与谈话对象站立 的距离 2. 课文概要填空 Just like (1)_______ language, body language (2)______ from culture to culture. For example, making eye contact in some countries is a way to (3)_______ interest while men and women are not (4)_______ permitted to make eye contact in many Middle Eastern countries. spoken varies display socially In many countries, shaking one’s head means “no” and (5)________ one’s head means “yes”. By (6)___________, the gesture has the opposite meaning in Bulgaria and (7)________ Albania. Smiling has many different uses. A smile can help us get (8)________difficult situations, find friends in a world of strangers (9)__ break down barriers. If nodding comparison southern through or we’re feeling down or lonely, there’s nothing better (10)____ seeing the smiling face of a good friend. than 3. 阅读主题活动 Talk about the following questions in pairs, and find out the best answers. Why do we need to learn body language? ________________________________________ ______________________  (1)It helps us avoid misunderstanding in cross- cultural communication. _____________________________________________ ______________________________________ ________  ___________________________________________ __________________  ______________________________________________ _________________________ (2)It improves us communication skills by observing the facial expressions and gestures of native speakers. (3)It makes communication more comfortable and easier to understand. (4)It helps those who lose the power of speech express their thoughts and feelings.   【 阅读微技巧 】 推理判断题的解题技巧 推断隐含意义 : 首先通过寻读找到相关信息点 ( 推理的依据 ); 然后细读 , 理解相关信息点的字面意义 ; 最后结合语境和常识 , 在字面意义的基础 上进行符合逻辑的推断 , 从而理解作者的 言外之意 1. vary vi. ( 根据情况 ) 变化 ; 改变 * The prices of some goods vary with the season. 某些货物的价格随着季节的变化而变动。 * (2019· 全国卷 Ⅰ)Typing patterns vary from person to person. 打字模式因人而异。 *The diamonds vary in size, so they have different prices. 钻石大小不同 , 所以价格也不同。 * My doctor said I should vary my diet . 医生说我应该使日常饮食更加多样化。 *A variety of data have been collected from various sources. 种类繁多的数据是从各方面搜集来的。 【 词块积累 】 (1)vary (2)vary vt. 改变 ; 使多样化 ( 可接宾语 ) (3)variety n. 多样性 various adj. 各种各样的 【 即学活用 】 (1) 单句语法填空 ① Cherries vary __ colour from almost black to yellow. ②Don’t be fooled by _______(vary)sales tricks. in various (2)I think there will be some embarrassing data and__ _____________________________.   我认为将来会出现一些尴尬的数据 , 而这将会根据每 个国家而不同。 will vary from country to country it (3)This is because the demands on a kidney _________ ___.   这是由于 ( 人体 ) 对肾脏的要求随着年龄的不同也有所 变化。 vary with age 2. approve vi. 赞成 ; 同意 vt. 批准 ; 通过 * Catherine’s mother will never approve of her marriage to you. 凯瑟琳的妈妈绝不会同意她和你的婚姻。 * Why don’t you approve of me taking part in the hobby group? 你为什么不同意我加入兴趣小组 ? *The chairman has also given his approval for an investigation into the case. 该主席也对此案的调查表示赞同。 * The city council disapproved the building plan. 市议会不同意这项建筑计划。 【 词块积累 】 (1)approve of sb. /sb. ’s (doing) sth.           赞成 / 同意某人 ( 做 ) 某事 (2)approval n. 赞成 ; 同意 ; 批准 ; 通过 (3)disapprove 不同意 【 即学活用 】 单句语法填空 (1)Not everyone approves __the festival. (2)I would appreciate it if my application could get your ________(approve). (3)My parents don’t approve of me _______(make) friends with him. of approval making 3. employ vt. 使用 ; 应用 ; 雇用 * Different artists employ different painting techniques. 不同的画家会使用不同的绘画技巧。 * You must employ someone to oversee the project. 你必须雇个人监督这项工程。 *Your time could be usefully employed in attending night classes. 你的时间可以被有效地利用来上夜课。 * I got this job through an employment agency. 我通过一家职业介绍所找到了这份工作。 * Their situations are now reversed as employee has become employer . 他们双方的地位转换了 , 雇员成了 雇主。 【 词块积累 】 (1)employ sb. to do sth.      雇用某人做某事 (2)be employed in=employ oneself in 忙于某事 (3)employment n. 雇用 employer n. 雇用者 ; 雇主 employee n. 雇员 ; 雇工 【 即学活用 】 (1) 单句语法填空 ① (2019· 全国卷 Ⅰ)Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations __________________(employ)only since the mid-1980s.   ②The job provides eight weeks of paid ___________ (employ)along with training. have been employed employment (2) 他忙于科学研究。 He _____________scientific research.   =He ________________scientific research.   is employed in employs himself in 4. interpret vt. 把 …… 理解 ( 解释 ) 为 vi. & vt. 口译 * We have to interpret his words in a modern term. 我们不得不用现代术语来解释他的话。 * The fact that they had decided to come was interpreted as a positive sign. 他们已经决定要来的事实可被解释为一个积极的信 号。 *The girl is interpreting for foreign visitors. 那个女孩在为外宾当翻译。 * (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ)Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare’s comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds. 剧院创造了一种对莎士比亚喜剧的新诠释 , 旨在为聋 人和听觉世界架起一座桥梁。 【 词块积累 】 (1)interpret sth. in   用 ( 言语或表演 ) 解释某事 (2)interpret as 解释为 ; 把 …… 理解为 (3)interpret for sb. 为某人做翻译 (interpret 主要 指“口译” ; translate 主要指“笔译”。 ) (4)interpretation n. 解释 ; 翻译 【 即学活用 】 (1) 用 interpret 的适当形式填空 ① We need somebody __________from Russian into English.   ②She _________ his silence __arrogance( 傲慢 ). to interpret interprets as (2) 翻译句子 ③ I’m not satisfied with his interpretation of this sentence. 译 : _______________________________ 我不太满意他对这个句子的翻译。 ④Not everybody agreed with the way she interpreted the violin concerto, but it was still a technically perfect performance. 译 : _________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 并非每个人都同意她对那首小提琴协奏曲的诠 释的方式 , 但是她的演奏在技巧上仍是无懈可击。 5. differ vi. 相异 ; 不同于 * The story he told police differed from the one he told his mother. 他告诉警察的故事和告诉他母亲的不同。 * These two regions differ greatly in climate. 这两个地区气候差异很大。 *I have to differ with you on that. 在那一点上我不能同意你的看法。 * London was different from most European capitals. 伦敦与大多数的欧洲首都城市不同。 *I volunteer because I want to not just see the world, but make a difference in it. 我做志愿者是因为我不仅想看看这个世界 , 我还想让它变得不同。 【 词块积累 】 (1)differ (2)different        adj. 不同的 be different from 与 …… 不同 (3)difference   n. 不同 ; 差异 make a difference 有影响 , 有关系 【 即学活用 】 (1) 单句语法填空 ① This coat only differs _____ that one in color. ②French and English differ___ this respect. ③I have to differ ____ you on that traveling plan. from in with (2)I might not be able to change anything all by myself but we can ________________if everybody thinks this way.   我个人可能改变不了什么 , 但如果每个人都这样想 , 我 们就可以使它有所变化。 make a difference 6. reliable adj. 可靠的 ; 可信赖的 * A man who is dead to the justice is not reliable . 一个没有正义感的人是不可信的。 * Currently, investors do not always have access to reliable information when they need it. 目前 , 投资者在需要的时候并不总是能够获得可靠的 信息。 *A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽车就是很有价值的。 * Therefore, we are not to rely on feelings, but to have faith in the facts. 因此 , 我们不会依靠我们的感觉 , 而是将信任建立在事 实上。 【 词块积累 】 (1)reliable person 可靠的人 ( 可以信任 ) (2)reliable data/information 可靠的数据 / 信息 ( 信息准确 ) (3)reliable quality/service 可靠的质量 / 服务 ( 正常运转 ) (4) rely vi. 依靠 ; 信赖 rely on sb. /sth. 依靠某人 / 某物 reliably adv. 可靠地 ; 确实地 【 即学活用 】 (1) 单句语法填空 ① You can rely ___ your own judgment. ②Our information comes from a _______ (rely)source. (2)John is very reliable—if he says he’ll do something, he will do it. ______________________________________________ on reliable 约翰非常可靠 —— 如果他说过要做的事就一定会做。 7. kiss sb. on the cheek 亲吻某人的面颊 * The teacher patted me on the shoulder , telling me the news. 老师拍着我的肩膀 , 告诉我这个消息。 * The old man took the stranger by the hand , thanking him again and again. 老人拉着陌生人的手 , 连声感谢。 *The referee warned the player not to kicked the rival in the stomach . 裁判警告这名选手不能踢竞争对手的肚子。 【 名师点津 】 英语中 , 习惯把接受动作的人作为宾语 , 而用介词短语 说明接触到的人体部位。 在“动词 + 宾语 + 介词 +the+ 身体部位名词”结构中 , 常用 的动词有 hit, pat, touch, take, catch, strike, kick 等 , 介词有 in, on, by 等。一般地 , 身体柔软的地方用 in, 硬的地方用 on 。 by 常与 take, seize, catch, lead 等动词 连用 , 表示“拉、扯、抓住身体某部位”。 【 即学活用 】 单句语法填空 (1)I hit the fellow ___ the head. (2)The girl hit the boy __ the mouth. (3)The mother held the children ___ the hand. (4)He patted me ___ the head. on in by on 8. break down 消除 ; 分解 ; 打破 * A smile can break down barriers. 微笑能消除隔阂。 * Their car broke down halfway the day before yesterday. 前天他们的汽车半路上抛锚了。 * Talks with business leaders broke down last night. 与商界领导人的谈判昨晚破裂了。 *He finally breaks down under the four-hour’s strain. 在四个小时的辛劳下 , 他终于垮了。 * You should break down your methods so that each method does a particular work. 您应该分解您的方法 , 以便每个方法都能做特定的工作。 【 词块积累 】   【 知识延伸 】 break through    突破 ; 突围 ; 有新的重大发现 break up ( 使 ) 打碎 , ( 使 ) 破碎 ; 结束 ; 解散 break out 爆发 ; 突发 break in 打断 ; 闯入 ; 训练 ; 使逐渐习惯 break away(from) 脱离 ; 背叛 ; 逃脱 break into 闯入 ; 破门而入 【 即学活用 】 用适当的介词完成句子 (1)Please don’t break __ on our conversation. (2)They decided to break ________ the partnership( 合 作关系 ). (3)He predicted that war would break ___ in the next few years. in up/down out (4)He broke __________that lawless group years ago.   (5)The machine must break _____ after working so long a time. away from down 9. And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend. 如果我们感到沮丧或孤独 , 没有什么比看到好 朋友的笑脸更好的了。  【 句式解构 】 本句是“否定词 + 比较级”句式 , 是用比较级表达最高级 的句式之一 , 意为“没有比 …… 更 …… 的”。 *I think the novel is more interesting than all the other novels . 我觉得这本小说比所有其他的小说都有趣。 * The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in Asia . 长江比亚洲的其他河流都长。 *It looks more expensive than the rest of the luggage . 它看上去比其余的行李都昂贵。 【 词块积累 】 (1) 在“否定词 + 比较级”句式中 , 常用的否定词有 no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly 等。 (2) 比较级表达最高级常用句式如下 : ① 比较级 +than+any other+ 单数名词 ②比较级 +than+all the other+ 复数名词 ③比较级 +than+the rest of+ 复数名词或不可数名词 【 知识延伸 】 can’t. . . enough 与 can’t too. . . “ 再怎么也不过分 ; 越 …… 越 …… ”, 也是用否定形式表示肯定意义。 例如 : *You can’t scold me enough. 你再怎么责备我也不过分。 * You can’t too be careful. 你越小心越好。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 单句语法填空 ① —China is sure to overcome the outbreak of the COVID-19( 新型冠状病毒肺炎 ). —I couldn’t agree with you _____(much). ②—Must I turn off the gas after cooking? —Of course. You can never be ___ careful with that. more too (2)There is nothing better for you than plenty of water and sleep. 译 : _____________________ 你最好多喝水多睡觉。 【 要点拾遗 】 1. demonstrate vt. 表现 ; 表达 ; 说明 ; 证明 * The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality. 这项研究也证明了肥胖和死亡率之间的直接关系。 *Have they, for example, demonstrated a commitment to society? 例如 , 他们展现了对社会的奉献吗 ? *In the cities, vast crowds have been demonstrating for change. 在各城市 , 大量的群众已经举行示威游行要求变革。 【 词块积累 】 (1)demonstrate sth. to sb.   向 ( 某人 ) 说明 / 展现某事 ( 物 ) (2)demonstrate against 示威反对 ( 某事 ) demonstrate for 为 …… 而示威 (3)demonstrator n. 示威者 demonstration n. 示范 【 即学活用 】 (1) 单句语法填空 ① They demonstrated _______ the government’s nuclear policy. ②I hope this message demonstrates my feelings___ the students. against to (2)Some companies will be there to demonstrate their new products. 译文 : ___________________________________ (3) 我使用这个例子来简单地证明这个原理。 译文 : ______________________________________ _________  一些公司会在那里展示他们的新产品。 I use this example to simply demonstrate the principle. 2. bow vi. 鞠躬 ; 点头  vt. 低 ( 头 ) *Those branches were bowed down by the snow on them. 那些树枝被覆盖着的积雪压弯了。 * They refused to bow to violence. 他们拒绝在暴力面前低头。 *As the program leader, Tom has recently decided that he wants to bow out . 作为项目负责人 , 汤姆最近决定他想退出。 * Ideally, you could go online and pick out what breed you want, and it would come to your door with a red bow on it. 理想来说 , 你可以在网上挑选你想饲养的宠物 , 它会带 着一个红色的蝴蝶结来到你的门前。 【 词块积累 】 (1)bow to       鞠躬 ; 屈从于 (2)bow down 鞠躬 ; 压弯 (3)bow out 退出 , 辞职 (4)bow n. 鞠躬 ; 弓 ; 蝴蝶结 bow and arrow 弓箭 take a bow 鞠躬答谢 tie a bow 打蝴蝶结 【 即学活用 】 单句语法填空 (1)The crowd approved the choice and Peter was wise enough to bow __ the majority. (2)The people all bowed _____ before the Emperor. (3)They stood in silence with their heads ______ (bow). to down bowed 3. make inferences 推理 ; 推断 * And while animals aren’t people, he says it is logical to make the inference that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans. 他说尽管动物不是人 , 但关于在老鼠身上发现的功效 同样适用于人的推断也是合乎逻辑的。 *I inferred from what she said that you have not been well. 我从她的话里推断出你的身体一直不大好。 【 词块积累 】 (1)inference    n. 推理 ; 推断 (2)infer v. 推断 【 易混辨析 】 inference, issue, impact, incident inference        推断 , 结论 issue 问题 , 争议点 impact 影响 , 冲击 incident 事件 【 即学活用 】 (1)We can __________________________in the context.   我们可以从语境中推断这个词的含义。 (2)This course teaches students _______ _________ about population by theory.   这门课教给学生根据理论做关于人口的推论。 infer the meaning of the word to make inferences 4. get through 通过 ; 到达 ; 做完 ; 接通电话 ; 渡过 , 熬过 ( 困难时期等 ) *A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. 微笑可以帮助我们渡过困难处境 , 在陌生人中找到朋 友。 *Such a radical proposal would never get through Congress. 如此激进的提案永远不会在国会获得通过。 * If more supplies do not get through in time, thousands of refugees will die. 如果更多的救济品不能及时到达的话 , 数以千计的难 民将要死亡。 *I think you can get through the first two chapters. 我想你能完成前两章。 * Look! I can’t get through to this number. 看 ! 我打不通这个号码。 【 词块积累 】 【 知识延伸 】 get down to       开始认真处理 , 对待 get away with 干了 ( 坏事 ) 而不受处分 get across ( 使 ) 被理解 ; ( 使 ) 被接受 get around/round 随意走走 ; 旅行 【 即学活用 】 (1) 单句语法填空 ① She decided to get down___ her French. ②Don’t think you can get away ____ telling lies. (2)Officers felt their point of view was not ______ ______ to the generals.   军官们觉得将军们还没有理解他们的观点。 to with getting across 【 一语闻天下 】 1. But even when May goes, the new prime minister will still face the same seemingly rough struggle to get Britain’s Parliament to approve a Brexit deal . 但即便是在梅离任后 , 新首相仍将面临同样看似艰难 的努力 , 以促使英国议会批准英国退欧协议。 2. These Chinese dreamers have all made great contributions in their own fields, to China and often to the world as well. Their profession may differ from each other, but they did make a great difference. 这些中国追梦人都在各自的领域里对中国亦或对世界 做出了巨大的贡献。他们的职业可能各不相同 , 但他 们的确产生了很大的影响。 3. While the central government’s decision to develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area provides the means for Hong Kong to break through the development bottlenecks it faces now and consolidate and expand its advantages. 中央政府开发港澳大湾地区的决定为香港突破现在面 临的发展瓶颈 , 巩固和扩大优势提供了途径。 4. “Some of our designers have grown from knowing nothing about the military to being able to tell the difference between every fighter plane and aircraft carrier, ” Xie says. “We were all very touched the day the Shandong was delivered to the navy. ” “ 我们的一些设计师已经从对军事一无所知成长为能 够分辨出每架战斗机和航空母舰的区别 , ” 谢说。“‘山 东号’交付海军那天 , 我们都很感动。”

