2019-2020学年四川省树德中学高二上学期10月阶段性检测 英语 (Word版)

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2019-2020学年四川省树德中学高二上学期10月阶段性检测 英语 (Word版)

高2018级高二上期10月阶段性测试英语试题 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What does the man dislike about the dress?‎ ‎ A. The size. B. The color.‎ 2. Why does the man want a ride to work? A. His car is being repaired.‎ B. He lent his car to someone else.‎ C. He doesn't want to take the subway.‎ 3. What happened to the spaghetti? A. The man had it for lunch.‎ B. It was eaten by the woman.‎ C. It has gone bad in the refrigerator.‎ 4. Why is the woman returning the skirt?‎ C. The style.‎ A. It's too short. B. It's too long.‎ ‎5. Where does the man work now?‎ C. It's too dark.‎ A. At a furniture store. B. At the post office.‎ 第二节(共 15 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)‎ C. At a party supply store.‎ 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。‎ ‎6. Why did the woman go to England?‎ A. On business. B. To visit friends.‎ ‎7. What was the weather like in England?‎ C. For further studies.‎ A. Rainy. B. Windy.‎ C. Sunny.‎ 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。‎ 8. What does the woman notice first about the owner of the restaurant?‎ A. Her clothes. B. Her hairstyle. C. Her smile.‎ 9. Why does the owner go to Italy every year? A. To visit her family.‎ B. To get some information about fashion.‎ C. To study the design of clothes. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。‎ 10. Why did the man call the woman? A. To pay a bill.‎ B. To deposit some money.‎ C. To check his account balance.‎ 11. Where does the man live now?‎ ‎ A. On Alston Way B. On Berkshire Road. C. On Parkview Drive.‎ 12. What is the last piece of information the man gives? A. His date of birth.‎ B. His account number.‎ C. His Social Security Number. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。‎ 13. What is the woman's job? A. An editor.‎ B. A journalist.‎ C. An athletic director.‎ 14. What does the man want to write about? A. Law.‎ B. Girls in sports.‎ C. The economy.‎ 15. What is the man's mother's career? A. She is a professional waiter.‎ B. She is a criminal lawyer.‎ C. She is a family lawyer.‎ 16. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She asked too many personal questions.‎ B. She was not supportive of his career choice.‎ C. She was asking questions instead of him. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。‎ 17. What's the theme for today?‎ A. Introducing some famous writers.‎ B. Discussing the issue for environment protection.‎ C. Discussing the growth of world's economy.‎ 18. What is Jessica Fleming's new book about?‎ A. The economic effects of natural disasters.‎ B. How people are affecting the oceans.‎ C. Why trees are important to the planet.‎ 19. What does the speaker like most about Prof. Thomas's book? A. It is easy to understand.‎ B. It includes many interesting interviews.‎ C. It has even more details than his last book.‎ 20. What suggestions will Prof. Thomas give next? A, How to talk with whales.‎ B. How to protect the underwater environment.‎ C. What the government should do about oil spills.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 (共三节,满分50分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A Special Programs Career Stories What do you want to be when growing up? Hear first-hand from four Science Centre staff on the different career paths they have taken. Our real-life role models share their experiences and demonstrate that pathways to success, while unique to everyone, are based on the development of 21st century competencies and a commitment to lifelong learning.‎ Duration: 60 minutes Time: 10:30-11:30‎ Dates: May 13 & 27, 2018‎ Price: $15 per student Climate Change Understand the complex connections between human activity, greenhouse gases, heat transfer and climate change. Investigate past climate data, see ocean acidification in action and compare Canada to the world. Use a physical climate model to test whether you can stabilize the Earth's climate.‎ Duration: 45 minutes Times: 10--10:45, 11-11:45, 12-12:45, 1-1:45 and 2-2:45‎ Date: June 18, 23 &24, 2018‎ Price: $10 per student Characteristics of Electricity Witness the power of electricity with shocking demonstrations. From Galvani to Tesla, rediscover the practical applications of current, circuits and resistance. Understand how electric energy is generated, and be a part of a human electric circuit. Get energized with a spark-tacular static electric discharge (静电释放)!‎ Duration: 55 minutes Time: 11-11:55‎ Date: July 24, 2018‎ Price: $10 per student Mental Health: The Science of Anxiety Your heart is racing, your mouth is dry and your stomach is in knots! Don't worry, everyone feels anxious sometimes. Explore what's really going on in our brains when we experience anxiety, how it affects our bodies and why stress can sometimes be a good thing. This presentation explains how our brains and bodies react to stress, while introducing students to evidence-based approaches. Mental health applies to everyone----we can all take steps to enjoy life and deal with the challenges you face each day!‎ Duration: 45 minutes Time: 11-11:45‎ Dates: August7, 8, 9, 10&11, 2018‎ Price: $10 per student 21. What do we know about the program Career Stories?‎ A. It offers tips on lifelong learning. B. It is presented with moral stories.‎ ‎ C. It is based on first-hand experiences. D. It provides practical pathways to success.‎ 22. Which of the programs is available in June?‎ A. Career Stories B. Climate Change C. Characteristics of Electricity D. Mental Health: The Science of Anxiety 23. What can you acquire in Mental Health: The Science of Anxiety?‎ ‎ A. How mental concerns are handled. B. How electric energy is generated.‎ C. How a human electric circuit develops D. How extreme feelings affect our bodies. B Cooking programs and classes for children seem to positively influence children's food preferences and behaviors,according to a recent review. And,although the review didn't look at long-term effects of such programs,the findings suggest that such programs might help children develop long-lasting healthy habits.‎ This research comes at a time when childhood obesity(肥胖) rates have been rising rapidly. More than one-third of adolescents in the United States were obese in 2012 , according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).This trend has been caused,at least in part,by a significant decrease in the amount of meals that people consume at home since the 1980s, according to background information in the study.‎ Cooking education programs,such as Food Explorers,teach children about new healthy foods and how to prepare them. They also stress the importance of eating five fruits and vegetables every day. A volunteer parent explains a new food to the group,and the kids make something based on the lesson,such as fruit or vegetable salad. Depending on the program,kids may be sent home with information about healthy foods to bring to their parents,the review explained.‎ The study team reviewed eight other studies that tested different types of cooking education programs. Children in these classes were between 5 and 12 years old,according to the review. The goal of the study team was to learn more about developing an efficient program to encourage healthy food choices that last a lifetime. The study found that it is particularly important to expose kids to healthy foods on a number of occasions. This makes them feel comfortable with the new foods,which helps them build healthy habits.‎ The study stressed the importance of getting parents involved in(参与) their children's eating habits. Parents who are unable to enroll their kids in a cooking class can achieve similar benefits by having their kids help them while they prepare meals at home. Children are more comfortable at home,which makes them more receptive to new foods because they will make the connection to a positive experience.‎ ‎24.What can we infer from the second paragraph?‎ A.Eating out frequently causes obesity.‎ B.Childhood obesity is totally caused by eating habit.‎ C.Childhood obesity rates have been rising rapidly since 2012.‎ D.Food consumption has decreased significantly since the 1980s.‎ ‎25.On cooking education programs,________.‎ A.children learn how to prepare foods from their parents B.children will learn how to cook in the company of their parents C.children may learn information unknown to their parents D.children focus more on cooking skills than on information about healthy foods 26.Which of the following categories does this passage belong to?‎ ‎ A.Education Systems. B.Science and Technology.‎ ‎ C.Parent-child Relationship. D.Public Health Research.‎ ‎27.The purpose of the passage is ________.‎ ‎ A.to inform the reader B.to entertain the reader C.to discuss with the reader D.to warn the reader C When Rebecca Saxon was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of 27,she thought her life was over. But in her darkest hour,inspiration struck and she found a way of turning her misfortune into advantage.‎ Following her cancer treatment,Rebecca launched a successful business “Something Blue Bridal Shoes”—a unique range of wedding footwear,which came out of the fashion pictures she drew while recovering in her hospital bed.‎ Rebecca,from London,says,“I started designing wedding shoes with blue soles (鞋底) when I was halfway through my cancer treatment. I had a hit when I was diagnosed with cancer but I decided that I was going to pick myself up and fight this cancer. The pictures were my release and the way I got through the many hours spent in a hospital room. I had no idea what was going to happen to me,but I knew I had to be positive if I was going to overcome this treatment. I told myself this was not going to be the end for me. I decided to fight with my negative feelings and start drawing.”‎ Rebecca had always loved fashion since she was younger. Several of her friends were getting married at the time when she was ill. “So at first,I would be drawing designs for wedding dresses and other clothes. But then I started drawing wedding footwear—designing shoes with blue soles which were very comfortable too. I thought it would be a lovely way of combining the ‘something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue’ tradition. Drawing really helped me deal with my treatment,” said the brave girl.‎ With the encouragement of her boyfriend,she turned her dreams into her reality and set up “Something Blue Bridal Shoes” . Each beautiful shoe has a blue sole , combining the age-old tradition of what a bride should wear at her wedding for good luck.‎ ‎28.What did Rebecca Saxon do when she was recovering in the hospital?‎ A.Draw fashion pictures.‎ B.Prepare for her marriage.‎ C.Donate money to charities.‎ D.Found a company.‎ ‎29.Which of the following is true about Rebecca Saxon?‎ A.She has designed several wedding dresses for her friends.‎ B.Drawing designs helped her fight with her negative feelings.‎ C.Her boyfriend invested all of his savings in her business.‎ D.She started making shoes before she was diagnosed with cancer.‎ ‎30.Each of Rebecca Saxon's shoes has a blue sole to ________.‎ A.make the shoes more colorful B.express good wishes to the bride C.let the bride feel comfortable D.show her preference for blue ‎31.The story of Rebecca Saxon inspires people to ________.‎ ‎ A.face difficulties bravely B.treasure what they have C.hold fast to their dreams D.help those in need selflessly D The problem of robocalls has gotten so bad that many people now refuse to pick up calls from numbers they don’t know. By next year, half of the calls we receive will be scams (欺诈). We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through. Unfortunately, it’s too little, too late. By the time these “solutions” become widely available, scammers will have moved onto cleverer means. In the near future, it’s not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt. Soon you will also question whether the voice you’re hearing is actually real.‎ That’s because there are a number of powerful voice manipulation ( 处理 ) and automation technologies that are about to become widely available for anyone to use. At this year’s I/O Conference, a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.‎ These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse. The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision. A decade of data breaches (数据侵入) of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mother’s name, and far more. Armed with this knowledge, they’re able to carry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people. This means, for example, that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank teller’s, tricking you into “confirming” your address, mother’s name, and card number. Scammers follow money, so companies will be the worst ‎ hit. A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and existing relationships. Voice manipulation technologies may weaken that gradually.‎ We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks. Phone carriers and consumers need to work together to find ways of determining and communicating what is real. That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — using apps like FaceTime or WhatsApp, which can be tied to your identity. Credibility is hard to earn but easy to lose, and the problem is only going to get harder from here on out.‎ 32. How does the author feel about the solutions to the problem of robocalls?‎ A. Panicked. B. Confused. C. Embarrassed. D. Disappointed.‎ 33. Taking advantage of the new technologies, scammers can ______.‎ A. aim at victims precisely B. damage databases easily C. start campaigns rapidly D. spread information widely 34. What does the passage imply?‎ A. Honesty is the best policy.‎ B. Technologies can be double-edged.‎ C. There are more solutions than problems.‎ D. Credibility holds the key to development.‎ ‎35. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?‎ A. Where the Problem of Robocalls Is Rooted B. Who Is to Blame for the Problem of Robocalls C. Why Robocalls Are About to Get More Dangerous D. How Robocalls Are Affecting the World of Technology 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ The first Thursday in May is World Password Day, but don't buy a cake or send cards. Computer chip maker Intel created the event as an annual reminder. 36 .‎ The purpose of a password is to limit access to information. Having a very common or simple one like "abcdef" or even normal words like "password", is barely any security at all. 37 . Hackers' password cracking tools take advantage of this lack of creativity and get in our accounts easily. More experienced users would choose a less common password. However, they might still fall victim to cracking software.‎ ‎38 ? A secure password is all that stands between us and a cybercriminal. It should be unique and complex, which a hacker can't easily guess or crack. The best passwords are supposed to be at least 15 characters long and full of random numbers and letters. However, a long password means a complicated process to log into a website. 39 . You may want to write it down, but it is not suggested due to risk.‎ ‎ Then what should we do? 40 .You can choose a phrase such as "I want to go to England." Next, convert it to an abbreviation (缩略语) by using the first letters of each word and changing the word "to"to"2". Then you get following password phrase: iw2g2e. You can make it even more complex by adding punctuation, spaces or symbols: %iw_2g2e! @. It is much easier to remember and safer.‎ Can't wait to try? Let's say goodbye to "666666" and change your password right now.‎ A. What do network security experts do B. Try using shortened phrases for passwords C. How can we ensure the safety of a password D. Changing password regularly is an effective way E. That is like closing a door but not actually locking it F. It is used to say farewell to popular passwords like "123456" G. And it is also difficult for us to remember a long irregular password 第三节 阅读下列表述,若与报纸笔试文章内容相符请在机读卡对应位置将A选项涂黑,不符请涂B。(共10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)‎ ‎41.( )As more industries look to fill technology jobs, it’s more important that women are equally represented. --Tech industry equality ‎42.( )Niksen means being free and doing nothing. --Enjoying your life’s pauses 43.( )Gerald Kerth’s words suggest that humans and animals make and maintain friendships in similar ways. --Social bond of animals ‎44.( )When the author changed her life style, she had more time for important things.‎ ‎--Enjoying a quiet life 45.( )Taking the crown from Tate Modern, the British Museum attracted lots of visitors from around the world in 2018. --Tate is UK’s top spot for visitors ‎46.( )“Late boomers ” are people whose talents were not noticeable in life.‎ ‎--Reaching your creative peak 47.( )The author value letters from her family members because they made her feel close to her family. --The power of a letter ‎48.( )Dispatch Magazine noted that Mendes played the piano and guitar as well as he sang.‎ ‎--Making his mark 49.( )Ground zero, Chernobyl and Hollywood are typical places for dark tourism.‎ ‎--Dark tourism 50.( )In the photo that I took from the trip, I look messy, though happy.‎ ‎--Tough travel turns out great 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 40 分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)‎ I have always been a big girl. I am comfortable with my body but there is a price to pay for being 51 .‎ In primary school, I was enthusiastic about gymnastics but I had to 52 my shortcomings by hours after hours of extra practice, going over every 53 . It took months to master the ribbon (带子),which I used to get in a terrible 54 . However, I carried on and 55 greatly so that in 2015 I was in the National Championships Final.‎ Whenever I went up in a 56 ,I always got the sense that the 57 did not expect much from the overweight child before them. They 58 about my weight in low voices. One man 59 said, “That's the ugliest leotard (紧身衣) I've ever seen and the elephant inside it isn't much 60 !”‎ I felt 61 . Trying to smile away the tears, I decided to let my ribbon do the talking. I had worked particularly hard on my ribbon and it showed. On the first beat I knew it was to be ‎62 .I was gliding on the music, each move under 63 control. Soon the 64 of the crowd turned to cheers. As I went into that last split leap, the crowd 65 . I turned to face them and found each one on their feet, applauding. It was incredible.‎ I was titled National Champion that year, but the best thing I got from hours of 66 practice was the knowledge that my appearance cannot 67 who I am and should never limit what I can do. Society seems to 68 that overweight people are unhappy with their weight and have little 69 , so they never amount to much. What a ridiculous guess! I believe I can achieve anything 70 I am bigger than my body. Who wants to be ordinary anyway?‎ 51. A. famous B. different C. responsible D. beautiful 52. A. live up to B. put up with C. break away from D. make up for 53. A. routine B. lesson C. word D. note 54. A. mass B. length C. mess D. order 55. A. improved B. developed C. grew D. changed 56. A. class B. competition C. organization D. conference 57. A. coaches B. judges C. organizers D. crowd 58. A. knew B. cared C. commented D. heard 59. A. always B. still C. even D. hardly 60. A. faster B. better C. thinner D. heavier 61. A. hurt B. excited C. moved D. disappointed 62. A. ordinary B. inspiring C. popular D. excellent 63. A. remote B. steady C. automatic D. accurate 64. A. tears B. whispers C. expressions D. smiles 65. A. screamed B. rushed C. erupted D. gathered 66. A. tiring B. nervous C. physical D. scientific 67. A. determine B. understand C. judge D. resemble 68. A. indicate B. know C. hope D. believe 69. A. respect B. confidence C. freedom D. equality 70. A. if B. though C. because D. when 第二节:语篇填空 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(每小题1分,共10分)‎ Birth order, whether you are an older, middle or younger child in your family, affects your career path as well as personality, a new study shows.‎ ‎71 (reach) their conclusions, researchers studied many successful people from different career groups. One of the most important 72 (discover) is that middle children are more likely to become CEOs than other children. Among them 73 (be) Mark Zuckerberg. The reason could be that they are more 74 (competition) and flexible to fight for attention from the parents, 75 makes them fit for high-flying roles. 76 is claimed that consideration of others and high levels of management are required.‎ Interestingly, they found the 77 (major) of astronauts are eldest children, the 78 (one) born children in the family. While youngest children were found to be more likely to have careers in classical music, because they are 79 (possible) more sensitive and romantic. As for only children, the study suggests they are more likely to become artists due 80 their personality of doing things perfectly and maturely.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均只限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。‎ Is it necessary to practice handwriting? Some students consider handwriting least important than before. They preferred the keyboard to the pen now, for the former is fast, convenient and clear. They think it is waste of time practicing handwriting. However, others think Chinese handwriting is an important part of our traditional culture.‎ Though computers are very convenient, but handwriting still plays an important role in the modern world. Beside, beautiful handwriting makes a good impression in others. It shows your attitude to do things. Chinese character are very beautiful and rich in culture. As for me, when reading a neat written article, you will feel pleased and relaxed.‎ 第二节 书面表达(20分)‎ 假设你是李华,从网上得知英国某校的孔子课堂(the Confucius Classroom)正在招募国际汉语教学助教的暑期志愿者。请根据以下要点提示给对方写一封邮件,申请获得这个职位:‎ ‎1.你对国际汉语教学的认识;‎ ‎2.你所具备的条件;‎ ‎3.你对获得录用的愿望。注意:‎ ‎1.词数 100 左右;‎ ‎2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.文中不得透露考生的真实身份信息;‎ ‎4.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ I'm Li Hua, a Senior 3 student from China.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 高 2018 级高二上期 10 月阶段性测试英语试题参考答案 Text 1‎ W: What do you think of this dress, Harold? And be honest. I hate it when people say nice things when they don't mean them.‎ M: Well, I like the color of the dress, and the style is totally you. But you should-go for a medium instead of a small. (1)‎ Text 2‎ M: Can you give me a ride to the office this morning? I let my brother borrow my car while his is getting fixed. (2)‎ W: I'm actually going, to take the subway. You should join me. We can talk about our plans for this weekend on the train.‎ Text 3‎ M: Hey; did you see the spaghetti that was in the refrigerator?‎ W: Oops. Was that yours? I had it for lunch. (3)‎ M: Next time you want to eat something that isn't yours, could you please check with the rest of us? My morn made that for me when I was home this weekend, and I was really looking forward to enjoying it.‎ Text 4‎ W: Hi, I need to return this skirt.‎ M: What's wrong with it, ma'am?‎ W: The length is not appropriate. I work at a law firm, and I need something that goes at least to the knee. (4)‎ Text 5‎ W: Hey, Jason. Are you heading to a costume party right now?‎ M: Why would you ask that? It's 9 o'clock in the morning.‎ W: It's just that you're dressed like you're about to deliver mail. I thought you worked at a furniture store.‎ M: Oh, didn't I tell you I switched jobs? Now I'm a mailman. (5)‎ Text 6‎ M: Hello, Jane. I haven't seen you for a few weeks. Where have you been? W: I've just come back from England. (6) M: England?‎ W: Yes. My father took me to visit some friends there. (6) M: Was your trip interesting?‎ W: It was great.‎ M: Where did you go?‎ W: Well, we spent one week in London. Then we went to Scotland. It has many lakes and mountains and the countryside is beautiful.‎ M: What was the weather like? (7)‎ W: Terrible! It rained the whole time. (7) But both the English and Scottish people were friendly to us.‎ M: Did you take any photographs?‎ W: Yes, I took a lot. Please come to my house and I'll show them to you.‎ Text 7‎ W: My dear, what a charming restaurant!‎ M: Yes, it's one of the best Italian restaurants in town. The decorations are nice, the music is good, and the food is delicious.‎ W: Is that the owner's wife over there? She's dressed in the very latest European fashion. (8)‎ M: She is the owner. (8) She and her family, go to Italy every year to keep up with the trends in fashion and food. (9) But she doesn't actually change the food or the decoration here very much. Constant change would be upsetting to the customers. Besides, the customers expect certain characteristics in an Italian restaurant, and she can't change those, or the restaurant would lose some of its appeal.‎ W: Like the red and white tablecloths, you mean?‎ M: Exactly. And the music. Although she tries to keep certain things unchanged, she always wears the latest style of clothing.‎ Text 8‎ W: Good afternoon, Customer Service. How can I help you today?‎ M: Hi. I mailed some checks to you last week. I just wanted to see if the money is in my account.‎ ‎(10)‎ W: I'd be happy to help you with that, sir. First, who am I speaking with?‎ M: My name is George Alston.‎ W: OK, Mr. Alston. I'll just need to ask you a few questions. Can you tell me your address, please?‎ M: Yeah, 2905 Berkshire Road. (11)‎ W: One moment...I'm sorry, sir, but that's not the address we have on file.‎ M: Oh, I do apologize. My wife and I moved last week, and I just haven't had a chance to update my information. The old address was 38 Parkview Drive.‎ W: Yes, that's the one we have. And can I have your date of birth?‎ M: January 9, 1948.‎ W: Very good. One last question: can you please tell me the last four digits of your Social Security Number? (12) M: 9820.‎ W: Thank you, Mr. Alston. I'm going to place you on hold while I check on your deposit.‎ Text 9‎ M: Thanks for agreeing to do this interview with me, ma'am. (13) W: It's my pleasure. Please call me Diana.‎ M: OK.um, Diana. So, it's career week at my school. We have to interview someone who has a career that we want.‎ W: Great. But first, can I ask what made you interested in journalism? (13)‎ M: I pay a lot of attention to current events, including international events. I also love to read and write.‎ W: Do you write for your school newspaper?‎ M: Yes. In last month's paper, I interviewed the athletic director of our school about how to get more girls involved in sports. I would love to write about issues outside of school, too. I'm particularly interested in the economy. (14) W: That's wonderful. Do you have a good editor?‎ M: My mom helps me sometimes.‎ W: Is she a professional writer?‎ M: No, both of my parents are lawyers.‎ W: How interesting! What kind of law do they practice?‎ M: My dad does family law, and my mom does criminal... (15) Urn, I'm sorry to change the subject, but I need to ask some questions, too. Right now, it seems like I'm the subject of this interview...‎ W: Oh! You're right.‎ Text 10‎ Welcome back to Good Morning, America. We're excited to continue discussing our theme for the day—protecting the environment. (17) We just want to thank the writer Jessica Fleming again for talking to us about her new book The Trees and Us. It really makes us realize how important trees are to both the world economy and to our planet. (18) Now, we're ready for our next guest. Matthew Thomas is an ocean biologist from the University of Florida., and he studies the environmental impact of human activities on the oceans, he has just written his first book, If Whales Could Talk, and I must say that it's a very interesting read. The best thing about this book is that it's easy to understand, even if you're not an award-winning scientist like Prof. Thomas. (19) I don't want to give too much away, but our guest definitely has some amazing stories to tell. Ever wonder where our garbage goes when we throw it away? And what about a few years after an oil spill has been cleaned up and all the environmental groups go home? The answers might surprise you. Prof. Thomas will also give us some suggestions about how we can protect the underwater environment, including some things that kids can do. (20) Please join me in welcoming Prof. Matthew Thomas!‎ 听力:1-5 ABBAB 6-10 BAABC 11-15 BCBCB 16-20 CBCAB 阅读:CBA ACDA ABBA DABC 七选五:FECGB 报刊阅读:AAABB BABBB ‎41. As more industries look to fill technology jobs, it’s more important that women are equally represented.‎ ‎--Tech industry equality ‎42. Niksen means being free and doing nothing. --Enjoying your life’s pauses 43. Gerald Kerth’s words suggest that humans and animals make and maintain friendships in similar ways.‎ ‎--Social bond of animals ‎44. When the author changed her life style, she had more time for important things.‎ ‎--Enjoying a quiet life ‎45. Taking the crown from Tate Modern, the British Museum attracted lots of visitors from around the world in ‎2018. --Tate is UK’s top spot for visitors 46. ‎“Late boomers ” are people whose talents were not noticeable in life.‎ ‎--Reaching your creative peak 47. The author value letters from her family members because they made her feel close to her family.‎ ‎--The power of a letter ‎48. Dispatch Magazine noted that Mendes played the piano and guitar as well as he sang.‎ ‎--Making his mark 49. Ground zero, Chernobyl and Hollywood are typical places for dark tourism. --Dark tourism 50. In the photo that I took from the trip, I look messy, though happy.‎ ‎--Tough travel turns out great 完形:BDACA BDCCB ADDBC AADBC 语篇填空 ‎71. To reach 72. discoveries 73. is 74. competitive ‎75. which ‎76. It 77.majority 78. first 79. possibly 短文改错 ‎80.to ‎1.least→less 2. preferred→prefer 3. waste of time 前面加 a ‎5. Beside→Besides 6.in→on 7.do→doing 或 do 去掉 ‎8. character→characters 9. neat→neatly 10.you→I ‎4.but 删掉 One possible version:‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ I'm Li Hua, a Senior 3 student from China. Interested in the position advertised on your website, I'm now writing to apply for it.‎ As far as I am concerned, teaching Chinese is a good way for me to communicate with foreign friends. Besides, I can introduce Chinese culture to children in England, which will surely promote the understanding between the two nations.‎ I am confident that I can perform well in the job. Firstly, I am fluent in Chinese and English. Additionally, I am cooperative and creative in my work, which I believe will give me an advantage over other applicants.‎ Working for the Confucius Classroom has always been my dream, so I would appreciate it if you could consider my application.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

