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四川省2020届高三下学期3月联考英语试卷 考生注意:‎ ‎1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。‎ ‎2.答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。‎ ‎3.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。.‎ ‎4.本卷命题范围:高考范围。‎ 成绩查询 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What did the man do last night?‎ A. He attended a concert. B. He did his research project.‎ C. He met Lily and the woman.‎ ‎2. What will the speakers do next?‎ A. Send out invitations. B. Plan the menu. C. Make a reservation.‎ ‎3. Where does the conversation probably take place?‎ A. At a parking lot. B. In a hotel. C. In a restaurant.‎ ‎4. Why is the woman angry with her son?‎ A. He got a low mark. B. He didn't like physics. ‎ C. He cheated in the exam. .‎ ‎5. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Colleagues. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.‎ 第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What happened to the man?‎ A. He lost his umbrella. B. He found some animals.‎ C. He was caught in a heavy rain.‎ ‎7. What does the woman advise the man to do?‎ A. See a doctor. B. Take a hot shower. C. Get prepared for examinations.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8.9题。‎ ‎8. What's the matter with Peter 's father?‎ A. He has a heart attack. B. He has a lung problem. ‎ C. He has to support the family.‎ ‎9. When will Peter's sister graduate from college?‎ A. In two years. B. In four years. C. In six years.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. When will the national food safety conference end?‎ A. On October 29th. B. On November 7th. C. On November 10th.‎ ‎11. How many people will attend Mr. Patric’s conference?‎ A. About 300. B. About 350. C. About 400.‎ ‎12. What will Mr. Patric use the smaller rooms for?‎ A. Children's education. B. Group discussions. C. Student projects.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. How is the weather?‎ A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy. .‎ ‎14. Where does the man have to go?‎ A. A beach. . B. A store. . C. A subway station.‎ ‎15. What does the man need to buy? .‎ A. A computer. . B. A software. . C. A smart phone.‎ ‎16. Where can the speakers find an Apple watch?‎ A. On the first floor. . B. On the second floor. . C. On the third floor.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Where is Easter Island?‎ A. To the south of mainland Chile. . B. To the east of mainland Chile.‎ C. To the west of mainland Chile.‎ ‎18. When was Easter Island discovered?‎ A. In 1722. . B. In 1786. . C. In 1888.‎ ‎19. What is the most amazing sight on Easter Island?‎ A. The stone statues. . B. The tree rails. . C. The ancient stone tools.‎ ‎20. What does the speaker say about the Easter Island?‎ A. There were few trees on the Easter Island.‎ B. People have shown too much interest in the natives' history.‎ C. Most of the Polynesians on the Island have lost their identity.‎ 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Often travel by air? What do you think of the services on the plane? Here are some of the top most comfortable and luxurious(奢华的) airports in the world.‎ Singapore Changi Airport(SIN)‎ This airport has won the title of the world's best airport for the 6th year in a row! The airport is world famous for its beautiful architecture, indoor waterfalls, and butterfly garden. Free 24-hour movie theatre and a swimming pool are some of what makes Changi Airport the best luxurious spa. Open air restaurants and free tours around the airport make your stopover/ stop fun.‎ Seoul Incheon International Airport( ICN)‎ Seoul's Incheon is always appealing and is one of the busiest airports in the world. Located on an island in South Korea, Incheon Airport has a Korean culture museum and features(以......为特色) cultural performances throughout the day. Spacious VIP lounges(休息室), indoor skating rink. and beautiful spas, authentic. local cuisine options.‎ Tokyo Haneda International Airport(HND)‎ One of the two major airports of Tokyo, Japan, Haneda is only a few miles from Japan's capital. While being one of the busiest airports in the world, Haneda is of the cleanest and most efficient. Cross the Haneda Bridge to feel like you're in Edo. Visit the “Aviation Shrine” for spiritual healing(治疗) and praying if you have time!‎ Hong Kong International Airport( HKG)‎ Home to Cathay Pacific Airlines-a top-rated airline. Fast connections from the city via Airport Express that takes you to the airport in just 24 minutes! First-class lounges, nap rooms, and an IMAX theatre, HKG even has its own top-rated hotel called the Regal Airport Hotel.‎ ‎21. What can we know about SIN?‎ A. It is famous for Aviation Shrine. . ‎ B. It is the busiest airport in the world.‎ C. It has been titled the world's best airport for 6 years. . ‎ D. It is a perfect place for enjoying cultural performances.‎ ‎22. What can travellers do at ICN?‎ A. Skate and swim. . B. Enjoy local food.‎ C. Watch an IMAX film. D. Appreciate its butterfly gardon.‎ ‎23. What makes HKG different from the other three airports?‎ A. Its lounge. . B. Its movie theatre.‎ C. Its own hotel. . D. Its spa.‎ B There's no doubt that one of the greatest human achievements is the exploration of the space. Ever since astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to be sent into the orbit around the moon in 1961, scientists have been pushing the boundaries further and further. But until now the exploration into the unknown has been dominated(主导) by men.‎ Of course, in the past, women were also included in the space projects and played an active role on the ground and behind the scenes. For example. they worked as seamstresses( 女裁缝师),sewing vital spaceflight components. In fact, many of NASA's key works would never have been possible without them. Recently Hollywood produced a movie called Hidden Figures to focus on a group of American female mathematicians, especially the black women, who helped NASA send the first American into space. But this was not women's only contribution. Back in 1963, Soviet astronaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to be sent into space. However, after that, space flight programs were slow to employ women. In the USA. NASA didn't accept applications from women to become astronauts until 1978. ‎ But attitudes have changed and leading officials at NASA say that the first person to set foot on Mars should be a woman. The space agency aims to have a sex-balanced workforce but can only achieve that if equal numbers of men and women are trained for science and technology jobs. As Allison McIntryre told the BBC, “My director is a woman, We have female astronauts. We haven't put a woman on the moon yet. And I think that perhaps the first person to step on Mars should be a woman.”‎ ‎24. What did Yuri Gagarin do in 1961?‎ A. He landed on the moon in success. . B. He discovered many new boundaries.‎ C. He led scientists to explore the moon. D. He made the first journey into the space.‎ ‎25. Why does the author mention the film Hidden Figures?‎ A. To show women are the true heroes of NASA's first launch.‎ B. To stress that black people have won equal rights in NASA.‎ C. To prove women can do as well as men in NASA' projects.‎ D. To present women's contributions to NASA's space programs.‎ ‎26. What is Allison McIntryre's attitude toward women astronauts?‎ A. Uncaring. . B. Disapproving. . C. Supportive. . D. Disappointed.‎ ‎27. What is the best title for the text?‎ A. Will the First Person to Step on Mars Be a Woman?‎ B. Great Achievements Have Been Made in Space Exploration?‎ C. Why Men Played an Important Role in Exploring the Unknown?‎ D. Men and Women Have Made Equal Contributions to NASA's Projects?‎ C What do you do at the end of the day when you re finished with work? How you spend your free time can have a big impact(影响) on your mental health, Hobbies can help you relax and ease pent-up(郁结的) stress caused by all that time in the office or in front of the computer. But, interestingly, how you spend your free time can also impact your work performance.‎ Researchers at the University of Sheffield's Institute of Work Psychology in the UK found that developing hobbies can develop your confidence about how well you perform your job. But your hobby has to be significantly different from what you do from 9-t0-5 work.‎ To study the connection between work and leisure(休闲) activities, researchers employed 129 people who worked and were active in hobbies like rock climbing, musical theater and singing. They had them complete surveys to see how serious and committed they were to their hobbies and how demanding their jobs were. Then, each month for seven months. participants were asked how many hours they spent on their hobbies and how they rated their ability to perform at work.‎ Researchers found that if people have hobbies similar to what they do at work and that they do in an intense (强烈的) way, their on the job confidence can suffer. It's likely because their work and leisure time have the same mental and physical demands, so they 're always feeling drained. ‎ In contrast. people who have hobbies different from their work are happier and healthier. This is also true of those who choose a similar hobby but only participate in a lighthearted way. Those playful recreations act as a barrier between their professional and personal lives, giving them rest time to “recharge their batteries", the researchers say.‎ ‎“When we feel like we have the confidence to handle challenges in our jobs. we' re more likely to be able to build a sustainable( 可持续的) job and remain healthy, productive, happy and employable over our lifetimes. It's important to consider how our leisure activities might play a role in that process," lead researcher Ciara Kelly said in a statement.‎ ‎28. Why can your hobby improve your mental health?‎ A. It helps you to recover from your stress. . B. It surely improve your physical strength.‎ C. It enables you to behave more actively. D. It increases your willingness to work hard.‎ ‎29. Which of the following is advised according to paragraph 2?‎ A. A basketball coach goes running. . B. A writer keeps a diary every day.‎ C. An e game developer surfs the Internet. . D. A doctor sometimes climbs rocks.‎ ‎30. What does the underlined word “drained” in paragraph 4 probably mean?‎ A. Worried. . B. Tired. . C. Unconfident. . D. Disappointed.‎ ‎31. How can people benefit from hobbies similar to their work?‎ A. Take them seriously. . B. Set strict schedules for them.‎ C. Participate in them just for fun. D. Develop them into their business.‎ D A new study found evidence that dos developed in physical ways to present “lovely dog eyes” as a way to connect with humans.‎ The study compared the facial muscles(肌肉) of dogs and wolves, which share ancestral history. Dogs broke off from wolves after being domesticated (驯化) about 33,0000 years ago. During that time dogs changed physically and behaviorally to fit life with humans.‎ The researchers examined the heads of six dogs and two wolves for comparison. They found the facial structure of both animals was mostly very similar. But one major difference was found above the eyes. The dogs were found to have two well-formed muscles around the eye that were not present in the wolves. These small muscles permit dogs to raise their inner eyebrows, the study found.‎ Juliane Kaminski. a comparative psychologist from the research suggests this eyebrow-rising movement causes “a warm” feelings in humans because it makes the dogs' eyes appear larger. This expressions also makes the dog lo more like a human baby. The eye movement is similar to that which humans make when they are sad.‎ ‎“The evidence is very obvious that dogs developed a muscle to raise the inner eyebrows after they were domesticated from wolves,” Kaminski said.‎ In a separate part of the study, the researchers observed how 27 dogs and nine wolves interacted with a human. “We also studied dogs’ and wolves’ behavior. And when exposed to a human for two minutes, dogs raised their inner eyebrows more and higher than wolves,” Kaminski said.‎ The researchers suggest that the eye movements developed over time as a way for dogs to get humans to do things for them, such as giving then food, care or attention.‎ The only dog species in the study that did not have the muscles was the Siberian husky, which is an ancient kind of dog. The husky could be the best living example of what the link between dogs and wolves looked like.‎ Kaminski said the main limitation of the study was the small number of dogs and wolves used. This means further study will be required and should include other ancient dog species. The work could also be extended 10 other animals with which humans have developed close relationships, including horses and cats.‎ ‎32. What is the difference found between dogs and wolves?‎ A. Dogs have bigger eyes.‎ B. They have different ancestors.‎ C. They have easily distinguishable faces.‎ D. Dogs have additional muscles around the eyes.‎ ‎33. What dos Juliane Kaminski most probably suggest in paragraph 4?‎ A. Dogs have developed in order to get along with humans.‎ B. Dogs have learned facial expressions from human babies.‎ C. Dogs are intentionally raising their eyebrows to please humans.‎ D. Dogs have changed their behaviors to get food from humans.‎ ‎34. What can we say about a Siberian husky?‎ A. It has lovelier eyes than the other dogs.‎ B. It seems much more like a wolf than a dog.‎ C. It can raise its eyebrows higher than most dogs do.‎ D. It is better at linking with humans than an ordinary dog.‎ ‎35. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. The evolution of the wolves. . B. Dogs' ability to connect with humans.‎ C. The similarities between dogs and wolves. D. Changes in dogs caused by domestication.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2 分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How to Help Others in Your Community(社区)‎ Helping others in your community is a great way to spread joy to others and get the most out of life._ 36 ‎ You can choose to become a volunteer. Volunteering is great way to help others out in your community. Look around for a homeless shelter or soup kitchen and spend some time there doing whatever needs to be done. 37 For example, try tutoring homeless kids at the local shelter so that they can stay in school and not fall behind, and also you get a sense of achievement.‎ ‎_38 You can give away money to some organizations that help others. If you don't have money to spare, look through your unused items(物品) and see what you can part with that is in good condition. They are needed by a local food bank or shelter.‎ You can choose to redirect gifts. _ 39 You can invite them to do voluntary work to celebrate your birthday. You can also suggest they donate the money they intend to use to buy gifts for you.‎ You can stop to help. There are many cases where you can stop to give a helping hand. If you see people on the street struggling to carry all their groceries, stop to help 40 However, keep in mind that they may not always need help. But never feel discouraged when your kindness is turned down.‎ A. Usually they are grateful to accept your help.‎ B. You can choose to donate to important causes.‎ C. There are a number of chances you can take advantage of.‎ D. You can help your neighbors without spending much money.‎ E. Donate the gifts you receive to poor children in your community.‎ F. Not only will this help others, but also you will gain certain benefit.‎ G. Instead of getting new gifts every birthday, have your friends and family help others.‎ 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ When I first moved to the South, I realized that I was stepping into a completely different world. New Orleans, Louisiana, was 41 any other place I had ever been to. What surprised me more than anything else was New Orleans people' s constant 42 .‎ ‎“What can 1 get for you, honey?” a waitress asked me on my first day in Louisiana.‎ I was 43 . This woman didn't know me _44 she treated me like family. She smiled down ‎ at me as I pointed to an item on the 45 .‎ ‎“Is the pasta good?” I asked her.‎ ‎“Baby, it's not my favorite,” she _46 with a smile.‎ I _47 my “family” in shock. She had given me her honest 48 , as if we were best friends.‎ After a few years in New Orleans, I got_ 49 to the honeys and the babys. I also realized how comforting it is to be treated like I _50 , wherever I go.‎ I recently went to the DMV(车管局) to update my driver’s license. As I was sitting in the _51 room with at least twenty other people, a woman walked in.‎ ‎“Good morning!” she _52 to the room.‎ ‎“Good morning,” the whole room said back without 53_. Soon the room was quiet again and everyone was comfortable with each other.‎ The woman took her 54 , and waited with everyone else for her number to be 55 .‎ Even after eight years of living in Louisiana, it still makes me 56 to know that I am not alone here. Someone is always 57 to say hello or lend a hand when needed. It is the kind of _58 that I have never been able to find anywhere else.‎ So I believe in treating people you don't know like family, making people feel _59 . No one should feel lonely even when they walk into a room full of _60 .‎ ‎41. A. beside B. beyond C. unlike D. opposite ‎42. A. sympathy B. friendliness C. generosity D. patience ‎43. A. concerned B. relieved C. disappointed D. astonished ‎44.A. yet B. and C. or D. so ‎45. A. way B. menu C. table D. surface ‎46. A. recommended B. admitted C. defended D. apologized ‎47. A. talked about B. paid for C. looked at D. commented on ‎48. A. advice B. belief C. opinion D. assistance ‎49. A. addicted B. exposed C. committed D. used ‎50. A. belong B. appear C. improve D. behave ‎51. A. scary B. noisy C. empty D. silent ‎52. A. announced B. pointed C. explained D. whispered ‎53. A. inspection B. purpose C. hesitation D. enthusiasm ‎54. A. seat B. recipe C. order D. type .‎ ‎55. A. adjusted B. called C. dialed D. answered ‎56. A. stare B. shout C. swear D. smile ‎57. A. inspired B. willing C. touched D. grateful ‎58. A. warmth B. effort C. optimism D. trust ‎59. A. energetic B. comfortable C. satisfied D. active ‎60. A. volunteers B. neighbors C. friends D. strangers 第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Last week, 100 restaurants across Shanghai advocated the use of serving utensils(器具), as it is a key point for the control and 61 (prevent) of the COVID-19.‎ Chinese people often eat together and share their _62 (dish) with others. The new system suggests 63 (add) separate chopsticks and spoons for serving when people dine together. Such a change of etiquette (礼仪) allows diners 64 ( avoid) using their own chopsticks to pick food ‎ from the plates. and therefore _65 (great) reduces the chances of spread of many diseases.‎ Many restaurants 66_ (adopt) the policy after the Municipal Office for Civilized Society published the suggestion, _ 67 also encourages the public to use separate utensils for shared food at home.‎ According to Qu Qi, a person in charge 68 a restaurant in Xuhui district, a sign _69 (put) up on the tables to inform people of the importance of using serving utensils, since the start of business on February 21. The waiters and waitresses are also trained to supply a separate spoon or pair of chopsticks for the diners. So far, 70 service has been well accepted by the majority of the public.‎ This will be a long term measure. In the future, each diner on the table will have their own serving chopsticks and spoons so as to prevent sharing of any manner of viruses and bacteria.‎ 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Reciting Chinese poetry was difficult for most of the foreign students. But for those which took part in the 2019 Tribute to Chinese Classic: International Poem Recitation last week, it's not. Instead, they was just a way for them to felt the beauty of Chinese poetry.‎ In August 18, at the University of Toronto Mississauga in Ontario, Canada, about 50 students came together to recite some of the classic Chinese poem. After 3 rounds of hard competition, Peter, a 18-year-old boy, won the first prize in the senior group. He read a famous poem, Invitation to Wine, writing by Li Bai. Thanks to his excellent perform, many teenagers knew much about Chinese poetry than before.‎ 第二节书面表达(满分 25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你所在的市博物馆正在展出中国的文物,为了给来自国外的游客提供良好的服务,需要招聘一些志愿者。请你给相关负责人Charles写一封自荐信,内容包括:‎ ‎1.写信目的;‎ ‎2.个人能力和优势;‎ ‎3.期待回复。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:文物relic ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考答案、提示及评分细则 听力部分录音稿 ‎(Text 1)‎ W: Did you attend the concett last night?‎ M: I had planned to. But I was too busy with my tesearch project.‎ W: No wonder both Lily and I didn't see you!‎ ‎(Text 2)‎ M: I've sent out the invitations to the dinner party.‎ W: That's good. Now what shall we do?‎ M: We've got to plan the menu, which is probably the most important thing.‎ W: Oh, that's right.‎ ‎(Text 3)‎ W: Hi, welcome to Paprika! Group of how many? Four?‎ M: No, we still have another two on the way here. So we may need help with parking.‎ W: Noproblem:Howaboutthetablebythewindow?‎ ‎(Text #)‎ M: You look angry.‎ W: It's about our son. He told me he got a high mark in physics. In fact, he cheated in the exam.‎ M: But he shouldn't have done that. He isn't poor at it.‎ ‎(Text 5)‎ W: Mr. Green, you told us the differences between “among" and "between" in class. But I still dont understand them. Could you explainthemagain?‎ M: Certainly. "Between" and "among" are two prepositions. We use “between" for two things and “among" for three or more. (Text 6)‎ W: Wow, youlooklikeadrownedrat! Didn'tyouknowtherewasgoingtobeastormtoday?‎ M: I knew it would rain, but I didn't realize it would rain cats and dogs. Even worse, my umbrella got broken in the storm.‎ W: Wel )you'dbetertakeahot5howerrightnow)oryou'lcatchacold.‎ M: OK. I don't want to get sick, especially during the final week of the term.‎ W: Yes.Thisweekwewil'akesomeimpor'an'examinaions.‎ ‎(Text 7)‎ M: IsawPetertheotherday.Hedidn'tlookalthatwel.What'sgoingon?‎ W: He has a lot of pressure on him right now. His father has a lung problem and his mother suffers from heart disease. So, he is now thebreadwinnerforhiswholefamily!‎ M: Breadwinner? Whatdoesthatwordmean?‎ W: A breadwinner is a person who makes money for others. He or she supports a whole family.‎ M: Oh)I5ee! Doe5n'thehavea5i5terincolege?‎ W: Yeah, but she won't graduate for another two years. And his grandfather lives with them. So, he has to provide for all of them. (Text 8)‎ W: Sowhenwilyourconferencebeheld)Mr.Patric?‎ M: It will last from 1st November to 7th W: OK)Mr:Patric:Thedatesyoumentionedwilbeperfectlyalright:We'rehavinganationalfoodsafetyconferencefinishingon 29th October and there will be another meeting about children's education on 10th November. How many people will attend the meeting?‎ M: About50medicalexpertsand300studentsfrom medicalschoolswilatendthemeeting.Whataboutthefacilities?‎ W: We have a conference hall in a theater style, which can seat 400 people. Besides , there are two smaller conference rooms that both have100seats.‎ M: That's good. We can use the smaller rooms for group discussions. Sorry, but I've got to go now. Here's my card. If anything has changed, do call me please.‎ ‎(Text 9)‎ M: I'm so glad you brought me to Zhongguancun in your car , Wang Fei.‎ W: My pleasure. Anyway , you couldn't have managed it on your motor on such a rainy day.‎ M: Are you sure I can find what I want here'‎ W: Of course. I buy almost everything here for my software store.‎ M: I want to buy a very small computer , very light and easy to carry. I want to be able to prepare my lessons wherever I am一in a subway a'ares'auran' evena''hebeach.‎ W: Ha-ha , it would be interesting to see you preparing your lessons at the beach! OK , here we are , in this building they sell nothing but electrical equipment and computers.‎ M: Let's take a look. Hey , look at all these cool things here! Hmm ... Maybe I should buy an Apple watch while I'm here ... Or maybe a newsmartphone:::‎ W: Come on , Jerry. We had better go upstairs or you'll spend all of your money before we even see the computers! The computers are soldonthesecondandthirdfloors:‎ ‎(Text 10)‎ W: The world is full of wonderful places , both natural and man-made. Easter Island lies in the southeastern Pacific Ocean , 3,512‎ kilometers west of mainland Chile. Jacob Roggeveen discovered the island on Easter Sunday in 1722 and called it Easter Island. In 1786 , a Frenchman visited the island and then made a detailed map. In 1888 , Chile took control of the island.‎ The most amazing sight on the island is the giant stone figures. One mystery about these figures is how the ancient inhabitants made and then moved them. As we all know , what they used were the simplest stone tools. It seems that lots of people pulled themalongrailsmadeoftrees.Thiscouldalsobethereasonwhytherearefewtreesontheisland.‎ Over the centuries , Easter Island has suffered from diseases , wars and climate changes. As a result , most of the native Polynesian identity has been lost. But the island's stone figures will keep people extremely interested in Polynesian history and culture for a longtime.‎ 参考答案 ‎1〜5 BBCCC 6 〜10 CBBAA 11 〜15 BBCBA 16 〜20 ACAAC ‎【答案与解析】‎ 本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了世界上最受欢迎的几家航空公司。‎ ‎21 C 细节理解题。根据 Singapore Changi Airport (SIN)部分中“This airport has won the title of the world's best airport for the 6th year n a row!”可知,新加坡樟宜机场连续6年赢得世界最佳机场的称号。‎ 22. B 细节理解题。根据 Seoul Incheon International Airport(ICN)部分中“authentic , local cuisine options.”可知,当你在 ICN(仁川 国际机场)候机时,可以享受当地美食-‎ 22. C 细节理解题-根据 Hong Kong International Airport(HKG)部分中“HKG even has their own top-rated luxury hotel called the Regal Airport Hotel. ”可知,HKG(香港国际机场)甚至拥有自己的顶级豪华的酒店一一香港富豪机场酒店,而其他机场均未提到 有自己的酒店-‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ 本文是一篇记叙文-虽然太空探索迄今为止主要由男性主导,但是女性也一直在默默地发挥着重要作用-NASA也准备让女性 在太空探索中走向前台,女性甚至可能成为登陆火星的第一人-‎ 23. D 纟田节理解题- 根据第一■段“Ever since astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to be sent into the orbit around the moon n 1961... ”可知,1961年,尤里加加林成为第一个完成太空旅行的人-‎ ‎25:D 理 题- 根据第 “Infact manyofNASA'skey workswouldneverhavebeenpossiblewithoutthem:Recently Hollywood produced a movie called Hidden Figures to focus on a group of American female mathematicians , especially the black women , who helped NASA send the first American into space. ”可知,作者提到《隐藏人物》这部电影是为了举例说明在太空探索 这一领域,女性曾做出过重大贡献-‎ 26. C 观点态度题- 根据最后一■段“ 'My director is a woman. We have female astronauts. We haven't put a woman on the moon yet. And I think that perhaps the first person to step on Mars should be a woman.可知,Allison McIntrye 不但认可自己的女性上 司 也 性 为第一 上 的 -‎ 27. A 标题判断题-根据全文、尤其是最后一段“But attitudes have changed and leading officials at NASA say that the first person to set foot on Mars should be a woman. The space agency aims to have a sex-balanced workforce but can only achieve that if equal numbers of men and women are trained for science and technology jobs.”可知,尽管 NASA 官员已经表态希望女性成为登陆火星 的第一人,但是由于女性在接受相关科技教育等方面存在的问题,NASA宣示的目标能否实现还是一个未知数-‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ 本文是一篇说明文。英国谢菲尔德大学工作心理学研究所的研究人员发现,追求爱好可以增强你对自己工作表现的信心,但你 的爱好必须与你朝九晚五的工作有显著的不同。‎ 28. A 细节理解题。根据第一段“How you spend your free time can have a big impact(影响) on your mental health. Hobbies can help you relax and ease pen--up (郁结的)stress caused by all that time in the office or in front of the computer."可知,其原因是它 能使人从工作压力中恢复过来-‎ 29. D推理判断题。根据第二段内容可推断,医生有时去攀岩是符合研究结果的,因为攀岩这一兴趣与其工作相异-‎ 30. B词义猜测题-研究人员发现,如果人们的爱好与工作中所做的事情相似,并以一种强烈的方式追求,那么他们对工作的信心 就会受到影响-这可能是因为他们的工作和休闲时间有相同的精神和身体需求,所以他们总是感到筋疲力尽-因此画线词的意 思与Tired的意思一致。‎ 31. C 细节理解题- 根据第五段"This is also true of those who choose a similar hobby but only participate in a lighthearted way. “可 知,人们若想从与工作相似的爱好中获益的话最好以一种轻松的方式对待。‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ 本文是一篇说明文-主要介绍了自从狼在三万多年前被驯化成狗以后其身体(尤其是眼睛)及行为所发生的变化-‎ 32. D 细节理解题- 根据第三段“The dogs were found to have two well-formed muscles around the eye that were not present in the wolves.”可知,狗眼睛周围多出两块特殊的肌肉-‎ 33. A 推理判断题- 根据第四段.this eyebrow-raising movement causes 0 warm7 feeling in humans because it makes the dog's eyes appear larger. ”可推断,他在强烈地暗示自从狼被驯化成狗以后,为了和人类和睦相处狗的身体及行为也有了进化。‎ ‎3# B 推理判断题-根据倒数第二段“The only dog species in the study that did not have the muscles was the Siberian husky ... The husky could be the best living example of what the link between dogs and wolves looked like. “及第三段“The dogs were found to have two well-formed muscles around the eye that were not present in the wolves. ”可推断,Siberian ‎ husky 看起来更像狼-‎ 35. D主旨大意题-通读全文可知,文章主要是介绍了狼被驯化成狗以后其身体及行为所发生的变化-‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ 本文是一篇说明文-帮助别人是一种传播快乐和善意的好方法,本文主要介绍了在社区里帮助他人的途径-‎ 36. C 根据空前"Helping others in your community is a great way to spread joy to others and get the most out of life. “及下文介绍的 在社区里帮助他人的途径可知,C项“你可以利用的机会有很多”符合。‎ 37. F 根据空后"For example, try tutoring homeless kids at the local shelter so that they can stay in school and not fall behind, and also you get a sense of achievement."可知,F项“这不仅能帮助他人,而且你也能获得一定的益处"符合-‎ 38. B 根据空后"You can give away money to some organizations that help others."及"They are needed by a local food bank or shelter.:可知,B项“你可以给予重要的事业一些捐赠”符合。‎ 39. G 根据空前"You can choose to redirect gifts."及空后"You can invite them to do voluntary work to celebrate your birthday. ”可 知,G项“不要每次生日都收新礼物,让你的朋友和家人帮助他人(以作为你生日的礼物)”符合。‎ 40. A 根据空前“If you see people on the street struggling to carry all their groceries , stop to help. ”及空后两句可知,A 项“通常,他 们会满怀感激地接受你的帮助”符合-‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ 本文是一篇记叙文-讲述了初到新奥尔良的“我”被当地人的友好感染,置身于陌生人中,如同在家中一样,倍感温暖-‎ ‎#1 C路易斯安那州的新奥尔良市与“我”去过的其他任何地方都不同(unlike)-‎ 42. B最令“我”感到惊讶的是新奥尔良人保持不变的友好(friendliness)-‎ 43. D “我”感到惊讶(astonished)-‎ ‎4# A这位女士不认识“我”,但是(yet)她像对待家人一样对待“我+‎ ‎45 B当“我”指着菜单(menu)上的菜品的时候,她对着“我”微笑。‎ 46. B她面带微笑地承认(admitted)道&宝贝,那不是我的最爱。”‎ 47. C “我”惊讶地看着(looked at) “我”的“家人 48. C她给了最诚实的看法(opinion),好像“我”们是朋友一样-‎ 49. D在新奥尔良生活了多年之后,“我”渐渐习惯了(getused to)“亲爱的”和“宝贝 50. A “我”也意识到无论“我”走到哪里,被对待的时候能有一种归属(belong)感是令人欣慰的。‎ 51. D当“我”坐在一个至少还有二十个人的寂静的(silent)房间里的时候,一位女士走进房间-‎ 52. A她对房间里的所有人招呼(announced)道&早上好-‎ 53. C房间里的所有人毫不犹豫(hesitation)地回应&早上好。”‎ 54. A那位女士找座位(seat)坐了下来,然后和其他人一起等待被叫(called)号-‎ 55. B见上题解析。‎ 56. D即使在路易斯安那州住了八年,想到“我”并不孤单,“我”依然禁不住微笑(smile)-‎ 57. B人们总是乐意(wiling)打招呼并在你需要的时候伸出援助之手。‎ 58. A这种温暖(warmth)是“我”在其他任何地方都找不到的。‎ 59. B因此,“我”相信像对待家人一样对待那些你不认识的人会让他们感到舒适(comfortable)-‎ 60. D甚至当他们走进满是陌生人(strangers)的房间的时候,他们也不会感到孤独。‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ 本文是一篇新闻报道-在目前新型冠状病毒疫情防控形势下,上海100家餐馆倡议在就餐时使用公筷公勺-公筷公勺最大的好 处是能减少交叉污染、减少病从口入-‎ 61. ‎ prevention)查词形转换-空前的连词and连接的是两个由定冠词the修饰的名词,故此处用所给词的名词形式。‎ 62. dishes)查名词复数-dsh是可数名词且在此处由ther修饰,故此处用所给词的复数-‎ 63. ‎ adding考查非谓语动词-分析句子成分可知,此处用所给词的动名词形式做suggest的宾语。‎ ‎6# to avoid考查非谓语动词-此处为动词不定式作宾语补足语。‎ 65. greatly)查词形转换-此处用所给词的副词修饰动词reduces-‎ 66. adopted考查时态-根据句中after引导的时间状语从句判断时态是一般过去时,故此处用所给词的过去式。‎ 67. which)查定语从句-分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语且先行词为suggestion,故此处 用关系代词which-‎ ‎68 of)查介词-in charge of意为“主管,负责••••••‎ 69. ‎ has been put)查动词的时态和语态-根据句中的since the start of business on February 21可判断,用现在完成时;a sign与 put 间为被动 系,因此用被动语 -‎ 70. the)查冠词-此处特指“提供公共餐具的这种服务”,故用定冠词- 短文改错 Reciting Chinese poetry was difficult for most of the foreign students. But for those which took part in the 2019 Tribute to is who/that Chinese Classic: International Poem Recitation last week, it's not. Instead, they was just a way for them to felt the beauty of Chinese it feel poetry.‎ In August 18, at the University of Toronto Mississauga in Ontario, Canada, about 50 students came together to recite some of On the classic Chinese poem. After 3 rounds of hard competition , Peter , a 18-year-old boy , won the first prize in the senior group. He poems an read a famous poem , Invitation to Wine, writing by Li Bii. Thanks to his excellent perform , many teenagers knew much about writen performance more Chinese poetry than before.‎ 书面表达 Onepossibleversion: DearCharles I'm Li Hua , a local high school student. I'm writing to apply for the job as a volunteer to work in the museum.‎ I've been learning English for ten years , so I can communicate with others in English fluently. Besides , I'm outgoing and warmhearted whichmakesiteasyformetooferservicetovisitorsfrom othercountries.Ontopofthat Iamstronglyinterestedin Chinese culture and have a good knowledge of Chinese relics. Therefore , I am confident that I am qualified for the job.‎ Iwouldappreciateaninterviewatyourconvenience.I'mlookingJorwardtoyourearlyreply.‎ Yours sincerely ,‎ LiHua

