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Module 5   Ethnic Culture 内容索引 Step 1 以高考为导向 · 印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本 · 探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体 · 提升语基能力 1. run v. (ran, run, running) 控制 , 管理 , 经营 ; 跑 ; ( 机 器 ) 开动 ; 运转 ; ( 水等 ) 流淌 ; 行驶 ; 持续 , 延续 【写作金句】   In the long run , taking exercise regularly is greatly beneficial to our health/of great benefit to our health. 从长远来看 , 经常锻炼对我们的健康大有裨益。 【语块必记】 (1)run out (of)       用尽 , 耗尽 run across 遇见 , 碰上 run into         撞到 , 偶遇 run after 追逐 ; 追求 run away (from) 逃离 ; 逃避 (2)in the long/short run 从长期 / 短期来看 【语境速测】 写出黑体部分的含义 ①The high-speed train in China is running at the speed of about 500 kilometers an hour. ( ) ②For a while he ran a coffee shop in Beijing. ( ) ③Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to working things out. ( ) ④There’s plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families. ( ) 跑 经营 逃避 延续 2. adjust v. 调节 , 调整 ; 校准 ; 使适应 【写作金句】   We should constantly adjust ourselves to the development of our society. 我们应该不断调整自己 , 适应社会发展。 【语块必记】 (1)adjust. . . to. . .    为配合 …… 而调整 adjust to 适应 …… adjust (oneself) to ( 使自己 ) 适应 (2)adjustment n. 调整 ; 调节 make an adjustment to 对 …… 进行调整 【易混辨析】 adjust 调整 , 适应 ; adapt 适应 , 改编 / 改造 ; adopt 采纳 , 收养。 His adopted son adopted his advice and adapted a machine which could be adjusted to meet his need. It was not long before he adapted/adjusted to running it. 他的养子采纳了他的建议 , 改造了一台机器 , 这台机器可以被调整以满足他的需要。不久他就适应操作这台机器了。 【语境速测】 单句语法填空 ① _________(adjust) to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected. ②Mother was worried about whether she could adjust to _____(live) in the mountainous village alone. Adjusting living ③ 一句多译 如果你到了一个新地方 , 你必须尽快调整自己来适应新的环境。 If you go to a new place, you must ______yourself to the new surroundings quickly. (adjust) =If you go to a new place, you must __________________the new surroundings quickly. (adjustment)  adjust make adjustments to 3. in use 在使用 【文化金句】   Once the new technology comes into use, we can improve our system in use . 一旦这项新技术开始使用 , 我们能够改进正在用的系统。 【语块必记】 (1)come into use     开始被使用 ( 表动作 ) make full/good use of=make the best of 充分利用 put . . . to use       加以使用 be of (no) use ( 没 ) 有用 It’s no use/useless doing 做 …… 无用 (2)use up 用完 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①We can make better use __our resources in the future. ②Once the new technology comes ____use, we can surf the Internet at a much higher speed. 写作升级 ③We should make full use of every minute to learn English. →___________________________________to learn English. ( 被动语态 )  →_______________________every minute to learn English. ( 被动语态 )  of into Every minute should be made full use of Full use should be made of 4. The sky is clear blue and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life.   天空湛蓝 , 我想我一生中从未见过这么美的景色。 【句型公式】 句中“否定词 + 现在完成时 +so beautiful. . . ” 结构表示最高级的意思。 【语境速测】 一句多译 ① 他是我见过的最好的人。 I have _________________________________like him before.   =I have never met ______________________like him before.   完成句子 ②How exciting the FIFA World Cup was! I had never watched a _____ _____________( 更振奋人心的比赛 )before.   never met such a kind-hearted person so kind-hearted a person more exciting match 【备选要点】 1. loose adj. 稀松的 ; 疏松的 【语块必记】 loosen    v. 解开 ; 使松开 ; 放宽 loosely adv. 松弛地 ; 宽松地 ; 不严谨地 【语境速测】 单句语法填空 ①The girl used a red string to tie a knot ______(loose). ② He saw his dog tied to a tree and went to ______(loose) it. loosely loosen 2. minority n. 少数民族 ; 少数 【文化金句】   Each of these minorities has its own charm, ethnic style and folk custom. 每个少数民族都有自己独特的魅力 , 民族特点和风俗人情。 【语块必记】 (1) a minority of    少数 in the/a minority 占少数 (2) minor adj 次要的 ; 较小的 (3)( 反义词 )majority n. 多数 , 多半 【语境速测】 单句语法填空 ①Less than half of our classmates are boys. That’s to say, boys are __the minority. ②So, it may be only a ________(minor) of young people who play classical instruments. in minority

