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英语试题 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。‎ A Spanish for Health-care Workers Instructor: Dr. Lucia Mendez Class schedule The class is held in Room 203 every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. You are expected to attend every class and to arrive on time. Please speak with the instructor about any unavoidable absences.‎ Assignments We will use the text Spanish for Health-care Workers. Students are required to read one or more chapters before each class (see reading schedule). In addition, each student will prepare an oral (口述的) presentation to give to the class before the end of the term. The Language Laboratory, Room 302, is open Monday-Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. In addition to attending class, each student must complete a weekly exercise in the lab.‎ Grading There will be four to five tests throughout the term in addition to a midterm and a final exam. Missed tests or exams will count against your grade; there will be no make-ups. The breakdown for calculating each student’s final mark is as follows: tests and exams — 50 percent; oral presentation — 30 percent; class participation — 20 percent. A grade of B or higher is required to pass this class.‎ Assistance outside class If you need extra help or would like to discuss anything with the instructor, my office hours (Room 320) are 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Language Lab staff (员工) is also available to help you with your assignments. In addition, individual Spanish instructors are available. Please talk to the staff in the Language Lab for more information about instructors.‎ ‎1. What can we learn about the class by Dr. Lucia Mendez?‎ A. It has no homework.‎ B. It meets twice weekly.‎ C. It is a one-to-one class.‎ D. It allows make-up exams.‎ ‎2. What’s the standard of passing Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class?‎ A. Getting full marks for the oral presentation.‎ B. Completing a daily exercise in the lab.‎ C. Attending 50 percent of his classes.‎ D. Receiving a grade of B or higher.‎ ‎3. What can students do in Room 320?‎ A. Give an oral presentation.‎ B. Complete a weekly practice.‎ C. Attend Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class.‎ D. Turn to Dr. Lucia Mendez for advice B Rock band Dionysus have surprised many including themselves with their sudden success.‎ After winning the Rock Awards at the Normandy Hotel last year, the five-member rock band is competing in the Raceview Hotel “Battle of the Bands” and is booked to perform at the launch (开幕式) of Disability Access Week at Jupiters Casino on 20 July.‎ Not bad for a band that has only played together a few times.‎ The band members are aged between 18 and 23 and consist of lead singer Tony Siciliano, drummer Michael Carmody, Joe Vanzutphen on lead guitar, Melissa Knight on base and Stephen Clarke who plays rhythm guitar.‎ When Stephen broke his back two years ago in a car accident, the road to rock fame had to be put on the backburner (先搁置一边).‎ ‎“We started playing together about a year ago before Stephen’s accident. It stops things for a while,” says Joe.‎ Stephen says recovery was a slow six-month process and changed the course of the band completely.‎ ‎“The accident has changed my attitude towards life. It has given me more motivation towards the band. I want to make it a bit more now. I know what I want and I want to get it.”‎ Tony says the crowd reactions to Stephen playing rhythm guitar in his wheelchair are always amazing.‎ ‎“It’s not a big issue but people seem to remember and they say it's amazing he gets up and does it and doesn’t just give up,” he says.‎ ‎“We don’t look at him as having a disability at all. He just sits down while he’s playing, and that’s all.”‎ Stephen said the first time he went on stage as a paraplegic (截瘫患者), he felt out of place, but quickly got back into the rhythm.‎ ‎“We just make sure we don’t trip over him and that he doesn’t roll off the stage and we’re fine,” says Tony.‎ Their music speaks for itself. They won the first rock gig (特约演奏) they ever entered and it was also only the third gig they had played together as a new band.‎ ‎4. What do we know about the rock band Dionysus?‎ A. It enjoyed global popularity.‎ B. It topped the charts for a year.‎ C. It started Disability Access Week.‎ D. It succeeded without lots of practice.‎ ‎5. What can be inferred about Stephen?‎ A. He lost his legs in a car crash.‎ B. He didn’t have great ambitions.‎ C. He was the leader of the rock band.‎ D. He didn’t lose hope though being disabled.‎ ‎6. What is the audience’s reaction to Stephen’s performance?‎ A. They give him high praise.‎ B. They take no notice of him.‎ C. They worry about his health.‎ D. They seem to have forgotten him.‎ ‎7. What is the best title for the text?‎ A. Back into the rhythm B. Dreaming big pays off C. Rock band makes history D. There’s no life without direction C I’ve always loved scouting (童子军活动). I’ve held other jobs, but for the last thirteen years, I was one of only about 4,000 professional Boy Scouts in the United States. I was good at what I was doing. Promotions (晋升) came. Pay raises came. I moved to four different areas of the country to lead districts. I was serving in a district when the Boy Scouts were challenged on their standards for membership. It became difficult for me to create new units and to market activities in my area after that, so I was asked to resign. After thirteen years and many Chief Scout Executive Winners Circle and Boy's Life magazine awards, I was fifty years old and unemployed. I had loved being a professional Boy Scout; I had won many of the awards because I simply challenged myself to be better each year.‎ For some time, I found that the hardest thing I had to do was get out of bed in the morning. I was out of a job while my wife continued working in a skilled job in a bakery. We celebrated every time we got the bills paid. We couldn’t eat out any more; I became lazy because I had no purpose.‎ Finally my parents told me about someone they knew who was a signing agent as a mobile notary (公证人). I took the training and if I had one signing every ten days, I was thrilled. I kept looking and thinking about what else to do. I had been a professional magician, and so I went back into training. With the help of a friend who allowed me to make several small payments for the tuition (学费), I attended the Magic 2 Motivate program to learn how to become a motivational speaker with a magic base. I remember the long discussion with my wife as to whether we could afford my flight to Orlando at the time. The class was inspirational, and now I promote my magic everywhere. I think I have found where I belong.‎ ‎8. Which can be used to describe the author’s performance in his scouting job?‎ A. He was lazy. B. He was careless.‎ C. He was adaptable. D. He was hard-working.‎ ‎9. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?‎ A. The author enjoyed celebrations.‎ B. Paying bills was not easy for them.‎ C. They were getting more bills than before.‎ D. The author’s wife was leading a happy life.‎ ‎10. What do we know about the author’s family?‎ A. They were protective to him.‎ B. They were supportive to him.‎ C. They were quite proud of him.‎ D. They were disappointed with him.‎ ‎11. How did the author find the Magic 2 Motivate program?‎ A. It was a bit hard.‎ B. It helped him relax.‎ C. It gave him a huge lift.‎ D. It was not worth the money.‎ D Biorobotics is a field within robotic science that is based on the movements of living things. The most famous biorobots look and move a lot like humans. However, there are several robots that have been made to mimic (模仿) animals. While many companies develop such robots as toys, some are used for practical purposes.‎ One example of a biorobot is a flying robot that is based on the movements of bees. The robot, named “Carlton” , was developed by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. Built to be both light and powerful, it can hover like a bee in tight spaces and also change direction without losing speed. This robot’s abilities make it very useful for military (军事的) and police search and rescue missions (任务). For example, Carlton can hide behind a tall wall, rise up to quickly look at what is on the other side, and then hide again. It can also send video images (图像) of what it sees to soldiers in a safe location far away.‎ ‎“Modsnake” is a robot that was modeled on snakes. This robot was developed by the Carnegie Mellon University Biorobotics Lab. It is made to move like a snake, so it can pass through narrow spaces, move over all sorts of obstacles (障碍物), climb poles, and even swim. The way Modsnake moves makes it useful for a variety of tasks such as checking for survivors in fallen buildings, finding damaged areas inside of pipes and cleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers.‎ A third robot, based on cockroaches, also has several uses. “Sprawl” was designed by a research team at Stanford University to take videos and recover small objects. Like many six-legged robots, Sprawl was made to move like an insect. However, Sprawl is uncommonly fast and strong for its size, just like a real cockroach. These characteristics make it particularly useful for military situations in which an enemy might try to disable it. It is very difficult to shoot because it moves quickly and is relatively small. Even if an enemy shoots Sprawl, it can usually keep functioning.‎ ‎12. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. Biorobots’ military uses.‎ B. Biorobots based on animals.‎ C. Biorobots’ flying abilities.‎ D. Biorobots that work like humans.‎ ‎13. What’s the characteristic of Carlton?‎ A. Unbreakable. B. Changeable. C.Weighty. D. Swift.‎ ‎14. What does the author suggest about Modsnake?‎ A. It has six legs.‎ B. It can be dangerous.‎ C. It is multi-functional.‎ D. It moves like an insect.‎ ‎15. Which of the following is true about Sprawl?‎ A. It is small but very tough.‎ B. It is smaller than a cockroach.‎ C. It was developed by a German research team.‎ D. It was originally built to destroy small objects.‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Traveling independently for the first time can be stressful if you don’t plan your trip carefully. In Cuba, my friends and I really learned the value of planning ahead and being responsible tourists. So, before you set off, take a look at my list of useful tips:‎ Plan who to go with.‎ Think about your travel buddies (朋友) carefully. Traveling with just one person has its advantages and disadvantages, but traveling in a group isn’t easy either. In a group, everyone wants something different. Be patient and understanding, and try to find a compromise (妥协). 16 And remember: if you take everyone’s views into account before you go, you won’t have so many arguments!‎ ‎ 17 ‎ Before you go, find out about the country’s culture and look up some basic words and useful phrases in the local language. 18 If you say just a few words in their language, the local people will really appreciate it, and everyone will feel more comfortable.‎ Be responsible.‎ It’s really important to be a responsible tourist and to try to support the local economy. 19 We stayed in private homes in different parts of Cuba. Our hosts were really kind-hearted and their generosity was amazing. If you stay with a family, you’ll find out much more about your hosts’ culture and way of life. 20 Seeing the sights and learning about the culture with local Cubans was truly exciting. If we had stayed in a hotel, we wouldn’t have had these experiences.‎ A. Do your homework.‎ B. Think about the environment.‎ C. Don’t be embarrassed by your accent.‎ D. I decided to spend the summer in Cuba with some friends.‎ E. Be adaptable, so that you can deal with unexpected changes.‎ F. For example, why not stay with a local family instead of in a big hotel?‎ G. They will probably take you to places the guidebooks don’t tell you about.‎ 第二部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分75分)‎ 第一节 (共40小题;每小题1.5分,满分60分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ A When I became CEO of a hospital, I feared one thing greatly — public speaking. I’ve always 21 public speaking because I 22 thought I did it very well. 23 in this high position, presentations are a big part of my 24 . Just recently, I was the 25 for the ribbon-cutting ceremony of our new building. I also spoke to the Rotary Club and was on the 26 for our annual gala (庆典) where I 27 introductions and awards presentations.‎ Soon after I took the job, my wife and I went to 28 with a married couple who both hold high 29 like me in their companies. As we ate, I started complaining (抱怨) about how I had to do so much 30, and Bob, the husband, said something that really 31 me. He said that, as a CEO, the ‎ most 32 aspect of my job was public speaking! The days of having to prove my 33 in other areas were over; I had obviously done that to get where I was. Communication skills were all I 34 now. And he was 35. I realized I needed to make the time to properly 36 and practice for each speaking situation.‎ So, I’ve 37 that. I now schedule time into my workday calendar to write and practice my 38. I spend a long time perfecting the presentation before I ever stand in front of a group to 39 it. When I take the time first to write a presentation, I’ll 40 a much better, more finished product.‎ ‎21. A. missed B. hated C. forgotten D. appreciated ‎22. A. still B. never C. always D. sometimes ‎23. A. And B. So C. But D. Or ‎24. A. time B. life C. job D. plan ‎25. A. host B. reporter C. guest D. actor ‎26. A. way B. side C. stage D. phone ‎27. A. collected B. recorded C. accepted D. handled ‎28. A. market B. dinner C. hospital D. church ‎29. A. situations B. levels C. standards D. positions ‎30. A. writing B. teaching C. speaking D. awarding ‎31. A. frightened B. affected C. troubled D. confused ‎32. A. satisfying B. important C. worrying D. difficult ‎33. A. interests B. points C. skills D. personalities ‎34. A. enjoyed B. wasted C. shared D. needed ‎35. A. right B. perfect C. polite D. friendly ‎36. A. wait B. search C. prepare D. hunt ‎37. A. done B. lost C. spread D. discussed ‎38. A. statements B. explanations C. presentations D. introductions ‎39. A. hold B. change C. attend D. deliver ‎40. A. come across B. depend on C. pay attention to D. end up with B My mom grew up in a traditional Chinese family in which open expressions of love were never 41. When she had me and my three siblings, she treated us with the same 42 hand.‎ It was not that she was a slave driver (苛责的上司) or anything, but she never 43 showed love. Instead, she 44 in more practical ways. ‎ My parents couldn’t have been more different 45. My dad is a really openhearted person who 46 showers us with hugs and kisses no matter the occasion. After much persuasion from him, my mother did try to 47, but it was clear that she never felt quite right 48 her emotions. Eventually, she returned to her 49 self.‎ Last year, I was called for an entrance interview at a private medical university in Kuala Lumpur. I desperately wanted to get 50. Since we lived in Penang, two states away, I 51 to go there by bus. My mum said it was not safe for me to take the five-hour bus trip alone and insisted on 52 along.‎ As soon as we 53 the bus, I took a window seat and turned my back to my 54. As the bus pulled into the highway, drowsiness (睡意) began to take over and I was 55 in no time.‎ Not long afterwards, I was 56 by rain on the window. Just as I was about to open my eyes, I ‎ felt her hand on my cheek and I heard her say 57, “I love you.”‎ Never in all my life did I expect such a gesture from my “58 than stone” mom. It made me realize that she did 59 me, even though she never made a big 60 of it.‎ ‎41. A. recorded B. formed C. described D. encouraged ‎42. A. right B. hard C. green D. clean ‎43. A. openly B. quickly C. repeatedly D. quietly ‎44. A. worked B. cared C. taught D. drove ‎45. A. physically B. creatively C. intellectually D. emotionally ‎46. A. never B. seldom C. always D. sometimes ‎47. A. help B. change C. explain D. believe ‎48. A. hiding B. sharing C. expressing D. controlling ‎49. A. normal B. inner C. cheerful D. old ‎50. A. stopped B. forgotten C. accepted D. thanked ‎51. A. refused B. agreed C. regretted D. decided ‎52. A. studying B. coming C. walking D. picnicking ‎53. A. called B. boarded C. missed D. left ‎54. A. dad B. sister C. mom D. classmate ‎55. A. hungry B. worried C. asleep D. excited ‎56. A. invited B. inspired C. welcomed D. awakened ‎57. A. loudly B. softly C. patiently D. happily ‎58. A. smaller B. heavier C. colder D. smoother ‎59. A. love B. trust C. need D. understand ‎60. A. hug B. picture C. show D. use 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A male mako shark (灰鲭鲨), 61. ________ (name) Hell’s Bay, traveled a distance of half the globe, or 13,000 miles, in less than two years. According to researchers, it is the longest track recorded in the Atlantic Ocean by a tagged mako shark.‎ The scientists began monitoring the shark in 2015. In the first year, he traveled north along the east coast of the US before 62. ________ (return) to the tagging site off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland. In 2016, the shark made several round-trip journeys throughout the Atlantic, traveling east past Nova Scotia and as far south 63. ________ Bermuda.‎ The researchers say Hell’s Bay’s journeys have allowed them 64. ________ (recognize) clear seasonal patterns. The mako shark spends the winter and early spring far offshore and 65. ________ rest of the year on or near the continental shelf.‎ While Hell’s Bay 66. ________ (certain) deserves an award for the impressive mileage, the researchers say one of the 67. ________ (reason) why he can swim so far is that he is still alive.‎ Mako sharks, one of the 68. ________ (fast) sharks in the ocean, can swim at speeds of 45 miles per hour. Their rapid pace enables them to attack humans without warning, 69. ________ is why the sharks are so dangerous.‎ The scientists say that between 70-100 million sharks 70. ________ (kill) by humans each year. Many species are already on the endangered list.‎ 第三部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节: 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Three years ago, I went to the Sunshine Coast in Thailand and take my first adventure to an underwater world. Pattaya, fascinating place, attracts many tourist from around the world every year. On arriving, I was filling with excitement because this was my first trip to the seaside. The sea was as blue as the sky and bathed in the sunshine on the beach was really an enjoyably thing. Then I started my underwater trip. At the beginning, and I had a hard time adapt my eyes to the water pressure, but after a while, I was in a paradise (天堂)! I was amazed with the brightness of the tropical fish, the beauty of the sea horses as good as the power of the sharks.‎ 第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)‎ 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Ann将到你市某中学学习。以下是她给你发来的邮件中的部分内容,请根据节选内容用英语给她回一封邮件。‎ You know, I’m about to start studying at Yuying High School. Have you got any tips for me? Things to remember, things to avoid? I’d be grateful if you could write to me.‎ 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考答案 阅读理解 ‎1-5 BDDDD 6-10 AADBB 11-15 CBDCA 16-20 EACFG A篇完形 ‎21-25 BBCCA 26-30 CDBDC 31-35 BBCDA 36-40 CACDD B篇完形 ‎41-45 DBABD 46-50 CBCDC 51-55 DBBCC 56-60 DBCAC 语法填空 ‎61. named 62. returning 63. as 64. to recognize 65. the 66. certainly ‎67. reasons 68. fastest 69. which 70. are killed 短文改错 ‎ ‎71. ... take my first adventure ... take→ took ‎72. ... fascinating place ... fascinating前加a ‎73. ... attracts many tourist ... tourist→ tourists ‎74. ... was filling with ... filling→ filled ‎75. ... bathed in the sunshine ... bathed→ bathing ‎76. ... an enjoyably thing. enjoyably→ enjoyable ‎77. ... and I had a hard time ... 去掉and ‎78. ... adapt my eyes to ... adapt→ adapting ‎79. ... was amazed with ... with → at / by ‎80. ... as good as ... good→ well 书面表达 One possible version:‎ Dear Ann,‎ I’m glad to hear that you’re about to start studying at Yuying High School. I'm writing to offer you some tips.‎ First, make plans for your studies, as you’ll find there are more subjects to take and more assignments to finish. Second, develop a habit of taking notes in class, which helps you to review what you learn after class. Third, express your ideas in class and take an active part in class activities, which can help your teachers and classmates learn more about you. More importantly, never stay up late. You'll learn more and do better if you’re well rested.‎ I hope you will find my suggestions useful.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

