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关系副词 常见的关系副词 关系副词 先行词 句中成分 例句 when 时间 状语 There are occasions when(onwhich)one must yield.‎ where 地点 状语 Beijing is the place where(inwhich)I was born.‎ why 理由 状语 Is this the reason why(forwhich)he refused our offer?‎ 切记:没有how和what 即学即练 affected us a lot?‎ 1) Do you remember the days we spent together?‎ we stayed together?‎ effect is still existing?‎ 答案:which/that; which/that; when; whose was built twenty years ago ?‎ 2) Do you remember the farm we visited together?‎ we stayed together?‎ products are sold all over the word?‎ 答案:which/that; which/that; where; whose caused his sickness?‎ 1) Do you believe the reason he gave to us yesterday?‎ he did not come to school yesterday?‎ 答案:which/that; which/that; why he talks with his parents?‎ 2) I don’t like the way he told us yesterday?‎ leads to our city?‎ 答案:which/that; which/that; that 常考易错点 1. 介词+关系代词引导的定语从句 介词置于从句句首:从句常由介词+关系代词whom, which引导。‎ 注意:‎ v 含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look after, take care of v whose+名词=the 名词+of which/of which+the名词 例:Haveyouseenthemanwhoseeyesareblue?‎ 即学即练 ‎=Have you seen the man the eyes of which are blue?‎ 1) 填入合适的关系词或介词+关系词。‎ (1) Theschool( ) he once studied in is veryfamous.which/that (2) Theschool( ) he once studied is veryfamous.where (3) Tomorrow I will bring here amagazine( ) you askedfor.which/that (4) Tomorrow I will bring here amagazine( ) youasked.for which (5) We’ll go to hear the famoussinger( ) we have often talkedabout.who/whom/that (6) We’ll go to hear the famous singer ( ) we have oftentalked.about whom (7) Look out! Don’t get too close to the house roof is under repair.whose 1) 判断对错 ‎(1)This is the watch which/that I am looking for. ( √)‎ ‎(2)This is the watch for which I am looking. ( )‎ 1. 主谓一致问题 当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句的谓语必须与先行词保持一致。‎ Ø Tom is one of the boys who are from the USA. 汤姆是来自美国的众多男孩中的一个。‎ Ø Tom is the only of the boys that is from the USA.汤姆是唯一一个从美国来的男孩 2. 并列句与定语从句的区别 区别以下两组句子:‎ I saw some trees, and the leaves ofwere black with disease.them I saw some trees, the leaves ofwere black with disease.which The professor is a little man, on the nose ofthere is a pair of glasses.whom The professor is a little man, and on the nose ofthere is a pair of glasses.him 总结:区别定语从句和并列句的关键是:‎ 3. 先行词隔离现象 I met my best friend in the parkI spent the whole children hood with.who/whom I met my best friend in the parkI spent the whole children hood.where I am having dancing lessons at the training centre with my sister,is far away from my home.which 即学即练 I am having dancing lessons at the training centre with my sister,will benefit me.which 1. 翻译 1) 网上购物的时代已经来临。‎ The time when we can go shopping on line is coming.‎ 2) 作为高中生,你必须达到可以自己做决定的地步。‎ As a senior high school student, you have to get to the point where you can make your owndecisions 3) 你能解释一下你迟到的原因吗?‎ Can you explain the reason why you are late?‎ 4) 老师不相信他给的理由。‎ The teacher didn't believe the reason that he gave.‎ 1) 你还记得我们一起参加夏令营的那个夏天吗?‎ Do you remember the summer when we went camping together?‎ 1. 填空 主谓一致问题 1) I, whoyour best friend, will do my best to help you.am 2) He, whostanding in front of the classroom, will teach us math.is 3) Barbara is easy to recognize as she's the only one of the women who(wear)evening dress.wears 并列句与定语从句的区别 1) He has 3 sons, none oflives here.whom 2) He has 3 sons, but none of lives here.them 3) I like the house, because the door ofis beautiful.it 4) I like the house, the door of is beautiful. which 5) I have many books, and most of are in English. them 6) I have many books, most ofare in English. which 先行词隔离现象 1) The wrong you’ve done to him is terrible, forI think you should make an apology to him.which 2) The time is not far awaymodern communications will become widespread in China’s vast countryside. when 3) I got an e-mail from Lily, said that she was going abroad. which 4) I borrow the book ‘Sherlock Homes’ from the library last week,my classmate recommended to me. which

