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‎ 长阳一中2017-2018学年度第一学期十二月月考 ‎ 高二英语试卷 ‎ 命题:长阳一中高二英语备课组 试卷满分150分 考试用时120分钟 ‎★祝考试顺利★‎ 第I卷(选择题 共100分)‎ 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位罝。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 例:How much is the shirt?‎ ‎ A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18.‎ 答案:B ‎1. What is the problem for the man?‎ A. He has to meet many people. B. He has to leave his friends. C. He has to travel a lot.‎ ‎2. How does the man think of the book?‎ A. Humorous. B. Scientific. C. Popular.‎ ‎3. What’s the matter with the woman?‎ A. She has caught a bad cold. B. She stayed online too long. C. She is allergic to paint smell.‎ ‎4. What does the man suggest the woman do?‎ A. Consult a repair shop. B. Buy another car. C. Fix the car herself.‎ ‎5. In which year is the man in college now?‎ A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What has the woman ordered for herself?‎ A. Milk. B. Juice. C. Coffee.‎ ‎7. Why does the man recommend strawberry juice?‎ A. It’s sweeter. B. It’s fresher. C. It’s colder.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. Why is Jane upset?‎ A. David fell in love with her. ‎ B. Kevin made up stories about her. ‎ C. She made a mistake in calculation.‎ ‎9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A.Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Employer and employee.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. How far away is Hill Farm?‎ A. Nearly a mile. B. Just one mile. C. More than a mile.‎ ‎11. Which is the route to Hill Farm?‎ A. Left track → bridge → road. B. Road → left track → bridge. ‎ C. Bridge → road → left track.‎ ‎12. What would the man like the woman to do towards the end of the conversation?‎ A. Give him a ride. B. Repeat what she said. C. Walk him to Hill Farm.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What is the woman doing?‎ A. Hosting a TV show. B. Giving a lecture on poetry C. Conducting a radio debate.‎ ‎14. How did the man’s mother contribute to his success in poetry?‎ A. She sent him to poetry classes. ‎ B. She taught him to write business plans.‎ C. She asked him to read from early childhood.‎ ‎15. What does the man find most difficult in writing?‎ A. Choosing the right words. B. Describing real experiences. ‎ C. Getting an appropriate opportunity.‎ ‎16. What does the man say about his own writing?‎ A. Creative. B. Successful. C. Encouraging.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. How do students enter the library?‎ A. With a library account. B. With a student card. C. With a password.‎ ‎18. What is the maximum number of books current students can borrow?‎ A. 12. B. 11. C. 9.‎ ‎19. What kind of books have to be returned within one week?‎ A. Books borrowed by local residents. ‎ B. Books liked by a lot of people. ‎ C. Books published recently.‎ ‎20. What will the speaker do next?‎ A. Tell the students where to get bottled water. ‎ B. Take the students on a campus tour.‎ C. Show the students around the library.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A We do not usually think about how our language works. Talking is such a natural, everyday activity that we do not often stop to consider how it actually works. When we do study our language, though, we are often surprised that we are able to understand our conversations. Words can mean so many different things. However, it turns out that the speaking situation helps a lot in making language work.‎ First, the speaking situation helps make words more particular. For example, the word “dog” can describe a dog that a speaker saw in a dream. It can also be used to discuss a neighbor’s dog. No ‎ language has a separate word for the idea “dog that I saw yesterday” and another word for the idea “dog that I saw in a dream.” This is because the speaking situation makes it clear what speakers mean when they use words. So, when you have a conversation with your neighbor, the knowledge that you have a dog tells your neighbor what the word “dog” probably means in that situation.‎ The speaking situation also helps make language clearer. For example, the word “bank” has two possible meanings. It can mean “a place where people keep money,” but it can also mean “the side of a river.” So the sentence “I went to the bank” is not clear. It could mean I went to the side of the river or it could mean I went to the place where my money is kept. However, if the speaker is talking about fishing or going to the mountains, others probably know that “bank” means “the side of a river.”‎ The things that speakers say may not always be clear. Sometimes the words are not very particular, but the speaking situation can provide the meaning. Other times words may have many meanings. Then the speaking situation limits the right meaning. This extra knowledge from the situation is very important to understand language.‎ ‎21.The passage is mainly about _____.‎ A.the best time and place to talk to others B.how speaking situation helps language work ‎ C.what to say in difficult situations D.how our language works ‎22.According to the passage, we can safely say that _____.‎ A.a speaking situation does not affect the meaning of words B.speaking is not very natural for most people ‎ C.a speaking situation is not important ‎ D.people often do not consider how talking works ‎ ‎23.By using the example of the word “dog”, the writer wants to show that _____.‎ A.a word may need to be explained in a conversation B.a word may have different meanings C.speaking situation helps people understand the particular meaning of a word D.the meaning of words is not particular ‎24.According to the passage, we can know the meaning of the word “bank” by referring to _____.‎ A.the time and the place where the conversation happens B. the occupation of the person who uses the word C. earlier or later parts of the conversation D. a reliable dictionary B I met Bobby four years ago in Brazil. He wanted me to help him get into the central part of the rainforest, where the tourists don’t go, so I gave him a few of my contacts and we kept in touch. He made a fortune before the age of 40, and now he spends his time wandering on the planet looking for projects to support where concrete baby steps matter and can make a very big difference.‎ He’s funding the reconstruction of a temple in Bhutan, setting up teacher training programs for Afghan refugees(难民), assisting the people of Rwanda in rebuilding their justice system, and running micro enterprise programs in South Africa. Nepal, and Rwanda.‎ I watch him at work, sitting just outside a group of youngsters: he begins a lively conversation with a bright yellow duck. He whispers to it to be quiet and well behaved; the duck nods but then begins to attack Bobby, who only just manages to control his tiny creature. The children begin to stare at the strange sight of this big man and his naughty duck, bursting into laughter when the duck gets the better of him. They move closer, and the duck starts to tease the children. Some of them run away laughing while others get closer.‎ A young man attempts to give Bobby a can of some soft drink, saying something in Nepalese.‎ ‎“Pema, what’s this kid saying? Why’s he trying to give me this can?”‎ Pema talks to the boy, who is about 12. “He says you saved his grandmother’s life last year, Mr. Bobby. She needed an operation in Katmandu, and you put her in the helicopter. He says the family wants to thank you, and this is all they have to give you.”‎ ‎ The big guy from Boston is suddenly quiet and clearly touched by the gesture. My two lasting memories of this extraordinary and complex man will be of him chasing the village kids like a fool, and the next reduced almost to tears by this simple gift.‎ ‎25. Bobby went into the rainforest because________. .‎ A. he wished to become wealthy B. he wanted to protect wildlife C. he was fond of taking pictures D. he was crazy about tourism ‎26. The underlined part “gets the better of him” (in the third paragraph) means_____. .‎ A. gains an advantage over Bobby B. eats nice food from Bobby C. gives in to Bobby D. is brought under Bobby’s control ‎ ‎27. It can be inferred from the passage that Pema is probably __________. .‎ A. the author B. Bobby’s son C. a doctor D. a loal guide ‎28. What’s the purpose of this passage?‎ A. To describe Bobby’s complex character. B. To reflect the importance of presents.‎ C. To praise Bobby’s acts of kindness. D. To indicate charity work is based on wealth.‎ ‎ ‎ C Researchers found that women who had given birth might have a reduced risk of death from several common conditions than those who had not, according to a study released Friday by the Imperial College London (ICL).‎ The study, led by ICL researchers, was published in the journal BMC Medicine. It investigates the association between the so-called reproductive factors(生殖因素) -- such as having children and breastfeeding(母乳喂养) -- and a woman's risk of death.‎ Researchers analyzed data from 322,972 women across 10 countries, including the UK, France, Germany and Sweden, with an average age of 50.‎ Each woman was followed for an average of 12.9 years. During this period, there were 14,383 deaths overall, which included 5,938 deaths from cancer and 2,404 deaths from circulatory system diseases, according to the study.‎ The team compared reproductive factors with risk of death from several common conditions, such as breast cancer, stroke and heart disease.‎ The researchers found that women who had given birth had a 20 percent reduced risk of death than those who had not. It was also found that there was a reduced risk of death (eight percent) in women who had breastfed compared to those who did not.‎ The risk of death from cancer was lower in those that had given birth compared to those that had not. Within this group, the risk was reduced even further in women that gave birth to two or three children in comparison to those who had only one child.‎ ‎"Hormonal mechanisms may explain the lower risk of death that we observed with breastfeeding and having given birth, as these factors are associated with changes in hormone ‎ levels," said Dr Melissa Merritt from ICL, who led the study.‎ ‎29. According to the passage, the risk of death from cancer is the lowest in women who _______.‎ A. have given birth to no child. B. have given birth to one child.‎ C.have given birth to more than one child. D.have breastfed. ‎ ‎30. According to the research, if a woman has given birth and breastfed, her risk of death will decrease by_____. ‎ A. 20% B. 28% C. 12% D. 16%‎ ‎31. Which of the following might be one of the findings of the research?‎ A. Several common conditions lead to women’s death.‎ B. Reproductive factors are associated with changes in hormone levels. ‎ C. Women who have given birth live longer than those who have not.‎ D. Having children might reduce women’s risk of death from some diseases.‎ D LAS VEGAS — It was different in the light of day.‎ There was no ‘pop, pop, pop’ of gunfire, no screams. Just a quiet lot of cars abandoned by those, like Kassidy Owen, who escaped with their lives.‎ ‎“It’s strange to hear the silence,” Owen said, “because all I remember was the noise.” ‎ The 22-year-old was one of dozens of concertgoers who returned to the scene of the Route 91 Harvest festival on Wednesday morning to fetch the vehicles they left behind as they fled from a gunman raining down bullets from high above in the tower of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino across the street. ‎ Survivors of the deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday needed their cars to move on with their lives — to get back to work, to school, home. It was the first time they were returning to a scene that would forever change them, when joy and celebration and music turned into killing and horror.‎ Before they could move forward, they had to go back to the place where they had thought they were going to die.‎ Owen had run to her car to hide and had tried to drive away, but she couldn’t. People were running, bodies dropped to the ground, and cars bottlenecked in the parking lot. During a brief pause after more than 10 minutes of gunfire, she worried the lights of her SUV made everyone inside a ‎ shining target.‎ ‎“They’re shooting again!” her best friend’s brother screamed. “‘Turn off the car!’”‎ That’s when she got out and fled.‎ ‎“I just remember shutting the door and running,” Owen said. ‎ Now, nearly three days later, she was back, sitting in the driver’s seat of her SUV. Her eyes ‎ were swollen and red. This was a long way from over.‎ ‎“You just keep hearing the gunshots in your head,” Owen said.‎ ‎32. Why did Kassidy Owen return to the scene of terror?‎ A. To get back her car for daily life. B. To show sympathy to the victims.‎ C. To search for her missing friends. D. To look into the cause of the shooting. ‎ ‎33. Where was the gunman when the mass shooting happened?‎ ‎ A. Behind a car. B. In the parking lot. C. On the stage. D. In a tall building. ‎ ‎34. Why did Owen keep hearing the gunshots in her head?‎ A. Because she had escaped being caught. ‎ B. Because she wanted to find the gunman.‎ C. Because she couldn’t rid herself of those terrible scenes.‎ D. Because she had saved others’ lives by turning off the car. ‎ ‎35. Where is the text probably taken from? ‎ A. A story book. B. A newspaper. C. A guide book. D. A research report.‎ 第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ If you intend to work with this book seriously, I suggest that you give yourself every advantage by carefully following the laws of learning:‎ Space your learning.‎ ‎36 Each session may take one half hour to an hour and a half, depending on the amount of ‎ material and on your own speed of learning. Do one or two sessions at a time--three if you’re going strong and are all involved--and always decide when you stop and exactly when you will return. 37 ‎ Everyone learns at a different pace. Fast learners are no better than slow learners--it’s the end result that counts, not the time it takes you to finish.‎ Review.‎ When you start a new session, go back to the last exercise of the previous session, cover ‎ your answers, and see how much you remember. 38 ‎ Test yourself.‎ You are not aiming for a grade when you take the Comprehensive Tests. 39 You are ‎ deciding where repairs have to be made, and especially, you are experiencing a feeling of success at work that is well done.‎ Use these tests, as well as the abundant drill exercises, as aids to learning. No one is perfect, ‎ no one learns in the exact same way or at the same speed as anyone else. 40 And then, give yourself every opportunity to exploit your actual and potential abilities.‎ But most important of all, as I will remind you several times throughout this book, develop a schedule and stick to it!‎ A. Do you have quick recall after a day, or you simply forget everything?‎ B. This approach works better than any other method for learning words.‎ C. On the contrary, you are discovering your weaknesses, if any.‎ D. Every chapter of this book is divided into “sessions.”‎ E. Real learning goes on only through active participation.‎ F. Do not rush--go at your own comfortable speed.‎ G. Find the appropriate technique and speed for your unique learning patterns.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A man hired a taxi outside the airfield.The cab had a woolen carpet with __41__ lace edges. On the glass partition(隔板) that __42__ the driver’s seat was copy of a famous painting. Its windows were ‎ all clean. The customer was very much __43__ and said to the driver,“I've never seen a nicer __44__.”“Thank you for your praise,”the driver answered __45__.‎ ‎“The car isn’t mine.”said the driver.“It belongs to the company.I used to be a __46__ of cabs. When they returned,all of them were as __47__ as garbage cans with cigarette ends and rubbish __48__ here and there. On the seats or door-handles could be found something __49__ like peanut sauce or chewing gum.Why so? I thought if the car itself were very clean,the passengers would most __50__ be considerate and refrain from littering.”‎ ‎“So when I got a __51__ to be a taxi driver,I began to __52__ my idea into practice----to tidy and __53__ the car.Now before a new passenger get on my car,I would make a check and be sure it is in good order. When my car __54__ after a day's work,it always remains __55__.”‎ When doing a thing, one tries hard and wants to see the result. To change others, one has to make twice the __56__ but get half the result. However, to change oneself is the other way round----more fruits with fewer pains.One had better ask oneself why one makes __57__ on others much more than oneself.__58__ you take enough care to do as well as you can for other people's sake, you will eventually harvest fruits. If you __59__ the inner world of your own, you will find a cheerful __60__ for yourself and create a pleasant environment for others.‎ ‎41. A. convenient B. abstract C.bright D. favorite ‎42. A. separated B. covered C. protected D. prevented ‎43. A. moved B. annoyed C. disappointed D. surprised ‎44. A. seat B. carpet C. garage D. cab ‎45. A. naturally B. smilingly C. hopefully D. firmly ‎46. A. driver B. cleaner C. repairer D. customer ‎47. A. attractive B. pleasant C. dirty D. clean ‎48. A. spread B. extended C. forgotten D. left ‎49. A. fancy B. muddy C. sticky D. noisy ‎50. A. likely B. willingly C. extremely D. regularly ‎51. A. challenge B. license C. diploma D. commitment ‎52. A. put B. take C. make D. get ‎53. A. provide B. drive C. decorate D. describe ‎54. A. speeds B. leaves C. arrives D. returns ‎55 A. spotless B. breathless C. hopeless D. endless ‎56. A. progress B. effort C. attempt D. effect ‎57. A. suggestions B. comments C. demands D. decisions ‎58. A. Though B. While C. As D. If ‎59. A. look into B. look for C. look up D. look through ‎60. A. spirit B. mood C. mind D. sense 第II卷(非选择题 共50分)‎ 注意:请把第二卷所有试题答案写在答题纸上。‎ 第二节 ‎ 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ An AIDS awareness programme sponsored by the Chinese Red Cross in YunNan province ‎____61___(prove)so successful over the past seven years that it is now running in several other provinces, including Xinjiang, Guangxi, Fujian and so on. With thousands of young volunteers ___62_____ (devote) themselves to the programme, the death rates from AIDS in those areas have begun to decline significantly.‎ ‎ “Had it not been for the selfless contribution of these brave people, many patients __63__(die) much earlier.” said Yang Hua, one of the programme _____64___ (organize).‎ ‎ When ____65____ (interview) at the press conference yesterday, Mr Yang further explained, “We predict that ___66___action is taken immediately, as many as 15 million people could be infected with HIV/AIDS in China by the year 2020. Now we have reached a stage____67___we have either to accept this terrible trend or prevent the spread of the disease. So it is a comfort that the government has attached much importance __68___ the volunteers’ remarkable work and the programme which is an extremely ____69__ (effect) way of making sure that people learn the facts about HIV/AIDS. We’d appreciate ___70__ if the the whole society could understand us and fulfill responsibility.‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分35)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ Dear Xie Lei, ‎ I’m sorry you have found yourself in so a difficult situation.You want to do something to improve the environment, but your classmates are opposed to put your ideas into practice. They are convinced that this is the government rather than individuals that should be responsible for this huge issue. Firstly, there is no need for you to feel disappointing because sometimes the truth is in the hand of the minority in the beginning. ‎ Secondly, why not play some videos about global warming to help them realize that the grow of the greenhouse gas comes as a result of many things we do every day? Last but not least, talk to your classmates gentle and require that everyone cares for the environment. For example, every time when you are not using an electrical item, turn it on; walk or ride a bike instead of riding in a vehicle and recycle cans, plastic bags …‎ Remember one thing: only when we all take positive steps the earth become a better place to live in.‎ 第二节 书面表达 (25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你的美国网友John和家人不久将要来你的家乡游览方山(Mount Fang)。请你写封电子邮件,感谢他今年暑期你在洛杉矶(Los Angeles)旅游时陪你游玩迪士尼乐园(Disneyland),要求为他及家人当导游,并对一天的行程安排如下:‎ ‎1、早上8点从县城(county town)去方山,约1小时车程,沿途风景优美。‎ ‎2、游览期间的活动有:爬方山、观看巴山舞(Bashan dance)表演以及在农庄摘草莓。‎ ‎3、晚餐安排在一家农家乐( farmhouse resort ),品尝当地美食。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1、词数100左右;开头及结尾已写好,但不计入词数。‎ ‎2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear John,‎ I’m so delighted to learn that you and your family will come sightseeing to my hometown and visit Mount Fang scenic spot.‎ 长阳一中2017年秋季十二月月考英语参考答案及听力录音稿 听力 ‎1-5 B A C B C 6-10 C B B A C 11-15 B A A C A 16-20 C B A B C ‎ 阅读理解 ‎21-24 BDCC 25-28 AADC 29-31 CBD 32-35 ADCB 36-40 DFACG 完形填空 ‎42-45 CADDB 46-50 BCDCA 51-55 BACDA 56-60 BCDAB 语法填空 ‎61. has proved 62. devoting 63. Would/might/could have died 64. organizers 65. (being) interviewed ‎66. unless 67. where 68. to 69. effective 70. it 短文改错 Dear Xie Lei, ‎ I’m sorry you have found yourself in so a difficult situation.You want to do something to improve the environment, but ‎ such your classmates are opposed to put your ideas into practice. They are convinced that this is the government rather than putting it individuals that should be responsible for this huge issue. Firstly, there is no need for you to feel disappointing because ‎ disappointed sometimes the truth is in the hand of the minority in the beginning. ‎ Secondly, why not play some videos about global warming to help them realize that the grow of the greenhouse gas ‎ growth comes as a result of many things we do every day? Last but not least, talk to your classmates gentle and require that ‎ gently everyone cares for the environment. For example, every time when you are not using an electrical item, turn it on; ‎ care off walk or ride a bike instead of riding in a vehicle and recycle cans, plastic bags …‎ Remember one thing: only when we all take positive steps∧ the earth become a better place to live in.‎ ‎ will/can 书面表达:‎ Dear John,‎ I’m so delighted to learn that you and your family will come sightseeing to my hometown and visit Mount Fang scenic spot. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to you for your kindness when I was in Los Angeles this summer vacation. Had you not offered to accompany me to visit Disneyland, my trip to America wouldn’t be so impressive. So,please accept my request to serve as a tour guide. Here are my arrangements: ‎ ‎ We’ll set off from the county town at 8 a.m. With a lot of amazing scenery along the way, it’s unlikely that you’ll feel bored during the one-hour bus journey. Afte arrival, we’ll spend the whole day at the scenic spot getting involved in a range of activities including climbing Mount Fang, watching Bashan dance performances as well as picking strawberries on the farm.‎ ‎ Exhausted after a day’s adventure and joy, we’ll have dinner in a farmhouse resort tasting the delicious local food, which I believe will make your trip worthwile and enjoyable.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua 听力录音材料 Text 1‎ W:They say you've got a job in New York City.‎ M:Yeah, with the United Nations.‎ W:How fascinating! You can meet people from all over the world.‎ M:Yeah, but just one problem, I'll have to leave my friends behind.‎ Text 2‎ M:Have you read this book, Helen?‎ W:No. What is it about?‎ M:It's about differences between men and women. I wouldn't say it's a scientific book, but it kept me laughing all the way through.‎ Text 3‎ M:Hey, are you OK? Your running nose and cough tell me that you either have a cold or flu.‎ W:Neither. It's just that I can't stand the smell of the paint in the living room. Any idea how to get rid of it?‎ M:Well, maybe we can surf Internet and see if we can come up with something.‎ Text 4‎ M:I heard you had a car accident. Did you get hurt?‎ W:I'm all right, but it's going to cost me a fortune to get my car fixed.‎ M:Why not buy a new one?‎ Text 5‎ W:Hi, are you new here?‎ M:Yes, I am.‎ W:Is this your first year in college?‎ M:No, I am an exchange student from Boston College. I studied for two years there.‎ Text 6‎ M:Would you like something to drink, madam?‎ W:Yes. Give me some coffee please. No milk, no sugar.‎ M:Certainly.‎ W:My friend is coming in a minute and he loves sweet juice. What kind of juice do you recommend?‎ M:We have apple juice and strawberry juice. They are both sweet, but I recommend the strawberry juice. It's squeezed upon ordering and the apple juice was made yesterday and stored in ‎ refrigerator.‎ Text 7‎ W:Hello, sir. Could you spare me a minute?‎ M:Sure Jane. You look upset. What happened?‎ W:Well, you know, it's Kevin. He is telling everyone that David and I are in love. But we are not. We are just a study pair. You know I help him with his English and he helps with my math.‎ M:Oh. I was going to tell you that you have made great progress in math. That explains. Don't worry. I'll talk to Kevin tomorrow.‎ Text 8‎ M:Excuse me. Am I going the right way for Hill Farm?‎ W:I'm afraid not.‎ M:Oh, how can I get there?‎ W:Are you on foot?‎ M:Unfortunately, yes.‎ W:Well, it's easy enough to get there. You need to go down this road till you see a track on your left. Maybe half a mile off.‎ M:Half a mile? OK.‎ W:Then take that track and keep going for another half mile.‎ M:It's over a mile away?‎ W:Oh, at least. Now when you get to a bridge, go straight over.‎ M:Ah ha.‎ W:Then a little way past it you'll see a sign Hill Farm on your left.‎ M:And that's finally it?‎ W:Yes.‎ M:Got it. Ah...You're not driving that way, are you?‎ W:Sorry.‎ M:Well, no harm in asking. Thanks for your help.‎ Text 9‎ W:Welcome to this edition of writers. Tonight we have Steven Darcy with us. Congratulations on your book Life and Everything In Between, Steven. It's such a success.‎ M:Thank you.‎ W:This is your first attempted poetry? Did you ever try it before? Did you take any classes in poetry?‎ M:Well, my only real experience was writing business plans. Other than that, I have zero experience where writing's concerned. I've always had a good grasp of English language. Thanks to my mom who started me reading when I was very little.‎ W:What is the hardest thing about creating your work?‎ M:Definitely finding the perfect words to fit what I want to say. There is always a word or two that I might still rewrite if given the chance.‎ W:Will there be more collections of poetry from Darcy?‎ M:There will be more of something I suppose, but maybe not poetry. I really don't see myself as a poet. Rather I'd see what I wrote is a kind of writing that might inspire people in some way.‎ Text 10‎ Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to east campus library. To start your tour, I'm going to give you some useful information and regulations. I won't keep you long. First, how to enter our library. Thanks to the advanced technology, you just need to bring your student card and touch it in front of the touch point and the door will automatically open for you. Then the opening hour. Our library is open from 9 am to 10 pm every weekday. For the weekends, it's only open from 11 am to 4 pm. Please bear that in mind, so you won't come in vain. Our library is also open for the local residents. And there are differences for students and the public: our current students can borrow up to 12 books at a time. However, for the rest, the maximum they can borrow is 9. You need to return the books on time, or your library account will be blocked and you can't borrow any more books. Remember books have different due days according to their popularity. Mostly, the books should be returned within 4 weeks, but for the popular books you have to bring them back within only one week. The last thing I must mention here is that you are not allowed to smoke in the library anywhere at any time. And as to drinks, only bottled water is allowed to bring in. OK, now it's time to show you where everything is.‎ ‎ ‎

